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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Monday, July 15, 2019

ALMA Makeup is a makeup store for Lelutka, Catwa and Omega compatible heads.

ALMA at Posesion

ALMA at Ghee







- ALMA Makeup CEO - Onix Noir

-Blogger Manager: Sophia Paez

-Info + LM:

For redelivery or questions regarding the products please send a nc to AlmaMakeupStaff.

American Cancer Society's New Way of Fighting Breast Cancer in Second Life

The American Cancer Society’s New “DIY Campaign” Model will Simplify Breast Cancer Fundraising in Second Life

The American Cancer Society in Second Life is known for always adapting to the changing needs in our virtual world. The latest evolution will change how we fight breast cancer in the Second Life. 

After several conversations with multiple volunteers and considering many options, the ACS leadership team is excited to announce a new “DIY campaign”  model that will offer opportunities for new and existing volunteers to support the ACS’s breast cancer mission by creating their own campaigns. 

The new model allows anyone to plan their own campaign, using existing American Cancer Society fundraising tools that are designated to fight breast cancer during the month of October. This is a great way for volunteers and advocates to think BIG! Within Second Life, there can be a multitude of major campaigns overlapping each other throughout the month of October, creating a movement across the grid where we attack breast cancer from every angle.

“Established events like Out Shop Cancer and the Making Strides Walk will continue and are examples of the types of fundraising campaigns that we hope to see more of, from various segments of the larger virtual universe,” says Stingray Raymaker, Sr. Consultant of Virtual Community Development. “We want every community in Second Life to feel like they can organize and lead their own campaign.”

Questions about Strides Campaigns or the American Cancer Society in Second Life can be directed to MamaP Alter, Trager Alter, or Nikki Mathieson. 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

GeekSpeak – what if we were the only life in the universe? Join the discusion July 13th at 12pm SLT

Let’s suppose we could somehow scientifically prove that there are no aliens in the rest of the universe?  Would we lose interest in space exploration?  Or would you try harder to explore the universe in order to establish new human colonies?

Would it be our duty to take life out into the galaxy?  Or would we see it as our duty to keep life on Earth forever?

What religious implications would such a discovery have?  Would we fly out into the galaxy to find out what we could learn?  Or stay here and keep safe?

What would you do? Go out and explore?  Or stay here and do the best you can?

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


The excitement was in the air on Sunday, as the 20 finalists of the LOOK of the YEAR competition met the 14 judges for the first time, during an elegant brunch at LUXE Paris and LUXE Dot Be.

Each finalist was invited on the stage to explain to the panel of judges why he or she would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris Women Fashion or LUXE Dot Be Men Fashion.

''We are looking for two ambassadors, a woman and a man, who distinguish themselves by the quality of their look and a powerful style and who will represent our brands with grace''. explain the three designers behind this contest, Mika Palmyra and Parisian Skytower of LUXE Paris, and Boniefacio of LUXE Dot Be.

After the speeches, the LOOK of the YEAR official photographer, Jack Rock, captured the unique style and beauty of each of the finalists and then, it was shopping time! Each finalist was allowed to choose 10 outfits, no charge, at LUXE Paris or LUXE Dot Be. That was fun and a really good way to achieve this day, which was the first event of the LOOK of the YEAR finale.


This Sunday, the finalists will finally hit the runway and show the judges their modeling skills as they will present the Happy Sunny Afternoon show.

This show combines two challenges. To start, the finalists will model swimsuits especially created for them by LUXE Paris and LUXE Dot Be, in the colors of their RL country flag. For the second challenge, the finalists have been asked to interpret the Happy Sunny Afternoon theme, to express, with their clothes and styling, ''la joie de vivre'' under a beautiful sunshine.

The third and last challenge, Romance at the Ritz in Paris, will take place on July 21th as the grand finale. We will then know who will be the next LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and the first LUXE Dot Be LOOK of the YEAR as it is the first time that the contest has a men category.


The new ambassadors will each win L$50,000 cash, one year of free shopping at LUXE Paris/LUXE Dot Be (a value of L$30 000), a fashion feature in the magazines ModeLS,  SL Confidencial, L'Amour Diversity and The Second Life Enquirer (a value of L$30 000),  a private dinner party for 20 at the Duplex Club (a value of L$5000), a scholarship at In-Nova Model Training (a value of L$4000), a gift card of L$3500 at ProPose, a gift card of L$3000 at Alma Makeup, a crown by Zuri Jewelry (a scepter for the man), a value of L$1500, an official picture by Jack Rock (a value of L$1000), an hour coaching with Ponchituti Boucher and a VIP invite to be part of AIM Modeling Agency.

The two runners up in each category will also share more than L$35,000 in prizes from the sponsors.

Staged and directed by Julia Brand, LUXE Paris COO, and presented at AIM brand new theater, the challenges-shows will unfortunately not be open to the public. The organization took this difficult decision in order to keep the lag as low as possible so finalists and judges can be at their best. However the LOOK of the YEAR grand finale will be broadcast live on YouTube! Keep an eye on The SL Enquirer to get the link to watch this thrilling event!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Staying Entertained While Traveling – A Guide for the Disabled

Not all disabilities are apparent to others, but for each person living with a disability, the experience is totally personal and unexplainable to the able-bodied. What this means is that you might not be able to tell that someone is visually impaired just by looking at them, but for the actual person with the disability, even they are going to have different experiences depending on where they are and who they are with. 
Taking the same route home every day helps the disabled to become comfortable and familiar with the area. By contrast, traveling comes with its own level of excitement and challenges. Whether you travel all the time or only on rare occasion, you need to learn how the disabled are traveling in style in 2019.

Taking What You Need to Stay Entertained 

By car, plane, bus, or train, people travel near and far, for business and for pleasure. As long as you won’t be operating a vehicle yourself, you will have a lot of time on your hands for fun and entertainment. Naturally, gaming fans need only a laptop, power source, and a stable internet connection. Portable charging stations as well as portable modems are suggested if you are going to be on a train or in a car. 
When it comes to flying, you have to consider what you can fit in your carry-on luggage. If you have any sort of equipment that you will have to take during your travels to accommodate your disability, then you will also have to account for the amount of room all of your belongings will take up. Your Wi-Fi connection might also be more stable if you are traveling by airplane, but also note that you won’t have internet access for the entire flight. Some bus companies also offer a Wi-Fi service and many have electrical outlets onboard, so this might be the preferred method of travel if you are intending on playing games.  

Making Travel Arrangements and Requesting Accommodations 

Whether you are going to have to go through security checkpoints at the airport, require special services for the hard of hearing, or need to bring a service dog onboard the train you will be traveling on, it is always best to make accommodations in advance. As a disabled person, you are federally protected and you cannot be discriminated against. The fact of the matter is that traveling can be a hassle. During the winter holidays, airports are packed and flights are regularly cancelled because of poor weather conditions. During the summer, you may not be able to find a car rental agency for miles with any availability. If you want the majority of your travel time to be dedicated to Second Life, then you should have all travel arrangements, special requests, and accommodations made several weeks beforehand. 

Preparing a Fallback Plan

You might have everything planned out and believe that you will be able to spend hours enjoying Second Life, but the fact remains that travel is a fickle beast. This is why a patient advocate can be the key to staying entertained while you travel. Patient advocates help to work the kinks out of any situation, including on flights and during international travels. You might also want to look at other forms of travel as a backup.

When you know that you are going to have lots of time available to really get into your Second Life character, you want to be disturbed as little as possible. This might be one of the biggest reasons why people seem to keep to themselves while they are on long flights or car trips. And for the disabled, a few extra plans might need to be made, but staying entertained during travel is also a great possibility.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

GeekSpeak – will humans have extra senses in the future? Join the discussion Saturday 6th July at 12pm SLT

Are we approaching a transhumanist future where we will have new senses?  Given DNA modification and technology, will we sense radiation, UV light, magnetic fields, the gravity of the moon?  Will our ordinary senses be enhanced so that we can navigate by means of sonar, slow down time so we can hear the songs of birds, smell as well as dogs?

A connection with AI will give us extra information.  At what point does the extra information become a true new sense?  Will we begin to be able to sense houses for sale, or sense how old our food is or sense if it is going to rain in a few seconds?

Do we need new senses? Do we want them?  What are the drawbacks? What will happen to the people who do not have the new senses? Will they be the ones that survive after sensemageddon?  Come and discuss your future self!

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for future subjects.

Friday, July 5, 2019







Club Amore

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


“I've been in the Navy all me bloomin' life, sir.
Me mother was a mermaid, me father was King Neptune.
I was born on the crest of a wave and rocked in the cradle of the deep.
Seaweed and barnacles are me clothes.
Every tooth in me head is a marlinspike; the hair on me head is hemp.
Every bone in me body is a spar, and when I spits, I spits tar!
I’se hard, I is, I am, I are!”

*And thus began my interview with Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Izzy Harcassle, Commander of the Second Life’s US Navy Second Fleet, homeported at  Naval Base Jeogeot Point. Along with his wife, Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Daniella Harcassle, Chief of 2nd Fleet Personnel, they have created one of the most amazing RP Sims on the entire Grid.

SL is a land bounded only by the creativity of its residents, and some of those residents create elaborate  Role Playing (RP) scenarios. One such group is the US Navy SecondLife.

Josh Bellic (JB):  Good Afternoon, Admiral.  Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today and share with our readers some of the wonders of the US Navy in Second Life. Please tell us how you came to be involved with US Navy SL?

 Admiral Harcassle (AH) : When I joined SL, I had no idea that there was a military roleplay community in-world. Forming this group, and watching it grow from its birth in 2013, is my way of continuing to serve. We have members who were in the RL service, and others who were not.  Our membership fluctuates depending on season, but we have a good core. We also collaborate with other Navy groups on SL like US 7th Fleet, who are a Vietnam War-era simulation. Currently, our basic training program at Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) Nautilus provides basic training to three Navy groups.  The 2nd Fleet trains enlisted recruits through Recruit Training Command (RTC) and qualified officer candidates through Officer Candidate School (OCS). Then we send them back to their fleets for duty.

JB: Excellent!  And how long are each of those courses?

AH:  Right now, recruit training is one week long, and officer school is four weeks long. One of the reasons training takes long is because we owe it to the RL Navy to be authentic. This means teaching civilians the basics of military customs and courtesies. Each prospective member needs to learn the basics of being a sailor.  This includes how to wear a uniform, when to salute and who to salute, and how to address their shipmates by name and rate.

JB: Something the RL Navy calls “Sailorization” is very much a part of your program then? 

AH: Yes it is, very much so. Because if you're not gonna try to be real, what's the point of wearing the uniform?  All I ask in return is that members *try*. Make an effort to be a part of the group. In return we provide everything they need.

JB:  So then, Admiral, what are the stated objectives of your group?

AH:  As you know, the United States Navy is all about maintaining a presence at sea.  On SL, this is primarily accomplished through surface warfare operations on both the Blake Sea and Jeogeot Gulf.
Furthermore, we have an extensive aviation program for prospective pilots, in addition to search and rescue. But I believe what we really strive for is the culture and experience of being in the military in general. This means living on base, interacting with your shipmates, in addition to your family.

JB: That is a very worthwhile goal, Admiral.

AH: We try! It's not always successful lol. Many people would rather just blow stuff up.

JB: Wellllllll...that can be fun too, can’t it?

AH: If you're looking for a group that's strictly about combat, then we may not be the group for you. We're not in the business of lying to people just to increase our numbers. We are more than happy to point you in the direction of one of the many combat groups in the SL Military community. 

AH:  Additionally, we hold many events for our members like balls and dances, movie nights, and memorial events on special occasions.  It's a part of my RL that I miss, so I try to share that experience with our members.

So there you have it, Folks.  If you were ever In the Navy, or if you wanted to get a taste of what life in the Navy might be like, information is available at the first URL below

Military entrance Processing Station (MEPS)  Naval Base Jeogeot Point

Flight Deck of the USS Kitty Hawk

* title correction 7/5/19

Monday, July 1, 2019


The tension mounts, the suspense builds! The 20 finalists are now known and ready to compete for the prestigious titles LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and LUXE Dot Be LOOK of the YEAR! Congratulations to AmandaDay, Anastasianin, Isabelle0583, Meishagirl, MelanyAguilera, OhPrincess, Quinte, Red Jess, Selene Snowpaw, Tryska Moon, Ahn Avion, Argyxia, Erick Naidoo, Frolic Mills, Maxtorfrisk, Micah, Nasao Elton, Richard De Grataine, Tiaz Esquire and Yeben!

These 10 women and 10 men are now entering the final race!

The new Ambassadors of LUXE Paris and LUXE Dot Be will be elected by a panel of 14 judges in the framework of three events: the Brunch of the judges where the finalists will be invited to explain why they would be good ambassadors, a presentation of casual clothes and swimsuits with the colors of their real country in the challenge-show Happy Sunny Day and a presentation of sophisticated clothes in the challenge-show Romance at the Ritz in Paris.


The judges will attribute a score to the finalists for each of those challenges and it is the total of those scores that will determine the winners. The last challenge, Romance at the Ritz, and the grand final will take place on July 21th.

The LOOK of the YEAR organization has received 229 submissions for the contest. The judges first selected 50 semi-finalists (25 women and 25 men) then the 20 finalists (10 women and 10 men). The jury evaluated the candidates by focusing on three main criteria: elegance, style and charisma. The same criteria will apply in the final challenges.


LUXE Paris Women Fashion and LUXE Dot Be Men Fashion are looking for two ambassadors, a woman and a man, who will distinguish themselves by the quality of their look and who will represent the brands gracefully.

Winners will each receive the grand sum of L$50,000 cash as well as numerous prizes offered by the sponsors.The finalists with the second and third highest scores in the Women and Men categories will also receive several gifts. In total, L$275,000 will be distributed in cash and gifts at the LOOK of the YEAR final.

Follow the suspense here in The SL Enquirer!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Imperial Arts Presents Love is. A Modern Japanese Ballet - June 29th at 5pm SLT

Love Is...complicated. Among the dancers of a humble ballet troupe, love is unrequited, freely given, heartbreaking, and joyful. Artfully blending together ballet and Japanese music, this contemporary ballet explores the varying emotions and definitions of love. 

Imperial Arts is an inclusive group which focuses on providing East Asian themed performances, educational opportunities, and cultural experiences for its residents and guests. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

GeekSpeak – what should we do with all the objects in space? Join the discussion Saturday 29th June at 12pm SLT

Would you like to hitch a ride on Oumuamua, the extra-solar traveller that stayed here for a short time?  Do you support Comet Interceptor, the ESA plan to be ready for the next interstellar visitor, so that we can gather information from it?  Who knows, some interstellar visitors may be alien drones.

Or would you like to capture an asteroid as JAXA plans to do?  To mine it, to understand it, to figure out how we could live in it. 

Or do you have wilder ideas about how to deal with the solar system?  A telescope on the far side of the moon, a gas station on Titan, an underwater restaurant on Pluto?  Come and tell us!  We are exploring the usefulness of our neighbours in the solar system.  Bring some mining equipment.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Join us at the Grand Opening of Rainier Gallery, a new art gallery featuring guest artists from around Second Life. -JUNE 26TH AT 6PM SLT

The event will take place on June 26th, 6 - 8 pm SLT.

We are very pleased to feature the works of Patrick Ireland, a photographer inspired by his experiences in world and out. His works evoke a sense of playfulness and wonder, abstractness and creative chaos, warmth and love. He captures the uniqueness that makes Second Life special.

Festivities will be held at Rainier Gallery along with dancing to the sounds of our very own DJ Gerry at Summit Nights next door.

Be sure to check out the unique and varied merchants at Summit Shops during your visit.  Special gifts will be available to those who attend.

We hope to see you there!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Come on over and see the newly renovated and relocated Willuna BDSM Resort and Danafor Entertainment.

Come on over and see the newly renovated and relocated Willuna BDSM Resort and Danafor Entertainment.

 With the move, we are focused on building a community of like minded individuals who like to enjoy themselves in SL in a drama free environment. For those looking for BDSM, we have a house filled with equipment of various natures and a teleport to a dungeon, if you feel like locking up your subs. 

For those who are just looking for somewhere to get away, we have an amazing day spa where you can come with a friend and be pampered for the day. Alternatively, you may want to enjoy a game or two. We offer a wide variety of games to play including a bowling alley. Don't see something you like? Send a message to management and we will look into it :) We look forward to seeing you all there :)

Looking for something to do? Visit LONDON CITY - Soho & Regent's Park

London City and official Community Gateway, with its 3500 unique visitors each and every day is one of the liveliest places you will ever find in Second Life.
Meet other people and take advantage of voice and take part in voice discussions and make new friends.

Try us out, but please keep yourself nice and be friendly with other guests.
For details see:

*SL Events

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Here they are! The fifth and last group of Semi-Finalists for the LOOK of the YEAR Contest! Congratulations to Meishagirl, Heart Koba, ShevarraVrinn, Liljaserrao, Arion Vella, Frolic Mills, Argyxia, Aldenix1, Nasao Elton and Perseo Nikolaidis!

We have now 50 Semi-Finalists (25 women and 25 men), chosen among 229 candidates. Therefore, the judges are ready to proceed to the selection of the 20 Finalists (10 women and 10 men), selection which will take place on June 30th.

The panel of 14 judges will reevaluate all the pictures of the Semi-Finalists for the selection of the Finalists, focusing on the style of the candidate, her or his elegance and charisma.The judges are commissioned to find two ambassadors who will represent LUXE Paris Women Fashion and LUXE Dot Be Men Fashion with grace and refinement.


The 20 Finalists will be invited to participate to three events which will determine the two winners. First, there will be the Brunch of the Judges where the Finalists will be asked to explain why they would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris or LUXE Dot Be. Then there will be two challenge-shows where they will have the opportunity to show their skills.

Those challenges-shows will be judged and it is the addition of the scores that will establish who will be the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and the LUXE Dot Be LOOK of the YEAR. The two winners will each win L$50,000 cash, one year of free shopping at LUXE Paris/ LUXE Dot Be (a value of L$30 000), a fashion feature in the magazines ModeLS,  SL Confidencial, L'Amour Diversity and The Second Life Enquirer (a value of L$30 000),  a private dinner party for 20 at the Duplex Club (a value of L$5000), a scholarship at In-Nova Model Training (a value of L$4000), a gift card of L$3500 at ProPose, a gift card of L$3000 at Alma Makeup, a crown by Zuri Jewelry (a scepter for the man), a value of L$1500, an official picture by Jack Rock (a value of L$1000), an hour coaching with Ponchituti Boucher and a VIP invite to be part of AIM Modeling Agency.

The two runners-up in the category Women and the two runners-up in the category Men will also receive prizes. In total, L$275,000 will be distributed in cash and prizes!

Follow the suspense here! The SL Enquirer will give you all the news!

LUXE Paris Women Fashion and LUXE Dot Be Men Fashion just released their new 2019 SUMMER collections!

 38 new items! Average price: only L$300 for an outfit! Gowns, swimwear, sundresses, bermudas, tunics... You will find everything for a super look for the sunny season! Standard avatars and mesh bodies sizes. Also have a look at LUXE Paris Outlet where all the outfits are L$50!!! THE deal of the grid in high fashion!


Summer is here and as every year we celebrate it with a party of particles and lights at the Theater On The Hill.

This Sunday day 23 at 1:00 pm slt.

Theatre On The Hill brings you fantastic stage performances in spectacular theatre show. Live shows, theatre, opera, classical music, film movie scenes, jazz,  musicals and cabaret.

RUGBY PLAYED WITH TUGBOATS! Join us at the Tugby field for fun on the water - June 23 at 11 am SLT

Use your rusty, smoke-belching, ancient tugboat to help your team maneuver the circular barge from the center line toward the opponents' line - just as you would with the ball in rugby or a puck in hockey. This IS a contact sport! We play every Sunday at 11am SLT and have a LOT of fun. Observation deck, good company, and good coffee in the clubhouse. Come on over and grab your free tugboat. Read more at

See you there!