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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

SPOTLIGHT ON the Original Marvel RP sim (Excelsior) and DC Universe RP - SLE Reporting…

In July,  the SL Enquirer’s Ops Manager Orion Baral celebrated his 15th rez day with a surprise Hulk Themed party right in the middle of Times Square, SL. Friends from far and near came in their best marvel costumes and were in for a wild show complete with humping pokemon, a broken ankle, and a lost contact lens. However, Melina Firehawk, Mankind Tracer, Terry’s Place’s DJ Ninja, and Lanai Jarrico made it possible.  The party was amazing!

For Marvel fans across the grid, this is one of the most detailed roleplaying experiences we’ve seen in a long time. Melina Firehawk and her team created a replica of Times Square on the original marvel Sim (Excelsior) as well as a DC Universe roleplay sim using the comic characters to tell stories based on the 616 Marvel Universe. We sat down with Melinda Firehawk to learn more about these two very popular RP experiences and how to get started.

Interview with Melinda Firehawk

SLE: Melina, first and foremost we want to thank you for allowing us to host a surprise party on your Sim. I asked for a Hulk Inspired theme and got more than I expected. It was a blast!  I’ve been to NYC plenty of times and I have to say the SL Times Square really looks like the real deal. How did you discover Second Life and what inspired you to get involved in Marvel RP in SL? 

Melina:  I discovered Second Life 16 years ago in July 2005.  At that time, I was part of an organization that focused mainly on traditional mediums of role-playing such as forums, AOL/AIM chat rooms, IRC, and email with a high concentration in Star Trek offerings.  They had a few other options that they branched out into including Stargate, Firefly, and Star Wars, but I was more of a PBeM (play by email) roleplayer.  I could not, for the life of me, keep up with the live-action role plays that took place in chat rooms like AOL/AIM and IRC, which at that time comprised the bulk of the roleplay opportunities the group offered.

That is until I came across Second Life.

I did some research on ways that I could improve with live-action roleplaying and that's how I came across Second Life.  I didn't join at first, but once I did I was hooked.  I not only found the old Star Trek Museum at Indigo, which had a Defiant that you could go into and roleplay in, but I learned how you could literally make your av look like anything, and do almost anything while interacting with others around the world.

Sadly, the founder of the group passed away suddenly so I was never able to fully propose the idea of Second Life to them as an option for a roleplay offering, but I stuck around and got involved with a few Star Trek groups in Second Life.

Even though I was doing Star Trek roleplaying, I was a huge Marvel fan ever since I was little and watched reruns of the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon on TV, as well as the early 80s shows like Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and others.  I got involved with the peace-keeping group, Justice League United, and that rekindled my interest in Marvel and DC.  I started searching for possible roleplay groups and sims within Second Life, but unfortunately, the character I really wanted was always filled.

The person who had the role eventually was willing to give it up so I could have a chance to play it out, and I've been part of the roleplay ever since.  At this point, I believe that I've been there for at least 7 years.

SLE: That is a dedication to Marvel RP. You have come a long way!  The beauty of Second Life is it can be anything you want it to be. Do you consider SL an extension of your real life or just a game?

Melina:  I kind of consider Second Life to be a hybrid that is both a game, but also an extension of my real life.

The hybrid is due to the fact that, as a game, I can exit out of it anytime I want to in order to focus on things in the real world like work, home repairs, and the like.  But once I'm in Second Life, it's definitely an extension of my real life as I've made friends that I'd never get the chance to meet without it.  Additionally, I'm able to participate in fundraising efforts like Relay for Life as I've had several family members who have had cancer.

SLE:  Great answer, it is like a hybrid of both. Can you tell our readers a bit about the original Marvel Sim and the DC Universe sims?

Melina:  The Original Marvel RP started in 2009 on a small plot of land using a skybox and a rezzer.  It eventually grew to occupy a full sim that was part of Aftermath, which had already offered a DC roleplay.  Leadership members came and went over the course of time, and the Marvel roleplay broke off to become independent and we've been on our own ever since.  When the DC roleplay at Aftermath took a hiatus for a while, we actually acquired a second sim and launched our own DC roleplay effort in 2015.

The Original Marvel RP, which won the 2015 Simming Prize, is based on the 616 Marvel comics universe.  Even though the MCU is extremely popular, by being comics based we're able to offer a much wider range of characters that haven't been seen in the movies or recent TV shows.  In the past, we normally did our own spin on the comic storylines, but after we saw what Marvel did with Civil War II and Hydra Cap, we decided to go in our own direction.  This gives us more freedom to integrate and keep elements like Parker Industries, or A-Force, even though they no longer appear within recent comics.

Our DC effort follows the comics, but we actually had a divergence in the timeline from the beginning of the sim.  We saw the changes that occurred during the New 52/Rebirth comics, and honestly, nobody was a fan of the highly unpopular alterations to various beloved characters.  We also didn't want to go with the DCEU since that effort has been filled with a few hits, but mainly misses.  Similar to Marvel, taking our own direction allows us to open up fan-favorite characters that people remember from the more popular comic titles in the past and avoid a lot of the changes that we didn't like.

SLE: I really like how you accessed the status of the role play and you took your own direction but still keeping true to the fan-favorite characters. Some people get confused about roleplaying. Can you define what it is and how people engage in it? Is Marvel RP  like being a hero in your own action movie or something more?

Melina:  We've all had books, comics, TV shows, and movies that we've enjoyed, and some people become big fans of the characters that appear in them.  But after that book or comic has ended its run, or the TV show or movie ends, then what?  Do they just fade into obscurity never to be seen or heard from again?  Or are they still out there, doing what comes next and continuing to embark on new pursuits, new adventures, etc?  The "what's next" part of it is what ultimately drives people to write fanfiction or create roleplays to immerse themselves in that environment . . . in the shoes of their favorite characters . . . to create all-new adventures. The difference between fanfiction and roleplay comes down to one very simple element. Interaction.

Fanfiction is normally the work of one person alone, wherewith roleplay you are doing the same thing with continuing the adventure of your favorite characters, putting yourself in their shoes, but you're doing it with someone else.  You're engaging them, and they are interacting with you, and together you are building an all-new story for the characters you love.  You can even create your own character to fit into the genre and interact with others who are playing your favorite characters on sim.

SLE: It is great that you offer the ability to role-play in these scenarios and if one particular character doesn’t fit into the role you want to role play you allow them to create one if it will fit into the Marvel or DC universe. In order to keep everyone on the same page, All roleplay sims should have a set of rules to prevent the storyline from going off-topic or griefed by trolls. What are your guidelines and how do you keep everyone participating safe, informed, and involved?

Melina:  Most of our rules are very common sense for not only the sim but also the roleplay itself.  Many elements of the rules regarding griefing, age, behavior, minimum clothing, etc are in line with the Linden Lab Terms of service so it's pretty self-explanatory.  Other rules are specific to the roleplay sim itself like rez and character limits in order to achieve fairness and spread things out so you don't have one person taking up so many prims that part of the sim gets returned or hogging more than one character from the same team.

We provide a link to our rules, which are in a Google Doc, in not only the notecard that has a bit of information about the sim but also at the top of the application itself.  From that point, we're on the honor system when it comes to our applicants.  We expect that, if they are interested in dedicating the time to write up an application and become part of the roleplay, they've taken the time to actually read the rules and understand them.

Members of our leadership are normally available through status boards in the landing area of each sim, plus our annex, for those that may have questions about the rules or our sims.  On top of that, not only we will monitor the sims at different times throughout the day to ensure that visitors are not violating any of the rules, but we also have members of leadership who participate within the scheduled roleplays who can react and prevent griefers from interfering.

If someone does violate the rules, in many cases we'll try to talk to them first.  Most are more than willing to stop any undesired behavior, but those who persist normally have action taken against them if they refuse to comply after repeated warnings.  In the rare event that someone intentionally griefs the sim, we do react quickly in order to remove them and minimize the impact on the region, but we'll also alert other sims that conduct superhero roleplays.  Griefers who are banned in one sim will often try again in another sim of the same genre so giving those sim owners a heads up can also help protect them as well.

SLE: It is unfortunate that you have to uphold the rules to protect against people that troll and grief and try to upset the role-playing. So tell our readers, due to time zones, it can be difficult to gather a group of roleplayers at one time. How often do characters come together for an RP session and approximately how long does it last?

Melina:  We try to schedule our bigger RP events on Tuesdays and Thursdays at a time that's reasonable for not only most of the US but also those who are in Europe as well.  We do understand if people have to bow out early or arrive late due to the time difference, even with the time that we normally schedule our RPs to be held.  Those sessions on average last about two hours, although sometimes it's gone much longer.

Additionally, we always encourage our members to check the group to see who's online and reach out within the group or via IM to engage in roleplay on an individual basis.

SLE:  Not everyone is born with the thespian bug and it can be a bit intimidating for starters. What advice would you recommend to help make the transition into the RP easier? How can they get started?

Melina:  The best approach to take is to look at it as a simply interaction.  We interact with people all the time . . . in the office, at school, our family, and our friends.  Roleplaying is the same . . . it's interaction with others who may be just as nervous or intimidated as you are, but the difference is that you are putting yourself in the shoes of your favorite character just as the others you are interacting with also are putting themselves in the shoes of their favorite characters.

Once you get approved with a character, you become part of our family, and like family, we try to look out for each other.  We're always willing to roleplay with anyone who wants to get help easing into it, whether it's one-on-one or in a small group before you participate in the larger group events.

SLE: We truly appreciate all that you do in Second Life to give people a place to Roleplay and allow people to bring out the inner hero or villain :) they have inside. Now, is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Melina:  In addition to roleplaying, we also have a Relay for Life team called Heroes Helping Heroes.  We invite anyone who wants to help us be a hero by supporting the real heroes fighting cancer and those who care for them.  Join us and participate in some of our events, or become part of the team and help us grow the impact we have by providing fun events for all Relayers to enjoy.

Additional information:

Original Marvel Sim SLURL:

Group (invite upon character approval):  secondlife:///app/group/07b3669a-5ee0-b9dd-3a99-0bbfff3550db/about



Cast List: 

Marvel Created Powers: 

DC Universe SLURL:

Group (invite upon character approval):  secondlife:///app/group/ba832b2a-c548-0913-43e1-91ca8e7fdbba/about



Cast List: 

DC Created Powers:

Preferred Contact: Melina Firehawk  secondlife:///app/agent/143318ce-1b9a-41ab-b99c-0c4e6a69fbde/about

MadCatCreations Boutique: Join Our Group! Get 15% off with Tag


Starting this August all group members get 15% off all regular price products. We also have introduced a Loyalty Rewards Program! Earn points while you shop and get free clothes! We have Men's and Women's unique textured clothing. Lots of cool stuff. Just enter the store and click on the Join Group Terminal... It is Free to Join!

Location -

Flickr -

Facebook -

Discord Server -

Monday, August 23, 2021

Charlie Don't Surf: A Visit To The Titan Surf Club- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...


Surfing is a glamorous sport. You play basketball on a square of concrete. Football, American or European, is played on an often muddy field. Boxing is done upon a sweaty patch of canvas. Skiing, which happens on a snowy mountain and is also glamorous, is freezing cold. Surfing is generally done where the sun is shining and the beach living is omnipresent. Unlike other sports, you could set out to go surfing, decide not to surf at the last second, and still have a wonderful day at the beach. Try that with, say, collegiate wrestling... you're sitting indoors on wooden bleachers around a bunch of smelly gym mats.

That's not a problem at the Titan Surf Club, which is the aesthetic opposite of collegiate wrestling. TSC has a tropical island setting. It looks very much like the shore of the island that Gilligan and the Skipper crashed the SS Minnow onto. If you go there alone, you stand a chance of eventually befriending a volleyball.

Of course, you aren't at TSC to talk to volleyballs, you're there to surf.

It's not that different from surfing in real life, other than you're not in the ocean, you don't need balance, you don't exercise skills, a shark can't eat you, you don't get wet, you don't have to hang around with Spicoli-type people, you won't drown... OK, it's very different from surfing in real life.

What you do is get a surfboard, hop onto it, paddle out, meet the waves (TSC has a perpetual swell coming in), and see what you can do with them. I don't really speak Surfer and will not be able to name the moves I was doing, but I'd go up on the lip, inside the tube, back out of it, and onto the beach. I'm don't know for sure if it is possible to wipe out, but I didn't wipe out, so I assume it is impossible.

There are only two waves at the sim, which is good in that they are always there and ready for surfing, but is bad in that a great part of surfing involves analyzing incoming swells, picking the right one, etc... but that is a small complaint. It is easily offset by "You can show up there and be surfing in 2 minutes, with no prep time at all." 

The waves are pretty cool in and of themselves. They never roll towards the beach, instead of staying in the same place. They do a neat job of simulating the wave breaking, so you can hit it with your surfboard and ride the lip or the tube. Other than aiming the camera as I was moving, I had no difficulty getting pictures of myself at the height of my ride. 

Someone should make a sim like Apocalypse Now, where you have to lead a helicopter attack on a Vietcong stronghold in order to take the beach to surf at. I'd do it myself, but I'm more of an Idea Girl and have little talent for building things. They should also make surfing sims with one really bad wave, 40 feet high, the kind that did in Patrick Swayze in Point Break.

I should add that I am a bit of a storm chaser in real life, although I chase ocean storms instead of tornadoes. Hurricane Henri just missed my state (Massachusetts) and I was too lazy to drive through a hurricane into Connecticut. So, I was in a bad state of mind when I went to check waves on SL, although Titan Surf Club stopped that well enough.

I apologize for wearing a one-piece swimsuit. I don't know how T&A alters my viewership. I work as a wrestler, and a lot of my swimwear is aimed more at the ring than at the beach. I may rock some side-boob in some shots, I'm not sure. "Properly utilizing your tits" never came up in Journalism school, although it probably should have. Maybe if I went to Barbizon...

Sunday, August 22, 2021



Powered by POSESION PRODUCTIONS (Owners of The Darkness Event, Jail Event, XXX Original Event, 101L Event, POSEvent,Golden days weekly sales, Pandora Fair, and AntiEvent). GLAMAZON - Boutique Event is a monthly event where you can find exclusively articles related about Glamour, Elegance, High Fashion... 40 exclusive designers will bring original creations each month. Fashion, cosmetics, accessories, and all related about High Fashion and Haute Couture!! August 23rd - September 16th Event Gallery : Taxi:

WebSite: Facebook : Flirck:

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Fairweather Farms Co-Op Market


Come shop for your Beyou needs and join our group for exclusive group events and sales.

We have produce, baked goods, oils, as well as places to increase your social, energy and free food for your wellness stats.

Rentals are available for Beyou and non Beyou renters. 1st-month special rates, see BJ Fairweather!

DFS Cannabis Brownies, Lollipops and Wine available

Alder Coffee, a place to hangout, get your coffee fix and just enjoy good conversation!

Enjoy fishing on the pier and take some selfies in the park!


Thursday, August 19, 2021

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 21st August at noon SLT: Is it time for a Technological Ecosystem?


Many people feel that humanity will not last for much longer.  What will replace us?  Should we plan for the future by making machines that can preserve the human spirit and knowledge?  Perhaps a virtual world that can show what life was like for us on Earth?  Or an ecosystem of robotic lifeforms that will outlast organic life?

Imagine alien visitors in the far future, or newly evolved intelligent species on Earth, or maybe our own descendants if our species does survive.  What should we make for them to find?  What will we put into the virtual world or the technological ecosystem?

Whatever we make, can it be preserved if the Earth goes greenhouse and heats up to 800 degrees Celsius?

Is this the way to keep humanity going? 

Come and discuss our technological future selves.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

August 22nd - Holly Giles and Zorch Boomhauer LIVE at Terry's Sunday Showcase


Join us on Sunday, August 22nd beginning at 4pm SLT for Terry's Sunday Showcase, sponsored by the SL Enquirer! This week's featured artist is Holly Giles! Hailing from Australia, Holly brings a fresh voice to the live music scene of Second Life. She finds joy in music that is not only felt by the listener but fuels each and every one of her performances.

Holly has a wide range in genres from Rock, pop, country from Lady Gaga, Adele, Brooks and Dunn, CCR, LeAnn Womack , Shania Twain  Stevie Nicks and a whole lot more! A long time promoter of the musical arts, she further enriches our world with her uniquely moving vocal range and passion.  

Coming up after Holly this week at 5pm SLT, our next featured artist is Zorch Boomhauer (aka Jack Kinagree)! Jack is truly the Renaissance rock/folk musician of our time. He is one of those special treasures that breathes quality deep emotion into music.

Jack is one of the most prolific songwriters of our time. His music is thought-provoking and his love songs make you want to fall in love all over again. Jack's musicianship is unique due to his original chord voicing and his guitar tuning. Not only is Jack original when he performs his own music, but he is completely authentic when he puts his spin on cover songs.

If you had to sum up Jack’s music in one sentence, he is
“The Pulse of Independent Music Today.”

Come support live music with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!!!


Welcome to Terry's Place, your friendly neighborhood pub where everyone knows your name! Home to some of the hottest DJs and live singers on the grid, there's a little something for everyone here at Terry's when you just need to get away from it all. Dance as we spin tunes for all walks of life, show off your talents at Open Mic every Friday, or enjoy a live concert out in the park at our Terry's Sunday Showcase!  With events now happening SIX nights a week, be yourself and escape the chains of real life with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!






Ninja (ninjaantwoord resident)


Performer Websites:

Holly Giles -

Zorch Boomhauer -

Sunday, August 15, 2021

SPOTLIGHT ON MYVIRTUALREALITYJOBS.- A New Breed of Professional Gamers - SLE Reporting


Second Life is a unique platform with countless places to explore with friends. What makes SL stand out from other virtual worlds is the active economy. Many creators do business in the virtual world and make a supplemental income working for themselves. 

If you are not a creator, there are still jobs available, like hosting and or managing venues, selling products and services for others, or even freelance “special services” but they pay in Linden currency that is so low, it isn’t considered a real-world livable wage job.

 Since Covid 19 lockdowns many jobs have turned remote with 80% of telecommuters experiencing less work-related stress. This is the perfect opportunity for Second Life residents who are retired, stay-at-home moms/dads, currently unemployed, or looking for some extra income due to the toll the lockdowns have taken on the workforce and those with health and safety concerns.

 MyvirtualRealityJobs is a real-world company brought into Second Life by Mr. Cortez looking to close the gap between virtual reality and reality with real job opportunities in IT and customer service that allows new hires to choose their weekly payment in Lindens or actual USD currency.

The SL Enquirer caught up with Mr. Cortez (kitila.cortes) to learn more about  MyvirtualRealityJobs, the job listings available, requirements, and how to apply.

Interview with Mr. Cortes

SLE: Thank you for meeting with us to talk about  MyvirtualRealityJobs.  This sounds like a unique job opportunity for residents in Second Life to do what they love and also work a real-life livable wage job on the grid. Can you give our readers some insight into you and your company?

Mr. Cortes - Based in the United States of America, but we are an international business that operates out of Canada and the UK currently. I have been in Second Life for nearly 14 years. The business joined this year. But I have been working off the grid, for five years to establish the enterprise. We want to create a new breed of professional gamers, and create a new industry in second life and create a platform that they can work from and make real-life livable wages.

SLE: People working in a virtual world and getting paid in Real Life is rather unheard of. Can you tell us how your company makes this happen?

Mr. Cortes:- Arise Solutions is our project partner that is seeking customer support reps and tech support from at-home employees around the United States and abroad. We utilize second life as a tool to connect various platforms within the world wide web to establish connections between businesses and employees.


SLE: As you know there are many scams that are happening with working from home and sometimes something “too good” to be true usually isn’t. I searched for your company website and was met with “Site can not be reached” Not that it is under maintenance as was once told. So tell the readers without a real-life website to be found to do any research how can you make potential employees believe in your company and this isn’t a scam?

Mr. Cortes: - The reason why the website is not public at the moment is that we want to control the flow of individuals inquiring about information about this project. It is easy to see how we can quickly be overwhelmed with the large volumes of inquiring individuals seeking employment. So we suggest and direct all individuals to our office staff and terminals. We want everything and everyone to come into our office and be guided by our staff on a one-on-one or small group basis to ensure the quality of both Arise and Employees and the customers being serviced maintains the highest standard for our industry.

SLE: We were informed that Myvirtualrealityjobs is a subcontracting company under Arise Solutions can you tell us what lines of business you are contracted to handle for them? 

Mr. Cortes: Customer Support and tech support are the main areas in which we seek to provide services. There are some accounting and financial programs but all programs offered to MyVirtualRealityJobs are at the discretion of the individual applying.

SLE: With the Pandemic still wreaking havoc on real-world jobs and many seeking employment remotely, this is a great opportunity you are offering residents in Second Life. Can you tell our readers why your company is focusing on virtual worlds to find employees and what type of positions are available and their requirements?

Mr. Cortes: We've actually been focused on virtual worlds since 2016 when the title Virtual Reality President became a thing for the Entropia Universe & we began the Virtual Reality Jobs in 2017 and campaigning for the VR President Position. We continued to work in Entropia only, until right before pre-covid, at which point we began looking into second life and are trying to be a multiplatform company, encouraging gamers to perform specific online and technical tasks at home. With the intention of creating a new breed of professional gamers.

SLE: Are you also employing people from any other Virtual World besides Second Life?

Mr. Cortes: - Entropia Universe, Star Citizen, however, Second Life is the only one that allows such open creative rights as a business. Which allows more of the funding to reach the players and employees working with MyVirtualRealityJobs.


SLE: From what we have been told your company will hire employees but they will need to file 1099 (if residing in the US) to claim taxes on their own. So they would be considered a subcontractor for your company. Is this true?

Mr. Cortes: - Correct, every individual is their own professional entity. Our goal is to create future business owners as an internal business project. We don't want to train future employees, we want to train future business owners.

SLE: Since this is a real-life job and a presence inside Second Life, is there anything particular the avies have to do while in Second Life to justify they are working or is it just a presence needed?

Mr. Cortes: - Playing Second Life is encouraged but not necessarily required. We just ask that you perform and act like a professional and we encourage you to come to hang out at our office with us, or somewhere in second life.

SLE: Where can interested residents go to apply?

Mr. Cortez: At our main office, one of the friendly support staff will help you along your way, and Pink Haven will help you with your application, followed by Kitila Cortes finishing the process personally, with you. The job itself does require real-life information, but we want to ensure those applying, that we do not see any of that information. We collect no RL information, we use a CSP ID number to Identify and connect all employees.

SLE: Thank you for sharing some very important and insightful information with our readers, is there anything else you would like to share?

Mr. Cortez:  Just visit our office, come talk to us and have fun.

Additional Information:

Pays up to 27kL$ a day or up to 135kL$ weekly!

MyVirtualRealityJob Main Office SLURL: 

Group: secondlife:///app/group/243655ce-4073-e683-8e77-fbca6262c21a/about


Facebook: Coming soon.


Preferred Contact: Come down to our Main Virtual office and fill out an application or message Pink Haven or Kitila Cortes in world for more information!

Fly Kugin Unveils Her Water Colors in Janus Gallery III


You are cordially invited to join us Sunday, August 22nd from 12pm-2pm slt for the opening of Fly Kugin’s new exhibit in Janus Gallery III entitled, "The Falling Leaves." Zachh Cale and Maximillion Kleene will perform live, making for a wonderful afternoon of art and music. And who knows... Maybe Fly will dual stream with them? We can’t wait to share it with you! Proceeds from art sales at this show will be donated to TEMA to help support relief from the terrible wildfires happening in Turkey. Each young tree costs 10 Turkish Liras which is about $1.90 USD. NEWS: TEMA: About Fly and this Exhibit: FLY KUGIN / ARTIST INFO -------------------------------- WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "All eyes look toward something, the beauty comes with how each of them sees it in a different way." [Fly K.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WATERCOLOR Fly Kugin began experimenting with the art of watercolor in June 2021. When she first tried out paints, she was attracted to the versatility of watercolors. "The Falling Leaves" her first watercolor series, showcases various pieces where she explores the medium as a beginner through the subject of flora. ✿ Van Gogh Watercolors & Brushes ✿ Winsor Newton Watercolors & Brushes ✿ Crayola Watercolor Pencils WATERCOLOR SAMPLES: As an amateur, Fly Kugin continues to draw and paint on her own with guidance from online resources. Drawing has become a pastime of increasing importance within her life.
