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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Saturday, December 7, 2019

MUSIC WITHOUT MAKEUP Presents Paul Nowles- Saturday Dec 7th at 2pm SLT

Devins Eye hosts a new kind of show; Music Withour Makeup. Sit around a warm crackling bonfire and get an up close and personal experience with Paul Nowles as he shares stories and the music he performs.  Guests are encouraged to ask questions and truly get to meet the artist.

Teleport to Devin’s Eye

Join Devins Eye Group for special event notice.

Friday, December 6, 2019

GeekSpeak – Living in the machine: Will red tape suffocate us all? Join the discussion Saturday Dec 7thth at 12pm SLT

We add more and more rules all the time, but we remove old rules very slowly.  Will this lead to an overkill of rules?  Will bureaucracy become so strong that nothing can move again in society, ever?
How do we work around all the red tape without destroying civilisation?
Will we end up being ruled by a computer that knows all the rules?  And all the exceptions?  Do you think all people will be treated equally if ruled by a computer? 
Come and tell us about the weirdest red tape you have ever encountered.  And tell us if you see some good in red tape.
Bring your social security number and a DNA sample.  Oh, and your friends!
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.  Vulcan teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, at the Edutopia auditorium.


Tis’ the Season for great entertainment in Second Life!  This time of year is full of winter activities, events, shows, hunts, sales and whatnot.  The grid is brimming with holiday spirit. Whether you rushed to get home from a long day of work, a confirmed weekend addict or a professional couch sitter- elbow deep in a bag of Cheetos…. It doesn’t matter. 

We all have one thing in common and that is SL! However we choose to spend time, it is all goooood (unless you are up to NO good). Be mindful SLE is watching :-)

 Speaking of “good”, I’d like to introduce you to one phenomenal artist I came across while secretly scouting the grid.  I stumbled upon this talented virtuoso at Solarwinds and I was totally blown away. I’m not easily impressed, having over a decade under my belt listening to musicians in SL.  But I have to admit I was focused on his performance and his unique style. even more so his 1st life profile tab made me want to know more. He’s in scrubs with the caption “This is me saving lives when I don't play shows”. I find that admirable.

 I went to a couple of his shows in Second Life soon after that and every single performance was outstanding! The crowd loves him. Maybe it is because he is a talented artist who speaks to his audience in a naughty yet nice kind of way.

Recently, I was able to catch up with Naughty between gigs, and he was gracious enough to answer a few of my questions.

Lanai Jarrico (LJ):  Before we get into your SL musical career, tell our readers a little bit about how you got started with music?  Also, Tell us a little about your 1st life profile pic.  :)  

NaughtyName (NN): It's a picture of me at work :) I got my musical start at an early age, playing percussion in school bands.  When I was a teenager, I discovered guitar and played lead guitar in several bands. I loved playing guitar and combined with a strong desire to improve my skills,  led me to study music. I earned a degree in music composition with a songwriting emphasis from Boston's Berklee College of Music.

LJ:  That’s impressive. Tell Us, Naughty, what brought you to Second Life and how long have you been performing here?

NN:  About 5 years ago there was a website; - Through there I met several musicians that performed in SecondLife. I took in what live music was all about  by going to shows and watching and learning for about a year. I went to a RL SecondLife jam and at that point decided I was ready to start performing in SecondLife. 

LJ:  That had to be a great experience! I’m glad you chose to perform in SL.  So, what is the coolest gig you have done in SL?

NN: I played a place once called the ice chillout spot. I wasn't cold when I played there but it looked really cool. Cooler than cool Ice Cold!!

LJ: Fair enough. (lol) So tell us, do you perform in Real Life as well, or do you display that awesome talent for SL residents only?

NN:  Currently I am not performing RL. I have on and off since I played my first bar as a 14 year old. (I needed a parent there in order to play.) The idea that I can just come down to my music room and set up and play for people whenever I like helps fill the void to perform due to a busy real life. As I work quite a bit and I am a father. I certainly do not miss moving around 150 lbs speakers at 3am onto a van after a RL show.

LJ: You made some good points there. It sounds exhausting. Second Life is the perfect place to do what you love without all the hassle.  Music really does bring people together and it's fun. So then, just who is it that really inspires you here in SL? Are there any performers you particularly admire?

NN:  My inspiration is the people that come in fired up for a show and are lively in chat. I definitely feed off of their energy.  My absolute FAVORITE performer is JimmyT. He and I used to play back to back often and I miss those days. He was always there for advice too. He and his partner Luna encouraged me when I was just starting out.

LJ: I’ll have to check out one of JimmyT’s shows.   OK, I have to ask. How in the world did you ever come up with your name “NaughtyName”?  There has GOT to be a story there. Care to share? 

NN:  It's an old gaming name. I used to play World of Warcraft. I was a pretty good Warlock back in the day. I started off playing a gnome Warlock named Panty Raider because of the gnomes that steal your underwear while you sleep. At level 12 I was reported and I was forced to change my name. Since they told me my name was Naughty... I changed my name to Naughtyname.

LJ: Oh, I didn’t expect that but OK! Folks hold on to your bloomers. (lol)  Naughty, you must have performed at dozens of SL clubs and venus by now. What is your absolute FAVORITE place to perform on the grid?

NN: I like all the venues for different reasons. For me to pick a current favorite would be really difficult, since there are so many awesome places out there. But if you forced me to pick somewhere, I’d have to go with a place called “The Only Venue” for my all time favorite.  One of my best friends, Molly, was a part owner there before she passed away and I just have very fond memories of the place.

LJ: I’m sorry for your loss.  I’m sure it is a special place for you. Can you tell us about your practice schedule? 

NN:  I work in practices when I can. I play anywhere from 20-30 shows a month typically so I try to stay as ready to go just with performing them. I do admit I have been slacking on new material especially in the electric department.

LJ:  I have to ask for the ladies…. Are you in a committed relationship with anyone here?  Maybe some special “Naughtilinia” in your SL?

NN:  Hahahah.Noooo.  ‘Fraid not. There is no “partner type” person in my SL. 

LJ: Ooh And finally, is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?  

NN: Come to a show they are fun. 

LJ: So, there you have it ladies and gentleman.  If you only see ONE live musician in SL this year, make it a night of Naughty….He’s actually pretty nice :)

Join Group: Friends of Naughty

For Bookings contact: Naughty (naughtyname) IM or notecard

Monday, December 2, 2019


Second Life is best known for its live music scene as a top form of entertainment. Musicians and singers from all over the world showcase their talents across the grid on a daily basis in all time zones.  Through the years music has grown wildly popular for the swooners, club hoppers and e-groupies alike. Genres include rock, pop, jazz, blues, country, hip hop and everything in between. With hundreds of performances it’s easy to find a great show. One couple took it to the next level.

Devin’s Eye’s is a unique 2 sims rezzed into one!  A photographic hotspot where you will find a forest, desert, beach and many chill places to wander. Friends of nature and photographers will want to explore this evocative location. Take your lover to a romantic dance, enjoy the view from the pier or relax at the beach and experience something new and exciting;  Music without Makeup! It is a unique experience created and hosted by Roy and Ally Mildor; owners of Devin’s Eye.

 Sit down with artists and hear their rise to SL fame in between songs and sharing stories about themselves and the music.  Everyone is encouraged to ask questions and truly get to meet the artist.

The setting at Devins Eye overlooks the ocean with chairs around a firepit. The atmosphere is best described by The Mildors’ themselves who say;  No venue rules n ´sh*t”. No rules for the singer on what to wear, to sing, to say... Performer can do what they want,try new songs or talk to people, there's no time limit, no rush, no stage, no dance balls .....just a cosy round. YOU can ask questions or give feedback to songs he or she might never have performed before. We want to  give personal attention to singers in Second Life.”

Join Devins Eye Group for special event notices!

Devin’s Eye

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Dickens Project Opens Sunday December 1st!

Second Life – The Seanchai Library is proud to announce that the doors of The Dickens Project 2019 Edition will open December 1. What follows is a month of events including storytelling, music, dance, roleplay, and the return of the "Urchins in Dickens’ London" experience. Inspired by Charles Dickens, this region recreates the Victorian world of A Christmas Carol and other beloved tales, offering a wonderful opportunity to explore and discover.

Over 60 hours of events are planned for this year's Project. Seanchai Library has expanded the information available on its website to include: region map, calendar of events, the Urchins in London experience, the Story Path Voices audio tour, information on roleplay events, "rideables", and in-region gifts. The expanded information pages will go live on Thursday, November 28th, with access to The Dickens Project opening to all residents on Sunday, December 1st at

Special Blogger/Press Previews are scheduled for November 29th from noon to 2pm, and November 30th from 2-4pm. Members of the virtual media are invited to get a closer look at The Project before it officially opens. Team Dickens creators will be on hand to answer questions, and the music stream will include music and highlight various features in the region.

"The Dickens Project has really become a community. It stopped being a strictly Seanchai Library happening several years ago," said Caledonia Skytower of Seanchai Library. This year will again feature contributions from Ce Soir Arts, Radio Riel, and Innsmouth SL.  The Community Virtual Library will be providing the Resource Center and The Dickens Library, exploring the breadth and scope of the author's work. Idle Rogue Productions and Misfit Dance & Performance Art will be staging special productions for The Project. Fantasy Faire Radio will be joining the community this year, broadcasting music from Dickens Square on December 18th, and presenting an encore performance of its radio drama "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde". These are in addition to the live story reading programs which are Seanchai Library's hallmark.  

The popular "Carol Week" will return, with a section of Dickens' novella presented live each day in a "Story Tour" to the sites on the region inspired by the story. Saturday, December 21st features Fezziwig's Ball. The week culminates in The Big Read on Sunday, December 22nd at Noon.  The Big Read is a relay-style reading involving 9-12 voices in a continuous reading of "A Christmas Carol" from start to the end of it.

"There really is so much to see and do, it's hard to describe it all," added Skytower, "You really have to check out the website and then come and experience it for yourself."

Seanchai Library offers its thanks to Linden Labs and Patch Linden, our 2019 Region Sponsors.

About the Seanchai Library
Seanchai Library (pronounced Shawn-a-kee, which means "Storyteller" in Irish Gaelic.) was founded in March of 2008 in Second Life. The program remains dedicated to promoting the power of stories to transform and inspire through live voice presentations: "We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life and other virtual worlds."

All times listed are SLT/ Pacific.

All photos courtesy of The Dickens Project. For additional photos, feel free to contact Caledonia Skytower or Aoife Lorefield.

Media Contact:

Caledonia Skytower, Seanchai Library

Saturday, November 30, 2019

SL MUSIC: Naughty Performs tonight at Solarwinds 9PM SLT

Naughty got his musical start at an early age playing percussion in school bands. During his teenage years he discovered guitar and played lead guitar in several bands. Naughty's love of playing guitar and a strong desire to hone his newly acquired skills led him to study music. He earned a degree in music composition with a songwriting emphasis from Boston's Berklee College of Music.

After months of listening in the live music scene in SL, he has decided to share his music. Focusing now on his vocals combined with guitar playing. His goal is to entertain people, be realistic and approachable in world. It's more important to have friends who enjoy music than just fans.

Check him out Saturday,  November 30th at 9pm SLT at Solarwinds Music Venue

For more Show times check out Naughty's Calendar:

Stream Info:

For bookings contact: Naughty (naughtyname)
$3,500L/+tips (For reoccurring shows)
$4,000L/+tips for single booking
$6,000L/no tip shows

Mon-Fri: 4pm-10pm SLT
Sat, Sun: 9am-10pm SLT

GeekSpeak – Is it our purpose to colonise the universe? Join the discussion Saturday November 30th at 12pm SLT

If we assume there is no other life in the universe, should we humans try religiously to ‘seed’ the universe with life?  Would that be our purpose?  If not, what is our purpose?
If we cannot colonise distant planets, will some religious groups start sending capsules of bacteria out to distant stars? 
Will that be the religion of the future?  Should we all become ‘seeders’ for the ‘church of the universe’?  Will it ever work?  Come and talk about our future ‘children’ in the stars.  Bring a friend!
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

GeekSpeak – Are the World’s Currencies about to collapse? Join the discussion Saturday Nov 23rd 12pm SLT

The voices that say a collapse is imminent are getting louder and louder.  Even the most serious hotshots in the world markets are starting to scratch their heads. 
What would such a collapse look like?  Will there be safe havens in other currencies?  How long will they be safe from the collapse?

What will the aftermath look like?  Will the world’s governments come up with a solution, and how fast?

Will we ever get out of this eternal boom and bust cycle? Come and discuss with us why your budget is always short.  Bring your friends.
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world’s most successful reality TV format EVER is the “Got Talent” series.  Originally a British Talent Show, it has spawned spin offs in over 69 Countries. And for several years, this modern-day classic has been making a splash in Second Life as well.  

SL’s Got Talent (SLGT) contest was created and first produced in 2013 by Jackie Lefko. She is the CEO of the Speakeasy Entertainment Group. The idea of SLGT came to Jackie after debuting several new SL performers at her venue, The Speakeasy.  She felt a contest would be a great opportunity for those looking for a unique opportunity to not only showcase their talent but to also engage in a personal challenge.

The Contest starts with open mic auditions that are open to the public.  A panel of seven judges tell those auditioning if they are in or out of the contest.  From those auditioning, the judges select ten contestants to proceed to Round One

All contestants perform in Round One.  Eliminations occur after Round 1 and 2, typically leaving 4 contestants left to receive sizable prizes of 35K for 1st Place, 25K for 2nd Place, 17K for 3rd Place, and 5K for 4th Place.

This year’s SLGT Winners were 

Recently, SL Enquirer caught up with this year’s First Place winner, Mac Pfeffer, and asked him about the SLGT Experience.

 Josh Bellic:  How long have you been playing piano in SL? 

Mac Pfeffer:  About 6 to 7 years here in SL and more then 30 years in RL. Originally I didn’t want to play in SL because of Conflicts with my RL profession.  Later, though, I found it to be a great way to communicate with people here in SL 

JB:  How did you first get interested in The Piano?

MP:  I started to play the piano when I was 10.  I went to music school when I was 19 and I studied music 9 years until I graduated from the Conservatory. Piano was an important factor in studying music and music theory.  I found that with the piano I was able to compose pieces that were more complicated harmonically.  
JB:  What did you think about the SecondLife’s Got Talent process?  

MP:  About the actual competition itself, I had very little time to think.  All I know is I went fast and before I knew it, it was over. Since I’m relatively new to the SGLT concept, it’s hard for me to have any thoughts about it at this point. 

JB:  Describe your practice schedule on the Piano.

MP:  I play professionally in RL and I practice a minimum of 10 hours a week on guitar.  I also practice solfege to keep up my hearing abilities. I listen to a song I like, then I play along with the instrument I play at that time. Other times I just play and practice scales or chord progressions. The same goes for all the instruments I play. There is a lot of time involved within the process. 

JB:  What is your preferred style of music? 

MP:  I would have to say Fusion / Jazz because of my background. However, in RL I play many other styles that I don’t play in SL. 
JB:  Who inspires you in your playing?

MP:  I had a very complicated childhood and by playing music it was a very natural way to express my self in life.  Even today I still use music as a tool to express myself. My love for people can be heard in my music. Music gave me Grace in every way you can imagine.  

JB:  What advice would you give to aspiring Virtual World pianists? 

MP:  Practice!  Practice! Practice!   That, and always LOVE what you do.  You need to be disciplined and never give up. Make a goal for yourself and commit to the promise that you make to yourself. Another important factor is communication. Always try to communicate with other musicians SL and RL.  It is VERY important to do this. Without this there is no synergy when you play in a band or combo setting.  

JB:  How did you first learn about SL’s Got Talent?

MP:  It was never my intention to participate in SLGT.  A friend of mine told me about it and asked me if I wanted to audition.  I went ahead and auditioned and was told I had made it through the first round and I thought “What did I get myself into?” From there I continued to appear and progressed swiftly over the next couple of days.   

JB:  Describe the judges. Was there a “Simon Cowell” character?  

MP:  I don’t know anything about the Judges all I know is that that nothing was given away. I had the feeling that the Jury was very tight and strict and I found it rather hard to participate from round to round.

JB:  Do you know how many competitors you had to face?  

MP:  I’m not really sure.  I think it was a minimum of 12 of us.

JB:  What is the best thing about participating in SLGT?

MP:  That was an easy question.  The best part about SLGT is WINNING! (just kidding).  The best part is that the way I personally express myself through my music has finally come to light through the competition.  Additionally, we all developed a real camaraderie between and among the competitors. We were all very concerned for one another and interested in each others circumstances and performance. 

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

MP:  Other than that I am honored to have participated.  It was a great journey to experience. The SLGT concept is inspiring, especially for the newer generation of performers. Hopefully they will even get more inspired as SL continues to evolve in the years ahead. 

Soooooo..There you have it, Folks.  The Best in Televised Entertainment. Brought to the Residents of SecondLife.