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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Interview with Tempest Rosca- Huntsman curator of Resolution Exhibition coming July 10th-12th!

Kultivate Magazine’s  Tempest Rosco- Huntsman curator of Resolution Exhibition is hosting a 3 day event from July 10th-12th featuring talented photographers and artists showcasing their unique work.  The participants include Beuanna Banana, Brian2 Werefox, ByrneDarkly Cazalet, CalebBryant Resident, Giselle Chauveau, INARA PEY, Ivyana Szondi, Johannes Huntsman, Kacey Macbeth, Kalina Sands, ladycharis, Lam Erin, LawrenceD, Morgaine Blackrain, Myra Wildmist, nugget ichibara, Paradox Mercury, PinkRayne, Reya Darkstone, Rockcail Resident, Roman Godde, serenaelia, sirspanking, Skip Staheli, Skye Fairywren, Sugarfairy88 Resident, Tempest Rosca, TrishaSrose, Whata Conundrum, and Wicca Merlin.The SL Enquirer got a behind the scenes with Tempest with an interview about what she does and what the arts mean to her.

Interview with ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛ ʀᴏsᴄᴀ-ʜᴜɴᴛsᴍᴀɴ (tempest.rosca)

SLE: Hi Tempest, it is a pleasure to interview you about the Resolution Exhibition. Before we get into the collection of art being showcased, I’d like to learn a little bit about you. What brought you to Second Life?

Tempest:  Hello Lanai ! Thank you so much and it's wonderful to hear from you!  What brought me to SL?  Well, it was a super long time ago, back in May 2007 when I received an email from Sky News asking if I would be interested in current affairs and new stories within a virtual world!  I'm not a natural gamer, so I'm not part of the gamer culture but I thought Second Life sounded interesting and I thought I would give it ago!  I'm still here (give or take a few breaks!) so I guess you could say I liked it!

SLE: The arts and photography in SL is very popular because it allows photographers from all over the world to showcase their work on a global scale. What inspired you to get involved in the art community?

Tempest: I've exhibited with Kultivate in the past (back in 2015) and it was something I really enjoyed but my photography then took a turn and focussed predominantly on fashion/blogging which means that you are limited creativity wise as you, of course, want to show off the designers creations in the right manner.  However, when I gave up blogging back in 2019 my work started to take on much more of the creative vision I had been missing.  Being involved with Kultivate has ignited my passion for all things artistic and John has of course contributed to that, encouraging me and pushing me outside of my comfort zone - and I have to say I'm loving the challenge and this opportunity!

SLE: Aside from the arts in SL, you are also a big part of Kultivate Magazine and charities,  can you tell our readers about the events you are involved in that raise money for charity?

Tempest:  Kultivate is the official media partner for Team Diabetes of Second Life, the official and authorised team of the American Diabetes Association.  Their season will return in October and I'm looking forward to working with the charity this year, as it will be my first time participating behind the scenes with Team Diabetes!  You can learn more about Team Diabetes and their events by visiting their website:

SLE: The Resolution Exhibition is one of monthly art installations you curate. Can you share with our readers more about this event. Do you handpick the artists you showcase?

Tempest:  Resolution has been a dream of mine for a long time - I've been running various groups within FLICKR which recognise (in my opinion) exceptional photographer/graphic talent so I've always fangurled various artists and applauded their work.  Kultivate has given me the opportunity to take that further and to bring  'Resolution' exhibition to showcase some of these exceptional creators.

SLE: Why the name Resolution Exhibition? Can you explain the theme?

Tempest: There is no theme for the exhibition at all - the only request is for the exhibitors to showcase their best work and whilst we encourage new items it's not a necessity.  The Resolution name came from the photography aspect, as a keen photographer in real, I thought this would be a suitable name for exhibition.  Formal definition is: - Image resolution is the detail an image holds. The term applies to raster digital images, film images, and other types of images.  

SLE: Can you give us a scoop on the next events to come?

Tempest: Whilst the summer is quieter for Kultivate, we still look to give opportunities to artists at our galleries across the sims so it's best to keep watch on the calendar on the web site under the 'Upcoming Events'  :  .   Of course we have Team Diabetes starting in October mentioned above.  To keep with the British theme and our love of beer!, we also have a  pub and new gallery called "The Mad Mare and Dene Art Gallery" where we showcase artists in the pub each month.  However, we have live music every Monday at 3pm slt and DJ set/trivia at 4pm slt and on Wednesdays DJ/trivia from 4pm to 6pm slt.  So come and join us!!  It's so much fun :)  - more info here:  

SLE: How can artists and photographers get involved in your monthly events?

Tempest:  We love new talent and would encourage anyone who's interested in Kultivate or any of our galleries to take a look at the website for opportunities  .  We have many events, especially at the The Mad Mare Pub, so we would love to welcome everyone to come visit and hang out with us.  It's so much fun and we're a friendly bunch !!   However, if anyone would love to know more about opportunities then feel free to drop us IM/NC or message us on facebook.

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Tempest: Art is different for everyone, I realise that now more than ever.  We all see things differently, we all like different things, we can all relate to pieces of work in different ways. Kultivate and the team there work tirelessly to create something special for the SL art community and, whilst I'm very new into the fray of the art world here and coming from a flickr/blogging/fashion background, I completely adore the people that surround me in this world.  Everyone I've met has made me so very welcome and I just adore being part of this community.  Of course, none of this would be possible without John's backing and encouragement - I have so much to thank him for, especially for introducing me to this wonder world - I look forward to what the future may hold !

Teleport to the Resolution Exhibition
July 10th-12th

Additional Information
FaMESHed: Social Media Liaison  [ 
PoseFair: Assistant Manager/Social Media:

Kultivate - Resolution Exhibition - July 10th to July 12th 2020

Kultivate’s latest gallery, Dene Gallery, presents the Resolution Exhibition! This special three-day exhibition will feature some of the top talented photographers and artists that can be found on Flickr. The exhibition is curated by photographer and artist,  Tempest Rosca (Huntsman) and will feature 3 days of live music.

ParticipatingArtists Include: Beuanna Banana, Brian2 Werefox, ByrneDarkly Cazalet, CalebBryant Resident, Giselle Chauveau, INARA PEY, Ivyana Szondi, Johannes Huntsman, Kacey Macbeth, Kalina Sands, ladycharis, Lam Erin, LawrenceD, Morgaine Blackrain, Myra Wildmist, nugget ichibara, Paradox Mercury, PinkRayne, Reya Darkstone, Rockcail Resident, Roman Godde, serenaelia, sirspanking, Skip Staheli, Skye Fairywren, Sugarfairy88 Resident, Tempest Rosca, TrishaSrose, Whata Conundrum, & Wicca Merlin

The following live performers will provide entertainment throughout the exhibition: Samuel James, Steph Sinatra, Mavenn, Wolfie Starfire, Jesie Janick, Max Kleene,  & Samm Qendra.

About Dene Gallery & Kultivate:
Dene Gallery is part of the Kultivate family of galleries and is located in Rosehaven. The gallery is curated by Tempest Rosca (Huntsman) and highlights one artist each month. Kultivate consists of Kultivate Magazine, Windlight Art Gallery, The Edge Gallery, Kultivate Loft Gallery, Kultivate Signature Gallery, & Kultivate Select Gallery. The goal of Kultivate is to promote and support the cultural aspects of Second Life. Kultivate is proud to be the official sponsor and media partner of Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association.

For More Information:

AVIE POLL- What do SL Men & Women look for in the perfect partner - GiaBlossom Reporting

Finding love in Second Life is just as hard as finding one in Real Life. It is said that it happens when you are not looking. How much of this is true, I don't know. I am yet to experience one but I have seen many who have been together for years and their love has transcended to real life. 

For those like me, we wonder who would be our perfect be? Almost a week back I asked this random question, “What do you look for in a Perfect Partner in SL?” to find out what others think of it. What I expected was a few of my friends and family to reply back. After 10 hours, however, there were over a 100 replies to this random question and still counting. A random question turned viral.

Credits - Sherief (idetective), In the picture are Avi Hunter and Keira Yiwama, Sherief and Sarah.

In this short article I might not be able to share all the views of all the people who participated by replying to the post. But thanks to them, I wanted to share their views with you dear readers. 

Lori Jamee Sandalwood Loeffler - COO at The Best of Second Life and the founder of Models giving back says,”Honesty, loyalty, trustworthy, treats me really well and always has “our” best interest in mind, not just mine. Well, now you know what I have in Matt. No lies, no hiding things - it’s comfortable, like it has always been there and I never doubt anything that he is saying to me. He keeps his word every time. Ability to communicate! Add that to the list - you have to be able to talk to each other openly freely.”

Morgan Whitfield Firehawk - Miss Virtual World 2020, designer/owner of HEELS, founder of Care and Hope Center says, “I too find loyalty very important. Also someone who is supportive and listens to you. Plus having things in common.”

Cain Saunders who recently got engaged says, “How would I describe her? Ever been outside on a really cold day where the wind almost feels like a knife cutting you. Then you walk in a house and its nice, warm and welcoming. She is that house. A day where your working outside, and the sun is beating you up and you feel like you have taken a shower with your clothes on. You go inside and the air is on and you get a refreshing cold drink. She is that drink and air. When you visit a tourist site like Niagara Falls for instance, and you see the power, beauty and are in awe of what you see. That's her. When your a kid on Christmas morning, and you open up the present to reveal you got exactly what you wanted. That’s her. When a tragedy happens and it is pain and suffering and hurt, but then the love after all people coming together to show love and support. Showing power of togetherness, showing the ability to rise above hate. Yes that's her. So yea those are just a few examples of how I would describe my Tam.”

Rose Mikaelson -- Founder of Miss Globe Universal says, “Someone who is honest, truthful, respectful, loyal, protective, share common interest but not afraid of being different, similar taste in music, style, grace, appreciation, unique, passion, balance life, support, values family and friendship, peaceful, chivalry, understands how to operate a business and loves dogs to name a few.”

Fiore Quintesson says, “Agree, honesty and loyalty. No mind games. No alts games. My ex gave it to me in a fat pack. But thanks to him I met the one I love with all my heart. Raffaelo Monastir is the one who suits me in everything and a man I dreamt in RL and SL.”

Starbaby Perl says, “If you are looking for a perfect partner, then make an alt and have him/her as your partner. It will be just like playing Barbie and Ken. You can make him look and act any way you want.”

Kye Mae says, “It's hard when many say I just keep it in SL. It's hard not to as there is a person behind that avatar. I mean you must be so emotionless to not even feel anything towards them. I met my partner in sl, but we never did play SL, we took it to rl and 10 years later we are still married. So good things do come to those who are genuine and want to have trust, love and loyalty.”

The data I took was from the first 24 hours of all the answers combined. Here are the qualities that most people are looking for in broad categories. 

Honesty, Loyalty, Trustworthy, Keeps couple interest in mind, Keeps promises, Communicates, Similarities, Comfort, Inspiring, Dissimilarities, Appreciate, Personality, Gives space, Nothing perfect, Waits to be intimate, Not perfect, Has money, Is a Friend, Pet Lover and Not interested.

In the picture are Avi Hunter and Keira Yiwama

A perfect partner according to me is someone who balances my personality with similar and dissimilar tastes. Someone who has fun like a friend, scolds like a sibling and loves like a lover. 

Additional Information

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


For most of us, we logon to an online experience, wait for our avatar to materialize and away we go. We leave the physical world and all its responsibilities behind us. No thinking about making a hair appointment or what’s covered on our health insurance plan. Just relax, unwind and leave all our stress of the physical world behind. It’s time to move ahead to whatever your destiny has in store for you.
But what if your adventure was “responsibility”? In Second Life, the care of virtual pets and livestock is pretty commonplace now. Logging in everyday to make sure your Amaretto Horse or Dragon has been fed is all too familiar. But what if your responsibility was not for an animal but was the upbringing of a child? People have been able to partner in Second Life almost since its inception. Shortly after that, the ability to get pregnant and give birth became available. Avatar body modifications and scripting have led couples to experience virtual childbirth. But beyond that, the offspring was little more than a wire frame and polygons and that left an intellectual emptiness for new parents wanting to interact with their new bundle of joy. Now those voids are being filled by other avatars role playing as children. However unsettling age play is to some, it’s perfectly normal to others. A completely non-sexual plutonic experience with adults playing the role as minors. This might sound like something you don’t want any part of, but for those who do, the reasons are as diverse as grains of sand on a beach.

Is role playing as a minor that much different from role playing as a hundred year old mythical creature or possibly a newly born woodland animal? Those situations don’t seem far fetched but the thought of it being an adolescent human played by an adult is off putting to many. We have been taught to fear those people, that they have some secret hidden agenda. But the vast majority are and just have chosen to let their inner child come out. Of those that do enjoy this, some are compensating for a traumatic and abusive physical childhood or wanting to return to a time when they can only remember that life was good. And what about the people who choose to be parents? Some of these adults can’t have children of their own and the long road of spending hours wondering when they will receive a phone call from a physical world adoption agency can take a toll on their mental stability. Some feel a sense of guilt from thinking they are keeping their spouse from being a parent. These and many other issues can be eased with role playing filling that immediate void of parenting.

An incredible sense of joy from this symbiotic relationship can have a powerful impact in someone’s mental state. But does that experience need to end with only an immediate family? In the physical world we have many family members… aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins even God parents. All of them share, help and interact to make us who we are. Why can’t that be the case in Second Life? Lots of people make long lasting virtual world friendships with people of all walks of life. The Empty nester who comes here to express their art. The middle-aged builder who sees what kind of monument can be created. Newlywed couples seeking to spend time talking with other like minded couples. These people make friendships that turn into substantial family bonds. A sense of family from all over the globe helping, sharing and interacting in each other’s lives. These people have their own role to play tailored to their unique lifestyle.
Virtual world families, just like physical world families, enjoy spending time together. Grandparents may take their grandchildren to an amusement park SIM and try to get to know them a little better. Cousins who would have never met any other way, hangout and chat about how they cope with real life issues. And parents may confide with older avatars how different parenting techniques differ from years ago. The interaction is as endless as it is in the physical world.

This may come as a shock to some of you because it doesn’t fit your cookie cutter experiences. I for one didn’t know this entire genre existed until I started researching it. We are so used to traveling in our own linear directions we don’t stop and think there may be a path we haven’t traveled yet. But isn’t that what life’s journey has in store for us? We all start out with a plan in life, whatever that might be and very rarely does that plan become reality. There is truth in the cliché “If you want to make God laugh, then make a plan”. It’s these detours that make us who we are today. Life’s stumbles and how we cope with them makes us stronger. We all need a support network and not everyone has that in the physical world. Isn’t it nice to know that even if we feel alone, we can still have that support just a few clicks away? I for one am grateful for the friendships I have made here in Second Life. Their kind words of encouragement they express to me every day, standing by me in hard times, laughing with me when I feel silly and giving me some of their wisdom whether I asked for it or not! Isn’t that what families really are?
In my next segment, I interview children and parents of families to see exactly why they have chosen to become a Second Life Family. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Mobile slot players on the increase: The end of traditional gaming approaching

Slots have soared in popularity and they just keep getting better as technology and graphics improve, giving players a near cinematic experience whilst enjoying the thrill of gambling. Slots are not only fun and entertaining but can also be highly lucrative, with players being offered the opportunity for life-changing cash prizes if they bet on progressive jackpot games.

One huge change in the last decade to the slot industry is how players choose to enjoy phone casino slots, with the majority of players opting to play slots online using their mobile devices either on an online casino via their web browser or on slot apps. Could this mean the end for traditional slots as players prefer to play from the comfort of their own homes or on the go instead of spinning the reels at a land-based casino? Maybe. Let’s take a look at the factors which are pushing players towards mobile play and perhaps away from traditional gambling behaviour. 


We live in a world where we are overwhelmed with choice, where we get to make choices about just about every aspect of our lives especially when it comes to entertainment. One of the reasons online slots are becoming more popular than land-based slot machines is because online casinos offer players a variety of slot games unrivalled by land-based casinos. There are so many slot titles to choose from and more and more are added every week, so when it comes to online mobile slots, the world is a player’s oyster. 


One of the biggest reasons why players choose to play slots online via their mobile instead of in a land-based casino is simply because it’s more convenient. The convenience of mobile play is the trade-off for the excitement and buzzing atmosphere that players can experience in a brick and mortar casino, but when given the option a lot of players would prefer to play casually on their commute to work or from the comfort of their own home. 

Bonuses and Rewards

Playing slots via your mobile can be more rewarding than playing in a land-based casino as players are able to take advantage of sign-up bonuses as well as loyalty bonuses, just be sure to read the wagering requirements before you accept any welcome bonuses! Although there are slot clubs and other loyalty schemes in place with land-based casinos, there is far more available online with many online casinos offering generous zero deposit bonuses for new players signing up.

Despite the clear advantages of playing slots online and the majority of slot fans using their mobile primarily to play slots, this doesn’t mean we will be saying goodbye to slots machines in land-based casinos anytime soon. If anything, the gambling market as a whole is growing at a steady place, so more people are enjoying playing slots across the board than ever before, meaning land-based casinos and casino resorts are thriving and still as popular as ever before. So whilst the majority enjoy mobile slot for casual play, the experience of playing in a land-based casino is still extremely appealing for a lot of players.


Kultivate’s latest gallery, Dene Gallery, presents the Resolution Exhibition! This special three day exhibition will feature some of the top talented photographers and artists that can be found on Flickr. The exhibition is curated by photographer and artist,  Tempest Rosca (Huntsman) and will feature 3 days of live music. 
ParticipatingArtists Include: Beuanna Banana, Brian2 Werefox, ByrneDarkly Cazalet, CalebBryant Resident, Giselle Chauveau, INARA PEY, Ivyana Szondi, Johannes Huntsman, Kacey Macbeth, Kalina Sands, ladycharis, Lam Erin, LawrenceD, Morgaine Blackrain, Myra Wildmist, nugget ichibara, Paradox Mercury, PinkRayne, Reya Darkstone, Rockcail Resident, Roman Godde, serenaelia, sirspanking, Skip Staheli, Skye Fairywren, Sugarfairy88 Resident, Tempest Rosca, TrishaSrose, Whata Conundrum, & Wicca Merlin
The following live performers will provide entertainment throughout the exhibition: Samuel James, Steph Sinatra, Mavenn, Wolfie Starfire, Jesie Janick, Max Kleene,  & Samm Qendra. 
About Dene Gallery & Kultivate:
Dene Gallery is part of the Kultivate family of galleries and is located in Rosehaven. The gallery is curated by Tempest Rosca (Huntsman) and highlights one artist each month. Kultivate consists of Kultivate Magazine, Windlight Art Gallery, The Edge Gallery, Kultivate Loft Gallery, Kultivate Signature Gallery, & Kultivate Select Gallery. The goal of Kultivate is to promote and support the cultural aspects of Second Life. Kultivate is proud to be the official sponsor and media partner of Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association.

For More Information:


Looking for Something to Do in Second Life? Check out Avina's

Avinas Premier Rock and Blues Club is home of the Pamela Live Show. It is also a very classy, laid back night club. Giving you a wonderful atmosphere and a beautiful view of the ocean. We offer the best fireworks show on the grid and we also offer the most romantic garden. So stop on in take a look around bring your special someone and enjoy great music and make sum wonderful friends.

 The Lutrova Emporium
 The Lutrova Emporium is a store here at Avinas. In the store we offer gestures, neon signs, gatchas, and textures for all of your Second Life needs. We are always creating something new at very affordable prices.

Glorious Gatcha Gift Shop
Glorious Gatcha is a very cute little gift shop right here on the sim. We offer many different gatcha items, including gatcha grab bags.

 The Pamela Live Show
 The Pamela Live Show is a live talk show we have right here on the sim. Hosted by the beautiful Pamela Alectoris her self. The talk show offers a showcase of business and talents all around Second Life. The show also offers live audience. 

The Pamela Live is open on Sundays. It will begin at 3pm slt. The first show of the year will start in September 2020. All are welcome if interested.

Jammin in the park
Jammin in the Park is a very special venue here on the sim. It is a beautiful garden park. Our live singers absolutely love to perform there. It also offers plenty of space for dancing.

Hot Wheelz
Hot Wheelz is an awesome skate rink here. We offer couple skate, single skate and a group skate. We also have a snack bar and toiletries. (should u need) The venue has a live DJ and host and they do many different games such as musical chairs and limbo to name a few . We have also celebrated brithday parties there as well.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Dictatorshop 50% Sale! from Innocent to Adult High Quality Furniture with texture changer HUDs

Storewide save 50% on everything except gift cards and new releases from 2-8 July.
Furniture and decor items range from innocent, to PG, to Adult Vanilla right up through Adult Kink BDSM.

Creating quality furniture in SL since 2006

Main Store:

Whatever SL means to you it’s still going strong 17 years on! Milae Marksman Reporting...

  Second Life means different things to different people. For some it’s an escape from Real Life and a get away from what makes them unhappy. For some it’s just a game but for every AVI there is a Real Person behind that screen. For some Real Life and Second Life blend seamlessly into one.

What made you join Second Life? An Advert? A Programme about it? A friend who was already on it? OK so you know how but why? Was it to stop boredom? For friendship? Maybe you were looking for love?
For 17 years now Second Life has become a thriving Community with people from all walks of life, from all over this planet Earth that we call home,  coming together to make a diverse Cyber World. Here from behind your screen you can pretty much be anything you want to be. 

Some people in Second Life are gamers, they come here to play and have fun. There is plenty they can do too from huge Robot machines to Role Play sims and anything in between. However more and more people are coming into Second Life to find love, get married and have children. Maybe it’s to fill a void in their Real Life or maybe it’s just a personal choice that online love is all they have time for when their Real Life Work is so hectic and takes more and more of their life from them meaning less time to meet people in the way most would normally. Whatever the reason, the fact that 17 years on Second Life is still here, still making headlines and still pulling in a large audience is not an easy task and one that should be celebrated.

Technology has changed over the years and yet no matter what the Computer World has thrown at it Second Life has risen to the challenge and come back fighting time and time again. Creators have become adept at making first Prims and now Mesh dance to their tunes and one look at the Second Life Marketplace shows the amazing talent that keeps the vast economy that has been created by the People that inhabit this Cyber World turning. There is so much love and hard work that is put into everything you can buy there from Clothing to Accessories, to AVI parts and Furniture but lets not forget the vibrant shopping world from within the Second Life Grid. There are Sims where Shopping malls exist, where brands can create a name for themselves and for many there are VIP groups offering freebies or discounts that you only get by shopping in-world. The Grid doesn’t just stop with creators and shops you have clubs with live DJ’s and talented singers and sims dedicated to Real Life places to bring a little of Earth and the countries that make it to your fingertips at a click of a teleport. Yet year in year out your read reports that Second Life is dying, that Linden Labs will pull the plug and plunge this place we call home into darkness. The truth of the matter is Second Life will not just switch off, the money making machine is out living rivals. The Lindens and their Moles have stayed ahead of the game and keep pushing technology to its limits. Does Second Life have a shelf life? Well a few years back when Sansar was announced (which has since been sold on) and VR was praised as the next big thing, you would have been forgiven for thinking it might. However the year of 2020 and it’s pandemic curve ball have proved more than ever that Second Life is here to stay as people have used it to get away from lockdown, to have company when they need it. Sure the Economy might have had a slow down but the creators of Second Life rallied the troops and showed that there is good out there issuing freebies from clothes, Mesh bodies and heads to furniture and in store credit.

Second Life is not dying, its breathing, it’s living and it’s stronger than ever. Celebrate a world that is ours that is all of us coming together as one because when the world throws you lemons, Second Life will make Lemonade! If you haven’t been to SLB17, (Open till July 12th 2020), then go and support creators who have been the backbone of our community and share the joy that they spread, add your picture to this year's time capsule and be a part of History. Don’t stop loving Second Life because it’s always here for you no matter what your need is.



2013UK Resident (Milae Marksman)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

GeekSpeak: The Future of Energy. Join the discussion July 4th at 12pm SLT

Where will we get energy from in the future? Are we waiting for unlimited sources of energy?  Nuclear fusion?  Volcanoes? Zero point?  What other sources of energy do you think we will find?

How much energy do we actually need?  Will there ever be a maximum amount? Whatever new sources of energy we find, will we always want more?  If each of us has a planet to run, will that be enough?

Come and discuss our energy needs or greeds.  Bring your friends. 
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, July 3, 2020

TATHASTH: a Monologue Works by Neil - Opening - Friday July 3rd 12:30 pm SLT

“Tathasth” is a Hindi word which speaks of standing back and calmly observing everything with love and detachment

Follow young Indian artist, Neil, on a journey through visionary works from his living imagination.
They depict the realities of the mind as it mixes the outside world with deepest inner perceptions.
Travel through dreams of light and color, past horrific imaginations, to visions of hope and new life.


1.   Disco lights - Acrylic on paper
2.   Fading Away - Acrylic on paper
3.   Social Distancing - Acrylic on paper
4.   Mood 1 - Acrylic on canvas
5.   Mood 2 - Acrylic on canvas
6.   Mood 3 - Acrylic on canvas
7.   Mood 4 - Acrylic on canvas
8.   Ink pot - Watercolor & Ink on paper
9.   Metamorphoses - Watercolor & Ink on paper
10. Insecta - Watercolor & Ink on paper
11. Drago - Watercolor & Ink on paper
12. Half Dream 1 - Oil on canvas
13. Half Dream 2 - Oil on canvas
14. Half Dream 3 - Oil on canvas
15. Blue Line Metro - Watercolor on paper
16. Colors of happiness - Collage
17. Mr Lonely - Acrylic on paper
18. Crossroads - Acrylic on paper
19. Mud Skull - Acrylic on paper
20. Blue Delta - Acrylic on paper
21. Yellow Delta - Acrylic on paper
22. Blue Ridge - Acrylic on paper
23. Diffused Yellow - Watercolor on paper
24. Splatter 5 - Acrylic on paper
25. Splatter 4 - Acrylic on paper
26. Splatter 3 - Acrylic on paper
27. Splatter 2 - Acrylic on paper
28. Splatter 1 - Acrylic on paper

Neel was born in the Himalayan foothills of India but now lives in the vast city of Mumbai. He is a passionate animal lover and cares greatly for the earth and all its creatures. A university graduate trained in business, Neel is also a student of poetry, art and literature in Hindi, English and Sanskrit. But he is especially interested in science. He combines abstract painting with imaginative birds, insects, and fish. Thus Neel explores the inner world of emotions and feelings, and how they connect to the natural world around us. His work draws on observation of the fine detail of the natural world together with an inner vision, which he paints as he sees with the eye of the spirit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


The die is cast! The jury chose the 12 grand finalists who will compete on the runway for the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the L $ 50,000 that accompany it!Bravo to Aealla Illyar, Ali Reignn, Anji, Avalon Chrome, Becky Kenaan, Charlotte Chisolm, Cheyenne Sadee Shepherd, Eva Madenwald, Margot Lasalle, Naomi Gallagher, Sholee and Spajkie Hanks! 

Selected from 30 semifinalists themselves chosen from 326 registrations, the 12 great will now participate to two events in world. On Sunday July 12th, it will be the Judges' Brunch where each finalist will be asked to make a short presentation to explain why they would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris.
No score will be awarded for this event but the finalists' presentations, the look they will have created for this particular occasion and their communication skills, will allow the judges to vote in an informed manner during the grand final.

The final will take place on July 26th.The 12 finalists will compete in two challenges. First they have to present an outfit on the theme ''Sunny Afternoon on the French Riviera'', a very jet set destination that includes the famous beach of Saint-Tropez, the site of the no less famous Cannes Film Festival and the very chic Principality of Monaco.
For the second and last challenge, the finalists are asked to dress for ''A Night at the Met Gala in New York''. With tickets costing $ 30,000 US dollars each, the Met Gala is the world's most prominent social event! Karl Lagerfeld, Meryl Streep, Donatella Versace, Nicole Kidman, George Clooney, Miuccia Prada, Julia Roberts, Gisele Bündchen, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift have all been co-chairing this fascinating event which is an annual fundraising for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute. This theme should creates a real explosion of elegance on the runway.
It is the sum of the scores assigned for each of the challenges that will determine who will be the next LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR. The challenges will be immediately followed by the unveiling of the new face of LUXE Paris.

The winner will receive L$50,000 cash and more than L$75,000 in prizes! The two runners up will each win L$10,000 cash and a lots of gifts also.
The grand final of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest will not be open to the public in order to minimize the lag and allow the finalists to shine brightly. However, the show will be streamed live on YouTube! We will provide the link two days in advance here in The SL Enquirer and on the contest website at LUXE Paris LOOK of the

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with The SL Enquirer, Swank Event, Womenstuff, Tone Makeup, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Modeling Academy, ProPose Modeling Poses, Bon Amour Avant-garde Hair, SL Confidencial magazine, L'Amour Diversity magazine, Stavros Hexem Photography and Villa Media Broadcaster.

*PosESioN* Agency re-opens with runway show for women's fashion brand

After a 6-year hiatus from the Second Life fashion scene, the famed modeling agency will open its doors once again. Kicking off its grand re-opening is a runway show featuring the provocative pieces from [small]. Owner & Designer, Small Edenflower creates footwear, body enhancements, and clothing for women, ranging from the fun & flirty to the dark & sexy. Join us at 1pm SLT on Wednesday, July 1 as we showcase the hot fashions from [small] while showing SL's fashionistas just what they’ve been missing from *PosESioN* Agency.

Sponsors:  BLACK CATS POSES, CHEERNO & NEXUS, *PosESioN* Poses, IN-NOVA Models Training, Madame Noir, & DO INK Darkness Original

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Petra's Schedule of Performances - July 1, 2020

Wednesday, July 1

3:00PM      Agatha
4:00PM      Savanna Rain
5:00PM      Djembe Dragonfire
6:00PM      Noma Falta
7:00PM      Red Heaven