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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Sunday, November 15, 2020

SMR Events Movember 2020 Fundraiser



 Globally, on average, men die 6 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons.

It’s Time to Change the Game for Men’s Health & Survival

SMR Events hosts SL’s first Annual Movember® Fundraising Campaign for Charity.“Movember® 2020”.

The Ultimate Goal is to raise funds and awareness during the month of November, via our fundraising drive and various interactive campaigns/events in support of the Movember® Foundation~  the leading charity changing the face of men’s health~

 The Campaign Spans the entire month of November and features; an Online Fundraiser via FB, a GRID-WIDE Fundraising Drive with Supporting Events, the ‘Grow for a Cure’ Moustache/Beard Growth Challenge & Photo Campaign, The Welcome to Movember® Men's Health Fair, and a Black Tie Charity Ball to wrap the Campaign.

Together with our Partners, Community, Friends, and Family, we are on a Movember Mission doing what we can to help men live happier, healthier, longer lives.

We invite you to Join us on our Mission



Make a Donation

Every Single Dollar Counts towards Men’s Health Project Funding & Research.

Visit one of our Donation Kiosks Across the Grid:

Visit our Fundraising Page:

All donations are secure and sent directly to the Movember Foundation.


Grow for A Cure


Patchy, lopsided, itchy or epic – whatever Mo OR Beard you grow this Movember, your face will raise funds and awareness for men’s health.


Join our Photo Campaign Pose with your MO or a Prop to shed light on Movember and raise funds

Participate in or Visit the Welcome to Movember Men’s Health Fair

        Be A Mo Bro/Sis~Tell Your Story

        Visit the Clinic or Bring a Bro in for a Virtual Check-Up

        Check out our Movember Exhibits and Informationals

Check out Affiliate & Partner Events

     Stay Updated visit: for Campaign

     Details, Events & Announcements


Become a Movember 2020 Kiosk Affiliate: 

     Place one of our Movember 2020 Kiosks and raise funds with us. Every Linden counts.  


Host a Fundraising Event or Challenge

We are encouraging our Kiosk Affiliates to rally around one of our KIOSKS and host "Movember 2020" fundraising MO-VENT to pull in more funds and gain traffic at their locations, grab your crew, and do something fun and easy.

Hosting is all about having a good time for a good cause. Throw a Party, Have a Shave Off, a Sale or an Auction, OR Create your own  MO-MENT challenge – it can be anything. Your epic efforts will help change the face of men’s health the possibilities are endless!! We will assist with promoting your events when we can. Here's the Event Schedule

Spread the word to your family, friends, associates, and customers about the campaign.

Promote Your Support: Tweet, Facebook, Post to Pinterest, and Linkedin.

Add the following Text & Link to your Email signatures/correspondence/ website wherever you like:

Join Me in Supporting Movember 2020.  Together We are Changing the Face of Men’s Health!!

Details Here:

Donate Here: 


Support our InWorld efforts by becoming a sponsor today!

Choose a Tier Level Sponsorship Package and Sponsor our Virtual Drive.

Through sponsorship, there will be several opportunities to participate in our Campaign and market your services, organization or business throughout the month of November and at our Campaign Wrap Event: Movember Black Tie Charity Ball.

Contact: MissyLuv Resident secondlife:///app/agent/b77bdaf7-d96c-403f-8a45-767a6ca173bc/about 

for Sponsorship Details or click here Calling ALL Sponsors!!




SMR Events

SMR Events, an Event Planning & Production company was started in 2013 by three prominent women of talent and focus, who wanted to bring their ten plus years of skills and expertise to the SL Community with a focus on benefiting others. We are all about bringing joy and professionalism to whatever we do, whether its planning and designing your events or running our Gridwide Productions & Charity Campaigns [SLs Next Top Model,  𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕜 𝕆 𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥, These Hands Don’t Lie-SMR Against Domestic Violence, Movember 2020 A Charity for Men’s Health]

No event is too big or too small for us to handle with the utmost care, flourish and detail.  We believe in helping others to do the things they can’t or are too busy to do and bringing awareness to the public about causes that touch us and require a spotlight because silence is detrimental.

Movember® and The Movember Foundation®

Movember® is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues. Using the mustache as the driving symbol of the movement, Movember focuses on the three key areas of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health & suicide prevention.

The Movember Foundation runs the Movember charity event,  housed at and has been running Movember events since 2004.

The goal: “To Change the Face of Men's Health."

By encouraging men (whom the charity refers to as "Mo Bros") to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths in men. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Since inception, the Movember Foundation has raised $837 million and funded over 1,200 projects in more than 20 countries.

Learn More about them and How they are accomplishing that here:

Movember Foundation is a registered Section 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and is a tax-exempt organization (EIN: 77-0714052)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Spotlight on Tillen- A Rapidly Rising Rock Star from Russia in Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...


Tillen’s  repertoire includes hits from well known bands such as Scorpions, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, Deep Purple and Rainbow,  She is currently and has been performing in rock bands around Moscow for the past 15 years.  Since her very first show, she has captured every listener's attention and has already a very popular following.  This is a performer that is no stranger to delivering a stellar performance in both worlds.
В репертуаре Тиллен хиты таких известных групп, как Scorpions, Оззи Осборн, Metallica, Deep Purple и Rainbow. В настоящее время она выступает и уже 15 лет выступает в рок-группах Москвы. С самого первого выступления она привлекла внимание каждого слушателя и уже успела завоевать большую популярность. Это исполнитель, которому не привыкать показывать звездные выступления в обоих мирах.  

Interview with Tillen (Интервью с Тиллен)
Lanai: Hi Tillen, welcome to Second Life! How did you discover this virtual world?
Lanai:  Привет, Тиллен, добро пожаловать в Second Life! Как вы открыли для себя этот виртуальный мир?  
Tillen: В разгар пандемии играть живые концерты, конечно же, стало невозможно. Тогда моя подруга Rudi (rydut.mildor) сказала мне: «не переживай, ты можешь играть живые концерты в компьютерной игре!» Я тогда рассмеялась, но решила попробовать …

Tillen: In the midst of the pandemic, playing live concerts, of course, became impossible. Then my friend Rudi (rydut.mildor) told me: "Don't worry, you can play live concerts in a computer game!" I then laughed, but decided to try

Lanai: Could you tell our readers a little about yourself, your favorite genre and your experience in the music industry?
Lanai:  Не могли бы вы немного рассказать нашим читателям о себе, своем любимом жанре и своем опыте в музыкальной индустрии?

Tillen: Я всегда любила петь, с детства, но никогда не училась этому – это дело жизни, можно сказать, призвание. Когда мне было 15, у меня появилась своя собственная рок-группа. Мне всегда нравился классический рок и хэви-метал, но вообще я меломан и просто люблю музыку в любом её проявлении, главное чтобы песня была красивая и мелодичная. Уже 15 лет как я выступаю в RL на разных концертных площадках. У меня записаны 4 полноформатных альбома с моей предыдущей группой и дебютный альбом с моей собственной ныне существующей командой. Сейчас мы пишем второй альбом! 
Tillen:   I have always loved to sing, since childhood, but I have never studied it - this is a matter of life, one might say, a vocation. When I was 15, I started my own rock band. I have always liked classical rock and heavy metal, but in general I am a music lover and I just love music in any form, the main thing is that the song is beautiful and melodic. For 15 years now I have been performing in RL at various concert venues. I have 4 full-length albums with my previous band and a debut album with my own current band. Now we are writing our second album!

Lanai: Second Life is an amazing place that allows people from all over the world to create , interact and share their talents with others. Would you say SL is an extension of your real life? How has it helped you?
Lanai:  Second Life - удивительное место, где люди со всего мира могут творить, взаимодействовать и делиться своими талантами с другими. Вы бы сказали, что Second Life - это продолжение вашей реальной жизни? Как вам это помогло?
Tillen: Second Life, как продолжение моей музыкальной жизни – определённо ДА. Это новый опыт, новые впечатления и настоящий драйв, совсем как на живых концертах в реальной жизни. Чёрт, да я волнуюсь перед каждым концертом в Second Life, как перед живым!
Tillen: Second Life as a continuation of my musical life is definitely YES. This is a new experience, new impressions, and a real drive, just like at live concerts in real life. Hell, I get excited before every gig in Second Life as if I were alive in there!

Lanai: In your short time in Second Life, what do you think of the community?
Lanai:  Что вы думаете о сообществе, проведя немного времени в Second Life?
Tillen: Люди здесь отзывчивые и добрые, очень приятно выступать перед теми, кому это действительно интересно!
Translation:  People here are sympathetic and kind, it is very pleasant to speak in front of those who are really interested!

Lanai: Music inspires. It has the power to evoke emotions and nostalgia. What does music mean to you? Do you feel the same rush as you do performing in real life?
Lanai:  Музыка вдохновляет. Умеет вызывать эмоции и ностальгию. Что для тебя значит музыка? Чувствуете ли вы такую же спешку, как когда поете в реальной жизни?
Tillen: Да, такой же драйв и кураж как в реальной жизни! Несколько раз были случаи, когда во время сполнения в second life я действительно плакала, а зрители писали что у них по спине бегут мурашки.
Tillen:  Yes, the same drive and courage as in real life! Several times there were cases when during the shows in second life I actually cried.

Lanai: How often do you perform in SL? Do you have a performance calendar?
Lanai:  Как часто вы играете в SL? У вас есть календарь выступлений?
Tillen: Я выступаю почти каждый день и мне это нравится, когда я не выступаю, я начинаю сильно скучать по концертам!  Календарь есть:
Tilllen: I perform almost every day and I like it, when I am not performing, I start to miss concerts a lot! -

Lanai: How can venue owners book you for a show?
Lanai:  Как владельцы клубов могут записать вас на шоу?
Tillen: Просто написать мне 

Tillen: Please contact me direct for bookings :)
Lanai: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Lanai:  Чем еще вы хотели бы поделиться с нашими читателями?
Tillen: Я хотела бы напомнить, что вторая жизнь, какая бы она ни была увлекательная, всё-таки ВТОРАЯ. Это красивая, интересная, познавательная, но в первую очередь, ИГРА. Она создана для того, чтобы отдыхать и наслаждаться, так как трудностей нам всем хватает в нашей первой, реальной жизни. Не забывайте об этом, друзья! Буду рада видеть вас на своих шоу!

Tillen: I would like to remind you that Second Life, no matter how exciting it is, is still your SECOND life. This is a beautiful, interesting, informative, but first of all, GAME. It was created in order to relax and enjoy, since we all have enough difficulties in our first, real life. Don't forget about it, friends! I would be glad to see you at my shows!
Many thanks to you Lanai for the interview and to my dear friend Wolfie Moonshadow for this opportunity, help and support.

GRAND OPENING!! - The Cuddle Puddle November 20th 2020


 The Cuddle Puddle

 Introducing The Cuddle Puddle, a new BDSM friendly lifestyle sim where you can shut out the troubles of the real world and relax in a chill space with like-minded people. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, indulge in some meditation, enjoy the gallery, attend the live events, share your thoughts at discussions, or just sit and chat with other community-minded people. Beware! We have cookies and we aren't afraid to use them!

★ ════ ☆ Grand opening
★ ════ ☆ Nov. 20th
★ ════ ☆  12pm SLT
★ ════ ☆  Live singer:  JAKBNIMBL RIDDLE
★ ════ ☆  ATTIRE~ casual chic

Friday, November 13, 2020

Lanai's Diary: Entry 4,958- 2020 Can Go F%$@ itself! Do something for your country and Wear a @&%$# mask!


This isn't a politically motivated statement nor is it feeding into the overwhelming news of this pandemic and how it is affecting not only our communities but the world as a whole. If there is one thing that needs to be said it is COMPLACENCY NEEDS TO STOP! Whether you believe it is “just a flu” or the news is "overcooking" the situation and only reporting the worst case scenarios, there is in fact a global pandemic happening right now and people need to take a moment and realize the only way we can try to get this virus under control is to abide by the precautions put into place by our governments and community leaders. Like Tyrone would say....F*ck all that “I can’t breath” shit about wearing masks or the entitled Karens and Davids who feel it is their right not to wear a mask. F *ck You too!

They need to STFU just like I overheard my now ex boss say about me right before the lockdowns when I made it clear in the office that Covid was a serious thing coming and I was worried. 3 days later we were on lockdown for a month and a half. I live in Pennsylvania and the area I am in just reported a 3,000 covid case spike. The highest since the start of the pandemic.

Here we are over 8 months later and people are still catching covid and or dying in record numbers all over the country and the world. As of today,  there are a million cases in Texas alone!

 Hundreds of thousands sick or dead and yet people are still being complacent. Wearing masks under their noses, standing at bus stops with no regard for the person next to them who is trying to protect themselves and their families. Others walking around convinced  this is a hoax. Still having gatherings and acting like they are immune.  Of course, people want to get back to living their lives but realize one thing. This is the new normal and will continue to be if we continue on this path of not taking this more seriously.

It is time to wake up and realize we will not fight this pandemic half assed and EVERYONE needs to put an effort into protecting themselves and their families as well as the people they come in contact with if they even give a rats ass about anybody else. 

The sooner we can put down the political, entitled and ignorant bullshit and use common sense the sooner we can begin to get back to the things we once loved. I’m sitting here writing this worried because at work, two people tested positive and are out with symptoms and I JUST TESTED POSITIVE! The past couple of days I had a fever, headaches and sweats.  Should I be worried?  All I’m thinking about is my family. Since I was exposed, did I expose them? Could this get bad? I don’t know what to think. All I know is sh*t just got real. At what point do we all realize we are ALL vulnerable and will be for a very long time if we don’t get our sh*t together.


GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 14th November at noon SLT:


GeekSpeak – Asteroids!  Are they a threat or an opportunity?


Join us in GeekSpeak to talk about asteroids.  How many kinds of asteroid are there?  How were asteroids made?  We have visited and sampled a few asteroids now.  Are there plans to catch one?  (The answer is yes.)

Which asteroids are a threat to us, and which ones could be useful?  What would happen if a fluffy asteroid like Bennu (sampled 2 months ago) were to hit Earth?  And what would happen if a very heavy one like Psyche were to hit us? Is there anything we can do to defend ourselves?

Will we ever find life on an asteroid?

Ask all the questions about asteroids that you never dared to ask before.  Hopefully we can get some answers.  Bring a spacesuit, and your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Terry's Place OPEN MIC- Fridays From 8pm-10pm SLT


Join us on Fridays at 8pm SLT as Moonlight Music presents > Terry's Place OPEN MIC !!! Come by for an awesome show of unheard talent (or heard). We'd love for you to join us to showcase well known performers and new performers alike....and possibly even a chance to return as a paid featured performer in a coveted slot for Terry's Sunday Showcase!!!  Moonlight Music is happy to work with Terry's Place to bring this Open Mic to bring something different to the SL entertainment community!!! Every Friday at 8pm slt to 10pm slt. See you there !!!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Grand Re-Opening of the SLAYBOY CLUB, Friday, Nov 13, 2020

                                    This Ain’t your Daddy’s SLAYBOY! 

Yes folks!  This is the Opening you’ve been waiting for. 

Miakoda Tala (sackawho) has assumed the role of General Manager for Ken Edge’s SLAYBOY CLUB.  Mia has scoured the land to find you the best in Live entertainment for what is destined to become the Finest Gentleman’s club on the grid. 

Patterned after the Gentlemen’s Clubs of the 1970s and 1980s, SLAYBOY captures the grace and timeless elegance of a bygone era.

Entertainment this weekend includes:
Friday, 13 Nov, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM SLT -  Sheyz

Sunday, 15 Nov, 
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM SLT-  Dreama Summerwind
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM SLT - 11Winter11

Additionally, at the Newly created SlayBoy Theme Park, Grand Opening:
9:00 PM SLT - Sharaz

SLAYBOY CLUB is a part of the SLAYBOY Enterprises, Including the SLAYBOY Swinger Resorts and Condos.  For rental information, contact Ken Edge

VIP membership is available for the most discerning guests.  Attire will be suits or smoking jackets for men, and sexy cocktail dresses or gowns for the ladies.
Panda Girl costumes are optional.

For further information, contact Miakoda Tala (sackawho) or Josh (Thomas1 Bellic)
See you Friday!


Thursday, November 12, 2020



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Grand Opening of Treasured Friends & Fearless Lovers with 2 live Artists on November 16th.


Ichie Kamachi    @ 4 PM
Jackie Lefko-Hawk  @ 5:30 PM


Come experience the fullness of dating in SL.  We offer:  Dinner, Dancing, Golf, A Meditation Center, and a Scenic Park.  Pop on over to Treasured Friends & Fearless Lovers to see what awaits your destiny.  Open hearts, open minds, open souls to the bliss of romance!  Here, you come as friends or guests and leave as lovers.

The perfect place for your wedding reception, birthday and rez day parties, hangout, and chill.
Monthly live events and DJs. Join the group for updates.

Golf Course @ Treasured Friends and Fearless Lovers

Monday, November 9, 2020

SPOTLIGHT ON ROCKER-Live performer in SL and one of the CEOs of Moonlight Music- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...


Second Life is teeming with talent from all over the globe in every genre. The music scene is the top entertainment choice for SL residents. Not only does music bring people together but it gives the virtual world community the unique opportunity to interact with artists by requesting songs and live personal commentary and oftentimes meet and greets after shows.

 Rocker is an SL entertainer that hails from Cocoa Beach, Florida. He started  performing in the real world back in 1975 at the tender age of 17. Rocker was part of a few successful bands and has also found success as a solo performer while entertaining locals and tourists on Florida’s east coast. Retired now, Rocker brings his talent into Second Life with genres that ranges from Blues, Rock, Country and everything in between. One of the CEO’s of Moonlight Music, he is a busy man who puts his heart and soul in music and entertainment.

Interview with Rocker (rocker335)

Lanai: Hi Rocker, Finally got the chance to interview you. You are a busy one! Between performing across the grid you are also one of the CEO’s of Moonlight Music; 

An organization that provides venues with a more direct line to the performers without hassle of a middle man. I’d love for our readers to get to know you as an artist before we get into all you do to enrich the music scene in SL.

 Rocker: I sing Blues, Classic Rock and Country. Most of my songs are upbeat high energy. My shows are fun. Any entertainer's job in SL or RL is to make sure everyone is having fun. You'll be dancing in your chair and singing along.

Lanai: One of my favorite questions to ask is how did you discover Second Life?

Rocker: I was watching an episode of "CSI NY" which is about a murder victim bears a striking resemblance to a well-known avatar in the online role-playing game "Second Life." Mac is forced to enter the game himself to solve the mystery surrounding her death. I had to check it out.

Lanai: Would you say SL is an extension of your real life or a place to pass the time?

Rocker: It is an extension of my real life because it is an extension of my music career. I retired from real life performing and now I perform in SL. It is also an extension because I can perform for people all over the world without them coming to Florida.

Lanai: Music is a big part of your life. How would you define your music style?

Rocker: Others have described my style as high energy. Blues, in the style of Clapton, SRV, KWS mixed with 70's and early 80's Classic Rock.

Lanai: How often do you perform in SL? (share your calendar link in your response)

Rocker: I try and stay booked a couple of times a day from Thursday thru Sunday. I can do shows other days, I just don't have any at this time. I'm always looking for more bookings. Here is my calendar:

Lanai: It has to be exciting performing for an audience. Since you have experience with a band, solo and now in SL. Can you describe what it feels like to be performing and staring out at an audience? 

Rocker: In my early days, I wouldn't look out at the audience. Later, I learned to read the faces of the audience. The size of an audience doesn't bother me as much as the reactions they have to your performance.

Lanai: RL is obviously very different from SL performances because you are able to see your audience. What are the differences and similarities? Do you get the same kind of rush?

Rocker: I get a rush from both but it's different. In real life, you feel the audience more and you can hear the applause. In SL, I watch the number of people and who comes in. The SL rush comes from watching a venue start to fill up right before you go on. The more people, the bigger the rush and the better the show. Also, for anyone going to one of my performances. I love when people send up requests. It's another way to gauge how well the audience likes you.

Lanai: You are one of the CEO’s of Moonlight Music created by Wolfie Moonshadow over a decade ago. Can you tell our readers more about MM?

Rocker: I joined Moonlight Music in May. We were singers who went to each other's show and listened and helped each other with our sound and performances. We have now grown to where we are now a total support group for a performer. A new singer with potential comes to us and we have photographers, booking agents, 3 venues that will help give you a start and more. Moonlight Music does not charge the performer for this.

 Lanai: For those out there that might want to perform in Second Life but not sure how to get started, What advice can you offer them?

Rocker: Talk to a performer. Most of us will be more than happy to help. I have just finished setting up my studio to do some video and I plan on making a YouTube video showing everything that I use to get my sound on a stream and into SL. Check out my webpage below for upcoming videos.

Lanai: It was a pleasure interviewing you Rocker, thank you so much. Before we wrap it up, is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Rocker: In SL right now, I only sing. I am working on some new tracks where I will be playing my guitar live as well so that's coming up. Also, I am very friendly especially if you are a performer. I love to talk about gear and performing. Fans, tell me what you want to hear. If it's not on my list, I might be able to add it. If you want to have some fun, come to my show.

For booking contact

 Kate Rambo (mrsrambo29 Resident)

Additional Information:

Group: Rocker's Band of Renegades

Group SLURL: secondlife:///app/group/26710a94-75d0-e382-2e8b-81eec3936e21/about

My SLURL: secondlife:///app/agent/26a27b2a-5e60-4aa5-b66b-d8d3307fc283/about


Other: Web Page:

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Schedule of Performances for Week of November 8 Presented By Steele Live Music


Tuesday, November 10 - INTERNATIONAL DAY

The Pointe Ballrooom

11:00 am  Winter - Greece
12:00 pm  Lisa Brune - France
3:00 pm   Hogan Baily - USA
4:00 pm   Edian Tey - Mexico
5:00 pm   Agatha Martin - Brazil
6:00 pm   PutriSoloSinger - Indonesia
7:00 pm   ARRA -Philippines

Wednesday, November 11
PETRA ~ A Live Music Venue

2:00 pm  Soso
4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Aaron Cabott Jones
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Naughty
9:00 pm  Gabriel da Silva

Thursday, November 12
PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

10:00 am  Remy Farman
4:00 pm    Holly Giles
5:00 pm    Aaron Cabott Jones
6:00 pm    Wolfie Moonshadow
7:00 pm    Naughty

Friday, November 13
PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

3:00 pm  Maribol Inshan
4:00 pm  Erin Frog & Satin Galli
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  AcousticEnergy
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas

Christmas Memories, the 10th Annual SL Christmas Expo Is Coming Dec 4th to 13th!

Lionel train set? Barbie & Ken? A red Schwinn? Christmas memories last a lifetime. Maybe it was a SNES console or a Cabbage Patch Kid. Every year at this time we remember those special Christmas mornings.

Christmas Memories is the theme of the 2020 SL Christmas Expo as it celebrates 10 Years as the premier holiday shopping and entertainment destination in Second Life. With more than 225 Shoppes and Merchants spanning 12 regions the Expo supports the American Cancer Society and its Childhood Cancer programs.

As always the Expo is the number one destination for holiday shopping and much more. Back again is the Lights of Hope Christmas Decoration Contest featuring SL’s best Home builders, joined by Lindens and Moles decorating Linden Homes.  The Holly Jolly Café opens at 10am Friday, Dec 4th and will feature more than 70 live singers, and more than 100 hours of entertainment.  And of course, Santa Claus will be there!

Other highlights at the Expo include:
Shopping Sprees and Gift Card Raffles
Newest Linden Home Reveal
One Of A Kind and Breedable Auctions
Christmas Trees and Decorations
Kids Fashion Show and Dance Showcase
Sleigh Rides and Pictures with Santa
Special Linden Items and Surprises
11th Annual Holidays of Hope Gala Ball
“This is a very special year the Expo,” according to Nuala Maracas, Expo Director. “Not only is it our 10th year but with everything going on in our world in 2020, the Expo has the opportunity to provide extremely important funding to the American Cancer Society.”
Mark your calendars now for Dec 4th to the 13th and do not miss ‘Christmas Memories’ the 10th Annual SL Christmas Expo

Find out more about the 2020 SL Christmas Expo by visiting or contact us at

The American Cancer Society is the world’s leader in the fight against childhood cancer, attacking cancer from every angle. All proceeds from the SL Christmas Expo support the Society and its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.

If you or a loved one has questions or needs help with a cancer diagnosis call the American Cancer Society 800 227-2345 visit or the American Cancer Society region in Second Life.

Friday, November 6, 2020

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 7th November at noon SLT


GeekSpeak – When did we become human?

At what point in our past did we become human?  Was it when we discovered fire?  Or language?  Or agriculture?  What made us different from other primates? 

What are humans?  Is a human in 1000 BC the same as one in 2000 AD?  Would we share the same values?  What will we have become in 3000 AD?

We can now start defining ourselves but nobody seems to be discussing it.

Let’s start the big discussion of what we, as humanity, want to become.  Come and join the discussion at GeekSpeak.  Bring all your ancient and new friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Spend Election Night At The 2020 Election Simulator- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

In this age of pandemics and limited social gatherings, it may be impossible for you to attend a proper election party. That may leave you alone, with no one to watch the election with, an election that is as wild and consequential as anything in US history. You want to be able to discuss, vent, question, cheer, weep... whatever you're into.

Fortunately, you can cough right in someone's mouth on SL and not get them sick. You can gather in orgy-like proximity without even sparing a thought about catching some friggin' plague. You already go to school online, work online... why not party online?

Granted, a "party" as a rule doesn't involve standing around waiting for people to vote, but it isn't bad for a Tuesday in November.

What you need for this party is a venue, and we found a good one for you.

The 2020 Election Simulator is the brainchild of Duncan, who is aiming for a non-partisan event with no arguments. His sim is not pushing one guy or another, and it is designed for both parties to enjoy.

He put a lot of effort into it. Here are a few things I saw wandering around the sim:

- A state by state map which will turn each state red or blue as polls come in. The simulator is based on the FiveThirtyEight election projections. It updates every ten minutes, and will be shut down once real votes are coming in.

- A second map for the actual results as (if) they come in.

- An ersatz news network roundtable ("3NN") which will announce poll closings, results and anything else. The anchorman is Guy Simpleton, host of The Simulation Room.

- A mailbox looking thing that, if you click on it, will tell you any voter registration rules and information for your state.

- A cop who threatens you if you touch him, but is eventually helpful and steers you towards the voter information mailbox.

- Two riots outside, one with anti-maskers, one with Antifa-type people.

- A city hall to protest at.

- A crowd of people who were banned for harassment gathered on the edge of the sim, seething.

- A staff of people who will eject anyone who disturbs people.

We hope you take advantage of this fine resource if you are online for election night. We ask that you come in peace and conduct yourself all proper-like. Duncan designed this as an informational resource, not a steel cage match. I hunted all around SL, there is no resource like this anywhere.

Vote early and often!