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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Nurturing Your Creativity: A Journey Beyond the Ordinary

Image: Freepik

Creativity isn’t just an innate talent; it's a skill that you can cultivate and grow with the right practices. This handy SLE News Source guide is dedicated to helping individuals who find themselves at a creative standstill, seeking fresh perspectives and methods to reawaken their inventive spirit. By embracing these approaches, you position yourself to break through barriers, discover new horizons, and infuse creativity into every facet of your life.

Embrace the Great Outdoors

Nature has always been a profound source of inspiration. By stepping outside and immersing yourself in the natural environment, you allow the tranquility and beauty of the outdoors to stimulate your senses and spark new ideas. The diversity of landscapes and the sheer wonder of the natural world can shift your perspective, offering fresh angles and concepts to explore in your creative work.

Mindfulness as a Creative Catalyst

Mindfulness practices such as meditation can significantly enhance your focus and clarity of thought. This heightened state of awareness clears the mental clutter, making room for innovative ideas and solutions to surface. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine not only benefits your mental health but also sets a fertile ground for creativity to flourish.

Career Transformation

Reinventing your career path can be a daring move that breathes new life into your creative energies. Pursuing an online degree can usher you into unexplored realms of proficiency and insight. Specifically, learning about cybersecurity not only expands your horizons but also immerses you in problem-solving situations. Considering your cybersecurity degree, this challenges you to apply your creativity in safeguarding digital environments, offering a fresh perspective on innovation and to help with searching for the most fitting educational path.

Journaling Your Thoughts

Maintaining a journal where you can freely express thoughts, ideas, and reflections is invaluable for any creative individual. This practice helps in tracking your progress, understanding your thought patterns, and uncovering insights you might have overlooked. A journal becomes a personal inventory of inspiration, a resource you can turn to when in need of a creative boost.

Pursuing Creative Fulfillment in Your Job

Exploring a more creative job can unlock new talents and passions, bringing fresh inspiration and fulfillment to your professional life. Crafting a resume to showcase your distinct skills and experiences is an essential action in the pursuit of employment that nurtures your creative aspirations. By personalizing your application to meet the particular requirements of a job, you demonstrate to potential employers your commitment and pertinence. This approach enhances your appeal as a candidate. If you’re struggling to get started, this resource could help you learn more about putting together an excellent resume.

Celebrating Small Victories

Acknowledging and celebrating every achievement, no matter its size, is essential for sustaining your creative momentum. These moments of recognition fuel your motivation and bolster your confidence, reminding you of the progress you’re making on your creative path. Such positive reinforcement is crucial in maintaining a resilient and motivated creative mindset.

Leveraging Digital Tools for Creativity

There’s a large array of tools and technologies designed to push the boundaries of creativity. Whether it’s graphic design software, digital music production, or virtual collaboration platforms, these resources provide endless opportunities for creative exploration. Embracing these tools allows you to experiment and innovate, expanding your creative repertoire.

The Power of Physical Activity

Engaging in physical activity is another effective way to stimulate your mind and invigorate your creativity. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and spur creative thinking. Whether it’s a leisurely walk, a yoga session, or a more vigorous workout, physical activity is a potent catalyst for creative energy. Incorporating movement into your routine not only sharpens your mental acuity but also fosters an environment where creative ideas can flourish and grow into something tangible.

Creativity is not a finite resource but a dynamic and evolving force within you. By exploring nature, practicing mindfulness, embracing career changes, and leveraging technology, you unlock new dimensions of creativity. Journaling, celebrating achievements, customizing your professional approach, and staying active are all practices that nourish your creative spirit. Remember, every step you take to expand your creative boundaries is a step toward a more fulfilling and inventive life. Engage with these strategies, let your creativity soar, and watch as new doors of opportunity and expression open before you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


So, one of the really cool things about being a Reporter for the SL Enquirer is that I get to travel the entire Grid on my five-year mission: to explore strange new Regions, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!  (Music builds to a crescendo!!!) those five years, I really thought I had seen everything, encompassing every possible build.  Little did I know there were STILL surprises to be had.  Today’s Spotlight Feature is not about a Build or a DJ, a Sim or a Celebrity.  it is about...(Drum Roll please):

                                                                A SYSTEM.

Here, to explain it best is the Creator and Brains behind ZEN METAL -  Sebs (sebastyne.alpha)

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:     So then, Sebs. Just exactly what is the "ZEN METAL SeeKin" test?

Sebs (sebastyne.alpha) SA:     ZEN METAL SeeKin is a thinker-type test that will find your base-level compatible people through some very important questions that reveal your value system, how you love and wish to be loved - whether platonic or romantic. It can be used as a base for any kind of relationship, personal, business, romantic, and sexual - and should be used if you ask me. Basically, it finds you people who define “a good person” the same way you do and who enjoy life the same way as you do  - the first and the second life... or would enjoy it if they had you in it. ;)

JB:     Did you create this yourself, or were others involved as well, and if so, then who?

SA:     No, it's all me. I like thinking and doing and, frankly, being in control of every aspect of everything. :p Except people. People, I want them liberated to be their authentic selves, but I'm a possessive control freak when it comes to my vision and creativity. :D

JB:     Who might find this system particularly useful and Enjoyable?  Describe the Ideal user.

SA:     People who feel their relationships keep failing or disappointing them for some mysterious reason they can't really identify. I promise ZEN METAL SeeKin is tweaked to find that reason. It is best for people who are quite confident in relationships already, but have that final puzzle piece to figure out. It's to find that one missing piece from being a relationship Zen Master.

An ideal user may enjoy the mystery of how this came to be and where is it leading and want to come for a ride. It is best for people who are themselves in a virtual environment rather than those who play a character when online, as there is a real opportunity to bond with real people at the end of the "test tube," as I've begun to call it.

JB:     The other day, I figured I would see what this was all about, and I ran into a collection of Dogs and an equal number of Cats. What is it with all these animals?

SA:     The dogs and cats represent the core values of each group. Dog Type Thinkers are loyal and hierarchal; they play as a team, a unit, "a one," while Cat Type Thinkers are more independent and aloof and value individualism so much they never want to see their loved ones change. Dog Type Thinkers, to love is to change to show love; to Cat Type Thinkers, to love is to protect the other's unique personality at all costs and never change.

While you can predict your outcome out of that quite accurately, the answers are mixed in the test - a cat may mean a dog -answer, and a dog can be counting cat points - just saying.

JB:     What other ideas do you see this being used for?

SA:     Oh, so many, but for one: Sim-owners often find their joy of creating gone when their sim starts to collect people from a different group than they, themselves, belong to. There's a reason why this is also common, but I'll explain that later to those who are interested.

The difference in thinking makes people behave in a manner that doesn't suit the sim owner. Either they seem too eager to change everything you've already done and seem completely disrespectful toward your vision or seem somewhat aloof and disinterested in what you've created. These two thinker types show appreciation in completely opposite ways. Both groups mean to say "we love it" but say it the opposite way so it feels like "we hate it but want to hang out here anyway and be pests," to the poor sim-owner.

Therefore it's important the sim is filled primarily with your own type of thinkers, particularly from the start, when a sim owner is establishing an atmosphere to keep it bringing joy to the creators themselves, too. This security add-on will be added to ZEN METAL marketplace very soon, and it won't break the bank.

JB:     So....many of the more popular online match sites carry a hefty price tag to help you find "The One".  Just how much can folks expect to spend on your "system"?

SA:     The base system, "the Signet Ring," is free and is going to stay that way. Paid add-ons will be added later, mainly with sim owners in mind. I don't want to price myself out; however, I will quite willingly price my products so they're accessible to everyone who owns even a small plot of land.

I suspect there are going to be developer kits available for derivative works, too... Soon.

JB:     When I clicked on the questions, they appeared in chat. Can anyone within Chat range see my answers?

SA:     No, only you can see the questions and how you answer them. They use a secret channel unique to you. This means that although the test is definitely best taken alone at one's own pace, two people can take it at the same time; just keep a little respectful distance from the person before you.

When touched, the buttons turn green for everybody and function as bookmarks (remember those?). While the green still lingers, you should keep from touching that button if another resident is using the system so you all know where you're at.

JB:     What is the end-state here?  to let people know if they are Cat Type Thinkers or Dog Type Thinkers? Anything Else?

SA:     At the end of the trail, you'll get your thinker-type package. It'll give you a location to hang your hat at and find some like-minded people. They are off-ZEN METAL main sim locations, so you can fully relax. I'll hang out on one of them based on my thinker type, and of course, you might see me doing some admin, but never mind me.

You will also get a ring you can wear anywhere on the grid. You can use it to scan for avatars that are baseline-compatible with you anywhere you are. I'm sure it'll take some time to find another user with a matching ring, but I hope this will take off fast.

These objects will be given to you as you hit the 'finish' button in your HUD. If something goes wrong, or you want to make sure you can retrieve a fresh ring later, please don't reset the HUD; hit Finish again. 

To not take the excitement away, the ring alone doesn't reveal EVERYTHING there is to know about a person, of course, but it eliminates people who are simply a hopeless combination. Two perfectly good people with completely opposite ideas of what relationships are even there for. (You didn't think there was another reason, did you? ;) )

JB:     What’s next on the agenda?  Any more ideas under consideration or development?

SA:     Oh, plenty. I will keep them close to my chest for the time being, but a lot of it has to do with this very thing... I am brimming with ideas; my only problem is the time and limitation of a measly 10 fingers. However, I am working on Second Life full-time and obsessively, both for my own entertainment and my only plan for an income, so... Please make me popular. ;) The system is very new, so afford me a little patience if and when something goes wrong. I am constantly improving it, and hopefully, it'll be foolproof very soon. The more people offer me feedback, the better.

JB:     Where might people go to learn more about this fascinating system?

SA:     The "test tube," as I call it, is located on a small independent Zindra parcel, away from ZEN METAL main sim at

The greeter should give you a HUD for the test and instructions on how to use it. It might seem to be stuck when you touch the first question, but it is just giving you ample time to read the instructions - for a reason.

I'm hoping to see many people grow this fast; we'll all have a blast and write SL history. I know I'm talking it up a bit, and I hope it will live up to it. Having said that, I've had test runs that have failed to utter chaos and misery, with you, Josh, for one, so... :D Fingers crossed!


The brand-new ZEN METAL SeeKin group:

So, there you have it, Folks.  If you are tired of the typical run around in SL…you meet someone…you fall in love…you introduce them to your parents, and only THEN do you learn that they are wanted by law enforcement officials on 5 continents for unlawful flight to avoid paying alimony….then ZEN METAL is for you.  Give it a of the most amazing systems of its kind available on the Grid today.  What have you got to lose… except maybe your place in line for your next failed relationship.

Oh Yeah…..Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be There.  Aloha!


Our ladies revive the magic and allure of vintage Hollywood, Sunday Aug 25/2024 at 1:30pm slt. offering a night of nostalgic entertainment and classic burlesque glamour.


EROTIQUE BURLESQUE: Old Hollywood is a captivating classic burlesque that celebrates the golden era of Hollywood. Expect the songs we all know and love from the iconic era and a show jam packed with SEXY! The show transports you to a time when stars like Marilyn Monroe graced the silver screen. Our ladies revive the magic and allure of vintage Hollywood, Sunday Aug 25/2024 at 1:30pm slt. offering a night of nostalgic entertainment and classic burlesque glamour.

Monday, August 19, 2024


It was with joy, intelligence and humor that the 2024 finalists of the LOOK of the YEAR competition officially presented themselves, during the traditional Judges' Brunch, last month, in the Hayabusa gardens of the LUXE Paris castle.

In this grandiose setting, each of the finalists gave a short speech, explaining why they would make a good ambassador for LUXE Paris. They then had to answer the judges who kindly asked them several destabilizing questions.

The objective of this meeting was to allow the judges to familiarize themselves with the finalists' personalities, to evaluate their communication skills. Remember that LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador for its brand, so it takes more than a pretty face to access the prestigious title of LOOK of the YEAR.

No marks were awarded at this event but the jury was invited to note their impressions in order to make an informed decision when voting for the grand finale on September 8th. In the meantime, the finalists will have modeling lessons and mentoring meetings to perfect their art.

The Grand Finale
While the Judges' Brunch was a strictly private event, the grand finale will be open to the public and promises to be a great spectacle. 

In a breathtaking setting designed by Lorez Aichi, the finalists' show will pay tribute to five fashion icons who have particularly inspired LUXE Paris over its twelve years of existence.

In the spotlight, the wonderful Jade PONO, LOOK of the YEAR 2022, who passed away from cancer; PONCHITUTI BOUCHER, a living legend in the SL fashion world, who trained a myriad of runway stars; ZURI RAYNA, the official jeweler of the LOOK of the YEAR competition and creator of the tiaras offered to the winner and finalists; GABRIELLE "COCO" CHANEL, this extraordinary designer who freed women from their corset and who still influences fashion 50 years after her death, and the unforgettable FROLIC MILLS, a great pioneer of virtual fashion, another very dear friend of LUXE Paris who died of cancer last winter.

Each of the finalists must present a look composed of LUXE Paris clothing and Zuri jewelry, inspired by one of these icons. The icons were assigned to the finalists according to a random process.

Ten Women and One Man
For the first time since the creation of the competition a decade ago, it was mixed, therefore open to men, and a courageous man managed to make a place for himself among all these feminine beauties. WyattFrost will indeed be in the grand finale with Ame Morningstar, Aria Absinthe, Catsmeow17, EleanorJean, Girasolmx, Jude Tatham, Keira Rhapsody, Tilly Opaline, TwinkieBean and VanessaJane66. The new LUXE Paris ambassador can indeed be a woman or a man, LUXE Paris offers women's and men's collections.

The LOOK of the YEAR  jury will evaluate the finalists on five main points: their presence on stage, the quality of their look, their ability to respond to a specific fashion order, their way of presenting LUXE Paris and Zuri fashion and their performance at the Judges Brunch.

It is the total of the scores awarded by the judges at the grand finale that will determine who will be the next LOOK of the YEAR and win the super prize pool of L$50,000 in cash!

An Impressive Jury
The LOOK of the YEAR jury is impressive and very diverse with its sixteen members from the worlds of fashion, design, media and music: Adonis Lubomir, owner of Swank Events & the groups Womenstuff and Menstuff, Avalon Chrome, designer at LUXE Paris and LOOK of the YEAR 2021, Blueyes Bonetto, owner of Latin Quarters, our sim-host, and musical director of LOOK of the YEAR events, Chemak Kamala, owner/publisher of SL Confidencial, the magazine of the Spanish community, Dante Lisa, owner of Miss & Mister Elegance & CEO Elégance Model Agency, Diana Balhaus, co-owner of One On One Agency, producer of LOOK of the YEAR events, Hunipet Delicioso, the reigning ambassador of LUXE Paris, Hyaecinte, director of communication of LUXE Paris, Lali Arbizu, co-owner of One On One and coordinator of the finalists, Lanai Jarrico, The SL Enquirer, THE web journal, Mitsuko Kytori, Hayabusa Design, the famous gardener of the LUXE Paris castle, Naar Absinthe, owner of In-Nova Academy and LOOK of the YEAR 2017, Ponchituti Boucher, co-owner of One On One and head of the LOOK of the YEAR mentors, and Zuri Rayna, the star jeweler of LOOK of the YEAR.

In short, LUXE Paris promises us a grandiose finale, passionately fashion-oriented and full of emotional moments. Don't miss this unique show on Sunday, September 8 at 9:30 SLT. Your limousine will be waiting for you on LUXE Paris Fashion House
The finale will also be broadcast live on YouTube by SL4Live-TV. The link will be available on the LUXE Paris website.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Lanai's Diary: IT'S PAST MID SUMMER... Do you know were the first half went?


If you are anything like me I complain when it's too hot and complain again when it's cold. I live in the Northeast of the country; New Jersey to be specific so I experience four seasons. Unlike Florida that lives in constant summer or the states way up north that are a bit colder, I’m not sure where I really fit in. All I know is Summer usually starts to fade out right after my birthday (July 13th). If my mother had me 6 days prior I’d be a 7-7-77 luck baby but really if you google the day it was nothing short of disastrous. Aside from the biggest fire in federal prison history or the total Blackout in New York City, I’d think any baby born on that day or the following week would have seemed like the antichrist arrived.

All jokes aside… Where the fuuuuuu….dge did summer go? I still haven't gotten past this tacky ass uneven farmers tan that seems to exist on the skin visible from my driver’s side window.

Summers aren't what they were when I was a kid. All I do is work and by the time I get out, I’m chasing the sun home in hopes I can get a little porch time with a glass of wine and a quick fix dinner.

 Looking back at the past month, I have to say, not much went on except for a couple of weekend getaways where I went to Atlantic City to donate to Casinos, stuff my face with boardwalk eats and do a little people watching on a famous boardwalk sitting on a bench next to a guy that was chain smoking and feeding the freakin’ seagulls.

 I was sitting with my date when all of a sudden a big splatter of what appeared to be yogurt landed right in his lap and the sound of an angry Ohhh WTF!!!!  I couldn't help but laugh my ass off and hand him my used napkin. My appetite for the giant pretzel I was holding completely went away.

  After yanking his arm to move along the boardwalk to get him away from telling the seagull feeder off… we went back into the casino where I decided to slap a $10 dollar bill in a computer generated Roulette table. Ready to say bye to my donations, I scanned the board and put chips down, starting with the outside “black”. I figured it’s a 50/50 chance so why not. 

Either way I had a bottle of Ciroc waiting for me in my hotel room at Ceasar’s palace. OMG, I Hit! Feeling lucky I started playing the inside numbers. I chose a number and stacked  chips on “13” and the remaining chips around it. OMG I hit!. Figuring this is the part where I hit the cash out button and walk away while I was ahead. 

Hell I turned 10 bucks into about $250 in a matter of 10 minutes. My date was salty but impressed. Off to the hotel room we went and well…. That Ciroc ain’t nothin to mess with lol…. I sure felt it the next day!

The following weekend was my Birthday weekend. I took off on that Friday so I can really enjoy a little time away from working and adulting. I decided to hit the Poconos!  I’m a city girl but there I was in the mountains. Copped me a sweet townhouse Air BnB right next to Camelback Resort. Prior to the trip I created a detailed itinerary booklet complete with pictures of each of the excursions we had tickets for. When we arrived Thursday evening after work and a 2 hour drive, I hit up the local Walmart for a little weekend grocery shopping knowing dang well I wasn’t going to cook. Grabbed my luggage from my car ( I totally packed for 2 weeks) and settled in. Rummaged through my beach bag and pulled out a pouch of edibles; “Rainbow Download” to be exact and yea a couple of those and some Ciroc… Holy Christmas in July! I was lit up like a Christmas tree. FFS they sure don't sell those potent treats in Pennsylvania. Jersey dispensaries are something different. SMH

Anyway, not much else happened that night… smirks. 

Friday was chill… I kinda remember it… We went to Mount Airy Casino. I thought I would get lucky playing roulette there too but I was wrong. There were two tables. I was looking at the number boards to determine which one I might have a better chance with so I walked over and watched. I turned to my date and said next ball will land on “12”. I didn’t place any bets and WTF… it totally landed on that number!  I sat down and dropped $15 on a game and  lost it in one round. I was done. I’m not the gambling addict type. I’ll donate up to about $20 bucks and be done. Decided to stop by Guy Fieri’s restaurant to eat and out of curiosity googled if the place was haunted and sure enough…. I read something about the main dining area reporting the most haunted activity. My punk ass date wasn’t too thrilled and wanted to get out of there.

So Saturday… decided to Zipline. We purchased tickets online and off we went flying down a 4000 ft double barrel. My date leaped first and was halfway down when I jumped off the platform. I tried grabbing the handles for stability but I felt like I was hanging so I let go and gripped the harness. WTF! It had me turning backwards and I ended up missing the view down and just staring back up at the mountain as I was screaming bloody murder. I couldn’t catch my footing so I kinda bounced back up the mountain and the zipline spotters had to scurry to get me. One and done.

When I landed at the bottom all I heard was OOOHHHH my nuts!  I guess his harness was strapped a little too tight on those berries.  After that experience we hopped on a shuttle bus to the parking lot and left to check out The haunted Candle Shoppe.  Yup, they got ghost monkeys. Before it became a candle Shop, it was home to a deranged doctor that experimented on monkeys in the basement. People reported hearing little phantom monkey feet running across the floor and stuff like that so why not poke my curious nose around to see if something would scare the bejesus out of me. I didn’t see or hear anything strange so off we went stopping by a couple of crystal shops on route back to the Air BnB and the day was over.

Saturday morning was CamelBeach; the next excursion on my Bday itinerary. I highly recommend purchasing VIP seating near the wave pool. I sat sipping a Pina Coloda and people watched. I have to say BBLs are pretty popular. You can tell who got botched in the Dominican republic and who actually researched their plastic surgeon… just saying.

Sunday was check out day and my birthday weekend was over. I headed to visit some family about an hour away while my date headed back to Jersey. I spent the better part of Monday Thrift shopping and spending time with family before I headed back home. Not that y'all readers care what I do aside from managing this newspaper, though I’d share my bits of Summer before it's over.

 I have to say even weekend getaways doing random things with others can be fun. I totally recommend it. Stay cool and get to the end of Summer adventures while you can!

Feel free to share your summer adventures in the comment box below. I know I’m not the only one who has stories 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The show transports you to a time when stars like Marilyn Monroe graced the silver screen. Our ladies revive the magic and allure of vintage Hollywood, Friday Aug 9/2024 at 7:15pm slt. offering a night of nostalgic entertainment and classic burlesque glamour.


Old Hollywood is a captivating classic burlesque that celebrates the golden era of Hollywood. Expect the songs we all know and love from the iconic era and a show jam packed with SEXY! The show transports you to a time when stars like Marilyn Monroe graced the silver screen. Our ladies revive the magic and allure of vintage Hollywood, Friday Aug 9/2024 at 7:15pm slt. offering a night of nostalgic entertainment and classic burlesque glamour.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Poesy Wildes New Poetry Sim Open


Poesy Wildes is an enchanting retreat which offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of literature, prose, and poetry. The air is filled with the whispers of verses, and every corner invites contemplation and inspiration.

Monday, July 29, 2024


Trumpets and drums! Here are the 12 finalists of the 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest! CONGRATULATIONS to Ame Morningstar, Aria Absinthe, Catsmeow17, EleanorJean, Girasolmx, Jiji Vandervoort, Jude Tatham, Keira Rhapsody, Tilly Opaline, TwinkieBean, VanessaJane66 and WyattFrost!

Chosen from among 30 semi-finalists and hundreds of candidates, all very stylish, the big twelve distinguished themselves with great honor in the eyes of the jury! And yes! With the competition being open to male candidates for the first time this year, one brave soul has managed to rise among all these spectacular female beauties!

Now the finalists will have to demonstrate their talent as fashion ambassadors at two major events that will determine which of them will wear the prestigious title LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and will deserve the impressive prize pool of L$50,000 cash.


First, there will be the Judges' Brunch, an elegant private event in the Hayabusa Garden of LUXE Paris castle, Sunday August 18, The finalists will be invited to show up dressed as a LUXE Paris ambassador, for a very chic but daytime event.

Each finalist will also be invited to explain in a short written speech why she or he would make a good ambassador for LUXE Paris. These presentations will be followed by a question period prepared by the judges.

This stage of the competition allows the jury to discover the finalists' personalities and measure their communication skills.

It is also at the Judges' Brunch that the finalists will receive their ten LUXE Paris ensembles as well as the L$1500 gift certificate from jeweler Zuri Rayna.

These gifts will allow the finalists to prepare for the grand finale. The election of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR winner will take place on Sunday, September 8.


For the final, the 12 greats will once again have to compose a LUXE Paris look paying tribute to one of the five fashion icons honored during the semi-final: Jade Pono, our dear LOOK of the YEAR 2022 who died of cancer last winter, Ponchituti Boucher, this living legend of virtual fashion who has trained so many runway stars that she is nicknamed The Mother of All Models, Zuri Rayna, talented jeweler who has made our Second Life sparkle since 2007, Gabrielle Coco Chanel, a designer so revolutionary that her style continues to influence fashion 50 years after her death, and the unforgettable Frolic Mills, this great pioneer of virtual fashion who also left us recently, taken by cancer.

This time, however, the finalists will have to present their look live on stage and the icon to honor will be imposed, at random. The jury will then evaluate the finalists' ability to fulfill a fashion order with intuition and originality. They will also examine the quality of their elegance and style as well as their charisma on stage.

Without a doubt, we will be treated to a grandiose and moving show! Open to the public, the event will also be broadcast live on YouTube by SL4Live-TV. Watch for all the details on our 
website at
LUXE Paris Fashion House

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

A simple lacey strap, the pretty pattern in the lace OR shall it be silken thighs clad in soft leather. Which do you prefer? Come see our encore show yourself Sunday July 28/2024 @ 1:30pm slt.


Black leather and lace touches her beautiful skin. A kiss, a touch. Her evening plans should be considered a sin. A simple lacey strap, the pretty pattern in the lace OR shall it be silken thighs clad in soft leather. Which do you prefer? Come see our encore show yourself
Sunday July 28/2024 @ 1:30pm slt.
🍸 Dress Code: Semi Formal
🍸 Bring Your Friends for a night of sexy fun!
🍸 Doors Open Early! Don't miss out if the sim gets full!

Monday, July 22, 2024


The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the fifth and last group of six semi-finalists. Well done to LINDSAYGALVAN, GALATEANA, OPHELIA4711, WOLSCHIED, VENOMANCERS and PHARAGON PELOUS who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!

We now have 30 semi-finalists and the jury will soon select the 12 finalists. They will then be invited to the Judges' Brunch on Sunday August 18, where they will have to present a short written speech explaining why they would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris.

The LUXE Paris fashion house will also take the opportunity to offer them L$84,000 in gifts. Each of the 12 finalists will receive 10 LUXE Paris ensembles of their choice and a L$1,500 gift certificate from jeweler Zuri Rayna. They will also be featured in The SL Enquirer and the Spanish magazine Confidencial.

This event will be followed by the grand finale on Sunday September 8. The finalists will then have to present a LUXE Paris look paying homage to one of the five fashion icons of the competition but this time the icon will be imposed by the organization, at random, in alphabetical order.

The Judges' Brunch is a private event but the grand finale, a grandiose spectacle produced by One On One, will be open to the public.

LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A simple lacey strap, the pretty pattern in the lace OR shall it be silken thighs clad in soft leather. Which do you prefer? Come see our encore show yourself Sunday July 21/2024 @ 1:30pm slt.


Black leather and lace touches her beautiful skin. A kiss, a touch. Her evening plans should be considered a sin. A simple lacey strap, the pretty pattern in the lace OR shall it be silken thighs clad in soft leather. Which do you prefer?

Come see our encore show yourself Sunday July 21/2024 @ 1:30pm slt. THEME: CUIR ET DENTELLE 🍸 Dress Code: Semi Formal 🍸 Bring Your Friends for a night of sexy fun! 🍸 Doors Open Early! Don't miss out if the sim gets full!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the fourth group of six semi-finalists. Well done to ATHENA FIREHART, ELEANORJEAN, JIJI VANDERVOORT, KITTYLAN, LUCIOUSKITTEN JASPER and TEABUG who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!

In this challenge, the participants were paying tribute to Gabrielle Coco Chanel, the famous french designer who freed women from their corset in the 20' and created a brand so unique that it is still a fashion leader 50 years after her death.

Your photo is not there? It's not over! You have a last chance to participate as our jury will select a last group of six semi-finalists next weekend.
This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the unforgettable Frolic Mills, one of the founders of Second Life fashion industry, who died of cancer last winter. If it hadn't been for Frolic establishing strong and prolific roots, SL fashion industry wouldnt be the same. Frolic was a great friend of LUXE Paris and a wonderful muse.

If youre a male candidate, imagine that you're Frolic's stylist and that you have to dress him for a LUXE Paris event. If you're a woman, create a LUXE Paris outfit for a lady accompanying Frolic in an important event. 


You don't know Frolic well? You will discover his tastes and preferences in his inspirational text in the FASHION ICONS SECTION of our website.


Do not see the icon as a limit but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild! Charm us! Surprise us!

LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.
Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Frolic Mills is this Thursday July 18th at midnight.


Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Grab your kodak and take a chance on you! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

More information at 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Shake n Bake Drag Races & Swap Meet Every Saturday at 2pm SLT!


Drag Strip & Swap Meet every Saturday at 2pSLT

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A simple lacey strap, OR shall it be silken thighs clad in soft leather. Which do you prefer? Come and see for yourself Friday July 12/2024 @ 7:15pm slt.


Black leather and lace touches her beautiful skin. A kiss, a touch. Her evening plans should be considered a sin. A simple lacey strap, the pretty pattern in the lace OR shall it be silken thighs clad in soft leather. Which do you prefer?

Come and see for yourself Friday July 12/2024 @ 7:15pm slt.

THEME: CUIR ET DENTELLE 🍸 Dress Code: Semi Formal 🍸 Bring Your Friends for a night of sexy fun! 🍸 Doors Open Early! Don't miss out if the sim gets full!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Dennis is full of surprises and we at EROTIQUE BURLESQUE are happy to have him join us at our new club UPTOWN FUNK!!! He will be starting this Wednesday July 10/2024 from 5-7pm slt. Come enjoy the fun the dancing and most of all the music!!!!


Dennis has been a FUNK Master DJ for years in SL. He is a very talented DJ who knows his music whether it be FUNK, BLUES or even a surprise song he pops in now and then. Dennis is full of surprises and we at EROTIQUE BURLESQUE are happy to have him join us at our new club UPTOWN FUNK!!!

He will be starting this Wednesday July 10/2024 from 5-7pm slt. Come enjoy the fun the dancing and most of all the music!!!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

New Location! Hope Medical Hospital is having a Grand Opening on July 8th, 2024


Here at Hope Medical Hospital we are dedicated to providing exceptional healthcare services for your entire family, prioritizing your well-being above all else. Our goal is to ensure that every member of your family receives the highest quality of care, tailored to their individual needs and preferences.
With the understand the importance of comprehensive and compassionate healthcare, and we are committed to delivering a wonderful healthcare experience for you and your loved ones.

Our business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am slt - 5:00 pm slt. and on the weekends from 11:00 am slt - 4:00 pm slt. To make an appointment please contact Dr. Chanel Marques in world @mrschanelmarques or on Instagram

The Greatest Dining Experience


The Modavie Bistro which means the way of life is a beautiful bistro that is located on  the beautiful waters of Jersey island, surrounded by romantic  waterfalls that sets the ambiance  for any romantic dinner , party, engagement, drinks, or any business meeting. The Modavie is open 24/7 for self service. 

The Modavie bistro is mainly self service, but we can most definitely accommodate  a full course dinning experience with a live server  with no extra cost. A reservation has to be made a day  prior to dining to ensure a live server.  We strive on  providing a great roleplay dining experience. Weather it be self service or a live server. We at the Modavie understand the importance of great quality dining.