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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn... Escorting In SL- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

"I've always considered writing to be the most hateful kind of work. I suspect it's a bit like f*cking — which is fun only for amateurs. Old whores don't do much giggling. Nothing is fun when you have to do it — over and over, again and again — or else you'll be evicted, and that gets old." - Hunter S. Thompson


This is the first thing that should go through the mind of anyone who is thinking about life as an Escort. You will be stepping into a world of Rote Sexualization, and something that was once fireworks-in-the-sky awesome will be slowly ground down to you dressing as a cheerleader in a squalid motel room and sullenly climbing onto some ugly fat guy who is more than twice your age. You and he met five minutes ago, when he yelled "Hey, slut!" out of a car window. There's a reason this man is paying for sex, but there is also a reason you are taking payment for it. It's not for me to judge. I have some remarkably shameful things on my personal resume...


(lost in thought)


Sorry... where were we?


What I can do for you is get out on the street, talk to some escorts, and get some insight into just what this sort of life on SL entails. I can also try to find out, as the SLE Staff Assignment Log entry asks for this article, "Why would someone take it up?"


This article may be somewhat skewered demographically. I don't do much whoring, on either end of the transaction, and am not familiar with the processes of getting or being a prostitute. I have ideas where, while researching this article, I might find streetwalkers. I really don't have any idea at all where I may find a more high-end, organized pimping service where the girls have dental plans and 401Ks or screw Charlie Sheen. Therefore, we may get a more street-level view of the oldest profession, which is probably where someone thinking of taking up God's Greatest Game as a job or lifestyle is going to start off/end up anyhow.


Most of the girls who I found practicing this trade had an understandable desire to keep their names and faces out of this article. Even if the shoe fits, no one wants to be known as the girl who blew someone while sitting on a toilet. I shall respect that. That is why this article will be more me speaking of things in general, rather than me quoting the streetwalkers by name. No Van Morrison/Caravan outing in this column... "Sweet lady of the night, I shall reveal you!"


The pictures with this article are models posing as strumpets- I'm the brunette, the blonde is SL Enquirer model Courtney, the redhead is Divas dancer Lynda and none of us work as prostitutes- because the real deal girls are smart enough not to appear on camera. We're not listing any sim names which welcome prostitution, because at that point we become involved indirectly with pimping, and we're a family-friendly newspaper who really shouldn't be doing stuff like that. 


While the movies and TV shows may make Escorting seem like an exercise in Female Empowerment, the truth is a bit less Female Empowering. An escort is often someone who has no other options that he or she is aware of. Life deals us all a hand, and we have to make the most of the cards we draw. Sometimes that makes you the President of the USA, or sometimes it leads you to the No-Tell Motel. The devil, as they say, is in the details, and you should always read the small print.


On SL, it may be less tragic and more functional. This very reporter refuses to use a credit card to buy Lindens for a video game. I also have a job at this paper that pays my SL bills, and I have it because I have a talent for finding, investigating, interviewing and photographing SL stuff. I had a friend who knew Lanai, the boss of this paper, and I got a job. I had options when I started SL. Some people don't have journalistic skills, and employment is a hard thing to find on SL. You can only go so far with freebies, even if you shop like a MFer.


However, any girl who can make a pretty avatar and who can talk a good game has at least one option. It's nothing you'd brag about to Mother. "Mom, Dad, awesome news... I fellated three businessmen today!" It beats starving, but it's nothing that Mom is going to be bringing up at the PTA meeting.


The role play aspect is a strong motivating factor on SL. Face it, most of us have mundane lives. Get the kids off to school, do the laundry, vacuum, afternoon shift stocking paper towels at the grocery store, church on Sunday... one can understand how a woman with that RL might seek a bit more spice on when establishing a fantasy version of herself in a virtual world. A boring housewife can push a button and become a wild sexual icon with men all up and after her, throwing money. When I spoke of "no other options" earlier, I left out some things. Some people do Escorting just for the role play aspect of it. 


Once you perform the moral gymnastics necessary to start off in the business, the money is OK. You can buy a new dress, some nice shoes, go out shopping with friends... like a normal person. Just when your normal friends are reaching for their credit cards to get the funding for a new hat, you need not do so. You've paid the piper in a different manner, with a special kind of currency. Your friends need not know a thing. As this column frequently advises our readers, "Do your dirt by your lonesome."


One of the hookers and I got to talking about regular stuff, and we found out that we had the same mesh body. We got it at the same store, roughly about the same time, and paid the same amount for it. I work as a journalist, and I have a side job as a professional wrestler. She's a prostitute. To get myself meshed, I had to research and write 3 lengthy articles for Lanai, and also had to fight a really mean Czech girl at a Saturday afternoon arena show. I got held upside down, then driven down on my head until I was unconscious. For three days after, I was unable- even with prompting- to remember my own birthday or middle name. That's how I was able to buy my mesh shape. The escort? "One word, lady... bukake. Three Japanese guys. It took seven minutes. I was at the Maitreya store a half hour later."


A lot of the hazards associated with RL escorting do not apply to SL. I don't think that you can be arrested for hooking on SL, unless you go to some heroic lengths. You can't catch any diseases from sex on SL, at least not physical ones. Escorting on SL is not like Grand Theft Auto. You can't have your fun with a lady of the evening, then hit her with a flamethrower and get your money back. That doesn't mean that someone won't try...but you will not fall victim to the Long Island Serial Killer or the New Bedford Serial Killer on SL, unless it is part of the role play. You're probably not going to end up marrying Richard Gere either, but if the risk is low, why not shoot for a high reward?


There are various sims devoted to attracting streetwalkers, and the men who love them. Most of them are seedy, by design. Sim owners sort of aim towards a stereotype when trying to attract a niche business, and the sims reflect it. If you are hunting for a hooker, you probably want to focus on shadowy, urban sims more than trying to get a Happy Happy in a small town that looks like it drifted out of a Norman Rockwell painting. I can not recall a single episode of The Andy Griffith Show where Andy and Barney had to kick a couple of prostitutes in the ass to get them off the corner in Mayberry.


My research did lead me to learn that high end girls operate out of private clubs, usually classier strip clubs or BDSM sims. Group membership often involves an annual fee, and the girls are battle-tested and runway-ready. You can't just walk in off the street with a noob av and work at these places, even if you can write sex better than that Fifty Shades Of Grey author. These places often have a sort of House Mother who makes the girls look like the club and customers want them to look like. Hell, when I was a cheerleader, I was given a ton of gear and outfits, and we weren't f*cking anyone. A brothel will often spare no expense to have very well-made girls, and the expense is not the only thing passed along to the customer. 


I should add that the Grand Slam Breakfast on this topic of SL Escorting would be someone who uses SL to set up RL prostitution interactions. I'm no lawyer, but my guess is that this is highly illegal, perhaps even on a Federal, interstate level. I didn't find any of those kind of girls in my research, but the day ain't over yet.


In the end, it matters very little how one practices her craft. Whether you are laying on silk sheets at the Playboy mansion or sucking/f*cking/long haul trucking through a series of shoddy hotel rooms, you are all sisters in a special club, one that goes back to Neanderthal times. After overcoming a few language-based difficulties, you could talk shop with a girl holding the same job in 200 BC Mesopotamia and basically be telling each other the same story. Life is funny that way. 

Spotlight on Bryn Oh A Legend in the Second Life Art Community

It is an absolute pleasure to introduce you to Bryn Oh. Bryn Oh is the ghost artist of a Toronto oil painter. Her interest in virtual worlds began with an attempt to create an artist unaligned with an RL identity. The idea was to see if a pixel character could become successful and accepted as an artist in "real life" alongside flesh and blood ones. SLE was lucky enough to get some time with Bryn for an exclusive interview.

SLE:  Thank you for meeting with us for an interview. We understand you are busy and really appreciate the time to let our readers get to know more about you and your work.  

Bryn Oh: My pleasure.

SLE: Ok then, let's start out with the obvious facts. You obviously have a long list of accolades and accomplishments in real life as a well-accomplished artist with degrees in Fine Art and Design, being a recipient of the George A Reid award for painting. Can you tell us a little bit about your art background and what medium of art do you like the most?

Bryn Oh: I grew up loving art but my father, whose views were shaped from being an orphan, had the belief that art was a hobby and that I must have a stable job with a good income.   I ended up going to university for psychology and one day a roommate said to me “Why do you go to class then when you return home immediately go paint all night? Why didn’t you go to art school?”  And I had no answer to that and decided to apply to Canada’s top art school, and if I got accepted I would drop out of university and go there instead.  I was accepted and to the horror of my parents, I began the long road to being an artist.  After four years at OCAD I entered the world as an artist and immediately realized that I couldn’t pay rent.  So, freaking out,  I went back to school to learn computer animation and a program called Softimage XSI and Zbrush.  After this schooling, I had no idea what to do, but as fortune would have it I became represented by an art gallery in Toronto and spent years as an oil painter having a few exhibits a year and living off my paintings. Then one day I read an article about a virtual world where someone bought a condominium for $200,000 USD.  I felt this was insane and had to log into this world called Second Life and see what a virtual condominium was.. I have swept away with this virtual world and realized that the virtual medium was the medium of art for me.  It was not a snapshot in time such as a painting, nor was it like cinema where you are told a story but are a passive observer. This medium lets us be active participants in the artwork in an open-ended environment. And as it turned out the perfect combination of learning traditional art concepts combined with learning 3D computer programs set me up to thrive in Second Life. Personally, there is not a medium I enjoy most, I love drawing and painting and having something physical in my hands, but at the same time I love the idea of working on an emerging art medium or movement. There were the Impressionists, Cubists, Surrealists, Fauvists, and many more over art history.. and it's possible that I could be part of one I call the Immersivists and that, to me, is a rare and exciting opportunity as one of the first artists.

SLE: So great to hear you get your talents from your family, I love hearing that. Tell me, Second Life is the perfect platform to display your artistic skills and share them with a global audience. Can you tell me how Second Life impacted your real-life art career? 

Bryn Oh: Well so for example. When I would have an art exhibit with my paintings in real life, I would have two openings a year. At these openings there might be 300 – 400 visitors and each drinking wine with their backs to the paintings looking at each other.  This night was important as many of the sales happen then. People still come over the rest of the month, but that first night is very important.  I have had openings where there were snow storms and once a tornado threat, and it can be quite stressful to work for six months on a show and need it to do well because there are hundreds of other artists who would love to take your spot at the gallery, and then have a storm keeps people away.  To compare, when I open an exhibit for my work in Second Life there often will be 40,000 visitors from around the world to see it over the course of the exhibit, not local Toronto people.  The weather doesn’t matter and often opportunities arise such as interviews with Vogue or Museum exhibitions, even a course created around my artwork being taught in a university.  Perhaps the biggest impact is being able to receive various Government art grants to support my artistic pursuits. 

SLE: Those that don't know about the business never really think of the Government grants as something to help boost your pursuits great point for those looking for assistance. People from all walks of life come to SL for a variety of reasons so there is no right or wrong answer to this question.  Would you consider Second Life an extension of your real life?

Bryn Oh: Yes certainly it is.  It is all “real” but people decide on the degree of sharing they wish to give.  Second Life is very creative and advanced social media platform not unlike Facebook, but rather than pages we are people, and instead of cursors, we have fancy avatars.  We inhabit the virtual world and design our avatars to be personal representations of how we see ourselves.  Each person can be creative in this manner and overall second life is far more of a creative space than any other social media that I can think of.

SLE: So, aside from RL and SL Art exhibitions, you have been featured in multiple publications ranging from media sources to University publications and awards since as far back as 2006. Can you tell us which ones mean the most to you?

Bryn Oh: I have received government grants from the Ontario Arts Council which were rewarding, but the first one meant a lot because I had been questioning myself about my decision to pursue my virtual work.  It is not a lucrative decision and on top of that, much like photography when it emerged, it takes a long time for people to accept it as an art form.  There is a lot of resistance from curators stuck in their ways or with limited vision and it can make you question yourself.  The grants legitimized what I already knew to be true and encouraged me to move forward.  The university course on the art of Bryn oh is equal to that for the reason that when I was in art school I would learn about artists and my dream was to be mentioned one day too.  So the idea that students are sitting in a class learning about my art is bizarre and rewarding.

SLE: You have been sharing your talent in Second Life for many years. Can you share with our readers what inspires the art you exhibit in SL?

Bryn Oh: My art is a long narrative.  It is almost like a diary where the characters and events represent things in my own life.   My artistic focus is on the way modern society is affected by technology, ranging between human/machine and machine/machine relationships.  Often we consider technology to open channels for people to interact and engage socially, however, the opposite can occur where people become isolated within their own personal bubble, separate and witnessing the world from a distance almost as a product with brittle popularity.  My work expresses a yearning for meaningful connections within the new technological realm that often contains human remoteness.   I build virtual reality environments that convey the juxtapositions between human emotion and machine sentience. I combine poetry with a melancholy narrative that explores the themes of connection and belonging.

SLE: Like with so many other businesses affected by the pandemic, it must be difficult to host real word exhibitions. How has it affected you and your career? How have you been able to continue to do what you love and share your work in real life?  

Bryn Oh: It has been challenging as there have been no real-world exhibits, which can make it tricky to find income.  I am fortunate in that my medium is not greatly affected by the pandemic and people have supported me through my Patreon and with the sale of commissions.  Interestingly I have discovered that people will see paintings and drawings from my Instagram and purchase them.  Some things dry up and others appear and I kind of adapt.

SLE: Adaptation is a form of art in itself I believe. Second Life is picking up with activity since the start of the pandemic, especially with musicians. Do you see this same pattern in the SL art culture? 

Bryn Oh: No not really. If I was to give a theory I would say that with music the artist arrives in second life possessing their talent already, where it takes a period of learning before new artists begin to build great work.  It can take years to become proficient with 3D so maybe we might see new artists just starting to emerge now.

SLE: Your name is well known in the SL art community. What advice would you give to new artists wanting to showcase their work? Are you part of any groups that encourage the arts in SL?

Bryn Oh: When I first came to second life I would build on sandboxes and make friends with other artists there.  I remember building on IBM sandbox beside an artist named AM Radio who was quite popular at the time.  I think the SLEA has a sandbox and it’s a good spot to see what other artists are creating too.  They also have links to various art galleries.  An active and encouraging private sim you could try is called Sinful Retreat run by Chuck Clip and Fallenaurora Jewell.  They have put a huge amount of time into creating a dynamic art space for all to enjoy.  Nitroglobus gallery is run by Dido Haas and a good spot to try as well.  There are too many places to list here really.  I will try post art openings in my group Immersiva too.

SLE:  Your blog ( ) features updates and blog posts to keep your audience engaged. How else do you engage with your followers?

Bryn Oh: Through my group Immersiva, on my Instagram and Facebook.

SLE: You are also a member of  It is a platform for artists to showcase their work and changes the way art is valued.  Your personal Patreon page is Can you tell us a little about how it has benefitted you and your work? 

Bryn Oh: Patreon has been nice in that people can donate towards helping me pay tier for my sim.  Often people tell me they want to support me and don’t know how and Patreon has given me a place to point them towards.  Essentially they sign up and pay a $5 monthly donation and in exchange, they help my career and also get to see things I post for them.  So for example I might post videos or sketches or paintings.  Recently I put up an NFT just for the group.

SLE: It has been a pleasure interviewing you and hope the best for you and your continued success. Do you have any exhibitions or art shows coming up in SL?

Bryn Oh: I will have a new exhibit opening in a month or so on Immersiva called the Brittle Epoch.  Other than that Linden Lab has given me two sims to use as Gateway regions for new users.  One has the artwork “Hand” and the second I am using to bring back a story called the Singularity of Kumiko.  They are both close to being ready and I will announce it in my group, blog, etc.

SLE: Your love of art is apparent and we wanted to congratulate you on all your accomplishments. Thank you for bringing your talent and visions into Second Life. It inspires many.  Before we end this interview, is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Bryn Oh: Thank you for your generous words, I appreciate your interest in what I do.  I can’t think of anything else to share.

Additional Information:

Artist Platform







Wednesday, April 28, 2021

You are cordially invited to the official opening of our new social club, The Nines.


May 1, 2021
Open to public 12-10 PM SLT

The Nines is an exclusive members-only social club with the intent of serving high society Second Lifers with the finest upscale environment rivaling any venue to be found on the grid.

We cater to the refined side of SL's social life, fashion, and culture with a decidedly sexy flair. An "A"  list place to come see and be seen and make connections.

Members have 24/7 access to the grounds and their amenities.  Staff hours will be posted weekly so you know when we are formally hosting the club. LGBTQ all colors and combos welcome!

VIP roped areas are offered to patrons of The Nines who share our vision of what a social club can be. The names of our patrons are displayed, these areas are exclusive to them and their guests.

Come strut your stuff, be seen for the star that you are at The Nines.

House Rules: Membership Fee L$500

Guest dress code strictly enforced: No exceptions (no wings or excessively large items that will interfere with other guests)
Men: Tux, Suit, or formal wear~ long slacks, tie (no jeans no shorts)
Ladies: Long Dresses, or cocktail dresses, Formal pants suits, (classy revealing is wonderful)


Her Pleasure Resort & Sex Beach Press release


This week at Her Pleasure Resort is the following day and events:

Friday 7 to 9pm 4/30/2021 SLT -  VJ Ally Nova video party! Her pleasure resort Host Mel! Come and enjoy the video party. The first hour she accepts the request, come watch your favorite music videos!!! In the middle of the party, there will be fishbowl drawing for any member that is there and is in the group! Be sure to tap the fishbowl to enter by the venue stage and be in the group all are free! Appreciation of Her pleasure Resort! One winner wins a Gift!

Saturday 4pm to 6pm SLT 05/01/2021 - DJ Bambi Lacombe is playing the tunes! Her Pleasure resort Host Mel! Also accepts requests! Have a blast at the pool party with Bambi! Grab your sexy swimsuit! or even nude! Join the group and enter the fishbowl drawing to win a gift from Her Pleasure sex resort! Do not forget to tap the fishbowl to enter! The location will be the pool area! Hope to see you and we can have a blast!

Sunday 8am to 10 am 05/02/2021 Fish Hunt competition! Come and win Linden! Enjoy the beach, get a tan, meet others! Come nude if you like have sex with a lover!

Don't forget the beach has linden chairs!!!! Her pleasure resort appreciates our group members!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Spotlight on Coral Estates - Katrina Karsin Reporting

Coral Estates Private Islands is a land rental company that has been nominated twice for the Avi Choice Awards for being one of the best land companies in Second Life.   Serving the SL community since 2007  Kristaki Hudson CEO and the owner believe in taking care of his customers wanting everyone to enjoy island living and strives to make your land rental experience easy and affordable. Staff is always online 24/7 ready to help and answer any questions a renter may have.  You can take a personal tour of the lands in Second life or look at them online.  The ways to choose what you want and how to shop for your dream home are endless!

If you want seaside living Coral Estates is the place for you, as a quiet seaside neighborhood with options on prim count and maturity rating.  To renting an island with tons of prims that can be mixed residential, commercial, or both. Owner Kristaki Hudson wants to offer you a variety of regions to choose from and competitive prices to match he believes in letting potential customer take their time in choosing the right coral region for them.  After all who wouldn’t want to be treated like family when it comes to your home life.  A perfect example of how you will be treated look no further than his staff like Leah Chardin Sales Manager for Coral Estates for seven-plus years. So, sit back and listen to the quiet sound of the sea lapping against your land or tickling your toes as you walk along the shoreline and enjoy your home at Coral Estates!

Katrina: Hi Kristaki, thank you for sitting down with me for this interview.  Before we get into Coral Estates, can you tell us a little about you? How did you discover Second Life?

Kristaki: I discovered Second Life one day looking at the tv talking about virtual worlds doing land rental and creating amazing things:) I first started to buy a full region we had a let's say huge mall and in middle a casino lol then the casino were not allowed so I then bought fps to rent and learned all by myself how to divide the land and all technical issues I can say that I had a lot of problems, but I had known a person which helped me a bit when I had issues or doubts. Renting houses lol from ace Albion was famous in the past... and then I start doing auctions with an old famous landlord called Carlbotd Truss the founder of the famous group FSOB ( for sale by owner ) group used by all landlord in SL to sell and buy sims full transfer. Carlbotd has been a great friend in SL and On the phone, I never had the pleasure to meet him in real life. He was far and me too. We did nice continent full region auctions then I stopped. I can remember the moment creating Coral Estates and as I recollect it was a great moment and still is each time I connect in date of today each moment in SL for me is great I love my job in SL not only for cash in or cash out it is like managing houses in real life or building houses, it is a passion!

Katrina:  What inspired you to create Coral Estates?

Kristaki: Well I do myself. I am a Real Estate agent and property manager in real life and I have a special love for The corals and the diving beauty in real life. The sub-water is wonderful in its life. And I named my estate in Second Life Coral Estates, it's dedicated to the Sea and I always loved this idea. My staff and I created nice friendly sailing island residents. I bought estates in past from 50 to 120 sims from other landlords who were no longer interested in land rentals.  Our mission always applied to do the land transitions, tickets transfer, money transfer and then, of course, paying high fees to keep all the islands in Second life this is a very responsibility from a landlord and I love my Second life fully dedicated to my great trio of managers:) It's not easy to have talented managers like the ones I have in Second Life. Working in a real estate company in Second Life is human resources, knowing how to talk to the customers, fix technical issues and to manage the counts, etc. It's a pure action on a daily basis that we face on the front battle line and we love it!

Katrina: You were voted best rental and land company serving the community
since 2007 by Avie Choice Awards, that is a great award to receive!  Why do you think Coral Estates has gotten so much attention? What separates CE from other estates out there?

Kristaki: Oh yes, my managers told me we have to subscribe to Coral Estates and try to reach an award and we made it! How we got there I think with a lot of let’s say... Hard work, dedicated full 100% customer service having always usually the same day an issue fixed or to find the right land for whom wish to find a land in Second life we will always do our best for whom want to join us.

Katrina: What can renters expect from Coral Estates? What type of land
packages and amenities do you offer on the estates?

Kristaki: Future residents looking for land in our wonderful Second life can find with us Full Regions from 20000 to 30000 prims or Full homesteads of 5000 prims or a huge amount of different land sqm size with bonus prims or without bonus prims. Decorated land parcels or even full 65536 sqm decorated we call it developed land. Also, to the residential paradise lovers with waterways, we have some great sailing islands with bonus prims decorated like I said before, tropical style palms great water views with oceanfront reserved. I have there 2 open spaces to sail its tough to find open spaces now the Linden lab stopped providing open spaces but 2 is okay. I think customers here love the setup, same as in the past we strive to give everyone great customer service and technical fixes and covenant. I am for a non speculation island pricings I think the setup and prices we have are very fair and usually, customers stay or if they go somewhere else they usually return remembering a great and fast technical support and land sale information.

Katrina: Do you have a website where potential renters can go to see your
selection of available land?

Kristaki: Oh yeah! In 2020 during the pandemic, Linden Labs migrated all their servers and to Amazon AWS. But Coral Estates also migrated. I have a VPS server dedicated to the hosting of the where we have built an all-new database admin interface and also great new prims in the world to manage our 450 private sims regions in Second Life. Actually, it's been 2 months of work to migrate and maybe 5 months of making our website new. I am also on other page’s but you will see it below. I invite interested people to visit our website to see our amazing scenery and send us a message.

Katrina: Customer service and support are very important. Can you tell us about the services you provide your tenants and the team available to assist?

Kristaki: Oh the staff!   We have Leah Chardin, my shadow in Second Life. Sugarpie Froobert another manager who has been with us for ages as well and does great work on technical fixes when clients ask for help and also selling lands and fixes! Also, Jewel Raynier which has just come back I think she was missing her second life, and let's take the opportunity here to welcome her back she was in past with Coral Estates. All of them are talented and very appreciated managers. All IMs are replied to on the same day, so customers are happy! Instead of having their second life not be a pain, we want our customers to have a pleasurable time!  Even when they pay a rental which is normal like in real life they are served by great and talented women who are very knowledgeable of Second life technical and human resource issues.

Katrina: To keep people engaged in the Coral Estates community, do you
offer special events to your estate residents?

Kristaki: I do sponsorship with Lhomme Magazine and participate and I am also in some places announcements. We used to have a disco to promote but I think it is better to let this to whom know how to manage a disco. We rarely do events but the few ones we do usually are nice!

Katrina: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Kristaki: Sure to whom reading this Interview and thank you for having given me the great opportunity to appear in this newspaper, I invite every reader to visit our inworld office or our websites below and if you are looking for a great land and real estate in second life visit us. Our statement in Coral Estates is Second life must be a pleasure, not a pain so give it a try and visit us like thousands of other residents which are with us some of them since 2007... Thank You SLEnquirer and anyone feels free to IM me I will gladly reply to you.  I love my second life and the whole world of Second Life, and to manage lands like in real life, it's a passion and hobby!

Why wouldn’t you want to create your home at Coral Estates now that you know Kristaki Hudson CEO and owner along with his staff are truly passionate about serving their customers! All you have to do is unpack, unwind and enjoy your paradise!

Additional Information:

Group: Real Estates Rentals KH



Twitter: @KristakiH



Preferred Contact: Whatever way is best for our potential client!


Online: Coral Estates

Coral Estates sailing islands:

Monday, April 26, 2021

Synergy Island: Maribol Inshan & The Cool Cats Concert In The Park- April 28th 6:30-8:00pm SLT

 Synergy Island Presents

Maribol Inshan & The Cool Cats

Concert In The Park  

Love & Light

Wednesday April 28th 6:30 – 8:00 PM At Synergy Island 

Step into an immersive Concert In The Park Featuring Maribol Inshan & The Cool Cats focusing on  songs of love and light, new beginnings,  romance,  and everything that Spring brings. This is a fully staged and choreographed "Live" Music & Dance experience From Maribol Inshan and The Cool Cats Featuring Special Guest LoneWolf55 Genesis. 

Come ready to dance, relax, and listen!

Attire: Spring

Sunday, April 25, 2021

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR


The suspense begins. It is this weekend that the jury of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition will select the first group of six semi-finalists. You can still send your photo until Friday, April 30 at midnight.

Remember that the LUXE Paris fashion house is looking for its LOOK of the YEAR, an elegant and stylish woman who will represent the brand and win L $ 50,000 in cash!

Initially, the jury will choose 30 semi-finalists on the basis of the photos submitted by the candidates. The first selection of six semi-finalists this weekend will therefore be followed by four other selections in the following weeks.


You can submit as many photos as you want as long as each of the photos features a different LUXE Paris outfit. So if you are not chosen the first week, you can try your luck again with a different style the following week and so on.

ALL WOMEN OF STYLE ARE ELIGIBLE. No need to be a professional model as intensive training will be offered to inexperienced finalists by ONE On ONE agency, the main sponsor of the competition, as well as the IN-NOVA Academy. We will accompany you step by step while the runway professionals will also have the opportunity to polish their art thanks to private consultations with the legendary top model Ponchituti Boucher, the one we call  "the mother of all models''.


Easy to participate: Put on a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, capture a photo, put your official name in the title and send FULL PERM to avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. Gift for all participants!

In addition to the 50,000 LINDENS, the big winner will also receive a whole range of gifts offered by the sponsors of the competition. The two runners-up will each receive L $ 10,000 in cash and many gifts as well.

The winner LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR, as well as the runners up, will also be the stars of reports in several media including here in the SL Enquirer.

So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose and maybe a lot to gain! While several recognized models have worn the LOOK of the YEAR crown created by Zuri, the 2019 winner Quinte had never walked a runway before being chosen a finalist in the competition! This is to tell you that EVERYTHING is possible!

Discover all the details of this thrilling competition on our website at Contest | LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR

Or in the LUXE Paris magazine, available at the main store at Bao

Saturday, April 24, 2021

An Evening of Broadway The Muses’ Cristall Ballroom May 4, 7:30-10 PM SLT


“Give My Regards to Broadway”. The Muses pays tribute to the musical heritage of Broadway with a celebration of acclaimed musicals and scores. The music will be a grand selection of Tony-nominated or awarded songs, and other acclaimed Broadway hits.

This night is full of “My Favorite Things”, and yours!  You claim you don’t know Broadway?  You do! You will be singing along at every turn.  Broadway is part of popular culture, and a part of all of us.  Songs and sayings so familiar, you will be surprised.  Just count how many times you say to yourself, “I didn’t know that was Broadway”.

“The Music of the Night” is provided by our very own DJ Rob Skytower.  A classic rocker at heart, he is also a wonderful “project” DJ.  Give Rob an idea, a song list, an event possibility, and it becomes his project.  The result is always a perfectly arranged set and an amazing evening.

“Matchmaker, Matchmaker”, what are Broadway sounds without the matching sights?  Complementing the music, a slideshow will add a visual perspective to the evening.  Scenes from lavish productions of these acclaimed shows will accompany this magical set.

“Some Enchanted Evening” it will be.  The setting is our champagne-glass ballroom, Cristall, an enchanting place.  It shines and sparkles like the lights of Broadway herself.  This event is black tie formal.  The curtain goes up on May 4 at 7:30PM.

The Muses is a small club that is “Defying Gravity”.  Just over three months old, The Muses is thriving on its little piece of Mainland.  Our venues, Cristall, Azure, The Edge, and Studio III, have a regular schedule of fabulous music, parties, and special events, like on May 4 when The Muses is doing a little “Lullaby of Broadway”.

"What good is sitting alone in your room? Come hear the music play. Life is a cabaret, old chum. Come to the cabaret."  Or in this case, The Muses. It will be an evening to remember. An Evening of Broadway.

An Evening of Broadway.  May 4, 7:30-10 PM at The Muses’ Cristall Ballroom.

April 25th - Holly Giles and Erika Ordinary LIVE at Terry's Sunday Showcase

Join us on Sunday, April 25th beginning at 3pm SLT for Terry's Sunday Showcase, sponsored by the SL Enquirer! This week's featured artist is Holly Giles! Hailing from Australia, Holly brings a fresh voice to the live music scene of Second Life. She finds joy in music that is not only felt by the listener but fuels each and every one of her performances.

Holly has a wide range in genres from Rock, pop, country from Lady Gaga , Adele , Brooks and Dunn, CCR, LeAnn Womak , Shania Twain  Stevie Nick and a whole lot more! A long time promoter of the musical arts, she further enriches our world with her uniquely moving vocal range and passion.  

Following Holly this week at 4pm SLT is the lovely Erika Ordinary, an Austin, Texas-based singer-songwriter who performs her own original music, as well as a genre-spanning collection of cover songs. She accompanies herself on guitar, ukulele, and a live looping pedal.

Erika has a wonderfully expressive voice that can be powerful but also is pleasantly delicate and understated. She brings life to the songs she selects and a window to her soul in songs of her own.

Come support live music with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!!!

Welcome to Terry's Place, your friendly neighborhood pub where everyone knows your name! Home to some of the hottest DJ's and live singers on the grid, there's a little something for everyone here at Terry's when you just need to get away from it all. Dance as we spin tunes for all walks of life, show off your talents at Open Mic every Friday, or enjoy a live concert out in the park at our Terry's Sunday Showcase!  With events happening five nights a week, be yourself and escape the chains of real life with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!


Ninja (ninjaantwoord resident)

Performer Websites:

Holly Giles -

Erika Ordinary -

Thursday, April 22, 2021

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 24th April at noon SLT: Will a moon base change life on Earth?

Last week SpaceX was chosen to land humans on the moon in 2024.  The ship will carry a lot of cargo so we will soon see a permanent moon base.  And there are a lot of other moon projects waiting.  Moon spiders anyone?

Let’s imagine how all of this will change our lives.  When we look up at the moon will it look different?  Will it be a favorite place for honeymoons?  Will there be moon delicacies in restaurants?  Or a new religion based on the moon?  When will the first Pizza Hut arrive?

Will the best and brightest of young people dream of jobs on the moon?  Will there be television reality series set on the moon?

Will our future as a species look more hopeful when there are people on the moon?  Will there ever be a proper colony there?  Or just tourists and temporary workers?

Come and discuss our very near future.  Bring your fellow space geeks!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Earth Day Celebration April 22 at 10am SLT

Join us at Center Ground for a special celebration with Earth Day Speaker, Activist, & Cultural Preservationist Indea Vaher. Topic: Saving Gaia
Special Dance Performance by Dancerina Starlight
MC & Music by India Bellair Smoke
Casual Dress or come as you are.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021



ARRIVE EARLY… For the first time ever, Wednesday night at 7PM SLT Seth will be streaming this live video show into SL at The SL Enquirer's Media Center! Seth continues to break new ground with his X-Stream™ live video cross-stream events.


Join Seth tonight and every Wednesday Night as he helps us kick off the weekend early with his new "Humpday Rocks" live unplugged acoustic show!

Invite friends, share the live stream and maybe even have Seth play your request live on the air during his show.

PLUS someone is gonna win Seth's awesome “Covers - Part I” 25 songs double album!

Grab the song list and let's see what kind of trouble we can get into when Humpday Rocks!

Click here to check out Seth's song list:

If your friends & family aren't on Facebook or Second Life, send them to