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Monday, April 13, 2020


So...Last issue we interviewed folks from around the world, asking them how COVID-19 affects their lives today, and how they are coping with that change. We recorded perceptions and were surprised at how much we have in common with people on the far side of the world.

For this article, we asked 7 people, also from a global audience, to describe what they think the “New Normal” will be like AFTER the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control.  Will we return to the same life we had prior to this crisis? Or will that be a defining moment in Earth’s history, forever changing the way we relate to each other and to our planet?   Talk a walk with me as we explore the possible long-term changes we can expect as a result of our shared experiences these last many weeks.

Those who graciously agreed to speak with us included:

sayaka Solano – Japan
eleee90 – Russia
Wakizashi Yoshikawa – Serbia 
Lisisme Dubrovna – Canada
“Q” Quertina – Belgium 
Zip Quandry – Australia
Molder Flatley – USA
Anonymous – USA

Josh Bellic (JB):  We have seen an increase in “Family Time” as parents and Children are staying at home.  What long-term effect will COVID-19 have on families in the future?

eleee90:  Parents will be taking more care of their children. 

Wakizashi Yoshikawa: Yes, and I am not sure how disciplined children will be when parents are away

Lis: I think kids need discipline and supervision

: They get to do the things they didn't have time for for years...spend time with their family for once...even when its between 4 more rat race. Society is demanding...People live hectic lives, but not right now, as we all go back to basic.     I hope it will change the mindset of the world ...and people will value whats really important like family

Zip Quandry I think we will appreciate family and the small things they do for us much more.  

JB:  How will COVID affect Education? Do you think brick and mortar Universities will become a thing of the past as students elect more and more to take their courses online?  

Lis: It may affect the University system….especially considering student loans

Waki: I'm not sure about that Josh, as it would require 180 turn in education. And I don't see that kids can keep their attention as they do in brick and mortar classes

Lis: I think the kinder to high school will not change because parents have to work and they need those institutions to babysit and terach their kids while they work.  Right now is different because not even the parents can go out

Q̱: my son is 15 and cant go to school but he likes the home study.  It makes him focus better, less distraction. He has ADHA, so he is easily distracted. I wouldn’t mind if they do go to more on-line education in schools.  It solves the shortage of teachers since can tape the lessons and the students can watch those. And it solves traffic jams and kids getting into accidents, since they study at home.  

Zip: More people will stay working from home, education will be highly valued (particularly for younger students whose parents have been teaching them and finding it more challenging than they ever imagined).  

Molder Flatley: I think businesses and schools will become more well versed in methods of educating people without it being classroom or face to face centric.

JB:  What about Travel?  DO you think the COVID-19 travel restrictions will affect travel after the restrictions are lifted?

eleee90:  Maybe governments will take measurements early in case of a suspect virus or something like that

Waki: The issue is that when leading countries are fucked up, usually the smaller one (or under developed if you want) will suffer the most.

Lis: It will take a long long time before anyone wants to visit Italy or China or Spain.  Maybe some third world countries will realize they have a lot of opportunity in tourism 

Zip: i think travel will take a long time to recover and people will do domestic travel more than international. I don't know if the cruise industry will ever recover….and even airplane travel will change.  I think more business will be done online - no more flying overseas for meetings. Its costly and unnecessary as people are learning now with their effective online meetings

JB:  What changes do you expect in the areas of Social Interactions?

sayaka Solano: I think people will continue to use soap when you wash your hands. Wash between your fingers really well too. I always do it.  I don't have a disinfectant spray. I do use a mask now. People should wash their hands, and wear a Flu mask as well. In Japan, not many people shake hands, so no real change will happen there. 

eleee90: In a post-Covid-19 world I think people will always be scared the first time we all go out.  They will pay attention to washing hands, not standing too close with other people etc, or just staying out of areas with a lot of people inside, like a bar, etc. But since the memory is short, they will soon forgot do to do these things.  I’m especially interested in knowing what happens to teenagers. Will they pay attention? Or they will they suddenly start going back to clubs etc?

Lis: I think there might be an awareness of global dependence on each other.  The Russians are helping out a lot of nations... sending doctors and supplies.  China just sent thousands of respirators to NYC. They are as cautious about social distancing as we are.  I don't think much is going to change except in the immediate future. Basically, everyone will forget and go back to how it was before.  History never teaches people anything.

: I for one, am a hermit. Staying at home isn’t hard for me.   Some good will come out of it when its all over. People are forced to ground themselves.  But I am afraid the way we live now will be the new norm till we have a vaccine. It’s all craziness right now. I have been in isolation in RL for years.  This is my social life. I am glad we don't have to cancel events in SL and we don't need social distance here.  

Zip: I think life as we know it was killed by the virus and we will come out of this very different people. I think our values will have been changed. What we appreciate, what we do and how we respond will be forever effected.  We will appreciate the cup of coffee with a friend more than our fancy sports cars. Online socializing will be more popular. But the one positive thing will be a less wasteful, greedy and capitalist people. Unfortunately, while this is resetting we will see massive crime and fear

JB:  Will COVID-19 precautions have any long-term impact on the environment?

Lis: There will be a lot more global recognition of the negative impact we have on the planet.  It is a robust but fragile system and we need to protect it a lot more or there will be more pandemics.  Some people are very undisciplined and will return quickly to bad waste habits. Using toilet paper for target practice - I saw that on TicTok.  Seriously? The earth gets time to heal, the air is clearing...the ozone layers are healing. It will be a shame when all gets back to normal. It will be contaminated again real soon.

: People need to be more aware and stop stressing our planet. We should be reducing our impact all year round. This is like a wake up call.  Our world is vulnerable. We make ourselves dependent on everyone, because that’s the system and its how the system works. Now is the time to reform.

Zip: I think the planet is resetting. People will waste less and love more, and i think this eventually will have a positive impact on our planet.  Already the pollution has eased in some parts of the world

JB:  How about economically?  Any changes predicted there?

sayaka: I think the supermarkets will reopen. We won’t starve...we won’t die of hunger.

Lis: We have already seen that the world has had to resort to online shopping.  This is something that will continue to expand. This is exactly where many of us old timers in SL hoped SL would go. I think production will return or even speed up.

Waki: I don't think the online shopping will last too long after the pandemic ends. It is mostly  impulsive buying which I think will settle down when people realize that they are buying things that they don't need.  I don't think solving COVID will affect the economy that much. I mean yeah, economy will go down the drain, it already is, but I don't think that it will change our way of living too much.  Humans have an extremely short attention span, and as soon they are "oh I lived" don't think much will change.  

Zip: This is going to result in an economic reset too, but i find it difficult to talk about because i don't have the brain for economics.  But i think the very rich will not be so rich and that small business will become more successful if they are creative with how they market.  People will be wary of others for a long time and it will impact retail greatly. People will continue to shop online and trips to the mall will be a thing of the past.  Countries will start producing more of their own products and stop relying on other countries for importing what they produce themselves even if it is more costly.

JB:  How will governments change?

Anonymous:  There are lots of people making predictions, and a lot of them are hoping this whole emergency can be used to make laws that they want but the people really don't.  Governments have taken on a lot of power and taken away a lot of rights and they wont want to give that back and it will be a political struggle to get them back. For instance, in Michigan, why can't landscapers work? They are outdoors.. away from everyone.  People can walk and ride bikes.. so why not landscapers. And why can't people golf? How is that dangerous? I live near a lake where have boats. The governor says you can't use your boat? WTF?

Anonymous: Most government offices are shut.  The employees, paid with tax money, are getting full pay.. .teachers too.  But they put the people who pay their wages out of business, like me. This isn’t killing any more people than die from the flu every year, and the total mortality rate for all causes in the US is actually lower than normal right now.  "The first casualty of war is truth"  

Zip: I think with all the spending of our government we will be in a very poor state for quite some time, so we will have to be more thrifty and creative.

Molder: I think eventually things will recover and we will have a better plan for future pandemics. People will see true numbers and have a better perspective on what really happened.  Eventually people will open their eyes and see the media did very little to do anything positive and created an unhealthy wave of emotions that do nothing to make the situation any better controlled in the future. The media will dredge up everything they can to create another panic.

So there you have it folks.  Current expectations of a future reality.   We’ll be back again after things settle down and we get this thing licked.  We will do another article then, checking to see how accurate we were on our predictions.  In the mean time, Stay Safe...Stay Healthy...and Stay Home!

Sunday, April 12, 2020


When you first land at “Tranquil Isle” in the Orient and wait for your vision to clear, you see the world around you come to life.  You are pleased by this lovely place. But just when you think it is fully rezzed, it becomes even MORE beautiful, even MORE realistic and even MORE lovely.  It is then it strikes you. This is not just ANY landscape. You’ve landed in a WoodyRacer Emoto Professional Sim and Parcel Landscape! Stunning in its beauty.  Enchanting in every detail, from the expertly sculpted topiary gardens, to the lifelike quality of the water trickling in the stream. This is undoubtedly an example of the BEST landscaping to be found anywhere on the entire Grid!  What Vincent van Gogh did with landscape paintings back in the 1800s, Woody does with pixels two centuries later in a way that would bring that old Dutch painter to tears. 

I managed to catch up with WoodyRacer Emoto the other day, and I asked him how it was that his landscapes creations were so unlike any I had ever seen in over a decade of prowling the countless sims and regions of second life.  Join me as we delve into the mind of this modern-day Monet. 

Josh Bellic (JB):  How did you develop an interest in Landscaping in SL?  Are you a landscaper in RL?

WoodyRacer Emoto (WR):  I have always had a creative side to me, and when I saw what one could do with a team and this program , I have never looked back...........I was a RL Landscape designer and developer for 17 years

JB:  What makes your landscaping different?  How does premium landscaping differ from what we generally see out there?

WR:  I use the talents that God has given me to create virtual environments in SecondLife with a team, that people can come to and escape from all of the pressures of RL.  Our Premium Landscape creations differ from most that are seen out there for the fact that most of our team have been training with this program for almost 16 years now, and God as my ultimate trainer has trained my eyes to see the good, to feel what goes with what for the desire of my clients

JB:  Your landscaping looks very real.  How do you feel about Linden Lab’s efforts to improve the graphic quality of their Virtual World with the creation of Sansar?

WR:  I chose to stick with the original LL SecondLife program, because we are good at it, and wanted to stay with only one training program. Two trainers never makes for a sound horse in RL. LOL  

JB:  Where do you get your inspiration?

WR:  My inspiration comes from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do all of my creations for His Glory, not mine. He is the One who has given me this gift

JB:  Where do you find the “building blocks” for your creations? Do you have a preferred supplier for the  plants and shrubs and trees you use, or do you build your own from scratch?

WR:  In my spare time, I search and look, and vet for the best of the best of SL Content Creators. There are many what I call " Scary Brilliant Content Creators"in SecondLife. Using this program and many other outside programs " Scary Brilliant Content Creators" create Virtual content for this program.  My hands are held high to all who use this program, and others along with their own minds to create for SecondLife residents. God has gifted us to find the best of the best, and use it. Just like the master painter searches far and wide for the best paint and materials needed to paint his masterpiece, we are always searching and purchasing  for the best materials for our creations. The best part about this team is that anyone can right click on any item in SecondLife and know who has created it, and go for themselves and purchase it.

JB:  How do you interact with your clients during this process? 

WR:  My Ideal client is the one who knows and trust us as artist, to paint for them the masterpiece they desire.  We always consult with our potential clients to get as much out of their minds and into ours as we can. It is very important to know where they are coming from and what they are seeing, so we can serve them with the best our gifting s.

JB:  “The Orient”  is a lovely landscaped Scene all in the sky.   Have you done other themes as well, perhaps desert, or mountainous? Or maybe an Underwater sim?

WR:  We have lost count over 5 years ago, at 200 full sims and parcels  of landscaping. We do not believe there is a theme of a sim or parcel that we have not created. We always love new challenges here in SecondLife.

JB:  Do you work by yourself, or do you have help in your work?

WR:  Team work is key to building any business in SL or RL for that matter.  I do have a team, and am always vetting others and picking and choosing wisely who I allow to join my team. They are always the best at what they are gifted at.

JB:  Where else on the Grid can we find examples of your work?

WR:  The vast majority of the creations that we do are for private clients, that choose to stay this way..  The best way to to view more of our work is to visit our showroom where we have 3 separate slide shows of our work 􀀀, or look at our flickr page at
Or join our facebook page at

JB:  What’s next for “Team WoodyRacer”?  Do you have plans for expansion?

WR:  Our desire is to continue to demonstrate what one can do with this program, and to continue to be a part of evolving SecondLife into one of the best and affordable virtual platforms for all to enjoy 

JB:  Anything Else you wish to say to our readers?

WR:  Please understand, that this is a world created by its own inhabitants. We encourage all who have even an inkling of creativity to use it and develop it, so SecondLife can continue to evolve. Stop settling for the same ole, same ole here in SecondLife. We are all in this together. Don’t just come and use for free all the talents that others have brought here and exercised. Start paying the top shelf artist here what they have earned. Many like us depend on our SecondLife income to assist in payin RL bills, and we are willing to spend many of our RL hours to earn it. Take care of the content creators, that are creating this world for you. Be well

So there you have it folks, SecondLife Landscaping at its finest, for only the most discerning of sim creations.  But Hey, don’t take MY word for it. Check out the cool videos below, or better yet, pop on over for a look-see yourself.  You will NOT regret it.

Tropical Illusions:

Friday, April 10, 2020

Geekspeak: COVID 19 GLOBAL CRISIS. WHAT CHANGES WILL WE SEE IN OUR FUTURE? Join the discussion Saturday April 11th at 12pm SLT

Soon we will have overcome the current crisis.  But we will be left with a world where millions of people are jobless and where we are all scared of the future.  So how do we rebuild?  What permanent changes will we see?

More virtual worlds?  The invention of the holodeck?  A society where education and business conferences all take place online?  Where more people work from home all the time and there are no offices?  What will happen to all the empty office buildings?
Maybe there will be no more restaurants?  An army of delivery drones?  Maybe we will see a new interest in science?  Maybe we will refuse to pollute the air again now that it is clean.  Maybe we will see robot cleaners using UV light to kill viruses.
Let’s think of the positives here and try to predict the world as it will be in 2 years. Happy Easter!  Maybe next year Easter will be online.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

.Be Fashion Look Of The Year 2020! The Search will start in June!

Are you a male avatar? Do you love Dot.Be Fashion? Do you like style ad have fun? Do you like to win cash and prizes?

We are looking for an elegant and a stylish man who will represent our brand with grace and character.
With $30000L  and other prizes!

The Search will start in June 2020!

Playdolls Magazine and Mansion

Playdolls Magazine is the award winning periodical you won't want to miss! Nominated annually for SL's best Adult entertainment magazine, and a winner every year!  Playdolls has proudly published its periodical every month since 2008, and features the most beautiful models in SL. A Playdoll model is the classiest of pinups, and our fabulous ViPs proudly connect in person via socials each week!  Come on by and see us flex our hips sometime! Stop by the Playdolls Mansion to pick up your latest copy of Playdolls Magazine.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Allen Bar & Grill - A Role play experience with a server! Dine in or Take out.

Come and Join Us with your Friends & Family to enjoy the role play Experience..
Enjoy Our Well Presented Caribbean Dishes and International Delicacies.
Our Bartender is here to Mix-Up/Shake-Up those taste buds.
We Also Offer Take-A-Ways [Pizza & Chef Specials]

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Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Thursday April 9th 7-9 PM SLT
Come join the models from Playdolls Mansion and DJ Theon in a Twisted rendition of an Easter party. Put on your favorite bunny outfit (the more “twisted” the better) and join the fun crowds that come to our weekly Twisted Thursday events. You will not find a more fun two hours on the grid so come isolate together with all of us at Synergy Island. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Effects of Coronavirus Isolation on Avatars in Second Life - Zack Wonder Reporting

The measures that various governing bodies around the world are putting in place are making a marked effect on life. Limiting one’s social contacts will take a profound toll on one’s mental health. One of the ways to alleviate the threat on one’s mental capacity is to seek online companionship. A tell-tale sign is the depletion of electronics stores’ shelves of webcams. Online communities such as Habbo Hotel are rising from the doldrums and seeing double-digit percentage growth in user logins weekly.
According to New World news, Second Life has also seen a recent increase in new residents and old user logins. This is confirmed by SL CEO Ebbe Linden’s memorandum on the SL community website. I have also experienced this first-hand, having been away from the grid for three and a half years. Having to isolate in RL alone with my two dogs made me start seeking social contacts beyond my daily doggie walkies. 
In addition to having old avatars returning from hibernation, the Coronavirus epidemic is reflected in daily discussions and social life on SL. More often than not, the virus outbreak is being discussed between avatars in chats and IMs. I have even seen avatars wear face masks while traversing the grid. 
All this led me to survey the field by going out interviewing avatars. First, I met Shana at her beachfront property.

SLE: I learned that you are in RL isolation right now. Can you tell me how it has affected your life in general?
Shana: I just thought that people are walking along the streets and seeing masks, then they will come to the SL and there are masks again .... this is probably an extra stress, I don’t know.
SLE: And how has it affected your experience in Second Life?
Shana: I noticed that people became sadder, seriously, people began to joke less, all my friends became very anxious, and all talk comes down to quarantine.
SLE: I saw you once wear a face mask online. Is this something you do to reflect the situation?
Shana: I bought this mask at the very beginning of the epidemic ... but now it doesn’t seem like a good idea to me, it seems to me that it will once again frighten people.
SLE: Apart from the chats and people being sad, are there any other aspects in SL you think have been affected by the isolation and quarantine?
Shana: I just thought that people are walking along the streets and seeing masks, then they will come to the SL and there are masks again... this is probably an extra stress, I don’t know. I can’t explain it, but I feel that there’s less joy in SL now.
SLE: Okay. Final question: have you noticed anything in the way avatars are moving into SL? New avatars, old ones getting active again?
Shana: I only noticed that now more people began to spend more time in the SL... but I can be wrong!
SLE: That's a good observation! Thank you for your time. 
Later on, I met Vliny at the Prada sim, in a café by a canal in Venice. She had reached to me due to my profile saying that I have returned to the SL after several years. 

SLE: What made you think I would appreciate someone getting to me, out of the blue?
Vliny: I like to read the profiles from people who are around me. Love to meet people and try to ask them if the profile catches me.
SLE: Have you met other avatars who have returned, after a long hiatus, like me?
Vliny: one yes, but seems he is not online actually, but he is still in my friends list. He once told me that he needs his times without SL
SLE: As do we all.
Vliny: Yes, I think we all have our reasons
SLE: Regarding the Coronavirus situation, how has it affected your life?
Vliny: Well, it reduced my social contacts completely. That is not always nice. But I am retired in RL because of my health and so I am used to being alone. That is for me the most important effect of the virus situation.
SLE: Has the coronavirus reflected on your SL experience in any way?
Vliny: Actually, not really... but I would say I have the feeling many people are back in SL because of the virus.
Vliny told me two of her former friends have returned to Second Life, both because of the isolation, and others are talking on Facebook on the possibility of returning. She also said that Europe seems to be leading on this trend, with American users following suit.

SLE: Someone told me that they have perceived a change in the mood in SL chats. Have you noticed anything?
Vliny:): They all feel lost at home in RL and that’s why they try to feel comfort and warm with the people in SL. [Everyone should] Spread love and peace.
A new friend of mine, Cray was building at his newly acquired sim that he is converting to become a mall and a nude beach (SLURL:
Cray had been gone from Second Life for 3 years. He told me as a single, laid-off carpenter, he had nothing else to do, and since he likes to build, he took on “Cray’s Risque Mall” as his project. He was taken aback at the new avatars’ 30-day limit on visiting privileges and spending, but having had these obstacles out of the way, he is in full force, building on his sim. when I asked him about how he sees the coronavirus situation reflected on SL, he told me: “No one really talks about it. But occasionally you see someone with a mask on or a cart of free toilet paper.” He also said that a remote acquaintance of his had passed due to the epidemic. Some people have their power lines down and it takes a long time to get them fixed. These are extreme issues jeopardizing one’s SL experience. Cray said he had tried the new Project Sansar first, but found no-one to talk to, and this was one of the main reasons he returned to Second Life. As a final comment, Cray told me: “Playing SL keeps social distancing. Everyone affected differently... my heart goes out to family members that experience loss of loved ones.”

My interviews, along with my SL experience in my new role as SLE reporter, revealed that the virus is profoundly affecting avatars’ RL personas as well as their online experience. Isolation brings loneliness and a need to communicate and to feel close to someone.
Second Life is a great platform to alleviate the feeling of alienation.
In Ebbe Linden’s words: “Please be kind and welcoming to those who may just need a friendly conversation to escape from this crazy world for a moment or more.”

Friday, April 3, 2020

GeekSpeak – The End of Globalization? Join the discussion Saturday April 4th at 12pm SLT

It could be that one result of the current crisis will be the end of globalization.  Countries are now beginning to regret not producing necessary items themselves.  People have begun to blame other countries for shortages.  Are we seeing the end of an interconnected world?  Will we return to small nations doing their own thing?  Will China break up?  Will America?  Will we see the end of the EU?

Will we still be able to get our hands on products from other countries?  Where will we get our smartphones or French cheese?  Will international companies simply go bankrupt?  Will the new situation lead to wars?

Or do you see the trend reversing and think that we will soon have a world government?  Maybe the global companies themselves will form governments.  Will people live in Amazon or McDonalds?

If you have a valid passport for SL, come and talk to us in our international forum.  Bring your neighbours and friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.