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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FLEET WEEK 2020 - SL Military Groups Open Days: May 4th to May 10th

FLEET WEEK 2020 - SL Military Groups 
Open Days - BETWEEN MAY 4TH - MAY 10TH 2020

* SL's most active military groups, the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard join hands and open our bases to YOU for a Week!

* Visit realistically designed military facilities, interact with our crews!!

* Experience first hand how we train, work, fight, and simulate military life in SL!!!

* Participate in exciting contests and military exercises together with military personnel and win prizes by our sponsors!!!


In real life, "Fleet Week" is a United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard tradition that gives sailors and marines deployed overseas a week-long respite; giving them a chance to dock in major cities for some much needed rest and relaxation. Today, modern Fleet Week represents a week-long celebration of our armed forces, taking place in cities like San Francisco on the West Coast and New York City on the East Coast, filled with parades and demonstrations.

In SL, Fleet Week 2020 seeks to honor this tradition by bringing long-standing military roleplay groups together in collaboration, to share our groups with Second Life residents throughout the grid.


Mon, 04 May: US Navy SL Second Fleet (2ND FLT); 1000 (10 AM) - 2000 (8 PM) SLT
                            Contact Person: CAPT Natalya Petrova (natalyapetrova resident)

Tues, 05 May:  Naval Air Station (NAS); 1200 (12 PM) - 2000 (8 PM) SLT
                             Contact Person: COL Quarlo Quandry (quarlo.quandry)

Weds, 06 May: JOINT EVENT - NSTC Potential Recruit Course; 1200 (12 PM) - 1400 (2 PM) SLT

Thurs, 07 May:    US Navy SL Seventh Fleet (7TH FLT); 0800 (8 AM) - 2000 (8 PM) SLT
                    Contact Person: CDR Bambi Baxter (BiffBottom Resident)

Fri, 08 May:  ALL GROUPS - Meet and Greet and Scavenger Hunt; 1300 (1 PM SLT) - 1500 (3 PM) SLT

Sat, 09 May:   SL Coast Guard (SLCG) - 0700 (7 AM) - 1900 (7 PM) SLT
                         Contact Person: LTJG Maddie Haricort (MaddieHaricort Resident)

Sun, 10 May:    ALL GROUPS - Multiple Events; 0900 (9 AM) - 1900 (7 PM) SLT

Contact Daniella Harcassle (daniellamariec resident)

USNSL - 2nd Fleet


(Arinultra Cay)  The enormously popular annual ‘Gathering of the Tribes’ at RelayStock will return for the seventh year.  Teams of the Relay For Life will hoist their banners above tents and campers as they come together for ‘3 Days of Peace, Love and Hope’, at the annual event hosted by the Relay Rockers.
The event which will run May 15th through the 17th highlights entertainment and camaraderie throughout the weekend.  The main stage will be shared by entertainers from the various teams, as well as SL headliners Maxamillion Kleene, Turner Harbrough and, Todd Rumsford. The entertainment wraps up on Sunday evening with the Finals of the Celebrate Remember Fight Back Top DJ Competition, followed by T1Radio's Time Machine and a Flash Mob dance with The Roo's With a Dream.  
VW vans and tents will once again be supplied by the Rockers for registered RFL  teams to use as ‘team-sites'. The event is organized by Relay Rockers Co-Captain Arizona Ballnger. When asked about the success of the event she said, “RelayStock remains one of the most awaited events of the Relay season and offers teams a chance to hangout, listen to good tunes and dance in the mud. It’s a fun event for everyone and the Rockers love to see all the teams come together and take a breather before the sprint to the season finish.”
In addition to RelayStock, the Rockers are once again hosting Bid The Lindens Bald.   For the 4th year teams made up from employees of Linden Lab will compete to see who can raise the most donations to Relay For Life, with the last place team going bald.  The event will start on May 13th and wrap up on the 20th.  The team losing its hair promises to go bald in Second Life until the opening of Relay weekend on morning of June 6th.  Since 2017 Bid The Lindens Bald has raised more than L$ 2.5 million to support the Relay For Life of Second Life. 
Linden Lab has provided a listing of the teams competing in this year’s event
Team 1:  Darcy, Jet, Oz, Spots, Volo Team 2: Derrick, Kit, Patsy, TJ, Wendi
Team 3: Dottie, Kristin, Rocko, Vanessa, Whitney Team 4: Izzy, Madori, Patch, Roran, Vix
Voting for Bid The Lindens Bald is done by donation to Relay For Life kiosks, located at the barn in the RelayStock2020 region, and is open to ALL Second Life residents. (For a SLURL please visit
Teams wishing to take part in RelayStock 2020 can apply online for team-sites.  To find out more and to register for team-site please visit .

Contact: Arizona Ballinger 

Monday, May 4, 2020


When I first met Game Wylder, he was live mixing for a Pirate-themed event at Furzona, one of the hottest clubs on the grid.  Just when I thought I’ve seen it all, I stumble into a nightclub full of peg-legged, eye patch wearing, parrot carrying Furries, dancing to some of the HOTTEST music anywhere on the Grid!  Over the next few minutes, Game described how Furzona  is a club run by RL veteran DJ's who have been mixing for years, and the place is built solely on the passion of Music.  Later on, in between gigs, Game was able to speak with me in greater detail

Josh Bellic (JB):   What inspired you to open Club Furzona?

Game Wylder (GW):  When I first joined Secondlife, I spent a few months figuring out what I wanted to do. I eventually stumbled upon Furzona. I don’t know what, but something enraptured me. It could have been the lights, the people, or the club itself. But something made me want to stay.  I eventually became a DJ at Furzona, and started out as a playlist DJ, just having stupid fun, but over time, I developed my skills and taught myself how to mix. Eventually, I found myself being promoted to Host Manager, and then eventually a Director.  About 5 years ago, the club went on hiatus, as the previous owner wasn’t able to dedicate any more of his time or money to keeping the club open. Around this time, I was already on a hiatus myself.

When I came back a year or so later, now about 3 years ago, things had changed in SL. Many clubs were focused around adult content, and the quality of music had died down. I spent some time club hopping, and decided to hang around a few clubs that somewhat reminded me of Furzona, but just left more to be desired.  I noticed that the problems we had before only got worse, with there being places where people just go afk and poseball. It didn’t sit well with me.  

After someone random accidentally called the Club Furzona Group in SL, an old friend of mine and I started talking, and I had that crazy idea: Let’s Revive Furzona. He and I just started talking logistics for a bit, and eventually, we decided to reach out to some old team members, we immediately got a yes from them, and once we had a handful of people, I reached out to the old owner, to see if we were allowed to use the Furzona name, and we got approval. At that point, there was no turning back, we decided to bring back Furzona for good.

JB:  So then, do you have business partners?

GW.  While I am the primary owner, my colleague Todd Squall is in equal ownership. Furzona is not a business, but a passion project of everyone who works here. We're a club run by DJ's with a passion for music, for everyone who's passionate themselves about music.
JB:  Tell me about your clientele, please? It seems like a rather eclectic group of music fans.

GW:  We cater to everyone who enjoys music... everyone comes, not just Furries. We have several staff members who don't have furry avs.  While we are more focused towards Furries, we want to provide the best club experience in SL, for everyone to enjoy. Our target is to provide a place with a really cool atmosphere, and to make sure everyone feels welcome.
JB:  What types of events do you run here?

GW:  Every Week, we run various events and contests, like game shows, or themed parties, but every quarter of the year, we host giant festivals, akin to Burning Man, or Qlimax.

JB:  Where do you find your staff?

GW:  Our staff typically start out as patrons who become passionate about the venue. They really get hyped up about the music and the staff. As I said previously, we're all passionate about what we do, and that passion shows. We're all about supporting our patrons, and making them feel welcome. A lot of people have simply turned around and said "I want to help", and they submit an application.

JB:  Do you have plans for expansion of the club and sim?
GW:  Oh yeah, we've been working on something. We have a dedicated team of engineers that are constantly testing new technology within Second Life. We have mesh modelers, programmers, and audio visual technicians who work together to bring our stages to life, and we're constantly looking into new ways to improve performance as well as visuals.  Recently, we debuted our new screens. Using video game practices (such as culling) to hide parts of the screens that patrons won't normally see, we can improve render performance for everyone within the club. And these are just the beginning, we wanted to see what was possible within the limitations of SecondLife.

Orson Welles once said; "The enemy of art is the absence of limitations."  When you look under the hood, Second Life is full of limitations, and this results in typically poor performance due to an aging engine structure. So at Furzona, we are presented with the following challenge; How can we emulate an EDM Night Club experience without requiring a monster of a computer?  And that's the challenge we're constantly facing; building new HUDs, mesh, and screen technology, while breaking our limitations. Needless to say, I'm proud of the work my team has done, and we cannot wait to debut our new technology, and for those who are interested, you won't have to wait too long.

JB:  Anything else you would like to tell our reader?

GW:  When I decided to re-open Furzona, I wanted to do it with one goal in mind; Make people smile. It's not uncommon for me to get a message from a patron or a staff member letting me know just how happy they are to be here, and every time I read those messages, it makes my day.   I didn't rebuild Furzona for myself, I rebuilt it because I felt like something was missing from SL. I wanted to rebuild the one place that was always focused on it's passion for music, events, and most importantly; it's community. We constantly are trying to empower our patrons and staff to share their artwork, share their photos, their projects, and to take pride in their passions, as we take pride in ours.  If you want to stay up to date on our events and community, feel free to join us on Discord, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Here's our links;

So there you have it folks.  If you have a hankering for one of the best, most realistic nightclub experiences anywhere on the Grid, grab a ride to Furzona – and listen to music played the way it was meant to be.


Saturday, May 2, 2020

ISME Gallery One" on Grand Canyon South, opening on the 9th of May at 2 pm SLT

Igor Ballyhoo is a RL photographer and artist, He is a long time resident and critically acclaimed artist in SL as well. Extending his creativity here, he has discovered ways to use tools that are not available in RL. He is an administrator and artist for Art Space at The University of San Antonio in Texas, and is well known in both RL and SL art communities. He has often been given whole sims to create stunningly amazing and fascinating works. Igor creates his art with passion, making each piece of art unique and unforgettable.

Without a personal preference when it comes to medium, he uses any and all available tools, whether its prim, sculpt, particle or anything in between, in his creative efforts. His most noteworthy works include: Metamorphosis, TUMOR, Axis Mundi, Kunst der Fuge, Cyber Shark, Forest of Scissors, and Snow Crash. Additionally, he had a build in SLB11 conveniently dubbed "Slave".

His extensive portfolio is often disturbing, scandalous, and intriguing but always interesting, and his art exhibitions have made him one of the most popular artists on the SL Grid.
He never ceases to amaze and stun and this is very evident at the latest exhibit of his work at "ISME Fine Arts Galleries, ISME Gallery One" on Grand Canyon South, opening on the 9th of May at 2 pm SLT. All are invited to this unique show of his works.

GeekSpeak – What year would you take your Tardis to? Join the discussion Saturday May 2nd at 12pm SLT

 If you had a time machine and could travel to the past or the future, what year would you go to?  Can you think of a year where you would want to stay for the rest of your life? Or a year where you would want to visit for a while?  What would you see in the past, or the future, if you could?  The Pharos of Alexandria?  C-beams glittering near the Tannhauser gate?
While there, would you want to make changes in the timeline?  Or would you think that wrong, even when the changes would be for the better?
 Come take a ride in our DeLorian and have a go at the dashboard dials.  Bring Marty McFly, if he is in your timeline.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

SL Enquirer teamed up with Synergy Island for a TWISTED PAPARAZZI PHOTO CONTEST 2020! April 17th to May 7th!


Calling everyone who sees the perfection, or yes, the imperfection within the world of SL.

The SL Enquirer is looking for the best money shots in Second Life. Think you need to channel that inner runway photographer or even your inner Jimmy Olsen? For those of you non-comic geeks, he’s the guy who takes photographs of Superman for the Daily Planet. (And if you don’t know who Superman is, well. I just can’t with you, I just can’t…….:) )
It doesn’t matter. You don't have to be a professional photographer or even know how to use photoshop for that matter! We are looking for natural snapshots taken in Second Life using the natural  environment and even high profile avatars! Just get to snapping some pics and have fun with it!

What is SL Enquirer LOOKING FOR?

CREATIVITY! Snapshots will be Judged for best angles, use of environmental settings, creativity and TWISTED HUMOR. No  nudity please!

Entry Fee: 20L 

*1 Entry per contestant.
*NO TEXTURE IMAGES. All Snapshots must be unaltered by paint programs or photoshop / again No Nudity! 
*Use of Alts or posting advertisements in this photo contest will be immediately disqualified with no refund. So let’s play fair.


*FIRST PLACE- Spotlight Feature published on the front page of The SL Enquirer including a month Banner on our site! (3k Value) or cash prize of 3,000L

*SECOND PLACE- 1 week Ad Banner & link on the Front Page of the SL Enquirer (1k Value) or a cash prize of 1000L



Additional Prize! 

Enter The SL Enquirer’s Monthly drawing at the media center

BONUS PHOTOBOMB! Catch a SLebrity by surprise!  You never know when you might see! one sporting a baldie or manboobs or even worse.  Your snapshot might be worth $500L from The SL Enquirer!

Who is a SLebrity target?

Mark Ussy- CEO of Synergy Island
Theon Ruby, DJ Extraordinaire

Contest is located on the second floor.

  1. Pay the box below the poster that does not have an entry in it
           The pay box will turn black "in use"
  1. Click the Available box and then press ctrl and drag drop contest entry picture into it. Make sure it is full perms before dragging it in. 


This contest is Sponsored by Synergy Island & The SL Enquirer

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Miss Globe Universal Applications Open May 2020


Miss Globe Universal is an Annual Pageant that was Founded on July 2014 and opened to the public on December 2014. This Pageant takes place in Second Life. The company was Founded by Rose Athena Victoria Mikaelson. The motto is "Inspiring. Daring. Different." 

We are the only pageant in Second Life that is unique, original concepts and different every year. We never repeat ourselves which makes us unpredictable in the public eye.

Empowering women from all over the world. Building the confidence she needs in order to do her best and further careers. It does not matter what level she is in her skill set, what she looks like or who she knows. She can be the most popular or an unknown. She can be a student or no experience at all. She can be the tallest or shortest. It does not matter. Miss Globe Universal challenges and accepts all women in every way and helps her discover herself in a new light. We appreciate and value all the ladies who enter our doors. 

"Miss Globe Universal is not just about her looks, styling and fashion. She is about her strength, compassion, skills, intelligence, hard work, value, responsibility and loyalty to the crown. She reigns like no other and no challenge is to small. A lady that can do anything she puts her mind to with style." 

We would like to thank our sponsors The Rouge Organization, Athena Couture, Blush Couture, Nola's Notions Home & Garden, Fifty5 Thursday, Fashion Alert, JUMO, {SWANK}, Gabie Meads Photography The SL Enquirer and Sisters in SL Magazine. 

How to Audition Step by Step
█ Step One - Join the Group

█ Step Two - Schedule

█ Step Three - Enter the Pageant

Saturday, April 25, 2020

5th Annual Kultivate Spring Art Show April 24th- May 1st


5th Annual Kultivate Spring Art Show

Kultivate Magazine is a publication about the cultural aspects of Second Life. The goal of Kultivate Magazine is to support art, culture, photography, music, and fashion. Kultivate Magazine consists of the magazine, The Windlight Art Gallery, The Edge Gallery of Black & White Imagery,  The Kultivate Loft Gallery, The Kultivate Signature Gallery, The Kultivate AIR Gallery & The Kultivate Select Gallery. Kultivate Magazine is proud to be the media partner and primary sponsor of Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team for The American Diabetes Association

Dates: April 24, 2020 to May 1, 2020
The 5th Annual Kultivate Spring Art Show will take place April 24 to May 1, 2020 and will feature 2D and 3D artists, live music, a hunt, storytelling, and cabaret dancing! We will also have a variety of giveaways and contests, so you can win a variety of artistic and photo tools, as well as lindens! This event will feature both a juried and non juried competition component, where artists will compete for prizes in a variety of categories.
Participating juried artists include: AlexAvion, angyel Resident, Anouk Lefavre, danielofangel, Eucalyptus Carroll, Freedom Voix, ilyra chardin, Jamee Sandalwood, Johannes Huntsman, Judilynn India, Kacey Macbeth, Kapaan, KodyMeyers Resident, Michael Lysios, mth63, Myra Wildmist, paineful, Rory Torrance, Sabine Mortenwold, SandyBlackCloud, Sevant Anatra, Sheba Blitz, Skye Joubert, softandred, softandred, Solana Python, Syphera Inaka, TaraAers, Tempest Rosca, Vanessa Jane, Veruca Tammas, & ViktorSavior. There are also two special exhibitions by Debauche Dance & The Art Loft.
The following live performers and instructors will provide entertainment throughout the art show:  Wolfie Starfire, SaraMarie Philly, Aislen Sings, Melenda Baptiste, Samm Quendra, Holly Giles, Savannah Rain, Mavenn, and Maximillion Kleene. Whymsee and Seanchai Library will also have special events at the art show.
About Kultivate Magazine:
Kultivate Magazine is a publication about the cultural aspects of Second Life. The goal of Kultivate Magazine is to support art, culture, photography, music, and fashion. Kultivate Magazine consists of the magazine, The Windlight Art Gallery, The Edge Gallery of Black & White Imagery,  The Kultivate Loft Gallery, The Kultivate Signature Gallery, The Kultivate AIR Gallery & The Kultivate Select Gallery. Kultivate Magazine is proud to be the media partner and primary sponsor of Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team for The American Diabetes Association

GeekSpeak – Let’s build a Spaceship! Join the discussion Saturday April 25th ar 12pm SLT

 Imagine you are the designer of a future spaceship.  Maybe a ship on its way to Mars.  What would you design and why?

We want it to fly soon, so you can only use current technologies.  So, no holodeck.
Would you build in a cinema? Would you grow food on the ship?  If so, how?  Should it rotate to give it artificial gravity? How about a gym?  And what games would the crew play?
How many people would live on it?  Would they all work, or would some just be passengers?  Would the crew rotate hours?  And maybe share beds to save space?
Would there be viewports? 

You choose today.  Let’s build our ship.  Bring all your space geek friends ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.