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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


The Grinch here…. That pain in the ass reporter Lanai offered me some community service by putting together this extremely irritating collection of sh*t to do in Second Life.  Instead of going around the grid and doing something nice to a bunch of random avatars, why not kill all the birds with one big fat stone!

  I know all you virtual knuckleheads are littering the grid with your presence and spending countless hours standing around trying to figure out what to do next. Well I’m here to help only because I don’t have anything worse to do…I have a court order to find my holiday spirit. I’d rather be racking up  at a wine & spirits whilst wasting this season away in a drunken stupor.  *grumbles* HOWEVER, here goes my contributions to the Second Life community.  You’re welcome…


Visit Seasons Change at Blissful Dreams and flex that good throwing arm and bash in a few skulls with a snowball fight. (I’d pack a rock in it personally but a reindeer pellet is just as effective… If you aren’t in the mood for that, there’s always a good ol’ fashioned sleigh ride tour for exploring this embarrassing beautiful sim! The best part is your view is a horse's ass….You’re welcome.

Description: Winter, Christmas,  dancing, ice skating, snow, snowball fights, sleigh rides, Santa Claus, Tree Farm, church, photos, photography, exploring.

Please change WL / Day Cycle to Shared Environment, /*Sky: "Phototools Moon Light


FFS, Why on Linden's pixelated grid would anybody want to strap a set of sticks on and plunge headfirst down a mountain… OHHHH wait, that could be entertaining if there were lots of trees. I’d pay for tickets to see a bunch of avies bounce around like pinballs. 

Description: The summit ski lift station is your drop off point for skiing adventures! Walk or ski down the ramps to the ski lodge. From there, use the western slope for Slalom timed runs. The eastern slope is for freestyle skiing for 1 to 8 skiers. Snowmobiles too!


What an oxymoron this is…Ice skating seaside. Why not attempt ice surfing? 

Ice Skating can be a serious sport in real life if you suck at keeping your balance like a runway model wearing 8 inch high stilettos but have no fear in Second Life, you can’t break an ankle or two!  Better yet break a leg and check out Seaside Ice, strap on those ice skates and get your swan dance going across this frozen pond! Don’t tell em’ I sent you.

Broke for the holidays and don’t have ice skates? DSL got that covered with HUDS and Rezzers on the cheap.


I can’t stand Lanai, she always has to be in the middle of pictures like she's some sort of superstar or something…. Anyway, Check out Spectators Section- Cleary Arena! There’s all kinds of sh*t to do at this winter sports community. Go play some hockey and get a bunch of teeth knocked out.

Description: Welcome, friends! Enjoy FREE ICE SKATING, SKIING, SNOWBOARDING, SKI JUMP,  ICE HOCKEY! Play or watch GOHA ice hockey and other winter activities. New residents, freebies, sports, and a myriad of winter fun awaits you. Home of Winterfest 2010.


It’s all fun and games until someone loses a toe or an eye or both! Check it out but don’t say I didn’t threaten you with a good time. If you see me at Whoville, don’t ask for a selfie with me. I don’t know you or like you! 


Ok you little wastes of cyberspace, I did a lot of the footwork for winter activities in Second Life. If you still haven’t found something fun to do this winter, reevaluate your SL situation and get back to basics with an Atari!

-The Grinch

Let's Get TWZTD!


Step into the twisted wonders of TwztdTeez, now making waves in the pixelated paradise of Second Life! Unleash your avatar's sense of style with our uproariously humorous RL products – because why should your real-world wardrobe have all the fun? Dive into a world where pixels meet personality, where your avatar's fashion game is about to get a major upgrade. 👕 Wear the Laughs in Both Worlds! Explore our collection of twisted tees, wacky wearables, and downright delightful designs that’ll leave your avatar turning heads in every virtual corner. From quirky quotes to pixel-perfect humor, we’ve got your Second Life style covered. 🌐 Twist Reality with TwztdTeez! But wait, there's more! Hop out of the virtual realm and bring the laughter to life! Visit our real-world website at to snag your favorite designs and wear them IRL. Because who says your sense of humor should be confined to just one world? 🚀 Join the TwztdTeez Revolution! TwztdTeez isn't just a brand; it's a revolution of twisted humor, pixelated joy, and real-world hilarity. Embrace the madness, break the fashion norms, and let your avatar and your closet both revel in the twisted delight. Get ready for a fashion experience that transcends realities – where pixels and stitches collide, and laughter knows no bounds. TwztdTeez in Second Life: Where style is pixel-deep, and humor reaches beyond the screen! P.S. Check your Schwag Bag for the special discount for SLers on the real life store!

Tabby's Club Pioneers Unparalleled Entertainment

Second Life — Tabby's Club, the premier adult venue is redefining the nightlife experience with two captivating weekly events, setting the stage for a one-of-a-kind immersive entertainment journey. Tyrannical Tuesdays: Unleash Your Dominance Every Tuesday, Tabby's Club transforms into a haven for those seeking to embrace their dominant side at "Tyrannical Tuesdays." Guests are invited to step into a thrilling atmosphere where Dommes and Doms rule the night. With live beats from our resident DJ Viktor and an enticing ambiance, participants can engage in power play, creating an unforgettable experience in the heart of SL. All subs/slaves are welcome! Silly Saturdays: Laughter Reigns Supreme On Saturdays, Tabby's Club becomes the epicenter of laughter and merriment with "Silly Saturdays." DJ Viktor takes the stage, spinning tunes to tickle funny bones. Attendees are encouraged to bring their best jokes and requests, adding a touch of humor to the night. The highlight of the evening is the contest for the funniest person of the set, promising a lighthearted competition and an abundance of laughter. Double the Excitement, Every Week Tabby's Club is proud to offer a diverse range of experiences, providing a platform for patrons to explore their desires and enjoy a night out like never before. The unique blend of music, entertainment, and engaging themes on Tyrannical Tuesdays and Silly Saturdays makes Tabby's Club a must-visit destination for those seeking exhilarating nightlife adventures. COMING SOON! Drag Yourself 2 Tabby's Drag Show night! Tabby's Club invites the community to join in the revelry, setting the stage for a weekly extravaganza that promises to redefine entertainment standards. For media inquiries or to arrange an interview, please contact: Tabitha Mercury

preferred contact info - Notecard In World: Tabitha Mercury

Monday, December 11, 2023

INTERVIEW WITH SANTA 2023- Whos being Naughty or Nice?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...


The holiday season is the time of year where people seem to evaluate how naughty or nice they have been as well as determine who gets gifts or a big ol’ lump of coal. This year I had a secret meeting with Santa to try and get an idea of how he rates my conduct this year so I can ... .agree or disagree with his findings in hopes I don’t end up taking hours shoveling the big pile of coal he left in my front yard last year. I personally think he made a mistake and it was meant for a neighbor… He has been very elusive this year and sending all my calls to voicemail so I decided to show up at this house in the North Pole unannounced to have a few words with him.



LANAI: Santa, I know you are in there! I just want to talk to you about a package left in my yard last year in error. It was clearly from you but the shipping fee was way too high to return it.

SANTA: Go away, I do not answer to solicitors.

LANAI: Stop playing, you know exactly who I am. 

SANTA: Lanai, you have got to be the biggest pain in the ass from the time you started walking.  think I don’t remember the child you were back then and the adult version you are today. Now go away! 

LANAI: Sighs. Do I have to remind you of the special brownies I left you instead of stale cookies over the years? What do you think makes you so jolly after stopping at my house on Christmas eve? Are we really going to have this conversation through a door? It’s cold. Let me in!

SANTA: *grumbling* Unlatches about 20 locks* Come in and stop shouting. I don’t need the reindeers knowing about that.

LANAI: It’s nice to see you too. *dusts off the snow and walks inside* So Santa, why do you hold such a grudge against me for every foul thing I may Have done. For every “minor” incident, I do like 20 nice things so stop dumping coal in my yard every year.

SANTA: Lanai, I have covered up for a lot of things you have done like the time you accidentally lit a whole sim on fire trying the magic hud you got for Christmas one year. Or in 2020 when you tried stealing a Christmas tree from the town square and ended up in the paper as the victim.

LANAI: Wasn’t me and the tree thing… I was traumatized! Don’t you have any compassion!

SANTA: Lanai…. You dropped your ID when you hauled ass out of there after the fire, they even got you on video… And you are lucky I pulled some string to have it reported in the newspaper in your favor!

LANAI: Fine. I admit that was an accident. I didn’t know pressing the red button would blow up a whole sim, no one got hurt…. I’ll admit the Christmas tree incident was kinda my fault…Thank you for the cover up but you didn't have to give them a picture to use!

SANTA: Thank goodness no one was hurt either time!  What about the time you cause an all out brawl at an Avatar anonymous meeting with all the holiday mascots. One of them lost a toe in the whole ordeal.

LANAI: Hey, they were already feuding before I got there. I tried to mediate but it got out of hand when cupid tried hitting on me and the Easter Bunny got jealous. Stop bringing up the past, I’m a new woman and I am devoting myself to peace and harmony.

SANTA:  Pfft. the only time the world is at peace and harmony is when you are sleeping! For once take some responsibility for your actions.  You continuously appear at catastrophic events in Second Life, yet none of it is your fault.

LANAI: I agree. I just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m a reporter. That’s usually how it goes. I’m constantly putting myself at the front lines risking my second life and you consider it all my fault!?! Enough about me. What about the time you needed me to talk some sense into Mrs. Clause, she was about to leave your ass for Father time. Or the time you got caught being a peeping tom instead of dropping off gifts at a swingers club which I will not name.

                                                (Lanai talked sense into Mrs. Clause)

SANTA: OMG, lower your voice, Mrs Clause is taking a nap.

LANAI: Santa, If I apologize, will you reconsider giving me my Christmas wish this year? I’m not asking for much.

SANTA: If I consider revising my naughty list for you, will you leave me alone?.... What is it you want?

LANAI: A man. Not just any man though. One who is smart, talented, gifted in specific areas, sexy, and wants only me. A Prince preferably.

Lanai’s dream man

SANTA: You just described Patrick Dempsey aka “MCDreamy”. He was featured in People’s Magazine 2023 as the sexiest man alive ya know. But he’s not a Prince…

LANAI: Are you kidding me? We weren’t even a match on the exclusive dating app Raya! Aside from that he placed 3rd in a Juggling contest back in high school and had aspirations to go to clown College. No thank you.

Just sayin’

SANTA: Fine. Let me see what I can do. Now if that is all you want you don’t have to leave the North Pole but you gots to get the hell out of here before the wife wakes up. You know she thinks we had a thing since that Christmas party back in 2009 when you sat on my lap and started singing “Happy Birthday Mr President”

LANAI: I don’t recall.

SANTA: Yea ok. You know exactly what you were trying to do.

LANAI: *blinks* Give me a little credit. That wasn’t a candy cane in your pocket…

SANTA: Lanai… I know you have a thing for me and all but, I cannot be your Christmas present!

LANAI: Don’t flatter yourself Mr Clause. One of the things I’m looking for is someone hot and I hate to break it to you. I was drunk off Eggnog that night. I’m not going to do this back and forth with you. I’ll be expecting a sexy man wrapped in a big ass bow under my tree Christmas morning. If not, I’m telling Mrs. Clause EVERYTHING! Including your account on and about your 7 illegitimate kids that live with Snow White.

SANTA: OK! OK! Does height matter?

Lanai: MMMMhmmmm it sure does. Ok my mission is done here. Merry Christmas Santa, You should treat yourself to something special this year. Like a ticket to Mars on one of those SpaceX rockets. Bye Felicia!

Disclosure: This is a spoof interview. Santa really doesn’t have an account on Lanai was bluffing but perhaps he does since he didn't deny it. Everything he accused Lanai of is fake news. Everything about Patrick Dempsey is true but you can’t always believe everything you read on the internet.

 On behalf of The SL Enquirer, Have a very Merry Christmas and a super fantastic New Year!

SL Police Report: BREAKING NEWS! Santa Got Sleigh Jacked!- The SL Enquirer reporting...


At approximately 6:52 pm SLT on December 11th, witnesses reported Santa got knocked out cold with a pile of gifts launched by an assailant who looked strikingly similar to Lanai Jarrico. 

One witness saw a woman dressed in a full length faux fur coat, hurling profanities and saying something about the worst Tinder date ever before proceeding to launch gifts at Santa.  Another witness was scared to identify the attacker for fear of retaliation, citing, “snitches get stitches”

Cameras captured the moment the attacker leaped into Santa’s Sleigh and took off. Calls to Lanai Jarrico’s rep were immediately answered and her alibi was established. She was writing an article at the time of the attack and waiting for her Instacart order so it would not have been possible. Her rep went on to say Ms. Jarrico has a doppelganger that goes around Second Life impersonating her for tips and frequents strip clubs as a guest dancer.

 Lanai is embarrassed and offended for being accused of attacking Santa Clause and feels it will ruin her reputation. As far as accusations of stripping, she said, “It wasn’t me but if it was, stripping is a serious sport that shouldn’t be frowned upon.”. She wants to press charges for slander immediately following the arrest of the perpetrator.

One reporter managed to get a quick comment from Santa before he passed out and was rushed to the nearest Veterinary clinic by Rudolph for observation.

 Santa mumbled what the reporter made out to be “Ho Ho Ho” but after reviewing his Instagram live recording, it turned out that he really cried out “That Hoe Ow Ow”.

Santa was treated and released for a concussion, bruises and several lumps a few hours later into the custody of his estranged wife, Mrs. Clause.

If anyone has any information regarding this atrocity, share in the comment box below

Saturday, December 9, 2023


The 2023 Winter Showcase & Art Show will take place December 8 to 15, 2023 and is in

support of Team Diabetes of Second Life! This event will feature shopping, an art show, live

music, and a hunt! Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The

American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise

awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the virtual world of Second Life. According to the

World Health Organization (2016): 422 million adults in the world have diabetes and 1.5 million

deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

Participating Merchants/Brands: Adore Amore Fashion, AdReNaLiZeD, Angel Fae Boutique,

ARKONA, ART & FASHION, Catori, Cosmos Boutique, Country Crafter, Couture Chapeau,

Dalrymple Designs, DINKIEWEAR, Fae Fantasy Creations, Firelight, Grumble, IKR!, Just

Imagine, Kittycat’s Creations, LeCock, Literature Alive!, Little Big Designs, Manikin, MMP –

Muircastle Motors & Parts, PEEPS, Pixel Box, POTOMAC, QUE RICO Design, Shanti,

Starlight Apparel, Telsiope’s Couture, Tinkerz, Undiscovered Jewel, & Xtal Store

Participating Artists: Aquarius27, Hannah Starlight, Harlow Jamison Resident, Jamee

Sandalwood, Jessamine2108 Resident, Llola Lane, Maggiemagenta, Myra Wildmist, Nyte

Vargas (Notable Art Gallery), Viktor Savior, & Vita Thea

About The American Diabetes Association:

The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the

lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight

against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding

research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provides

objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.

Free resources are available in English and Spanish at and 1-800-

DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).



For More Information:

Team Diabetes Official Website:

2023 Winter Showcase Website:

Official Team Diabetes Authorization and Fundraising Page for the American Diabetes




Before we begin, I should not have to mention that a person wishing to look at fall foliage should get off the computer and drive out into the country. Fall foliage is a once-a-year event, and there isn't a lot of colorful time between green summer leaves on a tree and brown dead leaves on the forest floor. The time between those is where the true Leaf Peepers work, and most of them don't have time for the okie-doke.

I live in New England, so naturally I am an utmost authority on fall foliage. Most New Englanders I know are aware that other regions of the country have the same stuff happen in October, but enough of them aren't aware of this so that we have an enjoyable snobbery which I indulge heartily in. I do so even though I am in enough fall foliage Facebook groups to know that states like Tennessee, North Carolina and Colorado all represent hard.

New Englanders, especially the Massachusetts ones, are odd ducks anyhow. We feel that Massachusetts is where the Revolution started, and that therefore July 4th is sort of our holiday. As the home of both Stephen King and the Salem Witch Trials, we feel that we deserve a disproportionate say on Halloween. As the region with Plymouth in it, we own Thanksgiving ouright and only share it with the other 49 states. We claim Labor Day, as the labor movement in America began in Massachusetts mills. We even think Martin Luther King Day is ours, because he went to BU. You can guess how we feel about Fall Foliage.

The Enquirer has paid me to write this stuff before, so they are aware of this parochial mental defect which their Plymouth-based writer suffers from. Naturally, that made me their go-to girl for a Fall Foliage article. As guitarist Albert King once told Stevie Ray Vaughn, "I'm qualified." 

When Lanai was looking for seasonally appropriate Fall Foliage articles, I answered the call, put on something orange and headed out to the woods. 
In the real world, you wear orange when hunting so that hunters won't mistake you for a deer and shoot you. I make a great effort to do nothing which could be viewed by a hunter as deer-like when I am strolling through the woods in October. I also wear orange when leaf-peeping on SL out of force of habit. I even have orange Air Jordans.

In spite of my exhortation earlier about getting off the computer and out into the country to see the real thing, I happily freed some time from my usual BDSM activities to sim-hop into a few virtual regions that were going all in on Autumn. Virtual leaves are enjoyable, and they usually co-exist with other fall activities if the sim owners are putting forth the seasonal effort. It is a worthy expenditure of your time.

Fall Foliage sims aren't something that you are going to plan on visiting with a half-dozen friends. There's nothing wrong with rolling deep, but the "Hey, come here, look at this" stuff that comes with sightseeing in a crowd will throw a true Peep off her game. The author of this article, who works along a certain MO, does her dirt by her lonesome.

About a zillion sims have some sort of Autumn theme or undercurrent happening, but I found just a few who really devoted themselves to Fall Foliage. One of them was the Fall Autumn Fest at Evolving Images ( I popped in there one October morning to see how they  were hanging... hanging leaves, that is.

They have a seasonal thing going there year-round, as they had some sort of teleport system based on SPRING, SUMMER and WINTER and all that. I would have explored that and may some day return there to do so, but I was hyperfocused on the Leaf Peeping for this trip.

They had a central area, with a couple of walking paths into the woods for fall foliage viewing. They even had a section of the trail that is haunted. I got my prowl on, took out the camera, put in work... it was an enjoyable visit. I like when sim creators get an idea that they pursue into a whole sim, and this was the work of a fellow fall foliage fan.

I should add that the pictures here also include some from French Farm, where I was for my last article. Pictures I took at French Farm get jumbled in with pictures from Evolving Images in my Pictures folder. I lose... you win!

Here's the French Farm addy (, they also went nuts for Autumn, and anyone who enjoys the Fall Fest at Evolving Images will also enjoy French Farm.

Leaf Peeping leans heavily into the ROY part of the ROY G BIV color spectrum. There is plenty of green as well, and the sky seems to always be blue, but ROY is driving the car in October.

I can't design sims, I can barely dress myself... but if I can make one recommendation to sim creators who venture into fall foliage, I would say to include a mountain. Mountains aren't foliage, but if you get a higher vantage point, you get more sweeping views of the forest as a whole. I live in the flatlander coastal part of Massachusetts, we have no mountains, and this is part of why a Massachusetts girl has to tap out to a New Hampshire girl when Peeping is discussed in depth. You can get good views from the ground, but Height is Might.

Sometimes, you get stuck inside at an office or babysitting or whatever, and you can't roll out to the Berkshires to see Mother Nature break out the crayons. Fall Foliage sims on SL help ease that pain, and I strongly recommend that you check out and support these places. 

An avatar isn't fully self-actualized in Autumn until they go Leaf Peeping, no matter how many pumpkin spice lattes they drink. That, and money/fame, is why I go hunting for cool sims for you to visit. I love my readers, and I want you to be the best you.

Since I was wearing orange, I did try to hide in the trees for a few shots. I was sort of planning a Where's Stacey? theme to the article, at least with the pictures. I thought about lying and saying that I was somewhere in every picture in this article, so that my readers would waste time and effort looking for me in every picture... but I won't do that to you. I was also bare-legged, and not a good enough photographer to shoot compelling pictures which also hid me effectively. 

If some of my sports betting loses me money, I may return to these sims and try to make a quick buck hiding the reporter in the foliage for your viewing and gaming pleasure.

Until then, fear not. I have a bunch of pumpkin patch, apple picking and Halloween stuff in my Pictures folder, and I will produce articles on those themes soon enough. Sometimes I don't write anything for fiv months, sometimes I write four articles in two weeks. That's how Stacey rolls, kids.

Ready for Winter?

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Christmas Around The World The 13th Annual Second Life Christmas Expo Opened December 1st- December 10th


Second Life’s Premier Christmas shopping and entertainment event, the Second Life Christmas Expo, returns for the thirteenth year, bringing more than 125 merchants, Breedables, Auctions and Raffles, Special Events and more than 150 hours of entertainment at 2 venues. The event, which benefits the mission of the American Cancer Society to End Pediatric Cancers, covers 11 regions each, of which represents the holiday tradition of a different country.  Its “Christmas Around TheWorld” from December 1st through the 10th and also features the Lights Of Hope home decoration competition, will conclude as always with the Annual Holidays of Hope Gala Ball and the incredible Christmas Expo Live Auction!

Linden Lab returns to the Expo once again with special events, valuable auction and raffle prizes (including memberships and regions), Photo Ops and one of kind collectibles, including a Santa Patch Linden bear.

BUT WAIT!  STOP THE PRESSES!  This Year the Expo is proud to introduce the newest and hottest Linden collectible ever!   The Boopie! A  Boopie is not just your av-er-age bear Boo-Boo! Boopies come in special packaging, which itself is expected to become a treasured collectible. They feature sounds, effects and for the Expo the Lindens have created a very special One of a Kind Boopie Penguin which will only be available in Expo Vendors during the event.

In addition to the Boopies you can also join Santa Patch and the Mole-Elves for a special photo opportunity, bid on special Linden Packages and vote for your favorite Holiday Decorated Linden Homes at the Linden Lights of Hope! Be sure to mark your calendar for the 1st Linden & Mole Neighborhood Christmas Party on Wednesday December 6 from 1 to 3 pm on the Linden Lights Of Hope region featuring T1Radio’s award winning host Trader Whiplash.

Holiday entertainment has always been a hallmark of the Expo and 2023 will not disappoint!  The Holly Jolly Café make sits annual return with 10 days of live entertainment featuring nearly 100 of Second Life’s most talented and popular singers and musicians.  If you prefer the club scene, we have that too!  The Electric Reindeer DJ Dance Club makes its Expo debut, offering nightly dancing to some of the best spinners on the grid! 

Still want more?  There’s Sleigh Rides, a Christmas Tree Lot, a Snowman Competition and of course, photos with Santa and Christmas Stories with Mrs. Claus.

The Christmas Expo supports the American Cancer Society and all proceeds are dedicated to Giving The Gift of Hope to children with cancer.  Find out more at SLChristmas

The American Cancer Society is the world’s leader in the fight against cancer, with a vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. If you or someone you know has questions about cancer, a cancer diagnosis, prevention and screening guideline visit the Society website at or call 800-227-2345. Need support in world visit the American Cancer Society region, where you will find caregiver and survivor support and a direct chat link to an ACS Cancer Information specialist.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 25, 2023 Contact: TFL Management (thefashionloft) The Fashion Loft Invites You to Celebrate the End of 2023


On December 9, The Fashion Loft (TFL) will host its 7th annual Holiday Event in Second Life. The event is created to show appreciation for the creators who have supported TFL, as well as a way to promote mainstore shopping. Using a HUD, shoppers will be able to teleport to participating stores. Once there, they will find items for sale for L$99, and hunt items for L$1. To kick things off, The Fashion Loft will host an Opening Day party at TFL Headquarters on Saturday, December 9 from 2-4 PM SLT. About The Fashion Loft The Fashion Loft prides itself on being a home for bloggers, content creators, fashionistas, models, and photographers. Since 2016, TFL has provided events, shows, contests, and other activities that brings the fashion community together.

Inworld: Website: Facebook: Flickr: Twitter: Discord:

Friday, December 1, 2023

Dirty Rythms Christmas Venue Opens December 1st! Concert & Party Starting 6pm SLT

The Dirty Rythms Christmas Venue, the Ultimate Holiday Spot Opens December 1st! Concert & Party Starting 6pm SLT
Don't miss the chance to join the most fun events of the season at Dirty Rythms! Dress in your sexy winter outfits, put on your skates and enjoy a spectacular performance by The Funtastics Tribute Band, featuring the best hits of PINK at 6pm SLT. Following the concert at 8pm SLT, rock out to the tunes of DJ Galileo, who will keep you dancing all night long with his amazing mix. Experience the magic at Dirty Rythms Winter Wonderland, where you can meet new friends, have a blast, and create unforgettable memories.
The party starts Friday at 6pm SLT. Don't be late, because you don't want to miss a minute of this awesome celebration. Come and celebrate with music and dance at Dirty Rythms!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 Looking for a place to unleash your wildest fantasies? Are you looking for an adults-only venue that has it all? Look no further! Dirty Rythms is the destination with everything a discriminating adult needs to have a good time. From hot playtime spots to beach hangouts you won't find anywhere else, you'll find the perfect atmosphere to make all your fantasies come true!

Photographers, rejoice! Our picture-perfect locations will astound you. From private hideaways to the grandest of public gazes, you'll never run out of beautiful moments to capture. Party animals, we've got you covered too! Turn up with your friends and get ready for the hottest DJs – and the craziest nights you've ever experienced. With no shortage of drinks, snacks and naughtiness, you'll never have to worry about running out of things to do. Dirty Rythms HOT Events This Week Wednesday 6pm - DJ Alexxxa - Rockin' Hot Country Thursday 6pm - DJ Dune - Throwback Thursday Thursday 8pm - DJ Flavis - Throwback Thursday Friday 6pm - The Funtastics PINK Tribute Concert Friday 8pm - DJ Galileo - Rockin' Mix Saturday 6pm - DJ Deo LIVE Mix Saturday 8pm - DJ Nestor LIVE Mix Sunday 5:30pm - DJ Remo BLUES NIGHT ALL ADULTS WELCOME - Join us and live your best SLife!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023



Playdoll's Mens Magazine is hosting a photo contest with spectacular, sponsored prizes from BBX, Heart & Soul, and United Colors brands. SL Residents and shutterbugs are invited to take a photo anywhere on the scenic and historic Playdoll's Mansion and Grounds in the Relaxation Region. Submissions are required to be uploaded to the group's Flickr site by November 15th. Browse the Flickr link or visit the Playdoll's Mansion for contest rules and how to apply!

Flickr Group SLURL in World Relaxation Contest Rules