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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Monday, October 26, 2020

Serenades by Ambrosia-An SL Vocalist Venture

Genre: Jazz, R&B, Pop, Broadway, Country and Gospel

*Live Venues Specializing in Ballroom & Upscale Venues  
*Private events-Weddings, Elegant & Upscale Rezz Day/
   Birthday Parties, Bridal & Baby Showers,
 Family Reunions,
*Fashion Shows/ Grand Openings
*Wedding Proposals
*Machinima Movie Scores
*Memorial Services (Free of charge for the family)
* Dinner parties for 2 - 20 people ..The Grove Restaurant or  Personalized skybox available)
*Jazz DJ available
*Gift Baskets w/ Spa & Resort passes available soon
Please contact Ambrosia Kamala or Kultivate Music Management for more info inworld or on Facebook

Ambrosia Windstorm is better known as simply as A M B R O S I A. She is a versatile singer that specializes in genres of Jazz, R&B, Gospel, Pop & Soul music. She has been singing all through her lifetime and In RL she has performed and toured with a Grammy nominated choir.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

GeekSpeak – Where are we going in Space? Join the discussion Oct 24th at 12pm SLT


Next week we will see the first 15km hop of a starship, a milestone in the history of space exploration. 

Many companies are competing to get to the moon or to get to Mars or to catch an asteroid.  Soon we will see rocket factories that churn out a new rocket every week.  The space era is truly beginning.

So where will we go first?  Space tourism?  Space business?  What do you think is the logical path?  Will we soon have millions of people living and working in space?

Come and discuss the future that is just around the next curvature of space.  Bring your astronaut buddies!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Leopard Lounge Haunted Trail 2020 (Oct 1- Nov 3)


Come have a spooky time at the Leopard Lounge Haunted Trail all during October. 

Ghost, goblins, witches and more are around every corner! Dance to Halloween tunes in the misty graveyard....if you make it that far!

Reds Haunted Halloween Mainland Tour 2020







Welcome to Red Fire's Haunted Land! We are so glad you came to see all the spooks and haunts that inhabit the mainland over Halloween. 



Please turn on Sounds in your audio bar. Not just volume, but Sounds, so you can hear the creepy sounds. Sounds are a big part of this experience. 

You may also want to put your viewer on midnight to make it even more scary. 


If you experience lag, try setting your draw distance a bit lower and go to Avatar, Preferences and Graphics to set your slider to about mid. This will help reduce lag. THERE ARE TELEPORTERS THROUGHOUT TO HELP YOU NAVIGATE. 


The first stop is the landing spot at the Zombie Battle, then on to the Zombie Barn, Trail to Hell, Graveyard ,Asylum, Zip line, ,Roller Coaster, Tower Ride, and Carnival Area, Playground, Graveyard, ,Haunted Greenhouse and Haunted House. 

In between you will find lots of creatures of the night. Watch out for the zombies. They get pretty hungry this time of year 


Don't forget to try all the furniture, and click on characters and objects. Most characters will react when you get up close or when you click on them. 

You will not get the full effect of this experience if you cam. It is highly interactive, and you really need to walk it and get up close and personal to get the full impact. 


When you get on the rides, your viewer will immediately switch to mouseview. Press the Escape key on your keyboard to get out of that, and then type Start into nearby chat. This will start the ride. Then put your viewer back into mouseview and look around as you ride. It is more fun that way. In the Tower Ride, you may want to look up as you ride. 

There are instructions at the front of each ride. 

Well, that's about it! 

Thanks so much for visiting! Have fun, and please tell all your friends!



Les rouges hantés Halloween continentale tournée 2020







Bienvenue dans le pays hanté de Red Fire! Nous sommes ravis que vous soyez venus voir tous les fantômes et tous les repaires qui habitent le continent pendant Halloween.

Le premier arrêt est le point d’atterrissage à Zombie Battle puis la grange Zombie, Trail to Hell, Cimetière, Asylum, Zip line, Roller Coaster, Tour et Carnaval Area, Terrain de jeu, Cimetière, Serre hantée et hantée Maison.

Entre les deux, vous trouverez beaucoup de créatures de la nuit. Attention aux zombies. Ils ont assez faim cette période de l'année

N'oubliez pas d'essayer tous les meubles et de cliquer sur les personnages et les objets. La plupart des personnages réagissent lorsque vous vous approchez ou lorsque vous cliquez dessus.

Vous ne ressentirez pas le plein effet de cette expérience si vous cam. Il est hautement interactif et vous devez vraiment marcher et vous rapprocher de vous pour avoir le plein impact.

Lorsque vous montez dans les manèges, votre spectateur bascule immédiatement en mode souris. Appuyez sur la touche Échap de votre clavier pour en sortir, puis tapez Démarrer dans le chat à proximité. Cela va commencer le tour. Puis replacez votre spectateur dans la vue souris et regardez autour de vous pendant que vous roulez. C'est plus amusant comme ça. Dans la tour, vous voudrez peut-être lever les yeux pendant que vous montez.

Il y a des instructions à l'avant de chaque manège.

Veuillez activer les sons dans votre barre audio. Pas seulement le volume, mais les sons, afin que vous puissiez entendre les sons effrayants. Les sons sont une grande partie de cette expérience.

Vous voudrez peut-être aussi mettre votre spectateur à minuit pour le rendre encore plus effrayant.

Si vous constatez un décalage, essayez de réduire votre distance de tracé et allez dans Avatar, Préférences et Graphismes pour régler votre curseur sur environ la moitié. Cela aidera à réduire le retard.

Eh bien, c'est à peu près tout!

Merci beaucoup de votre visite! Amusez-vous et dites s'il vous plaît à tous vos amis!

Point de repère


Reds Haunted Halloween continental Tour 2020







¡Bienvenido a Red Fire's Haunted Land! Estamos muy contentos de que hayas venido a ver todos los fantasmas y lugares que habitan el continente durante Halloween.

La primera parada es el lugar de aterrizaje en Zombie Battle, luego hacia Zombie Barn, Trail to Hell, Graveyard, Asylum, Zip line`` Roller Coaster, Tower Ride y Carnival Area, Playground, Graveyard`` Haunted Greenhouse and Haunted Casa.

En el medio encontrarás muchas criaturas de la noche. Cuidado con los zombies. Tienen mucha hambre en esta época del año

No olvide probar todos los muebles y haga clic en personajes y objetos. La mayoría de los personajes reaccionarán cuando te acerques o cuando hagas clic en ellos.

No experimentarás el efecto completo de esta experiencia si levantas. Es altamente interactivo, y realmente necesita caminar y acercarse para obtener el impacto completo.

Cuando subas a las atracciones, tu visor cambiará inmediatamente a la vista del mouse. Presione la tecla Escape en su teclado para salir de eso, y luego escriba Iniciar en el chat cercano. Esto comenzará el viaje. Luego vuelva a colocar el visor en la vista del mouse y mire a su alrededor mientras viaja. Es más divertido de esa manera. En Tower Ride, es posible que desee mirar hacia arriba mientras viaja.

Hay instrucciones al frente de cada viaje.

Active Sonidos en su barra de audio. No solo el volumen, sino los sonidos, para que puedas escuchar los sonidos espeluznantes. Los sonidos son una gran parte de esta experiencia.

También es posible que desee poner su visor en la medianoche para que sea aún más aterrador.

Si experimenta un retraso, intente configurar su distancia de dibujo un poco más bajo y vaya a Avatar, Preferencias y Gráficos para configurar su control deslizante a la mitad. Esto ayudará a reducir el retraso.

Bueno, eso es todo!

Muchas gracias por su visita! ¡Diviértete y cuéntale a todos tus amigos!

Punto de referencia


Rottöne frequentierten Halloween-Festland-Ausflug 2020







Willkommen in Red Fire's Haunted Land! Wir sind so froh, dass Sie gekommen sind, um all die Gespenster und Gespenster zu sehen, die das Festland über Halloween bewohnt.

Die erste Station ist der Landeplatz am Zombie Battle, dann weiter zur Zombie-Scheune, zum Trail to Hell, zum Friedhof, zur Anstalt, zur Seilbahn, zur Achterbahn, zur Turmfahrt und zum Karnevalsbereich, zum Spielplatz, zum Friedhof, zum Spukgewächshaus und zum Spuk Haus.

Dazwischen finden Sie viele Kreaturen der Nacht. Pass auf die Zombies auf. Zu dieser Jahreszeit werden sie ziemlich hungrig

Vergiss nicht, alle Möbel auszuprobieren und auf Figuren und Gegenstände zu klicken. Die meisten Charaktere reagieren, wenn Sie sich ihnen nähern oder wenn Sie darauf klicken.

Sie werden nicht die volle Wirkung dieser Erfahrung erleben, wenn Sie cam. Es ist sehr interaktiv, und Sie müssen es wirklich gehen und ganz nah dran sein, um die volle Wirkung zu erzielen.

Wenn Sie in die Fahrten einsteigen, wechselt Ihr Betrachter sofort in die Mausansicht. Drücken Sie die Escape-Taste auf Ihrer Tastatur, um das zu beenden, und geben Sie dann Start in den Chat in der Nähe ein. Dies startet die Fahrt. Versetzen Sie dann Ihren Betrachter wieder in die Mausansicht und schauen Sie sich während der Fahrt um. So macht es mehr Spaß. Bei der Turmfahrt möchten Sie möglicherweise beim Fahren nachschlagen.

Vor jeder Fahrt finden Sie Anweisungen.

Bitte schalten Sie Sounds in Ihrer Audio-Leiste ein. Nicht nur Lautstärke, sondern Geräusche, damit Sie die gruseligen Geräusche hören können. Klänge sind ein großer Teil dieser Erfahrung.

Vielleicht möchten Sie Ihren Betrachter auch auf Mitternacht stellen, um ihn noch gruseliger zu machen.

Wenn Sie eine Verzögerung bemerken, versuchen Sie, die Zeichnungsentfernung etwas zu verringern, und wechseln Sie zu Avatar, Einstellungen und Grafiken, um den Schieberegler auf etwa die Mitte einzustellen. Dies wird dazu beitragen, die Verzögerung zu verringern.

Nun, das war es auch schon!

Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch! Viel Spaß und bitte erzähle es allen deinen Freunden!

























Hóngjūn nàoguǐ wànshèngjié nèidì zhī lǚ 2020

zhǔyào yàodiǎn:

1. Dǎkāi “shēngyīn yǐ huòdé zuì jiā tǐyàn”.

2. Xǔduō xiàngmù shì hùdòng de, yīncǐ yīqiè dōu yīng rúcǐ.

3. Mǒu xiē dìfāng bèi yǎngàile, suǒyǐ zài xiǎoshì hé guǎijiǎo chù dōu kěyǐ kàn dào.

4. Bùyào CAM, zǒulù. Rúguǒ nín jǐn jìnxíng shèxiàng, nín jiāng wúfǎ huòdé wánquán de xiàoguǒ.

5. Wèile huòdé zuì jiā tǐyàn, qǐng jiāng wǔyè chē dēng shèzhì wèi wǔyè.

Huānyíng lái dào hónghuo guǐwū! Wǒmen hěn gāoxìng nín lái dào zhèlǐ, kàn dào wànshèngjié qíjiān zài dàlù qīxī de suǒyǒu yōulíng hé guǐhún.

Dì yí zhàn shì hú zhī jiā de zhuólù diǎn, ránhòu dàodá jiāngshī gǔ cāng, dìyù xiǎojìng, mùdì, bìhù suǒ, yóubiān xiàn, guòshānchē, tǎ qí hé kuánghuān jié qū, yóulè chǎng, mùdì, guǐwū hé guǐwū wū.

Zài zhè liǎng zhě zhī jiān, nín huì fāxiàn xǔduō yèwǎn de shēngwù. Dāngxīn jiāngshī. Yī nián de zhège shíhòu tāmen hěn è

bùyào wàngjì chángshì suǒyǒu jiājù, ránhòu dān jī zìfú hé duìxiàng. Dāng nín kàojìn huò dān jī tāmen shí, dà duōshù juésè dūhuì zuò chū fǎnyìng.

Shèxiàng shí, nín jiāng wúfǎ tǐyàn dào zhè zhǒng tǐyàn de quánbù xiàoguǒ. Tā jùyǒu gāodù de jiāohù xìng, nín quèshí xūyào mànbù bìng qīnjìn qǐlái cáinéng chōngfèn fāhuī zuòyòng.

Dāng nín shàng chē shí, nín de guānzhòng jiāng lìjí qiēhuàn dào shǔbiāo shìtú. Àn jiànpán shàng de Escape jiàn yǐ bǎituō gāi jiàn, ránhòu zài fùjìn de liáotiān zhōng jiànrù “kāishǐ”. Zhè jiāng kāishǐ lǚchéng. Ránhòu, jiāng nín de chákàn qì fàng huí shǔbiāo shìtú, bìng zài qí xíng shí huángù sìzhōu. Zhèyàng gèng yǒuqù. Zài tǎ qí zhōng, nín kěnéng xiǎng zài qí xíng shí táitóu.

Měi cì chéng chē de qiánmiàn dōu yǒu shuōmíng.

Qǐng dǎkāi yīnpín lán zhōng de shēngyīn. Bùjǐn shì yīnliàng, hái bāokuò shēngyīn, yīncǐ nín kěyǐ tīng dào lìng rén máogǔsǒngrán de shēngyīn. Shēngyīn shì zhè zhǒng tǐyàn de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfèn.

Nín kěnéng hái xiǎng jiāng nín de chákàn qì zhì yú wǔyè, yǐ shǐ qí gèngjiā kǒngbù.

Rúguǒ yù dào yánchí, qǐng chángshì jiāng huìzhì jùlí shèzhì dé gèng dī yīxiē, ránhòu zhuǎn dào “tóuxiàng”,“shǒu xuǎnxiàng” hé “túxíng” yǐ jiāng huá kuài shèzhì wéi dàyuē zhōngjiān. Zhè jiāng yǒu zhù yú jiǎnshǎo zhìhòu.

Hǎo ba, jiùshì zhèyàng!

Fēicháng gǎnxiè nín fǎngwèn! Wán dé kāixīn, qǐng gàosù suǒyǒu péngyǒu!



ريدز مسكون هالوين جولة البر الرئيسى 2019

النقاط الرئيسية:

1. بدوره على الأصوات للحصول على أفضل تجربة.

2. العديد من العناصر التفاعلية ، حتى لمس كل شيء.

3. يتم إخفاء بعض الندوب ، لذلك نتطلع إلى إبداعات حولها.

4. لا CAM IT ، يمشي عليه. لن تحصل على التأثير الكامل إذا كنت تأتي فقط.

5. لأفضل تجربة ، ضع إعدادات WINDIGHT في منتصف الليل.

مرحبًا بك في Red Fire's Haunted Land! نحن سعداء للغاية لأنك جئت لرؤية كل الأشباح والمطاردات التي تقطن البر الرئيسي على الهالوين.

المحطة الأولى هي مكان الهبوط في لايك هاوس ، ثم إلى زومبي بارن ، تريل تو هيل ، غريفيارد ، أيسيلي ، الرمز البريدي ، رولر كوستر ، تاور رايد ، ومنطقة كرنفال ، ملعب ، غرايفارد ، ، مسكون غرينهاوس وهاونتيد منزل.

بينك ستجد الكثير من مخلوقات الليل. احترس من الكسالى. يشعرون بالجوع الشديد هذا الوقت من السنة

لا تنس تجربة كل الأثاث ، وانقر على الشخصيات والكائنات. سوف تتفاعل معظم الشخصيات عند الاقتراب أو عند النقر عليها.

لن تواجه التأثير الكامل لهذه التجربة إذا كنت كام. إنه تفاعلي للغاية ، وتحتاج حقًا إلى السير فيه والاستيقاظ والشخصية للحصول على التأثير الكامل.

عندما تصادف ركوب الخيل ، سينتقل المشاهد فورًا إلى mouseview. اضغط على مفتاح Escape بلوحة المفاتيح للخروج من ذلك ، ثم اكتب ابدأ في الدردشة القريبة. هذا سيبدأ الركوب. ثم أعد المشاهد الخاص بك مرة أخرى إلى mouseview وانظر حولك وأنت تركب. هو أكثر متعة بهذه الطريقة. في Tower Ride ، قد ترغب في البحث أثناء الركوب.

هناك تعليمات في الجزء الأمامي من كل رحلة.

يرجى تشغيل الأصوات في شريط الصوت الخاص بك. ليس فقط الصوت ، ولكن الأصوات ، حتى تتمكن من سماع الأصوات المخيفة. الأصوات هي جزء كبير من هذه التجربة.

قد ترغب أيضًا في وضع المشاهد في منتصف الليل لجعله أكثر مخيفًا.

إذا واجهت تأخرًا ، فحاول تعيين مسافة السحب أقل قليلاً وانتقل إلى الصور الرمزية والتفضيلات والرسومات لتعيين شريط التمرير إلى منتصفه تقريبًا. هذا سوف يساعد في تقليل التأخر.

حسنا ، هذا عن ذلك!

شكرا جزيلا لزيارتك! استمتع ، وأرجو أن تخبر جميع أصدقائك!

معلم معروف


ridiz maskun halwin jawlat albar alrayiysaa 2020

alniqat alrayiysiat:

1. bidawrih ealaa al'aswat lilhusul ealaa 'afdal tajribat.

2. aledyd min aleanasir altafaeuliat , hataa lams kl shay'.

3. ytm 'iikhfa' bed alnudub , ldhlk natatalae 'iilaa 'iibdaeat hawliha.

4. la CAM IT , yamshi ealayh. ln tahsul ealaa altaathir alkamil 'iidha kunt tati faqt.

5. la'afdal tajribat , dae 'iiedadat WINDIGHT fi muntasaf allayl.

mrhbana bik fi Red Fire's Haunted Land! nahn sueada' lilghayat li'ank jit liruyat kl al'ashbah walmutaridat alty tuqatin albar alrayiysia ealaa alhaluin.

almahatat al'uwlaa hi makan alhubut fi layk haws , thuma 'iilaa zumibi barn , turil taw hil , ghrifiard , 'aysili , alramz albaridiu , rulir kustir , tawr rayid , wamintaqat krnfal , maleab , ghrayfard , , maskun gharinhaws wahawnatayd munzilin.

baynak satajid alkthyr min makhluqat allayl. aihtaras min alksala. yasheurun bialjawe alshadid hdha alwaqt min alsana

la tans tajribat kl al'athath , wainqur ealaa alshakhsiat walkayinati. sawf tatafaeal mezm alshakhsiat eind alaiqtirab 'aw eind alnaqr ealayha.

ln tuajih altaathir alkamil lihadhih altajribat 'iidha kunt kam. 'iinah tufaeili lilghayat , watahtaj hqana 'iilaa alsayr fih walaistiqaz walshakhsiat lilhusul ealaa altaathir alkamil.

eindama tusadif rukub alkhayl , sayantaqil almashahid fwrana 'iilaa mouseview. aidghut ealaa miftah Escape bilawhat almafatih lilkhuruj min dhlk , thuma aiktub aibda fi aldardishat alqaribati. hdha sayabda alrukub. thuma 'aead almashahid alkhasi bik mrt akhra 'iilaa mouseview wanzur hawlik wa'ant tarakb. hu 'akthar muteatan bihadhih altariqati. fi Tower Ride , qad targhab fi albahth 'athna' alrukub.

hnak taelimat fi aljuz' al'amamii min kuli rihlatin.

yrja tashghil al'aswat fi sharit alsawt alkhasi bika. lys faqat alsawt , walikuna al'aswat , hataa tatamakan min samae al'aswat almukhyifata. al'aswat hi juz' kabir min hadhih altajribat.

qad targhab aydana fi wade almashahid fi muntasaf allayl lajaealah 'akthar mkhyfana.

'iidha wajahat takhrana , fahawil taeyin masafat alsahb 'aqala qlylaan waintaqal 'iilaa alsuwar alramziat waltafdilat walrusumat litaeyin sharit altamrir 'iilaa muntasafih tqrybana. hdha sawf yusaeid fi taqlil altaaikhur.

hasananaan , hdha ean dhlk!

shukraan jazilaan liziartk! astamtae , wa'arju 'an tukhbir jmye 'asdqayk!

muealam maeruf

Monday, October 19, 2020

You are cordially invited to the grand opening of MCS Gallery & Photography sim October 19th 5pm SLT

After 2 months of planning, building and dreaming the Conners are ready to share their new vision with the world. We would be honored if you would join us for the opening event of this new adventure.

When  Monday October 19th

Time :  5:00 PM SLT

Where : Mt. Conners Gallery & Photography Sim

Dress code : Formal, Coctail Dresses or gowns for women, Nice suits or Tuxs for men.

Events : Live music at 5:00 PM with Mimi Carpenter then an hour with 

             DJ Polpeta 

             Gallery tours, Balloon tours, Sim exploration.


Artists:  Karie (bdopekarreuche),

            亗 M Y S T E R E 亗 (mystereROCK Anderton,


            Sue Kass,



Please join us, we would love to have you be a part of this wonderful night with friends and family to share our dreams with the world of SL.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Schedule of Performances for Week of October 18 from Steele Live Music

Tuesday, October 20 - The Pointe Ballroom
International Day

12:00 pm  Lisa Brune - France
  3:00 pm  Hogan Baily - USA
  4:00 pm  Edian Tey - Mexico
  5:00 pm  Agatha Martin - Brazil
  6:00 pm  PutriSoloSinger - Indonesia

Wednesday, October 21 - PETRA's 

4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Djembe Dragonfire
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Red Heaven

Thursday, October 22 - PETRA's
10:00 am  Remy Farmam
4:00 pm  Holly Giles
5:00 pm  Aaron Cabott Jones
6:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow

Friday, October 23 - PETRAs

2:00 pm  Max Kleene
3:00 pm  Maribol Inshan
4:00 pm Annette Cifuentes
5:00 pm  Savannah Rain
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shilton
9:00 pm  Funky Freddy Republic

Sunday, October 25 - PETRAs

1:00 pm  Jeffah

The Pointe Ballroom and The Knock Knock Room

Friday, October 16, 2020

High Speed Internet world wide - GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 17th October at noon SLT


In two years the whole planet will have high speed access to the internet and the World Wide Web will finally live up to its name.  What will happen?

Will we see live footage from the middle of the Sahara, from Antarctica, from ocean going ships, from North Korea?  How will that affect Earth’s society as a whole?  Will it lead to greater understanding or will everyone go crazy when they learn about all the conspiracy theories that are out there?

Will everyone on the planet have an equal chance to have a better life?  Or will the evil regimes drag us all down to their level?  Will some countries block the internet and remain isolated?  Will there be a big market in black market satellite dishes in China?

Will the world become a global village?  Or will there be digital borders?  Come and discuss the near future.  Bring your online friends from weird countries (if you do not have them, you might soon😊

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Craziest Bets In Casinos

We are sure pretty much everybody knows it by now, but the money in the overall casino industry is absolutely ridiculous these days, and has been for a while now. In fact, back in the 1800s the newly invented game of roulette ended up making Central European casinos so rich that they were banned from the continent in everywhere but Monte Carlo. 

This is a perfect example of the amount of money that is brought in by the industry each and every year, something that mainly comes as a consequence of some absolutely huge bets being made. Most of us cannot afford to do some of the things that the people in this craziest bets in casinos list have done, although some of these people couldn’t really afford it either! Read on for some of the craziest bets in casinos, including

Ashley Revell 

Ashley Revell is responsible for probably the most famous crazy casino bet the world has ever seen, mainly because it was all televised! Oh yes, ITV were lucky enough to be able to follow Mr Revell on a trip across the Atlantic that could well have ended up a whole load worse than it actually did. You see, this young British professional decided to sell all of his worldly possessions and head to Las Vegas, with the hope of gambling away essentially his entire life on one spin of a roulette wheel. 

Can you imagine ever doing this? Let alone in front of a TV crew relaying the footage to millions across the world? Ashley Revell was a brave man to do this, you really cannot argue with that, and luckily enough for him he actually ended up winning too. You would do well to find any crazier bets made in casinos over the years, in fact several Las Vegas casinos turned down Ashley Revell’s bet before he could even make it. Many gamblers would have kept wagering after a win of that size, however Ashley Revell hasn’t even gambled since. Good on him! 

William Lee Bergstrom 

Every so often a gambler becomes famous in Las Vegas because of a blatant disregard for typically sized bets, bringing new meaning to the word “high roller”. Well, William Lee Bergstrom is probably the most famous one of these people even today, as his bets were often so large that he had to bring a suitcase full of cash to the casino with him. This actually earned him the nickname The Suitcase Man and also Phantom Gambler, testimony to the utterly outrageous bets he was known to make back in the 20th century. 

William Lee Bergstrom first announced himself on the Las Vegas casino gambling stage when he placed a ridiculous $777,000 bet at the Horseshoe Casino – the largest casino bet ever recorded at the time, and a whole 2.5 million dollars in today’s money. Bergstrom won it of course, and this kick-started his reputation as a fearless high roller. Many years later, however, he lost a million dollar bet that also ruined his life.

Out Shop Cancer - More than 100 stores participating including the Wythburn Art Walk


Raffles ending at 7pm SLT on October 15:
Shopping Spree Raffle #1 - valued at over L$15,000 - tickets L$100 each
Animesh baby girl from Suki baby - valued at L$4,500 - tickets L$100 each
1968 Custom Nova from Taz's Customs - valued at approximately L$1,900 - tickets L$65 each

Next round of raffles will start Friday, October 16

Shopping Spree Raffle #2 - valued at over L$15,000 - tickets L$100 each, drawing held on Oct 31st at 7pm SLT
Animesh baby boy from Suki Baby - valued at L$4,500 - tickets L$100 each, drawing will be held Oct 31st at 7pm SLT

Other raffles that will start on or around Oct 16 are:
2019 Demon SRT from Bad Bunny's Custom
2 sets of KittyCat pairs
For Bloodlines - a Lumen tank and a blood cask

Special events:

Meet the Artists
Saturday, Oct 17 &  Oct 24
Wythburn Art Walk
Music provided by DJ Filo Tani
10am - 12pm slt
Out Shop Cancer @ Heathens Court Event
October 15 - 31
Heathens Court Event is partnering with Out Shop Cancer for their October 2020 round There are more than 30 participating merchants (some are also regular Out Shop Cancer merchants who are also participating at their main store or marketplace stores)

Grand opening party on Thursday, October 15 from 12pm - 8pm slt
Entertainment schedule:

12pm DJ Jennylynn
3pm DJ Anubis
5pm DJ Gem
6pm DJ Clark Kent

Also, make sure to check out the raffles that will be going on at Heathens Court as well, including:

~ OOAK Custom Truck
~ L$1,000 Stychwytch Designs Gift Card
~ L$1,100 Blueberry Gift Card
~ L$1,000 KC Couture Gift Card

Plus random prizes throughout the grand opening party.

Heathens Court SLurl

Friday, October 9, 2020

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday October 10th at noon SLT


GeekSpeak – Should we seed life on other planets?

Should we take life to other planets?  Should we design and create lifeforms suited to conditions away from Earth?  Should we replace the life on other planets with life that is useful to us?  If a planet is lifeless should we take life there?  The newly discovered underground lakes on Mars might provide the first opportunity for seeding life.  And maybe some people will think it is our duty to spread life around the universe.

 If you were to design lifeforms what would you design?  Inflatable birds on Mars where ordinary birds could not fly?  Plants that move around like animals?  Animals that photosynthesize like plants?  Green cows and sheep?

Or is the whole idea foolish, even dangerous?  The animals we design may evolve to become our rivals, even our predators.  What will happen if we fill the universe with life?  Will we be worshipped as gods?  Or will we become food for a stronger species from far away? 

Come and discuss the biological future of the universe.  Bring a time machine and your friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.



One of the really neat things about SecondLife is that it caters to a truly international group of residents. People who live thousands of miles apart in the Real World, can come within a pixel’s distance of each other at the click of a mouse.  Different people from all over the globe can get together in coffee shop or a bar in SecondLife, and discuss the world’s problems.  While these eclectic groups of individuals may rarely solve any of the world problems, at least they are willing to shed light on the most contentious of issues. Take the issue of animal sounds, for instance….
I was hanging out at Fogbound the other day with a group of my friends, and in walks a drop-dead gorgeous friend of ours.

“Woof Woof” John said as she approached. 
“And what does THAT mean” she asked?
“Oh, That’s the sound a dog makes.”, John replied. “I was barking in delight at seeing you”.
“You are silly AND mistaken” my French friend said.  “Dogs don’t sound like that.  Dogs say ‘Ouah Ouah’”
At that point, my Hebrew pal spoke up and said “You are BOTH mistaken.  Dogs don’t sound like either of those.  A Dog says ‘Hab Hab’”.

My Japanese friend chimed in with “I don’t know where you get your information, but dogs don’t sound like any of those. Dogs sound like ‘Wan Wan”, pigs say ‘Bu’ and ducks say ‘Ga-Ga’.  Have you never been to a farm before?

Then a Bulgarian, certain we were joking said “You must be pulling of the leg.  Everyone knows pigs say ‘Gruh Gruh’, ducks say ‘Kvak’ and the noble turkey says ‘Biyi Biyi’.
Then it hit me.  I needed to do an article on how animal sounds are perceived around the world. 

My first stop was at the Dr. Doolittle Center for Animal Linguistics. It was there I learned that while animals may not actually MAKE different sounds (allowing for regional dialects of course), the people near them may HEAR different sounds.
Then came the HOURS of painstaking research, hanging out in some of the seediest bars and shopping malls all across the grid, scanning profiles in the hopes of stumbling upon non-native English speakers who would be willing to complete my “Sounds of the Barnyard” survey.  The chart below summarizes my findings. (click on the table to enlarge)

So then, after exhaustive research, we can tell a couple of things from the information gathered.
First off, individuals who speak a common language, often assign the same sound to our animal friends.  Note how, despite being separated by thousands and thousands of miles, Americans, Britts, and Australians all have the same spelling for the sounds made by all f the barnyard animals.
Second, of all the animals listed and the various sounds they make, most people surveyed agreed on a common set of sounds for the humble Cow and the noteworthy Cat. It is pretty universally accepted that Cows say “Mooo”, and Cats say “Meow”. 

The repercussions of this are significant.  It means that wherever you go in the world, whatever the native language for that area, you will already know TWO words in that language.  Use these two words proudly and often, as it will help identify you as a “Global citizen”.  Locals will be impressed that you have taken the time to study and learn some of the local languages.

Just Do it.  You’ll be glad you did.
Aloha - JB

Contributors to this story included:
Amanda Szczepanski – Norwegian
Belladarkside resident – French Canadian
Meilssa212212 – Spanish
Aylla Baldwin – Afrikaans
Rose Krimau – Catalan
Saskia Silverweb – British English
Mara Missmara – Hungarian
Tanya (maratana) – Dutch
Narelle Brenner – Australian English
Vickster Kuhn – German
PanteraPolnocy – Polish
Paterne Lefavre – French
Nikolina Bulloch – Bulgarian
Akiko Yuki – Japanese

Monday, October 5, 2020

Choosing the best UK Casino

Choosing the best UK Casino 

When it comes to choosing the best UK casino, there are a few things which must be taken into consideration to help inform this decision. What kinds of casino games are there? Is there a good range of casino games? One kind of roulette, or more roulette options? 

Indeed, by choosing the best Slots UK casino you can be sure that you have the best gaming experience you can get, so it makes sense it’s a priority. However, choosing the best UK casino isn’t always an easy task - because there are a lot of good choices out there. How do we whittle it all down?

Prioritise Casino Games 

There are some casino games which you’ll have more of an interest in playing over others. It makes sense - we all have preferences in almost everything we do, down to the kind of toothpaste we use. Why should casino games be any different? One way of choosing the best UK casino is by choosing games. 

Once you have decided which casino games you want to prioritize, there’s more work to do yet. Find an online casino which specializes in offering those kinds of casino games to ensure you get the best experience your money can buy. After all, enjoying the game you’re gambling with is all part of the fun. 

Find a good Casino with Bonuses 

There’s another way you can be sure you get the best value for money, and that’s by finding a good casino with bonuses. Especially when you’re choosing the best UK casino, the only way to get good value for money is with the bonuses as a new joiner with a new welcome offer. 

As a new member to the online casino of your choosing, you’re entitled to any new welcome offer that online casino has on offer simply for signing up. That’s what you call maximum impact for minimal effort, and it’s worth going for if you want to make the most of your gambling experience. 

Find a Casino with the Best Software Providers 

From Microgaming to NetEnt to Yggdrasil, there are many big players in the online casino sphere now which are among the best software providers in the world. Many online casino sites will display the software providers of their games, so you can easily see which offer casino games from the leading providers.

By choosing the best UK casino with the software providers in mind, you’ll be sure to get the best games on offer by any online casino. This means the best gaming experience too. While it is a hard call to make, just check out any developer and see what games they’ve got- a good place to start is with their newest releases. 

The Conclusion to Choosing the best UK Casino 

So, when you’re choosing the best UK casino, these are the three pillars you should look out for when you’re forming a decision. Prioritize the games, bonuses and software providers and you can’t go wrong in finding the online casino that’s right for you. Why not head online now and see what you can find?

Saturday, October 3, 2020



Cooper's Coffeehouse has just completed an extensive renovation, spending more than three weeks and 20,000$L to totally revamp the building, interior decor, and even the logo and menu of food and beverages.
To celebrate their reopening, they are giving away a 100$L cash prize for filling out a suggestion/comment  card until November 1st. Additionally, there is a 250$L cash raffle that is free to enter, that drawing takes place on October 15th.
The coffeehouse is a non-profit non-commercial establishment that seeks to brighten up the day to day lives of Second Life residents with a realistic café environment and welcoming atmosphere. This is a welcome change of pace for many from the various clubs and adult areas on Second Life. The café  boasts a "safe space" policy - welcoming all avatars including families and non-humans.
Immediately upon entering the coffeehouse you are greeted by inviting and comfortable looking furniture surrounding a warm crackling fireplace. There are floor to ceiling windows that look out onto the patio and on to the stunning lake outside. The café counter features more than twenty featured drinks, both for drinking inside in a mug or to take it with you in a “to go” style travel cup. If you don't see your drink on the menu, put a note in the suggestion box and they will make it for you! There are also dozens of food items. All of this is provided free of charge.
There are plenty of other activities at Cooper’s Coffeehouse: a game area with board games and playable pool, a “werk” space featuring a conference area and computers, and a small reading nook filled with both RL and SL literature. Stepping outside on to the giant deck, there is plenty of gorgeous seating, a 7Seas fishing area, a cozy outdoor stage, and to wrap it all up a warm crackling bonfire with Adirondack chairs spaced around it right on the water – perfect for those crisp fall nights with friends or loved ones.
The coffeehouse hosts a variety of activities including live music, bingo, a weekly $L cash raffle, and more! They even allow you to host events here – free of charge. Yup, even weddings.
All in all, Cooper’s Coffeehouse is an amazing and gorgeous space to bring your family, have a date night,  meet up with friends, or make some new ones! You won't regret visiting!

SL Group: secondlife:///app/group/1376cda3-e960-1c7a-6b3d-1c1f0e33117f/about

Schedule of Performances for Week of October 4 at Steele's Pointe


Tuesday, October 6

International Day
The Pointe Ballroom

12:00 pm  Lisa Brune - France
 3:00  pm  Hogan Baily -  USA
 4:00 pm  Edian Tey - Mexico
 5:00 pm  Agatha Martin - Brazil
 6:00 pm  PutriSoloSinger - Indonesian

Wednesday, October 7

PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Djembe Dragonfire
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Red Heaven

Thursday, October 8

PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

10:00 am  Remy Farman
 4:00  pm  Holly Giles
 5:00  pm  Aaron Cabott Jones
 6:00  pm  Wolfie Moonshadow
 7:00  pm to 9:00 pm  A Double Shot of Wayne Davis

Friday, October 9

PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

2:00 pm  Max Kleene
3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Annette Cifuentes
5:00 pm  Savannah Rain
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shilton
9:00 pm  Funky Freddy Republic

Friday, October 2, 2020

What REALLY makes the world go around? GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 3rd October at noon SLT

 GeekSpeak – What REALLY makes the world go around?

We tend to think we know how the world works, but do we?  Does anyone really understand it?  What does the world run on?

We are used to the picture of the world running on oil, but that has only been true for the last century or so.  Before that, maybe it was the possession of fertile land.  What will be the next thing that makes the world work?  Resources?  Energy? 

Come to GeekSpeak and discuss macroeconomics and who or what really runs the planet.  And let’s learn a thing or two about the shady background to the world in which we are all trying to make our living.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

2020 Out Shop Cancer Now Open


October 1 to October 31, 2020

An American Cancer Society in SL Strides Campaign Fundraising Event

It is time to grab your L$ and start shopping for a cause! The 3rd annual Out Shop Cancer event returns to Second Life featuring more merchants and more ways for residents to support Making Strides and the American Cancer Society.

Since 2018, Out Shop Cancer has been a grid-wide shopping event that brought residents to participating merchant stores. Merchants designate specific items that will be sold as a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society’s breast cancer programs and services. Each year has seen an increase in the number of merchants and designers joining the fight against breast cancer.

Continuing for the 2020 season is Out Shop Cancer: Marketplace. This allows designers without in-world locations to take part as well!

And brand new for this year we have partnered with the Heathens Court Event, which includes more than 20 additional shopping opportunities to support Making Strides all in one location.
But there’s still more! Also for the 2020 Out Shop Cancer event we have the Wythburn Art Walk with over 20 participating artists, hosted by Sethos Wythburn of Wythburn Fine Furniture. Residents are invited to stroll or ride the paths from the village that lead up to the Raven Craig Art Center. The path is lined with art for sale.

Additionally, there have been special items donated to be raffled during the month. These include two Mega Shopping Spree Raffles each valued over L$15,000, a girl animesh baby and a boy animesh baby from Suki Baby, a custom 1968 Nova from Taz’s Customs, a 2019 Demon SRT from Bad Bunny’s Customs and more.

A full Store directory including some Marketplace specials, full details about the Wythburn Art Walk and other highlights are available at or you can pick up a notecard listing in-world of participating locations and to check out the current raffles at the Out Shop Cancer office here,

Further information please contact Sandie Loxingly & SavannahRaye



Grap your diary! LUXE Paris and One On One Agency are presenting INTERSTELLAR, a super fashion show that will take place on October 11th, 9 AM SLT, and where are the guests will receive a beautiful mink coat as a gift!

Yes it is THE fashion rendez-vous of the year and no, it is not a futuristic collection. The name INTERSTELLAR here refers to the poetry of stars and distant planets which inspired the LUXE Paris fall 2020 collection.

''As planet earth battles COVID-19 and chaos, we have decided to look to the stars, imagining them as so many little glimmers of hope that watch over our capsizing world''. explain Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra, LUXE Paris designers and co-owners.

This vision translates into a collection with soft and reassuring colors but also with shocking, destabilizing effects, combinations of unprecedented shades and surprising amalgamations.
Dress, gowns, pants, swimwear, furs... LUXE Paris INTERSTELLAR explores all facets of fashion with that wonderful aura of chic and class that has made the reputation of the brand.

But if the fashion presented will be faithful to the image of the refined elegance so dear to LUXE Paris and eminently wearable, the show will certainly transport us to another world. It is in the heart of a night filled with stars that the One On One Agency will welcome us, exploding the classic concept of the fashion show with delicious poetry that borders on magic!

Arrive early as places are limited and the event is highly anticipated.
Navigate your spaceship to the LUXE Paris INTERSTELLAR galaxy  at 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Haunted Hollow: an All Hallows Experience opens in SL


Haunted Hollow features stories, music, live trick or treat, and a quarter region of fun to explore., presented by Elite Equestrian and Seanchai Library, October 1 - 31 on the Isle of Joy in Second Life.

 "Once Upon a Time there was an Enchanted Hollow somewhere between the Hudson River Valley and the land of the Brothers Grimm. It was here, under the glow of the Hunter's Moon, that the tales gathered. They settled in as cooling breezes whirled the falling leaves, nestling between the autumnal heights and that place where the brook waters blend with the salty sea. Mind your step! In the centuries between this moment and when these stories were born, some few of them may have begun to twist, just a very little."