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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

To Catch A Spider... Jaded Exonar Reporting...

  Spider Designs has long been synonymous with quality and innovation-But what about the man behind the web? I managed to secure an invitation from Spider Carnot, to find out more.        ...

Monday, August 27, 2012


YEAH ! PURE STARDOM FOR YOUR LEGS !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Make your legs famous by wearing the stockings of BAX COEN DESIGNS !We proudly introduce BAX Hosiery the new Product Line at Bax Coen Designs.Continuing to Make Your Legs Famous, we present silky smooth Soft Shine Pantyhose and glamorous patterned Ornament Leggings without the dreadful texture clashing on the leg sides.11 pantyhose colors / transparency’s with optional...

Second Life Etiquette Part Two: What Does Your Profile Say About You? -Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

Pandora Drezelan For the second part of my series regarding Second Life etiquette I am going to talk about our profiles, what they say about us as people as well as general do's and don'ts. Our profiles are made up of twelve sections and this article is simply my opinion, so please feel free to leave your comments and views regarding the subject. ...

Spotlight on Marina Tigerfish, Owner of Marina Creation -Lanai Jarrico Reporting

  Second Life is a place to be creative, meet new people from all over the globe while taking a journey of self discovery in a virtual world. Marina Tigerfish is an SL resident that has found her place in the virtual world in the 4 years she has been here. She is a creator and designer with a passion for 80’s music, exploring beautiful landscapes and even hitting the virtual waves on her down time. When she is not working, Marina focuses...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's a Celebration of Life! You are invited to join Vanessa's Parfait Party

On September 1, 2012. Vanessa Taylor will be embarking on an adventure through Australia to find 48  awesome aussies to feature on her blog. It's not just any ol' blog or trip. It is a journal created to document her personal experiences, courage and the will she has to take life by the reins and find inspiration and encouragement through others and their stories.  Vanessa was...

Friday, August 24, 2012


LISTEN TO THE BOSL WEEKEND NEWS !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.BOSL WEEKEND NEWS! Mimi Juneau joins me this week to bring you all the cool things happening this weekend in Second Life!

Spotlight Feature: Meet Musician IceCremn Merlin Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

IceCremn Merlin Profile Image Music is a staple of Second Life entertainment., whether you are at a nightclub “breaking it down” to your favorite DJ or hitting the numerous venues to catch a performance, it should always be an enjoyable experience.Each SL Musician has their own style whether they are doing covers and writing their own tunes or playing requests and interacting with the audience on a stream. Artists can even perform...

Look very classy in ELEGANT STEPS of Gizza !

Look very classy in ELEGANT STEPS of Gizza !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Available in cream, pink, green and white !A must for every elegant woman in Minuet , Vanity hairskin: Jenny tan, Redgravemake up:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

OVER 100.000 views on my BLOG ! THANK YOU ALL !

OVER 100.000 views on my BLOG ! THANK YOU ALL !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.What's a blogger without readers? Right.... nothing :)Thank you all for following my blogs, my Flickr and

Monday, August 20, 2012

Interview With Pooky Amsterdam, Kate Fosk and Ricky Grove of Machinima Expo 2012

Recently, Ginette Pinazzo sat down with Ricky Grove, Kate Fosk and Pooky Ansterdam of Machinima Expo 2012 to discuss the upcoming event and some of the broader implications of machinima. ******* Ginette: Regarding the previous years of the show, can you give me short capsule descriptions of what those each were like? Notable changes as the show progressed through the years...

WIN Boxing Report: Stratten Secures Title Shot, International Games Matches Announced

WARRIOR INSTINCT SIM - On Sunday night at the Karine Koba Arena, Jimothy Stratten defeated Smash Lane and secured number one contender status for the Fever Lightweight Title. Following his win, newly minted number one contender Jimothy Stratten (r.) confronts current Fever Lightweight Champion Toni Daikon...


HE ASKED ME !!, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Christian Raven asked me to partner him when I came back after 10 days of vacation !I said yes of course, he's such a sweet and passionate man, I love him !(he has no idea what he's getting into... l...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

ProFashion Productions Presents VIRTUAL ASIA FASHION SHOW!


Friday, August 17, 2012


If you are looking to make some extra lindens without committing to a " full time job" in SL, become a freelance writer for the SL Enquirer! Enjoy the perks of  exploring Second Life's top locations and interviewing some movers and shakers that shape our virtual world.  Work at your pace and choose the jobs you want! It's as simple as checking out what's available on the assignment log, taking on the assignment and getting paid...

ARTS and LITERATURE: Let The "Bard" Times Roll!

There is nothing quite like an outdoor festival, even a virtual one!  Saturday and Sunday, August 18th and 19th will see the sandy shores of Mango in the Fruit Islands once again host Shakespeare and Shakespeare-inspired performances on the BARD ON THE VIRTUAL BEACH outdoor Festival Stage.  (Don't forget to wave at "Ismael" the whale, and bring something to feed "Yorrick" the pesky peacock).    Each day features different...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

LEVITY Magazine's Latest Issue -Angelina Lerintzo

 Open publication - Free publishing - More business LEVITY Magazine Volume 11 August 2012 If you are interested in an advertisement with LEVITY Magazine, visit or email Angelina Lerintzo to ...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How do you spend your lindens? Would you help a stranger in need?

Often time we take our real lives for granted as we wander around Second Life looking for adventures or an escape from reality, but unfortunately for some who come here, they have needs that none of us would ever know unless they come forward and are willing to share more about themselves. I personally don't know Roofus or Pan, but they are residents of our virtual world and need our help. I stumbled upon a venue that is holding a fundraiser...

Take your 2nd Life with you ANYWHERE on a USB stick!!!

 SOS streams are on a dedicated/full stereo server for only 400L per month!...

INTRODUCING SLoupon! Coming at the end of August 2012!

SLoupon... "Amazing Group Deals for your Second Life Exploration!" "Like" SLoupon on Facebook: What is SLoupo...

Real Life: Is your Health in Danger? Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Long term sitting in front of a computer screen playing Second Life can kill you! If this headline didn’t grab your attention, perhaps you could care less that something inside your body could be slowly building up a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) leading to a blood clot in your lungs, heart or brain also known as a pulmonary embolism. Most people that are aware of these dangers usually associate this threat with travellers on airplanes and...

8/14/12- Second Life's first set of advanced creator tools launched today!

Read more about i...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

SL Newser: "Jamm for Genes" Raises Over 300,000 Lindens

Last weekend, the "Jamm for Genes" event raised over 300,000 Lindens. From 10PM Thursday (Aug 2) to close to Midnight on Sunday evening (Aug 5), live musicians performed for the Australian charity at three different clubs, one at a time. On late Thursday, "Lacy's Place" in the Sasha sim started the action. Just as the events there began to wind down 22 hours later, at 8PM the musicians at "The Pocket" at Cassandra began playing. Read more ...

Friday, August 10, 2012


A friend of mine told me about the fishing craze sweeping through Second Life.  Not really being into fishing myself I thought I would investigate the fishing scene in SL.  There have been so many passing fads that boom and then fade but it appears that fishing is not one of them.  It transpires that fishing games have been with us in SL in various forms for a number of years now and as with everything it has evolved over that tim...

Dazzlers Rock at Motley Crue Concert!

              Come one and all!  A must see show featuring Motley Crue’s top songs!  The Dazzlers will dance alongside the “band” in this feast for eyes (and ears)!  Landmark: Kandi’s Rock Bar ...

Thursday, August 9, 2012


SUN....BEACH....BIKINI....BOOKS, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.I couldn't find people to carry my pc to the beach, so I'll be offline till the 19th of August!Behave while I'm gone LOLHave a nice Summer vacation all !For probs or info regarding Mimi's Choice, please contact Lili Ivanova or christianraven , t...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tres Beau Gets into the Vintage Fair Groove: Vintage Fair 2012 August 4th thru August 29th

Bird's eye view of the Vintage Fair 2012 Vintage Fair 2012Vintage Fair (from 4pm, Aug 4th – Aug 29th) is showcase 250+ brands each exploring inspiration from the vintage eras of 1920 – 1980. We will also be allowing ‘Antique’ fashions (pre 1920s). With new and exclusive items from every brand involved and music every day. A CHIC Management SL event held over 3 sims!  Image retrieved from Kimmera Madison's profile Kimmera...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

WIN Announces Third Annual International Games Tournament

WARRIOR INSTINCT SIM: WIN owner Cal Quan announced on Sunday night that entries were now being taken for the 2012 International Games boxing tournament, to be held on the sim. Participating boxers will represent the countries of their choice, and will compete for a grand prize of five thousand lindens, with lesser amounts for second and third places. The tournament is slated to begin on August 19th, with matches taking place during the regularly...

Sunday, August 5, 2012


MY HOME at IRISH ESTATES, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Perfect place to have meetings or an intimate dinner ....featured in BOSL MAGAZINE August 2012, pictures made by Morgana Nagorski, interview Lacy Muircastle. Thank you ladies and BOSL !! builder : Ericaanne Hastings, contact her...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Independent Ballet: Thank You SL Enquirer for All Your Support, and fo...

Independent Ballet: Thank You SL Enquirer for All Your Support, and fo...: ...and for the Popcorn! YUM!  The Audience gathering on the back lawn of the SL Enquirer Headquarters  We had a great time at the SL ... Check out some SLE Paparazzi shots taken of the performance!

Independent Ballet: Join Us at the SL Enquirer Media Center Today @ 2p...

Independent Ballet: Join Us at the SL Enquirer Media Center Today @ 2p...: There's GREAT News, and there's GOOD News! The Great News is that we are thrilled to be bck at the SL Enquirer Meda Center (And Chill L...

Friday, August 3, 2012

MIMI'S CHOICE in the Menstuff hunt 2012

MIMI'S CHOICE in the Menstuff hunt 2012, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Today started the new MENSTUFF hunt, gentlemen !Come get the group in my store and look for my gift too !The hint: "don't step on my red suede shoes..."picture by my friend Takeshi Ugajin TO MIMI'

Is Your Second Life Avatar Like Your Real Life Self? Pandora Drezelan Reporting…

I spoke with some friends;  Shon Charisma, BJayy Resident, SerenaKasumy Brongniart and Lanai Jarrico about our Second Life avatars and if they resemble our real life selves, this is what we came up with. Does your avatar look like your real life self...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

ProFashion Production Presents The Designs of Gabriel: Saturday August 4, 2012 @ 12pm slt

      PROFASHION PRODUCTIONS – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                    PROFASHION PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS          GABRIEL FASHION SHOW     SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 2012  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ...

AdMire 2012: August 3-5, 2012- (Adorable Mixed Realities) is a chance to join SL musicians for a weekend of music, laughter and mayhem in Heiloo, Holland

 Exclusively on a stage, high above 4 sims, we broadcast the AdMiRe gathering of 22 SL artists in RL, Heiloo, Netherlands. We are set to receive you with all the warmth of AdMiRe in a wonderful setting to listen to your favorite Dutch, Swedish, German, English and Belgian artists. Have a look at for a complete schedule of the performances. In RL we will beam the SL AdMiRe stage on the walls, so people attending...

Presenting a New Dance Performance by Independent Ballet: PETAH AND THE WOLF at The SL Enquirer Media Center Saturday August 4, 2012 2pm SLT.

Petah and the Wolf is a musical story of a small and fearless child who plays in the woods and is more than a match for the Big Bad Wolf! This story will take you back in time as you relive a childrens classic adventure.  Last year Independant Ballet Performed The Swan at the SL Enquirer. This year they are back to perform again! Mark your calendars for this very special date as they present their final performance...