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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Saturday, June 30, 2012


      SLE's Spotlight Feature Drawing Jar shouts: Sarvana Haalan has been chosen at Random. Sarvana Haalan Congratulations Sarvana! You have won a spotlight feature interview with The SL Enquirer. NEXT DRAWING JULY 30, 2012. Visit the SL Enquirer Media Center to Enter!

Spotlight on the Highlands of Scotland sims

There are so many interesting stories in Second Life and here is another one.  This story is how the Highlands of Scotland sims came to be in SL. First of all let me wish the sims and the management team of the Highlands of Scotland congratulations on your fifth year in SL and wish you many many more...

BOSL radio live at ::2XTREME::

BOSL radio live at ::2XTREME::, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.DON'T MISS THIS TODAY !BOSL radio goes live at 2Xtreme !from 9 am till 3 pm slt !Fantastic prize raffle ! No freebies but the best items of the store are in !Come over, let's have some fin today !

Thursday, June 28, 2012

1st Annual Gesture-Off in Second Life JUNE 30

1st Annual Gesture-Off in Second LifeJune 30, 20121PM SLT Folks!  Here's how it will work!ENTRY DETAILSAnyone can enter.  You don't have to register ahead of time.  Just show up, we take your name, and you go up and show us your gestures on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.  It will not cost you anything to participate......

Mimi The Ballerina in GIZZA Tutu Dark Fairy

Mimi The Ballerina in GIZZA Tutu Dark Fairy, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Every girl should have one.....yes , a TUTU !!Coming today @ Mimi's Choice : the TUTU outfits ofGizza !!They are so cute, so feminine !In the most beautiful colors !!Come and check them out soon !Hair: hat attachement of LoQ in all colors for 100 L (mimi's choice)skin: Evian skin

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

And a Brief Message From The President of the Hip New World...

Checking my mailbox each day is like opening presents on Christmas morning. I never know what to expect, but some fans sure know what I find ridiculously entertaining.  Thank you for the link!  -Lanai Jarrico Got a funny video you want to share with SLE, send them to

DSE Events for the week


Monday, June 25, 2012

SL Newser: SL9B Ends, "We Made it the Best SL Birthday"

Late Sunday night, after a week of events, it was time for the Second Life Ninth Birthday Celebration to officially end.Next up on the Cake Stage is THE SL9B GRAND FINALE WITH FIREWORKS BY BEWLL ORMEGA ACCOMPANIED BY DJ LAZ DRESLER FROM 11PM TIL MIDNIGHT!!! Join us at the Cake Stage as we celebrate Second Life's 9th Birthday with this outstanding finale!!! Read more Here...

Something from a Fairy Tale Event Coming June 30 -- Shon Charisma Reporting

Most of the time, when the weekend rolls around and people head out to party on the grid, they run to clubs and get their dance on. This upcoming weekend, the Delta Omega Phi (DOP) Sorority is offering that same dance opportunity but with a more sophisticated flair with its Something from a Fairy Tale - A Prince & Princess Ball, coming this Saturday, June 30! DOP Sorority...

WIN Boxing: Garret Woodrunner wins title shot

KARINE KOBA ARENA, Warrior Instinct sim: Garret Woodrunner won Friday night's Aver Lightweight Division number one contender tournament, securing his right to challenge reigning champion Jay OHare for the title. Garret Woodrunner at ringside after his tournament win....

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Enter for a Chance to win a Spotlight Feature in The SL Enquirer! Drawing ends on June 30th

Got a business? Launching a product?  Want us to feature a friend?    Teleport Now and enter to Win a Spotlight Feature you can keep for yourself or give away! Contact Lanai Jarrico at lanai_jarrico@yahoo....

SecondNighters Magazine Issue 15 is out featuring Madpea Productions, Flying Tigers , Sanity Falls and more

 SecondNighters Magazine Issue 15 Be sure to read newcomer, Maya XuanXang’s article about Madpea Productions’ most recent hunt mystery, Sanity Falls. You’ll also love the photos of the always-fab UKD Project’s burlesque review, held right here at our own SecondNights Ultra Lounge!

Friday, June 22, 2012

In PA Justice has been Served! Jerry Sandusky is quilty of child molestation and faces up to 442 years!

screenshot of Lanai's iphone I literally walked in the door from a 5 1/2 hour trip from Cape Cod, Massachusetts back to Pennsylvania. Before I even got home, my phone kept going off and here is what was being reported. I Dropped my bags at the door, hopped in the shower and put on my pajamas. With everyone all settled in bed,  I grabbed my laptop because I wanted to share the news and touch on a topic that many...

The Softer Side of Summer

Summer brings about the softer side of the world around us...the caress of soft warm breezes, the calm of fluffy clouds, and the soothing, soft sounds of nature. And it is also a time to enjoy the softer side of fashion. Let these articles inspire you with ways to soften your wardrobe as we welcome this new season. "éclectique" miStyle | Page 40 Miaa Rebane "Ethereal" Trendspotting | Page 68 Dantelicia Ethaniel ...


SECOND PRIDE OPENING TODAY !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.It's fun, it's colorful, it's interesting...IT'S SECOND PRIDE !Opening today, 22th at 11 am6 sims for your entertainement and pleasure :)info:

Come and party at SL9B ....

In support of Broadway Cares Equity Fight Aids 2012 Fundraiser by Dream Seeker Estates Presents live performances by 10:00AM SLT – 11:00AM SLT  KRAKOV LETOV 11:00AM SLT – 12:00PM SLT  DANI PLASSITZ 3:00PM SLT – 4:00PM SLT  BLAIR BOND 4:00PM SLT – 5:00PM SLT  FRETS NIRVANA On Friday, June 22, 2012    At  SL9B MAIN STAGE (LOTUS)- DREAMSEEKER SL9B IWA SIM

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dazzlers Inc and SFL Patriots Perform at SL9B!

photo by Berto Firanelli DAZZLERS INC. and the SFL Patriots will be performing at the SL9Birthday! Wytchwhisper will also be performing a few of her amazing tunes with us. This will be the third year for Dazzlers to perform and as always are so excited to be apart of it. The amazing ladies of the SFL Patriots Cheerleading team will be joining us to showcase everything from ballet to hip hop and to say happy birthday to SL!!! Saturday, June...

AviewTV Opens Newly Renovated Machinima Gallery: Eight Films Featured

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***AviewTV Opens Newly Renovated Machinima Gallery: Eight Films Featured    AviewTV, the  one-stop machinima resource of Second Life, is opening its brand new renovated gallery this week, featuring eight unique films from some of SL's most dynamic creators, a new focus on machinima career options, more hands-on project development, film festival networking and an awareness mission to relate the importance...

Stand 4 Love

Most of of us know that life is no walk in the park and that challenges will inevitably be thrown across our path as we take this journey.  But there is no justification in the whole wide world for discrimination in any form whatsoever, yet discrimination in one form or another has been part of society throughout time.  I am South African and white at that and have lived through being made an example of by the world because of the...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Here Mesh, there mesh everywhere mesh, mesh ....

We have all encountered Mesh in one way or another haven't we?  If you don't have a Mesh compatible viewer it can be quite hilarious but frustrating at the same time, then there are the sizing issues if you buy a Mesh outfit, suddenly size raises its ugly head in SL, and here's me thinking that would be one issue we could leave in the real world, but apparently not. The fashion designers in partricular have had a tough time getting to...

SLE Staff Interview: Meet Pandora Drezelan

How would you describe yourself in 5 words? Pandora:  ‘I am a perfectionist, a listener and a talker as well as being both humorous and serious, depending on the situation.’ What brought you to Second Life and how has it impacted you as a person? Pandora:‘ It was my real life niece’s idea and even though I didn’t think that I’d like it, obviously I did because I’m still here, it’s been amazing and I have met so many remarkable...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's party time ....

DJ BATTLE Featuring DACLUB DAPIER “DJ MIKE” vs. BOYSTOWN “DJ ZANN” Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 5:00 PM SLT Sponsored by Gizza Creations In support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fight Aids Both clubs have selected their DJs to set this event on FIRE as both DJ's will hit the decks spinning the hottest tunes. Broadway Cares Events Sim: ===================...

BOXING: Friday Night Massacre Features Number One Contender Tourney

At 5:30 PM SLT on Friday, June 22nd, Warrior Instinct Nations (WIN) will be holding a Number One Contender Tournament to determine who gets a shot at reigning Aver Lightweight Champion, Jay OHare. All eligible lightweight Aver fighters can join in. It promises to be a full night of boxing action, as only WIN can deliver! We're coming up on our fifth anniversary soon, making us the longest-running boxing promotion in Second Life. Come see why! The...

Monday, June 18, 2012

AVENUE Magazine June 2012

Summer's delight is around the corner and AVENUE keeps you in the know with the latest on where to explore, what music to listen to, cutting edge art, and of course what to wear, how to wear it and where to get it! The pages of AVENUE are packed full to bring you into summer in style. Don't miss this issue as we feature top brands like Azul, Glam Affair, Tableau Vivant, and ISON and fill you in about the hottest spots on the grid to show off your looks and make heads turn. Read it online @ For regular in-world updates,...

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Who's the most gorgeous boy of them all? Mr. UK - World Undercroft, that's who. Congratulations to Mister Virtual World 2012 - World Undercroft My sincere apologies for using the wrong pic previously Lacy Muircastle...

You don't like Mondays?

Well here's a good reason to change that.... DJ OPEN MIC featuring DJ RIK Monday, June 18, 2012 at 5:00pm SLT In support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fight Aids 2012 Fundraiser Beachwear attire required This will be one wicked beach party where anything goes, well almost anything!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

LEVITY Magazine publishes its June 2012 issue!

Check out the fantastic June issue of LEVITY Magazine! Featuring cover story "Beautiful Deluxe" Make ups for avatars The Nobrix b-day party Club Equilibrium StarScopes Gray Halostar's erotic series and The My World Domination contest where you can win 2,000L by participating (page 72) For more infos, contact LEVITY publisher Angelina Lerintzo or her editor in chief Cali Karsin! Open publication - Free publishing - More busine...

Saturday, June 16, 2012


2XTREME OPENING MAINSTORE TODAY !! 12PM !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Don't miss this ! Big opening of the new mainstore 2XTREME !Live music, gifts ect !!FIND THE 12 FREE BIRDS IN THE STORE, THEY ALL HAVE A UNIQUE SOUND !!Perfect for your land, your garden !Find the hottest things for your house, your beach, your garden, animals, plants, trees, skyboxes , houses, furniture , etc !

New to the virtual world? Visit The SL Torch Guide - Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

 someone should have told me silks weren't for clubbing back in 2006 Being a newbie can be overwhelming and downright awkward with embarrassing clothing and hair malfunctions while bumping into every object and other avatars in a sloppy stumble through Second Life. It truly is a hideous sight to observe. Especially when dealing with newbies that ransack freebie prop shops and are strapped heavily with an arsenal of griefer gadgets. My first...

Miss Essence of PurpleMoon™ 2013 - Press Release

Miss Essence of PurpleMoon™ 2013 Celebrating PurpleMoon's 3rd Anniversary we are holding a photo and live runway contest to give one lady the opportunity to become "The Essence of PurpleMoon". We are looking for someone who can represent the essence of PurpleMoon. We want to find the elegance, glamour and magic that PurpleMoon has been offering for these three years. We want to see the heart and soul of PurpleMoon represented in your picture....

Friday, June 15, 2012

Unity Productions' THE PRISONER Goes Live Today

Today, faith-based group Unity Productions kicks off performances of its latest production, The Prisoner! The Prisoner is a tragic musical with an operatic feel that tells the story of John the Baptist. The pulsing songs sung in Hebrew offer a unique layer to the diversity of culture, heritage, and inheritance in Christ. Shows will run every weekend during the month of June with the following days and times: Friday 6 p.m. SLT,...

The New PODEX Exchange Visa Card You Can Use to Pay Bills, Make Online Purchases or even Withdraw from an ATM. How’s That for Some Real Perks? Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Podex Exchange As a VW reporter I hear all sorts of interesting things from people. If I wanted to sit here all day and gossip or dishing out scoops about awesome people, I would be a popular lunch lady. Nonetheless, here’s a little food for thought.I was told Second Life was really created as a place for the founding virtual nerds to test new concepts and ideas. Rather than let the grid get lost in cyberspace, one person’s idea of offering...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Forever And Ever After Weddings Open House June 17th 4-6pm SLT- Nemzkat Resident Reporting...

Forever And Ever After Weddings is a new wedding service. We are affordable packages and feel your wedding should be all about you. (as long as it’s possible)...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time to get your groove on

DJ OPEN MIC Wednesday, June 13, 2012     Club Mix with   DJ THORN TIGERPAW          At 5:00PM SLT                      & “ACTING Out Party by TANGIER             At 7:00PM SLT Sponsored by Blue Balls In support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fight Aids Things with truly HEAT up with two back-to-back HOT events LANDMARK: Broadway...

Monday, June 11, 2012

SLE Staff Interview: Meet Nemzkat Resident

You have read their stories in The SL Enquirer, now it's time meet the writers behind the stories.  Please meet SLE staff writer, Nemzkat Resident. Nemzkat surfing the web How would you describe yourself in 5 words?Funny, sweet, caring, smart, and curious What brought you to Second Life and how has it impacted you as a person?My friends came to SL and told me it was fun so I tried it. It made me learn to tolerate people I normally...