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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Interview With A New Avatar - Stacey Cardalines Reporting


I have a friend (RL) who is somewhat of a Luddite. He has no knowledge of computers. He isn't a dumb man, he just seems to have no desire to incorporate computers into his skill set. He reads a newspaper, he sends letters in envelopes with stamps and he stops at gas stations when he needs directions. That sounds like an odd life, but it is actually how everyone was living prior to computers becoming predominant in our lives. Kids today are practically born with a phone in their hands, and take to things like SL instinctively. Others, myself included, run into various bumps in the road as we negotiate the Land of Linden.

We were all new to SL once. You should have seen me when I was new. I was inept. I'd walk into walls, I couldn't dress myself, I was unable to sit on pose balls and I had no idea what things like Preferences, Inventory, Folders, and AOs were. There were similarly steep learning curves as I picked up hobbies, adopted mesh (I still think mesh is a scam), and interacted with people from different states and countries. I found my niche eventually- most of us do- but I always keep in mind how enormous and unknowable SL was to me when I was just starting out. I try in particular to remember it when I perv a profile at a sim I am at and see "Joined Today" in it.

One of my side jobs is Director of Scouting for a sports sim called Divas. Part of my job is helping to train new girls, to get them ready for the public shows which financially butter the bread for Divas. Almost all of the new girls are very nervous about performing in public, and I always tell them the same thing. "Every person in that audience was new once, they remember how it was, and they won't bat an eye at any mishaps or screw-ups you might walk into."

When I was just days old, I wandered into a strip bar. It was very dead there when I arrived, and the strippers were more conversational than they are when there are 20 men in the club, grabbing for their thighs. They figured out I was a noob ("noob" is short for "newbie," which is short for "someone who just started SL") even before looking at my profile. These were strippers, and some people think of strippers as evil deviants and temptresses, but they were also kind, helpful, and sympathetic. Four of them gathered around me, some spare merchandise/inventory was handed over and instructions were given. Their patience was remarkable, especially when I was too new to have money to tip them with. When they were done with me, I basically looked, in a 2008 way, the way I look now. I was still an SL klutz and totally ignorant, but I looked good, and that truly is half of the battle.

That was many moons ago, and I hop around SL effortlessly now. I'm hot as f*ck, I have a zillion cool dresses, I have a high-profile media job with an industry leader and I just sort of surf wherever the SL wave pushes me. I'm steppin' high and laughing easy. It's all good... but whenever I see a noob, I immediately think of those kind strippers who took pity on a dummy in a polka dot dress who fell off of the edge of the sim while they were talking to me. 

I don't think I'm keeping anything from Lanai, who is the SL Enquirer founder and my boss when I tell you all that I really don't look at the SL Enquirer Staff Assignment Log all that much. I'm eccentric, and usually, just wing my stories for you from whatever misadventures I get into while doing my thing. The SL Enquirer may have an office and it may not... but if it does, I have no idea where it is. I have an aversion to offices and office-type things like Staff Assignment Logs. If I have writer's block, however, I'll look in on the Log now and then. I did so today. I was thinking of those kind strippers when I jumped at the "Interview A New Avatar" article request in the SL Enquirer Staff Assignment Log. 

I needed to find myself a talkative Noob. I actually had no idea how to get back to the safe hub that all noobs are sent to when they start SL. I don't have any alts, and I was too ignorant to recall how I made my current av, so making a noob and going to the default safe hub that way was out of the question. The only way I know to get there is to get kicked out of another sim by an auto-eject, like when you think you are going to a shoe store you liked in 2014, but it is now someone's house and you get the boot like Italy. I checked my landmarks, and whoever got me to try out SL was smart enough to tell me "Save the landmarks." I had the safe hub landmarked. Off we go, to find a new person who speaks English.

(Stacey hunts for a while, cheats a bit...)

I met Lynne after failing to be able to communicate with a few Germans and getting denied by a few Americans who thought I was running a scam. Lynne was from Massachusetts, just like me, so I liked her instantly. Noobs now get better avs than I had access to back in the day- if you are good at spotting noobs, she's the 2021 Pretty Ginger model, with the bonnet. She is the model we used for this article's pictures. I threw her a few bucks for it and gave her a bunch of stuff. She was cool enough to chat with me for a while and allow the chat log to go to the SL Enquirer. 

Here goes...

STACEY: Welcome to Second Life, and thank you for agreeing to the interview.

LYNNE: It's my pleasure. I didn't think the first thing I'd do here is get interviewed.

S: I get 'em right off the boat.... so, what made you come to SL?

L: I used to play video games many years ago, and Second Life looked similar. I was curious to see how 15 years would affect the graphics and gameplay. I also was attracted to the social aspects.

S: You're just in the Safe Hub, most of SL is more impressive. I know you've only been on SL for a half hour or so, but how do you like it so far?

L: It looks very good. So do you. You're spectacular.

S: You speak words of Truth.

L: I move around pretty well. I prefer a keyboard to a Playstation controller.

S: Are you on a laptop or a desktop?

L: Desktop. Does that matter?

S: Older laptops can lag a bit. I freeze up all the time on my laptop, but it's from the Atari era.

L: So far so good for me. 

S: What are you looking to do on SL?

L: A lot of exploration. I want to learn how to do all of the simple stuff, then do some shopping. Once I'm comfortable with Second Life, maybe indulge a few interests.

S: Freebies. I lived off them before I worked for the newspaper. Remind me when we're done, I'll give you some links that may or may not still be active.

L: Thanks.

S: Tell me as much Age and Location as you are comfortable sharing with our 40,000 readers. "Location" can be "Europe" if you don't want to share out too much.

L: US, Arizona, grew up in Massachusetts, we can say "over 30" if that's close enough.

S: I live in Massachusetts, near Plymouth.

L: I grew up in Worcester. I went to H*ly N*me.

S: We played them. If you have an older sister, I may have beaten her at tennis. She might have a grudge, so don't bring that up. I started SL in my 30s, got to about 40, and have been regressing two years at once since. I should be an adolescent by 2027 or so.

L: You're pretty short. If you dressed baggier, you could pass as a teenager.

S: Yes, I'm... curvy. You can play around with your shape some on this game.

L: You did well.

S: I've spent a half-hour adjusting my thigh muscles before, but I have a side job as a dancer, and legs sort of make the girl in that field.

L: You work as a dancer? Do you strip?

S: I'm asking the questions here, sister :)

L: lol

S: I will say that there is a Tipping/Stripping causality pattern in that occupation to which true professionals must adhere to.

L: I'm going to need a job, can you recommend a place to dance at?

(hands her a landmark)

S: Ask for a guy named Abdullah Da Butcher, tell him I sent you. He may make you wait 30 days, lose the noob avatar. I'll give you some stuff, speed the process up.

L: Is my body stripper ready?

S: I don't know if you read Winnie The Pooh much, but you may need Tigger Bits. It's not hard to do, perhaps too easy.

L: If everyone is as weird as you, I'm going to enjoy this game.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

RelayStock & Bid The Lindens Bald Opens Friday May 14th

Multi-Team Relay For Life Event
Six teams of Lindens & Moles Compete to Save Their Hair
Limited Edition Bid The Lindens Bald Linden Bear
Live and DJ Entertainment
CRFB Top DJ Finals

It’s Back! The 8th Annual RelayStock Multi-Team event opens this Friday, May 14th. Relay For Life teams will once again hoist their banners above Hippie Vans and Tents as they gather together for the annual festival in support of the American Cancer Society.  

The three-day event also features the popular fundraiser Bid The Lindens Bald (BTLB).  In its 5th year, BTLB pits teams of Lindens and Moles who challenge each other to raise the most money to support Relay For Life.  ‘Bidding’ opens on Wednesday, May 12th, and concludes with a Haircut Party from Noon until 2pm on May 19th.  Governor Linden will oversee the haircuts, given to the team with the least amount in their kiosk.  That team will remain bald until SL18B in June.

A special commemorative, Limited Edition Linden Bear will be available for purchase during the weeklong event with all proceeds going to Relay For Life.

RelayStock and Bid The Lindens Bald is located at RelayStock 2021 adjacent to the American Cancer Society virtual office. Access to the Bidding area will open at 12 noon on Wednesday, May 12th and RelayStock opens on Friday, May 14th.

A limited number of tent and van sites are still available to Registered RFL of SL teams wishing to take part in RelayStock. Team Captains can visit for more information and apply for a site.


If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, wish to learn more about cancer screening. survivor and cancer services or want information about cancer,  the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life please visit,, call 800-227-2345, or visit the American Cancer Society region in Second Life.

Sunday, May 9, 2021



You are cordially invited to The 2021 SLAMMY AWARDS and Lanai Jarrico's 16th Rezzday Gala! 
 Hosted by The SL Enquirer. 

TIME: 1:00PM SLT- 4:30PM SLT
WHERE: The SL Enquirer Event Center

 Expect an evening of laughs and good times as you mix and mingle with the SLebrities of Second Life. This is a formal SLebrity event. Black Tie / Gown - Don’t forget to smile for the paparazzi!


1:00- 1:30 PM SLT-  Cocktail ½ hour with DJ Ninja

Black Tie Event


1:30-2:30- Pre Awards show performance by MANKIND TRACER
Be sure to work the room networking with SL's Elite. Don't forget to bring your business card and smile for the Paparazzi! Stop by the Raffle table for a chance at winning some great cash & prize giveaways.


The moment you all been waiting for! Take a seat after the fabulous performance because Orion Baral is about to embarrass himself as he presents the 2021 SLAMMY AWARDS!

 You are in for a unique award show back by popular demand. The SL Enquirer has been secretly taking names across the grid to present a very important award to unsuspecting special guests. Winners will be recognized for best dramatic performances in Second Life. It might be YOU so make sure you have your acceptance speech ready!

3:30- 4:30- Lanai’s 16th RezzDay Gala- Music by DJ Ninja

Terry's Place's very own DJ Ninja will host Lanai’s RezDay Gala with a mix of party music and good times and more importantly do not break a hip! Emergency Services will not be on site but paparazzi will be!  


Get here early because this event fills up fast!
RSVP Lanai Jarrico or Orion Baral by May 7th!

Your Limo Awaits


Blow the trumpets! Here is the second group of semi-finalists of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR style competition. Congratulations to IamZaaraKhan, Kendall Palmer, Laycie Pearl, Lenyasun, Stormy Spires Westerlow and Sylver Vendetta Lumeria.

These women of style are now in the race for the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the handsome sum of L $ 50,000 in cash!

Twelve semi-finalists have now been selected and the jury will select 18 more over the coming weeks, still at a rate of six per week. When we will have 30 semi-finalists, the jury will re-evaluate their photos and select 12 finalists. The great 12 will then be invited to showcase their skills at three live events in Second Life.

This competition is open to all women of style, professional models, beginners or aspirants. Candidates can submit photos for each week of selection as long as each of the photos presents a different LUXE Paris outfit. 


Remember: LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, a woman of style who will know how to represent the brand with grace and charisma.

Easy to participate: Put on a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, capture a photo, put your official name in the title and send FULL PERM to avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR. Gift for all participants!

This competition is a presentation of LUXE Paris, One On One Modeling Agency, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Womenstuff Group, Swank Event, Zuri Jewelry, Tone Makeup, In-Nova Modeling Academy, Bon Amour Hair, ProPose Modeling Poses and Villa Media.

More information at LUXE Paris main store (Bao/56/72/26) and at Participate | LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR

Friday, May 7, 2021

GeekSpeak – Will we be ruled by an AI in the future? Join the Discussion Saturday, May 8th at 12 pm SLT

Will an AI rule us?  Are we maybe ruled by an AI now?  Many government agencies already use AI in various forms so we are slowly moving towards AI rule.  Does the prospect reassure you or terrify you?

Will AI rule save us or destroy us?  Can we install some safeguards to protect us against evil AI rule?  Could there be AI elections?  Would we be safer if we could choose between AI systems?  If we don’t like being ruled by AI could there be any way back to the old system?

How will the AI rulers see us?  As children, as lower animals, as servants?

Will our future be Star Trek or 1984?   Come and discuss the Future.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

The Second Photography Fair: Photography in A Virtual World Fynnyus Resident Reporting

The Second Photography Fair has been up and running for about a week and will be open until May 14. The fair offers products, workshops, and entertainment of all kinds. For beginners or professionals, this unique event is a chance to see the latest in photography from vendors far and wide.

With this wonderful photography event happening, I thought I’d take a stab at an impossibly huge question: What is the nature of photography in a virtual setting? I take on this question fully knowing that it may have so many answers as to be uniquely answered by any person who has used the photography function in SL. Whatever you think of photography in SL, the popularity it holds in SL cannot be denied. Indeed, it seems that photography is a captivating activity for many in Second Life. As evidence of its popularity, a quick Google search using the keywords, “photography in Second Life” yields 2,540,000,000 results. True that not all of the Google sites would necessarily be relevant for this topic, but many would be. Anyway, back to my original question .

This question took me back to the origins of photography itself, which started in 1839. Since then, it seems everything under the sun has been photographed. Our insatiable desire to photograph the world around us taught new ways of seeing the world, gave a visual grammar for understanding visual images, and a code of ethics for producing and distributing them. Photography altered and enlarged our ideas of what is worth looking at and what we have the right to observe. It has been much the same for the history of photography in SL. 
Photography in the virtual setting makes us create art, memories, evidence that something happened, or monetary transactions. Indeed, the photographic features of Second Life is compelling in and of themselves and in-world events like the Second Photography Fair, help to illustrate the extensive nature of the virtual world photography phenomenon. 
I spoke with one of the primary creators of The Second Photography Fair, and Editor of FOCUS magazine, Angela Thespian, about her thoughts of photography in SL. Her passion for photography in SL is evident. Here is our edited conversation: 

ME:  What does photography in SL mean to you?

ANGELA: I'm not the best person to ask (actually she is the best person to ask), well . . . let me try . . . photography in SL, to me, is more than just an image that people create. I think that SL photography is an opportunity for people who don't have an artistic trade like playing music, writing, painting, drawings etc., to express themselves in an artful way. So, from that vantage point, the art means less to me, personally, than the people creating it. Art - in general - is art. There are millions of painters, sculptors, etc. There are very few who are ever recognized. Same in SL - there are so many who have honed their skills and come to fairs like this one to learn to make their art - their self-expression - better. They want to be special and recognized, and recognition is really the highest honor we can give an artist. It's like saying, "We see you and we approve of you and your effort." All human beings have a basic need to belong and to be liked. This is why I have created the magazine in SL too, and the group. The magazine is an honor -- not from me but from the thousands of people who "see" the featured artist and give them approval. What is very interesting to me is that most photographers say they create art for themselves and if other people like it, great, but they don't need others to like it.

ME: Do you think it gives people a new way to see and understand this place?

ANGELA: I think that Second Life is a place for people who are seeking. What we are seeking can be described differently, but basically, we are all human and, if you subscribe to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, most people have the ability to buy food and have family -- but they are missing the last three needs: friendship, respect from others or esteem, and self-actualization.

So, photography -- especially for the many, many thousands of people who take photos in SL -- photography is an accessible means so be seen, to be appreciated in all of the favs one can get on Flickr, to belong to a community, and to be creative even if a person lacks the ability to be creative in traditional means.

ME: What about the utilitarian features of photography in SL?

ANGELA: I imagine there are those who do want to document their time here. But they could do that with a simple snapshot. They don't have to be "a photographer."

ME: You distinguish between levels of photo-making?

ANGELA: Don't we all? There is a difference between the snapshot your grandmother took of you in your Halloween costume when you were a kid and Ansel Adams.

ME: True.

ANGELA: The utilitarian use that I see in SL photography is psychological. Look at my profile shot . . . I don't need to be smiling, or even be attractive. A utilitarian shot would be like a driver's license. My photo evokes an emotion, a judgment of the kind of person I am. People have said hello to me just from the fact of seeing it. if I had a driver's license photo (though I am also smiling in my DL photo) people may not bother because I don't evoke an emotion. SL photography is great for subjective appreciation of personal memory, or for a new way of fulfilling human psychological needs.

Indeed, photography is a powerful phenomenon in SL, even to the point of saving lives. A Second Life photographer is able to influence and shape their photographs in extreme ways and with more freedom than in the physical world. Likewise, a photograph can shape the photographer and his or her audience in powerful ways—psychological ways. Unusual viewpoints, strange angles, and digital capture methods are easily used to create other-worldly images. Software modifications, scripts, or other settings can change the weather and the light. Similarly, our lives can be changed, sometimes in unusual and wonderful ways by the photographic images created in this virtual world called Second Life. 

So, get your avie to the Photography Fair and explore the many vendor offerings and free gifts, or enjoy one of the many entertainment events going on at any given time of day. Use this landmark to get to the Photography Fair: 



Wednesday, May 5, 2021

What are 5 keys components in a Successful SL Business- Katrina Karsin Reporting...

 Business Plan Template - Elvaridah - Business Solutions Experts

Operating a business in life is hard especially trying to find a backer who will believe in your ideas and give you enough money to get off the ground.  We all know big banks usually shy away from small business loans even if you have thoroughly researched and have put together a well-thought-out business plan.  So just how do Second Life businesses succeed, do you have to have started when Second Life originally began, or can you start a business today?   I have interviewed three successful businesses who are willing to share their 5 keys components in a Successful SL Business.

To give you an idea of different types of business I have interviewed Chop Zuey jewelry store designer/owner Belle Roussel, a land rental company called Corel Estates by Kristaki Hudson CEO, and a car dealership called TX by Tech Robonaught designer/owner. All of these businesses have been in Second Life for more than five years.

Chop Zuey is a well-recognized couture jewelry brand that opened October 2, 2009 Belle Roussel ‘s story is interesting.

Katrina Karsin:  Welcome Belle it is so very nice to meet you, we know you are busy, and we appreciate you taking the time to sit with us.  Let’s begin with how did Chop Zuey come to floriation? 

Belle Roussel:  Back in 2009, I used to own clubs in SL, big clubs that were very successful.  When we had to close my last club down suddenly due to real life problems that my business partner was having at the time, I was left with many unemployed dancers.  These were people that had been with me for years -- loyal, hardworking, people, many good friends -- and I felt terrible about it.  They had no warning that we were closing; none of us did.   So, I decided I was going to open some kind of business that I could share with them to help them make money.  At the time I had no experience with building, I mean seriously, I could just about rez a prim.  And I don't know how I got Jewellery into my head, but I got to work immediately, and in two weeks, I had about 5 or 6 collections of jewelry done.  Thus, the birth of Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery.  I made it a franchise and gave it out to all my loyal and wonderful dancers who wanted to be part of it.  Some of them are still with me today working and making money with Chop Zuey.  I have since opened the Affiliate Program up to anyone in SL, and today Chop Zuey has almost 200 Franchisers.  It’s been a great experience all around and Chop Zuey is truly a family.

Katrina Karsin:  What do you believe are the five key components in a successful SL business?

Belle Roussel:  1. Relationships 2. Relationships 3. Relationships 4. Relationships 5. Relationships.

Did I say relationships?  Yes, this is the single most important element in any successful business.

The relations you make with others not only build the success of your business but defines the quality and purpose of that success.  I am proud of the fact that I have clients, co-workers, and associates that have been with me since Day 1!  That’s over 11 years in SL!

Of course, a little skill, hard work, passion, persistence, and vision go a long way as well!

Katrina Karsin:  If your customers need help, how do they contact you and/or your staff for advice?

Belle Roussel:  I try to remain as accessible to my Clients as possible.  Notecards are always best.

My Wonderful Chop Zuey Manager is Ludmilla Umarov and she is always available to help in any way she is able.

Katrina Karsin: What kind of marketing do you use to gain traffic?  For example:  Do you pay for space in a magazine or newspaper?  Are you in any discount groups like Saturday Sale?

Belle Roussel:  I do some events.  They change monthly. 

Katrina Karsin: Where or who do you draw your inspiration from for your designs and are some pieces personal to you?  Can you share the story behind it with us? 

Belle Roussel:  Ooh, everything you see in the showroom is personal to me!  All of it.  For example, 'Unrequited', 'Swimming with the Fishes', 'White Lies' & 'Black Lies' are all from The Love & Other Drugs Collection.  As you can see, I like to create thematic collections and when it comes to love you're never going to get it straight from me - there will always be a twist, a little bitter twist to make it more real.  My inspiration for this collection was to explore the other aspects of love.  The parts that are not always so pretty.  Also, to have some fun with that while still reminding us of the pain that is hiding not-to-far-below the surface of that initial infatuation, which blinds us at the beginning of most love stories.   

To always be aware of the mixed and sometimes conflicting emotions involved when it comes to love, and to put those elements into a design is a challenge, to say the least.  "Unrequited" for example, to me it looks almost like an Exaltation of the Spirit in a Body - like rays of light bursting thru the head reaching toward the heavens...The Kundalini surging thru the body desperately trying to return to its Source.  But then, on the other hand, you can also see the loneliness of the piece. How you can be separated or cut off or caged from the object of your love - or as the title of the piece suggests - to not have your love returned at all. 

Katrina Karsin:  What's the most challenging aspect of making superior jewelry pieces?

Belle Roussel:  I'd have to say getting out of your head and trying to connect to something greater than we are as individuals. Call it Cosmic Consciousness, call it your Muse, call it God.  Whatever it is, you must understand that we don't do anything alone and we are all connected to some greater power.   And the secret is, this Great Power loves to create things!  So, if you figure out how to tap into that, then your inner resources become endless and magnified greatly!

Katrina Karsin:  What, in your opinion, makes your jewelry stand out? 

Belle Roussel:  Really though, I don't think anyone would deny that Chop Zuey is a Fun, Sexy, and Sophisticated label.  I mean Chop Zuey is just Cool.  There's no denying it but that's on the surface. I think there is something unique about the Chop Zuey Brand and it does stand out.  Maybe it's about the relate-ability of the product. People have said to me they experience an emotional connection to something when they see Chop Zuey Jewellery. 

What I think makes it stand out... or what I would wish for is, that when people wear Chop Zuey, it somehow makes them feel that they belong to a family that supports and helps each other in every way possible.  It's truly been the relationships I've made along the way that have made Chop Zuey the success it is today.

Katrina Karsin:  What are your plans for the future?

Belle Roussel:  I think the question is, what are SL's plans for the future.  It has changed so much over recent years.  The mesh revolution has brought in a new level of designer with different priorities, and this has totally changed the dynamic of how we interact in SL.  Meaning, SL used to be about building up your group, your family, your relationships.  Now, it seems to be very much about the 'self'.  I see a lot of people much more isolated in SL and not focusing on others and the people in their SL life or how they might be able to serve others.  This is sad to me and I hope it will change for the better. But for me, I will continue to do what I love, whether in First Life, Second Life, Third Life... wherever.  I just feel Blessed for today. 




Next, we sit down with Kristaki Hudson CEO of Coral Estates who has been serving the SL community for 14 years!

Katrina Karsin:  What are 5 keys components in a Successful SL Business?

Kristaki Hudson:  Being fair to the customers which are choosing Coral Estates for their Second Life. 

Good pricing to make the land affordable and reachable to all. I have my own tier payment atm database and website with a virtual private server which is a good secure part for customers and serious. Having dedicated and talented Second Life Staff who can speak multiple languages.

Being in Second Life all these years has its advantages and listening to my residents who trusted in Coral Estates is very important to me. I also love to take pictures of the islands that I visit to put back land on sale or to visit see if all is fine so we post their creations on Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr, and let’s not forget our great website called

Katrina Karsin:  If your customers need help how do they contact you and/or your staff for advice?

Kristaki Hudson:  We have staff that has been with us for a long time who reply to our customers the same day they request anything.  Like Leah Chardin who has been with us for years.

Katrina Karsin:  What do you do with your store to keep people coming back?

Kristaki Hudson:  I keep it clean, no dust...:) a good design and we have a great marina with boat slips around in our sailing islands and the landlords’ tricks to have good traffic always and to be well listed on Second Life.

Katrina Karsin:  What kind of marketing do you use to gain traffic? 

Kristaki Hudson:  I do pay classifieds its a good Second Life Tool to use or also Contacts clients and more options that give the viewer from Linden lab.

For example:  Do you pay for space in a magazine or newspaper?  Are you in any discount groups like Saturday Sale?  Are you in any special shopping events like Uber? Do you collaborate with other designers in SL? 

I do sponsor events sometimes and in some places in Second Life or magazine yes always happy to share lindens in other places to promote and exchange marketing with others!

Katrina Karsin:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Kristaki Hudson:  Yes, for sure, I invite everyone who seeks great private residential islands with waterways to visit us and to popup in our office and visit the marina. And of course, if you are looking for great talented staff with the best prices in lands in Second Life from coral estates you found the right place for your Second Life. We also won an award which is shown in office for the best estate in Second Life. So, let’s maybe find you in Coral Estates!


Additional Information:

Group: Real Estates Rentals KH



Twitter: @KristakiH

Other: Flickr;


Preferred Contact: Whatever way is best for our potential client!


Online: Coral Estates <>

Coral Estates sailing islands:

The next business owner we sat down with is TECH (tech robonaught) of TX a car dealership that will help you build your own car and customize it to your specifications from the shell to driving it off the lot!

Katrina Karsin:  Hi Tech it is good to see you again today we are talking about what you believe to be the 5 key components of a successful SL business? 

TECH (tech robonaught): Second Life is a long game, not a short one I work at it 7 days a week - 6 to 16 hrs a day depending.  You have to invest the time to get the return, people want to talk to a live person, not a message board.

Katrina Karsin: I imagine just like in rl, we all hate auto messages when we need something.

TECH (tech robonaught): Exactly, I have had my builders build really nice cars but then they never stay online to demo them or answer questions, and ultimately, they end up going under because they don’t want to invest the time to network.

Katrina Karsin: Oh, so networking is key in SL?

TECH (tech robonaught): Yes, build a quality product and take time to network and talk to real people.  

Katrina Karsin: How long on average does it take from making a shell to scripting to helping someone build?

TECH (tech robonaught): A shell can take anywhere from 6 hours to 40 depends on the complexity of it - I can script one up fully in a few hours, teaching someone else we cover with notecards and instructional videos on all the primary parts and functions so, really all depends on the builder’s knowledge of basic building skills.

Katrina Karsin: I see so do you regularly send a person to places like Caledon to learn the basics of building in SL?

TECH (tech robonaught): I would love to do that, unfortunately, no, we end up teaching the basics as we go a lot of times.

Katrina Karsin: Do you find most of your customers come from referrals?

TECH (tech robonaught): Many do yes, unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of ad agencies in SL or promoters so, many customers come just saying they seen one of my cars somewhere or heard about the scripts and want to try them - we have Demos for all of that. So Pretty much anything you want to buy here your able to see and touch.

Katrina Karsin: Do you know of places in SL where people congregate and race each other?

TECH (tech robonaught): Yes, the sim butted up to ours is the Gearhead Car Club sim, they congregate there almost daily to race or just drive the various tracks they have constructed. I guess I would just like to stress to new builders to just have patience and realize it’s going to take time, I want to see each and every one of them are successful and will do all I can to help them do so and I'll continue to improve and offer new products so they can keep making great stuff to sell.

Website:  TX Gear Site and Support



There you have it five key components of running a successful Second Life business are very similar to real life!  You need to work and network, plot out your business goals and think outside the box at times.  Mainly realize it is a business and you need to be ready to invest your most precious commodity time.  Investing time, working long hours, and be willing to learn are all components of running a successful business!

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