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Friday, February 16, 2024

AN ENCORE OF FILM NOIR BURLESQUE Join us Sunday Feb 18,2024 1:30pm slt


Remember the good ole days when films were black and white and everyone looked so attractive? Well EROTIQUE BURLESQUE is bringing the sexy *FILM NOIR* TO LIFE! Join us Sunday Feb 18,2024 1:30pmslt. for our encore show of an unforgettable mysterious experience in black and white with a dash of colour.

Do you need more silk in your wardrobe?


Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Silk has long been a material associated with luxury. It has many practical benefits, which can make it a great choice of material in many situations. Below are a few reasons to incorporate more silk into your wardrobe.

Silk adapts to the temperature

Silk has unique properties that allow it to stay cool in hot weather while also trapping heat in cold weather. This makes silk as useful a material for a summer dress as it is for a winter scarf. Silk shirts can meanwhile be worn all year round, helping you to regulate your temperature in the heat and cold. Check out this Esquire guide to silk shirts to compare some of the best options.

Silk promotes better sleep

A lot of nightwear uses silk because a) it’s breathable, and b) it’s super soft. This can help to promote a much more comfortable sleep by reducing sweating and making you feel more snug. If you get uncomfortable at night, consider getting yourself some silk pyjamas or treat yourself to something more luxurious such a Natori chemise

Silk is great for sensitive skin

If you have eczema or acne, you could find that materials like cotton rub more and irritate your skin. Silk is much more tightly woven and does not create the same friction, making it a better choice of material for those with sensitive skin. If you currently wear cotton clothing or synthetic fibres, consider switching to silk shirts and other silk clothing items and see if it makes a difference.

Silk is hypoallergenic

Allergen substances like mould, dust mites and pollen cannot penetrate silk. This makes it a much more suitable material for those with allergies than many other fabrics. Hypoallergenic bedding such as bedsheets and pillowcases often use silk. Combining this with silk nightwear could potentially help to reduce allergic reactions if you suffer from allergies at night. Some people can be allergic to silk, but this is fortunately very rare. 

Silk is incredibly robust

You may have heard before that silk is stronger than steel. This has some truth to it - while silk strands are thinner than human hairs, they have more tensile strength than steel, which makes silk clothing very hard-wearing and long-lasting compared to fabrics like cotton. Silk can still tear, but usually this is because fibres come apart rather than fibres snapping.  The downside to silk is that it can stain easily and these stains are hard to remove, so you may not want to wear it in messy environments. 

Silk is biodegradable and recyclable

Those who care about sustainable fashion may be interested to know that untreated silk is also completely biodegradable, unlike many of today’s synthetic materials. Silk can also be recycled - individually fibres can be taken apart and woven into new clothing. It is worth noting that silk is not vegan as it is made by silkworms and many of them are unfortunately killed in the process. Some silk is harvested in a more ethical way, which may be something to look into if you are concerned about how it is made.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

INTERVIEW WITH CUPID 2024 Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Last year’s Cupid managed to pull off a flawless Valentine’s Day, connecting couples and helping aid the population growth on the grid. It wasn’t from any *clears throat* threats or anything. However, once his assignment was done I heard “Bob” collected his payout, changed his identity and hopped on a plane to an undisclosed location never to be heard from again. Typical of a dead beat prim baby daddy.

 Once again, I had to find another Valentine’s Day mascot to fill his speedos and wings and made sure this one was a sharp shooter. (so I thought) I went back to the only place known to have a high volume of holiday Mascots in attendance;  An AA Meeting (Avatars Anonymous).

 It didn’t take long to spot the perfect one for the Job. Meet Alejandro, this year’s Cupid…

Lanai: Hi Alejandro, thank you for willingly accepting the position to take on the very important task of Cupid. Not every day can you shoot someone with an arrow and it's totally legal, in fact welcomed by lonely souls seeking Love on Valentine’s Day.

Alejandro: Lanai, thank you for the job offer. I have been searching for one in Second life with no real luck since getting out of rehab. It seems the only jobs available these days, aside from escorting and stripping, are club host and the occasional fluffer for adult machinima. They definitely don’t pay enough for those short films.

Lanai: I wouldn't know… but with a name like Alejandro, you seem to fit the criteria I am looking for to fill the position for Cupid 2024. Can I ask who your hairstylist is cause maaan, you are rockin those waves!

Alejandro: Oh thank you, *flips hair*.  His name is Glitter Fancypants, would you like his number? So… when would you like me to start?

Lanai: Nah, I’m OK thank you. First things first, you need an authentic Cupid Uniform. This year let's add a little spice to the mix. According to my comment box, a lot of avatars are looking more for flings rather than long term commitments. Swinging and swapping seem to be the new craze so what I would like you to do is recruit associates to assist you in matchmaking. Kinda like a Love Coaching Squad!

Alejandro:  Interesting… I guess I can recruit some of my ex-fluffer co-workers to assist, They have been looking for supplemental income. We’ve all been squatting together in an abandoned free linden home and it’s getting kinda tight.

Lanai: I’m all for helping avies climb out of SL poverty if they are able to maintain a job.  I have only one concern about your roommates. They are not allowed to use arrows on themselves. Word on the street is some fluffers have addiction problems and I’m not going to supply and contribute to it. You included.

Alejandro: I understand.. Never get high on your own supply. The greatest rapper ever; Big Poppa coined that phrase in 10 Crack commandments.

Lanai: I love Big Poppa. He certainly was a lyrical genius. Rest his soul.

Alejandro: Yea so, once I gather my crew, What would you like us to do first?

Lanai: Take showers and maybe make an appointment with Glitter and I will supply the uniforms. *hands him some money to pay his utility bills to ensure he has hot water*

Alejandro: You are too kind Ms Jarrico. We will not disappoint!

Lanai: Come see me in a week for your uniform fittings and from there I will interview your squad and possibly assign you all different regions to help the lonely souls of SL find Love.

Alejandro: See you soon you earth angel!

Lanai: I’ve been called many things, but that’s a first!  *smirks as she watches him prance off filled with joy*


Alejandro: Lanai! I’d like to introduce you to the new Cupid Crew!  ChizelChest, CherryPie, ChocolateStar and Steve!

Lanai: Quite the batch of superhero rejects you brought back to me. Excuse me my filter doesn’t seem to be working….What is this? *sighs*, we have A LOT of work to do… Please follow me….

*hears whispers from the crew as they follow along*

Lanai: OK, as you all know you were….hand picked *rolls eyes* by Cupid *stares him down all disappointed*.... To assist with spreading Love across the grid and bringing avies together. Let me start by asking each of you what you feel you are bringing to the table for Valentine’s day?

Chisel Chest: *hesitates for a moment* Ms Jarrico, I just have to say I’m a big fan! I have followed your articles for years and I have to say… you are just the most amazing, talented beauty I have ever seen. What I’d like to bring to the table are these amazing pecs. *bounces them as a demonstration*

Lanai: Good lord. *turns her attention to CherryPie*

CherryPie:  Hi Ms Jarrico, unlike ChiselChest over here trying to impress you with that unique ability, let me show you what I can do. *gets down on the ground and twists her body into a pretzel. *struggles to speak* Being flexible is a major turn on and I’m here to teach the ladies how to attract a man *gasps for air*

Lanai: Ummm. Are you ok? Alejandro, can you please help her up?

Alejandro: *struggles to untwist her*

Lanai: for crying out loud you two look like you are playing geriatric twister… just… twist her arm back and move her leg the other way…. Omg you know what…. * SMH* What a disaster this is going to be….*looks at Steve* Please tell me you aren’t in the circus…

Steve: No mame.

Lanai: mame?

Steve: *clears throat* Ms Jarrico.

Lanai: *smiles and nods* So Steve, what is it YOU are bringing to the table?

Steve: I’m sure you are going to do  background checks, so I just wanted to put it out there so there are no surprises….. I was arrested at the Crack Den in 05’ for attempting to solicit a static prostitute. When she didn’t respond to my advances we got into a fistfight with me getting arrested for damaging an unmanned Alt and causing the failing venue to deteriorate even more. Since then, I’ve learned my lesson and I’m now visiting spiritual sims to redeem myself.

Lanai: I knew there was a reason you have a mustache like that!  Is there not one normal person in this room? Steve, I just don’t even have the words to respond to that and I’ve heard a whole lot of crazy ass stories throughout my SLife. Beating up a mannequin has got to be the lowest of the low on the totem pole of stupidity. What exactly are you bringing to the table?

Steve: *runs off crying*

Lanai: *looks at Chocolate Star*

ChocolateStar: * Twirls her hair while chewing gum and snapping selfies*

Lanai: ANYWAY….What a p****y… Alejandro, I’m so disappointed. Are you trying to sabotage Valentine’s Day or is this really the best you can do? You know what? You are all fired! I’m taking on the role of Cupid myself.

Alejandro: But Ms Jarrico….. In the history of Valentine’s Day… There has never been a female Cupid. Are you sure you want to do this?

Lanai: If you don’t get your ass out of here right now… I’m calling Josh.

 Alejandro: Say no more… *gets out in a hurry and take his clown crew with him*

Sorry SLE fans, I tried. I’m not sure I can bring anything to the table as a female Cupid. However, the best I can do is tell you all to find that perfect Valentine on your own and do with them what you want. Keep 'em, love em,  pop out some mesh babies, have a one night stand,  a throuple or do whatever it is you want to do on Valentine’s Day. Just don't go looking for love at an AA meeting.  Be happy, smile and enjoy the day. If you don’t hear the words “I love you….” Then the people around you are missing out on the amazing person you are. Love yourself and cherish it.

Happy Valentine’s day.


Monday, February 12, 2024

Venues that rock! - 5 great places to rock & roll on the grid- Hazel Silvermoon- Reporting


There are so many amazing ways to let loose in Second Life and each of us have our favorite go-to locations. For many of us, music venues are a large part of our virtual  existence.. This week, I went out in search of some of the best rock and roll venues on the grid, and wow, did I have a great time! 

(Image Name- The River)

The River

My first stop was The River.  It is an amazing open venue, with a unique guitar decor. The venue is outdoors, and has an absolutely beautiful view of the surrounding landscape. The DJ and Host were both exceptionally warm and welcoming. They played a variety of tunes and it was an all-around pleasant experience.  The crowd was kind and accepting , and everyone was having a great time! They also have many boards around to inform you of upcoming events!

The River:

Sanctuary Rocks

Sanctuary Rocks was one of my favorite places I discovered on my journey. The club features a gothic cathedral vibe and has a very positive atmosphere. The crowd here was very energetic and ready to party! The DJ played a variety of hard rock and metal music and it was very easy to strike up a conversation with those around me. There were also plenty of dance options for both singles and couples. 

Sanctuary Rocks:

Ohana Rock Club-

Ohana Rock Club has a very lively atmosphere and is set on an open waterfront with an island feel. I was lucky enough to experience going on Superbowl Sunday. The club was made into a giant football field to fit the event, and the party was huge! The crowd was pumped, and the music was amazing. They played a variety of modern rock hits, and welcomed any requests that fit the genre. Everyone had a really upbeat attitude, and it really makes you want to return for more!

Ohana Rock Club:

Wet Willies Rock Club

Boasting 15 years on the grid, Wet Willies is a rock club with charm. Both the DJ and host greeted me before I had even entered the club. They displayed a mixture of expertise and professionalism , while still maintaining a kindness that makes you feel like family. The music was a variety of today’s rock hits, and some of past decades as well. I had a great time dancing along with the crowd. Wet Willies is an amazing venue to relax and hear some of your favorite music!

Wet Willies Rock Club:

TuttiFrutti Rock’N Roll Club

If you are looking for a blast from the past, TuttiFrutti Rock’N Roll club has just the thing. Featuring amazing retro 50-60’s style decor, it is sure to make you feel nostalgic. They play a variety of music from past decades, which makes this venue both interesting and different. It is a very welcoming place with some of the coolest decorations in Second life. If you are looking for a wonderful place to spend the evening, TuttiFruitti is for you!!

TuttiFrutti Rock’N Roll Club:

No matter which of these venues you choose, you are sure to be delighted. While each place had its own unique feel, they all had one thing in common: music brings us all together.



SCARLET'S PRESENTS MARDI GRAS 24 1PM Winter, unlike the season, brings warmth, passion, and a vibrant personality full of humor to SL's live music environment and Scarlet's. Acoustic Rock, Hard Rock and more. 2PM FRANK (SINGERDONFRANKO) is An experienced (live and studio), well-trained singer of Swing, Jazz, RnB, Country, Rock/Pop, Musical,.... A singer/songwriter with many songs, also inspired by Second Life experiences and stories. Songs that bridge the gap between the virtual and the real world. 3PM AGATHA is not only an exceptionally talented singer, blessed with a beautiful voice and incredible range, she is also hysterically funny and down to earth. 4-6PM PARTY MUSIC STREAMED BY SCARLET 6PM AARON CABOTT JONES SL AND RL PERFORMER, SINGER AND SONGWRITER OF MANY GENRES OF MUSIC, HIS SHOWS ARE FILLED WITH FANTASTIC COVERS FROM PETTY TO SPRINGSTEEN COLD PLAY AND MORE.. 7PM JAK An accomplished writer, arranger, guitarist, & vocalist, Jak's solo show includes an interesting mix of acoustic & electric guitar, often played to his homegrown 'Groot' tracks that create the backing of a percussionist all the way to a full band. 8PM NOMA FALTA is a POWERFUL, passionate, performer in the Music scene of Secondlife. A vocalist, bass player, and guitar player. Genres are Blues, rock, soul, pop, and jazz influenced tunes. 9PM MAVENN The depth of Mavenn's character and musical insight is displayed with every song. Every lyric finds Mavenn contributing her emotionally deep meaning. Her interpretations are heartfelt and authentic; she owns every emotion and melodic nuance, regardless of the composer. ALL AT THE MARDI GRAS PARTY VENUE ADULT RATED SIM "BRA'S OPTIONAL FOR THIS PARTY ATTIRE: MARDI GRAS OR CASUAL ADULT FREE BEADS

Sunday, February 11, 2024


Introducing The Shelter Club: Your Ultimate Destination for Music, Fun, and Thrills! 

Step into a world of electrifying beats and unparalleled excitement at The Shelter Club - the trendiest hotspot on the grid! Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience where music, ambiance, and community unite to create magic!

🎵 Dive into the rhythm of our funky, steampunk-inspired vibes, meticulously crafted to ignite your senses and transport you to a realm of pure euphoria!

🎵 With an eclectic mix of tunes handpicked by our stellar DJs from across the globe, every moment at The Shelter Club promises to be an exhilarating journey through sonic wonderlands!

🎵 Strut your style on the dance floor with the hottest moves from Paragon, Sync’D Motion, and Intan, and unleash your inner superstar!

🎵 But wait, the fun doesn't end there! Indulge in a plethora of thrilling games including Hand and Foot, Greedy Greedy, Cheesy, Blitz, Cards Against Humanity, and Trivia, guaranteed to keep your adrenaline pumping all night long!

🎵️ Glide into excitement at our roller skating rink or putt your way to victory at our mini-golf course, right beneath the club! The adventure never stops at The Shelter Club!

🎵 Get ready for themed extravaganzas and movie nights that will leave you wanting more, as we redefine entertainment in virtual reality!

🎵 Join our vibrant in-world group, hop into our Discord server, and connect with our Facebook community to stay updated on all the latest happenings and exclusive events!

Don't miss out on the thrills and spills at the coolest club on the grid! Come join us at The Shelter Club and let the music carry you away to a world of endless fun and excitement! We can't wait to welcome you into our ever-growing family!

📍 In-World Location:

💬 Discord:

📘 Facebook Group:


A shadow was cast on Second Life on February 1st as we learned the great Frolic Mills, an icon and a legend in our fashion community, was no longer with us.

Frolic, Frolito for his friends, leaves a big void behind him. Therefore to celebrate his memory, Hyaecinte has collected the memories and thoughts of five people who were lucky enough to be part of the circle of friends of this larger-than-life character.

Ponchituti Boucher

''I am about to write the post that I would never have wanted to write, not in SL and even less in RL.
It is with great regret, disbelief, pain and endless tears that I announce the death of our beloved Frolic Mills (Juan Cristobal).
For most of you, he was the creator of the modeling industry in Second Life, he was the promoter of designers, builders, the creator of Top Models. No one has or will have his keen eye to see raw talent. He was also the creator of the contests in SL as we know it today. Founder of what was at the time the largest corporation in the world of fashion BOSL. HE WAS the industry. He was a living legend. Frolic was a King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold.

But for me, Juan Cristobal was my brother, we loved each other and we fought like only brothers do. But not only was he my soul brother, Frolic was my teacher, my mentor. Everything I know about the fashion world and modeling in Second Life was taught to me by him.
Diana Balhaus, Lali Arbizu and I are devastated because we were his "Frolic's Witches" which is the name he gave to the WhatsApp group created for the four of us and where we laughed our hearts out at his witticisms. Some timer, We were the three musketeers and of course he was D'artagnan, some times, We were Charlie's Angels. Always together in life's adventures
We will always remember him for his jovial, sincere and entrepreneurial way of being. He shared his love of art, music, and fashion, and was never afraid to do new and different things.''

Lali Arbizu

''I was lucky to be friends with Frolic in both lives... In SL he was my mentor, my first critic, our companion for long conversations sitting on his yacht or on the terrace of any of his houses, partner in crime when it came to organize surprise parties, our boss at his wedding venue and many other shared adventures...

We lived in the same city... I loved eating and cooking... we shared long lunches in trendy places in Caracas....

Frolic loved little birds... He had some canaries that sang so much and so loudly that they often interrupted our Skype conversations... Frolic was an art lover, a lover of beautiful things, he was fascinated by fashion, by music... and by Thimotee Chalemet :)))

I'm going to miss you so much Frolito... They are celebrating in heaven... many friends there to receive the best of SL!''

Avalon Chrome

"Frolic was a very special person and I will never forget how he supported me as a model, designer, and as the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR. I’d always admired him from afar as an icon in the SL fashion industry, never believing I’d ever actually get to meet him. So when I had the honour of walking with him on the runway (and then clumsily lag-walking right into him - which we later laughed about) or custom-designing clothes for him to wear, it was a dream come true.

He had a way of making me feel seen and appreciated and I loved him for that. Thank you Frolic, for your unsurpassed contribution to the SL fashion world and for being a loyal friend to LUXE Paris.  

Rest in peace, my dear friend. Un beso de despedida con amor. "

Parisian Skytower

Frolic Mills was always a larger-than-life personality to me. Until we met in 2009, his presence intimidated me, but as we collaborated, I got to know him better. In 2011, he was putting together a BOSL fashion show for the real-life brand Shan Beachwear, which Mika Palmyra and I represented in Second Life. 

Frolic was never afraid to try new things and did not care what others thought because he was true to himself. So, for BOSL Fashion Week, he thought it would be cool to have the models walk the runway wearing Shan Beachwear in the actual ocean! I had not realized it until he told the story at the 2019 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR judge's brunch. I remembered something like a wave or water effect passing through the fashion show and... crashing my PC! When I logged back in, everything was fine, so I attributed the problem to my (old) computer and continued watching the show. I had never given it much thought until he told the story 10 years later. He tried the wave effect and it did not work. It was then that I came to realize what an innovator he was! 

He is a true pioneer who always pushed the envelope and pursues his vision. This world would be stagnant and boring if you did not try new things for fear of what others might say or think. Nobody in this world knows everything or is perfect, and those successes and failures are exactly what propel the world forward.

Frolic Mills was always very kind to Mika, Avalon, and myself.  He was a team player and had a wonderful sense of humor. We are heartbroken that he is no longer with us, but he will always be in our thoughts. 

We will never forget you, FRO! 
Remember your DVC code because it will be difficult to hear your cues from up there. LOL

Frolic and Lanai ,2012


Kinetics Dance Presents their February Matinee: A Spectacular Fusion of Artistry and Motion

Date: Sunday, February 11th, Time: 9:00 AM SLT Location: [ Kinetics Dance]

[Fantasies Island, February 11th, 2024] – Kinetics Dance, a premier virtual dance troupe, is thrilled to announce its February Dance Matinee, scheduled for this Sunday, February 11th, at 9:00 AM SLT (Second Life Time). This event promises to captivate audiences with a mesmerizing blend of creativity, talent, and innovation, all showcased within the vibrant virtual realm of Second Life. About the Kinetics Dance Matinee The Kinetics Dance Matinee promises a delightful day of artistic expression and boundless creativity. This unique event will feature captivating dance performances choreographed by the talented members of Kinetics Dance. Audiences can expect a seamless fusion of various dance styles, innovative choreography, and stunning visual effects that will transport them into a world where movement becomes an art form. Why Attend the Kinetics Dance Matinee? Kinetics Dance Matinee is not just a performance; it’s an immersive experience. Attendees can look forward to: Incredible Performances: Witness the grace and skill of Kinetics Dance members as they bring their carefully crafted routines to life. Interactive Environment: Engage with the performers and fellow audience members in real-time, fostering a sense of community and shared appreciation for the arts. Visual Spectacle: Experience a visually stunning performance with state-of-the-art effects and intricately designed virtual sets, enhancing the overall sensory experience. Supporting the Arts: By attending the Kinetics Dance Matinee, attendees directly contribute to the thriving virtual arts community, empowering artists to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity. How to Attend Participation in the Kinetics Dance Matinee is open to all adult residents of Second Life. To join this extraordinary event, simply log in to Second Life, visit the designated venue, and prepare to be enthralled by the magic of virtual dance. About Kinetics Dance Kinetics Dance is a dynamic and innovative virtual dance troupe that pushes the boundaries of what is possible within the realm of virtual performance arts. Comprising exceptionally talented dancers and choreographers, Kinetics Dance is dedicated to creating visually stunning and emotionally resonant dance performances that leave audiences in a