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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Friday, January 5, 2024

Mystory Roleplay! 3 awesome places to visit for an immersive experience- Hazel Silvermoon Reporting.


 As we all know, Second Life is an amazing world where we can experience virtually anything we desire. In the last few years, it has become a lot more realistic. We can have babies, dance in beautifully designed clubs, and even simulate our real life needs with RP Systems. One of the best RP systems I have found is Mystory.

Mystory has made my Second life not only more immersive, but it also gives me a sense of realism. With the detailed HUD system, Mystory allows you to track daily needs such as: Hunger, Thirst, Hygiene and more. To track each need, you must roleplay to fulfill them. You must eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, and even use the restroom! This has led to some amazing opportunities for creators in Second Life to build some awesome and immersive places to roleplay, as well as make their own products to sell. I am going to take you along on a journey to 3 of my favorites!

G Corner Mart
G Corner Mart is an incredibly detailed grocery store and bakery. It offers a variety of Goods and services such as: fresh baked pies and cakes, meats, fruits and veggies, and even a variety of drinks! You can purchase these items as if you were in a real store, which makes the experience amazing. You can even push a shopping cart and have a bag for your groceries. Located upstairs is a restaurant to eat in as well.

G Corner Mart-


Redwood Gym-Redwood Estates
Getting healthy is an essential part of every lifestyle. It does not matter if it is real or virtual, a healthy body means a healthy mind. Redwood gym offers just that. Participate in a variety of activities such as: yoga, running on the treadmill, punching bags, and more! Redwood gym gives us a great way to relax, refocus, and fill those stat bars!

Redwood Gym-

The Flamingo Café

There is nothing quite as cozy as walking into a little café and having lunch with a close friend. The Flamingo Café is a colorful addition to your roleplay experience! You can purchase a large variety of cakes, snacks, drinks, and lunch items. The selection is outstanding, and anyone can find a meal to suit their needs! Flamingo café also offers a small seating area where you can hang out with your friends. It is by far my favorite place to visit!

The Flamingo Cafe-

No matter what you choose to experience in Second Life, the opportunities for a realistic experience are endless, and Mystory has really improved that for me. I hope you can experience this wonderful RP system for yourself, and really dive into what it is like to roleplay in a virtual world!


Misadventures of Fetish Club Hoppin’ in SL- Lanai Jarrico

Ever hear of vore RP?  No? Me either up until recently after 18 years in SL.  Let me explain…. I went out for a night on the town with Josh, my top writer as my wingman. He told me I need some excitement in my SLife. I agree but daaaaamn. I’m down for being spanked and getting my hair pulled and all that kinky stuff but this little tiny lizard approached me in a club and asked if I ever did vore rp. I stood there perplexed and felt like a deer in headlights in the middle of the dancefloor and nearly stepped on the Geico lookin mascot.

[19:59] “Little Lizard”: Hey, do you rp vore? :)

[20:00] Lanai Jarrico: What is that?

[20:01] “Little Lizard”: Vore is a roleplay where you'd swallow a micro like me whole. There is no chewing/scat or anything of the sort. It can be sexual and can involve other fetishes such as sub/domme or feet. It's fun to try if you think you'd consider trying sometime?

[20:03] Lanai Jarrico: um never heard of it and not sure thats something id like to try. [20:03] “Little Lizard”: No worries, perhaps another time.

It sounds like a choking hazard. I doubt I’ll change my mind…

Josh AKA “Wingman”:  OMG.  The Boss is feeling “feisty”  I remember the last time this happened, she ended up being banned from THREE regions.  Now Lizard Boy has her thinking is it her MOUTH he wants access to. Can’t let that happen again! Why isn’t there a mongoose around to take care of this pest? I’ll just stick close and keep an eye on things.”

 I have to admit, I am rusty at my approach and how I react to being accosted by men… err lizards in clubs. In this case a booger sized lizard at my feet. With my wingman in tow, I felt safe enough to move along to average sized avatars and randomly approach  men and throw cheesy unsolicited lines at them to see what sticks. On top of that, I was sober…. So this went as well as one could expect from someone who hasn't been on the dating scene in a long time.

Josh: OK…this might not be so bad.  One or two quick dances, and then I will try and steer her back home where she can sleep it off. Not sure if she’ll go.  She has been raving all night about some “incredible edibles”  whatever THAT is.  Must be some new kind of candy.

I couldn't help myself when I spotted a handsome avie by the name of Dany pop lockin and droppin it on the dancefloor. I just had to IM him as I stood close to Josh for moral support and an easy escape plan.

It went a little something like this…lets just call him …Dany.

[20:27] Lanai Jarrico: Hey Dany, are you into sucking mayonnaise covered toes?

[20:28] Dany : haahahahaha don't know never tried that

[20:29] Lanai Jarrico: Bring tomatoes and a slice of cheese and we can make a cheap sandwich

[20:30] Dany: and who is bringing bread

[20:30] Lanai Jarrico: I said cheap lmao

OK it’s obvious, I don’t have any game and I can’t be taken seriously sober ... .Josh grabbed my hand and got me out of there before a food fetish fight broke out.

Next stop was DSC ake Dog Sex Club. I’m not sure why I even landed there but it happened. I mean… I am a pet lover like the next person but  this place was definitely not for me…. I was gone before anybody said a word.  I think you need a rabies shot to cross the yellow ban lines.

However, It did get a glimpse of what appeared to be a wolf standing upright in a speedo next to a scantily clad bunny rabbit. I didn’t stick around long enough to see what happens when a wolf meets a rabbit. Something tells me… it would have gotten really ugly and I would have been traumatized for the rest of my Slife.

Josh:  Yeah.  Thank goodness we didn’t stay long, and the SL Enquirer budget did not allow us to o cheap to spring for the 150L Group joining fee.  I guess she could have handled the Dalmations if push came to shove…..but it got really sketchy when I saw her being eyed by a couple of Clydsdales. Time to skedaddle,. That’s for sure!

Next stop The Cuckholding Wife…

Ahhhh yes! What strong minded woman wouldnt want to collar her man and make him watch as she did the nasty with a random dude and then make him clean up the mess. I had to break the ice…but just before I could muster up another embarrassing pick up line… I got an IM from  “Roam”. Here's how that went down.

[20:51] Roam:  good evening

[20:52] Lanai Jarrico: Hello to you

[20:52] Roam: how are you doing?

[20:53] Lanai Jarrico: I'm great. How do you feel about rolling in canola oil and spam while pouring hot sauce all over me?

[20:53] Roam: here for a story or pleasure?

[20:53] Lanai Jarrico: both

Sighs… I don’t think fetish club hopping is my thing. I just don’t know how to act.

Josh AKA “Wingman”: Whew.  Finally dragged her out of there. Now she wants to go to a place called Maui

OK, One last hurrah before I commit myself to just being a reporter and trying to keep myself out of trouble….

Josh AKA “Wingman”:  Finally!  The LAST stop of the night. A place called Maui Swinger Resort.  Arghghghg.  She actually asked me if there were teeter totters and slides in addition to the “swings”? Geeeeze.  That woman is going to get in serious trouble out here…and not by any kindergarten cops on the playground.

I put my Novice tag on and stripped down to a Bikini. The music was good and I was workin the boardwalk dancefloor with my best hip hop dance moves. I was feeling good and trying to read the room. Not much was happening except for a bunch of avatars in IMz standing around, some getting it on on the scattered beach chairs and beds and others just chillin at the bar. It didn't take long before the IMz started rolling in. One was surprised that I was “still” a Novice looking as good as I did and he offered to “help me out”. Apparently you have to gain referrals by givin up the goods and demonstrating your emote skills to a Maui Swinger in order to move on up the slut chain.  I aint about that fuckery so I called it a night and took my sorry ass to bed.

Wingman Josh:  OK.  Finally got her settled down.  I am torn in my duties as Wingman.  Do I stay with her and give my intimidating stare at any jerk who tries to get close?  Or do I move away and watch her from a block away, scoping out any who approach her and doing a quick background investigation using the Linden Lab police records so I can toss any obvious bad actors?  Just as things are settling down, she tells me she just got a IM from some dude she used to date named “XXX” and he wants her to “come back to his skybox to see his etchings.  OMG!  ETCHINGS?  This guy sounds like a reject from the cast of Saturday Night Live. Crap…She’s going with him.  I guess I will have to wait and get a full debirie tomorrow. 

Last night got nowhere fast, the “candy” I had before my outing with Josh was wearing out and I found myself yawning uncontrollably while “XXX” whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Nothing happened… I promise. I basically wished him a good night and went home, laid in bed and added an entry to my diary.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Bariki Restaurant is Open!


Looking for a beautiful venue to have a romantic dinner or family gathering?  A place just to get away from it all, relax and let down your hair... We introduce you to The Bariki Restaurant- A place for relaxation, excellent food and blessings upon blessings showered on you.  

The attire is always semi formal to formal in all areas of the venue. 

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED: Please visit us on our website

Dinner Packages:

Dinner for Two in Main Restaurant : Three Course Meal $700 per person or $1400 couple

Additional Persons over parties of 2: $500 per person

Dinner for Two in Private Gazebo:  Three Course Meal $800.00 per person $1600 couple

At the Bariki , you will always be serviced by Professional Staff. Our goal is to make this a memorable dining experience.  


Visit us on Facebook:

Visit us on Instagram:

Please note: All professional staff are here to help this become a memorable event for you. They are compensated by your lovely tips.  Let us know if you have enjoyed your experience. We appreciate you. 

For questions please contact: 

Jahkobi Kaleo

Race For A Cure 2024 Ride Against Cancer January 6th-January 20th

Presented by the Second Life Cycling Federation (SLCF).
All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society, Relay For Life of Second Life.

The event is open from 6th to 20th January 2024, at the SLCF Alpine road circuit.
Make your 2024 #RelayFirstLap on a virtual bike!

Entry to the event is by payment to the official RFL Kiosk at the Event Registration table.
The suggested donation for entry is L$ 100

Please feel free to make further donations to the cause, every L$ makes a difference :)
Many of us will encounter cancer in our lives or our loved ones, so help us to raise money for valuable research. Join in with us to Race For A Cure!
Also take a look at the Event Merchandise vendors to get special edition bikes, souvenirs and apparel.
100% of everything you donate or pay to an event vendor goes directly to the American Cancer Society charity.

How To Join In :
To enter you must be using an official SLCF racing bike, which is FREE.
To get your own bike, go into the SLCF building opposite the Event Registration table and click the signs at the display bike on the plinth.
The 1st sign gives a link to join our Group (free), join it, then the 2nd sign will give the bike.
- OR -
Buy the custom Event bikes pack from the ACS vendor
- OR -
Click the Guest Bike Rezzer which will lend you a bike to do some laps :)

Timetable :
6th January -  1pm SLT - EVENT LAUNCH
Join us for your first lap of 2024!  We will have a  #RelayFirstLap  gathering.
We all do a few laps together to kick off the new Relay year!

6th to 20th January - Fastest Laps Challenge
After the Event Launch, the circuit opens for the Fastest Laps Challenge.
This is open 24 hours a day for the duration of the event until 20th January.
Make as many laps as you want, practice the route to try to improve your lap time!
The best 100 avatars times are recorded on the scoreboard near the start line.

20th January - Race Event - Starts at 1pm SLT
The event will culminate in a Race event.
Attendees will be divided into Qualifier races, then on to Finals for the top placed riders.
After the racing session will be the Podium awards ceremony.
Trophies will be awarded to the top 5 in the race Final, and the top 5 Fastest Laps.
After the podium, all entries can also collect a memento trophy of the event.

Contacts :
Should you have questions :
SLCF Directors :        Atomic Infinity (Claire)
                                Meiica Mermaid
                                Alistar Snook
ACS Representative : Sandie Loxingly (Sandie Slate)


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Tantra Show Club have finally opened!


Tantra Show Club is a LGBTQ friendly adult escort club. We want to create a immersive space where everyone are able to relax, to be sexy, to be naughty, to sip on the finest liquid creations on the grid. For businesses and performers, we provide a large number advertising place for you to rent within your budget.

The SL Enquirer is hiring!



The SL Enquirer is always looking for creative minds with a passion for writing and Second Life

How it works:

Apply! If you meet our criteria, you get access to SLE assignments. Log in, choose a topic, accept the assignment, submit it, if it's accepted and published you get paid for it. It’s that simple!


Into Sales? Ad agent positions are open too!

Apply here: 

Contact Lanai Jarrico for more information

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Rise of Cryptocurrency in Online Gambling


cryptocurrency is a digital form of money that operates independently of any central authority or intermediary. It has been gaining popularity and acceptance in various sectors of the economy, especially in the online gambling industry. Online gambling is a lucrative and fast-growing market that offers a wide range of games and entertainment options to millions of players around the world. 

You can go and get bonuses to play for free. However, it also faces some challenges and limitations, such as regulatory uncertainty, security risks, transaction fees and delays. This is where cryptocurrency comes in, offering a solution that can overcome these issues and enhance the online gaming experience.

How Crypto Enhances the Gambling Experience:

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Tether have a natural synergy with online gambling. They enable fast and secure value transfers across borders and without intermediaries. This is a crucial function of online casinos, which must facilitate deposits and withdrawals for players and operators.  Moreover, cryptocurrencies offer some advantages for iGaming, such as:


The currencies are not controlled by any central authority but by distributed blockchain networks. This enhances the security of the transactions.


Although not entirely anonymous, crypto transactions hide the participants' identities better than traditional payment methods.


Blockchain ledgers are open to the public, allowing anyone to verify and trace the transactions.


Crypto transactions are final and cannot be reversed or challenged as with credit card payments.

These features make crypto integration a logical and inevitable step for the online gambling industry. The potential applications are still emerging and expanding.

Benefits of Cryptocurrency in Online Gambling

Cryptocurrency payments offer a number of advantages for online gambling players, such as:

Speed: Crypto transactions are processed much quicker than bank transfers, which can take days.

Capacity: Crypto allows players to move more significant amounts of money than conventional methods.

Security: Crypto eliminates the need to share sensitive banking or card information repeatedly.

Cost: Most crypto transactions have low network fees compared to other options.

Privacy: Crypto enables a degree of pseudonymity, requiring only an email and a crypto wallet address.

Accessibility: Players can access their crypto funds from anywhere in the world, unlike fiat accounts.

Incentives: Some casinos provide bonuses for using crypto as a payment method.

These advantages make cryptocurrency payments attractive for gaming enthusiasts and high rollers alike.

Challenges of Cryptocurrency in Online Gambling

Despite the many benefits of cryptocurrency in online gambling, there are also some challenges and drawbacks that need to be addressed. 

  1. One of the main challenges is the volatility and unpredictability of cryptocurrency prices. Since cryptocurrency is subject to market fluctuations and speculation, its value can quickly change. This means players can lose or gain money due to price changes, affecting their gambling experience and outcomes.

  1.  Another challenge of cryptocurrency in online gambling is the lack of regulation and standardization. Since no central authority or institution regulates cryptocurrency, there is no clear legal framework or guidelines for its use in online gambling. This means that players may face legal uncertainties or risks when using cryptocurrency to gamble online, depending on their jurisdiction and the platform they use. Moreover, there is no uniformity or consistency among different cryptocurrencies or platforms, creating confusion and complexity for players.

  1.  Since cryptocurrency is a relatively new and complex technology, it requires knowledge and skills to use effectively and safely. Players need to understand how cryptocurrency works, how to acquire it, how to store it, how to transfer it, and how to secure it. Moreover, players must be aware of the potential risks and threats associated with cryptocurrency use, such as hacking, phishing, malware, or human error.


Cryptocurrency is a revolutionary innovation that can potentially transform the online gambling industry. It offers many benefits for players, such as security, privacy, speed, cost-efficiency, freedom, and flexibility. However, it poses challenges and drawbacks, such as volatility, lack of regulation, standardization, learning curve, and technicality. Therefore, players must carefully weigh the pros and cons of using cryptocurrency in online gambling before deciding whether to use it.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

NEW YEAR... NEW BEGINNINGS-Lanai Jarrico Reporting...


With the New Year comes change. As hard as it can be to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, make resolutions that you intend to keep and do better for yourself in 2024, isn’t that the ultimate goal in life?  Looking back at the past year I’m sure some peeps are shaking their heads thinking ”WTF was that?” While others are finding their groove in life realizing peace matters and change is needed to create a positive environment. This also includes taking an inventory of your friends and distance yourself from those who disrupt your peace.  I’m down with that.  

Starting off the New Year, all I want is to be happy, live and let live.  It holds different meanings to everyone. For me, I just want to feel empowered as a strong woman and make the right decisions while navigating through life. Remember to allow time for self care and not worry about the extra noise.   I’m making 2024 my year of renewal and cleansing my space from any negative energy. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Let that shit go.

In the real world, we are the masters of our destiny just like in Second Life. This is an escape from the real world for a little while where we can be individually creative or collaborate with others. I’mm already getting the ball rolling for the New year in the real world and it's time to do the same in Second Life.  It is little things like this that can make you smile and feel refreshed. 

I was inspired to write this because after 18 years in Second Life, I realized I could abandon my  free vintage dojo premium member home and relocate to a new SL house. I didn’t pay attention to the free Linden homes since I spend most of my time at The Media center but sometimes it's nice to retreat back to your own little space to create that SL work/life balance.

To begin,  go to and log in. Go to Account> Land Manager>”Linden Home”.  That's where you will find your existing home if you have one already or click the link to get one. (You have to be a premium member)  I toured models until I found something I liked.

Once you choose the style you want you will get a link to teleport to your new home! I was surprised to see the quality of the various home styles and layouts to choose from. It was easy to do. I must say, SL really stepped it up!

 The bigger surprise is, you can still swap your house out with any of the styles in the rezzer with 8 or more homes to choose from as well as a Linden Homes Security System.

 It doesn’t stop there! The house itself comes complete with a decorate feature inside so you can customize walls colors, floors,wood trim, doors and windows in your new home.  

 For premium members,  The parcel size is 1024 sq meters and 351 prims to use. You get a little more space and perks if you are a Premium Plus member.

I was able to decorate my home using low land impact furnishings I scored at Maya’s Architecture. You won't be disappointed by the quality and prices!


Sl Marketplace store: 

Here are some pictures of the interior

Now that you got the step by step on how to get a free Linden house, I wish you the very best in your new beginnings! Have a blessed New year!