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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


OK Folks.  Lets Talk.   We need to put an end to “Social Distancing” during this time of worldwide Pandemic.  No. I am not crazy, and I am not advocating a worldwide hug-fest. But we don’t need “Social Distancing”….We need Physical Distancing. Words have meaning, so let’s start calling it what it is, and leave the cutsie phrases for things without such overreaching consequences, shall we?   We don’t need “Social Distancing”. What we need in this time of isolation is “Social Connection”, “Social Closeness”, and, dare I say it…“Social Intimacy”. At a time when people are scared, deeply distressed over an uncertain future, connecting with others socially becomes more important than ever.  One of the best ways to get and maintain social closeness in these challenging times is through SecondLife.

Rarely in the history of the world have we ever faced so ominous a threat to the economic and physical health of our residents. So, for today’s article we asked SL residents from around the RL world to tell us of the effect COVID-19 has had in their lives.  Folks we spoke to for this article include:

Nicole Kovarova – Czech Republic
Zoe – Bosnia 
Fokan – Italy 
Amanda – Norway
Char Steele – Michigan, USA
Reagan DiStefano: – Texas, USA
Rose Krimau – Catalan, Spain
Aylla Clarrington  – South Africa
Robb Larkham – Arizona, USA
Bonnie – Israel
Vale – Uruguay 

Josh Bellic (JB):  How have you been affected by the COVID-19 Virus?

Nicole Kovarova: I cannot go to my university because it is closed.
 Zoe: Two weeks ago we organized in a way so we could work from home. We are all aware that we don’t have enough capacity to take care of all infected people at once.  Our hospitals and intensive care units don’t have enough beds. As a rule, we tend to be a pretty disciplined people. No one goes outside. We respect all our government has said so far.  We’re helping each other to minimize the spread of the virus. 

Fokan: Actually whether we have the COVID virus or not, we stay home.  This is affecting everyone. Life in Italy is pretty much the same for everyone.  Last week, because of the restrictions, you know, only a list of specific companies can still work.  This is really difficult to manage. We stay home. I have a family. There are people that will really suffer through this.  It could be a hard restriction on all our lives.

Amanda: I`m working 15-18 hours a day! Stupid me. I offered a way to provide Plexiglas screening to a grocery store chain in Norway. To protect people in the stores, by building Plexiglas shields around the cash register operators. They hang from the ceiling on wires.  There are many things I miss as a result of the current situation. I`m not allowed to visit my mother, or go to my cabin on weekends, or visit friends, or go shopping in Sweden, or even to go anywhere I like to go. And this Easter coming up will present a special challenge.

Char Steele: Ah yes. Well I have been laid off for an indefinite period of time, especially the rest of the 2019/2020 school year. Because of the layoffs with my family, we have had to move just to make it. So we even moved to a different state.
Here we are not allowed in the cities unless necessary. The police are making people return home.  Unemployment insurance is not enough to get by….small town…rural area. I am an Elementary School teacher, and they want to switch all classes to online delivery.  That will be a chore. I hear they are graduating medical students early but i can neither confirm nor I do hope it gets better before we hit a depression era.  That’s what is scary - too many people out of work….no food in the stores…and people willing to do anything to feed their families. A friend of our neighbor has already experienced such things.  Her door was kicked in for her stuff. She lives in a good part of the city too. But people know they are well stocked there. It scared us. We had to leave. 

Reagan DiStefano: The changes I am making as a result of the virus are I am now washing my hands all day long it seems....staying away from other people when I can, other than the ones that live with me.  I am disinfecting everything. I have had to stop some things as well: I stopped going out to dinner…visiting with friends, and hugging people that i care about. All of that has stopped. I work for a Geriatrics Practice that is completely mobile.  Think of it as a Visiting Dr. They can no longer go to patient’s homes... everything is a Telehealth call. But as I've heard that two retirement facilities have gone into quarantine because of 6 cases... I'm worried. That’s not good. It means loved ones are being brought home, and no more new patients for us.  So, with less and less work for me to have, I could be laid off.

Rose Krimau: I've been home for 17 days, working from home too, along with all of my family. When I am not working I read, watch some shows on my tablet, exercise a little, log on SL,...Have you ever thought you would be asked not to leave your home for weeks?  I find it especially cruel the way people are dying, alone, because they need to be isolated from their families who cannot be there to comfort them while they are in hospital,...and there can't even be a goodbye or a funeral. When someone is taken to hospital, you don't know if you'll ever see them again and they must feel so scared and lonely without the family visiting

Aylla Clarrington:  Well, my company does cylinder head reconditioning and repair and we can't work now so no work =  no pay and I had to send the 2 workers on unpaid leave.

Robb Larkham:  Here in Arizona we are actively pursuing "social distancing" to try to attenuate the impact of the virus. In that other reality they call real life I am working at teaching my classes online to assure that students can make it through the semester with as little stress as possible. 

Bonnie: This is really hard on me. I have two kids at home and their father has terminal cancer so he can't leave his house. I have no idea if they will ever see him again.  It makes me extra cautious about leaving my home because I am about to be the only parent for my children. It hasn’t affected my job that much yet. I am working on a high tech project from my home, but I usually meet colleagues for coffee outside my house. Now we drink coffee together on Hangouts and Skype.

Vale: I don’t go out anymore.  I know some people are affected and are taking precautions like using masks. We have made changes in how we work.  In fact we are working in shifts these days. At home, residents are coming together to support each other. People sing from their terraces to entertain others.  And everyday at 8:00 at night people come out of their homes to applaud those who go out to work to help others, such as medical personnel, etc., and others who have to go out and be exposed so they can help others.   I saw a nurse going to work and all her neighbors applauded her. It is very motivating, after all...a way of saying thank you.

JB:  Are you staying at home? 

Nicole: I spend more time at home now. The Law requires it.  It has lasted two weeks now, but it will probably continue until the end of April.

Aylla:  Yes,  we have to work from home.

Fokan: This makes me, and others like me, spend time with family.  I work in warehousing. I work with anything in there. I cannot telework. I can drive or I stay in warehouse.  Either way, I need to go to work.

Reagan:: out of 25 of us.. 6 are still coming to the office. I am still driving to work. I have my own office and I don't really have much interaction with others

Bonnie: Yes. I stay at home because I am afraid to leave my house.  I was at the supermarket and a woman refused to respect my space.  I am afraid of people like that.

JB:  What do you do to keep busy?

Nicole: I study and work at home.  I am a student and I am business law

Zoe: I am working from home. I am an economist in an engineering company, and my daughter has an online school.

Aylla:  Alan works in the garage with his wood hobby and I do things around the house and washing and that kind of daily things.

Robb: Staying at home provides me more time to read, rediscover old pleasures like Scrabble and work on all those projects at home that are always on the back burner. 

Bonnie: I am guiding the kids to learn how to code and making sure they learn lots of math and practice music. I talk and chat with friends, work on business networking on Hangouts Meet, through Lunchclub and LinkedIn.  I also watch movies, meditate, exercise and listen to lots of music…Oh yes…and bake! I found that keeping a routine helps the most, and learning a language or something. It is important to keep the mind active. I am learning IBM AI system language.

Vale:  In fact you do things that you can't do normally, like finally getting  around to trashing all those old things you have kept in the house but will never use.  You finally throw it out. We may spend time cleaning the house in ways that we normally don’t have time to do.  Some people exercise at home, or read. I only walk in my house, but athletes, like soccer players for instance, are exercising at home more these days. 

JB:  Has there been any good come from these conditions? Is there an “Upside” to staying home?

Zoe: So, the good side of isolation actually, is getting to spend extra time with my daughter.  I get to what is she doing in school, and how their techers treat them. I also get to see how children behave in school. 

Fokan: We have time to think, and that is good. :-) We need to think about what we are building everyday. 

Amanda: ummm, what is the upside here? Well, at work I dont have to go to meetings all the time...we use more skype and Teams.  And ...people are better at washing their hands.

Reagan: Well i'm thankful that i'm still working.  I won't fall behind on my bills

Rose: Hmmm..maybe that we value things we took for granted before, as simple as going out.
Bonnie: I like that I have more time with the kids…and more baking and cooking, and making sure the food is good and healthy.

Vale: Parents are spending more time with their children. Some send jokes about the virus by using the Whatssup App.  People tend to be more connected to family and friends...they talk about the news and share information as they learn more about the virus. They also say the air is better now- less contaminated.  And the wildlife is coming back, with animals ranging farther afield, and coming into the cities.

JB:  Has COVID-19 affected your time in SL? Has it changed the time you spend here?

Zoe: SecondLife is even more fun than usual.  I am spending more time in SL these days. I’m normally online the entire day because of my job, so now I can be online at SL too.  I am also making new friends…every day more and more people are logging online here. 

Fokan: I have been a member of SL for a long time, so it is not because of COVID-19 that I am here.  I would be here anyway. 

Reagan: I see there are more people online any given time of the day….some people have shorter fuses….less patience.  I think we come here to get away from it, but it's still there. It's like trying to leave work at home….. you try to leave it, but it still comes with you

Rose: I’m not really able to spend any more time here than I did before.  With the whole family staying home, I'm not alone as often as I normally am.

Aylla:  Actually, I was not able to get into SL at all for a day or two.  We had to wait a day or two for them to fix a break in the undersea cable that carries internet to South Africa. 

Robb: In times like this Second Life becomes one of those safe havens where you can still connect with people, especially those you are close to, and help mitigate our concerns and put a little order into the rapidly changing situation all of us around the world have to navigate.

Bonnie: I haven't been logging in much the last months since November, but now I have been logging in 2-3 times a week to check on friends and play and lose myself a little.  It’s a release…an escape. I have no problem with escaping as long as we're conscious of what we're doing. IMHO.

Vale:  We value now the freedom to go out, a hug, a kiss...To be close with they people you care about, because we no longer can.  It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, this virus can kill you, no matter your race.. all the world has stopped.I think eventually they will find a solution to this problem, and things will return to normal….and we as humans won’t have learned a thing. It's like when you're at hospital and you are scared and wondering if you will get well or not, but afterwards when you are safe back at home you think “why I was worried about such stupid things”.  Once all is well again, you forget all about it.

So there you have it folks.  When it comes right down to it, “It’s a Small World After All”   Practice a little extra kindness during this stressful time. That person living in close proximity to you is under the same pressure and same “Stay at Home” restriction that you are. Many of us reading this article may have fewer family members to love when this thing has run its course. Stay close through social media. Exercise some extra “Social Connectedness”


Letter from the Editor:
On behalf of the SL Enquirer please be safe,wash your hands often, practice social distancing and follow the directives put in place by your state and/or country seriously to help prevent the spread. 

SLE wishes you all well. We as a global community are all trying to make sense of this new time we are living in. Find comfort in any way you can. If it means taking a walk, reading a good book, Zoom parties or facetiming with family and friends. Keep the faith that we will overcome this pandemic and get back to our lives. It won’t be easy but working together we will make a difference. - Lanai Jarrico

Please share what you are doing to get through this pandemic in the comments section below. Your words may help others struggling during this time.

Monday, March 30, 2020


All of us at Synergy Island hope this finds all of you and the ones you hold dear safe in these trying times. This is the time when those of us in SL can gather together safely and enjoy some fun with our friends. We want you to know at Synergy Island we have a lot of fun things you and your friends can do here. 
We have a 2 floor very low lag game room with all your favorite board games. A bowling alley with 3 lanes, one of which features our monthly bowling contest as well as some awesome realistic pinball machines. 
Around the SIM are jukeboxes that feature the Wolfhowls live radio stream 24/7. You can even click on the juke,  go to the request page and queue up 3 requests every 18 minutes! Your request(s) will normally air within a few songs. 
There are three clubs on the SIM with events Thursday through Sunday nights. We have an online calendar that lists the events, here is the link:
Looking to shop? Our shops are:
NORTHERN SKY CREATIONS: Reasonably priced women’s wear from casual to formal and everything in between. Including those sexy items for that someone special. Here is your landmark
SEXY SWEET HAIR SALON: All types and styles of hair for women and men.
WICKED INK: A wide range of quality tattoos for men and women. Also custom tattoos are available.
Please hunker down and stay safe in RL and come visit us with your friends to have some fun on SL. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact Mark Ussy in-world.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

GeekSpeak – Utopia. Will we ever reach it? Join the discussion Saturday March 28th at 12pm SLT

Let’s discuss Utopia.  What is it like?  Is there a Utopia that suits everyone?  Would a world without any problems be Utopia?  Or would it be Hell for some of us? 
Is Utopia only possible in a virtual world?  Do we all need our own Utopia?  Will that be possible in the future?  A virtual world for each of us?  Or do we need other people, even if ‘Hell is other people’?  Do we all need multiple Utopias?
Is Utopia possible on Earth?  Let’s talk about getting there.  What will it be like?  Bring a map and a friend.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

GeekSpeak – Is there Hope for Humanity? Join the discussion about COVID-19- March 21st at 12pm SLT

We all know by now about the threat that faces us all.  But let’s try to be positive and talk about the possible good that may come from the virus.  Will we learn more about how to develop cures and vaccines?  That should help us when the next ‘big one’ strikes. 
Will we come together as neighbours and start re-finding our humanity?  Will war and terrorism become less likely now that we all have a common enemy?  Will co-operation between countries increase? 

Come and discuss the threat and the answers to it in a guaranteed virus-free auditorium.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Giant Snail Cross Country Race Saturday March 21st beginning at 10:30 am SLT

Giant Snail Racing has participated in the Relay for life since 2006. RacerX Gullwing had said “We participate in the memory of our friends and family that we had loss over the years. So many wonderful people that we had met, raced, joked, hang out, laughed and cried with were taken before their time by this disease. So every year we joined the RFL to race for their memories, the good times and the sad but also race in hope that they will find a cure or help those who are suffering. We always race with a smile because we know our friends would want us to.”

What : Giant Snail Cross Country race but anyone is welcome to race come as you are and run with the snails

Where : Starts here  then we run 40 sims of the SL roadways to Noyo

When : Saturday March 21st  10:30 AM sl time 

Why : For a great Charity Relay For Life any donation to our RFL Koisk will get you a trophy following the race. You don't even have to race but it's more fun if you do.

How : Come to and click on the boxes there for a free Giant Snail or the non snail option.
Drop some lindens in the RFL kiosk anytime before or during the race.  

See you there.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Evil Bunny Productions Presents CANDYLAND2! Sales Event. March 14th-27th

Evil Bunny Productions presents CANDYLAND2!  A multi-store epic sale event!  11 days of "grown-up" CANDYLAND! All things sugary, sweet, sexy, and edible! Each designer will have a themed exclusive on sale for 25-50% off just for this event! Get steals and deals and FREE group gifts! It's not going to lick itself, so grab your friends and come play at CANDYLAND 2!

March 14-24th

Join the Evil Bunny Hunts group to get your free gifts > secondlife:///app/group/cf5b5b70-3476-ad6b-9b05-ed710b367c04/about

A SPECIAL NEWS RELEASE: Unusual Oracle at Curei's Floating Gallery


The creative, nonprofit "Curei's Floating Gallery" keeps coming up with the most unusual things.  It has brought you everything from a photojournalist's panoramas by Curei, and a trip to a little island in the river Seine in Paris, to real world gallery prints from virtual reality by Tal.  And it has also become a place known for it's three music streams and amazing interactives.
Now, there is the most unusual Oracle since Delphi.  The wisdom it imparts is so vast that you can access the offerings for more than an hour and you will not experience any repeats.  It is the wisdom of the ages made personal, and that's what makes it truly special.  You get the sense that it was created for you, personally.  Guess what,.... that's exactly what was done.
The words brought up are shared with all those nearby, which makes it a natural for an educational discussion group that uses the Oracle as a very unique tool for personal discovery.  Such activities are encouraged, for learning and growing are what it's all about.
This one-of-a-kind Oracle was the creation of a very special team comprised of Tal, who researched and created the massive database, Fran, who programmed it into the operating system of the Oracle, and Curei, who originated the idea and formed the outer appearance of the creation.  All three find it to be something that truly has become more than the sum total of its parts.
All of this is open to the public and additionally, special group tours of this new creation, and of all the unusual things to be found here, are available upon request.  Send your email request to:
And remember, everyone will always be welcome at any time at "Curei's Floating Gallery."

Virtual Boxing Organization presents Main Event Boxing 5 live from the Walton Arena! March 14th at 2pm SLT

  Virtual Boxing Organization presents MAIN  EVENT  BOXING  5 live from the Walton Arena in Inopia

◥ Match 1 ◣ Liam Reed vs. Moneyman Firethorn
Male Division 5x3 min rounds RANKED

◥ Match 2 ◣ Ilaria Monzon vs. June Gloom
Women Division 5x3 min rounds RANKED

◥ Match 3 ◣ Kush Windlow vs. Sean Ramirez
Male Division 5x3 min rounds RANKED

★MAIN EVENT★ Chloe Valentine vs Lorena Fernandez

During the event only, the Legacy Body will be discounted by 20%. All bodies are on discount! You can purchase the discounted Legacy Body at the arena.
This event is brought to you by... Legacy Body

During the event only, the Legacy Body will be discounted by 20%. You can purchase the discounted Legacy Body at the arena.

GeekSpeak – Are we seeing the beginning of Starfleet? Join the discussion on Saturday March 14th at 12pm SLT

Let’s discuss the company SpaceX.  As you may know, they are creating a rocket factory in a sleepy village in Texas, a village that will soon be a centre of space exploration.  And it is going FAST. 
Let’s get ourselves up to speed with the developments down there and try to get a glimpse of the very near future where access to space is an everyday thing. 

Have you started to save money for a vacation in the Axiom station?  Next year this will be a reality.  Hold your hats for the ride and let’s enjoy this important moment in history.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, March 6, 2020

GeekSpeak – Are humans obsolete? Join the discussion Saturday, March 7th at 12pm SLT

Let’s explore how humans will be replaced by AI.  Our jobs are steadily being taken over by AI.  How will that end?  Could there be an AI civilisation? 
What if all humans disappeared tomorrow?  Would AI be able to evolve to take their place?  Would mistakes in AI lead to new abilities?  Could they explore new niches?  Or will they be stuck forever, trying to call the helpdesk?  Or looking in vain for someone to serve?  Is it only DNA organisms that can evolve?
Come and explore the possible future transition to a silicon lifeform.  Humans only, so that we won’t give any toaster ideas.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

GeekSpeak – Do we have a moral obligation to nature? Or to individual animals and plants? Join the discussion Saturday February 29th at 12pm SLT

Do we humans have an obligation to preserve all species?  Is it ok to let some species go extinct?  Do we have obligations to individuals or only to species?
Is it morally ok to take down an old, beautiful tree to build a factory?  If not, is that because we have a duty to the tree?  Or just a duty to people?  How about other plants in the same location?  Grass, for instance?

How do we decide which species or individuals we must save?  Age?  Rarity?  Place in the food chain?  Or simply its value for us?

If we have duties to trees, what about duties to mountains, lakes, rivers?  Are we free to do whatever we want, if it does not harm humans?

Bring your friends to discuss our unique place in nature.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Reality Check about Cyber Bullying, Second Life’s Dating Culture, Relationships and Human Intelligence Decline.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Are we turning back into cave people?
UPDATE! Back by popular demand. This post was first publish in January of 2016. It is now 2020 and Cyber Bullying is now a social epidemic that has become a major problem. If you or anyone you know is being cyber bullied, speak up!  Many suffer in silence. Make it a topic of conversation with your family, especially youth and make it a point to educate them about the internet and social media.

Original Post: 1/13/2016

I refuse to sugarcoat these topics because they are issues that just keep happening in Second Life (for years) and needs someone to expose it for what it is. If you do not like articles that keep it real, please don’t continue to read.

Cyber Bullying happens in SL more often than most realize. It occurs most often between couples than just random acquaintances on a virtual playground. We are all grownups yet many act like children with no type of parental guidance or self discipline.
Let’s start with failed relationships and the ridiculous tantrums that follow.
 Like countless tales of love and break ups in Second Life, either one or both come out of the situation feeling jilted or scorned. Nearly 2 out of 10 relationships have a mutually agreed upon peaceful split. The rest do not end so peacefully.

Good Break Up
 For those mature break ups, both parties came to the agreement they were better off friends or they just want to see the other happy-even if it isn’t with each other. For the most part, these former lovers remain friends and share a mutual understanding. This is the way to handle a break up with dignity and respect. While both parties might feel sad at first, the damage is minimal and both will not be left scarred.

Bad Break Up
For those couples who end up squabbling back and forth like pre-schoolers with no damn common sense, there is something to be said about how they handle conflict and make choices. They have it all wrong and need to learn some self control and ways to be the bigger person in the situation.  Otherwise, they will go through life not knowing how to deal with relationships and will never find true happiness.  The best way to handle a situation is to accept it as it is and move one. People with high expectations cannot expect things to go back to the way they were once they have been let down. So why even bother bickering or attacking your ex? No one truly wins in this situation and acting like you “owns” anyone is the perfect way to sabotage any healthy relationship moving forward. You are not a cave dweller clubbing your mate senseless for your own needs....

How mature are you when things don’t go your way?
There has to be a level of respect and maturity when things do not go our way. People who think being spiteful or concocting a revenge plan are lacking some form of intelligence. Perhaps it is mild retardation that does not allow them to think rationally.  Have you acted in a way you regret? Stop that shit.

If you know a Cyber Bully do not fuel the flame by bickering back and forth and making it escalate.  You can save yourself some grief by using ban and mute. If the bully threatens you and you feel in danger- seek authorities or qualified professional help that can actually do something about it. That bit of advice applies to both the real world and the virtual world bullying.

Second Life’s Dating Culture- FFS let’s break this down.
Second Life has an interesting dating dynamic. There are multiple factors that play into how we perceive each other.
There is the visual fantasy that we all share being beautifully designed avatars based on what we see as our own personal perfection.  The majority of us DO NOT look exactly like our avatar or even come close. Others may share a resemblance but the virtual lifestyle is not how it really is in their real life.
If you want to argue that, can you fly and teleport in RL let alone dance like a superstar in a club like that? OK then… back to what I was saying.

  Some people fall in love with the fantasy and need a reality check.
For example, In SL you might have the biggest property, Mansion, yacht, cars, wardrobe, ect but be a broke ass living on someone else’s couch and sponging off their internet while on unemployment.  If that isn’t sexy enough, what about the housewife with screaming neglected kids in the background and loads of laundry and dirty dishes piling up as she is flirting in a club with all her goods spilling out of her skimpy outfit.
For those of you who have a happy RL and you are dragging the rainbows and butterflies into Second life, Thank you for being awesome!  My advice does not apply to you. In fact offering your advice as a mentor to those who got it twisted would be great.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is Second Life has a funny way of creating illusions for people to form their initial attractions around. Being aware of these things and finding your balance between reality and virtual existence is very important- Especially, if you want to avoid being sucked into situations that would be awkward to explain to people in your real life.

Sharing Nude Pics and stuff about yourself that you might regret later
When RL information and images are exchanged it either kills the fantasy flat out or adds a spark that causes virtual couples to choose their next step in the relationship. Things in Second Life happen at such a fast paced that a whirlwind romance can lead to more serious conversations, a deep love that almost feels like both parties are soul mates and no one can ever understand their bond. 
In reality, relationships form in Second Life based on this very scenario a hundred times over and break ups occur even as rapidly as they begin. It takes some pretty unique people to make it work.
People in virtual “simlationships” do need a reality check when it comes to thinking about the future and what will become of things if situations change.  No one is ever promised forever and people need to have a plan in place for change.
 If you share information or pictures that you would never want leaked to anyone including your parents, spouse, kids, pastor, hairdresser, cat or dog- it might be best to not share them. If you still share questionable content and act surprised if you get exploited.  Don’t complain to anybody. Stop that shit.

Observe how people act
You might think if you trust your friends or a significant other, you have nothing to worry about right? Just observe them. How do your friends, lover or SL spouse react when they are angry?
Do they bad mouth others and seek revenge? Or do they take the higher road and handle the situation like a mature adult with some intelligence? Just remember, you can easily become the victim of someone’s anger. Choose the people you involve yourself with wisely because you never know when things get ugly, how ugly they will be.

Falling in “Love” in SL- Is it real or just amplified infatuation?
 Falling in love in a virtual world is probably one of the most dangerous things to do with your heart. You are taking a big risk based on whatever the person tells you without seeing their body language, hearing their voice or even spending rl time with them.
These important relationship factors aren’t present in SL-unless the couple is physically involved in rl and also expressing it in SL. If the couple never met in rl or can’t be due to other factors like distance, disability, financial situation, a spouse, being a gender imposter, lying or other questionable reasons, it is best to just have fun  unrestricted and not invest your heart into something that won’t be going anywhere. You will end up frustrated and maybe even resenting the person you thought you loved.
Try polyamory. This type of relationship doesn’t restrict you from exploring your options in Second Life. Make sure that everyone agrees in the lifestyle and just have fun without all the drama, jealousy and BS that weighs down some couples in a monogamous lifestyle. Why limit yourself in SL?

Love is very fragile in SL and can be shattered at the snap of a finger causing problems and potential devastation in its wake. If it hasn’t happened to you, chances are you know someone that has gone through a break up, or two. Stay on the side of caution if you wish to expose your heart in Second Life. Love is a strong word and should not be thrown around like a pair of underwear when you are just in the mood. To genuinely love- (care deeply for someone inside and out) means putting them before yourself and protecting them from harm.

 SL Infatuation is something totally different. It means caring enough to stay and cuddle for a bit after sex but not enough to listen to their partners feelings- even when they act like they care. They are totally in it for the sex.  Don’t be fooled.

In conclusion- F*ck Global warming, There is a Human Intelligence Decline!
Im not trying to say don’t worry about global warming. Please do but isn’t is even more alarming to see human intelligence is declining? We need smart people in this world to help figure out what to do about a crisis.
No matter if it is real life or in Second Life. Drama, problems and issues are always present. It is how we deal with things that determine what type of person we are and how our life will turn out.

Besides that, we as a human race have bigger things to focus on-Like trying to find peace and solutions to this global warming thing before we end our own humanity being a bunch of dumb asses worrying about petty things that don’t even matter.
The way I see it we are all borrowers of time whether it is in Second Life or in Real Life. Each day we are all getting closer to our end and won’t be taking anything with us when we go. Our time right now is the most valuable thing we have in this world. It is something we can never buy back, yet some waste it away blaming everything on everyone else but themselves. Don’t be that person.

Use your time wisely with no regrets and enjoy both worlds. Second Life was not made to replace life but to enrich it with so much creativity and imagination. It would be a waste to squander that dealing with unnecessary BS.

UPDATE 2/27/2020


The guide below features how cyberbullying has become a growing problem, how it can affect kids and adults, and mental health-related problems to name a few.

Special thanks to Outreach Manager; Sarah Anderson for the updated links to important cyberbullying resources!

UPDATE 9/14/2020

An update from the company Comparitech 

We surveyed 1,000 parents of children over the age of five and asked about their children’s cyberbullying experiences.

Here’s the updated study -

Special thanks to Charlotte Bishop for supplying this updated information.