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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Lindens Are Coming! The Lindens Are Coming! To The 2020 SL Renaissance Festival

The Lindens are Coming to the 2020 SL Renaissance Festival! They bring fabulous booty from foreign shores and are challenging the Champions of the Medieval Realms to a Tournament!
The SL Renaissance Festival unites Medieval Role Play Communities to Crusade Against Breast Cancer. The 10 Day event in support of the American Cancer Society Strides Campaigns in Second Life kicks off September 25th and will feature Merchants, Gatchas, Auctions and Entertainment. Spreading over 6 beautiful autumn regions the, Festival fills the countryside with Castles and Shoppes and Fields of Honor.
Spies of the Realm have learned that the Lindens will be taking part in the Festival and will be bringing some very special treasures of immense Value.   Some of the Lindens have been sentenced to be Pilloried for their misbehavior during their journey to the Festival.  They will serve their sentences on Friday October 2 from 1 to 3 pm.
Among the mischievous members are:
•    Patch Linden
•    Derrick Linden
•    Constantine Linden
•    Abnor Mole
•    Madori Linden
•    Whitney Linden
It has also been communicated to the united Realms that the Lindens have dropped the Gauntlet and are challenging all members of the Realms of the Festival to a Joust, The event, to be held on Thursday October 1, noon until 3 pm, will feature:
•    Sir Patch Linden
•    Sir Derek Linden
•    Sir Constantine Linden
•    Sir Guy Linden
They challenge all comers and promise this will be the most unique tournament in the annals of Second Life
Lastly it has been learned that the Lindens are bringing a very special treasure, The One Of A Kind American Cancer Society SWORD OF HOPE and the LINDEN SHEILD, to be auctioned to the Highest Bidder on Sunday October 4th at 10am. The swordsmiths and armorers of Linden Lab have created these unique One Of A Kind arms from the most precious of metallic textures available in the virtual worlds.
With so much to do and see the SL Renaissance Festival is sure to be the biggest virtual event of Autumn, Join us, September 25 through October 4th and help the American Cancer Society vanquish Breast Cancer.

For more information please visit
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is the largest network of breast cancer events in the nation. Strides unites communities in the fight against this deadly disease and helps to raise money to help the American Cancer Society fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and provide patient services like free rides to chemo, free places to stay near treatment, and a live 24/7 cancer helpline.
If you or a loved one has questions or needs help with a breast cancer diagnosis call the American Cancer Society 800 227-2345 visit or the American Cancer Society region in Second Life.

CONTACT: Nuala Maracas, Festival Director 

Monday, September 21, 2020


Benjamin Franklin once said “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” While there is no evidence that Old Ben was speaking of the Virtual World, they still apply. Let’s take a look at the first of these two certainties:  Death. 

In Real Life, death is often proceeded by illness, degrading physical acuity…failing mobility…perhaps a period of hospice care.  The signs of impending death are obvious to all...and when it finally arrives, it comes as a real surprise to no one.  But SecondLife is different.  We can be at death’s door in RL, and yet…to look at our avi…we are as vibrant as the day we incorporated the last update. Here, life may go unchanged for weeks, months, or even years.  We continue to visit the same sims, run with the same crowd.  No telltale pallor to the skin…no slowing of movement.  We can look every bit as alive and vibrant as we want to be….until…we can’t. One who is very ill in RL may share that knowledge with closest SL friends, but not always.  And the rest of us are left wondering.  What about those who just disappear? Did they simply leave SL? Did they change avis and have jumpstarted their SL with an alt? Or have they simply… passed away?

In this article we will explore the reality of Death and the impact in a Virtual world.

Josh(Thomas1 Bellic) JB:    Have you known friends or others in SL who died in RL?

Bandor Tyrell:  Kimiko Beverly, my RL half-sister, founder of Maui Swingers Resort died of cancer several years back. She had been sick in RL for a long time, but concealed it from most of her friends in SL.

merry Felwitch: I have lost many friends in SL.  Just last week I lost another.  We were very close. There is a club in SL called The Willows where they honor those we have lost.  I had a friend who lived in my state, and we met from time to time in RL.  My friend  did not want anyone to know she was ill.  She passed as she lived – happily. I attended two wakes for her – one in SL and one in RL.  We all met for her wake where I served as the DJ,  playing  songs I knew she loved and we all had a chance to talk about her.

Melissa (melissa212212):  My friend and I worked together hostessing   She died about 8 years ago. The owner of the place called for a meeting and told us.  We all were very sad because she was very friendly and with a sparkling personality.  I am not aware if anyone held a memorial service for her in SL or not.  Sometimes we can make great friends in SL but we never have the chance to be part of their RL. Nobody who can tell us if they are ok, if they are sick or if they have died, they just disappear for us.

Anonymous:  We once had a renter who wanted a parcel for a friend in a hospital.  Her friend loved gardening so she made the parcel very pretty with lots of colorful flowers, trees, butterflies etc.  When it was ready, she taught her friend how to use SL. She told me her friend loved it so much and she's been visiting the SL garden anytime she can to see the flowers. It made both of them really happy, I was genuinely happy too. It felt like I have been part of their friendship and happiness.

JB:  How did you normally learn of the death?

Faleen Renard:  For the most part, I will be contacted and informed of a death directly by that person's SL or RL partner - or by one of their closest friends. Otherwise, because I have a number of DJs working with me and I also network with other venue owners, sometimes the news of a loss will come to me via one of these colleagues.

Anonymous:  We have land rental business so we get a lot of news like that.  Usually people who are close friends here in SL will contact us about the death.  Sometimes another person will log in on an avie to inform us about the passing of the RL owner.

JB:  How did his/her loss affect you or others?

Faleen Renard - As in RL, learning of a death in SL can be expected (as in the case of long-term illness) or it can be a terrible shock (when it's a sudden passing or when no one was aware the person was ill in any way). We hurt, we cry, we grieve the loss of our SL friends with sincere RL emotion. I have had people be unable to return to my venue for a period of time (or at all) because the memories and emotions are overwhelming to them and it takes time for them to work through their loss.

Chi-Yun Kwon (kwonchiyun):  It was a devastating loss... all of her friends were stunned, shocked.. I myself was a crying mess for several days. I missed logging in and knew I'd never again see her daily greetings. it made a huge impact on us all.

Bandor Tirrell:  Kimiko’s RL passing had a major impact on the lives of many people in SL. Now, 6 years after her death, I hardly go a week without someone mentioning her. Her dream has been realized, and her legacy lives on in Maui Swingers Resort.  She made me believe in myself and my talents.

JB:  Was there any SL recognition of the individual’s death – memorial service, wake, placard, special event, etc.?

Faleen Renard:  When the first death occurred within The Willows group, in January 2014, I decided to lay a wreath for her at the venue's landing area, under the willow tree. I was then invited to attend a memorial at her SL home, with her closest friends, and it was held in voice chat. I came away very affected by the profound sense of loss people had expressed and decided to leave the wreath permanently as a sign of love and respect. With each successive passing, I added another wreath and now that area has become a permanent memorial. It is very important to me that every member of The Willows family is remembered by name.

Chi-yon kwon:  We, her friends, all banded together, to have a special memorial service for her... a friend logged in her avatar to place in a casket that was purchased, so we could have a service and say goodbye to her, as we saw her. I'm tearing up as I write this...

Keda (mompea.texan): Years ago a very close friend of mine passed away.  Many people still keep his group in their profile.  Everyone who does, does so as a nod of respect to the Master.  Thank you for keeping his memory alive.  It was nine years ago we lost him and it made me smile to see how many still have kept this group.  Dancing on always.

Bandor Tyrell:  When Kimiko passed, we held a large "funeral" for her. At the time, we were running Game of Thrones Roleplay, so we had a huge, epic funeral with her body carried to a large altar-like pyre, where her body was burned to ash. It was open to the public and had a great turnout. It was an amazing memorial and all her friends and lovers came to say goodbye.  When we reopened Maui Swingers Resort, we did it in her honor. For a time, we even put up a memorial plinth at the entrance with her avi atop it like a statue. After that, periodically, we would log in Kimiko's avatar to make special cameo appearances at the sim and even creating a monument to her, by turning her avatar into a SmartBot/Greeter for the resort, like a living statue.

ღ Ƙαƴ ღ  (kay1373): We have a special place for those who want to visit and remember the loved ones we lost. It is private for our club members. I have lost a few really good friends.  Two close ones were Randy77 and ahoot.  WE are a bit lost, like a hole you can’t fill... Both where amazing men and their love and laughter will forever be missed.  WE had a special formal event with a memorial set up to leave condolences and we have a memorial area to visit anytime outside the formal area

JB:  Anything else you would like to add?

Faleen Renard - Virtual friends, family, relationships...indeed, our Second Lives... are real and can be significantly impacted by RL death. In my experience, it can be a comfort and may provide much-needed closure when there is an established way for someone (a friend, a family member...) to reach out from RL to SL and provide confirmation. Being informed of a RL death is difficult and sad but is infinitely better than not knowing and being left to search and question and wonder when someone simply never returns to SL.

Chi-Yun Kwon People often forget the reality of Second Life... while most see only pixels and avatars, they tend to overlook the fact that there's real people here. People we connect with on a far more personal level than they realize.  Only once they're gone do we realize just how much we miss that social interaction… and their true friendship. People often forget the reality of Second Life.

Sevant Anatra: I lost my Father recently. Having people you are close to inworld works as a virtual support system, especially during a chaotic time like this pandemic. For some people, SL can be a refuge from the heartbreak. I'm still processing it... It still feels like his death was just yesterday.   So many things in such a short time. so many emotions.  I think SL can be helpful with all the things that can be done here, like the support of good friends and loved ones.

There you have it, Folks.  ‘Nuff said.  Aloha

Club Lanai Music for the week of September 20th 2020


Wednesday 23rd September

DJ Flame from the Netherlands
12PM - 2PM SLT
Host Destiny

DJ Raven from France
2PM - 4 PM SLT
Acid House
Host Katalina


Thursday 24th September

DJ Sifis from Greece
12PM - 2PM SLT
80's Rock
Host Lily

DJ MZ Morbid from The USA
Host Katalina


Saturday 26th September

SL Enquirer Themed PJ Party

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trinity451 – Not your ordinary singer in the Matrix Brooke Blackburn Reporting:


They say “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak”. That’s part of a poem by William Congreve that conveys the essence of Music. Music is all that and so much more. It’s been proven music has health benefits that can affect heart rate and blood pressure and can possibly prevent future heart attacks. Music can bring a tear to your eye or make you feel you are on top of the world.

One of the performers that can invoke that kind of passion is Trinity451 or “Trin” as she likes to go by. She is a wife and mother of 3 from the US and not only does she have an angelic voice but can win over the crowd by making it a personal experience like she is singing just to you. Few performers in Second Life have that type of ability. It’s a treat for the ears to hear Trin sing and I am one who was able to get that chance.

On December 16, 2016, Trinity451 arrived in Second Life. A “late bloomer” in the music world as she describes herself, but after you hear her you’ll understand she is here to quickly take it by storm. She can certainly hold her own with top performers in Second Life and has a more rounded song library than most. She can sing songs from Soft Rock to Modern Pop and her first song of the evening was Superstar by The Carpenters. That was such an appropriate song because right away you’ll be able to tell she is a “Superstar”.

Her 2-hour set that night consisted of:

Superstar – The Carpenters

Somethings got a hold on me – Christina Aguilera

25 or 6 to 4 - Chicago

First time ever I saw your face – Roberta Flack

A Broken Wing – Martina McBride

I’ve got to see you again – Norah Jones

Landslide – Fleetwood Mac

Dreams – Fleetwood Mac

Sweet Dreams – Eurythmics

Turn me on – Norah Jones

Uptown Funk – Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars

Glitter in the Air – Pink

Crazy – Patsy Cline

Interview with Trinity451 (Trin): 

Brooke Blackburn (BB)   At What age did you first start singing?

Trin: So young I really don't remember but all in school...grade/JR and high school but I know I started well before that.

BB: So since you were a teenager?

Trin: Younger than that like 9, but yes, really started singing in Jr high in choir and solos.

BB: Have you been singing all your life?

Trin: I'm a Midwest gal. I got married and had kids and let singing slip away to my regret.

BB: How much of your life have you dedicated to music?

Trin: After I got married...I quit for many years with having kids. I felt I was missing something. I've been to many karaoke places and loved it. Then I found online places like Paltalk and Second Life. Especially Second Life! I really feel I found my niche.

BB: Did you come to SL to sing or was it something else?

Trin: I came from Paltalk and I heard about the venues here and singing live. So I came here and I sang in the open mic for about a year. So I didn't start singing in venues till just about 2 years ago.


BB: Do you perform in clubs in real life?

Trin: I don't perform in real life because in my earlier years, I had horrible stage fright that kept me from pursuing further exposure, but that SL has helped me overcome a lot of those fears and I hope to be able to expand.

BB: What artists have influenced you or who are your favorite singers?

Trin: Barbara Streisand, Patsy Cline… I love Christina Aguilera.

BB: How long have you been singing in Second Life?

Trin: Just a lil over a year… no, it's about 2 years.

BB: Do have any type of songs that are your favorite? 

Trin: Well, Patsy of course... a lot of hers. I have some new favorites that I just learned and some contemporary songs. I have to say...ballads are my thing.

BB: Do you sing any original songs in your Second Life sets?

Trin: I've thought of lyrics, but no, haven't written any…. poems mostly and would like to put it to melody.

 For bookings who can fans contact?

Trin: I have a manager, her name is crearwy.bugaboo. She handles all my bookings and if you want me to sing at your club, please call her and she will make sure to set you up.

BB: What is your fee?

Trin: I ask the venue for L$1500 - 2000 per show.

Trinity451 has a bright future ahead of her. I’ll end this the same as Trin ends all her sets with a Patsy Cline reference… You owe it yourself to hear her sing and you are “Crazy” if you don’t. You can catch her at the Mountain Lion, Sweet Genesis, or The Night Owl. She performs at each weekly so call ahead and see when she is scheduled.   

" I love singing, it is a passion " – Trinity451

Additional Information:

Join my group in Second Life!

Group Code: 4e2bbc98-836d-d992-b51f-83b63996d89e



Bookings Contact: crearwy.bugaboo


Saturday, September 19, 2020



A horse walks into a bar. 
The bartender says, “Hey, Buddy. Why the long face?”

(Pause for laughter)

OK…OK...OK…so it was a joke.   I am not serious.
But what IS serious is a lovely sim I stumbled upon called Woodbine Downs Estates. There I was met by dozens and dozens of the finest representatives of the equine species to be found anywhere on the grid. The ultimate in realism, as you wander the carefully groomed grounds, you will see animals that are unmatched in beauty and class. The brainchild of Marine and TaffyMarie Torraze, this is indeed unique among sims. Walk with me as we wander these beautiful grounds and chat with the owner.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB: Hi Marine.  Thanks for agreeing to answer a few questions about your operation here.

Marine Torraze (marinefiend.redinamus) MT:  No problem Josh.  I love this place and never pass up an opportunity to share that passion with others.

JB:  So, tell me. What is Woodbine Downs Estates all about?

MT: Woodbine Downs Estates offers a Unique place for Boarding/Breeding and Selling  ABC Horses, Ponies & Kaiila's. I have spent at least three months in the design and planning of Woodbine, building and designing the sales yard with custom built pens, seasonal changing trees, and walkways, custom-designed breeder barns. We also offer ABC's own brand of Bid Boards. We have custom-designed stalls only found at Woodbine. The feel at Woodbine is very upper class. You can feel a sense of pride about just walking around and enjoying the scenery. The atmosphere here is breathtaking.

JB:  Yes Marine.  I agree.  The “atmosphere” around most barns can be described as “breathtaking”…but I wander.    Just what are “ABC Animals” anyway?

MT: ABC Awesome Breed Creations, is one of the fastest-growing ventures on the grid. ABCs unique blend of scripting, building, and team of experienced people will be sure to produce a product and provide an environment in which you can rediscover breedables as they were meant to be. These breedables are one of the only racing horses on the grid. Weekly race events for various breeds are held on ABC's special racing sim. You can track and trace sales, breeds, and generations of your breedables in the MyABC website. Read more about ABC here -

JB:  How did you first get interested in breeding horses?

MT:  I have been in breedables since at least 2010. Breeding many different things in Second Life. Bunnies, horses, dogs, and cats. I got hooked on ABC back in early 2012 when I was invited to the beta program of ABC by the owner. I had 4 sims at the time with 2 being a mall, one being my Club and one was a sales yard and auction house for all types of breedables. I switched to strictly ABC in mid-2012 and became one of 6 certified ABC auction houses.

JB:  What types of events do you have here?

MT:  Other than our auction house, that starts up on Sept 26th at 10 am SLT,  we have yet to do any events. I have a training track we placed up in the sky to allow people to train and play. The track is the same size as an official ABC track system minus the starting gates and timing systems. So in the future, we may come up with something fun.

JB:  Over the years, there have been many different types of breedables in SL.  What makes your operation different from those breedables that have gone before it?

MT:  Woodbine is a unique breedable place strictly for ABC Horses & Ponies. We provide superior customer service. We walk the yard daily to ensure all the horses are safe and sound. I am personally available 24/7. I can be found online at least 12 hours a day, and all direct offline messages come to email, so if its a serious matter, I can log on and deal with any situation that arises.

JB:  I see a really varied population of horses here.  Just how many of those beautiful animals are there here?

MT:  There are 75 different breeds of horses and 32 other breeds of ponies. Each has six unique traits. Coat, mane, tail, eye, face marking, and leg markings. ABC is like real-life horses, must be fed and cared for, or they will become sick and eventually die. ABC foals are born live, and they must be with their mothers for nourishment during their first three days (ages 0-2). At age three (3) they begin to eat on their own. Between the age of seven (7) and ninety ABC horses are eligible to race, as long as they haven’t bred. The racing side of an ABC Horse has Skill Sets. These skill sets are the specific ability that the horse uses in horse competition. Each skill is trainable and has its own values. Each skill will be determined by the breed of the horse The Horse skills increase as the owner trains the horse over time. The owner must choose the trait that he/she wants to train.

JB:  Tell me about your Auctions.  What are those like?

MT:  Auctions are a fun place to come and sell your horses and ponies. A true form of bidding area allows multiple buyers to bid against each other to buy a breeder's animals. I am usually found sitting in the back with a bag of popcorn, watching it all go down. Or sometimes jumping right in the fight. There are also Raffles and Fun Give-Aways, which many people enjoy. All Auction houses meet specific requirements and follow the guidelines put in place by ABC and must be certified.

JB:  Anything ELSE you would like to share with our readers?

MT:  I would just like to thank all the people that have helped make Woodbine possible. Without the ABC community support, there would not be a Woodbine Downs.

JB:  How can interested parties learn more about your operation here.

MT:  Please feel free to come to visit our Sales Yard and enjoy the unique relaxing atmosphere. All are welcome to enjoy our Auctions to see for themselves the fun that is found when attending.  I doubt they could not leave without bidding on one of the beautiful beauties on display for auction, or they just might walk away with their first freebie horse if entered in our auction raffle. 

Many good Pics of Woodbine, plus lots of older pics
Flickr Pics - Check out my Flickr -

So…Stop horsing around and go check it out.  And that’s No Joke!
Be there.  Aloha!


Friday, September 18, 2020

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 19th September at noon SLT


Scientists have discovered a marker for phosphine in the clouds of Venus.  That might indicate life on this barren planet since phosphine on Earth is produced only by living organisms.

But how barren is Venus?  On the surface of the planet lead will melt but up in the clouds it can be a comfy 30C.  We could live in cloud cities there, especially since Venus is ‘en route’ to Mars because of orbital mechanics.  Would you like to live in a Venus cloud city?  Are there maybe sentient lifeforms living in such cities now?

If there is no life on Venus where do you think we will find it?  On Europa, Callisto, Titan, Pluto?  What is life anyway?  Would we know it if we found it?  And if we find it, how will it change our art, our religion and our way of living?

Come and discuss alien microbes in GeekSpeak.  Bring your friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Maribol Inshan and Synergy Island Presents Diva's Of Song Concert


Wednesday September 23rd 6:30 – 7:30 PM

Join us at Synergy Island Beach for a spectacular Fully Staged & Produced Concert Show Experience featuring Songs From Barbara Streisand, Beth Hart, Bette Midler, Camilia Cabello, Celine Dione, Cher, Dua Lipa & Mariah Carey performed "Live" By Maribol Inshan and The Cool Cats Band.

Attire: Come dressed ready to dance!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Roxanne Ysabel – A Rising Star in the Music World-Brooke Blackburn Reporting

 Music influences so much of our everyday lives we take it for granted. From turning on the radio in our car to slipping on a pair of earbuds to go for a jog, we all need music to entertain us. This year has been one for the history books and incredibly hard on the vast majority of people in the world. It is at this time we need music to lift us up and invoke the emotions needed to get us through these difficult times. Music has been a great passion of mine, and to get a chance to experience some of the world’s great singers is a dream of mine. I was at Coachella in 2006, I was at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 25th Anniversary in 2009, and I was at the Fleetwood Mac “On with the show” tour in 2014 to name a few. But with real life venues canceling concerts and social distancing concerns, finding an outlet for great live music has been a challenge. So many of us need to have music to provide us with the entertainment and hope for a better future. But more than that we need it from great singers that can convey that with the heart and soul that touch us emotionally. 

One way to get that live music fix is to attend the myriad of music stages Second Life has to offer. Almost 24 hours a day you can be entertained with exceptional talent from around the world. One of those rising stars is Roxanne Ysabel. She has a vocal range few can match and although she prefers to sing Jazz and Blues, has a wide variety of songs on her list she has mastered. 

I was able to catch up with Roxanne one summer evening and with the vast number of talent Second Life has to offer, this is one performer you will want to go out of your way to hear. Her rendition of the song River Deep, Mountain High could give Celine Dion a run for her money! 

Roxanne Ysabel arrived in Second Life November 20, 2009, and quickly took to the music scene, starting to perform with a voice that is destined for greatness. Her lyrical style is more comfortable with Aretha Franklin and Frank Sinatra but can venture out to artists like Michael Bublé, Rihanna, and Beyoncé. 

Her set that night consisted of:

  • Fire – Pointer Sister

  • I wanna dance with somebody – Whitney Houston

  • Give it to me right – Melanie Fiona

  • Turn me on – Norah Jones

  • River Deep, Mountain High – Tina Turner

  • Chain of Fools – Aretha Franklin

Interview with Roxanne Ysabel (Roxy):

Brooke Blackburn (BB): At What age did you first start singing?

Roxy: Probably since I was about 6 months old lol. My mother said I would hum entire songs from the radio and commercials. But my first performance was of course when I was about 9 in church.

BB: So, you were encouraged by your family to sing?

Roxy: Yes, my father’s family all sang or played instruments in southern Baptist church. When they found out you could sing or play they would stick you right in front of the church and say “Go for it!!”

BB: How long have you been singing in Second Life?

Roxy: Since 2011, singing was the first thing I ever did in Second Life. The first word I typed in search was “Karaoke”.

BB: How much of your life has been dedicated to music?

Roxy: Most of it. I would say I was always in some type of chorus or choir, then went on to do my first year of high school in a performing arts repertory company. As a young adult, I also was in a theater group in my city and we did musical dramatic performances.

BB: Do you sing and perform in Real Life now?

Roxy: Not anymore, for a while when I turned 30, I gave birth to a special needs child and I felt my time was best spent at home with him and so Second Life is my main outlet for performing. 

BB: And Second Life allows you the time to look after you child and sing?

Roxy: Yes, it does, and I’m very grateful for this platform. 

BB: Is Jazz your favorite style of music or do you prefer something else?

Roxy: Jazz and Blues are like my forte, but I always believed in reaching. You can never better yourself if you don’t push your limits… River Deep is a really fun song. It’s my newest addition to the “Roxanne pushes herself secret song list”.

BB: What artists have influenced you or who are your favorite singers?

Roxy: Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Tina Turner, Chaka Khan, Nina Simone, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin….

(BB) Do you write songs? Have you written anything original?

Roxy: There is actually an old song on my YouTube channel written by me. It needs to be revamped, maybe it’s what I’ll start with…

BB: Do you sing any original songs in your Second Life sets?

Roxy: Oh, that would be great but it’s scary too.

BB: Well you like to push yourself, and we are always the most critical about ourselves. 

Roxy: Yes I do and it’s something I will be considering over the next year. Believe it or not I’m very shy, so something like that has the fear of god in me and yes even after all these years I still get butterflies.

BB: For booking who can fans contact?

Roxy: I have a manager, her name is Sol Mercury, and she can handle all inquiries about me from bookings to my song list.

BB: What is your fee?

Roxy: I ask the venue for L$3000 per show.


Roxanne Ysabel is an act few can follow. Check her out at one of the many venues around Second Life and one of her goals is to perform at the main stage at Second Life Birthday (SLB18). I for one can’t wait to see that happen!!  

"Music is food for the soul." – Roxanne Ysabel

Additional Information:

Join my group in Second Life!

Group Code: 32aae73f-8265-5aeb-0532-55653ea58df7

Bookings Contact: Sol Mercury