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Monday, July 1, 2024

How Can Second Life Improve Your Real Life?

Image Pixabay CC0 License

The lines between real life and virtual reality are more blurred than ever before. So, it makes sense that elements of each can feed into the other. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore fan, using SL to enhance your real life should be the goal.

Incredibly, several aspects of your real life can be improved as a direct result of your Second Life adventures. Here are five you should focus on for optimal success.

Your Business

Second Life is all about creating connections and becoming a key player in your community. Given that these skills can work wonders for modern businesses too, it makes sense to use SL as a business tool. More specifically, it can be used to market the business and turn virtual friends into real world customers. Aside from reaching new audiences, hosting events in the digital space also offers a unique vibe. In turn, this can enhance your branding and marketing efforts with audiences that don’t even use SL due to social content.

Your Hobbies

SL itself is an incredible hobby, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Therefore, finding balance between Second Life and physical world hobbies is vital. If nothing else, SL teaches you to build upon existing passions by developing new skills. Signing up for guitar luthier school can be the perfect solution for guitar players. After all, nothing matches the enjoyment of playing an instrument you crafted. Alternatively, it could form a key step on the path to building a side hustle or launching a new career.

Your Love Life

While the characters you see on screen in Second Life might be virtual. However, they represent real people that you can connect with to form solid bonds. There have been several cases where long distance relationships started on SL. There is a need to take care when meeting anybody you have met online, whether romantically or not. Nevertheless, it can be a place to potentially meet the love of your life. After growing a connection in the digital space, doing the same in real environments may be a lot easier.

Your Social Skills

Talking to people in the virtual space of Second Life is easy, even people with anxiety issues. It’s also the perfect place to focus on building verbal communication skills without relying on body language. This extends to active listening, which can make you a better friend. The potential benefits of SL can also make it a great team building activity or a way for old friends to reconnect. The added social confidence and comfort around your fellow players can make a huge difference to your life.

Your Appearance

It may sound a little strange to think that SL can improve your appearance. But it certainly can. Many players, including Dwight Shrute on The Office, make characters that look like themselves. More accurately, they build characters that are the person they aspire to be. This shows you a clear image of what you want to become. So, whether it means getting in shape or changing your fashion choice doesn’t matter. Replicating SL changes in the real world can alter your appearance and make you a happier person. Perfect.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

LANAI'S DIARY- What's poppin Ya'll


It’s Lanai Jarrico that washed up virtual world reporting that just doesn’t go away to some and to others.. OMG she’s alive!

After a long day of being that Boss B*tch in RL. I needed to unwind and do what I love best; writing. 

Warning though, if I start telling you about my day, you'll either be inspired or need a stiff drink, or both, buckle up.

It’s been a while. I haven't been in Second Life much as I navigate real life. I had to take a break from that madness and come back to a place where I can truly unwind and do something creative.

  If I can only get the foil seal off this bottle of Ciroc. WTF grrrrrrrrrr.

Got it! Anyway, as I sit here thinking I’d do a little writing and just let the thoughts spill out my head while sipping. 

Let’s talk about life for a minute. If you are a young buck this might give you insight to help encourage personal growth and for yall old heads like me. (90’s teens) we are at the point in our lives where most of us are becoming empty nesters while we watch our babies conquer the world with the skills we put in place for them. It’s a bittersweet stage of life where you are left wondering who you are as a person and what’s next.

Well, just like most folks in this age bracket, we are working. Handling our business and hopefully making self care and happiness a goal. Don’t feel selfish or like you are abandoning your now adult kids. It’s about doing you and finding what makes you happy so that you can spread the same energy to others. It’s not easy, but prioritizing your responsibilities and goals and making shit happen for you is a win. Remember like the old saying goes… You can’t make anyone happy, if you aren’t happy. Take care of you and the rest will fall into place.

As I sit here sipping away and feeling the buzz, I must say finding time for self care is wonderful if you handle your business and at the end of a productive day, you take that time for yourself, do whatever makes you happy. Whether it be logging into Second life to let that carefree spirit lose or doing something you love for a little YOU time.

Your YOU time is important. We need it in our lives to grow and catch up with ourselves.

I love Second Life. I’ve been logging in for the past two decades. I was very heavily involved in the beginning. It was like crack and I was hopelessly addicted to the SIMS Online. I spent hours immersing myself into a virtual community that gave me access to a variety of friends.  Meeting people on a global scale broadened my worldly perspective and helped me grow as a person in many ways.  I initially got involved with virtual worlds when my brother came home from college and told me about the online version of The SIMS Online. Everyone knew I was a fan and had all the expansion pack CD’s to prove it.

At first, it was just like a chatroom with shit to do. Greening up was the only responsibility we had and the rest was meet and greets. At the time, I spent my time building up what is now known as The SL Enquirer and randomly chatting with people, many of which have become lifelong friends. I had my ups and downs just like many in a virtual world community but one thing I know for sure. It is not a game. Real people are involved and many are just like you! Some log in for entertainment and others come in recognizing the power of this platform and go into business.

I recognized early on that wherever there is a community of people, there’s bound to be some kinda drama. Just like real life, hater be hatin’ and Karens be out here causes a problem that creates a ripple effect through the community. I found it interesting and would open up SLE for people to communicate with each other by promoting their clubs and services as well as adding some spice with Virtual Mafia Family drama.At the time,it was their way of communication and people seemed to get a kick out of it. We all know drama can be interesting and some peeps like to bust out their popcorn and spectate. Drama is all good when it aint your own…so readership grew.

19 years later, SLE is still spreading news across the grid and doing its thing. It was a journey for sure but totally worth the ride. To all my true friends that have been with me along for the ride, thank you for being one of the many that helped make me who I am today. Your advice, insights, comic relief and genuine unconditional love has been a driving force in allowing me to continue doing what I love.

Anyway, as this liquor is continuously hitting me I will proceed rambling until I make no sense. 

The point of this random ramble was just to say Hi, Hope all is well and you are happy doing what you love. If I’m around don’t hesitate to message me and ask what's poppin’. I love chatting and being a part of our unique virtual world community. 

OMG, word for word from my brain… I totally forgot what the topic is or what to type next.

This Vodka is really smacking me now.  I began sippin’ and writing I lost track of how many shots I took. It's 25 minutes later and I’m beginning to feel like my head is leaning sideways and I’m thinking …. maybe I should have taken a shower first because now I'm going to be holding one hand on the shower wall and try to soap up as fast as I can with the room spinning. 

Shit.. maybe drinking and writing isn't a good thing. It’s probably time to tap out. I gotta work in the morning and since I’m not really a drinker, I guess I will find out if I have a hangover when I wake up.

Have a great day or night wherever you are in the world.  I will write more diary entries soon.


Lanai Jarrico

Friday, June 28, 2024

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR Catsmeow, Tilly, Twinkie, Vanessa, Viginia & Vortice advance to the semi-finals!

The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the second group of six semi-finalists. Well done to Catsmeow17, Tilly Opaline, TwinkieBean, VanessaJane66, Virginia Starchild and Vortice41 who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!


In this challenge, the participants were paying tribute to Ponchituti Boucher, the legendary fashion producer, top modèle and instructor and a very inspiring muse for LUXE Paris since the creation of the brand twelve years ago.




Your photo is not there? It's not over! There will be 3 more selections of six semi-finalists in the coming weeks.


This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the famous jeweler Zuri Rayna who make diamonds and pearls dance in our life.




She looks like a modern-day princess with her long hair, voluptuous jewelry and natural grace. And she makes us look like royalty with her opulent and refined creations. You will already recognize the legendary Zuri Rayna, jeweler in Second Life since 2007, another wonderful muse for LUXE Paris!


You want to know more? You will discover her tastes and preferences in her inspirational text in the FASHION ICONS SECTION of our website.


Next week will be dedicated to Coco Chanel and the last week/challenge will pay a tribute to the unforgettable Frolic Mills.


Remember that both men and women can participate. If the icon is female, the male participant must simply create a look for the icon's companion. Do not see the icons as limits but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild. Charm us! Surprise us!




LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.


Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Zuri Rayna is Thursday July 4th at midnight. Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Stop procrastinating! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!


The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

More information at LUXE Paris Fashion House

Thursday, June 27, 2024

How to Market Your Real-Life Business on Second Life


Image credit

Is it a good idea to bridge the gap between virtual reality and real life? Maybe a decade ago, it would be considered odd, but honestly, nowadays, it’s just so common!  So, you’ve got a real-life business, and you’re looking for a fun, innovative way to market it. Yes, digital marketing exists, but sometimes, it really helps to do more than the standard SMM ads, PPC, and video content on YouTube. 

Actually, sometimes it helps to combine your hobby with your business. So, if you play Second Life, why not consider that? Just think about it: it’s a virtual world where users create avatars, interact, and even do business. It’s really people, so it’s nice that everyone is an NPC. So, if this sounds like a quirky marketing avenue, you’re right, but it can also be incredibly effective. Here’s how you can take your real-life business into the virtual realm of Second Life.

You Need to Build Relationships

Alright, so it’s not exactly like you’ll be easily able to talk to people like you can in real life. You won’t be able to exchange physical business cards; you won’t be able to give out free samples of your product wrapped in branded wrapping paper, and you won’t be able to have people physically come to your storefront (especially if they live far away). 

But that’s fine. You don’t always need to have people physically in front of you to market your business. In digital marketing, the whole point is to attract people from a distance who are not physically around you or your business. 

So, just think of it this way: when it comes to playing on Second Life, Second Life, this is all about community. S, to market effectively, you need to build relationships. Join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and collaborate with other businesses. Plus, networking in Second Life can lead to partnerships that benefit both parties. For example, if you run a beauty brand, teaming up with a virtual spa could be mutually beneficial. 

Host Events and Experiences

Alright, so admittingly, this one might be tough; it just depends on how long you’ve been playing Second Life, the community that you’re in, and so on. But with that all said, one of the best ways to draw attention to your virtual business is by hosting events. You’ll need to think about workshops, Q&A sessions, or virtual tours.

If you’re an artist, why not host a virtual gallery opening? If you’re in the fitness industry, a virtual yoga class could be a hit. Events are a great way to engage with the community and showcase what you offer in an interactive way. Plus, they give people a reason to return to your space. This may or may not work for your real business, its really hard to say, because the end goal is to get your real business known.

You’ll Have to Keep Active

Marketing in Second Life isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it strategy- as nice as that would be, it’s just not the case. Stay active, keep your virtual store updated, and continue to engage with the community. Second Life, like any social platform, evolves, and so should your marketing tactics. Pay attention to trends within the virtual world and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Monday, June 24, 2024

What to Do When Your Business is Losing Money

 If you know that your business is losing money then you will know how frustrating this can be. With that being said, there are some steps you can take to try and turn things around for yourself. If you don’t know where to begin, then take a look below.

Review your Accounts

The first thing you need to do is go through all of your accounts. You need to take the time to uncover any mistakes you might have made and you also need to look at any cash flow issues you may be having. Use a cloud-based accounting software and scan all of your receipts if you can. By doing this, you will soon find that you are able to keep track of things and that it also becomes easier to balance your books. A lot of small businesses make the mistake of not hiring a dedicated accountant or a bookkeeper too but this is the last thing you should be doing. If you want to help yourself then you should also look into the payment processor API as this is a great way for you to find out how much money you have coming in and how much you have going out of your accounts.

Source: Pexels

Identify Waste

Some expenses are hard to cut and there's nothing you can do about this. You have to pay rent, as well as payroll and taxes. With that being said it is possible to save money on things like paper products, meals and travel. Cut back on things where you can and also go through every item that your business might use. Ask yourself whether or not it is critical to your business. You might also want to try and sell some of your supplies, including your furniture. If you can do this then you may find that it helps you to get into the black once more.

Adjust Prices

If you set your prices far too high then not many people will buy your products. With that being said, if you set your prices too low then this can be bad for your business. Underpricing can give the impression that you are not giving a product that is worth the money and that it’s going to be low quality. Even if you know your product doesn’t fit into this box, it's what your customers will believe. If you undersell yourself then this will limit your profit. Make sure that you cover your expenses and that you focus on getting a good profit margin. If you can focus on getting around 10% for every product you sell then this is a good margin and it’s certainly a good way for you to get your finances back on track. A lot of businesses worry that if they put up their prices too much then they will stop getting customers, and although this will happen, the customers who stay with you are loyal and are worth far more to your customers over the long run so keep that in mind if you can. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Its a go! The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the first group of six semi-finalists. Well done to Jenni Eros, Jude Tatham, Keira Rhapsody, Laycie Pearl, Girasolmx and WyattFrost who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!

44 applications were submitted for this first challenge dedicated to Jade Pono, our wonderful LOOK of the YEAR 2022 taken away by cancer.


Your photo is not there? It's not over. There will be four more selections of six semi-finalists in the coming weeks.

This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the famous fashion event producer Ponchituti Boucher, or for her partner, if the candidate is male.


Extraordinary style icon, Ponchituti Boucher has been shining on Second Life fashion industry for almost fifteen years and always was an immense inspiration for LUXE Paris.

Also a modeling instructor, Ponchituti has discovered so many runway stars that she is nicknamed The Mother of All Models!

You don't know her very well? You will discover her tastes and preferences in her inspirational text on our website.

Next week will be dedicated to the jeweler Zuri Rayna, then it will be the tribute week to Coco Chanel and the week dedicated to the legendary Frolic Mills.

Do not see the icons as limits but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild. Charm us! Surprise us!


LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.

Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Ponchituti is Thursday June 27 at midnight. Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Stop procrastinating! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

All details at

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bridging Real and Virtual: Integrating Your Real-Life Business with Second Life Success

Second Life has not lost its popularity over 20 years after its launch. In fact, it is a vibrant platform for businesses to expand their reach and connect with a global audience. 

Businesses in Second Life can thrive by leveraging the unique opportunities it offers, such as virtual storefronts, interactive experiences, and a dynamic community. 

However, for those with an established real-life business, ensuring that your Second Life presence is aligned with your physical brand is crucial. 

Pixabay - CC0 License

Use the Same Name

A memorable business name is the cornerstone of effective branding. It's the first thing people notice and remember about your business. When expanding into Second Life, using the same name as your real-life business is essential. Consistency in naming helps in building a strong brand identity that is easily recognizable across different platforms. A well-chosen name should be easy to spell, pronounce, and remember. It should also be meaningful and reflective of your brand’s values and offerings.

Choosing the right name involves understanding your target audience and what resonates with them. Consider using keywords related to your industry, products, or services to make the name relevant and significant. 

Additionally, check for the availability of the name on both platforms to avoid confusion and ensure brand consistency. A consistent name across both realms helps in creating a seamless experience for your customers, fostering trust and familiarity.

Use the Same Branding

Branding is more than just a name; it's the visual and emotional connection you create with your audience. Consistent branding across all platforms, including Second Life, reinforces your business identity and makes it more memorable. Most dual businesses know to stick to their logo, color scheme, typography, and overall aesthetic should remain uniform whether customers encounter the brand online or offline.

Start by transferring your real-life business’s branding elements to your Second Life presence. Use the same logo and color palette in your virtual storefronts, advertisements, and products. 

This visual consistency helps in establishing a strong brand recall. Additionally, maintain the same tone and style in your communications and marketing materials. Whether you're writing a product description or interacting with customers, the voice of your brand should be consistent and reflective of your business values.

“As Seen on Second Life” Campaign

To ensure that your customers make the connection between your real-life business and your Second Life presence, consider launching an "As Seen on Second Life" campaign. This can be a powerful tool in bridging the gap between the two worlds and enhancing your brand's visibility.

One effective way to implement this campaign is by using clear stickers on your real-life business products that say "As Seen in Second Life." This not only piques curiosity but also invites your customers to explore your virtual presence. 

Additionally, create content that highlights this connection. Blog articles, social media posts, and vlogs featuring extracts from your Second Life storefront can provide a behind-the-scenes look at your virtual operations. This content helps your audience understand and appreciate the unique aspects of your Second Life business, fostering a deeper connection with your brand.

In conclusion, integrating your real-life business with your Second Life presence is a strategic move that can enhance your brand's reach and impact. As Second Life continues to grow as a hub for virtual commerce, aligning your real-life business with your virtual endeavors ensures that you stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the vast opportunities this platform offers.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me @ Visions of Carnal Desires Movie Night- Saturday June 22nd @ 1 am SLT


Jump to the left and take a step to the right and lets do the Time Warp at our Rocky Horror Movie Night. The movie will start at 1 am slt on Saturday 22nd June and we will have a Best Rocky Horror Costume Contest, raffle prizes and more. Dammit Janet come on over for a Science Fiction Double Feature with Frank-N-Furter, Riff Raff and the gang.

Come and see June's theme REVUE DES DANSEURS (Dancer's Choice) and what has inspired each ones imagination. This Sunday June 23/2024 @ 1:30pm slt.


As each dance the dance of their vision…have you ever wondered what it is…that gives them meaning? Come and see June's theme REVUE DES DANSEURS (Dancer's Choice) and what has inspired each ones imagination. This Sunday June 23/2024 @ 1:30pm slt. THEME: REVUE DES DANSEURS 🍸 Dress Code: Semi Formal 🍸 Bring Your Friends for a night of sexy fun! 🍸 Doors Open Early! Don't miss out if the sim gets full!