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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Lanai's Diary: Entry 6/21/20- The buffoonery that is in SL Business work ethic is just ridiculous

Dear Diary, 

It has been a while since I’ve cracked open my diary and unloaded my thoughts about Second Life.  Sometimes I’m like… wow SL is still really awesome after all these years and other times I scratch my head at the buffoonery and think WTF….just WTF.

I’m talking about work ethics. Not morale ethics because we all know there are some questionable things going on in Second Life. I’m not a judge and jury but I would say a lot of activities are acceptable by the culture. I’ll leave that up to you to decide what is moral or borderline squint worthy.

One of the most important components needed to support Second Life’s economy is Business. To be successful you must build trust with the community. Have a great business and marketing plan put together and to top it off a disciplined work ethic.
I don’t have to be captain Obvious to tell you that.

Business is business no matter how you look at it. It doesn’t matter if it is in a virtual world manned by pixel CEO and employees. When a product or service is exchanged for currency. A business transaction has occurred. At that point, accountability and professionalism become a thing if you want to keep “earning” business.

Those are not the only things business owners need to succeed. Customer Service is the cherry on top for the best businesses and practices in the virtual world.

I’ve traveled the grid and have met many business owners through the years. The very first creator I encountered was in my noob days. There I was barefoot exploring and minding my own business when I stumbled upon an affordable shoe store.  I tried to put on some blocky heels. One ended up strategically placed up my backside. Thank goodness avies don’t feel pain I would have been hurtin!
 Anyway,  I was all bent out of shape literally and messaged the creator all frantic and accused them of playing a sick joke. 
I didn’t know any better and was paranoid of griefers.  It turns out the business owner wasn’t a griefer and assisted me in removing the footwear from where it did not belong. I was grateful for the help and it gave me a better understanding and newfound respect for virtual world business and how it is just like real business.

Customer service has been on a downward spiral with the introduction of bots greeters and automatic information givers that have taken the place of an actual Avie at the business location. Many are left standing around with questions or needing support and they are forced to leave an offline message or drop a notecard for help on something that could take 5 minutes but has now extended to 2 days with a follow up pending. It all becomes so frustrating.

Bad Customer Service 

Recently I was at a popular skins store helping someone try to figure out how they could get rid of the infamous “Dirt neck” situation that occurs when purchasing a mesh head and body with tones that do not match perfectly. For those who are familiar with mesh, skins help with the problem in some cases.

 Upon landing at this packed skin store, there was no customer service to be found. In desperation asking anyone who would offer some help and being led in all kinds of wrong directions. Something as simple as purchasing a skin or blender or whatever it was needed to solve the problem became a week long quest in search of alternative remedies to just fix the problem and still no response from the skin creator or other representative of the brand. That ish gotta stop. At this point just collecting lindens from avies but not really helping them is just not right.  Get it together or I’m taking names on  brands that have poor customer service.

Friend List Conference- Event Shoutouts.

Ok now this right here has got to be the most annoying feature to have when used as a group notice.  So imagine having 1626 friends and about a third of them insist on friend list conferences to spam events or carry on whole conversations. This can really light up your IMs like a christmas tree causing you to nearly have a seizure.
I try my best to just close it out since I don’t really want to unfriend them. At one point I even created a PSA to cut and paste in the conferences to promote SLE. That tactic didn’t work so I tried to make myself invisible. Sighs. I’m lost for ideas on how to go about this in the most professional way I can. If you happen to be a friend , please don’t include me in friend list conference spamming. Thank you.

If you come across this with groups you are in , you can easily solve the problem by opting out of receiving group notices.

In business, it is best to remember where you came from if you have any ounce of humbleness remaining once you hit “the big time”. If there is  one thing that gets under my skins it is those SL business owners who act like they don’t sit in the same infamous David statue “The Thinker” position whilst using a bathroom.

 A Positive attitude is always a good thing so leave the big head at the door, or you might get stuck in the door frame. Like a well known swinger beach club owner with a sandal wedged up his (BLEEP) sideways…. I won’t go there but he knows who he is. Or that makeover service provided who goes rogue buying the wrong stuff with their client’s lindens and somehow blames the patron for an unsatisfactory job done.

I think I let out what I needed to say on this topic for now. If you have suggestions or comments about business ethics please feel free to comment in the box below and please use your avie name, anonymous seems so stupid when the comment is nasty.

Lanai Jarrico

AVIE POLL- Best ways to make Lindens in Second Life - GiaBlossom Reporting

Second Life is an opportunity for some, and a game for others. Few people will treat it like a 3D chat room to enjoy and few will make lindens providing a place to enjoy. Few will grow and explore, and few will help others grow and explore more. Like real life, the chances of making lindens in various avenues are endless. From club jobs to designers and scripters. Since Second Life is an escape from Real Life, one can actually dip their fingers in as many honey jars as possible. Either a person is very good at one of the avenues, or a person can try a combination of things and keep oneself afloat. 

I asked a few people to get their opinions as well. Morgan Whitfield Firehawk is Miss Virtual World 2020, a good and humble friend. She owns Care and Hope Center of SL and recently organized a fashion event benefitting RAINN (Nation’s largest anti sexual violence organization) last month in May. 

Morgan Whitfield Firehawk

Morgan Whitfield Firehawk- “My name is Morgan Whitfield-Firehawk. I own the Care and Hope Center of SL (a domestic violence information HUB since 2014), Heels (a small shoe store since 2016) and I am a working professional certified model. I make my lindens from doing modeling (runway shows or vendor pics) and I also make lindens thru my Heels store. However, with Heels, all proceeds go to my Care and Hope Center (pay the monthly tier).”

We met at a Indian Club and since then we have been friends. Prachi is the owner of The Moon Night Club in Second Life. She is one of the first Indians to open a club for all to enjoy. 

Prachi- “I think sl is just a game. Here we can spend good time and make new friends. I have my own club. Sometimes I Dj and host for other clubs too. For me SL is just a game, I never take it seriously. RL matters more to me than SL. Sometimes I buy lindens and most of the time I earn lindens through the various gigs or sets.” 

I met Abby when she was planning to host the Miss Parallel Universe. Since then we have been friends. She also happens to be my client at Wishing Star Marketing and Promotions, for whom we suggest and do all the social media promotions. She is the owner of Parallel Universe Productions and has choreographed major competitions like Miss Parallel Universe, The Style Superstar and The Viral Voice. She is one of the true entrepreneurs who believe quality drives profits.

Abby’s Facebook Profile Picture

Abby Alexander-  “Abby is  very much like many of you girls with big dreams, and a zeal to accomplish them. My family and friends mean the world to me. I really don't think I would have been where I am right now without the help of so many people who have supported me throughout the journey. I am simply in love with the life I have been able to build for myself at Second Life, and the unique opportunities it provides me every single day to connect with the world and create something that could last the test of time. I feel second life is very similar to real life in terms of making money . You got to listen to the market , research about competition then develop the product, experience or services. I also think market division is important and exclusive marketing on the target customer. You can choose whatever you like to do sl - open a club, build mansions or a wedding industry, if you are able to promote yourself well in front of your segment, there is no stopping you. And if you don't want to start a business , get involved with the already successful ones, there are so many legit jobs on SL where you can earn thousands a week, I know a few who do. These jobs not only give you lindens but also a great experience of working in rl as well.”

Amethyst Starostin Cheveyo, a friend whom I have known since her Dj days. She was crowned MISS SL ♛ 2019 - Second Runner Up, she was also the judge at AviStar ♛ 2019 competition. 

Petr Denis

Amethyst Starostin Cheveyo: “I am a designer, model, DJ and photographer and have been in SL since 2007. I opened my first store in late 2007 selling clothing and furniture to the gorean market.  Since then I have earned lindens through photography, DJing and weddings.  I've found it's best to diversify and do several things than put all your effort into only one thing, unless you are very good at that one thing. I also am an Estate Manager for SkyBeam Estates which allows me to afford my sim.”

I have known Sherief since he joined Wishing Star as a social media personnel. A dear friend, whom I have seen grow in Second Life as time went. He has been a successful commentator and trainer as I have seen him flourish at Premier Wrestling. A wonderful video editor and a graphics designer, he is even good at photography. 

Wishing Star Website

Shereif- “I'm Shereif a marketeer and media producer in real life. In my second life I've worked in many jobs. Marketing, wrestling (entertainment), Stock research and i've made a not so bad market store place that I sell gestures at. There are 2 ways to make lindens in SL.Either to be a creator or a rich person who's willing to invest lots of money to hire creators full time and start your own business whatever it is and with that comes big risk and big profit/loss depending on your dedication and creativity. Or the more safe way is to use your time to be hired by someone who's risking his/her money and get a stable salary. I personally don't like tips based jobs so i won't be talking at all about clubs. Instead there are jobs like building, designing photoshop and even websites designs.. others can script too even. but these are the obvious ones. what not everyone knows about that you can get paid to speak using your voice to comment on SL sports events such as football, wrestling, boxing; you can use your time to get trained in a sport business and get paid for doing it. can work in marketing agencies, help businesses promote themselves or even can make simple creative objects and make lots of them then upload them on Marketplace for free.

Right now I have a constant of around 1000L income per week + random bonuses. The stable salary comes from 3 jobs I'm doing. 
  • The most fun and entertaining one is my wrestling job. it's the same as if you get hired in WWE, contracts, rules. perform and entertain fans using wrestling huds and (optional) voice. It's just 1 appearance per week (match/promo/segment..etc). in each appearance you do which takes around 5-15 minutes you get paid the amount written in your contract. I've started with 80L, some start with 100L but every time your contract is renewed you get a raise usually, now I get 200L+ per appearance.
  • Marketing agency Wishing Star where I get paid weekly for work done daily during that week. usually it's 1 hour a day, 5 days a week so makes around 500L a week. What I do at these hours is usually posting promotional posts on some of  Flickr/socialvr/instagram/facebook/InWorld groups. These posts are provided to me, i only copy-paste them to the right locations.
  • Researching for stock shares. We have a schedule that is repeated every week, in that schedule there are 4 days of researching online on stocks website. 1 day meeting with other researchers to agree on best companies and the owner invests his own money. We get paid weekly regardless of the results. 
  • Marketplace store “Gestures Paradise”. I didn't think I'd make money out of it originally, I just wanted to buy gestures and I saw they were expensive if I was to custom request one. So instead, i found the clip on youtube i wanted the sound from.  I downloaded it, trimmed it to start and end at the exact sentence I wanted. added a free animation and made them play together using a gesture. Later I started making more and more then put them on the MP for almost free at 14-16L$ per gesture. i thought to just cover the 10L price of upload i paid when i uploaded the voice but turned out that with just little promotion putting the MP link in my flickr posts i got around 6k lindens + from there
Another job that I did as free lance in the past but that company closed now a mixed wrestling fed owner hired me 4-5 times in total and he used to pay 5000 to 10000L per appearance where I did almost same stuff i did in wrestling but instead of fighting a guy, I'd be fighting girls. It depends on the script, but usually I was hired to win and humiliate the stars of this wrestling fed. I was hired because I was the champion at Premier Wrestling and he wanted my image. He even paid Premier Wrestling to agree to rent me there  because in my contract I'm not allowed to wrestle in other feds.”

Among the various scopes of making lindens, I have just covered a few. However, the paths are endless. Your passion is what will lead to greater scopes to making more Lindens. 

“Money is only a tool” - Ayn Rand 

Additional Information

Parallel Universe Productions -

SL Name - GiaBlossom

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Petra's Schedule of Performances - Week of June 21, 2020

Tuesday, June 23

2:00 pm TOXIE

3:00 pm Lisa Brune

Wednesday, June 24
2:00 pm   Savannah Corornett
3:00 pm   AbyGail Hastings
4:00 pm   Savannah Rain
5:00 pm   Agatha
6:00 pm   Noma Falta
7:00 pm   Red Heaven

Thursday, June 25
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm   Wayne Davis

Friday, June 26
3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Annette Serenade
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  Red Heaven

Waltzing to The Colorful Quiet: A Tale of a Harmonious Experience

            Sometimes in life, whether virtual or real, things come together, that is, life harmonizes as multiple entities converge to create an experience that one might call, transcendent, divine, even magical. The feeling this sense of perfect unity creates can be felt, but many times cannot be put into words. We try, but words are inadequate in expressing these feelings. But I’m going to try to tell you about just such an experience that happened to me in Second Life about a week ago when I went to Cape Halcyon to listen to a live music performance. Cape Halcyon is an outdoor music venue. It is described as “a new live music venue, that opened in January 2020, featuring only the best artists in SL.” It was very nicely landscaped. There was a small, square stage with a wood plank floor. Light bulbs were strung up around the stage. It was close to a calm river, with a sandy shoreline. A green grassy open area for dancing dominated the space. A tree-lined border with rustic buildings was here and there. A Black Lives Matter sign was atop a roof. A small herd of wandering sheep was off to the side doing whatever wandering sheep do. In all, it’s an idyllic setting for a picnic, or just relaxing on a blanket. So, this place was the first aspect of my harmonious experience that was about to occur.

The musical performance was the second aspect of my harmonious experience, and it was another one of those serendipitous occurrences I spoke of in a previous article. I accidentally caught The Colorful Quiet after another performer finished. I hadn’t gone there to see him perform, but a friend told me that this was his first performance since returning after a fairly long hiatus from Second Life, like four or five years away, I think she said.  So, I had to stay and listen. And I’m happy I did because he sounded wonderful. Indeed, this guy was really good! Great guitar playing. Picking notes and strumming chords. He sung Loser by Beck, Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground, Disarm by the Smashing Pumpkins, Basket Case by Green Day, Polly by Nirvana, Norwegian Wood by the Beatles, Man in the Moon by REM, and several others. His voice matches his name, colorfully quiet, in fact almost a whisper with quavering vibrato. A sense of mystery came to mind. My partner, who is well-versed in music, especially guitar playing said this:

misty Metaluna: a lot of acoustic guitar players play a set pattern of chord sequences and sound repetitive. He doesn’t do that. Yeah, he has skills.

Fynn : you are so knowledgeable!

misty Metaluna:  . . . like say Nickleback they are good but you hear the same chord phrasing in a lot of their stuff.

misty Metaluna: lol, I’ve been around music my whole life.

Fynn (fynnyus): You just schooled me on guitar playing J

            And so we come to the third element of my harmonious experience: Misty. She and I became partners not too long ago. With her, there was a connection almost immediately. Have you ever had that happen? It’s a sense of, “I want to know this person more.” Then, as you get to know them more, that wanting feeling turns to a feeling of need for them. The need turns to a desire. You miss them when they are not there. You start to fall in love. But she is smart and resisted at first, having been burned by love before. Heck, we have all been burned by love in Second Life, haven’t we? I mean, if you have spent much time at all in Second Life, you have experienced a broken heart. But damn, if love is not a powerful thing! And if love is there, it is a very hard thing to resist. And love was there. And neither of us could resist. The funny thing is that she and I are so different in many ways, yet those differences have made us more compatible than one could ever imagine. It’s as if our differences actually cement us together because we can talk about them, accept them for what they are, and get past them. Anyway, I digress. I could go on and on about Misty, but let’s just say that she is the catalyst to many special moments, the current one under consideration being one of them.


  And we come to the fourth and final element of this perfect experience: dance. Now, dance in and of itself is or can be, a transcendent thing. It is an ancient art form. Some would call it a form of communication. Indeed, dance has emerged as one of the more ubiquitous forms in Second Life. But why dance? Why has it become such an important part of our virtual existence? Perhaps dance is a way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. When we watch our avatars dance, we feel a sense of joy. Dancing is a way to express love. Perhaps we dance to show that we can overcome great sorrow or adversity, perhaps dancing reminds us of our youth and its passions, or it reminds us of the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years.  A waltz, a foxtrot, or a rumba might be the best or only way to express ourselves more fully. We all want to be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and powerful they would be. But alas, those words sometimes don’t seem right. So, maybe dance is simply how we translate what our heart is trying to say.

Waltzing in this place, to this performer’s song, with my partner, was special. Indeed, the waltz itself is significant as a ballroom dance style. It is a dance born in the suburbs of Vienna and in the alpine region of Austria. As early as the seventeenth century, waltzes were played in the ballrooms of royalty. Despite its social acceptance, the waltz was also criticized on moral grounds by those opposed to its close hold and rapid turning movements. Religious leaders almost unanimously regarded it as vulgar and sinful. In 1816 the Times of London condemned the dance in an editorial that said,

“We remarked with pain that the indecent foreign dance called the Waltz was introduced (we believe for the first time) at the English court on Friday last ... it is quite sufficient to cast one's eyes on the voluptuous intertwining of the limbs and close compressure on the bodies in their dance, to see that it is indeed far removed from the modest reserve which has hitherto been considered distinctive of English females.

So long as this obscene display was confined to prostitutes and adulteresses, we did not think it deserving of notice; but now that it is attempted to be forced on the respectable classes of society by the civil examples of their superiors, we feel it a duty to warn every parent against exposing his daughter to so fatal a contagion.”

Fortunately, the waltz survived the various oppositional forces that attacked it throughout its history. Today it is one of the most popular forms of dance—even in the virtual setting of Second Life.

And so, these four elements, person, place, music, and dance coalesced into a singular unforgettable moment. There was a confluence of the music and the motion as we connected in this virtual setting. These primordial forms of communication transcended time and space. Indeed, they showed themselves to be quite important elements in this emergent medium of digital time and space called Second Life. Misty and I are one node of the whole of dancing, of dancing history, if you will. We were a singular point as we waltzed to the singing of The Colorful Quiet. It is moments like this that renew your faith in the feelings another can have with you a thousand miles away. It felt like a rebirth of faith in the unboundedness of love for another person, indeed for people in general. How differences can be reconciled with a touch, a kiss, a word, or even a visualization of two people dancing as their corporeal selves watch in wonderment at each other’s digitized beauty.

GeekSpeak – What if we fully embrace AI? Join the discussion on Saturday the 20th at 12PM SLT

GeekSpeak – What if we fully embrace AI?

We talk about AI and the dangers of AI but what if, one day, we deem it safe and fully embrace it?  At first in our phones, then in our contact lenses, and eventually in our heads?
We would be able to do large computations in our heads and we would know at once if a building was for sale.  We would know the latest scientific discoveries, the best information about the conditions on exoplanets, and the local information about house prices and poll results.

But would we have any privacy?  Everything we say and everything we think would be copied to the cloud.  Would there be any way back?  Would we be able to distinguish between ourselves and other people?  Would we want to?
Come and discuss what it means if you are not fully you anymore but an upgraded version or a pirated version. Bring your old fashioned brain and your friends.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, June 19, 2020


Ladies and Gentlemen, let us applause six more beautiful and stylish women who have been selected as SEMIFINALISTS for the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR Contest! Bravo to AUREA, EJ, LOLA NIPPO, LULES BRIMM, OLIVIA and PATIENCE!


We have now 24 semifinalists but there will be a LAST SELECTION of six more semifinalists next week. The deadline to send your picture is June 25th at midnight SLT. Remember: LUXE Paris is searching the grid to find its LOOK of the YEAR, an elegant woman who will represent the brand with grace and charisma. First prize: L$50,000 cash! L$10,000 to each of the two runners up! A total of L$175,000 in prizes!


This style contest is open to ALL stylish women, amateurs and professionnals, and it is very easy to participate. You just have to wear a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, snap a picture, put your name in the title and send FULL PERM to luxeparislookoftheyear resident. Gift to ALL participants

Need more details? Visit the contest website at Participate | LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest is presented in collaboration with the SL Enquirer, Swank Event, Womenstuff, Tone Makeup, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Modeling Academy, ProPose Modeling Poses, Bon Amour Avant-garde Hair, SL Confidencial magazine, L'Amour Diversity magazine, Stavros Hexem Photography and Villa Media Broadcaster.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hogan's Heroes of the Music Scene - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 Music is a great influencer in many of our lives. It provides entertainment, brings back memories and many times is relatable to what is going on with us emotionally. There is an assortment of talents that grace the stages of Second Life. On any giving day or hour, you can find a concert.  Each singer has their own fan base and unique story to tell.
The SL Enquirer recently came across Hogan Baily at another musician’s concert over the weekend.  It is great to see how the music community comes out to support each other’s music. This type of support is the reason the music scene in SL has thrived for years.

It is always exciting meeting new talent and learning more about them. With the vastness of Second Life, it could take years before bumping into someone who has been around for over a decade. Such is the case with Hogan.

Hogan Baily arrived on the grid on January 10, 2009, soon after,  he started performing. His music style virtually covers every genre. When asked what music meant to him, he said Music is Life and he is right.
Interview with Hogan Baily 

How did you discover Second Life and get involved in the music scene? 

Hogan: I downloaded Second Life back in 2008 when a friend of mine (a woman) started playing.  Hogan was not my first avatar or even my second.  He was the third, and I've never really spent time on the others since then.  I was dating a girl back then (Saffron Albatros) who started off a singing career in SL.  After some encouragement from her, I gave it a go.

How long have you been performing in RL and in SL?

Hogan: My first show in SL was in a country venue in October of 2009.  It was pretty awful.  In fact, I think for the first four years of doing shows I had no confidence, and it was evident in the performances.  I'm surprised anyone showed up at all.

What Genres do you cover?

Hogan: That's a handful there.  I started off doing country almost exclusively, so I've been tagged as a country singer.  I've moved into virtually every genre of music at this point.  My song list, available at the shows, has over 1200 listings.  I work hard on finding songs that I have fun singing, and songs that other SL performers don't sing ad nauseam.  I want to be unique at least.  I said from the beginning that when SL shows start to feel like a job, I'll quit.  So far, so good =)

Who are your top covered artists?

Hogan: On occasion, I do a Johnny Cash tribute show, with facts and snippets from his life along with about 15 songs from his long career.  Also, I have the most fun singing songs from bands with lots of energy, like The Boss, J. Geils Band, ZZ Top, George Thorogood, Billy Joel, etc.

Do you write your own music?

Hogan: I do have two originals on YouTube.  Not great, but they're mine LOL.

What instruments do you play? 

Hogan: I only play guitar, and not even well.  I do use percussive items during my shows, like cowbells, tambourines, woodblocks, shakers, and whistles.  Like I said previously, I like to have fun!  I almost never drag the guitar out for live shows.  I like interaction with the audience, and I find it's very hard to do well when I have my hands full of the guitar.                

How often do you perform in Second Life?

Hogan: I usually do just one show a night, sometimes two.  I expend a lot of energy during a show, and I don't want to hold back just because I have two more shows later on.  I also don't think it's fair to venue owners if you have five shows a day.  I figure you thin out your audience because they're not likely to be there for every show.  That's the way I feel about it anyway.  I won't schedule back-to-back shows either.  You have to impose on the venue and the other performers and I don't think its right.

Define what music means to you?

Hogan: Music is life and emotion.  There are songs that make you cry, make you laugh... songs that make you dance or at least tap your feet.

Which musician influenced you the most?

Hogan: I think maybe Peter Wolf from J. Geils Band has been most influential to my style of singing.  Not necessarily the best, but gives 100% every show, every song.  That's what I strive for every show.  At the end of a show, I'll be out of breath, sweating like crazy.  I have to stand for the whole show.  I can't breathe right when I'm sitting down, and I have to move when I sing.

For booking who can fans contact?

Hogan: I don't have a manager.  I handle all inquiries myself.

What is your fee:

Hogan: I ask the venue for L$2000 per show.  I know most other performers are charging 3k, 4k, and even 5k per show, but I'm of the opinion that I don't want venues going broke because of me.  Too many have closed for financial reasons.

Is there anything else you would like to share with The SL Enquirer? Maybe a shout out to your Hogans Hi Steppers?

Hogan: I'd like to thank Savannah Coronet for the Hi Steppers.  She always had dancers at her shows and she had them dancing at my shows as well.  They evolved into their own entity.  I don't run them or tell them what to do or wear.  Rainey Silverweb is doing a fantastic job with hiring, scheduling, coordinating wardrobe, and hudding the dances.

 "I truly enjoy performing.  If I can make someone smile through my talent, there is no greater joy.  Once I take the stage, I hold nothing back."  - Hogan Baily

Additional Information:

Join my group in Second Life!

Song List:


Bookings Contact: IM Hogan Baily

The SL Enquirer
Got News? Get it Published!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

** Special Announcement** Wednesday June 17th 8pm @ Synergy Island "Magical Dreams" A "Live Music" Tribute To The Music of Disney

**A Theatrical "Live Music" Presentation  From Maribol Inshan  & Friends. Music Sung By Maribol Inshan & A Special Guest. Performing music from Aida, Aladdin, Beauty & The Beast, Maleficent, Mulan, Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid, Tangled and Zootopia. All will be complete with stages and special effects. Feel free to wear a Disney outfit! This is one show you do not want to miss!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Look Into Modeling Agencies- Sarah Elisabeth Brenham Reporting...

We live in a world of constant change. This fact also does indeed imply to virtual universes. So, it is always refreshing to see something stand the test of time. Today we are going to see how one such thing has been able to stay relevant throughout the years.

Let me just jump in real quick before I reveal the day's feature presentation and say that my choice may seem like an obvious one, but I do ask that you stick with me to the end, as I feel that there is an important life lesson to be learned from all of this. Okay, onward we go!
Modeling agencies first opened their doors in 1924 and the fashion industry has never been the same since.  They have allowed clothing and accessory designers to showcase their wares on a global scale. 

Modeling agencies are businesses and like all companies, they must be committed to satisfying the ever changing needs of the public. if they want to become a permanent fixture throughout history. Today's society has fashion that accommodates all ethnicities, interests and body types. Although it is now easier more than ever to find work as a model, for some, hurdles are still in their way. This is where the beauty of virtual realities, such as Second Life, can make the dreams of those who aspire to walk a runway come true. Now I know some will say that experiences online versuses offline are not the same. While that is true, it doesn't mean though it can't be just as good.

So, if you have ever felt the calling to become a model or simply just want to see if it's the fit for you and can not do so in Real Life for one reason or another, I have put together a list of agencies in Second life that I feel could give you the best tastes of a model's life. Check them out below!

1. HC Productions & Modeling Agency, owned by HadleyCarrington-Styles (hadleycarrington), first came on the scene to SL in September 2019. Ms. Styles's original aspiration was to only have a production company, but upon further reflection, she decided to add-on a modeling agency to it and has never looked back since.  HC Productions & Modeling Agency specializes in the continuing education and expansion of the careers of their models.

2. K.MICHAELS ACADEMY & AGENCY, spearheaded by Sᴀᴅᴅɪɪ Kʀɪsᴛᴏᴘʜᴇʀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ (saddii), opened their doors in 2019. The goal of this business is very simple: Mr. Michael's just wants to share everything he has learned as a model so that others in the industry may succeed.

3. Audace, run by DebbieDoo Tigerfish, entered the pool of modeling agencies Second Life in 2015. Ms. Tigerfish's dream was to own her agency.  Over the years, Audace has gained the respect of many other modeling agencies, which is a key component to their success.

4. L'Amour Productions & Model Management, owned by Ava Jhamin, has been on the SL grid since 2011. Ms. Jhamin wanted to open a modeling agency that welcomed models who wanted to take ownership of their own career. This innovative concept has lead to the longevity of this business.

5. Models Giving Back, spearheaded by Jamee (jamee.sandalwood), opened their doors in 2012. The purpose of this modeling agency is to raise money and awareness for different causes via fashion shows and shopping events. It is my hope that more modeling agencies like this one pop up on the Second Life grid.

So there you have it; little insight into modeling agencies and some resources to break into the industry, even if it's just online. Oh, and remember the life lesson that I mentioned earlier? The life lesson is that all dreams can come true, some just might need to be re-imagined and/or require a little creativity to make them happen.