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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Thursday, March 28, 2024

SPOTLIGHT ON STURBRIDGE GROVE- A Wholesome Family Community- Leave your drama at the door- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

If you have spent some time exploring Second Life you will know that it is a grid full of close knit communities and activities that cater to various lifestyles. From Vampires and Furries to Music, Fashion and culture with families that create communities they call home; Sturbridge Grove is an SL community based on the old Sturbridge village in Massachusetts founded in 1738. 

Sturbridge Grove in Second Life is a community where safety and a warm home awaits families and kids of all ages. You will find homes and businesses that create a hometown charm that welcomes all to a wholesome pg-rated roleplay community.

 The SL Enquirer met up with Owner of Sturbridge Grove; Adam Papp Gatier (petenka) to learn more about what makes his community so unique.

Interview with Adam Papp Gatier

Lanai: Hi Adam, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for sharing such a well designed community. I took a tour and was drawn to how organized and detailed it was. Your attention to detail made it easy for me to navigate through the community. Can you share with our readers how you discovered Second life and what led you on your path to creating this unique community based on the real Sturbridge in Massachusetts?

Adam: Thank you, Lanai, it's great to have you back, and thanks for your kind words. My journey into Second Life began many years ago as a quest for creativity and community. Right away, I saw its potential for connection and imaginative roleplay. Inspired by the quaint charm of Massachusetts where I attended Private Boarding School myself, I sought to bring the same sense of hometown warmth into Second Life. Thus, Sturbridge Grove was born - a place where roleplay families can come together and create cherished memories.

I must say, though, the credit for the beautifully detailed community truly belongs to our dedicated team.  I believe that the lasting success of any community is rooted in having a cohesive team of individuals who not only work together but also genuinely care for one another.  Everyone has poured their heart and soul into creating an organized and immersive environment for our residents and visitors.  

Lanai: A strong and dedicated team is key to success and it shows in the beautiful environment you all created.  You mentioned part of your motto is “Leave your drama at the door”. As with many communities on the grid there are some bad apples here and there that can interrupt the peace and harmony of an environment. How do you ensure your SG residents can feel safe and secure in their neighborhoods?

Adam: We've implemented various measures to ensure our residents feel secure in their homes. From a dedicated security presence to community guidelines that promote respect and positivity, we strive to foster a welcoming environment of trust and camaraderie. For this reason, we have a zero-drama policy. It's not worth the rent money or the traffic that certain people might bring. What's more important to us is our residents' well-being, so that they can truly feel safe at home here while fully immersing themselves into the joys of family roleplay.

Lanai:That is a wonderful approach.  At the community center, I browsed through the beautiful homes kiosk. How can SL residents find their perfect dream home at Sturbridge Grove? 

Adam: Like you said, finding a home at Sturbridge Grove can be as easy as a visit to our inworld Community Center where we showcase a diverse range of housing options to match every taste and budget, from spacious family homes to cozy apartments, with a wide range of prim amounts and rental prices. You can also travel with ease in our community by using our bus stop system as well as our train station. 

Lanai: I see that you have a promotion going on now. Can you tell our readers about that?

Adam: Absolutely! As a token of appreciation for choosing our community as their new home, we're offering a special deal to our new residents: Pay one week's rent, and receive an entire month rent-free. It's our little gift to welcome new families and to help kickstart their Sturbridge adventure.

Lanai: That’s a generous deal! From businesses that line some streets and family orientated activities like mini golf, a drive in theater, amusement park and public services like a Police station, recycling center and a church, it looks like you have some great amenities to accommodate families and their role play experience. What type of community events do you host for residents of Sturbridge Grove?

Adam: Our community events are the heartbeat of Sturbridge Grove, bringing residents together for fun and memorable experiences. We offer themed parties and seasonal festivals to community-wide scavenger hunts and talent shows. There's always something exciting happening in the neighborhood. 

Lanai: Sounds like a fun community to be a part of.  Roleplay is a big part of Sturbridge Grove. It seems to be a great way to interact with others in the community aside from the usual club scenes and concerts happening across the grid.  Does everyone in the SG community roleplay a certain role or job?

Adam: While participation in roleplay is encouraged in the community, it's entirely optional. Residents are free to explore their own interests and narratives, whether they choose to embrace a specific role or simply enjoy the vibrant community atmosphere. We're open to the many ways someone might want to find their place or make their mark in Sturbridge Grove.

Lanai: I may have to show up some time and roleplay a reporter lol JK.  For those not too familiar with roleplay family communities, is the community center where residents and visitors can meet and learn more about the various storylines happening in the community? Is there a schedule for certain things to happen?

Adam: Yes, our Community Center serves as a hub for residents and visitors alike to come together, socialize, and immerse themselves in the various stories and experiences that make up Sturbridge Grove. Here, you'll find information boards detailing ongoing storylines, upcoming events, and opportunities to get involved. Additionally, we host regular meet-and-greet sessions and orientation events to welcome newcomers and help them acclimate to life in our community.

Lanai: It sounds like you covered all the bases for a well rounded functioning family role play experience.  It takes a community to create that authentic roleplay feel. What words of advice would you give new residents who move to the neighborhood?

Adam: My advice to new residents is simple: Embrace the spirit of community and let your imagination run wild. Sturbridge Grove is a place where every resident plays a part in shaping the narrative and creating memorable experiences for themselves and others. Don't be afraid to get involved, make connections, and explore the endless possibilities that await you here. Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer or just dipping your toes into the world of family roleplay communities, there's a place for you in Sturbridge Grove.

Lanai: Child avatars carry a stigma in Second Life with some people not understanding it or making wild assumptions. Can you give our readers an insight on how families with children interact in the community?

Adam: Our community values inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all residents, regardless of age or avatar appearance. Child avatars help enrich the roleplay experience when seen exploring the neighborhood, participating in community events, and spending time interacting with their roleplay families and neighbors. I have many rp sons and daughters myself, and they have brought me many years of smiles, laughs, and fun adventure. I wouldn't want it any other way. And really, it's all part of having a truly immersive family experience in Second Life, and one of the main reasons I wanted to open Sturbridge Grove on the KiD GRiD next to Next Generation Adoption Agency where family roleplay is supported and encouraged. 


Lanai: I’ve dabbled in family roleplay myself throughout the years and it does bring a sense of family in a virtual world that you can count on in Second life.  Not only does it take the residents to create the roleplay atmosphere but also businesses help with the various storylines. Are you currently hiring for certain positions and roles within the community?

Adam: Oh, definitely! We're always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our community.  In Sturbridge Grove, it's all about the fun of creative roleplay spilling out into the streets and creating a truly vibrant and active community. Whether it's by being the local baker, town librarian, family photographer, community gardener, waste management supervisor, family counselor, fitness instructor, magazine editor, or the hundreds of other possible roleplay positions, we want people to feel open to create their own memorable stories through whatever unique roles they choose to bring.

Lanai: Thank you for your time, I know you are busy as the “Governor” of this well put together community. I wish you the very best with Sturbridge Grove. 

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers and what’s to come?

Adam: Any time, Lanai. It's been a pleasure chatting with you. What's to come is really up to what people bring. We encourage collaboration, creativity, and active participation with our residents. Their input plays a vital role in shaping the future of Sturbridge Grove. I invite everyone to join us as we all work together to elevate the standard of family roleplay communities in Second Life. Thank you once again, Lanai, for your interest and this opportunity to share about our community. It's much appreciated. 

Additional Information:


Flickr: Sturbridge Grove - Family Community | Flickr 

Facebook: (20+) Sturbridge Grove - Family Community | Facebook


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

RFL's Largest Bike/Car Build off and Show!


Come be a part of SL's Largest Bike & Car Build off, Show and Auction. All proceeds for this event go to aid in the fight against cancer. More information contact: SHINK or Wyld


Tips For Creating A Work Area You Actually Want To Use

 When working from your house, the biggest struggle is getting out of the mindset that you’re at home. It’s so easy to be distracted by all the niggly things to do around the place and the general laid-back atmosphere compared to working from an office that it can impact your ability to get things done as you would otherwise. Yet this doesn’t need to be the case. It’s easier than you might think to cultivate a better working environment from your own home. In this article we explore just how you can do it and what you should do. Keep on reading to find out more and get inspired.

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels: 

Create a dedicated area to work from

The first thing you need when working from home, is a dedicated workspace. If you don’t have a proper space to work, you’ll end up on a sofa or sitting in your dining room surrounded by clutter. None of these are ideal for getting things done and you’ll find you’re not motivated to plough through your task list either. Instead, have a set space which is just for your work, whether this be a desk in your room or a dedicated study. 

Keep your workspace tidy

There are many ways you can keep your workspace tidy and one of the first things you need to do is sort out all your wires. In today’s technologically focused landscape, you’ll have many leads for different devices and these can soon get cluttered. Use plastic enclosures to hide them and keep the space looking neat or just keep electronics out of the way. You can also get things such as pen pots and drawers or an under-desk cabinet to keep papers and other items out of the way. Ensure you tidy your work space at the end of every work day, getting rid of things such as coffee cups and lunch plates so you can start afresh the next day. 

Ensure it looks nice

As well as the above, you want a work area that looks nice. Put some artwork up on the walls, or photos that make you happy. Add in some plants for splashes of colour and try to find a space that has plenty of natural light for you to soak up. Having a space that looks nice and is somewhere you want to spend time in can do wonders for your work ethic! Pinterest has some great inspiration for this that you can check out.

These are just a few things you can do to create a workspace from home that you actually want to use. Instead of just sitting on the sofa with your laptop in front of you, you’re able to put the hours in and then relax once 5pm hits. What are some of your top tips for creating a useful working space? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

Monday, March 25, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Outlander Music Group (OMG!) SpringFest Starting March 26!

Spring is here and Outlander Music Group (OMG!) is celebrating Spring this week with 3 days of SpringFest!  There will be Live DJ's, rides, a MayPole, and lots of flowers and butterflies!  We will celebrate in true OMG! fashion - with an outdoor stage on OMG!Henge Island!  Find a soft spot in the grass, sit down, or stand up and dance! Just enjoy the music!

Here's the schedule!

Tuesday March 26: DJ Savvy - 6pm, DJ Picky - 7pm, DJ Lisa 8pm, DJ Nele 9pm to 11pm

Wednesday March 27: DJ Bloo - 6pm, DJ Soa - 7pm, DJ Rory - 8pm

Thursday March 28: DJ DanaCat - 4pm, DJ Jan  - 5pm, DJ Lau - 6pm, DJ Kelsey - 7pm, DJ Lukas - 8pm

Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 22, 2024



So then, what do the following people all have in common?

  •     Elvis Presley
  •     Neil Young
  •     Bob Marley
  •     Johnny Cash

Well, the answer is obvious, right?

If you guessed they were all born in the month of January, you would have been correct!!!!

Oh yeah…there is also that thing about all of them have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with around 374 other trend-setters in the world of Rock and Roll music.

In SL it is often said that Art Imitates Life, i.e.) SL imitates RL. and now where else on the Grid will you hear a better representation of that particular artistic genre’ than at ROCK STAR.  Considered by many to be the absolute “funnest” (is that a word?) place on the grid, you have GOT to stop by and see what Foxxy Scorpio and her crew are cooking up for your entertainment.

I lucked out the other day and happened upon ROCK STARs Owner and her US General Manager, while she was tweaking some of the decor on her build, and they graciously agreed to speak with me about just what it is that makes ROCK STAR different from all the other club builds out there.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):   So tell me, Foxxy. Where did you get the idea for Rock Star? Is there some history here?

Foxxy Scorpio (FS):   Rock Star came about because my husband and I felt that too many clubs in SL were all about the build and making money, nothing was about the “fun” anymore.

JB:   There are many fun Clubs in SL. What is the Rock Star difference?

FS:   Rock Star is based on 3 things, The People, The Music and The Fun. Without one of these things the other wouldn’t exist

Outlaw Infernum (outlaw64021) OI:  It’s the people. Everybody at Rock Star from the Owners to the VIPs and  everyone in between. We are not cliquish whatsoever. We are family at Rock Star. While other venues may throw around the word "family" We walk the walk and prove it everyday.

JB:      Who do you hope to attract to ROCK STAR and what special group of people might find ROCK STAR  especially appealing?

FS:   We hope everyone finds Rock Star appealing, we welcome everyone, we are an all-forms friendly work place and club. The only thing we ask is that you fit inside the building.

OI:  Who do we hope to attract? That's a very simple answer.....Everyone. Whether you are you’re an average John or Jane or you are a dragon or you are a dinky or furry, wolf, kitsume, or you are a member of the LGBTQ community or BDSM community, It doesn't matter. Now as we are a club that does not censor the music that our DJs play, child avis are not allowed.

JB:    I see a lovely Memorial on the property.  Can you tell me a little about that?

JS:  In front of the school there is a memorial dedicated to our Mentor, friend, and founder of the S&I DJ school, Kieran Broadmoor, he taught the first generation of DJs in SL, then he taught my husband and me how to teach and here we are. When Kieran passed away, he bequeathed me the school and streams, and I promised him I wouldn't let the school die, the clients and students of the school are amazing and wonderful. They helped me through that very dark time for me

JB:      I understand there is special garden area where staff can “let their hair down”, so to speak, and play music of a “different genre”?

FS:   Yes! The Rock Star Ruins. On Sundays we like to dress up and make Sundays special, so we go hang out at our “Sunday Seductive Groove”.  It’s music that’s on the risqué side of romance.

JB:   Tell us about the ROCK STAR Sign, reminiscent of the HOLLYWOOD Sign in California - complete with benches where people can sit and observe a gorgeous sunset.

FS:   The Rock Star sign was built by Nic, it’s an homage to old Hollywood really, the club has been built with The Whiskey  and The Rainbow Room as inspiration

JB:   Could you share some of the other interesting things that visitors and guests can do at ROCK STAR?

FS:   We have lots of photo ops around the place, we also have an ethereal wedding venue.

The Ruins are the most romantic part of Rock Star, we have had a few marriage proposals happen there.

FS:  I also run Foxx Studio Photography, I specialize in head and shoulder portraits, its situated next to Rock Star, the DJ School hub is there as well, where we teach and very soon our streams will be available via a hud on your screen, so people won’t have to physically go somewhere to top up their rentals, the huds will be available for free from this location.

Right next door is my husband’s sound studio, Legato Sound Design, he makes intros, outros and drops for the DJ community, he also creates adverts for the various business s around SL. This has gone in to RL with him being asked to master several RL band’s music.

OI:   There are other places here as well. 

·         New Moon design products  based on the lunar cycle and it can be anything.

·         Totemic Couture has Clothing Designs for the  Discerning Biker or maybe  Biker  with class and much more.

·         The Notable Art Gallery Is free to the public to view and a great place display your art as well.

JB:      What has been your biggest challenge in building ROCK STAR?

FS:   The main challenge has been finding staff who understand what Rock Star is about, People, Music and Fun. We have a saying, "if it’s not fun don't do it" on the wall inside the club. Of course, everyone wants to make a few Ls and, if we do, we are happy, but if we don't, then as long as we had fun, we are still happy. A lot of clubs say they are a family, here we walk that walk and genuinely mean it. No problem is too big or small we all pitch in to help.

JB:   Do you have any plans for future development?

FS:   Yes we do, but they're staying secret for the moment, If I told you now, you wouldn't have an article later in the year :)

JB:   Where can someone learn about the events you host?

FS:   We advertise on the Community Calendar, all over the grid and now with the SLE and a couple of other publications

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

FS:   If you are looking for somewhere you can call your regular hang out, then Rock Star is the place for you, rather like that sitcom Cheers, everyone knows your name here at Rock Star

OI:   The people. Everybody at Rock Star from the Owners to the VIPs and  everyone in between. We are not cliquish whatsoever. We are family at Rock Star. While other venues may throw around the word "family" We walk the walk and prove it every day.




So there you have it, folks.  If you are looking for a quiet evening with 2-hours of elevator music, reminiscent of what you might hear in your dentists office, then KEEP MOVING.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a place where the music will rock you, body, mind and soul, from the top of your head to the marrow in your bones, the ROCK STAR is THE place to be.  Check the place out.  You will be sooooo glad you did.  And when you are there, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

You’ll be glad you did.

Be There!  Aloha!




I was doing my thing the other day…hopping around various regions, just generally chillin and looking for fun places to go.  SL Enquirer provides their writers with a Fun Detector (FD), kinda like a dosimeter, it starts to click, louder and louder, the closer it gets to “fun”.  So I was cruzing around at about 900 meters, when all of a sudden, my FD started lighting up like a Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center.  I had found it, if my instrument was to be trusted.  I have found the Holy Grail of Fun.

I floated down to the dance floor below, not entirely sure what I would find, and I came upon Roxy the Red, and her partner in crime, J I N X Y.  They graciously agreed to pause in their labors and consented to an interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So Tell me.  Where did the idea of Outlander Music Group come from? come from?

Rory the Red (roryredrory) (RR):   We wanted to build a club where everyone was welcome and to pick a name that captured the fun and magic of having a club that our friends could enjoy and come to.  We named the club "Outlander Music Group" - OMG for short.  OMG is one of Jinx and my favorite words.  If you would search any exchange between us - you'll find "OMG" at least several times! 

The word "Outlander" means a lot to me in many different ways.  I am Scottish-American and I'm a big fan of the show Outlander.  I love the historic imagery of Scotland and of the Stones and dancing. But I didn't want to base the club only on the show - but the theme of being an "Outlander".  We are all Outlanders in this crazy world that is SecondLife, and making it our own.   

JB:       Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each person play?

RR:   Jinxy and I put the club together.  Jinxy did the build and design and I added a few decorations here and there. Jinxy always amazes me with her builds and creativity!!  My girl got skillz!!!  For me, the Outlander theme means Outsiders coming together in a place where no one is an outsider.  So, the imagery includes a Scottish landscape, Runes, and Kansas / Wizard of Oz.  I am from Kansas and who else is the ultimate outlander other than Dorothy from Kansas when she visits Oz!   We're not in Kansas anymore....

Also, Outlander wouldn’t be able to run without the incredible work, spirit, and fun brought by Paula Williams and Tiffany Williams!!  Paula and Tiffany are sisters and are our managers for the club!!  They are here on Thursday nights and always keep us laughing and smiling during the sets!!

JX:   Rory has excellent management and ability to get people together and extract their talents... So, she is a natural at doing all the organization. I spend my time now and then building for the club

JB:       Excuse me, but…is that an Elephant there?  Can we talk about the elephant in the room?  What is THAT all about?

RR:   That's Ellie our resident elephant!  She prefers to be addressed as "Ellie" or "Ms. Ellie".  She gets offended if she is ignored when people enter the room.  Just go ahead and address her right away and everything will be fine :-) 

JX:   It is as you say, "let’s talk about the elephant in the room" Thats Rory’s sense of humor. She could carry on a conversation about anything. Let’s start with the elephant in the room, shall we?

JB:       I understand you have regular shows on Tuesday and Thursdays?  What type of music is played there?

RR:   Our dj's are all amazing and play a mix of dance music including EDM, House, Progressive, Funkie House, and more!!!  We leave it up to the dj's to choose the genre they play each week.  Nothing sounds better than "DJ's Choice" :-)

I love the dj's that play here!!! Our line-up on Tuesday starts at 5pm, and includes DJ Sia, Dj Savvy, DJ Picky, DJ Lisa Rose, and DJ Nele!

Our line-up on Thursday starts at 4pm, and includes DJ DanaCat, DJ Jan X, DJ Lau, DJ Kelsey, DJ Nell, and DJ Lukas!

JX:   We supply a pleasant fun atmosphere with some of SLs top DJs.  Each DJ plays whatever they like. Rory and I do now and then add a DJ we like to the lineup. Most of them are Rory’s connections

JB:       Sooooo…What kind of music will you feature and what kind of guest would enjoy OMG the most?

RR:   Our goal is to provide a wide mix of music and dj's! You'll hear different music every week!  Anyone who loves to hear and experience Live DJ's with others in a relaxed, friendly environment will enjoy their time here!!!

JB:       Tell us about some of the different areas on the property?

RR:   The property is a series of islands in a Scottish Lake surrounded by the Highlands!  All SL-style :-)  The areas include the OMG! Club, the OMG! Float-In Movie Theater, and the OMGHenge island, home to this year's "OMG! SpringFest" on March 26, 27, and 28th  We recently added the "Float-in Movie Theater" which shows some of our favorite movies!  All of the seating is around or in the pool!  Sometimes Jinxy and I will have a "pop up" movie event and send a notice to our OMG! group!  OMGHenge Island includes Stonehenge-like ruins on top of a green grassy island!  All 3 islands are connected and can be accessed by walking!

JX:   We seem to come up with new areas every few months. So currently we have the main club and just finishing "Spring Fest" we call it. At the end of March, we will be gathering together there Tues, Wed, and Thurs regularly. Then we also have the movie theater, with a swim pool and screen we show movies on

JB:       Just who is this “Outlander Annie” that I have heard so much about?

RR:   Annie is our resident mermaid! You can usually find her in the aquarium at the front of the OMG! Club, but she also likes to spend time in the lake! She is a veteran of SecondLife clubs, and has been with me at every club I have owned or managed.  She can be a handful, and can at times be outspoken, at times be quiet.  She is a very moody mermaid!  We love her and glad she makes OMG! her home!

JX:   she is a mystery to even me. I know she has a front row seat behind the stage, so she sees EVERTHING that goes on in the club 24/7. What happens after that “Stays in the Club”

JB:       I understand you are hosting a “SpringFest”.  Tell our readers about that, if you will?

RR:   We are celebrating the beginning of Spring with a "SpringFest" March 26, 27, and 28th!  We will have an outdoor festival on our "OMGHenge Island" with Spring grass and flowers, rides, and an awesome outdoor stage with your favorite DJ's!!!! We are usually open on Tuesdays and Thursdays,  however, will be open Wednesday that week for a special SpringFest line-up including DJ Bloo, DJ Soa, and DJ Pandora!!!  Happy Spring!!!

JX:   SpringFest comes from the mind off Rory. She is always coming up with something FUN and SpringFest is all about that. You will have to come and see for yourself

JB:       Do you have any plans for future development?

RR:   We love celebrating the various seasons and holidays and plan to have some themed events in the future related to Summer, Halloween, Christmas and others!  So please check back for future announcements from OMG!  You can always check our schedule at!

JX:   We plan on adding more DJs and adding more days the club will be open. We have a surprise for SL dancers coming in the summer. Stay tuned to see.

JB:       Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

JX:   Your readers are our dancers. We listen to what you say and do our best to make OMG O M G!! Providing the best in music and in a fun atmosphere

RR:   Support Live DJ's and Live Music on SL, whether it's at our club, another club, or through live events!  Music brings us together and is the reason I joined SL - to hear the bands and dj's that are here!




Thursday, March 21, 2024

RFL Art Show & Auction March 20th- March 24th


Seekers of Hope would like to invite you to join us for the Art Show and Auction featuring art and special photos from Second Life's Artists and Photographers, to benefit Relay For Life of Second Life. All displayed artwork will be up for silent auction during the event. Works will be open for bidding from March 20th at noon slt until March 24th. Bids close on Sunday, March 24 at 1pm slt. All winning bids will be paid to a Relay For Life kiosk. A Gala reception will be held Saturday, March 23rd, 12 noon to 2pm slt in honor of the artists participating in this event. Gala entertainment schedule:

12pm Roxy Chronotis

1pm Mysteriously Mae All proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society.

Please visit for more information. Website - Facebook - Flickr - If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sandie Slate (Sandie Loxingly). Event SLurl:

5 Transformative Tips for Elevating Your Kitchen and Dining Area

5 Transformative Tips for Elevating Your Kitchen and Dining Area

Your kitchen and dining area are the heartbeat of your home, where people come together and delicious meals are shared. Whether you're a passionate cook or simply crave a stylish and functional space, elevating these areas can transform your living experience. In this article, we'll explore transformative tips to breathe new life into your kitchen and dining area, creating an inviting and harmonious environment that reflects your unique style and needs.

  1. Embrace Open Plan Living

One of the most impactful ways to elevate your kitchen and dining area is to embrace an open-plan layout. By removing walls and barriers, you create a seamless flow between the spaces, encouraging natural conversation and enabling you to entertain guests while cooking. This modern approach not only maximises the available space but also creates a sense of togetherness, making your home feel more spacious and inviting.

  1. Flooring: The Foundation of Style

Your flooring choice sets the tone for the entire space, and selecting the best material can elevate your kitchen and dining area to new heights. Hardwood floors exude warmth and timeless elegance, while tile options offer durability and easy maintenance. For a feeling of luxury, consider investing in a Dinesen flooring installer to bring the beauty of Danish craftsmanship to your home. Their high-quality hardwood floors not only add value to your property but also create a stunning visual impact that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

  1. Lighting: Illuminate Your Culinary Canvas

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the desired ambience in your kitchen and dining area. Strategic placement of task lighting over work surfaces ensures optimal visibility for meal preparation, while ambient lighting sets the mood for intimate dinners or lively gatherings. Consider incorporating dimmable fixtures to adjust the atmosphere according to your needs. Additionally, statement lighting fixtures, such as a stunning chandelier or pendant lights over the dining table, can add a touch of elegance and become a focal point in the space.

  1. Cabinetry and Storage Solutions

Functional and stylish cabinetry is essential in a well-designed kitchen. Invest in high-quality cabinets that not only provide ample storage but also complement the overall aesthetic of your space. Opt for sleek, handleless designs for a modern look or embrace the warmth of shaker-style cabinets for a more traditional feel. Additionally, consider incorporating clever storage solutions, such as pull-out pantries, spice racks, and corner cabinets, to maximize every inch of your kitchen.

  1. Embrace Colour and Texture

Colour and texture can transform a mundane space into a vibrant and inviting haven. Incorporate pops of colour through accent walls, backsplash tiles, or even vibrant appliances. Alternatively, embrace neutral tones and introduce texture through natural materials like wood, stone, or textured wallcoverings. Don't be afraid to mix and match different textures and patterns, creating depth and visual interest in your kitchen and dining area.

Elevating your kitchen and dining area is an investment in your home's overall atmosphere and functionality. By trying these tips, you can produce a space that not only meets your day-to-day needs but also mirrors your personal style and taste.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 Instructions For the SLE Easter Egg Contest!

1.    Choose from the mesh or prim template in your decorating kit and rename the floating text with your name.  (Edit egg, go to contents, open script, apply name in “ Your Name here”)

2.    Begin decorating your egg. You may add prims to your design. Up to 10 linked prims maximum.

3.    When you are done decorating your egg. Rename your Egg “ SLE Easter Egg- “Your Name”  and Submit to Lanai Jarrico for placement in the contest by March 30th and ask all your friends to come vote for you!


·       1st Place- A  Spotlight Feature and one month of advertising on The SL Enquirer website or cash prize of 1000L.

·       2nd Place-1 Month Advertising With The SL Enquirer! or 500L cash Prize 

·       3rd Place- Press Release Post (a L$300 value Redeemable for cash for L$ 100)


Use one of the Easter egg template provided only- Permissions: YES modify,  NO copy,  YES transfer


•    No Mega prims/Mesh ok

•    10  prim limit 

•    1 entry per person/couple

•    Must be PG as per Community Standard Guidelines

•    No changing original egg template size


   logo advertising


   note cards


  touch/ giver script

You can See Previous Contest Entries at the media Center for reference!

All entries will be displayed at the media Center with a voting board.  Teleport your friends to vote for you! Voting will be open to the public once entries are in!


Contest Ends April 20th 2024.

Good Luck and Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

How Different Kinds of Events Can Benefit the Community

Events are not just about entertainment; they can be powerful tools for positive change within communities. From charity fundraisers to awareness campaigns and product launches, various events serve as catalysts for social impact. Let's explore how each type of event contributes to the betterment of society and how you can organize them effectively.

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A charity event

Charity events are gatherings organized to raise funds for a specific cause or organization. These events often incorporate fun activities or entertainment to attract participants and maximize fundraising efforts. For instance, the Charity Cornhole Tournament is using a cornhole game as a way to raise funds to support a specialized living residence for young adults with IDDS (intellectual and developmental disabilities). 

While financial support is the primary goal, charity events also foster community spirit and promote altruism. To throw a successful charity event, focus on creating engaging experiences for attendees, such as auctions, raffles, or live performances. Remember to highlight the cause and make it easy for people to contribute.

An awareness event

Awareness events aim to educate the public about important issues or causes, ranging from health concerns to social justice issues. These events typically feature informative content such as speeches, presentations, and Q&A sessions. Social activities may also be included to engage attendees and encourage dialogue. For instance, the “No More” event designed to raise awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault, sponsored by the Metal Riders MC Biker Social Club, included entertainment but also prizes and social activities, encouraging participants to engage with each other. 

Awareness events play a crucial role in sparking conversations, challenging perceptions, and inspiring action within communities. To host a successful awareness event, prioritize impactful speakers, interactive discussions, and opportunities for networking.

A launch event

Launch events celebrate the introduction of a new product, service, or business to the market. These events often include giveaways, discounts, and refreshments to attract attendees and generate buzz. Additionally, social media coverage helps amplify the reach and impact of the launch. Launch events provide an opportunity for businesses to showcase their offerings, build brand awareness, and connect with potential customers. To make your launch event stand out, focus on creating a memorable experience for guests, such as product demonstrations, exclusive previews, and interactive activities.

A cultural event

Cultural events celebrate diversity through art, music, and traditions, fostering understanding and appreciation within communities. They provide platforms for marginalized groups to share their stories and preserve their heritage while promoting inclusivity. 

By showcasing local talent and cultural contributions, these events stimulate economic growth and support creative industries. To organize a successful cultural event, collaboration with diverse stakeholders is essential to ensure representation and engagement. Through cultural exchange and dialogue, attendees gain new perspectives and develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures, contributing to social cohesion and a more inclusive society.

In conclusion, events play a vital role in fostering community engagement, raising awareness, and driving positive change. Whether it's supporting a charitable cause, advocating for important issues, or promoting innovation, events provide platforms for collaboration, education, and inspiration. By organizing and participating in events, individuals and businesses can contribute to the betterment of society and create lasting impact.

If you have an event idea in mind or are looking to sponsor a community initiative, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make a difference and create meaningful experiences that benefit us all.