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Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Reality Check about Cyber Bullying, Second Life’s Dating Culture, Relationships and Human Intelligence Decline.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Are we turning back into cave people?
UPDATE! Back by popular demand. This post was first publish in January of 2016. It is now 2020 and Cyber Bullying is now a social epidemic that has become a major problem. If you or anyone you know is being cyber bullied, speak up!  Many suffer in silence. Make it a topic of conversation with your family, especially youth and make it a point to educate them about the internet and social media.

Original Post: 1/13/2016

I refuse to sugarcoat these topics because they are issues that just keep happening in Second Life (for years) and needs someone to expose it for what it is. If you do not like articles that keep it real, please don’t continue to read.

Cyber Bullying happens in SL more often than most realize. It occurs most often between couples than just random acquaintances on a virtual playground. We are all grownups yet many act like children with no type of parental guidance or self discipline.
Let’s start with failed relationships and the ridiculous tantrums that follow.
 Like countless tales of love and break ups in Second Life, either one or both come out of the situation feeling jilted or scorned. Nearly 2 out of 10 relationships have a mutually agreed upon peaceful split. The rest do not end so peacefully.

Good Break Up
 For those mature break ups, both parties came to the agreement they were better off friends or they just want to see the other happy-even if it isn’t with each other. For the most part, these former lovers remain friends and share a mutual understanding. This is the way to handle a break up with dignity and respect. While both parties might feel sad at first, the damage is minimal and both will not be left scarred.

Bad Break Up
For those couples who end up squabbling back and forth like pre-schoolers with no damn common sense, there is something to be said about how they handle conflict and make choices. They have it all wrong and need to learn some self control and ways to be the bigger person in the situation.  Otherwise, they will go through life not knowing how to deal with relationships and will never find true happiness.  The best way to handle a situation is to accept it as it is and move one. People with high expectations cannot expect things to go back to the way they were once they have been let down. So why even bother bickering or attacking your ex? No one truly wins in this situation and acting like you “owns” anyone is the perfect way to sabotage any healthy relationship moving forward. You are not a cave dweller clubbing your mate senseless for your own needs....

How mature are you when things don’t go your way?
There has to be a level of respect and maturity when things do not go our way. People who think being spiteful or concocting a revenge plan are lacking some form of intelligence. Perhaps it is mild retardation that does not allow them to think rationally.  Have you acted in a way you regret? Stop that shit.

If you know a Cyber Bully do not fuel the flame by bickering back and forth and making it escalate.  You can save yourself some grief by using ban and mute. If the bully threatens you and you feel in danger- seek authorities or qualified professional help that can actually do something about it. That bit of advice applies to both the real world and the virtual world bullying.

Second Life’s Dating Culture- FFS let’s break this down.
Second Life has an interesting dating dynamic. There are multiple factors that play into how we perceive each other.
There is the visual fantasy that we all share being beautifully designed avatars based on what we see as our own personal perfection.  The majority of us DO NOT look exactly like our avatar or even come close. Others may share a resemblance but the virtual lifestyle is not how it really is in their real life.
If you want to argue that, can you fly and teleport in RL let alone dance like a superstar in a club like that? OK then… back to what I was saying.

  Some people fall in love with the fantasy and need a reality check.
For example, In SL you might have the biggest property, Mansion, yacht, cars, wardrobe, ect but be a broke ass living on someone else’s couch and sponging off their internet while on unemployment.  If that isn’t sexy enough, what about the housewife with screaming neglected kids in the background and loads of laundry and dirty dishes piling up as she is flirting in a club with all her goods spilling out of her skimpy outfit.
For those of you who have a happy RL and you are dragging the rainbows and butterflies into Second life, Thank you for being awesome!  My advice does not apply to you. In fact offering your advice as a mentor to those who got it twisted would be great.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is Second Life has a funny way of creating illusions for people to form their initial attractions around. Being aware of these things and finding your balance between reality and virtual existence is very important- Especially, if you want to avoid being sucked into situations that would be awkward to explain to people in your real life.

Sharing Nude Pics and stuff about yourself that you might regret later
When RL information and images are exchanged it either kills the fantasy flat out or adds a spark that causes virtual couples to choose their next step in the relationship. Things in Second Life happen at such a fast paced that a whirlwind romance can lead to more serious conversations, a deep love that almost feels like both parties are soul mates and no one can ever understand their bond. 
In reality, relationships form in Second Life based on this very scenario a hundred times over and break ups occur even as rapidly as they begin. It takes some pretty unique people to make it work.
People in virtual “simlationships” do need a reality check when it comes to thinking about the future and what will become of things if situations change.  No one is ever promised forever and people need to have a plan in place for change.
 If you share information or pictures that you would never want leaked to anyone including your parents, spouse, kids, pastor, hairdresser, cat or dog- it might be best to not share them. If you still share questionable content and act surprised if you get exploited.  Don’t complain to anybody. Stop that shit.

Observe how people act
You might think if you trust your friends or a significant other, you have nothing to worry about right? Just observe them. How do your friends, lover or SL spouse react when they are angry?
Do they bad mouth others and seek revenge? Or do they take the higher road and handle the situation like a mature adult with some intelligence? Just remember, you can easily become the victim of someone’s anger. Choose the people you involve yourself with wisely because you never know when things get ugly, how ugly they will be.

Falling in “Love” in SL- Is it real or just amplified infatuation?
 Falling in love in a virtual world is probably one of the most dangerous things to do with your heart. You are taking a big risk based on whatever the person tells you without seeing their body language, hearing their voice or even spending rl time with them.
These important relationship factors aren’t present in SL-unless the couple is physically involved in rl and also expressing it in SL. If the couple never met in rl or can’t be due to other factors like distance, disability, financial situation, a spouse, being a gender imposter, lying or other questionable reasons, it is best to just have fun  unrestricted and not invest your heart into something that won’t be going anywhere. You will end up frustrated and maybe even resenting the person you thought you loved.
Try polyamory. This type of relationship doesn’t restrict you from exploring your options in Second Life. Make sure that everyone agrees in the lifestyle and just have fun without all the drama, jealousy and BS that weighs down some couples in a monogamous lifestyle. Why limit yourself in SL?

Love is very fragile in SL and can be shattered at the snap of a finger causing problems and potential devastation in its wake. If it hasn’t happened to you, chances are you know someone that has gone through a break up, or two. Stay on the side of caution if you wish to expose your heart in Second Life. Love is a strong word and should not be thrown around like a pair of underwear when you are just in the mood. To genuinely love- (care deeply for someone inside and out) means putting them before yourself and protecting them from harm.

 SL Infatuation is something totally different. It means caring enough to stay and cuddle for a bit after sex but not enough to listen to their partners feelings- even when they act like they care. They are totally in it for the sex.  Don’t be fooled.

In conclusion- F*ck Global warming, There is a Human Intelligence Decline!
Im not trying to say don’t worry about global warming. Please do but isn’t is even more alarming to see human intelligence is declining? We need smart people in this world to help figure out what to do about a crisis.
No matter if it is real life or in Second Life. Drama, problems and issues are always present. It is how we deal with things that determine what type of person we are and how our life will turn out.

Besides that, we as a human race have bigger things to focus on-Like trying to find peace and solutions to this global warming thing before we end our own humanity being a bunch of dumb asses worrying about petty things that don’t even matter.
The way I see it we are all borrowers of time whether it is in Second Life or in Real Life. Each day we are all getting closer to our end and won’t be taking anything with us when we go. Our time right now is the most valuable thing we have in this world. It is something we can never buy back, yet some waste it away blaming everything on everyone else but themselves. Don’t be that person.

Use your time wisely with no regrets and enjoy both worlds. Second Life was not made to replace life but to enrich it with so much creativity and imagination. It would be a waste to squander that dealing with unnecessary BS.

UPDATE 2/27/2020


The guide below features how cyberbullying has become a growing problem, how it can affect kids and adults, and mental health-related problems to name a few.

Special thanks to Outreach Manager; Sarah Anderson for the updated links to important cyberbullying resources!

UPDATE 9/14/2020

An update from the company Comparitech 

We surveyed 1,000 parents of children over the age of five and asked about their children’s cyberbullying experiences.

Here’s the updated study -

Special thanks to Charlotte Bishop for supplying this updated information.

How to Choose the Right Property for Your Business

Hunting for a new property, whether it’s for you or for your business, can be a daunting proposition. For many entrepreneurs, the biggest difficulty is knowing where to start. Below are some simple steps you can take to improve your chances of choosing the right property every time.

Define Your Requirements

Before you can begin searching for a new corporate property in earnest, you first need to define exactly what you need from it. Think about the things that you need from the property compared to the things that you want. For example, it might be nice to have a large property with lots of floor space, but if you don't need to have that much space, then is it worth paying extra for it?

Create a Shortlist of Potential Locations

Once you have a better idea of exactly what you are looking for in a property, you can then begin to compile a shortlist of suitable candidates. It doesn’t matter how big a shortlist you make; you can always whittle it down in several stages. Once you have reduced your options down to just a handful, it is worth consulting with other members of your team when making your final decision.
The people within your business might be able to offer you a different perspective on things and can help you to consider things that you would otherwise not have thought of.

Buying Vs Renting

Whether you are buying property for yourself or your business, you need to decide whether you are going to be buying or renting it. There are advantages and drawbacks to both, so it is up to you to decide which is most suitable for your needs. Naturally, if you aren't expecting to hang onto the property in the long term, then it usually makes more sense to rent instead of buying. Renting offers more flexibility and requires a lower capital investment upfront.
However, if you purchase the property outright, then you become the owner. You now have complete freedom to transform the space as you see fit, provided you stay within the relevant local building laws. If you buy the property, you can also potentially sell it in the future and make a profit on it.

Hire Outside Help

For many businesses, it makes more sense to outsource the tasks of identifying and managing corporate properties than it does to try and navigate these waters unaided. When outsourcing is used to its full effectiveness, it can enable businesses to access the skills and experience that they need without having to make a long-term investment in workers. If you want to keep focused on running the rest of your business without getting bogged down in property and asset management, you should consider bringing in outside help.
You need a business that offers a range of property services, including corporate property management. Gerald Eve’s services for properties encompass both residential and commercial properties, so they can help you to identify and secure the right property for your business.

Choosing the right property for your business to use as a base of operations can make a significant difference in your overall performance. Don’t make this decision in a rush. Instead, take the time to properly evaluate all your potential options.

Monday, February 24, 2020


Just when you think you have seen it all, heard it all, done it all in SL.  Guess what? You haven’t. I’m talking to the tens of thousands of you out there who have never observed a wrestling match in SL.  Premier Wrestling has elevated this contact sport to an art form seldom seen anywhere on the Grid today. Their uniquely modern treatment of a sport that is as old as mankind is truly worth your time to see. 

The owners Vince Aftermath and Trey Steele-Legendary™  (DrNeurotic Resident) have combined experience of almost 20 years in SL wrestling.  The Chief Operating Officer, Jasmine Tryce, has also been in SL wrestling for over 5 years. Recently I had the very real pleasure of meeting these folks, along with Premier wrestler Shereif “The Ace” and they shared with me some of the reasons for the success enjoyed by Premier Wrestling in SecondLife.

Josh Bellic (JB):  How long have you been involved with Premier Wrestling in SL? 

Vince Aftermath (VA):  I've been involved with Premier since the very beginning which was about a year ago. Trey Steele and I sat down together in real life and said “Let's do it”. While I was away for while dealing with the real world I had a tremendous amount of support from so many of my friends who wanted me to return in some way shape or form.  Some of you reading this may know me from the VAW days when I was the owner there. I believe when VAW was around it changed the game in many areas. We created the first Fan Interaction HUD and we were the only federation at the time to travel from Sim to Sim for almost an entire year all around Second Life. Now I’m back...Trey and I came back into the game with a different perspective on how SL Wrestling could be presented, taking our craft to a whole new level!

JB:  I understand there are several wrestling Sims in SL.  How is what you have here any different from all the other wrestling venues out there?

Shereif “The Ace” (SA):  Most wrestling shows are live shows only, fans go watch live.  Premier wrestling is different that its main focus is its YouTube channel.  We still have fans come and watch but with a limit of 15 tickets per show, every show we do is fully taped and uploaded online for our wider range fans to watch. Also a major difference is that we are the only federation that pays its staff and wrestlers per show

JB:  You limit your ticket sales for events to only 15 people? Why is that?

Jasmine Tryce (JT):  We only limit each episode show to fifteen people because we want to keep the lag down to a minimum so the wrestlers can perform their matches to the best of their ability, without being hindered by the monster called lag. We also do what is called a  “House Show”. This is a show we usually have off-sim and sponsor land. This is to help them not only bring traffic to their land but it also helps up get the word out about SL wrestling and Premier in general. Anyone can have a show at their land for a small fee, they just need to get in contact with me.

SA:  Since our priority is on the quality of the videos.. we don't want the sim or the performers to lag when too many fans attend at same time. You said we limit it to 15, but it's more like we removed the limit all together and upload to YouTube so even 100 or 200 can watch without any lag issues.

JB:  How can our readers learn of upcoming events? 

VA:  YouTube is our main network so please please please Subscribe. You can also follow us on our Website. So why are we pushing YouTube? By being on YouTube we are able to capture many fans across the world and not just in Second Life. This allows us to not only show them what Premier Wrestling can do but can also show everyone just how powerful the Second Life engine is. By doing this more people will come into SL for the first time wanting to participate in what Second Life has to offer. That is a good thing Josh!

JB:  Vince, who would you say is the greatest wrestler of all SL Time?

VA:  I'm not entirely sure, that is a very interesting question. There are three things that make a good wrestler into a star. First, you have to have the look..meaning that you have to stand out from the crowd.  Second, is voicing... You connect better with the fans when you are able to talk and show your emotion. A lot of people use text while calling out their foe but that doesn't have the same effect as voicing. Last but not least is in-ring performance.  Back in the day it wasn't such a big deal. Everyone had the same moveset for the most part but now, thanks to Team Wildfire and specifically the Prime Hud, you are able to do things that at one point seemed impossible to do in Second Life. If you have two out of three of these, you are on your way to becoming a huge star in the Second Life Wrestling business.

 JB:  Are there prizes for winning?  And if so, who funds those prizes?

Trey Steele (DrNeurotic Resident) (TS):  The prize for winning, is well.. You move up in standings. Each match you compete in could put you closer to the ultimate prize, the World Heavyweight Championship for the men and the Women's Championship for the women.

SA:  Winning or losing doesn’t matter in our business, it's not a competition, it's a performance.  We all work together (some in backstage and some in ring) to make the perfect show come to life every week so fans can enjoy it.  Everyone who works gets paid by Premier Wrestling. We have partners sponsoring us in return for getting promoted on our shows, on our social medias and in our videos. We can even go throw a show on their lands to bring them traffic.

JB:  In RL Wrestling, it is widely assumed that the matches are all "fixed"  and the winner is usually the one with the most elaborate costume. So, your secret is safe with me (and our 30,000 viewers each month)....Are the results of Premier Wrestling Matches "pre-determined"? 

VA:  Haha.  Well there is only one way to find out. To all 30,000 of you reading this  we are always hiring. We are always looking for that next star that is ready to make an impact in Premier Wrestling. If anyone wants to know, including you, Josh, sign up and tell me how your first match goes. Hahaha.

JT:  Well, let me ask you this? Would a magician tell you how he does his tricks? SecondLife Wrestling is an art form. It is a sport, it is also a skill that people work very hard to hone and perfect. Wrestlers work tirelessly to perfect their match and make it look flawless. They do it by hard work and dedication - Upgrading their moves, working on their ring skills and their presence. Are the results of Premier Wrestling matches pre-determined you ask? I ask you:  Does it really matter as long as the fans are enjoying what they are seeing and having fun at the shows?

TS:  Pre-determined?! I tell you what.. You step into the ring with me and I'll let you decide if its pre-determined or not. Lol

JB:  Thanks for that generous offer Trey, but I think I will take a “pain-check” on that, if its OK with you. Anything else you guys would like to share with our SLE Readers?

JT:  Join our in world group and go to a live house show and judge for yourselves. I think you will like what you see and if you would like to get involved we are always looking for wrestlers commentators, valets and also now extras for our shows. So if you would like to join the fastest growing wrestling federation in SecondLife, please IM me Jasmine Tryce and I can let you know how. And also check us out on YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter and our in world fan group. Thank you for your time.

If someone is interested to be a premier partner they go to this website:


So, there you have it folks.  Premier Wrestling! Now available on a YouTube channel near you


Friday, February 21, 2020

GeekSpeak – Life in a large permanent space station. Join the discussion Saturday February 22nd at 12pm SLT

What would life be like in a big space station?  Imagine a huge O’Neill cylinder, revolving to create artificial gravity, where millions of people could live.  What would it be like to live there?
Will there be strict rules for every aspect of life, and no freedom at all?  Will the inhabitants feel safer than on Earth?  Will there be prisons, or will criminals be ‘spaced’?
How will the millions of tons of waste be removed?  Will there be animals there?  Birds flying around? Will the cylinder seem beautiful to those who live there?  Will there be factories in the zero-gravity part of the cylinder that make stuff for Earth?
Where will the permanent stations be?  In orbit around Earth, or Mars, or at a lagrange point or in the asteroid belt?

When will all this happen?  Bring your friends, and your furniture and move in to talk about it.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Blast away the frigid winter with Exhale Dance Club and BRM Radio at Electric Ice - 2020 Winter Music Festival from February 21 to February 22, 2020.

Electric Ice - 2020 Winter Music Festival, sponsored by Evie, HEVO, Nero, Remezzo, Vagrant and Vision, elevates SL entertainment with 24 extraordinary live DJs.  Exhale and BRM Radio invites music enthusiasts from around the grid to join us on Friday and Saturday from 12pm until 12am SLT. Gift Cards from our amazing sponsors will be given away each hour during the festival.

Let the electrifying charge of every beat inspire you to new heights and thaw the frosty chill in the wintery air.  Join the exciting party where each DJ takes the stage and cranks the decks to heat up the airwaves. Explore the magical icescape to capture your memory of this unforgettable winter music festival.

Portions of the festival each day will be broadcast live on BRM Radio.  Times will be listed on BRM Radio’s Facebook. For more information on Electric Ice - 2020 Winter Music Festival, check out the Exhale Facebook at, BRM Radio Facebook at and BRM Radio website at     

Saturday, February 15, 2020

GeekSpeak – Disruption! Why does technological disruption happen? Join the discussion February 15th at 12pm SLT

A disruptive technology displaces an earlier technology and changes the society it exists in.  The car disrupted the horse technology, the telephone disrupted the telegraph.  What makes a technology disruptive?  And how can we see it coming?  What will be the next great disruptor?  Will it ever end?  Will there be something like the Last Disruptor?  Or will we forever move forward in big, unexpected shocks?  Or could we move backwards?
Is it only technology that is affected by disruptors?  Can there be philosophical, religious, political disruptors?

Come and discuss why we are so bad at seeing the future that we often get surprised by disruptions.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Valentine's Day at Serendipity 2020- All Day Event! February 14th from 11 am SLT-11pm SLT

Serendipity Weddings & Events is providing non stop entertainment for free to the public on Valentines Day.
Beginning at 11am thru 11pm SLT.

Here is the lineup:

DJ Sharna 11am - 1pm

Loreen Aldrin 1 - 2pm

Erika Ordinary 2 - 3pm

DJ Wendy 3 - 5pm

DJ James 5 - 7pm

Melenda 7 - 8pm

Ry Anne 8 - 9pm

DJ Leona 9 - 11pm

Serendipity will also be doing some prize giveaways like  a Dinner for Two, Suite or Date Night package!

As well as a few photo op areas set up for couples to take photos on their own and we will have flower vendors walking around to purchase for their dates.

Knowing how special Valentines Day is, we have set up several proposal areas and provided maps to those.

This is an overhead view of our dance floor and dinner tables. In the South East corner (the red circle) is a very special proposal area for those that want to declare your love in front of others and have a wonderful photo opportunity.

This is a photo of our Proposal Benches which are located literally all over the place in between tables if you want to do a more private proposal.

At this point we are at about 98% booked on Dinner tables but the Dance Floor will be open to all for the entire day and night.


 Serendipity Weddings, Events, Getaways
wedding, wedding planner, wedding package, bridal, event, party, restaurant, dinner, date, suite, marriage, proposal, collaring, hand fasting, engagement, photography, video, wedding coordinator, officiant, wedding dj, bride, groom, honeymoon

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Shadowfall Grand Opening February 12th at 12pm SLT- Join the community!

Shadowfall is a new adult role play community. Police, fire criminals, and much more. Kidnappers and assorted criminals roam the streets. The local police have their hands full trying to keep law and order. 

Shadowfall is a city on the verge of total chaos. Police and criminals battle for control of the crime ridden streets.

Come to our Grand Opening to meet with members of our community to join and get involved. 

There will be demonstrations throughout the day from police chases to bank robberies. Daring rescues to fully involved fires. Come see why Shadowfall is THE place to role play.

WBH: Relationship Empowerment in SL and Beyond- Join the discussion February 12th at 12pm SLT

Relationships in Second Life can be confusing and painful...or they can bring new joy and meaning into our lives.  

Positive relationships are one of the major contributors to everyone's well-being. That's why Whole Brain Health is beginning a series of conversations about relationships in Second Life and beyond, facilitated by Pet Karu.  These discussions came about through the efforts of real life coaches Jami and Marla Keller (of Invite Inc, a 501c3), with the assistance of Muza Waco.

Communication is trickier than ever these days, especially in SL, so it pays to have clarity about what you want and who you are in each situation you encounter. Join us to find out how you can empower yourself to have more satisfying relationships... with just a little practice.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

AMFORTE Clarity Live at The Breeze Beach Cafe February 11th at 5pm SLT

Sometimes there is no need to know where an artist is from or what their favorite color is. Sometimes all you need to do is simply experience the artist’s work because truly passionate artists will bare their soul to you. AMFORTE is one of those artists.  

So instead of writing a traditional biography, I think it is imperative to concentrate on the works of the artist.  

Gentle and emotive guitar strumming combined with a haunting mantra telling us that we have nothing concrete, AMFORTE emphatically pours her self-doubts and failed resolutions into the fan-favorite original song “Nothing Concrete.”

*** The Breeze Beach Cafe is a Live Music venue with a game patio and cafe on a tropical beach. Adults only!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Valentine Formal Sponsored By: Sin Original @ The Gallery with D.J. Pixi- Monday February 10th at 7pm SLT

It's That Romantic Month. Let's Have A Valentine Formal. And Wear Our Best Formal Attire. .The Top 3 Are The Winners Only. And The Prizes Are.1st Place A $300L GC. 2nd Place A $200L GC. And 3rd. Place A $100L GC. Come see the Gallery dancers as they show off there dancing skills. Our Dancers and Escorts are the hottest and sexiest in all of SL and are here for your entertainment.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

You are cordially invited to the Club QQ TnT Valentine's Party on Sunday 9th February 2020 - Noon SLT.

As John Paul Young famously sang, "Love Is In The Air", and you can come feel the love at the annual Club QQ TnT Valentine's party. ♥

Two consummate singers to entertain us this year... the lovely Scandinavian singer Stinna Sky Light, and all the way from the Big Smoke, Mr Chris London.

L$5,000 in prize money for best dressed in the VALENTINE's theme... the prize money will be shared out based on votes.

Schedule of events:

Noon SLT (8 PM UK, 9 PM CET) - Party kicks off with Chris London,
1 PM SLT (9 PM UK, 10 PM CET) - Stinna Sky Light takes over at the mic,
1:30 PM SLT (9:30 PM UK, 10:30 PM CET) - Voting starts,
2 PM SLT (10 PM UK, 11 PM CET) - Results and conclusion of the event.

As always, 0x and I would like to extend our thanks to everyone for their continued support of the TnT Greedy Greedy game club. It is truly appreciated.

Take care and happy game playing everyone!

P3: How to be OK being alone- Join the discussion February 9th at 7pm SLT

Do you know how to be alone and be OK with it? What urges do you need to fight to be OK? This will be our discussion topic when the P3 Community gathers tonight to share insights and suggestions. Everyone is welcome. Friendly to new folks. In voice. Text OK. Quality D/s without the BS. 

Jae and Tricia
Owners, P3 (Pleasure Power Passion)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

EVIL BUNNY PRODUCTIONS presents Sinners and Saints! February 8-29th.

Our month of love and lust event starts Feb. 8th and runs through the end of the month. Designers will bring you their sexiest, sultry and sweet designs, to help improve your love life!   Over 60 designers are participating this month.

It's not just about Valentine's Day....whether you HATE it or LOVE it, there is something here for you! Exclusives! 10L specials at every store! Gachas!

Evil Bunny also hosts 3 other events this month. The Gacha Life Born to be Wild Round, The Stupid Cupid Hunt 8 and TWE12VE February The Partner Box Round. Visit for further details.

GeekSpeak – Is it time to revise the Drake Equation? Join the discussion February 8th at 12pm SLT

It has been many years since Drake produced his equation about how many intelligent, technological aliens there could be in the universe.  In 1961 we had not discovered a single exoplanet.  And we now have a much broader definition of life.
On the other hand, we now know of many more ways in which a civilisation can destroy itself. 
So is it time to review the Drake Equation?  Or the Fermi paradox? (Why don’t we see them?)  We are eager to discuss which of the 2, Drake or Fermi, will be dominant in our universe.  Come and join us and bring all your alien friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

You are cordially Invited to The JED Benefit at Sapphire Beach Club- February 8th at 3pm SLT

Jed foundation charity fundraiser, raffle winners announced, speakers, information,  music and more hosted by Sapphire Beach Club. FORMAL Attire please

What is The Jed Foundation?

The Jed Foundation is a non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation's teens and young adults. JED partners with high schools and colleges to strengthen their mental health, substance misuse and suicide prevention programs and systems-

Friday, February 7, 2020

WBH: Nutritional Resource Center @ Inspiration Island February 7th at 6 am SLT

Nutrition Resource Center, built and maintained by Jasmine Lordenwych, provides integrative holistic health information for every taste and dietary design. Recipes, menus and guidance on our quest to thrive!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Paintball Battle at Sacred Blood! February 6th at 1pm SLT

Sacred Blood is a group of dear friends who enjoy each other and the thrills of roleplay. Everyone is invited to come and hang out, regardless of genes or sl origin :)

Join us in our first free for all Paintball Battle at Sacred Blood. Bring your friends!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fractured Realty Roleplay- Join in the Sci Fi Action February 6th at 4am SLT

The place that finally answers the age old question. What if 'Gilligan's Island' was a sci-fi, 'The Minnow' a space ship, the 'Uncharted Desert Isle' a fracture in interdimensional spacetime, the 'five passengers' actually escaped mental patients, the 'fearless crew' actually mercenaries & scientists with conflicting agendas, and it was produced for 'Cinemax Late Night'.

What is Fracturd Reality Roleplay?

The Fractured, a stranded, a spaceship, crashed in a time and space fold into Worlds. to explore,
Experience , RLV, Meter Assisted, Themed Role Play Area. No child, or non-human like Avatars in this erotic sci-fi area 
(Vulcan/Andorian yes, wookies, no)

Saturday, February 1, 2020

GeekSpeak – Are we facing the next pandemic? Join the discussion Saturday February 1st at 12pm SLT

A new virus is threatening humanity. Will this be the big one?  Or will it be contained like Ebola and SARS? 
If we want to survive, what is the best course of action?  Can you really quarantine a city?  Should we see hazmat suits as the next fashion?
If humanity becomes extinct, will we leave a replicating technology behind us to continue our legacy?  A technology that is in a sense a virus itself, since it depends on humans to replicate it.
Can we win the war between humans and viruses?  Or are we doomed?  We all hope we can laugh about it in a few years and maybe today at GeekSpeak.  Bring your friends, if they are decontaminated.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

GeekSpeak – What benefits will we get from space in 5 years? Join the discussion Saturday January 25th at 12pm SLT

The new space race is really taking off this year.  We will see space tourism and we will see products made in space. There will be very precise chip manufacturing and better optic cable.  And we may even see 3d printed human organs. 
What do you think will make the biggest impact?  Will Space be a safe investment?   Or a rich person’s toy?  Will we solve world problems by going into space?  Or will we create new problems, like space wars?
Come and boldly discuss our very near future in the great unknown, where no geek has ever been before.  Bring your friends!
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class in the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

GoSpeed Racer releases an eBook. Simvie Loko Vignettes- a collection of short stories January 24th from 5-7pm SLT

What? : Release of an eBook anthology "Simvie Loko Vignettes."
Who?:   GoSpeed Rasere aka GoSpeed Racer
When?: January 24,  2020 5-7pm SLT

Long time Second Life Resident, GoSpeed Rasere, is self publishing a science fiction anthology on Amazon and Smashwords.

These stories feature several Second Life avatars as characters in the stories.

Simvie Loko Vignettes is a collection of 19 short stories that take place before, during, and after the events in my published series, Rasere's Awakening. These stories allow me as the author to answer a few questions about my world, do additional world building, and foreshadow future events.

I'll be available inworld to chat with readers, Friday, January 24th, 5-7pm SLT

AMAZON: (Print on demand is also available)