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Sunday, October 13, 2019


Q: Why don't Race Car Drivers eat before a big race? 
A: In case they get Indy-gestion.

His name is Mango Darwinian, and there is no one on the grid more qualified to speak on the “evolution” of racing in Second Life.  I have been Duck Racing at Quackerstone, and Chariot Racing in Roma, but I had no idea that Motor Racing was such a popular event in SecondLife.

"Wait, what? That's a thing?" is a common response when people first hear of racing in SL. I was  surprised to find out, as that during SL racing’s Golden Years from 2007-2011, there have been racing sims owned by real-life car manufacturers? Or that sponsors have fought over advertising space on cars? Or that car racing has been one of the top shows on certain Second Life television channels? Or that there are a known handful of racers that have topped a million lindens in prize-money? Yes, racing was big business and racers enjoyed celebrity status, with racing being talked about by people that have never attended a race.

Today, the manufacturers, sponsors and big prize money are memories, as are big fields of 20-30 racers at events. However, now anyone involved in racing is in it only for the racing and as such it's a scene that is genuine and made by racers for racers. The Racing and Motorsports Association intends to bring that big ol' buzz back and this time, with it's more authentic driver base, it will be bigger and better than before.

Recently, I caught up with The Godfather of SL Motor Racing during some down time between races, and he was kind enough to answer a few questions I had about the sport and his involvement.

Josh Bellic (JB):   How did you first come to be interested in racing in SL?

Mango Darwinian (MD): A slightly strange career path for me! From 2006, my first date of joining, until early in 2007, I just looked for fun things to do and stumbled across RacerX Gullwing's giant snail racing. One day, watching the race replay on SLCN (old SL television station), I saw they also showed car racing highlights. After a few watches, I went along one day and was a racer from that day onwards.

JB:  I understand we are at the beginning of L$125,000 Launch Week, Oct 12th-20th 2019.  

MD:  Yes, Racing & Motorsports Association is no longer just a group to hear about other people’s races, although we intend to keep doing that!  To celebrate the RMA now hosting it’s own races, we’re starting things off large with a 12-races-in-9-days pre-season launch week. With cars by three different creators, a range of start times, road and oval, dirt and tarmac, there’s sure to be something for everyone.  Each race is holding an L$10,000 purse and the final one will be for L$15,000, just to make it a pleasing overall amount.

We’ll also crown a Champion of Racing at the end of the week.  You only need to get 4 race results to win this, although the more you attend, the better your chance of getting 4 scores good enough.  No extra money is offered for this, but you will have the prestige of being the second RMA champion after Svenja Rhodes two years ago, who will no doubt be having another strong attempt at it.

Classes that normally use pit stops will run double features for the top 12 instead and the only fueling will be done between races, so you won’t lose on menu skills, only your race skills.
If you won’t race now, when will you!?

JB:  Do you remember your first “Win”?

MD:  Yes, kind of.  It was 12 years ago now, but I remember it came about when I started looking up other racing sims than the initial one I'd started racing at. The competition at the initial one was far too much for me, as you might imagine from a televised organization. So I tried some other less-competitive places and won a few races, and I needed that or else I might have thought racing wasn't for me. Somehow, winning at other places made it start happening at the initial place as well. Confidence is key, I guess!

JB:  The schedule is quite extensive.  If you had to take a guess, How many people are involved in today’s racing community?

MD:  Well, there's not that many regulars that go on tour from sim to sim. I'd say there's only about 20 racing regulars and another 80 or so that pop in and out.  That all equals about 7-10 racers per race, as there are quite a lot of races. It's WAY down on the "good old days", which in my mind is 2007-2011. Probably a third of the size of what it was back then

JB:   Have any big-name NASCAR Racers ever participated in SL Racing that you know of?

MD:  Haha, no. Maybe a pit crew member here and there!

JB:  Why do you think corporate interest in SL Racing died?

MD:  I think it was just the realization that it wasn't as big a vehicle, so to speak, to promote their brand as they thought it might be. They all wanted to get in there early in case it was a good investment or involvement and we reaped the benefits for a few years before they decided otherwise. I don't think that's specifically about racing though, just a Second Life thing generally.

JB:   Do the different time zones make it difficult to race?  If so, how so?

MD:  I've always been a late night person, so not too difficult until it starts getting to about 7pm (3am my time) and then I'm starting to lose my co- ordination.

JB:  So tell me Mango. When was your last speeding ticket in RL?
MD:  I'm law-abiding, of course! I don't fancy myself as a racer in the first world, only here. The real racers in first life are on tracks already, only wannabes use the roads for it.

So, there you have it folks. Straight from the horse’s mouth.  Why don't you visit the Racing and Motorsports Association's HQ, or join the group and pick up the notecards posted in there regularly. They even welcome fans that just like to watch racing and they have some superstar spectators, too. You can do that in person or just watch races on one of the streaming channels you'll find addresses for within the 'SL racing schedule', like

Come on, be a racer! (You'll love it, I promise.)

GeekSpeak – Can we predict the future? How is it done? Join the discussion Saturday 12th October at noon SLT

A few short years before the moon landing, people said it was impossible.  A few years after the landing, some were predicting moon bases in 1985.  We constantly overpredict or underpredict.  Some predictions seem reasonable, such as people flying with artificial wings or ships that can run on railway tracks, but they are never fulfilled.  And some things that do happen, such as the internet, seem to come out of the blue.
Why is it so hard to predict more than about 5 years into the future?  Are there ways we can think of to improve our predictions?  Why were we wrong in the past?  Will some predictions that are being made now be accurate?  Are predictions in any way useful even if we cannot trust them?
Come and discuss the art of predictions.  Bring your crystal ball!
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Second Chance - Episode One - by Lacy Muircastle

Second Chance is book #2 in the Second Life© Love Stories series.  This book is taking the form of a serial.  I intend posting an excerpt of an episode a week in the SL Enquirer.

Here we go:

Second Chance
Episode One
Seb Livingstone
I teleported into the club as I’d done many times since discovering Second Life©.  I hadn’t felt this nervous for a while.  I enjoyed singing covers, but tonight would prove whether I could still hack it with my own stuff. 

My IM pinged.  Damn not now.

Stacey Windsong:  Hey, baby, how’re you? 
Seb Livingstone: Good thanks, Stace, just getting ready for BB’s.
Stacey Windsong:  Oh, I don’t have anything booked for you for today?
Seb Livingstone:  I made the booking myself.
Stacey Windsong:  I see.  And I’m not important enough for you to tell me what you’re doing?
Seb Livingstone:  Please don’t start.  Look, I have to go.  Come here if you want to, if not I’ll catch up with you later.
            More pinging.

Blue Benelli:  Hey, Seb, how're things swinging?
Seb Livingstone: Hey, B, do you really wanna know. Lol.
Blue Benelli: *Laughs* You ready then?
Seb Livingstone: Oh yeah.
Blue Benelli: Break a leg buddy.  Give me a yell when you’re ready for me to announce you.
Seb Livingstone: Cool.
BB’s was a simple, uncomplicated venue that has graced Second Life© since late 2008. It was Blue’s mission in Second Life© to provide one hundred per cent live music all the time.  I was following – The music whisper – Russell Eponym, and after my set, Pol Arida would be taking his thumping set centre stage.   I oriented my avatar on the stage behind the mic.   My breathing became rapid and shallow.  My pulse pounded in my temples.  I sat on the stool in the middle of my home studio. The laptop set up to stream my music in-world.  This was it, make or break.

I typed in Blue’s IM:

Seb Livingstone:  I’m ready to roll B.

Blue switched to voice -Hey everyone, good to see you all here.  Give a huge round of applause to my boy Dr Livingstone.”
Applause and cheers ran up my screen.  I looked out from the stage, at the packed club.  The buzz was invigorating.   It never got old seeing people waiting for me to start a set.  There was nothing quite like an enthusiastic audience to get the blood pumping.  I loved performing.  I was addicted to the adrenalin rush.  It made me feel alive.
How are we this afternoon?” 
The crowd erupted.   Chants of – ‘Dr Livingstone, Dr Livingstone’ and ‘Sing ‘Tears’ sing ‘Tears’ and applause rained down the screen again. 
Yeah, yeah J, it’s in the set, but today I’m launching two new songs. ‘Avatar’ is the first one I’ll sing for you.  No prizes for guessing my inspiration for this song.” 
Cheers flowed again. Then the crowd quietened as my music stream came through.

You’re beautiful, you’re gorgeous
You’re an avatar,
Lifelike, surreal
Ethereal, how bizarre
Here one minute
Gone the next

     The crowd applauded wildly. Catcalls and shouts of TUUUNE ran up the screen.
     On my own in my home studio, I fist-pumped the air.  Yes.  The feeling never got old.

     “Glad you liked it, and for my next new song.  No prizes for noticing a bit of a theme going on is called Virtual Reality.”

Humans will always be humans
Whether they be pixels or
Living breathing beings
Virtual reality no responsibility
What an opportunity

     Comments like - Dr Livingstone, is there going to be a new album?” and “Where can we buy those tracks?” ran up the screen like credits at the end of an epic movie.
     I felt stoked that my new material had met with such vocal approval.  I closed my eyes and let the crowd’s reaction wash over me.  It was the jump start I needed and how it was supposed to be.  I still had it. 
     I could take it into the real world.  My second chance was going to happen.           
     My computer continued to ping with comments and accolades — what a rush.
     To answer some of your questions, you can buy the tracks as singles off iTunes, and it’ll be on Genius and YouTube, and yes, I’ll be working on a new album.  I’m hoping to get signed to a label soon.”

     Requests poured in.

     Okay everyone here’s the one you’ve been waiting for.  “Tears”.
     I braced myself for the wash of emotion it always launched on me and clung to my microphone as though it could save me from being carried away.

Tears, tears, inevitable
Smiles there were a few
And when the tears ran out
We were numb and so blue

Why, why, why, shattered dreams
Why, why, why, shattered dreams

     The crowd roared in appreciation.  But this song would forever haunt me.  It was a constant reminder of the past, of disappointment and the despair that had followed.  

My IM pinged:

Stacey Windsong: You okay?
Seb Livingstone: Are you here at BB’s?
Stacey Windsong: Obviously.
Seb Livingstone:  Thanks. I didn’t see you. There are so many people here.  And yes, I’m okay.
Stacey Windsong:  Why do you keep singing that song?  You know it’s not good for you.
Seb Livingstone:  It’s difficult to say no to the audience.
Stacey Windsong: Oh, please, Seb, I think you're just masochistic.
Seb Livingstone:  What about the two new songs, did you catch them?
Stacey Windsong: I did.
Seb Livingstone: And?
Stacey Windsong:  They’re not bad.

     I frowned at my screen.  Hell.  Not bad, what the fuck?

Seb Livingstone:  Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Stacey Windsong:  You know that I don’t think you should still be singing after everything you’ve been through.
Seb Livingstone:  And you know that’s not going to happen.
Stacey Windsong:  I’m here to keep an eye on you, make sure you don’t fall off the tracks again.
Seb Livingstone: I can hardly forget since you remind me all the time.
Stacey Windsong:  You should be putting all your effort into getting a real job in the real world.  None of this virtual world malarkey.  It’s a waste of your time and mine.
Seb Livingstone:  I didn’t ask you to be here.
Stacey Windsong: Excuse me, that’s unnecessary.  I too have a vested interest in you, so I want to know that you’re okay.
Seb Livingstone:  There’s no need for you to be in SL to know that I’m okay since you see me in real life.  Please do us both a favour and leave.

For the rest of  Second Chance - Episode One - pop on over to Amazon.  You can pick it up for free on Kindle Unlimited.

Future Episodes will feature graphics by the extremely talented Skip Staheli, so be sure to look out for them

If you feel so inclined, please leave a review in the SL Enquirer, in the comments section.

I hope that you'll enjoy reading Second Chance - Episode One.  I'll catch up with you next week.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Racing & Motorports Association's $125,000L Launch Week October 12th-October 20th, 2019

Motor racing in Second Life.
"Wait, what? That's a thing?" is a common response to that opening sentence. But what if you were to find out there have been racing sims owned by real-life car manufacturers? Or that sponsors have fought over advertising space on cars? Or that car racing has been one of the top shows on certain Second Life television channels? Or that there are a known handful of racers that have topped a million lindens in prize-money? Yes, racing is big business and racers enjoy celebrity status, with racing being talked about by people that have never attended a race.

The above describes the scenario in racing's golden years from about 2007-2011. Today, the manufacturers, sponsors and big prizemoney are memories, as are big fields of 20-30 racers at events. However, what this does mean is that anyone involved in racing now is in it only for the racing and as such it's a scene that is genuine and made by racers for the racers. The Racing and Motorsports Association intends to bring that big ol' buzz back and this time, with it's more authentic driver base, it will be bigger and better than before and every step of each career will be recognized and be important to more than just that one driver.

Having moved in at the Nationwide Racing Association, an existing race sim, in October the RMA will both be holding a launch week worth L$125,000 in prizes and then starting a brand new season of racing, which will also carry significant prize pools in the opening weeks.  At their headquarters, you can see the schedule board, the two-week driver rankings board, the cars to be used (which are all free!) and you can pick up the latest SL-wide racing schedule, which includes both the RMA-sanctioned and everyone else's events as well. You can also check out the Second Life racing channel(s) on Youtube.

The next step is persuading, you, the normal person that would like to race, but is afraid to start, that it's totally fine and you are in a position all of us old veterans would like to be in again. Right at the start of our careers and seeing how far we can go with it. Because, you lucky new racers have only one direction to go and that's up! Us older statesmen and stateswomen (yes, there is a big ratio of female drivers) have to fight not to go down! Every one of us in racing welcomes each new face and admires you for stepping into what must seem like a daunting arena. Before long, when you see the helpfulness being shown towards you and the interest in your improvement, you will find yourself immersed and integrated into the scene before you know it! You will find a favorite race organization and feel it's your second home. With all kinds of vehicles, asphalt and dirt racing, road circuits and ovals and a range of start times, there's something for everybody.

Why don't you visit the Racing and Motorsports Association's HQ, or join the group and pick up the notecards posted in there regularly. We even welcome fans that just like to watch racing and we have some superstar spectators, too. You can do that in person or just watch races on one of the streaming channels you'll find addresses for within the 'SL racing schedule' notecard.

This scene is about to become one to be a part of once again.

Come on, be a racer! (You'll love it, I promise.)

The schedule:

Sat 12th Oct, 3.00pm – Stock cars, L$10,000 (Kansas)
Sun 13th Oct, 4.45pm – Gen 6 (2×30 laps), L$10,000 (Bristol)
Sun 13th Oct, 6.30pm – Dirt late models, L$10,000 (Langley Dirt)
Mon 14th Oct, 4.45pm – Winston Cup, L$10,000 (Speedbowl)
Mon 14th Oct, 7.00pm – Sprintcars (winged; dirt), L$10,000 (Tulsa Bowl)
Tue 15th Oct, 4.45pm – Xfinity, L$10,000 (California/Auto Club)
Wed 16th Oct, 7.00pm – Asphalt, modifieds L$10,000 (Bowman Gray)
Thu – OFF
Fri 18th Oct, 3.00pm – Stadium trucks, L$10,000 (Sports Stadium)
Fri 18th Oct, 7.00pm – GT Road Cup, L$10,000 (Sunset)
Sat 19th Oct, 4.45pm РF-trucks, L$10,000 (Kolm̴rden Рreverse)
Sat 19th Oct, 7.00pm – Offroad trucks, L$10,000 (Arena One – reverse)
Sun 20th Oct, 2.00pm – Indycars, L$15,000 (Pocono)


Saturday, October 5, 2019


Evil Bunny Productions Presents the Mad Circus 5 Halloween & Gacha Fair. Over 70 designers showcase their seasonal exclusives, everything from horror, goth, to circus and freak show. Each booth has a 10L special for you to stay on your SL budget as well as an exclusive release for the event. Still not enough Halloween shopping for you because we all know Halloween is the BEST holiday, there are over  80 gacha machines for you to play! So step right up and get to the Mad Circus today-

While you are on the sim, be sure to visit the Gacha Life Nightmare round just next door with over 40 exclusive gachas and free group gifts or start the Boo! Bunny Hunt 8 with over 80 designers and 1L prizes.

TWE12VE opens the 12th of each month and October's round is all that is gothic!

Stay up-to-date on everything Evil Bunny by following us on our social media platforms and signing up on our

Evil Bunny Productions does 6 large and 2 mini themed events/year, 6 hunts, monthly TWE12VE and bi-monthly Gacha Life events in Second Life.

For questions or assistance, or to join us as a blogger or designer, note card allie munro in-world or apply online on our website.

Isabella Rumsford Performs Live in Second Life with A voice that conquers every skeptic and consistently melts our hearts!!

 "Isabella Rumsford aka Andreea Keller an incurable romantic.   A young and remarkably talented musician who makes you feel every note she sings. She studied music at University specializing in canto and piano. She has a versatile repertoire with an exceptional voice quality reminiscent of great singers such as Etta James, Celine Dion and Whitney Houston.  Her sincere dedication to music is heard and felt in her insatiable love of opera, an art form she feels isn't appreciated enough by young musicians of our time.  She brings to all music genres her diverse and amazing potential filled with meaning, passion and an experience far beyond her years.  Her voice delivers the music in an elegant manner that conquers every skeptic and consistently melts our hearts".

 I was born in Romania where I began my career in music. The first contact I had with the stage was through pop and dance music.  I owe much of my success to the support of my parents and the people who appreciated me and my potential.
I performed as an opera singer in much of Eastern Europe and now I'm bringing my art to Second Life where I want to play for many other people around the world who I feel will enjoy and appreciate my ability and passion for music.
Though I sing mostly popular romantic soul, blues music, my greatest desire is to sing opera in Second Life where I believe there is a genuine love of this noble art form as well as an audience that is perhaps yet undiscovered.
My favorite opera singers are Mariana Nicolesco, Montserrat Caballe, Anna Netrebko, Renne Fleming, Renatta Scott, and Luciano Pavarotti all of which have inspired me over the years and have kept me striving for perfection in my art.

Facebook: Andreea Onica Keller

Show Time Magazine -



                    Isabella's voice delivers the music in an elegant manner that conquers every skeptic and consistently melts our hearts!!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Join us Wednesday mornings at Whole Brain Health as we discussion topics on Relationships Inside SL and Beyond.

Relationships in Second Life can be confusing and painful...or they can bring new joy and meaning into our lives.  Come join us for discussions about relationships in Second Life and beyond.

Date & Time: Wednesday 8:30AM SLT
Location: Whole Brain Health
Facilitator: Pet Karu

THE SESSIONS ARE IN VOICE SO PLEASE ENABLE VOICE SO YOU CAN HEAR.  I hope to see your friendly faces among the gathering.

Here's your Uber: 

Topics vary from week to week