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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

You are invited to celebrate with BlueMystique for her RL birthday party in Second Life.


Let's have some fun and get our roller skate groove on with the awesome DJ Christopher Coffee 



by Venus Amore, Paul Woodrunner, and Morganna Marenwolf

               "We will not be Mourning the loss of Heroes but celebrating that they lived." 

               The Bob Hope Theater at Copperhead Road

Starting Memorial Day Weekend, you will not want to miss this spectacular dedication on Saturday, May 29th at 6 pm SLT. "THE TOWER OF VOICES" will be brought to life by one of Second Life’s most revered and talented Particle Extraordinaire “Moondance Parx”. This EPIC LIGHT SHOW Co-Stars MC/DJ "Cordie" (Cordelia Cerise) Choreographer Specialist. 

You can witness this feeling of awe at "THE TOWER OF VOICES" replica in Second Life:

"THE TOWER OF VOICES" is a memorial dedicated to the 40 passengers and crew of flight 93. The TOWER OF VOICES is a 93-foot wind chime- each chime representing those brave people.  You are invited to come and explore this exhibit on your own during the weekend. There is no other tower like it in either 1st Life or 2nd Life worlds.

  “A Hero is someone who puts his/her own life at risk for the greater good of others!” 

                                                                                                                - Paul Woodrunner

The Tower Of Voices

Sunday, make time for our 4pm SLT Live Musician at the Tower!! JustinElias Anatra sings live songs from numerous genres and is respected as being one of the best singers to ever perform in SL.  Unlike many "live" singers, Justin engineers his own backtracks making his performances unique and original.  He has even been known to do creative "mash ups" on well-known tunes as well.  Come and join the event and bring your friends to enjoy what is always a memorable evening! 

This year the Memorial Day Weekend Tribute will be on Monday, May 31st, 2021 at 6pm SLT, "The Outsiders Memorial Day Tribute Show" will be performed by The Outsiders Dance Troupe with various acts created by individual choreographers in remembrance of all the brave soldiers who fought and sacrificed their lives for our FREEDOM. Their HONOR and DEDICATION to FREEDOM and the American Way is presented through Dance, Music, Choreography, and setting the ambiance.

The Outsiders Dance Troupe, formerly known as Fortunate Sons, originated in May of 2017. After two years on the road as a traveling troupe, they and their famous Bob Hope Theater finally returned home to Copperhead Road permanently. The Theater itself was created in 2019 by Paul Woodrunner, as a dedication and tribute to the late Bob Hope who devoted his time, kindness, and goodwill to entertain troops around the world. Every year, The Outsiders perform numerous dance events dedicated to our veterans, first responders, and heroes, who risk their lives for our freedom.

           "My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters, and members of our armed forces.

                  - Sidney Sheldon

Thank you in advance for joining us and supporting the creative community in Second Life who have come together to HONOR the lives of those people throughout time. People who laid down their lives to protect and serve humanity.

Monday, May 3, 2021


One of the really COOL things about working for SL Enquirer is that I get to travel this wonderful grid, exploring places I might not normally see. I get to go to new sims, and new regions.  I get to “seek out new life, and new civilizations…to BOLDLY GO where no man has gone before!..(Cue Star Trek intro music).   It was on just one such exploratory mission that I came across the lovely, the talented, the amazing…Ambrosia K. Windstorm.   Ambrosia is a live virtual jazz singer in Second Life.  How to describe her sound?   Start with a little Billie Holiday, add a smidge of Ella Fitzgerald, and top it off with a dollop of Whitney Houston….and there you have it.  Ambrosia!  It turns out, this stunning performer has been wowing audiences in both the RL and SL for years now.  With the use of my backstage pass, I was able to catch up with Ambrosia in between sets at “Branagh's Jazz Club”, where she graciously consented to answer some questions from her latest Fan.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic)  (JB):  Thanks for agreeing to speak with me and the readers of SL Enquirer, Ambrosia.  So tell me, please.  Just how long have you been singing?

Ambrosia Windstorm (AW):  I have been singing all of my life. I was raised in a very musical environment, from the classics of Motown and Jazz to Top 40 Pop and beyond. Doing talent showcases across my hometown also exposed me to Broadway musicals and I fell in love with those incredible songs.

JB:  How long have you and your SL husband known each other?

AW:  Rohan and I have known each other for almost 2 years.  It was a whirlwind romance and we will celebrate our 1st anniversary in June.  We have 2 beautiful daughters, Shantel and Monica and a son, Saint in SL, plus 2 cute adorable Zooby twins!  Now he is my business partner and Musical Director for our brand, Serenades by Ambrosia. Rohan is also a great Dancehall DJ and a very skilled vehicle maker.

JB:  Do you have a preferred genre?

AW:  It is so hard to choose! I feel very comfortable in Jazz and R&B but my tastes are evolutionary and expanding. Right now, I am working on some Jazz Fusion and throwback Disco!

JB:  You really do put a lot of yourself in your singing. Where do you get your inspiration?

AW:  God, Family, and Love.   I knew I wanted to sing when I realized that music is an emotional healer, not just for those listening, but for the singer as well.  Singing in the church provided me the opportunity to eventually tour with my choir for the Late Great Bishop. Rev. Timothy Wright and we were Grammy-nominated for Best Traditional Soul Gospel Album in 1998.

I started singing online about 20 years ago on a chat program called Paltalk and about 6 years ago in SL. I was encouraged by my Sapphire family, my soul sistah Jackie Lefko, who is also an amazing singer in both worlds and was featured in my 1st showcase for my SL brother Bryson Capalini in 2016.

JB:  When did you first want to become a singer?

AW: I was bitten by the stage bug really in high school. Doing talent shows and stage productions. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Mrs. Johnson, my 1st high school choir director. She challenged all of us to find our inner voice and absorb all kinds of music.

JB: Do you come from a Musical Family?

AW:  I was blessed to have parents that exposed me to a variety of genres growing up from Soul, R&B and Jazz to Rock, Pop and some Country.  My influences are Roberta Flack, Carole King, Whitney Houston and Stevie Wonder to name a few.

JB: You seem like quite the Renaissance Woman. What kinds of things have you done here in SL and where would you like to take your musical career in SL?

AW:  Growing, learning, and sharing.  I absolutely adore meeting new people and seeing the artistry of others.  Whether it's through singing, building, dancing, or drawing, I draw from the strength of others and am humbled by innovation and design.  I have had a talk show, written articles, and poetry, done charitable joint outreaches with RFL, Autism, Domestic Violence, and Lupus by lending my voice.  Now I have entered the world of SL photography and fashion blogging.

JB: What is your personal mission here? What motivates you to do what you do?

AW:  If there is a mission, it is to allow my music to be a conduit for joy, happiness, and change.  As a RL mom to a special needs adult daughter, I am inspired by her love and innocent spirit. SL allows me to extend and cultivate a social community that I would not have due to being a 24/7 caregiver and keeps me emotionally nurtured and grounded.

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? 

AW:  Just thank you to all of the wonderful people who come out to support me and especially the live music scene.  Thanks to KMM Music Management for keeping me sane out on the "road” and for all of their help and guidance. 

Serenades by Ambrosia was born out of a passion for giving back through song.  As for what the future holds?  I will navigate it one note at a time. :)

Ambrosia ♥

JB:  And lastly, Ambrosia, How can our readers find out where you are performing next?  I am sure many will want to hear you live and in concert.

AW:   Easy to do.  For a schedule of upcoming events, check out:

Google Calendar:

If any of your readers would like to book an event with me, please go to:

For Bookings:   

And for those who would just like to see some photos of what I do, check it out at:



So, there you have it, folks.  Looking for something different to do this week? Grab a friend or three and come check out Serenades by Ambrosia.  You will be sooooo glad you did!

Be there!  Aloha!


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Spotlight on Lo Bloch Management- Lo Bloch Management is not a “business”

“Lo Bloch Management is not a “business” it is simply an outlet that provides music line ups and gives you the best experience in having a successful live music event.

Lo Bloch and her team manage well-known musicians such as Skye Galaxy, Dexter Moore, Semina, Spiritled, and Shagpile Spyker. Unlike other musician management groups, Lo Bloch has created this company because of her love of music and she believes in the artist she manages and wants to share the gift of music with the world. The SL Enquirer caught up with Lo Bloch to learn more about LBM.

Interview with Lo Bloch

SLE: Lo Bloch, thank you for taking time today and sitting down with us. We would like to start off with an easy question. Just to break the ice. Can you tell us why and how you discovered Second Life. 

Lo Bloch: A friend of mine from out of town told me to download SecondLife so we could hang out.  She is actually the one who told me to use the name Bloch. So there are several of us Bloch's. We started hanging out at a region called Fire Beach.  Met a few people there. I swear I thought there were no other regions besides Fire Beach. Until I asked a guy what Stellllla meant on his head. He said it was a musician named Stella Silvanky. After a few months, he talked me into going to a show. I eventually learned how to search events and looked up Stella but ended up at Gina Stella's show. Gina fell in love with how I interacted with the crowd and asked me to help manage her... That is how it all started.....

SLE: When did you realize that a music management company was needed and what specifically gave you the intuition to create it?

Lo Bloch: Hmmm to be honest I do not remember when I created the company. I started out managing Gina Stella and Anek Fuchs. We added a few other musicians back then. But I really don't remember how it all happened. It was so long ago!

SLE: Your website mentions Lo Bloch Management is not a business. What is your company's objective and who is part of the team?

Lo Bloch: True, I do not consider myself a business. To me, a business means you are there to make money. I do not do this to make money. I do it because I believe in the artist and I want to share the gift of music with the world.  I have two people who help me out, Dara Cocaine & Aυяεlια Vσи Tяσυвlεѕ when real happens. I do not use hosts because I feel that if the venue has a host that is enough for a greeter. My managers will be there just to make sure all technical issues are taken care of.

SLE: Can you tell our readers what the musicians benefit from being part of your management company?

Lo Bloch: I believe everyone benefits from each other.  The energy and support for each other as a team is amazing. You can feel it during the full lineups where you get all the Lo Bloch Musicians. We call this The Bloch Party or you get 3 Musicians called the 3S. These have become popular events because you can feel the bond between all the musicians. So I guess that's the benefit you get from being part of Lo Bloch Management.

SLE: How do you go about getting musicians signed. Is there a process that you and your management team follow? 

Lo Bloch: The musicians that I have signed are people that I truly believe in their love for music. Before I commit I look at the hours they want to perform, how many shows they want to perform to make sure it works with my schedule. I do not like to book my musicians at the same time. So time zones also are a factor. Right now the scheduling is perfect and I rarely have musicians performing at the same times.  It happens.. but we work it out.

SLE: Does LBM promote any events, or is it just musicians scheduling? 

Lo Bloch: I do use Facebook to promote events. I am still learning Discord. Eventually, I will or should start using Discord!

SLE: The musicians you currently promote are well known. Can you share with our readers who they are and when they perform?

Lo Bloch: We have Shagpile Spyker from the UK, Dexter Moore from Australia, SEMINA from Sweden, SpiritLed from the East Coast, and Skye Galaxy from Texas. Most of them perform on the weekends. You can catch Dexter a few times on the weekdays. The best way to find out about shows is through my Facebook. Facebook: 

SLE: Do your musicians dual stream with each other?

Lo Bloch:  SEMINA and SpiritLed have dual streamed a few times. It was amazing... and heartfelt... I can't wait until they do it again!

SLE: Is there a group that our readers can join and be alerted to concerts and events?

Lo Bloch: The best way to see upcoming events is through my Facebook. Facebook:

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? 

Lo Bloch: Looking forward to seeing everyone at our shows!

SLE: If our readers want to see your clients do you have a venue that they play at or are they only able to see them at other venues?

Lo Bloch: We do not have our own venue. We have talked about getting a region together. So who knows. Maybe someday there will be a Bloch Head Region.

SLE: If venues wanted to hire your musicians how would they go about doing this?

Lo Bloch: They can contact me directly for booking information.

Additional Information:


Tour Line Up: 

SL Group:Lo Bloch Management 


Please send all inquiries to Lo Bloch outside of SL at:

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Spotlight on the “Attack of the Kevin” - Angelo Nova Reporting

Shining lights on recent events, I decided to investigate what many are calling “The Attack of the Kevin”, it has come to my attention through many different social platforms that there is a resident that goes by the name of kevin6510 (and many other combinations of 4 digit numbers after the name “Kevin”) who has been visiting different events around the grid for a very long time now. 

This resident is very straightforward and doesn’t take too long before dropping the message we all have come to learn and be aware of:

Many of us are aware that this is nothing more than a typical scam, a message that is sent to hundreds if not thousands of residents at once. I wanted to go further with this investigation, and try and see if I can better understand the inner workings of the mind of “The Kevin”. 

It didn’t take much research to come across this group on Facebook, called “Second Life Kevin” ( where many people seem to treat it as a sort of an “idol” and someone they look up to. Obviously, this is all in good irony, people use this group to expose such scams and people that use the same tactics to make a living on Second Life. 

It’s a very common scam that different residents have used over the years, and this person in particular, “The Kevin”, has been using this same method for many years, so obviously, there is something in it for him. 

Many event hosts and creators have started putting out signs that warn visitors about this sort of behavior as shown below:

We have gone ahead and sat down with one of the recent victims of the Kevin scam for an interview, to get their side of things.

SLE: When Kevin first came to you, were you just shopping? What happened?

RoyaleSun: Kevin usually IM's me.  He appears in popular women's wear shops and IM's everyone, I think.

SLE: That really sounds like Kevin, alright, and in regards to how he works, were you aware of the ways of “The Kevin” when this happened?

RoyaleSun: At first no....but after receiving the 2nd request, with a different name but the same photo, I caught on quickly.

SLE: Oh? Is that so? I’m very happy to hear, at least you didn’t fall for the trick! But tell me, how did you handle the situation?

RoyaleSun: I reported him to Linden Labs as is against the TOS to ask people for money.

SLE: You did right, unfortunately, it seems like he always manages to come back with a new account every few months, but tell me, now that you know what Kevin is about, are you a fan of his marvelous ways?

RoyaleSun: No Way!  Whoever is behind it obviously has nothing better to do than to try to scam people.

SLE: I certainly can understand your concern on this one, it really isn’t right to scam people like that... Since then have you come across any other residents using this method?

RoyaleSun: Yes there are several, but offhand I couldn't give you names.

SLE: Thank you, RoyaleSun for giving this brief interview, is there something else you would like to say to those reading?

RoyaleSun: Be smart, pay attention and never give anyone money!

You've read it all here folks! Don't give anyone money! Not even that person messaging you from a shady group wanting you to be their sugar daddy!

As you can see here, this person has decided to come forth and talk to us about how it felt to be “Kevin’ed” and help shine some light on this mystery, and help us better understand how the mind of Kevin works, and know more about this resident that has been haunting Second Life for years now… Is he even a bot?... Is he Human?

Many have claimed to have taken a picture with Kevin, but some disagree and claim that those pictures were made up and that in reality, Kevin is nothing more than a scripted agent, created by the wicked mind of an evil villain on Second Life, trying to make a quick buck by taking advantage of other residents, who are too naive to realize that a lot of people are also being messaged by this same evil mastermind. 

Unfortunately, at this time we were unable to get a response back from “The Kevin” himself, as it seems that the accounts he has been using for his wicked ways are all temporarily banned, once again, as it has been the case over the years, but this man does not quit, he is as persistent as they come, and he won’t stop until he gets those last 462L$ he needs to buy his Skin and Shape combo. 

Many over the years have pretended to be “The Kevin” himself and come forward, claiming it was all for a good cause, but unfortunately, they were never able to show proof of being the true mastermind behind the whole plan. Recently, a few rumors have been spreading, claiming that Kevin is Philip Linden himself, back from the dead and attempting to make back some money from the lost investment that was made in Project Sansar. 

But I guess we will never know, as the picture that is being used by “The Kevin” himself to represent himself on this virtual world seems to have been taken from a Google search of the most “Bro dudes” on the planet, a typical Chad, if I may say so myself.

Hopefully, one of these days we will be able to actually find the real Kevin and sit down for an interview with him, for your reading pleasure.

We conclude this article with one last question we want to ask all of you reading this article from the comfort of your own homes:

“hey nice new to this game and saved 238 of those linden things from a contest and trying to get this skin/shape combo for 700...I feel bad for asking but can you please lend me 462 so i can get it?...if not thats fine too...just seems nobody wants to help me out”

This has been Angelo Nova, with SL Enquirer and Kevin… you have been…EXPOSED.

URL: (

Group: (secondlife:///app/group/fcdf30be-adb4-40ab-a04a-37e5dadb4ee0/about)

Facebook: (


It's a go! The jury of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition has chosen the first group of 6 semi-finalists. Well done to Becky Kenaan, EleanorJean (EJ), HuniPet Delicioso, Jude Tatham, Lokia Float, and TaraAers!

These women of style are now in the race for the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the accompanying prize pool of L $ 50,000!

Your photo is not there? All is not lost! There will be four more semi-finalists selections in the coming weeks and you can submit as many photos as you want as long as they feature different LUXE Paris outfits and styling.

When the jury has selected 30 semi-finalists, it will then choose 12 grand finalists who will be invited to participate in three events that will determine the winner. First, there will be the Judges' Brunch in which each of the finalists will have to explain why they believe they have the assets to become LUXE Paris ambassador. This event will be followed by two challenge-shows in which the finalists will showcase their talent as a stylist and the quality of their presence on stage.


In addition to the L $ 50,000 in cash, the winner will also receive numerous gifts from the contest sponsors. The two runners up will for their part receive L $ 10,000 in cash each and also many gifts.

It is not necessary to be a professional model to participate since the One On One Agency and the In-Nova Academy will offer intensive training to finalists without experience. Certified models, for their part, will be entitled to the mentorship of the legendary Ponchituti Boucher, the one nicknamed `` the mother of all models ''.

So what are you waiting for? You may be the rare gem we are looking for! Easy to participate: Put on a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, capture a photo, put your official name in the title and send FULL PERM to avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR. Gift for all participants! More information on our website at LUXE Paris LOOK of the

Friday, April 30, 2021

GeekSpeak – The Future of our Food. Join the discussion on May 1st at 12pm SLT

This week we will discuss what our future meals will look like.  Will we eat meat grown from animal cells in big factories?  Will the various kinds of meat, steak, chops, sausages, be printed?  Will we also have 3d printed fish and eggs and cheese?

Will any farm animals still live on earth, outside of zoos? 

Will we all eat the same food everywhere on earth?  Or will local food, and meat from real animals, survive for the rich?  Will cooking, though no longer necessary, remain a hobby?

Will our food be policed, with some foods being banned for being too unhealthy? 

Will we still enjoy eating?  And what strange new foods will we eat?

Bring a knife and fork and all your hungry friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

BREAKING NEWS! Bella Bistro is Missing!


Usually its residents who go missing but this is just a shock! A whole restaurant is POOF gone without any warning or farewell, leaving residents stumped and forcing them to roll up at run down food trucks for a romantic date!

Bella Bistro was a staple in romantic dining in Second Life since 2009. According to a shocked resident that informed SLE, Bella Bistro has closed its doors, picked up its buildings and is gone! This restaurant was created by Sword Hammerer and Lucy Vacano (lucyangel.vacano) to fill the niche for a romantic dining for the second life residents. 

Situated on the shore of the Black Sea, this fine dining establishment gave residents a soothing coastal feel. It will surely be missed by many especially the OG Second Life residents that had many first dates there. 

The SL Enquirer reached out to Sword and Lucy but have not received a response. If you have any information about the disappearance of Bella Bistro contact us!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

May 2nd - Ziggy Sixpence and Oblee LIVE at Terry's Sunday Showcase


Join us on Sunday, May 2nd beginning at 2pm SLT for Terry's Sunday Showcase, sponsored by the SL Enquirer! This week's featured artist is Ziggy Sixpence! Debuting at Terry's this week, Ziggy is a passionate and talented Swedish born acoustic guitarist and vocalist with many years of live performing and an extensive song list. He has been singing soft rock and soft pop songs throughout his entire adult life.
Ziggy grew up being influenced by his older brother's love for hard rock bands such as Kiss, Metallica, Iron Maiden but he gravitated closer to softer bands like Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Toto, then progressed towards more pop and soft rock.

When you experience Ziggy's live acoustic performance, it's like he's singing directly to you. Join us for original music and your favorite soft rock and pop requests and dedications!  

Coming up after Ziggy this week at 3pm SLT is Oblee, a unique, one man, multi-instrumental musical act focused on original live music.  Most songs are centered around the guitar or some beatboxing, and a looper is often used to organize the composition.  There is an improvisational element to the music as well, with a different "remix" of the song coming each time.  

Everything that you hear with Oblee is performed live, with no pre-recorded elements used.  Unique versions of cover songs are played sometimes, too.  Instruments included in the mix are guitars, the mouth (beatboxing, fake trumpeting, various birdcalls, New Jersey-Style insults), bass guitar, vintage synthesizers, drumkit (real), piano, hammond organ, congas, bongos, djembes and a million little percussion instruments, didgeridoo, and an elk bugle.

With over 700 songs in the repertoire, Oblee can play for just about any crowd, however, the focus is usually on original music which is sort of a loopy, beat-boxey, indieish mix that you have to hear to define. The overall musical philosophy is that the song is the center of the universe.  While live looping and improvisational soloing are included, they are not the focus of the show.  The songs are succinct, catchy,  and usually 3-5 minutes in length.

Come support live music with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!!!


Welcome to Terry's Place, your friendly neighborhood pub where everyone knows your name! Home to some of the hottest DJ's and live singers on the grid, there's a little something for everyone here at Terry's when you just need to get away from it all. Dance as we spin tunes for all walks of life, show off your talents at Open Mic every Friday, or enjoy a live concert out in the park at our Terry's Sunday Showcase!  With events happening five nights a week, be yourself and escape the chains of real life with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!


Ninja (ninjaantwoord resident)

Performer Websites:

Ziggy Sixpence
