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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Music in Second Life: A First Take with a Look at Maximillion Kleene and Kaleb Avedon- Fynnyus Resident Reporting

Being an academically trained media researcher, I’ve often wondered about various aspects of Second Life. The questions are numerous and never-ending. In fact, the longer I’m in Second Life the less I think I know. I ask, why do people come here? What do they get out of it? Why don’t male avatars have a penis? Why would you choose to be a furry, or why would adults want to represent themselves as a child avatar? Why is there food in Second Life? I see it everywhere. And what is the deal with music in Second Life? It’s everywhere, too, and comes in many forms. In many ways, music is a defining aspect of Second Life in the way it aurally shapes the virtual environment and sculpts emotions. Music gives our avatars something to do. Deejays create playlists, musicians play live for fans, and dance animations enliven our avatars to provide visual enjoyment. There are performers of all musical genres, clubs with live deejays who play a vast variety of musical styles, radio-like streams for our Second Life homes, and businesses, and much more.

I own a piece of virtual land and it has a music stream that I and my partner listen to. Most of you also listen to music streams. Sound streams are used by live musicians, deejays, and other denizens of Second Life.  The music stream is the bedrock for all music in Second Life. But what is a music stream and how is it used? That’s another question I have and hope to get into at some point, but I want to mostly talk about the music in Second Life: those who play it live, deejays who mix it, and all the people who dance to it. My hope is to write about a wide range of musical aspects in Second Life and to give a personal touch to what I write, but also, hopefully, provide some insights to the many and variegated aspects of virtual world music. And so, this first article is about a new music venue in Second Life and a couple live performers I happened to catch.

I arrived a little late to Maximillion Kleene's live performance on Sunday, June 8th at the grand opening of the Mad Twist. I teleported there and move out of the landing zone and wait for things to rez. Meanwhile I open my inventory and go to the Animations folder and pop open a few of my favorite dance animations and click one to get my avatar going; dancing, not quite on the beat, but close enough.

Then, because I'm writing this article, I want to be as informative as possible, so I click the About Land tab and see that this new place is a live music club with club events , art gallery and many more twists! So, the theme is music and various twists . . .  hmmm . . . will this bring me back here to see what sorts of twists there might be in the future? I'm not sure. What would a Second Life music club twist be? I rarely plan things out in Second Life, so it's unlikely . . . unlessssss . . .  I join the club group to get group announcements. Okay, I think, I’ll do that. Well, at least I tried to join the group, but the damn group joiner did not work when I right clicked on it and all I got was the landmark to the place. Oh well, whether I return here is a crap shoot, then, unless Max comes back here. I'm in his group and go see him now and then because yes, he's really good. 

Maximillion Kleene

The next thing I do is pop open my mini-map to see if anyone is too close, I'd hate to be dancing on top of anyone. That happens from time to time in Second Life. One of the quirky things about virtual life is you don’t always see another person’s avatar right away and you run right over the top of them, or stand right on them. Anyway, I note that there’s about a dozen or so people here when I arrive, and that number will increase as the hour-long performance goes on. I also look on my mini-map to see if any yellow dots are around. Friends (people on your “Friends List”) show up as yellow dots and people who are not are green). Then I open my World tab and click on "Nearby Avatars" to see who else might be here, former friends, former lovers, exes, or whomever, but I see none. All the while, Max is doing his thing, playing music, so I settle in and delete a few of the HUDs blocking the view of the venue on my screen and go on with my analysis.

Listening, Max is a really fantastic musician and it feels like he is really into what he does. He is very professional. He strums along on guitar, has smooth key changes, and the tunes are mostly up-tempo with an occasional slow tune. He sings popular tunes by Tom Petty, the Foo Fighters, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, Duran Duran, and more. But Max is highly versatile, he has a repertoire of hundreds of songs and works in more than just guitar accompaniment. There is what sounds like a prerecorded music track of a Hoobastank song, and multi-tracking for harmonizing effects. He also plays electric guitar, and wow, it’s really good stuff! It's understandable why he's so popular. Digging into information about Max a little more, I look at his profile page. It says, "I stream into SL from Niagara Falls, Canada and sing Rock/Pop/Alternative solo acoustic tunes covering old classics (CCR to Johnny Cash) to fun, newer hip stuff (Jack Johnson, Foo Fighters, Green Day and Jason Mraz)." And he also quotes Jimi Hendrix, "The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye...The story of love is hello and goodbye... ...until we meet again." 

I’ve seen and heard Max play live in Second Life many times and will see him many more times, I’m sure. His performances are always fun and never the same. 

Next was Kaleb Avedon. He performed right after Max at the same venue. His group information describes him as, "a Hispanic Singer/Songwriter in SL.  He has been writing songs and playing the guitar since he was 14 years old.  His repertoire is filled with romantic songs from his bicultural heritage and his own inspiration.  They include songs from Garth Brooks, Jewel, Elvis Presley, Hinder, Enrique Iglesias, Jesse and Joy and many more. So come, sit by the fire, listen to him sing and be transported to a place of romance." 

Kaleb Avedon

And here again you have someone who genuinely sounds like he enjoys what he does. I would say that there's happiness in Kaleb’s voice. Today he is singing songs by Tracy Chapman, The Beatles, and some other more obscure (to me anyway), but beautiful acoustic pieces. His tenor voice with hints of falsetto, is clear and has a nice vibrato. He does one of the most beautiful renditions of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah I can remember hearing, on par with Rufus Wainwright's version as sung in the movie, Shrek. His is falsetto vocals shine in this song, especially. 

Hallelujah is an interesting song with obvious religious overtones. In Hebrew it means to rejoice in praising god. But Leonard Cohen was a clever song writer who taps into the human condition and the sexuality that goes with it. Indeed, the song alludes to the rush associated with an orgasm. We see this in the lyrics:

Well there was a time when you let me know

what's really going on below

but now you never show that to me do you

But remember when I moved in you

and the holy dove was moving too

and every breath we drew was hallelujah

“Below” is a reference to the female sex organ. She has, however, grown cold and holds back her feelings. Perhaps the relationship is dying. Thus, the meaning of love and intimacy lost emerges. It’s a complex song full of multi-layered meanings and when sung well, like Kaleb does, those meanings are further distilled and given their true essence.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the entire hour of Kaleb, though I would have liked to. But real life called me away and we all know real life comes first. So, it’s time to fire up the grill for dinner. Salmon in a nice marinade, yummy. Hey, I wonder if I can get that in Second Life?

Until next time . . . I remain the Wannabe Music Critic, Fynn.

Runway Modelling in Second Life- GiaBlossom Reporting.

Often you must have heard about Fashion Pageants and Fashion Shows in Second Life. You might have noticed Pageants being held every year by different organizations to bring in new talent to the Fashion Industry. You might have also attended a fashion show that showcased high ended brands. Throughout the year we see women being crowned. Recently the results of Miss SL were out. AviStars and Mr SL applications will open soon. Miss Globe Universal is accepting applications for this year. Miss Virtual World will open its applications in June-July. Have you ever wondered what if this was me?


SoulCrack3r Resident, Model- GiaBlossom, Location- Backdrop City

Men and women alike there are two ways to enter the Runway world of Fashion Industry in SL. Either you participate in a few of the pageants or you can join a Modelling House. A modelling school teaches you the intricate details of how to be an Editorial Model and a Runway Model. And there after you are either recruited directly or you enter the Pageants to be recruited. This article can not be a substitute for a modelling school. However, to the very least, if you are trying to participate in the pageants in future; this will help you as a guide to follow.  


Petr Denis, Model- GiaBlossom, Location- AviStar 2019 Grand Finale


Last year I participated in AviStar 2019 as Miss Afghanistan and bagged the 2nd Runners Up position. It was my first time walking as a Runway model and also participating in a challenge as Editorial Model. Runway modelling as the name suggests are the models who walk the runway. Editorial modelling is taking still images. More like what fashion bloggers do with photography and image editing skills. These images could be used by designers on their vendors. This time I will only focus on the Do’s and Don'ts of Runway. Here are a few things I learned during the pageant.


Apart from your fashionable outfit, there are three things you will need for the walk - 

  • Pose Hud -  The most used by runway models is the “Strut It Model Hud” by Mango. It’s fairly easy to configure. It can hold 3 sets of 10 poses and a walking pose in each set. 

  • Animation Overrider for the modelling poses - Any modifiable AO can be used and configured. I used Zhao II MB Hud and configured with my own default standing pose and walking animation.

  • Private Chat Channel Hud - You could use a relay chat Hud as well or Virtual Private Chat Hud. This helps to follow the queue as directed by the Runway Director. 


Theme Kattaca Challenge in FASHICON 2020


When the show begins, you are expected to have judges and an audience. This means that not only you are wearing scripts but the guests who have dressed up for the event are also wearing scripts which might affect the show. Things to remember before the show begins which will help reducing the lag- 

  • Derender every object other than the stage. You can do this in Firestorm (FS) Viewer by going to Area Search. I usually blacklist decor and seats before the show. To know-how to watch this video.

  • Reduce Avatar Complexity. I keep the maximum complexity to 30. Anyone beyond that will appear as jelly beans in my FS. It’s important to keep the avatars in jelly beans state or you will not know who is in front of you in the queue. To know how to do this follow this tutorial

  • Make a copy and remove all scripts from all the wearables, attachments and body. The more scripts you are able to remove from yourself, the less you will lag during the show. The only scripts you are wearing are the Huds.

  • Freeze eye blinking and any facial animations, hand movements. This is because when the audience takes a picture, it will be without any imperfect movements.

  • Remove all other Huds or chimera that are not useful on stage.

  • Choose or make an AO that has a walk animation and a default pose stand only. These animations must not interfere with what you are wearing. 

  • Check for spayed hands and your attachments, double check for possible mesh glitches. You do not want to be viewed naked due to such glitches.


Most pageant organizers will tell you that poses are not important. However, it is as important as your ensemble itself. You must be ready with 10 poses batch and change them every 10-15 seconds. Runway poses are more realistic and the transition from one pose to another is very smooth. It's best to choreograph a set from one creator. Runway poses can be used for editorial needs as well. However, editorial poses can not be used on a Runway. The pose set you choose should say a story to enhance your ensemble. For example Geisha styling poses can’t be used for hip hop styling. Try not to repeat the poses. Always face the audience, unless your storyline has a reason to look either up, down, right or left. Unless told otherwise, make sure you are doing a 360 degrees choreography. 


Petr Denis, Models - AviStar 2019 Finalists, Location - AviStar 2019, Image has been cut to meet image requirements.


Lastly, your ensemble must follow the rules of a challenge. It is good to ask if you do not understand a theme. Research about the theme. Never give a modern look to a traditional wear, you might affect the sentiments of the viewers from that country. Your accessories must have a reason to be worn. For example, you can't wear a digital cord with a primitive camera. All attachments must fit correctly. None of the layers of should be overlapping or embedded with each other. 


The next time you are participating in a pageant, follow the above guidelines for the runway. Be polite, be helpful, be beautiful and good luck in your future fashion endeavours. 


Additional Information - 

Strut It Model Hud by Mango-

Virtual Private Chat Hud - 

Zhao II MB Hud -

YouTube video tutorials -

Miss Globe Universal -

Miss Virtual World -

Miss SL Organization -

Backdrop City Landmark - 





Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Help me save the World-sarahelisebeth Brenham Reporting

Ladies and gentlemen, we are just a little bit into a new decade, and call me a dreamer, but I was under the impression that the problems facing many people and the World would suddenly disappear when the clock struck midnight on January 1st, 2020. Boy was I wrong. But do I think that this whole new decade is now destined to be like all of its predecessors? It depends as to whether or not, we, as a society, can change our attitudes on certain things. Let me explain.

You see, as a community, we have the ability to change the World for the better or for the worse. In some aspects, we have made some amazing strides in our society, such as improvements in science and better access for education on a global scale. But, it is my belief that a few of the thoughts that we still have are casting a shadow on our accomplishments. What are these ideas, you ask? Why don’t we examine them one by one, shall we?

Right now, our World is so divided due to politics and religious practices. I have just one question: Why can’t we just respect each-other’s views, as long as they don’t condone harm to anyone, including themselves? This my friend is what we call tolerance. Not to be confused with acceptance, which we will talk about in just a moment, but tolerance is simply being considerate of people who are different than you. If tolerance was practiced by everyone, society would be well on its way to healing.

Now, let’s discuss acceptance. We, as humans, are social creatures by nature. But, in order for one to be social, you must be made included by at least a few people. Now, this is where the current problem of trying to be accepted by others starts. Over the last few years, people have gone to great lengths in the attempt to make others like them. With that being said, I am curious as to what it’s going to take for people to start to value the uniqueness that each and every person in this World has. It is my hope that it doesn’t take a tragic event for society to begin to accept people for exactly who they are and relish in the benefits of someone’s individuality.

While 2020 didn’t start the way that I thought it would, I still have hope that the community can make the changes needed in their behavior to make this decade the best the World has ever seen. Because after all, if we don’t have hope, then what do we have? So, I am counting on all of you to do your part. I will be doing mine.

Evil Bunny Presents Under the Sea June 6-16th- 11 days of Exclusive Sales

Cool down UNDER THE SEA with 60 hot designers! 25 to 50% off exclusive releases!

Evil Bunny Productions presents Under the Sea. Sand, Sun, & Sea, you'll find everything here you need for summer! Dive into the depths to shop, swim like a mermaid, or just explore. All designers will feature an exclusive item at sale prices 25 to 50% off! A multi-store epic sale event! But don’t delay, this event only runs through June 16th. 

Throw on your suit, grab your shades and sunscreen, and come take a swim! 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Petra's Re-Opening and Steele Live Music

Our Grand Re-Opening was just a start and Steele Live Music forged into its first week of regularly scheduled performances in our live music venue, PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue 
In fact, we have rapidly expanded from our original two-day schedule to now presenting live music four days a week and averaging 17-18 hours of live artists.  

We received a very warm and spirited welcome from our patrons from the first PETRA's, from so many generous and supportive venue owners and performing artists.

Thank you to all who have helped us celebrate our return to the live music community.

Here is our schedule of performances for the coming week

Tuesday, June 9

2:00 pm   Lisa Bruen
3:00 pm   Sara Marie Philly
4:00 pm   Agatha and Collin Martin dual

Wednesday, June 10

2:00 pm   Savannah Coronet
3:00 pm   AbyGail Hastings 
4:00 pm   Savannah Rain 
5:00 pm   Agatha 
6:00 pm   Noma Falta 
7:00 pm   Liam Wakeman

Thursday, June 11

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm   Wayne Davis
9:00 pm    TOXIE

Friday, June 12

2:00 pm   Shagpile 
3:00 pm   AMforte Clarity 
4:00 pm   Annette Serenade 
5:00 pm   Hogan Baily 
6:00 pm   Red Heaven
7:00 pm   TwinGhost


LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR

The 2nd GROUP

Here they are! The second group of semifinalists of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest! Bravo to Anja, Charlotte Chisolm, Cheyenne Sadee, Kitty Dark Rage, Nev and Noreay!
Your picture is not there? You still have chances! 18 other semifinalists will be selected in the coming weeks.

Remember: LUXE Paris is searching the grid to find its LOOK of the YEAR, an elegant woman who will represent the brand and win L$50,000 cash! Open to ALL stylish women, amateurs, and professionals!

Easy to participate: Wear a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, snap a picture, put your name in the title and send FULL PERM to luxeparislookoftheyear resident in the world. The deadline to submit your photo for the next selection of semifinalists is Thursday, June 11th at midnight. A gift to all the participants!

Interested? See all the details on our website at LUXE Paris LOOK of the

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR style contest is a presentation of the SL Enquirer, Swank Event, Womenstuff Group, Tone Makeup, In-Nova Modeling Academy, Zuri Jewelry, ProPose Modeling Poses, Bon Amour Avant-garde Hair, SL Confidential magazine, L'Amour Diversity magazine, Villa Media Broadcaster and Stavros Hexem Photography. These sponsors will distribute L $ 175,000 in prizes including the pretty sum of L $ 70,000 in cash (L $ 50,000 to the winner and L $ 10,000 to each of the two runners up).
Stylish women, do not wait any longer! YOU could be the gem we are looking for! 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will all languages disappear? Join the discussion Saturday May 30th at 12pm SLT

GeekSpeak – Will all languages disappear?

There are about 7000 languages left on Earth and the number is declining quickly. Will there be only one language in the future?  Will the world be better off with just one because that will mean that we all understand each other better?  Or will we lose more than we gain, when so much poetry, so many jokes and so much of our culture has gone?

Will we need language at all in the future?  Do the Borg need language?

Which of the current languages will survive for 10 years?  Or 50 years?  Or 500? 

When aliens land on Earth what language will we use to greet them?  Will it be a language that does not exist now?  Maybe an artificial language?

Come and talk about it in GeekSpeak.  In English.  😊 Bring a friend.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Kushi textures is hosting a Summer Creators Market in June! We have the most wonderful cocktail themes for our event! Zingy, Decadent, Luxurious,  Refreshing - cocktails can be all that and more! Whether it be a classy dress for a summer's evening or something for the beach, or a wonderful  tropical night our market  designers and texture makers
have been working hard to bring them to you!

Set on a small tropical area with pool and cocktail bar the stalls surrounding it. It's a great place to take a break and feast your eyes on some new products and delights.

Come and take a break! Wander round the stalls and see what they have brought to help you unwind. Feel that sun on your back, breeze in your hair and that ice cold drink in your hand!

Open from 6th -13th June to the public

Creators you still have time to apply while we have stalls available! Contact Amythe Moonlight for more details or pick up an application at the slurl below.

Let's make this summer hot and relaxing! Holiday in SL with us and pick up a bargain today!


Monday, June 1, 2020


The United States Navy has been a force to be reckoned with for nearly a quarter of a millennia.  Today’s Navy operates on Land, Sea and in the air.   And now, even cyberspace enjoys a Naval presence, with the addition of Ships, Aircraft Squadrons, Submarines and Training Commands in SecondLife.

Last week I had the very real pleasure of observing a Memorial Day observation onboard the SL NAS Patuxent River.  This has become an annual tradition here, where residents are asked to pause and take time to recognize the brave men and women how have given their lives in defense of the United States and peace-loving peoples everywhere.

The base was packed when I arrived, and there were so many people in attendance I was initially denied entry.  After flashing my Press Pass, I was eventually allowed onto the base and made my way to the ceremony.  I arrived just in time to hear Captain Asra Kron addressing the solemn crowd.

“Today is Memorial Day, a day to remember those who must never be forgotten. The men and women who laid down their lives in service to us all.  No matter the cause, no matter the reason, it is not a soldier, sailor or airman's place to question why, but his or her duty to do or die. Today we honor the dead heroes. Today we cherish the ones who survived. Today we show our gratitude to those who serve.  In this sacred site's tradition we do all these things by saying out loud the name of the twenty one Blue Angels who lost their lives while in service with the demonstration squadron in real life.”
In the minutes that followed, Taps was played as each of the 21 names was read.  

Following “TAPS”, the ceremony heard a rendition of Amazing Grace, and a memorial poem read by  Coast Guardsman and Poet,  Sachin De Saltu.  

Following the ceremony, I caught up with CAPT. Asra "Cougar" Kron, and she graciously consented to an interview.

Josh Bellic (JB):  Tell me Captain.  How long have you been hosting these Memorial Day Observations?

Asra Kron (AK) - I have been in SL since 2006, not as Asra Kron, obviously, although now I am all there is (yes I broke out the booze and I am still having a ball, my former self has been shelved since I was "re-born" in 2013). Whenever I can, since I can remember, I attend the Memorial Day ceremonies in SL. As a SL Naval officer it has been my privilege to host Memorial Day remembrances at Third Fleet locations in 2018 (see and this year, 2020.

JB:  Do you put these together yourself, or do you have a Staff who assist?

AK:  Usually all by myself, I don't have a "staff" for that (God how I envy you at SLE!), although my fellow officers and enlisted do participate and sometimes throw a (welcomed) helping hand.

JB:  How did you first come to be connected with SL Navy?

AK:  I love the ocean and I have been in love with aviation since I was a kid in real life. Put the two together and you read "Naval Aviator". I first started a very small Search and Rescue operating from the marina where I kept my sail boats, back in 2011 and that led to an encounter with the greatest Master Chief I will ever meet, then MCPO Margot Fenring, of the Seychelles Isles Coast Guard. I was hooked and joined with the rate of Petty Officer 3rd class (yes I am a "mustang" and very proud of it - it was also where I earned my call sign: "Cougar" - don't ask...). The next step for me was a transfer to the United States Navy in Second Life (do not confuse with SL United States Navy) in 2014, which I did maintaining my rank of Ensign at the time, flying with VF-101 Grim Reapers aboard the sorely missed CVN-68 USS Nimitz and Carrier Strike Group 11. The rest is history.

JB:  Who is Sachin De Saltu? He is certainly an interesting Character?

AK:  Oh my God, he certainly is! And believe me I have never met that young man before! I later confirmed with his superiors and he is indeed a recruit in the Second Life Coast Guard. You probably noticed Sachin's line during General Harrison's speech. At several points during the ceremony, this young Second Life Coast Guard recruit was announcing he "had a poem". Due to the strictly timed ceremony layout I could not include this impromptu participation, but as I said good bye to all and they were getting ready to leave, recruit Sachin De Saltu spoke up once more. I smiled and called him to the podium and everyone stood still. And listened. It was a very moving moment and a perfect serendipity to close the event.

JB:  Anything else you would like to tell our readers?

AK:  I would like to invite them all to get to know us better and find out about our almost 5 years of history browsing through SL USN Third Fleet official weblog at and through our recently reactivated SL USN Third Fleet magazine NEPTUNE at - lots to see and do! And finally, I would like to thank the SLE for attending our Memorial Day ceremony and inviting me to tell you a little more about it and the SL United States Navy Third Fleet.

NAS Miramar
Official SL United States Navy Third Fleet Blog

NEPTUNE - SL Third Fleet Magazine

So, there you have it, Folks.  Recognizing Heroes everywhere.  Even in Cyberspace.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Relationships in SL and Beyond Discussion - Wednesdays at Noon

Join us Wednesday mornings at Whole Brain Health as we discussion topics on Relationships Inside SL and Beyond.

Topics vary from week to week
Relationships in Second Life can be confusing and painful...or they can bring new joy and meaning into our lives.  Come join us for discussions about relationships in Second Life and beyond.

Date & Time: Wednesday Noon SLT
Location: Whole Brain Health
Facilitator: Pet Karu

THE SESSIONS ARE IN VOICE SO PLEASE ENABLE VOICE SO YOU CAN HEAR.  I hope to see your friendly faces among the gathering.

Here's your Uber:

Also, join our group for any new! (Fearless Lovers or Invite Inc.)

Pet's Fearless Lovers group ----> secondlife:///app/group/89a5ceb7-b82d-291b-a514-52272a28aac8/about

Invite Inc. ------> secondlife:///app/group/5e3fb585-ff90-48e8-ee8b-82a21c88909a/about 
or contact Muza Waco in world for your questions.

Invite Inc. 501 (c)3 provides lectures designed around tools that help build community. We are dedicated to empowering each individual to thrive where they are, while also growing a supportive, respectful community around them.

We are fortunate to present the powerful transformational work of RL professional coaching Pet Karu. Please join us for this new series to inspire and give insights for personal growth. You are welcome to come and find the tools and resources  that help you meet your goals!! 

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Your attention please! Shine the spotlights! Here is the first group of 6 SEMIFINALISTS for the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition! Congratulations to Eva Madenwald, Tara Aers, Newokitty, Ali Reignn, Aealla Illyar and Lady Tiara!

Your photo is not there? Four other selections of semifinalists will take place in the coming weeks. Not sure of your photo? You can send as many as you want as long as they are different outfits. You didnt send your pic? What are you waiting for?

Still time to participate!
L$50 000 cash to win!

Remember: LUXE Paris is now searching the grid to find its LOOK of the YEAR, a stylish woman who will represent the brand and win L$50 000 cash! This contest is open to professionals and amateurs as we will train the finalists without experience.

Easy to participate: Wear a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, snap a picture, put your name in the title and send FULL PERM to luxeparislookoftheyear resident in world. Gift to ALL participants. A total of L$175 000 in prizes! L$10 000 cash to each of the two runners up!

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest is a presentation of The SL Enquirer, Swank Event, Womenstuff, Tone Makeup, In-Nova Modeling Academy, Zuri Jewelry, ProPose Modeling Poses, Bon Amour Avant-garde Hairs, SL Confidencial magazine, L'Amour Diversity magazine, Villa Media Broadcasters and Stavros Hexem Photography. 

More information at LUXE Paris LOOK of the

and at LUXE Paris store Bao