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Sunday, September 29, 2019



One of the great perks of life on the grid is the opportunity to visit sims and events I might not normally get to and meet people from around the world.  I recently had an opportunity to interact with some of the Grid’s most stunning ladies and gents at LUXE international. After culling through dozens and dozens of applicants last May, the officials at LUXE chose an initial pool of 25 Men and 25 Women to move into the Luxe Look of the Year competition.  That number was further reduced to 10 men and 10 women as the final phase began. After an extensive vetting process that began last May, the LUXE Paris and LUXE Dot Be winners we announced. I had the privilege of interacting with these individuals and some of their answers to my questions were quite telling.

QUINTE, Winner of LUXE Paris

YEBEN, Winner of LUXE Dot Be

The winners come from all around the world, from China to Peru; from Columbia to Reno Nevada – all had stories to tell and different paths to becoming Luxe winners.
Winning this contest is something that takes some seniority in SL.  Most of the winners had been in SL for nearly a decade or more. When asked how long they had been SL residents, the average length of time was eight years and ten months here, with individual lengths running from three years to over 13 years in residence.

Did you think you had a good shot at the LOOK of the YEAR, or was your ranking there a complete surprise?
Respondents answers indicated a range of emotions, and varied from complete surprise, to matter-of-fact expectations.  Half of the winners expected to win, with comments like “I thought I would do well because I knew the styles very well having modeled LUXE Paris for years” , or, “I have prepared for two years for this moment, I am very confident in my abilities and although the contest was very competitive, I was confident that I would get a good place”.   But other winners were surprised by their unexpected good fortune, with comments like “It was definitely a surprise!  There was some pretty great talent participating!” or, “It was a surprise to win. I wasn’t very confident after the classes they held for contestants, but I was encouraged by my other model friends”.
SELENE SNOWPAW, First Runner Up LUXE Paris
AHN AVION, First Runner up LUXE Dot Be

When asked How did you take the news when they first announced your name?
One contestant reacted with “The first feeling is shock...did I really hear my name? ThenWe have members who were I panic...what do I do? Then pure joy as it sinks in that all that hard work and time was very worth it.”  Others were equally surprised, noting “ My first thought was that I was glad my avatar's expressions didn't look like my real life expressions! I'm sure I looked like a fish out of water with my mouth hanging open because my jaw was on the floor.”

How was the experience? What was the most fun part? The most difficult?
Some of the contestants were truly humbled by the experience.  “The contest was an amazing experience. To be surrounded by so much talent was humbling. The management of the contest was very well done and we were all treated with the utmost respect and yet had tons of fun.  Another noted that “I had never been in a competition before so the whole thing was a learning experience. I enjoyed seeing everyone's interpretations of style, especially from the men since our style choices were far more limiting. There are some great ideas out there! I don't know that there were any difficult aspects to it.” And then there were the actual mechanics of modeling itself.  “It was a new experience for me and I did learn many things. It is not easy to walk a runway and be a model. It looks easy, but not so much true. I was very hard on myself and was afraid I might make a bad mistake.”

How would you describe the brand that you now represent?

Luxe Paris is a very elegant and current brand, which is always aware of everything from fashion trends and the well-being of the community.  Youthful, fresh, elegant and above all very nice to wear. LUXE Paris is for women that care about how they look and wish to wear the elegant and classy clothing of current fashion trends.  Dot-be has fashions for those looking for something not quite typical yet not overly eccentric.  Different yet not outlandish or garish. I have found it easy to bring the Brand to life as my personal style is very closely aligned to that of Mika and Paris. I enjoy the range of the designs from sassy and saucy to elegant, smart and sophisticated. Luxe Paris is the Brand that can dress you for every occasion.
MELANY AGUILERA, Second Runner Up LUXE Paris

NASAO ELTON, Second Runner Up LUXE Dot Be

Why is fashion important to you?
All contestants agreed, Fashion is Important.  One noted that “Fashion for me is my love, my passion and a very important vehicle to help make a difference in the world.  Fashion is my artistic medium for expression, who I am always comes through. Fashion allows me to express myself, my moods and important causes that I can further through my modeling and fashion exposure.  I see fashion as a means of empowerment for women which can reach every corner of the globe.” Another contestant noted that “Styling is the key. How you wear is as important as what you wear. We only get one chance to make a good first impression, and depending on the situation, that first impression can be vital to create a strong professional relationship.”

And of course, what is a Fashion Show without social commentary? The candidates were asked What social stigma does society need to get over? What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it?
Responses were concise.  “Society should respect and tolerate differences in many ways of thinking, feeling and being. We need to overcome the differences in skin color, ethnicity and sexuality, we need to respect and admire everyone equally. Just because we may disagree, it doesn't mean that we have to hate each other.  One contestant identified a truly practical issue and noted “What really disturbs me is when too many cars are on the road for my drive to work.”
Saving the best question for last  we asked If magic was real, what spell would you try to learn first?
One person answered, “to be able to travel through time. Also to be able to give peace and joy in afflicted hearts, to live in a world populated by good people who have neither time- nor desire to harm others.”  Another thought the ability to teleport at will would be excellent. Finally, one contestant who most fully embraces life on the grid responded with “What?! Magic isn't real?! I quit!”

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fight Breast Cancer with Strides Campaigns

It’s almost October - have you considered fighting breast cancer through your Second Life? The American Cancer Society is the global leader in the fight against all cancers, including breast cancer; and new fundraising tools are now available for anyone and everyone to show their support.

Fundraising tools are free and can be found on the Second Life Marketplace or by going to the Strides office on the American Cancer Society island.

The Strides Campaigns season is filling up with activities in several communities across the grid, but there can never be too many ways to fight breast cancer until we find the cure! Donations help fund initiatives including the Reach To Recovery program, a peer to peer program that matches trained breast cancer survivors with those recently diagnosed; raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and screenings; and funding research for better treatments and earlier diagnosis.

Therefore, we’re inviting as many communities across Second Life to take action now!

If you would like to plan your own breast cancer fundraiser, you’re encouraged to work within your community or group in Second Life to organize your own Strides Campaign. Make sure to let the American Cancer Society know about it by completing the ACS Calendar Event Submission Form so we can share it with others.

All Strides Campaigns must use the official Strides fundraising tools that are provided by the American Cancer Society. Fundraising campaigns may include events, hunts, shows, sales, or simply putting out a donation kiosk at your club or store throughout the month of October.

If you want to fight breast cancer, but aren’t able to organize your own campaign, you can get involved with existing campaigns listed in the ACS in SL Events Calendar

There’s also plenty of ways to get involved in events throughout the month. Check out the events below:


Out Shop Breast Cancer:
Starting Oct. 1 and running the entire month, this event will take shoppers across the grid, exploring and shopping at stores in support of Strides. Store-owners will use American Cancer Society breast cancer vendor kiosks to feature special products in their stores. A directory of participating stores will be available at the Strides office on ACS Island as well as on the Making Strides Second Life website at

Pink Powerfest
Oct. 19 to Oct. 26:
Pink Power Fest is an 8-day event that runs from Oct. 19 to Oct. 26. Kicking off the Fest will be the 5th Annual Strides Walk-a-thon. Each day after the kick off will have scheduled events to celebrate the power of pink, as in pink ribbon & the fight against Breast Cancer.  Entertainment will include Live Performers, Tribute Bands and DJs from across the grid, all hosted by volunteer hosts & hostesses. There will be Raffles, Gachas, & Vendors around the Fest as well with all donations & proceeds going to the American Cancer Society fight against Breast Cancer. Capping the Fest will be the Harvest of Hope Gala on Oct. 26, honoring all Survivors & Caregivers, and remembering those we have lost. Everyone is invited to attend.

5th Annual Strides Walk-a-thon
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. SLT
It’s that time again to put your best foot forward. It’s time to register for the 5th Annual Strides Walk-a-thon. This year’s walk will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 19 and be Pink Power Fest. Walkers will start the official laps at 10 am. They will be able to walk as many lap as they can until 6p.m. SLT.  For more information or to get involved, visit

Oct. 26
Noon to 6 p.m. SLT
The annual gala event will be noon to 5 p.m. SLT on Oct. 26 and celebrate breast cancer patients, survivors and pay homage to loved ones that are no longer with us. This is a chance to meet new people,  reconnect with old friends, and share stories with others about your personal connection to breast cancer. This is a formal attire event with special live performances. Donations are encouraged throughout the event.

Do you want to hold a fundraising event for Strides? It’s easy and fun to get involved! For more information on guidelines for the event, visit

GeekSpeak – Is it moral to eat Europa’s aliens? Join the discussion Saturday Sept 28th at 12pm SLT

If we find alien life on another planet or moon, what will we owe to it?  Should we feel that we are responsible for its conservation, as we would if it lived on Earth?  Should we leave it alone and not allow anyone to land there?  Should it be the law that colonies are forbidden on inhabited planets?
Or should people be free to kill the aliens?  Free to eat them?  Free to take home alien trophies to hang on the wall?  Free to make them work for us?
Would it make any difference if the aliens were advanced?  Or if they were intelligent?  Or aliens that look like humans?
Come and discuss the laws that will apply when we move out to the rest of the galaxy.  Bring recipes for alien meals.
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How to Take Your Virtual Business to the Next Level

No matter what type of virtual business you run — whether it’s an e-commerce store, a virtual office service, or simply a blog — there are always ways to take it to the next level. You’re never going to improve your company, though, if you don’t have a plan for growth.

Hopefully, the advice laid out below will help you to formulate the perfect plan in this instance. Read on to find out how you can improve your virtual business and ultimately take it to the next level. 

Increase both online and real-world exposure

If you want to see your virtual business thrive, you need to increase its exposure across the board.

When it comes to online exposure, a unique yet effective route to go down is to advertise your business on virtual worlds and platforms. Many high-profile businesses have used Second Life to increase their online exposure, including none other than 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. Records, and they have managed to attain vast amounts of attention from doing so.

You shouldn’t just seek to expose your business online, though. Despite the fact that it is, in fact, virtual, you should still be looking for ways to spread the word about your company in the real world, too. Only when you do this can you tap into the market that still doesn’t use the web fervently.

There are many ways you can market your virtual business in the real-world, some of which include:

  • Making use of custom t-shirt printing and wearing your brand while you’re on the go.
  • Wrapping your car in things that link directly to your business (your name, logo, color scheme, etc.)
  • Attending trade shows.

Build credibility

Unlike brick-and-mortar businesses, you have to go out of your way to prove that your virtual company is actually viable and real. To do that, you have to build customer confidence and credibility for yourself.

A few ways you can do just that include:

Thinking of your website as being a storefront
As a virtual business, your company website is the focal point of everything you do and offer online. You should, then, treat it like it is your storefront. This can be achieved by giving your website a relatable name, making sure it can be found easily and ensuring that it is easy to navigate.

Invest in virtual office features
You may not run a virtual office yourself, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t invest in VO features offered by other companies. By investing in a virtual toll-free number, a virtual reception service, a virtual assistant, or a virtual chatbot, you will make your business appear to be just like any other, and that’s your exact goal. What’s more, embracing virtuality in this instance will allow you to be available 24/7, and that will help you to keep your customers happy.

Start a blog

Again, you might not run a blogging business, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t run a blog alongside your venture. Doing so will give you a platform on which you can prove just how much of an expert you are in your market.

Taking a Look at the All Time Hit Activities in Second Life

Second Life is often described as a simulation game, but that isn’t entirely accurate. The platform is more about social mingling, discussing ideas, making friends, going on adventures and everything else that one may want to do if they really had a second life. For those that have just joined in recently and for old members who have not logged in for a while, it’s time to take a look back at some of the most fun activities in Second Life.

Live Music, Dancing and More

Live music is still, to date, a constant event in Second Life, but just like in real life, you need to find out where it’s happening and when; alongside who is playing. We recommend attending random events, but you can also be selective about the kind of music you want to listen to. There are some pretty good musicians and singers in there, but unlike in real life, you can interact with the virtual representations of the real artists, if you choose to.
The nightclubs are complete with their own DJs and a fair gathering of party lovers during the weekends.

Enjoying Baseball Games With Your Friends

Did you know that you can watch live baseball games in Second Life? A number of stadiums hold these games, some of which are The Brickyard Industrial Park, The Liberty Dome, Great American Field, and Blue River Pavilion.
Watch the hilarious games as players break real-life MLB records in the form of Bart Simpson, or join the game yourself in advance and break some of those MLB records yourself! 
As you can probably imagine, watching these baseball games in all their loveable ridiculousness can be just as fun as taking part in one, as long as you have taken the time to get used to the controls. If not, be ready for a lot of booing from the crowd!

Exploring the Mainland

Is exploration a big part of the Second Life experience? It can be if you want it to be because just like in your real life, it’s all about what you like and dislike, but only in this one, you have more control! However, since Second Life is a lot less dangerous and expensive to explore recklessly, than it would be in our real lives, exploration of the Mainland is a must!
The continents and the islands within Second Life are largely connected to each other. Which means that when a member reaches the end of the simulation area they are in at that moment, crossing a certain point will lead to a new location/continent/simulation altogether.

Finding these new locations can be a lot of fun, especially since new members have no idea what or who they may find in the next continent. As a matter of fact, even the oldest member probably has not seen half of all of these locations since there are tens of thousands of publicly accessible sims, connected to each other on The Grid, aka the Mainland.

The Career Outlook for Data Analysts in 2020

Are you a data analyst who is looking to advance their career at the dawn of the next decade? Perhaps you’re simply curious about working in data analytics and want to know what to expect. Either way, good news awaits. The job outlook for data analysts is one of the most promising of any career, both for 2020 and far beyond. 
Businesses of all sizes are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of data for growth and innovation. Demand for professionals who can analyze data to uncover trends, identify opportunities, and provide insights greatly exceeds the supply. This means that companies are willing to compensate suitable candidates generously. 
In addition to high demand and high salaries, data analysts can leverage the nature of their job to work remotely or even become self-employed. Career opportunities in this field span multiple industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, marketing, tech and many more. 
Still not convinced? Let’s dive deeper into the career outlook for data analysts in 2020. 

Outlook for Jobs in Data Analytics

This data analysts job outlook details the nature and average median salaries of some of the most popular career paths in the field. Some noteworthy points include the salary of a machine learning analyst, which ranges upwards of $127,000 per year. Higher-end market research analyst positions command salaries of up to $121,000 per year. 
The estimated job growth for a financial analyst sits at 11% through 2026, which is reasonably higher than the 5% to 8% average for all professions. Also included is a study by Accenture, showing that 79% of executives believe companies that don’t embrace data will lose strength in the market and potentially face extinction. 
It’s not only the labor bureaus that see a bright future for data analysts. Businesses are well-aware of their importance and are reacting accordingly. Ending things off with a 2019 report by LinkedIn, the networking platform stated that data scientist job openings increased by an impressive 56% in the past year. To sum it up, the outlook could not be better. 

Becoming a Data Analyst

By now, you may be compelled to pursue a career in data analytics. But where do you start? There are three steps to launching your career as a data analyst. The first involves earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science or information technology. You also need to study or minor in data analysis or statistics. 
While you study, it would be wise to seek internship or employment opportunities in a relevant field. Having work experience will go a long way in increasing your employability after graduating. From here, consider pursuing a certificate program or master’s degree to further improve your credentials.

Required Skills

Employers typically request applications from candidates with SQL and Python proficiency. This may also include XML, Javascript, R, SAS, and Hadoop. Programming languages aside, skills such as communication, critical thinking, math, and attention to detail are often requested. 


Pursuing a career in data analytics is one way to build a solid foundation for yourself in the future. Now it’s up to you to make it happen.

Working In A Special Education Setting

If you love working with children, are compassionate, patient, and enjoy the concept of teaching, the field of special education is for you. The need for nurturing educators who understand the specific demands of special education is increasing, and similarly, the understanding of special education in the teaching sector. The difference a special needs educator can make in a classroom is phenomenal especially when children who struggle to excel do just that under the guidance of a well equipped and experienced teacher. What exactly constitutes special education and the need for it?

What Is Special Education?

Special education applies to children who have difficulty learning or possess learning disabilities which place them at a slight disadvantage when compared to their peers who do not have disabilities. Therefore, a traditional classroom setting will not be beneficial to the special education needs children; these children need a nurturing, knowledgeable, and specialized classroom to deal with these disabilities. 
 There are 5 types of learning difficulties, namely;
  1. Dyslexia – this is one of the most common disabilities in special education. Dyslexia is a condition where a learner has trouble in the ability to read, interpret or break down letters or words in order to understand them. This disability is not a sign of poor intelligence. 
  2. ADD and ADHD - Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) refers to the state of hyperactivity or poor attention spans which make it difficult for a learner to focus and concentrate for long periods. Children with this disorder usually possess low impulse control. 
  3. Dysgraphia – children with dysgraphia are unable to write legibly or coherently and may be suffering from a brain disease or damage.
  4. Dyscalculia – children who have dyscalculia struggle with mathematics or arithmetic due to the result of a brain disorder, these children will struggle with performing arithmetic on a basic level.
  5. Dyspraxia – children with this disorder will struggle with coordination and movement, dyspraxia refers to motor skills difficulties within a child. 
Teachers specializing in special education will need to possess various ranges of skills and methods to teach their children effectively. 

The Need For Special Education Teachers

In today’s world, children with special needs, learning disabilities or are disabled are readily accepted and integrated into school compared to in the past. Federal law requires that these children are, in fact, not segregated from their peers who do not have disabilities and are integrated into traditional classrooms as much as possible. Therefore, the demand exists for teachers in this field but there aren’t enough of these specialized educators to serve the needs of the education system currently.  
If you have the passion and determination to excel in this field, consider studying the Childhood Master’s Program at Bank Street, which will equip you with the diverse skills needed for special education. 

Becoming a special education teacher is a highly rewarding job, as one can see the difference a skilled approach makes in a child from one month to the next. If you want to make a real difference as an educator, become a special education teacher and take your job gratification up a notch.

Living Life Online: Using the Internet for Work and Play

Many of us seem to find ourselves spending more and more time online, whether its watching TV shows, playing video games or for work purposes. One of the great advantages of being familiar with how to use the internet is that you can use it to make money or to start a business. There are plenty of online gaming competitions, for example, where players can make millions of dollars by winning tournaments. If you use the internet for work or for your business, here are some top tips for making the most of it in your professional life. 
Keep Websites Up to Date
If you have a business, then it is more than likely you will have a website. One of the most important things you can do with regards to website admin is to keep it up to date. This is important for two main reasons: for security and for appearances. 
From a security perspective, you will need to make sure that your site is running on the latest software and has the latest security patches. If you do not regularly review these, then you run the risk of your site being hacked and having all of the data stolen. Keeping your website up to date also shows your customers that you are still in business and that you are a professional company who cares about their branding.  
Find Specific Deals for Your Business
A small or new business, in particular, is likely to be savvy when it comes to buying products and services from suppliers. The internet opens up a whole new world for small business where they can shop around for the best deals and see prices from many different companies all in one place. 
Whether the business is operating online or offline, you will be able to use the internet for services that are relevant for you. A car garage may need to find specialist motor trade insurance; whereas a website company may require a business phone line and internet connection. Searching online for better deals rather than renewing with the same provider every year is likely to save you money. 
Use Social Media to Interact with Customers
Social media accounts should be used to inform customers about news to do with the business, but they are very much a two-way street. The very nature of social media is that businesses should be social with other businesses and their customers. The great thing about social media is that you can respond quickly and efficiently to customers. 
Another aspect the customers in particular love about social media is that it can be used to hold companies to account. When a customer has a complaint, then one of the first things they will do is head to a platform like Twitter to call out the company and get a response. Acknowledging these types of complaint is often much better than ignoring them which can lead to the problem becoming even bigger.