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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Sunday, September 13, 2020


 Occasionally, in my wandering about the grid, I stumble across a real gem of a build. Unique among regions, Nirvana is truly an island of peace and tranquility in the hurricane of clubs, sporting arenas, and combat sims that abound in SecondLife.  There I met Sky Wildmist, the true inspiration behind Nirvana.

Josh Bellic (JB):  So tell me, Sky.  Just what is Nirvana Island all about?

Sky Wildmist (SW):  Nirvana is about providing a place of healing and nurture of the mind-body and spirit. It is a place of peace and serenity open to all who visit without an emphasis on any single belief system, cult, or creed. Some say Nirvana is a sanctuary for your soul. Originally conceived as a home for the Forest of Eye-Blinks Group, it is now evolved and continues to do so.  Nirvana is spiritually based... diverse traditions and systems are harmoniously connected. It is a place where you can explore divergent pathways at leisure, according to your interest; a place where, when you seem to arrive at the end of a trail, another begins.
Here is what I say to people when hosting events - Nirvana is a sim dedicated to wellbeing - a not for profit sim.  If you are in need of healing, solace, or sanctuary - you will find it here. You will also discover many romantic areas with cuddles and dances for you and your lover. Solitary sits for reflection and group gatherings for a pleasant chat can also be found.

JB:  What was it that inspired you to build Nirvana Island?

SW:  I taught a troubled resident to meditate during my first weeks in SL and realized that my path in SL was to form a spiritual group.  My main avi, Isis Pleides, created The Forest of Eyeblinks on 1 Jan 2010.  Now Isis does the talks and I do the building and management. I built Nirvana Island about a year later as the group had grown and we needed a full sim to allow access to meetings. Its design came as a series of visions - based on the development of the mind-body and spirit.

JB:  You seem well laid out.  Just what are some of the activities people can do here?

SW: Well all manner of spiritual practice - meditation, chanting, Tai Chi, discussion, drumming.  We also do Healing.  Many different forms may be undertaken here in the virtual world and especially now with COVID and social distancing so prevalent, many now are more open to these things. (I have been doing virtual healing as a RL professional practice for many years).  We also have a games area, a balloon tour for two, a butterfly ride to explore the floating islands, a 2-person canoe, and riding horses and bicycles for exploration.  Many people just come to chill or dance.
JB:  So tell me.  What is this Great Tree in the middle of the island all about?
SW:  This is a replica of my first home in SL - The Great Tree of Elven Glen - I have no breathing issues personally but when I entered the canopy in the tree, I experienced a physical sensation of deeper breathing which opened my eyes to the potential the real benefit of the virtual experience.  Here also, there is here a concept of a Mother Tree on which the land's ethos is based with strong roots in the Earth-loving space and a glorious canopy representing a stable well-balanced humanity.

JB:  What has been your greatest challenge in operating Nirvana Island?

SW: My greatest challenge? Well, to be honest, the answer to that question is two-fold.
First, there are Financial Challenges. We are not for profit and the monthly tier relies on the donations of Patrons and a few residents who support what is here and why. Second, Nirvana aims to be as unconditionally loving as possible. That means setting aside assumptions and judgment. As we develop and grow, these things have to be worked on and it is not always easy.

JB:  Have you actually seen lives changed through your efforts here?

SW:  I have yes - including my own. As a professional therapist, I rarely talk about these things.  In time people can gain better balance in their lives at every level when they feel supported by a constant stable presence.  There are very many spiritual and healing sites in SL but I think Nirvana is one of the longest-running now on a constant site.
People come and go and land disappears and reforms. But when people need support at any level, they require underlying stability which is often missing.  By maintaining this site as a constant presence many who no longer visit Nirvana still support it with just a dollar a month, knowing that I will do my best to ensure that needed continuity for others. We have been recognized as one constant on the grid.

JB:  Can you share any of your success stories?

SW:  Everyone who lands on Nirvana is part of that success, although we cannot measure it scientifically. The fact that those who recognize its value sufficiently to support it financially speaks for itself and there are those who have supported for 10 years. I send them all LOVE and GRATITUDE
There have been those who come here when they are dying and help to create some areas which enriches their time and quality of life and can dull pain. One lovely gentleman created a sound garden up at spirit park for those sight challenged.
And now we have offered space to the Gardens of Absentia who logged in one day to find their land gone. They now have a new home up at Spirit Park.

JB:  Tell us about some of the events you host here?

SW:  We have many different types of activities here.  We have Open Mic Poetry, Art Appreciation, Music, Dance, Opera, Ballet. Art and Music are enormously important to wellbeing even if it is not realized. Watching and participating in the art and skill of the DEJA VU Scenic Group who perform here monthly is an amazing experience.
Musicals, ballet, contemporary dance and opera also is an experience which can be enjoyed by people in their own way. We have many different venues for dance, music and performance. Those who are unable to see can enjoy the music and those unable to hear may be able to use acoustic processing software that allows them to appreciate beat and identify sounds. at Nirvana I really try to enable and include as far as possible.

JB:  What types of events and activities do you have planned for the future?

SW:  I would like to encourage more spiritual speakers and events and some art exhibitions and Charity Events. My new Events Manager will work with me on this as the greater variety and opportunities that are here will attract those who would not normally visit a healing spiritual sim.

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

SW:  The whole island is a model - an allegory for the development of mind body and spirit as I interpret it.  Like all of us, it is constantly evolving. It is constructed on many levels both below the water and above. Nirvana is an experience for everyone to share and enjoy in their individual way. Some fly and miss it all!  Others take time and walk or ride and explore thoroughly to return often. finding what is not so obvious. There are parts of Nirvana that have never been discovered where there is a hidden gift for those who find it.  Maybe some of your readers will be the ones who find those places?"

Nirvana Island now has a google calendar for events - please see
Nirvana a sanctuary for your soul:



Saturday, September 12, 2020

Schedule of Performances for Week of September 13 at PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue


Tuesday, September 15

The Point Ballroom
International Day

1:00 pm  TOXIE - USA
2:00 pm  Lisa Brune - France
3:00 pm  Hogan Baily - USA
4:00 pm  Edian Tey - Mexico
5:00 pm  Agatha Martin - Brrazil
6:00 pm  PutriSoloSinger - Indonesia

Wednesday, September 16


4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Aaron Cabott Jones
6:00 pm Noma Falta
7:00 pm Red Heaven
9:00 pm  Gabriel da Silva

Thursday, September 17


4L00 pm  Holly Giles
5:00 pm  Aron Cabott Jones
6:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm  A Double Shot of Wayne Davis

Friday, September 18


3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  TBA
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas

Sunday, September 20

Pointe Beach & Boardwalk
3:00 pm  SUMMER'S END - BEACH BOYS . Featuring Joker's Wild Tribute Band

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 12th September at noon SLT

GeekSpeak – How I stopped worrying and started to love finance!

Everything you always wanted to know about finance but were afraid to ask.  Ask all your finance questions now.  Let’s explore the financial system.  What are shares?  How should we invest?

Even if you have close to zero in your account right now, let’s see where to go.  Erik Goff has been there and got the T-shirt and knows the way out. 

Why does the world work as it does?  What are the financial markets doing?
If you want to know more and if you want to know how to get extra money into your pocket, come and join us in GeekSpeak.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, September 11, 2020


It was a Tuesday morning, and it started pretty much like any other Tuesday morning.  I was in college, heading across campus heading for my 9:00 AM class.  As I passed the student center, a girl came running past me, saying something about an airplane that flew into a building in New York.  I went inside...and sat, transfixed as the horror unfolded before me.  My Nation was under attack.  Later that afternoon as I drove home…dumbstruck by what I had witnessed…and trying to prep myself for my 3-year old son’s birthday party that evening.  The contrast couldn’t have been more striking. Celebrating his young life, on a day of so much death.

September 11, 2001 started like a “normal” day for most people, little knowing that in the days, months, and years following, we would all be operating under a “New Normal”.  Walk with me as we examine the impact of that fateful day on a few of today’s SL Residents

Lanai Jerrico is the Owner and Editor in Chief of SL Enquirer

Josh Bellic (JB):  Tell me Lanai.  Do you recall what you were doing that fateful day?

Lanai:  Certainly I do, Josh. I remember I was getting my daughter ready for afternoon kindergarten. I was watching television when the breaking news came on that an airplane had slammed into the World Trade Center.  I then watched, horrified, as the second plane hit, covered on live TV. Then I saw the towers fall. It was awful. I immediately thought of my cousin who worked in Tower 2.  I later learned that he was off that day.

I next asked Miakoda Tala (sackawho) (MT) about that day.  Mia was employed by a privakevate business jet company in Little Rock, Arkansas.

JB:  So, Mia.  Do you remember where you were on 9/11/2001?  What were you doing?  And how did that affect you?

Mia:  Of course I do, Josh.  I was working at Dassault Falcon Jet, so since we are in the aircraft industry, watching the plane hit the tower was devastating.  We had a TV brought into our office and we couldn't keep our eyes off it all day and we just sat there and cried.  It was one of the saddest days in history and it changed the world.  Not knowing why it happened was one of the hardest things to deal with. Who would do such a thing, killing innocent people? That day started the War on Terror. Bin Laden became the subject of a decade-long international manhunt.  It was a commercial aircraft and we are business jets but in the long run, it did affect the aircraft industry.  It was a day I will never forget.

Finally, I chatted with Paul Woodrunner, the creator and curator of the September 11th Memorial in SecondLife.  

JB:  Hey there Paul.  Do you remember where you were at 8:46 AM EST when the first plane struck the North Tower of the WTC on 9-11-2001?

Paul:  I was getting ready for work in New Orleans, and I saw the news,  When I arrived at work someone put the tv on and there in front of us the second plane hit, and we knew at that point in time the world changed.  It was terrible. The ppl in the towers and the planes were all innocent. Many were trying to help. That is what Americans do.  That is what Humans do --- they help.  This is what we are on this earth to do - Help people. The world changed on 9/11 and forever we will remember. Many, many people who perished were heroes, including the passengers and crew of Flight 93 who I consider the first combatants in the War on Terror. They had the info and they had the time and like Americans, they took a Vote and took action. I say their phone calls home to loved ones and folks that just picked up the phone changed history.  Their voices rang out and have not stopped in 19 years and they forced us to wake up and see the world differently. These people stood up and fought. They are the First Patriots of the new America. Their actions changed the course of America and the World and their voices have been heard. We have cried for all the victims of 9/11 but for the passengers and crew of flight 93... It is time now to celebrate their actions and make a great joyous noise…In New Orleans, we would. On Nov 3rd everyone should remember their voices and do what they did:  VOTE.

So there you have it, Folks.  Be sure and check out the 9-11 Memorial.  Tonight, beginning at 6:00 PM SLT, catch the 9-11 Memorial show at the Bob Hope Theater.  And never forget.  Never Never forget! Speak of this day to your children, and to your children’s children.
Just Do it.  Aloha


Thursday, September 10, 2020

The GBTH Project Review – Zack Wonder Reporting

The art scene is vibrant on Second Life (SL), as many creators are experimenting the possibilities of creation in an ephemeral, virtual world without the actual need to go through the painstaking physical process of chipping away at rock or mixing oil pastes to paint on canvas. This process is exhibited in the GBTH Project (Grab the Bull by The Horns), curated by Marine Münter (vivresavie.resident). The GBTH Project is located at a sim organized as a cityscape, and is a piece of art in itself. A central square exhibits sculptures and leads to exhibit halls. Some exhibits can be entered from adjacent streets. Everything is organized as galleries in real-life (RL) art museums, with plaques introducing the artists and the art pieces. There are teleporters in strategic locations to guide the visitor around the sim. 
The sculptures in the central square are created by residents with an interest in art, as a collective effort titled “They: Duality of Love”. Rachel Breaker has provided the tools to create the sculptures from set pieces that the participants in the project have then assembled and textured to represent a central theme of love and duality. “Non-binary” aspects of love are also represented in the sculptures. Some of these are very political, others very innocuous representations of loving couples.
Zack admiring Rachel Breaker’s sculpture

The main exhibits in the sim are organized as individual galleries. Wide staircases lead to the entrances of four main halls, with entrance foyers introducing the artists and their works. On the side streets, “off-main” galleries can be found. Some of these are in small buildings resembling converted residences, and others have been erected on empty lots.
Sabotaged Memory by Marina Münter and Smoopa Spinotti can be found on one of the empty lots. Political, current-affairs protest posters and random junk are collected in a wire fence cage.  The posters decry current affairs with slogans witnessed in real-life (RL) urban protests in the USA: “Defund cops - prisons - military - racists”. Also, infringement on native tribes’ rights are reflected: “Stop federal invasion on indigenous lands”. The wire fence cage has, on closer look, rococo furniture, wall gobelins, vases and other artifacts from “le belle epoque” with graffiti tags written on them. Other pieces of the exhibit expound the whites’ invasion on indigenous lands, and imperialistic culture appropriating the quaint and the exotic of foreign cultures. The exhibit if an in-the-face exposition of revolutions past and present. A similar aesthetic is present in Marina’s exhibit “Non Perishable” where railroad containers are laden with junk and pieces of furniture, presenting themed views of existence, ranging from ambivalence and home, to wilderness, sea, and sin. You could spend hours examining the containers, getting new ideas on each visit.
New Years Eve by Amanda (aht1981) is one of the main exhibits, with video screens. A blue entrance staircase leads to the dark presentation room. Black and white videos of avatars talking about their New Year celebrations at the turn of 2020 are shown on the screens, by clicking on them. The concern of the virus was already present at the turn of the year, and the videos progress as interviews about the rising concern and people’s attitudes with coping with the isolation. The interviews on the screens concern the virus mostly, but the Black Lives Matter riots area also mentioned. Beautifully done, with eerie ambient music to go with the presentation, the videos have post-production effects that reflect black and white film and analog video from the VHS times.

pic of a screen

Chuanghu (Windows) by FionaFei teleprots you to the middle of an exhibit of Chinese-style calligraphic ink wash landscape in 3-D as a room with different surfaces. The viewer centrally is inside, and changing the point of view, every perspective changes the scene with the intersecting surfaces. The imagery evokes old Eastern silk screen partitions as well as modern urban structures. This exhibit is one example of an effect that a normal art gallery could never produce. It would be fascinating to experience with virtual reality eyewear.

Samira Selvey in the middle of the exhibit

“Swallow” by Vincent Priestley is an immersive space where the visitor becomes eaten, entering into a visceral body cavity with framed paintings on the walls. The paintings feature protruding organs, some are malformed surfaces with canvas texture, as well as reliefs with face-like features. Body fluids ooze from the walls as the viewer passes by the exhibited art. The exhibit is like a dungeon made of organic matter. Walking further down the body cavities, enlarged micro-organism like sculptures appear. The objets d’art are for sale in the gift shop!
Zack inside “Swallow”

“Inferno” by Noke Yuitza is a fantasy dreamscape of nightmarish proportions where a central figure is a dragon gazing on the visitor. Flowers with bulging eyes gaze on the viewer walking on a surface of multicolored crystals as well as a blanket of digital art. The eye flowers turn eerily directly at you as you walk around the space. It is possible to walk around the center of the exhibit, looking in from the outside, creating views with surreptitious effects that you can’t see from the inside.
interior of Inferno

A more traditional display of art is a collection of “furry” images by Tommy Bruce titled “Real Problems”. The central figure is a deer-like creature representing Tommy himself. The paintings hung on the walls as well as the sculptures present this deer furry in various scenes depicting different degrees of violence. The deer is the victim, with external forces imposed on him. The detailed furry texture of the sculptures is evoking realism absent in real-life art such as the Wall Street Bull.

furry deer sculpture

An upcoming exhibit by Rachel Breaker is still under construction in one of the main galleries. Rachel also has a store located on the sim, with pieces of art for sale.
The GBTH Project sim is one of the most evocative and mind-expanding sims to be encountered on Second Life. With the changing exhibits, there is something new to see on every visit, and the space cannot be completely exhausted at one go. SLE gives a “both thumbs up” for the experience, with a strong recommendation for  avatars to take the time off their busy schedules to do something different and visit.

Steele Live Music Presents - Improv at The Knock Knock Room Monday Sept 14th 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Schedule of DJ and Live Music, Week of September 6 at Club Lanai

Sept Wednesday 9th 12PM - 2PM SLT

12PM - 2PM SLT DJ Pepsy  - Freestyle -French
                             Host Lily

2PM - 4PM SLT DJ Flame - Mixed Style
                           Host Katelina

Sept Friday 11th   

12PM - 2PM SLT DJ Mika original in Italy, now France
Mix from Soulful to Disco
                             Host Kenna

2PM - 4PM SLT DJ Chris French - mix house
                           Host Kenna

Sept Saturday 12th

DJ Flame Holland

Sept Sunday 13 

12PM - 2PM SLT DJ Sifis - Dance 90's
                             Host Kenna

2PM - 3PM SLT Paul Nowles
                           Host Kenna

Monday, September 7, 2020

IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DJ Mon Tee Q Joins Black Soul Rhythms Radio

DJ Mon Tee Q will webcast his set live from SugarHill Lounge each Thursday @ 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM slt. Start your weekend early at SugarHill Lounge and enjoy classic soul and RnB music. 
Hostess: IslandFanticy
Attire:  Grown n' Sexy ♂♀ Handsome n' Classy  

Join us at SugarHill Lounge a warm inviting place for you to relax and unwind =
Or tune in from your land =

SugarHill Lounge is an exclusive club for the discerning individual who enjoys the company of beautiful people, intelligent conversation and soulful music. Join the SugarHill Lounge Group to become a member of a very special community of VIPs.

A Black Soul Rhythms Digital Radio Production 

Club Lion Entertainment presents Event & Contest Party on Friday 11 September 2020

Great Gatsby Sexy BossLady & Gentlemans Jury Choose

Best Mix between Hot'n Boss style wins 5000 LD$ will be in the Pot 

(Sponsors: NTC - Serenades by Ambrosia)

Performers                                                            Hosts

12 pm SLT ZDiva Sorbet                                        Veritas
1 pm   SLT Mar Biddle                                            Shrike
2 pm   SLT Jack Dryden                                         Shrike
3 pm   SLT Mrs. Ambrosia K. Windstorm               Shrike
4 pm   SLT UnBes0Grande                                    Barbie

We would like to invite you to our party. Come meet some new friends and have a great time. 

We look forward to having you at our event and hope that you find Club Lion a place you will frequent and party with us. 

LM :

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Schedule of Performances, Week of September 6 at PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

Tuesday, September 8
International DayThe Pointe Ballroom

2:00 pm  Lisa Brune - France
3:00 pm  TBA
4:00 pm  Edian Tey - Mexico
5:00 pm  Agatha Martin - Brazil
6:00 pm  PutriSoloSinger - Indonesia

Wednesday, September 9 
4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Djembe Dragonfire
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Red Heaven

Thursday, September 1
10:00 pm  Remy Farman  
4:00 pm  Holly Giles  
5:00 pm  Aaron Cabott Jones  
6:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow  
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm  A Double Shot of Wayne Davis

Friday, September 11 
2:00 pm  Max Kleene
3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Annette Cifuentes
5:00 pm  Savannah Rain
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shiton
9:00 pm  Funky Freddy Republic

Sunday, September 13
6:00 pm  QuadRadiX

Steele Live Music Presents QUADRADIX Sept 13 2020

Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment: The Largest And Longest Running Caribbean Carnival In Second Life Returns

After a two year hiatus from bringing this event to the SL grid, I'm excited to announce the 9th Annual Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment Caribbean Carnival weekend is coming to Second Life in a little over a week from this printing.  With 2020 being such a challenging time for everyone dealing with the coronavirus and being quarantined, the thought came to me.  However, with the incidences of deadly police actions against people of color in the USA and the protests around the world for social and racial equality, this was a perfect time to bring back the carnival in celebration of the Caribbean culture.
The 2020 Sunburst Caribbean Carnival will be a three day weekend event covering three individual sims with three unique events.  The dates of the events are from September 10-12.  September 10 and 11 are exclusive event days and require a ticket purchase to attend.  On September 10 will be our Afro-Latin Formal party featuring Break Beatz Entertainments (BBE) DJ India who will provide the beats and rhythms that will definitely keep you moving on the dance floor.  Hosting for DJ India will be the talented Egyptshae.  (Formal attire is required).  On September 11 we will be bringing you the anticipated Ultimate Versuz Showdown Battle.  This will be a double Versuz showdown between Caribbean music legends and stars Spice and Lady Saw played by DJ Pinky and DJ Cinfull of (BBE), and Aidonia and Vybes Kartel played by DJ Brockie and DJ Grock (BBE). Available tickets can be bought at:
On September 12 is our Caribbean Carnival open to the entire SL grid. The DJ line up for 2020 include in no specific order: DJ Kemi-Rock, DJ Vixen, DJ Pinky, DJ Cinfull, DJ Raidous, DJ AndreDVere, DJ Feleen, DJ Grock, and DJ Brockie.  Hosts for this event will be Dragoneyed Diva and Ladybug. We will have contests for King & Queen of carnival, Best crew in costume, Best In Body Glitter and for our Greek Org community, Best Greek Org in costume.  All will have linden awards.
None of this would be possible without the support of the following sponsors who we salute and say Thank You:
Art For The Soul -  Jonquel Jiagu
Landscape Art By Monrocie - Monrocie Pontecorvo
Fabstar Entertainment - Ladybug Foxx
Zeta Gamma Rho SL Sorority
TKO Designs - Tia Kimagawa
The Baptiste Family Foundation - KariNoelle Baptiste
Lymin' Ting Caribbean Club - KandiLicious Pearl
Beta Eta Rho SL Sorority - Caressa28
Xi Gamma Xi SL Fraternity 
Epsilon Xi Rho - HoneyOshun
Stylonic Co. -  ADVERSITY
Weddings By Sie - Sienna Harris
Rite Time Radio - Dayta Dorchester
3M ESTATES DESIGNS - Honeychocl8kiss
Nat's Jazz Club @Detroit City - Linda Sautereau
Delta Theta Nu SL Sorority - Sanaa Carami
GOLDs Fashion Runway Styling and PROMOTIONS - IndiiirareGold Enchantment
Serenades By Ambrosia - Ambrosia Windstorm
DAWNIES Soulfood & Catering - Dawn Garside
Sigma Upsilon Nu SL Sorority

And finally thank you to the following Co-Producers of this years event:
Break Beatz Entertainment, Viejo Tophat, Fancita Miami, Mu Sigma Nu SL Fraternity
Tia Kimagawa (ZGR), and Cindy Alaric and the Sisters of Psi Kappa Phi SL Sorority.

GeekSpeak – Neuralink: Saviour or Disaster? GeekSpeak Saturday 5th September at noon SLT

Last week Elon Musk unveiled the latest plans for Neuralink, the company that plants a chip in your skull that connects your brain to a computer.  This technology promises to make the paralyzed walk and the blind see.  If it can do that it will be an amazing benefit for all disabled people.

What else will it be able to do?  Will we be able to link our brains to robots on Mars so that we can experience being there on another planet?  Will we be able to share thoughts with other people?

Are there dangers with this technology?  If a couple links their brains will they live happily ever after, or get a divorce straight away?  Will companies be able to put advertisements into your thoughts?  Will the government force all children to get a link so that they can be controlled?

Come and discuss the digitalization of your brain patterns.  It is closer than you think.  Bring your friends, with or without brains.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SHOULD AVATARS WEAR MASKS? Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

Etiquette is a touchy thing. It is both timeless and ever evolving. There was a time when a lady had to know how to get into a stagecoach properly, for instance. The answer to that doesn't matter now, but other questions rose in place of it, and will continue to arise as we evolve as a species.

One particular question of Etiquette that arose on 2020, in an admittedly isolated niche within SL culture, is "Should avatars wear masks?" 

Note that I phrase it as a question of Etiquette, not as a question of Science. Science doesn't mesh well with the idea of avatars wearing masks. Avatars, which are not living organisms, are incapable of transmitting a physical virus from one to another. There is no scientific benefit to making your avatar wear a mask, not are there medical consequences if you walk around maskless. There may be social consequences, but we'll get to that later in the article. 

Yet, while researching this article, I went on SL Marketplace. I searched for "COVID masks." There were 297 pages of them available. Who is buying all of these masks, and why? Only a fool would buy one, right?

I should add that many of these sales are of the Greater Fool variety, meaning that people think of something simple and useless that they can make for a few pennies and sell for a few pennies more. Perhaps there are people out there who worry about getting sick from an multiple avatar interaction. "The CDC said nothing at all about animated characters being able to go maskless, so I'd better err on the side of caution." That is your target market. Get what you can from them, while you can get it. They are, to quote edited-for-television Scarface, "a great big chicken, waiting to get plucked."

Other people might wear a mask because they feel that SL should mirror RL. Granted, you can't teleport places or carry a lighthouse around with you in RL, but masks come down on the other side of that line. There is a little roleplay element to this that most SL users can slip into effortlessly. We live in a masked society RL, and some feel that this should reflect itself when they move among the animated masses.

Some people may do it for Discipline. If masks are mandatory, you wear them. If you're walking out to get the paper off the doorstep, you wear a mask. If you are running out to the store for one thing, you wear a mask. My grandfather was actually like this with ties. The tie wasn't necessary for what he was doing, but he was more comfortable with a tie on. That kind of discipline would transfer to SL if you were to animate such a man. 

I decided to strut around SL in a mask, just to see how I was reacted to. It was disappointing. Not in a bad way, but in an odd way. Disappointing in myself, if that is how one would phrase it.

I went to the gym first. I was the only one in a mask. Unfortunately, there are a lot of wrestlers in my gym (wrestling is a hugely popular sport on SL). They saw nothing at all odd with me walking around in a gas mask, and just assumed that I was in character. "The crowd is gonna LOVE that!" was a common refrain. "Can it be weaponized?" was another.

I went to my side job as a dancer at a fetish sim. There were 30 people around when I went on the dance pole, dressed exactly as I was in the picture accompanying the article. I was immediately conspicuous. A gas mask, however, is nothing special to fetish people, many of whom were disappointed that I wasn't bound. Several people were able to correctly name the brand.

In the end, you're on SL to amuse yourself. You won't hurt anyone if you don't feel like wearing one, nor will you save lives by wearing one. If someone else wants to wear one, it isn't your business to tell them otherwise.

Shoot, I have a friend on SL who is a 6 foot tall humanish Bat. In the real world, she would be right at the top of How The Virus Jumped To Humans suspect list. On SL, she's just someone I see at work. She's not harming anyone, and neither are you if you wear or refuse to wear a mask.

Do what thou wilt.