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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Monday, May 28, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The 3rd annual NFMCPA Purple Ball

Preparations for this year’s Purple Ball formal are well underway!

2018 is starting off to be a great year! Break Beatz Entertainment and Ghost D
Productions of Second Life are proud to offer the Purple Ball for the 3rd consecutive
Year.  As we continue our campaign to bring awareness, understanding and support for
those who suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic pain, we thank you for your support.   

For the 3rd year in a row, we continue working closely with the National Fibromyalgia
and Chronic Pain Association (NFMCPA).   Our continued support helps ensure the
NFMCPA can endure in their advocacy and lobbying for more research and better
medications among other things.   This cause is very close to our hearts as we are
sufferers of both fibromyalgia and chronic pain as with a large population of the Second
Life community.  Every year we are blessed to get such positive feedback and outpouring
of love for friends and family members who are suffering.

The 2018 formal charity event will be held on Sunday, June 3rd, 2018, starting at 5pm slt.
This years entertainment will include music by DJ's MC Boogie, Ghost D, and DJ India, all
sufferers of fibromyalgia or chronic pain, and special live performances by Veronica
Weksler, Say Imamu, and Trinity Ermintrood aka "Bubbles".  
Sponsor Packages can be

100% of donations go to the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, a 501c3
not for profit organization.   Visit our website with proof of donations at:
Thank you again for your generous support and we look forward to seeing you at the
Purple Ball on June 3rd!

Thank you to the following sponsors:
Alpha Sigma Omega
Baby Bloom Maternity & Family Center
Delta Kappa Xi
Mynd & Body Fitness
Queen Lace
Secret Garden Productions
Sigma Gamma Sigma
Indulge Automotive
The Allen Community Real Estate
The Heights
GQ Motors
TGF Productions
Breakbeatz Radio

Shon Larsson

Break Beatz Entertainment 

The Best Place’s to shop in Second Life.. SLE Writer Review- DreamOfEssence Reporting...

Blueberry Store is always coming out with some thing new and exciting as you can keep up with her on Facebook. Blueberry does a lot of things from top’s to bottoms to night cloths to dress just about every thing.

If you were to want her  exclusive clothing then the best bet is to buy the fat pack that has every thing in it with the exclusive things others may not be able to buy at that moment. If you get the exclusive clothing then there thing’s in that pack others would love to have but can not get at the moment as I have said but it will look good on you to show off to your others friends.

EQUAL Store is always doing new things and alsoexclusive things that you will have to keep up on the event’s going on every month as some of it is very exclusive and can only be bought at event and then is never sold again on second life. With that being said then that will also make you exclusive as no one else will be able to buy it in second life in less they were at the event at the time it was being sold. We all know how hard it is to get in to an event also.

EQUAL doing things at the event is exciting as we all get to see the new things that she maybe coming out with if they are not exclusive and will be sold again at her store. From shopping with her I get to see all the new things and how realistic looking on some of her things. I say 100% of the things is a must have but we all love to shop.

Azuchi Is a upcoming store and is coming out with some really cool looking things and also has Role playing clothing for both new and old Body in Second life and has some new things at there shop.

Azuchi is also doing things at event’s and is doing thing’s that are exclusive also so if you do not make it there to the event then you will miss out on some of the really good things they have out that will not be in the store for sale and not be sold again.

The store has up to dates in the events that they will be doing and having things at. If you go to shop at there store right on the right hand side is the places to get the groups to keep up on there event’s and that month and date that they will be happening.

Blueberry Main Store



Blueberry Facebook

EQUAL Facebook

Azuchi Facebook

Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Balance Between Second Life and Real Life

SL is an escape from real life in many ways, a place where you can be whoever you choose, and do whatever you like. The appeal is undeniable, and there are an awful lot of folk about who feel the need to be part of a fantasy landscape rather than spending all their time in reality. Have you ever found the lines blurring? Do you sometimes forget what’s real and what’s SL? Or maybe you’re one of those fortunate souls who has successfully transferred an online relationship into a real-world friendship.
Meeting people in SL
With such a popular platform, there are literally millions of people that you could potentially make connections with. For a lot of players, drawing a line between SL and reality is how they feel most comfortable to be able to operate. But you never know when you might meet someone with whom you make a strong connection, and wish to spend time with outside the SLworld. It’s been known for weddings to have followed an introduction via SL, so there are some real fairy stories being born of the virtual world.
Keeping safe online
While you might feel like you’re getting to know someone really well online, never forget that until you see them for real, you can’t be sure if the relationship is one that can survive and flourish in reality. The basic rules of contacting people online apply here, so don’t share potentially sensitive or security-related personal data, including your location. You don’t want strangers turning up on your doorstep looking for the real-life version of your avatar! It’s inconvenient for a start, and there could be a danger if the person has malicious intentions. If you do wish to meet, make sure you’re in a public space, and you have a friend or two at the end of the phone who can help if you experience any problems. You also need to keep your IT systems safe from hackers and check who has access to your cloud-based files and information.
Who is behind the avatar?
A big part of the allure of SL is the fact that you can create whatever personality and physical appearance you like for your online persona. If you’re not like your avatar, it follows that most other players aren’t much like their avatars either. So you might find you’ve got an image of a perfect person in your mind, only to discover they are nothing like their real-life selves. That doesn’t mean you should make judgments on people, because getting to know someone and hitting it off is a wonderful thing, and should never be based solely on appearance. If you’ve spent enough time talking and interacting online, you should find you are suited to being friends in real life, and this could be a great way of meeting people who clearly have similar interests to you.
Second Life isn’t real life, and that’s what gives people the freedom and escapism to enjoy it so much. Transferring to real life can be a way to build up relationships with people you may not otherwise meet, so don’t be afraid to give it a go – just put your security first and try not to be too disappointed if it doesn’t work out.


Are you tired of the Dating Agencies that force you to join a group just to be there? What about the ones that allow people to be disrespectful on a constant basis? Well come on down to the new dating Agency in secondlife. Drawn To You Dating Agency is a new Dating Agency within SL where individuals can find their slmates, future partners and even those just wanting friends. We offer a fun environment for people to come and hang out. We have games, places to sit and talk, and beautiful landscaping. Our staff is ready to help you in all the ways we can so that you can find the best match for you. We are located on the beautiful Sim of Emerald Springs and cant wait to be the #1 Dating Agency in secondlife for all your dating needs and wants. We offer services to everyone in SL and hope that you will come out and visit us while enjoying the service that we offer. 

URL: secondlife:///app/group/58b40233-1a04-7b0b-7e1d-93291db6eb97/about
Preferred Contact Info: 
Owners Noahgage Resident & Xaoos Resident    
Manager: Olivia Rumble  

Please contact us through IM or notecard for any questions or issues

Rock Your Rack: Designer Registration Now Open!

Breast cancer is one of the leading health crises for women. 1 in 8 women, and an every increasing percentage of men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. There is currently no known cure for breast cancer, and its early diagnosis is critical to survival.

Models Giving Back is pleased to present Rock Your Rack, an annual fundraising event combining the best of SL Music and Fashion to support the work of breast cancer charities and raise awareness for early detection which is critical to a positive outcome for this devastating disease.

This year's event will support the National Breast Cancer Foundation which provides free mammograms, education, support and early detection services to anyone in need.  In 2017 we were happy to donate over $1200USD to this organization via Rock Your Rack 2017.

Events during the fundraiser include  fashion shows,live musical concerts, DJ dance parties, a 10L Hunt,  and an art exhibit and auction hosted by Windlight Magazine.  Designers will be providing exclusive and limited edition creations with 100% of the sales of those limited edition items going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation along with a fine selection of the newest and most popular designs. 

For a complete listing of events and more details on this year's event, please visit the website:

Designer Registration is now open.  Blogger, Artist and Musician Registration will open this summer via our website as well, so watch for details. 

Together we can make a difference!

About Models Giving Back

Models Giving Back is an agency of professional, certified SecondLife models who give of their time and talents to raise funds for legitimate and verified SL and RL charities. 

Models Giving Back was founded in October of 2012 by Jamee Sandalwood after a previous agency dedicated to charity work was forced to close due to the owner leaving SecondLife.  Jamee felt the work that was being done needed to be continued and set out to lead the models that were already a part of the former agency into new and bigger endeavors at the newly created Models Giving Back.

To date the agency has partnered with dozens of designers and provided models for runway, print and other functions that support charities around SL.

Rock Your Rack is the creation of Jamee Sandalwood and is owned exclusively by Models Giving Back in SecondLife.

Models Giving Back CEO:  Jamee Sandalwood
Models Giving Back Facebook Page:

About the National Breast Cancer Foundation

The National Breast Cancer Foundation was founded in 1991 by breast cancer survivor, Janelle Hail.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1980 at the age of 34.  At the time of her diagnosis, there was little information about the disease, and she was forced to make a decision about her health with few options.  After her treatment, Janelle made a commitment to help women around the world by educating them about breast cancer and the importance of early detection.  NBCF’s mission is to save lives through early detection and to provide mammograms for those in need.  This mission includes increasing awareness through education, providing diagnostic breast care services for those in need, and providing nurturing support services. 

Join the Discussion at Art and Science Collaborations, Inc Sunday May 27th at 10 am SLT

The regular monthly meeting of Art and Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)
will be held online, in Quat Gallery, on May 27th at 10 SLT, 1 pm
EDT. Topics for discussion:

Avatar X Prize?

Lunar Library?

Sailing to Proxima b ?

If we have time:

Will Trump fire NASA's new Head?

White holes?

Viral thinking?

Medieval proof of Planet 9?

We hope you can stop by to join the fun and share your Metaverse
experiences, along with your virtual gaming, computer geek adventures,
cyber art projects, and dorkbot stories.



Friday, May 25, 2018

R e g i & T y Y I f u : Creative, Diverse and Creations & Love- Seersha Heart Reporting...

                In January 2016 I visited LEA Eiffelicious to write a review for an arts magazine.  This build was the Eiffel Tower with two floors of art studios, first floor expansive club area and fantastic music.  The entire build was encased within a snow globe.  The day I landed there I was greeted with a superb dance mix of Blonde’s Heart of Glass.  The entire installation was built by one person.  It was artist and fashionista R e g i   Y i f u.  I also had the great fortune to meet both R e g i and T y.  Within a few moments of meeting them, it was obvious that they share an easy rapport.  They are two ends of a book shelf, working together.  Both Y i f u’s are extremely talented. Regi also DJs in world.  R e g i makes custom voice gestures
[like:Goodbye cruel world! I am leaving Second Life forever!!!!] and T y makes custom mesh lettering and logos.  These talents are but the tip of the iceberg named Y i f u.

    The most amazing fact to learn about this couple is that they have been together 6 ½ years now In a world where many romances can barely make a month, this is astounding.  Meeting this couple, you will completely understand how they made it so long.  I can easily see them together many more years.  Each has a phrase in their profile that is an accurate phrase to describe themselves.  For R e g I it is “I am a gregarious bohemian artist from Texas”.  For T y it is “Say hi or not, whatever. :P”.  And in a phrase, those are all you really need to know about each of them.  R e g i released a cookbook IRL titled “A Mouthful of Yum! Cookbook” and I am almost certain the name he chose is a double entendre.  He wrote, photographed and designed the book.  R e g i has an excellent eye for details so I expect this food to be delicious.  

Regi has attached a sex engine to these items:*dock * clam * cloud * drift wood * sand * chair * wall * sofa * picnic basket * sand dollar * knuddelfick lounger * twisted sofa * picnic table * pizza * mistletoe * screw * fortune cookie * pool table * car keys * buddy * inferno * pickle * matches * clock * bed * sex bomb * sex button*….and one called  *anywhere*
Let me share the thoughts of this power couple with you today:
Seersha Heart:    I am not going to start off by being cliché and asking you how succeeded in maintaining your relationship for 6 ½ years.  I will just say that it is fabulous, and I look forward to the party!  Congratulations gentlemen.  I do want the answer to one cliché question: Will you tell me the story of how the two of you originally came together?

Regi:I was building a club for Ty and his friend when we met, I loved his wit and charm and decided to keep him! lol

Ty: We actually FIRST met one night when he had an impromptu DJ set at 4am to try out some new tunes. I saw the notice and went because I was bored. He asked me where I was from and when I said Texas he got super excited and started passing me all his gestures that included the word TEXAS lol. The second time was a couple of months later when he built the club and we've been together ever since. He's a very special man, I'm so happy we found each other.

Seersha Heart:    Warehouse 69 is unique in many of the products it carries.  In common, each item has a name that leaves no doubt what the product is used for such as “[list including one I purchased called F##kin’ Get Nailed Anywhere HUD] Sex products with panache.  This store doesn’t carry many of the things you make.  What is your vision for Warehouse 69?  Is there another store?  Where are your products listed on Market Place?

Regi: We love making novelty sex engines like Sex Car Keys, Sex Cloud and Sex Grass to name a few, I also make cloths for the Aesthetic Mesh body. I make fun toys for all to share and custom gestures and DJ Drops and custom items like Cigarettes where the smoke spells your name.

Ty: All of our sex items are on MP under Regimade but a lot of the non- sex stuff Regi makes are given away for free. There's a freebie box at the
Warehouse 69 with a lot of stuff in it. We have some ideas for new sex items bouncing around, stay tuned!

Seersha Heart:  Car keys?  Pizza?  Fortune cookie?  What inspires such unusual sex devices?

Regi: We wanted to make some fun novelty type sex engines.

Seersha Heart:    I am happily aware that R e g i gives great gifts at parties.  I confess to loving the F##knKnuddelfick Lounger he shared at a birthday party!  The two of you throw the most fantastic parties down to the most intricate detail.  On New Year’s Eve you built NYC Times square.  Every detail was constructed from the marques on the faux buildings to the cars and the people in the street, including drunks and a limousine running over Santa.  What have you planned for your anniversary?  [Note Knuddlefick comes from German slang for Cuddle F##k]

Regi: Every year on our anniversary (this year is 7) we rent a sim and either use the TIME SQUARE set or I build a special build. Too early to know what we might come up with this year but I can assure you it will be awesome!!

Ty: We've played around with different ideas over the years but always seem to come back to Times Square. It's an iconic place for NYE and people really seem to enjoy it. So do we!

Seersha Heart:    The Times Square set is fantastic…all the details.  You also have a talent for picking relevant and snappy names.  The last part I attended was called ‘Bashiversary’.  You gave out some gestures in a phone booth with a passed out drunken woman at the floor of it.  Loved it!!  When did each of you begin building in SL?  I notice that Regi came to SL in 2007 and you Ty came a couple years later in 2010.  Do you or did you collaborate on builds?

Regi: I have been building things in SL since 2007 when I first entered this fabulous creative heaven I know as my second home! Typically, I build the larger builds by myself. But Ty is always there for suggestions and finding me anything I need on Marketplace! Ty manages the Regimade Light Gallery and if you have not seen that you should go right now!

Ty: I've built a few sets for Regi's rez day or birthday but he's really the builder of the family. He's able to spend much more time in SL than I am so he's all over it! I really enjoy making mesh logos. If anyone is interested in one they can contact me directly or submit a request through the website vendor at Warehouse 69.

Seersha Heart:    The readers love “how I came to SL” stories.  Will you share yours?

Regi: I was at dinner with friends one night and one of them mentioned he played this fun social game and I should give it a try....needless to say here I am 10 years later. #Addicted

Ty: Well, I blame my Second Life on tequila. I broke bones in both my feet and was sitting around bored as f*** then remembered seeing some story on tv about a Second Life singer. I tried it out not having a clue what to expect. It was kind of weird at first but then I met Regi and it all seemed to fall into place.

Seersha Heart:    Let’s talk about your gallery.  You like to play with light and lighting and you provide instructions for the viewer to set their Windlight.  I have seen a hologram picture floating around of Regi, and there seems to be a never-ending flow to the ideas.  Do both of you create the art displayed in the gallery?  Do you have a “fun” requirement when you are creating?

Regi: One-day Ty was showing me how projectors worked and I ran with it! lol I was curious if the images projected could be colored Red, Blue, and Green and then focused on the same spot would make a full color image just like on a TV, and it worked!!!! So, I built the gallery to showcase photographers from SL.

Ty: We like to display various photographers in the SL community. Some have never had an installation before and some have. We've both shown our own work in the past and are now focused on showcasing more of the extraordinary photography that comes from the Second Life community.

Seersha Heart:    Both of you are very active in SL’s gay men’s community.  Any words of wisdom for the new person to SL on how or where to contact this vibrant community?  Set phasers to pizzazz?

Regi: I would say enjoy everything SL has available. See amazing builds and meet wonderful people from all around the world! SL is always getting better so I just suggest getting out there and finding the things that make you happy while leaving any drama at the curb!!

Ty: I suggest just doing what I did. Search GAY and start sim hopping LOL. Eventually you find your people like I did.

Seersha Heart:    I enjoy speaking to the two of you.  You are both inspirations of the potential in SL for other residents.  Is there anything you would like the readers to know about you, your stores, your parties?

Regi: Well I am just a regular guy... feel free to ask question or just say hi!

Ty:  Just thank you to everyone for all their support through purchasing our sex items or coming to Regi's DJ sets. We truly appreciate it.
These are first run questions; I will probably have small follow ups after these are filled in…I am SO excited to have you in the SL Enquirer…and anything you think of A N Y T H I N G that you want to include that I left out…tell me…it is IN

Regi: Kiss kiss

Saoirse Heart:   Kiss kiss: 😉

                There is another stand out feature at Regi and Ty’s events.  Most of the men in attendance are gorgeous.  The detail to their avis to express their personal identity is the best I have seen in SL.  Regi and Ty are beautiful specimens as well.  If you haven’t checked out Warehouse 69, use the SURL below and go.  There is also a LM for the gallery.  I have been in a lot of galleries in SL.  Ty’s is a treat, a little edge, a lot of don’t miss….#FABULOUS

Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lovely Laura’s Weddings this week is featuring our sister Studio

. Our lovely photographer will give you a perfect, extraordinary, one of a kind photo. Where you ask…Bitter/Sweet Studio! Affordable, reliable and a fast production of pictures. Bitter/Sweet Photographer is Kyara Frost, she does all of our photo’s at Lovely Laura’s Weddings! Follow her on her flickr and Lovely Laura’s Weddings flickr.

Lovely Laura’s Weddings Info: Flickr:

Upcoming Event Schedule at Club Crescendo

Club Crescendo is SL's newest club! We offer a variety of music genres and welcome listener requests. Open on Friday May 4th, Saturday, and Sunday @ 6pm-12am! Come and join us for a time you won't forget! We also have store rentals and skyboxes! Our Sploder is loaded frequently with 500 Lindens of loving to make it even more fun!

6-8pm- DJ Nyte/Host Mischief
8-10pm- DJ Fhionn/Host Star

6-8 pm- DJ Gen/ Host Dani
8-10pm -DJ Kissa /Host Kimmy
10-12- DJ Mena / Host Dazy

6-8 - DJ Fhionn / Host Dazy
8-10- DJ Mena / Host Kimmy
10-12- DJ Chris / Host Robbey

6-8 DJ Nyte / Host Belle
8-10- DJ Cori / Host Robbey
10-12- DJ Chris/Host Star
Preferred Contact info: winniekim resident or Corialote Dougall

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Why every person should hunt at least once in their lives!

For many professional hunters, they’ve been hunting for as long as they can remember. Perhaps they developed the skill of hunting with their parents during summer break; or maybe developed an interest in it by watching a couple of YouTube videos online.
Whatever transformed them into highly skilled hunters, one will never know. However, one thing is for certain; from the first time they picked up that weapon and completed their first successful hunt, they were never the same.
So what transformed them? Well, it’s a mixture of thrill, excitement, and exhilaration. Unfortunately, for most of the people living in suburbia, they have been poisoned to believe that hunting is immoral and evil; an ancient practice that died with the modernization of man.
Sadly, most people confuse hunting with poaching. In fact, the US government even regulates hunting to ensure the safety and security of certain species when their numbers swell, and threaten to imbalance an entire ecosystem.
That being said, here are some great reasons why everyone should go hunting at least once in their lives!
Getting closer with the food
Ask any child in America where they get their food from, and they will immediately say that they get it from KFC, McDonald’s, or even the grocery store!
However, when one goes to hunt, they experience the hunting process from the first process to the last.
That includes everything from how to kill it (that includes whether the weapon of choice will be an arrow or a rifle), how to pack its body and carry it back to the house, and how to clean it before it becomes a nice warm meal!
While the thought of doing this might make some people sick to their stomach, it certainly helps others appreciate the complexities involved in getting a decent meal on the table (when the actual sense of it was not necessarily tied to money).
That being said, if one would like to learn more about hunting, then provides plenty of insight and knowledge.

Getting essential survival knowledge and skills
Does one know how to determine what animal is ahead, or track it just by looking at the footprints? Perhaps even layout a perfect trap to lure it out of its hiding place. This is the kind of knowledge that forefathers had, sans the luxuries of modern technology such as a stove or an oven.
When one goes on an extreme hunt, they reconnect with such ancient methods, and perhaps one of these days, they might come in handy.
One never knows the day that they get marooned on an island in the middle of nowhere, or get lost in the forest!
The Peace and serenity of the wilderness
Ever taken in a deep breath of fresh air free from the hassle and bustle of city life? Then there’s nothing sweeter than being miles away from the smell of gasoline, or the sound of cars racing by the freeway!
That’s exactly the pleasures of hunting. The soft chirping of birds, and breathtaking scenery!

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Many people need to look sleek while on a tight budget. You need to impress at work, or you’re going out on a date yet your account has recently taken a hit. The good news is that money is not always the trick to being stylish and fashionable. The trick to looking great is working to look unique even with a stringent budget. You don’t have to be late on rent or default on your loan repayment to upgrade your wardrobe. These 7 magic tricks can make you look like you order your clothes from a designer while in reality you are a cheapskate;
Tailor your clothes
Buying affordable clothes and tailoring them to fit can just work magic as well and make it look like a $400 piece from a designer. You don’t have to spend much to look stylish if you have a good tailor in your contact list.
Stay simple
Go for the simple stuff. The aim is to look stylish, not expensive. Those are two different things and one does not necessarily mean the other. Work on your whole look instead of one piece of cloth at a time. Instead of multiple bracelets on your wrist, just get one of your desired thickness. You can find hairstyles that go with your outfit on Smashing Tops.
Change your buttons
Buttons are accessories that can give your outfit an entirely different look. Consider replacing plastic buttons on your clothes with pearly, metallic or bone buttons. While you can get such classy buttons online, you can also rummage through your old clothes for some. No worries if you can’t stitch them yourself, some dry cleaners can do it for a few extra cash.
Go easy on the washing
It is good to be clean. Cleanliness makes you sociable. Washing your clothes every now and then however wears them down and fades away the colors. In the end, they end up looking old and cheaper than they actually are. Consider cleaning marks off your clothes with a sponge or toothbrush. For the sweaty smell, leaving it in the freezer over the night deals with the smell and it will be ready to be worn the next day.
Keep off distressed clothes
With the exception of ripped jeans, most distressed fabrics look like they are worn out and old. Whiskering and distressing are art and take time to perform to perfection so unless you have that time on your hands, don’t go for it. It is totally a no-no especially if the pieces of cloth are very cheap.
If it looks old, it’s old
If your piece of cloth looks faded and old, you will have little success transforming it to be stylish. Just ditch it. If a stain is stuck on it, if neither you nor your dry cleaner can get it off, just let it go. You can give it out as a donation. Chances are that other people will also notice the flaws too.
Steamers over iron boxes
Nobody wants to walk around in wrinkled clothes. Ironing is however such a hassle and most synthetics are not supposed to be ironed anyway. That’s why you should purchase a steamer instead. If you are on a wash-and-wear schedule, steam during the night and hang them in a room with the windows open. The cold air at night helps with lingering odors. Hanging your clothes in the bathroom while you take a shower is not steaming. Besides wasting water, the steam is not enough to deal with the tough wrinkles.