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Friday, August 21, 2020


Looking for something different in your SecondLife?  Are the same old clubs you visit night after night becoming a bit “stale”? Does riding a fire-belching dragon, or fighting for your life as you watch your health meter drop in a combat sim just not hold your attention like it once did? Then have I got a word for you...and that word is “Ethnographic Studies” (OK, so technically it’s two words…so hyphenate it). And what better way to scratch that itch…to pursue that passion…to boldly go when no one has gone before? (cue music) but to check out one of the FINEST Ethnography Exhibits In all of SecondLife?  
I recently had the very real pleasure of meeting Nexus Dot, researcher extraordinaire and curator of the SL display: Ethnographic Exhibits of Two Cultures from the Republic of Panama.

Josh Bellic (JB):  So tell me, Nexus.  Just what is “Ethnography” anyway?  And why should people study it?
Nexus Dot (ND):  Ethnography refers to the process anthropologists use to document and interpret other cultures.  This concept of culture is the primary focus of the ethnographer.  With respect to culture and how ethnography differs from certain other sciences, my intellectual mentor Clifford Geertz says,  “Believing …that man (sic) is an animal suspended in webs of significance (s)he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning."   

This exhibit is then an attempt at the interpretation of these many different webs of meaning. Webs that you will discover when you take the intellectual effort to peek beneath the surface of these two incredible tropical lowland rain forest indigenous tribes located in eastern Panama.  These webs of meaning have evolved over hundred of thousands of years of the cultural evolution of our species.  Webs of meaning that reflect the heritage of our tribal past, now often forgotten but whose influence is indelibly written in the DNA of our own cultures.

JB:  Share with our readers what this exhibit is all about.
ND:  There are many themes in the exhibit. The one that I would like most to bring to your attention is that traditional people represent a unique aspect of human consciousness. For hundreds of thousands of years our species believed in the spirit world. This was before the invention of agriculture and the major world religions. This influence creeped into our understanding of the environment, and tribal people of the world represent this way of thinking. The two cultures in the exhibit represent the remnants of that long standing tradition. We try to present aspects of the complexity and comprehensive nature of their understanding of their environment and its ecological implications. Here is a YouTube that introduces the exhibit ... 2 minutes only ...Copy/Paste the following address into your Web browser.

JB:  How did you first come to be interested in the Emberá Culture of Eastern Panama.
ND:  I grew up in Panama. We lived in a community located at the edge of the rainforest. From an early age, I admired indigenous culture and became interested in the nature of human consciousness. So. It is a reasonable extension of my interests to work with indigenous cultures in Panama.
JB:  Whatever convinced you to publish your research using the Virtual World of SecondLife?
ND:  I found that when you gave a talk in SL, it was helpful to send people to an exhibit. My initial goal was to give a few thoughts about indigenous culture and a small exhibit. Then the concept of an exhibit took on a life of its own. We decided to do a stand-alone self-guided exhibit. Shiloh Emmons, my colleague in the exhibit, convinced me to expand and do a more comprehensive project. The tools of SL provide an excellent immersive virtual geography for presenting complex ideas and multimedia information.

JB:  Tell us about the different exhibit areas please?
ND:  There are eight different exhibit areas.
  • Emberá Cosmology and Ecology which includes shamanic rituals.
  • The story of Henupoto , the supernatural antihero of the mythical past, an important Emberá narrative.
  • Art and Aesthetics of Guna Mola Textile Art.
  • The mola gallery where we display 38 antique molas.
  • Ethnobotany, how people of the lowland tropics use plants, including psychoactive plants.
  • A large map gallery of the geography of Panama.
  • Photo essays of Emberá Drúa, a heritage tourism program run by an Emberá indigenous community
  • Hall of the Giant Molas
There are also multiple slide shows and many interactive multimedia signs.

JB:  I saw a display that mentioned Henupoto?  Who is he and why is he important to the people of Emberá? 
ND:  Henupoto is a well-known narrative among the Emberá. It is the story of a Herculean-like antihero who is the son of a union between a powerful spirit and an indigenous woman. He is considered a nuisance by his people, so they are constantly sending him out on impossible tasks that he expertly executes. In the end, he provides the community with many gifts and a curse. The story serves as a means of discussing the many complex ecological concepts and the Emberá's profound understanding of the supernatural world. Unlike most modern superheroes, Henupoto is more of an antihero. The message is that life is not simple, not just good or bad.
JB:  Do you have any upcoming events?
ND:  At noon on September 5th at the Science Circle, I will present a talk on Art and Aesthetics of Guna Mola Textile Art. We are planning several events for the near future including a panel on the mythical antihero and Emberá cosmology. The dates and times will be posted at the exhibit. Numerous organizations have booked guided tours, and individuals are invited to drop by anytime as it is open to the public. Groups can IM me to book a tour—at Nexus Dot. 

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
ND:  I think there is a striking renaissance of art, science and other intellectual activities in SL, maybe due to the Covid19 crisis. I think these are worthy goals and am pleased to be a small part of a community that is working so hard to ensure that SL offers more than just fun and recreation. I would like to thank Valibrarian and the team of the Community Virtual Library (CVL) for their gracious support of the exhibit.  We used up a lot of their Prims and they never once complained. We encourage all visitors to explore the ethnographic exhibits, and the Community Virtual Library (CVL) Research Library located on Cookie Island. 
So there you have it, folks.  For a completely different way of viewing SL and the world around you, come check out the “Ethnographic Exhibits of Two Cultures from the Republic of Panama.” Tell your Limo driver to take you to the following location: 
You’ll be glad you did.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Grand Opening of Wild Bill's Place with themed events and Linden Prizes on August 21st from 12p-10p SLT

Wild Bill's Place is one of the newest clubs on the grid. The sim is full of things to see with a great country venue, a beach venue as well as a Romantic area to hang out and relax. Our grand opening is Aug. 21, 2020 starting at 12 noon SLT and running till 10 pm SLT.  Check out the list of contests and Lindens prizes 

Aug. 21, 2020 Event Schedule

12 Noon - 2 PM SLT
Theme Best In Biker Wear 500 Linden On The Board

2 - 4 PM SLT
Best In Boots & Hats 500 Linden On The Board

4 - 6 PM SLT
Best In Western Wear 1000 Linden On The Board

6 - 8 PM SLT
Best In Work Wear 1000 Linden On The Board

8 - 10 PM SLT

Best In Dare To Bare 2000 Linden On The Board (BITS COVERED)


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Maribol Inshan and Synergy Island Presents Maribol Inshan & Friends Are Broadway Bound! August 19th 6 – 7:30 PM At Synergy Island Beach

Join us at Synergy Island Beach for a spectacular Theatrical "Live Music "Event with performances from some of the most amazingly talented vocalists in Second Life, Ambrosia Kamala, Austin Moores, Maribol Inshan, Scorpio Aeon, Patrice Virago and Razor.  There will be fully staged performances from some incredible Broadway shows: Aida, Bagdad Cafe, Dream Girls, Funny Girl, Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Miserables, The Color Purple, The Greatest Showman and The Wiz. This is a show like no other you have ever seen on Second you do not want to miss. Suggested dress is as if you are going to a Broadway show. Please arrive early so you are assured of a seat at the show. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Valley of Dreams Venue - Exclusive and Beautiful

From the beginning of Earth's dance with the sea, mountains rose from a watery depth into the sunlight. Glaciers carved valleys between them. Here melting snow formed the bay of Aman Ri. A couple stepped ashore, and shielding their eyes from the sunlight, they gazed across the distance toward their future, and what would soon become the Valley of Dreams.
We at Valley of Dreams take great pride in presenting three of the finest entertainers, in Second Life. Stressing quality rather than quantity we open only when our performers grace the Valley of Dreams stage. In addition, photographer, Daviddaniels999 creates an original work of art that can be found only in the Valley. Mounted and tucked into a gift kiosk at the entrance, Lena and David encourage their visitors to be sure and retrieve a copy for their home because the photograph changes the first day of each month. Do remember that attire in the Valley is relaxed and ranges from Smart Casual to Formal, so be comfy.

7pm SLT on Thursdays - Edian Tey a brilliant new talent joins us every Thursday. We first heard Edian perform at ~O~ Karaoke Lounge and knew we wanted to engage him. While observing his growth in Second Life over the past few weeks we are so proud we recognized his talent from the start. In a single hour, we watch him connect with his audience and hear the joy in his voice grow as he entertains them. Edian started singing publicly when he was 20. He and a friend entertained at private parties and in local coffee shops. Soon the owner of a group heard them, and they were invited to join. Edian accepted marking the start of his professional development as a singer. Edian sings in Spanish as well as English, thus enabling him to reach many people through his music. Influenced by artists of the 70s and 80s, he enjoys all musical genres and is no stranger to crooning a beautiful love song. Even so, he can add a bit of spice to his performance with a toe-tapper from his extensive song list.

7pm SLT on Sundays - KoKoIncognito time. Picture this. A little girl, five years old, grabs a hearth broom and pretends she is holding a guitar as she belts out Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas.” That’s our KoKo, and she loves to sing everything from classic country and the oldies to a tender ballad. Her enormous repertoire offers something for everyone. Request a rock tune, and the venue will reverberate with her delivery. Looking for something sweet and romantic, look no further. Recently, she stepped into the role of Karen Carpenter for a wonderful, hour-long tribute performance. An entirely genuine and warm human being, KoKo’s vibrant delivery and engaging humor must be experienced.

8pm SLT on Sundays - Turner Harbrough takes the stage. Enormously talented with a singularly great stage presence, listening to Turner is a pleasure. He sings an eclectic variety of music, from smooth jazz to dance-able pop and country. We count ourselves lucky to have him join us each Sunday. His beautiful voice will melt your heart as he sings the romantic ballads of Michael Bublé along with down to earth country standards. From amazing music to witty banter, you won’t want to miss a single performance by a truly splendid artist. But wait! What’s this! No, it couldn’t be. Is that Kermit the Frog, one of Turner’s devoted friends we hear. Perhaps if we are lucky, very lucky, they will honor us with a duet.

For more information, send a notecard to DavidDaniels999 or Lena Heartsong.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Open Now: New Sapphire Beach Club Sim With 4 Special Venues for Live Music August 15th-16th

Sapphire Beach Club is a Live Music Venue founded in April 2019.
In August 2020 we are able to present you our Brand New Full Region that has been build with the help of one of SL's top Landscapers. Now we have upgraded to 4 New Special Live Venues and a large Beach Area to organize different Music Events for you.

There are  different Hang out Spots everywhere so you can just go to Sapphire Beach and relax with your friends, play games and have a good time.

We hope to see you at the new Sapphire soon.

Claudine Jewell (SL inworld)
Facebook: Claudine Jewell

Top picks of the best RP Sims- Sarah Elisabeth Brenham reporting

Are you looking for a sim to role-play in, but don't know where to go? Then keep on reading to discover my top picks of the best RP sims that are currently on the grid!

I had to begin our journey through Second Life with a Gorean sim, as this is the type of role-playing that I am the most familiar with. For those who don't know what Gor is, the planet and culture of Gor were conjured up by John Frederick Lange Jr aka John Norman. The premises for this world and its traditions are based, in my mind. off of Colonial America. What does that mean exactly? Well during the Colonial times in The U.S.A., gender roles were very defined, slavery was popular and modern conveniences didn't exist. The Gorean community in Second Life is one of the platform's longest-running colonies. With over 50 sims to choose from, where does one even start? Thank goodness that you have me to guide you! In my opinion, I believe that one should look for a place that has stood the test of time. While there are two Gorean sims that fit the bill, the one that I would like to present to you all today is geared towards role-playing, instead of lifestyle (yes some people do practice a form of this life offline.) So, what sim am I referring to? Why but Svago of course! Svago has been on the grid for over three years and although it is classified as a place that follows the Gor novels as closely as possible, it truly does welcome all Goreans.


Calling all Game Of Throne fans! Do you miss the show dearly and hope it returns one day? While that may or may not happen, there is a place where you can create your own characters and storylines within this theme. This location is called HIGHGARDEN. So, if you loved the hit Medieval HBO drama, then I highly recommend that you check out this sim!


 Centauri Alpha Prime 
Are you a Trekkie? Do you think that you would have been friends with someone like Spock? Then Centauri Alpha Prime might be right for you!


Tulagi Seaport & WWII Central [VICE]
Do you have a passion for WWII? Tulagi Seaport & WWII Central [VICE] is comprised of over forty sims and I believe has something for everyone who wishes to reenact one or more parts of this time in history.


 Cedar Creek
I could not conclude a round-up of role-playing sims without including one for Family RP, as it's one of the most popular forms of role-play that people decide to do. Individuals choose to participate in Family RP for a variety of reasons. Regardless of why you are interested in Family role-play, I feel that there is one sim that you should check out if you wish to go down that path. That sim is Cedar Creek. This location has everything that you can think of when it comes to a typical American small town and so much more.


So, there you have it, my recommendations of the hottest RP sims on the grid right now. All you need to do is just to bring your creativity and of course, have fun!

GeekSpeak – What is the single best thing that could happen? For the world, or for you? Saturday August 15th 2020 at Noon SLT

What do you hope for most?  A cure for cancer, disability aids that can be controlled by the brain, an end to money, an end to nation-states, human colonies on other planets, artificial organs, worldwide democracy?  Come and tell us what possible, or even impossible, change you would most like to see.

Let’s discuss also what we all want in our personal lives.  What change do you want for yourself?  More money?  Better health?  Time to learn a new language?

This week we will hold the GeekSpeak of hope.  Tell us what you hope for.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Petra's Live Music Schedule for week of August 16

Sunday, August  16
6:00 pm  The QuadRadiX

Tuesday, August 18
3:00 pm  TOXIE
4:00 pm  Edian Tey
5:00 pm  Agatha Martin
6:00 pm  PutriSoloSinger

Wednesday, August 19
4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Aaron Cabott Jones
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Red Heaven
9:00 pm  Gabriel da Silva

Thursday, August 20
10:00 am  Remy Farman  
5:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow  
6:00 pm  Turner Harbrough  
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm      
A Double Shot of Wayne Davis

Friday, August 21
3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Holly Giles
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Valley of Dreams: For Your SL Entertainment Future

The Valley of Dreams Venue - Exclusive and Beautiful

We at Valley of Dreams take great pride in presenting three of the finest entertainers, in Secondlife. Stressing quality rather than quantity we open only when our performers grace the Valley of Dreams stage. Attire in the Valley is relaxed and ranges from Smart Casual to Formal, so be comfy.

7pm SLT on Sundays - KoKoIncognito time
. Picture this. A little girl, five years old, grabs a hearth broom and pretends she is holding a guitar as she belts out Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas.” That’s our KoKo, and she loves to sing everything form classic country and the oldies to a tender ballad. Her enormous repertoire offers something for everyone. Request a rock tune, and the venue will reverberate with her delivery. Looking for something sweet and romantic, look no further. Recently, she stepped into the role of Karen Carpenter for a wonderful, hour-long tribute performance. An entirely genuine and warm human being, KoKo’s vibrant delivery and engaging humor must be experienced.

8pm SLT on Sundays - Turner Harbrough takes the stage. Enormously talented with a singularly great stage presence, listening to Turner is a pleasure. He sings an eclectic variety of music, from smooth jazz to dance-able pop and country. We count ourselves lucky to have him join us each Sunday. His beautiful voice will melt your heart as he sings the romantic ballads of Michael Bublé along with down to earth country standards. From amazing music to witty banter, you won’t want to miss a single performance by a truly splendid artist. But wait! What’s this! No, it couldn’t be. Is that Kermit the Frog, one of Turner’s devoted friends we hear. Perhaps if we are lucky, very lucky, they will honor us with a duet.

7pm SLT on Thursdays - Edian Tey a brilliant new talent joins us every Thursday. We first heard Edian Perform at ~O~ Karaoke Lounge and knew we wanted to engage him. Edian started singing publicly when he was 20. He and a friend entertained at private parties and in local coffee shops. Soon the owner of a group heard them, and they were invited to join. Edian accepted marking the start of his professional development as a singer. Edian sings in Spanish as well as English, thus enabling him to reach many people through his music. Influenced by artists of the 70s and 80s, he enjoys all musical genres and is no stranger to crooning a beautiful love song. Even so, he can add a bit of spice to his performance with a toe tapper from his extensive song list.

For more information, send a notecard to DavidDaniels999 or Lena Heartsong.


“CHRISTMAS MEMORIES” The 10th Anniversary SL Christmas Expo Now Accepting Merchants

Christmas trees towering over your head while the Lionel train makes is journey around the base. Brightly wrapped gifts spread under the lowest boughs, as the aroma of sugar cookies and gingerbread drift in from the kitchen. Carols playing on the Victrola while the family gathers together to celebrate the holidays.  Christmas Memories of all shapes and sizes spring to mind each year as the holidays approach.

The 2020 SL Christmas Expo, December 4th -13th celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Once again merchants from across the grid will come together to Give the Gift of Hope to Children with Cancer.

In support of the American Cancer Society, the Expo and its partner Linden Lab has set a goal of $25,000 (L$6,250,000) to provide funding for the fight against childhood cancer.
The 2020 Expo, “Christmas Memories”, will feature a multiple region collection of more than 150 of Second Life’s premier Merchants, Breedable and One Of A Kind AuctionsGotchas, Hunts and lots more.  As always you will find Christmas Tree lots, Ice Skating, our annual Snowman Building Contest and appearances by Santa and Mrs. Claus. The Holly Jolly Café returns bring nearly nonstop entertainment and the 3rd Annual Lights of Hope contest will feature the best builders and teams of Lindens and Moles competing in a holiday home decoration competition to be judged by YOU.

Our 10 days of Christmas will culminate with our Live Auction, featuring amazing one of a kind items from Linden Lab and SL’s top creators and the Annual Holidays of Hope Ball.
Since 2011 the SL Christmas Expo has provided Second Life residents with the premier Holiday Shopping and Entertainment event and Christmas Memories is sure to do the same.  Believe in the Magic of Christmas… Reserve your shoppes and sponsorships NOW at

*In-world Inquiries should be directed to: Merchant Registration Coordinator Emirsyn (Emi Resident)

 The American Cancer Society is the world’s leader in the fight against childhood cancer, attacking cancer from every angle. All proceeds from the SL Christmas Expo support the Society and its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.

If you or a loved one has questions or needs help with a cancer diagnosis call the American Cancer Society 800 227-2345 visit or the American Cancer Society region in Second Life.

contact: Nuala Maracas (

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kiss Me Hard Club & Beach Lounge Music Line up August 12th-16th 2020

11am Kurt Calamity
12pm Aminius Writer
1pm Renfoyle 

11am Lyric Serendipity
12pm Rocker1pm Roxanne 

Friday DJ Night 
8am DJ Flame
10am DJ Jimmy
12pm DJ Ash
2pm DJ Larah Saturday
11am Garth Lannock
1pm Harper Delanay
2pm Annette Seranade 

10am Marqs DeSade
11am Seren McGillivary
12pm Aminius Writer

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Petra's International Day Line up August 11th

Monday, August 10, 2020

Schedule of Performance for Week of August 9 at PETRA's

Tuesday, August 11

3:00 pm  Essence Bilasomo
4:00 pm  Edian Tey
5:00 pm  Agatha Martin
6:00 pm  PutriSoloSinger

Wednesday, August 12

4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Djembe Dragonfire
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Red Heaven

Thursday, August 13

10:00 pm  Remy Farman  
5:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow  
6:00 pm  Turner Harbrough  
7:00 pm  - 9;00 pm   
A Double Shot of  Wayne Davis

Friday, August 14

2:00 pm  Max Kleene
3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Annette Cifuentes
5:00 pm  Savannah Rain
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shilton
9:00 pm  Funky Freddy Republic


OK.  So..You are in a slump.  You find that doing the regular circuit of clubs, night after night, week after week, year after year is becoming a bit repetitive.  Surrounding yourself with the same music...same people…same entertainment.  It is bound to become perhaps a bit “overly familiar”.  Now days, during a worldwide pandemic when your favorite sports teams, outdoor concert venues, movie theaters, and in many places even the familiarity and distraction of the workplace has been replaced by teleworking or worse…disbanded altogether…we may seek to engage with others in one of the only remaining “safe” avenues to do so.  SecondLife.  But after a while, even that can seem a bit tired if you let it.
So, with that thought in mind, I put on my intrepid SL Enquirer tag and hit the road, determined to learn the secrets to longevity here in the Virtual World’s most phenomenal platform – SecondLife.  The folks chatted with have established some serious creds here,  They have seen the best of times, and the worst  times.  They lived thru seeing many of their favorite clubs and venues rise to fame...and then disappear just as swiftly.  Places like Greenies, or Toby;s Blues and other favs were here and gone from our lives.  These folks have seen the advent of Mesh…they flirted with Sansar, and now are dealing with the challenges of Baked on Mesh as this most wonderful, most intriguing of social platforms continues to evolve.

So I set out to learn advice from 8+ year old avies about what keeps SecondLife interesting. The first person I met was Amy.  First rezzed on October 12, 2009, Amy has been here 10 years, 9 months
Josh Bellic (JB):  So tell me Amy.  What do you do to keep SL interesting after all these years?
Aɱɣ (amylee.zane): Well my activities in SL is a very busy schedule. I start my mornings with taking care of my SIM which is a motorcycle riding SIM, Then I am part of the SL Coast Guard and I am kept busy with water patrols for now and whatever they offer. Sometimes I go diving, sometimes sky diving and I just completed a medical first aid training. Then I role play as an Attorney on various SIM's. After a complete day I come to relax in a club like Fogbound, where I love to just unwind at the at the end of  my day, kick back and enjoy the people and music.

As I was perving profiles, the next guy just kinda jumped out at me, as having possibly one of the oldest Avis I have ever seen. This Gentleman prefers to remain anonymous, and requested I identify him only by his initials. DZ was rezzed on 21 November, 2004, and has been a SL resident for 15 years and 8 months.

JB: Greetings Sir.  I am a reporter for the SL Enquirer.  This week we are polling long-term residents of SL and asking about their experiences here. Would you be willing to participate?
DZ:  "Well...honestly...I would prefer to decline....I am not one for publicity...The paparazzi can become quite an invasive experience.  The next thing you know my girlfriend is harassed...then the drones over the backyard...Then when I am out on my yacht...they just pull up.
JB:  I understand. Sir. Although I am sure our readers would enjoy hearing a response from one as senior as yourself. 
DZ:  It really has not been so interesting lately. I am just not a very public person. You can blank my name...use my initials…and a shadowed version of a likeness of my face. And, the answer is simple....I find that to keep it interesting I need to want to make it interesting...and to surround myself with interesting people.....The real trick to it is to let your creativity flow and do that in a way that encompasses all the resource here you have available....And, I do not mean by standing around in clubs watching the people dance....You need to create a source of involvement. If you can do can shape everything.

The next person I approached was a gent by the name of OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul).  Oldsoul was rezzed on May 19, 2012, and in 8 years, 2 months old.
JB:  Tell me please.  What do you do to keep SL interesting after all these years?
OldeSoul Eldemar:  Do you want a short answer or long?  I joined my RL wife in  SL, while caregiving as a way for us to stay together, thinking it would be much better than phone calls.  It was! It took a little exploring to find my "place" but working with Relay For Life as a Captain and fundraiser is very rewarding,  I have found that working as an event coordinator for events across the grid is a great way to meet folks and discover new worlds.

The next person to answer my question was the lovely Augi (augustlilac.luckstone).  Rezzed on February 4, 2010, Augi has been here for 10 years, 6 months.
Augi:  Can I say that I like having pixel sex with my BF? Can you print that? OK…let me restate “I like how creative some people can be with the animations - especially the adult furniture” How’s that?  I have been here over ten years and in that time I have made some GREAT friends. Some I may never hear from again and others I have had many years. One such friend I have is someone I met the first week 
I logged onto sl. We are still friends. I like the fact that I meet people from all over the world. People whom I would never even known existed being thousands of miles away. I occasionally hostess at a club and I model for HUSH magazine.  This is my fantasy world where I come to relax and get away from RL pressure

JB:  Thanks, Augi. And if I may add, your BF is one Lucky Bastard.

BellaRose (belladarkside) hails from Canada.  She was rezzed on October 10, 2011 and has been a resident for 8 years and 9 months.
JB:  Tell me please, Bella.  You have been here for more than 8 years.  What is it that keeps you coming back?
BellaRose (belladarkside): Well, I enjoy listening to good music.  That is my most interesting use of my time, and there is plenty pf good music here.  I am also very curious about the intricacies of avatar design.  I have followed with great interest the evolution to mesh, and now even the new Baked On Mesh – BOM.  I am an artist myself, so I can say absolutely that there are many really GREAT designers here in SL  I am really impressed.  One of the things I often like to do is go to designer-hosted events here.

Our final comments today come from Mr. Austin Welles.   This 13 year, 7 month resident was rezzed on Christmas Day, 2006
JB:  Austin, you have certainly see a lot in your 13+ years here.  What advise could you give to newer residents here who may be getting bored with their SL experience? How would you advise newer residents who are getting bored?
Austin Welles: I try not to take things too seriously. This is a place to imagine and experience. Live the moments of SL.  One never knows what might be around the next corner.
JB:  Anything else? 
AW: Oh yes.  You should take a break once in a while
JB: A Break?
AW: Yes…well…like a week here or there.  When you return you will find that the colors are always more vivid and the feelings renewed

So there you have it folks.  Feeling bored?  Then change things up.  Explore a new passion. Develop a new skill.  Live long...Love deeply…Laugh often.  These are the true keys to keeping your SL interesting.  Come to think of it, you might try these same things to kick up your RL as well.

Until next time, this is Josh Bellic…Signing off.  Aloha!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will humanity survive the next 500 years? Join the discussion Saturday August 8th at 12PM SLT

Nothing lasts forever.  And there are so many things that can go wrong for our species.  

Can we survive everything that nature throws at us?  Killer viruses, rogue asteroids, a change in the orbit of the earth?

Or do we face danger from ourselves?  Nuclear war?  Or biological warfare?

Do you think we should be worried about human extinction?  What do you see as the most dangerous threat to our species?  Or do you think there is no realistic threat and we should stop worrying about total annihilation?  Come and join the discussion, and bring your friends because you will need them when the shit hits the fan!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.