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Monday, April 12, 2021

An Interview With Dahriel Nova, Pose Creator - Stacey Cardalines Reporting


Models occupy an elite spot in the human spectrum. As people used for advertising, they enter into a strange dynamism. Models help sell us stuff that we buy because we want to be a certain kind of person, and- thusly- models have to somehow become the person that we want to be. Anyone who says a model's work is easy knows not of what they speak. In order to do the job properly, they have to not only act as Gods, they have to at least externally believe that they are Gods.

On something like SL, even a God needs help. That leads us to this week's interview, with Dahriel Nova. Mr. Nova is the man behind PosESioN Productions and the PosESioN store. He makes and sells model poses and runway animations. He also owns and operates BOOTHology, which makes booths for designers. If you are a model or a designer, he has you covered.

Models are important to the SL economy. Much of the monetary activity on SL involves buying clothes. It is better for the business to have a model wearing their clothing in advertisements than it is to just show a picture of the clothing. The model shows what can be done with the clothing. Anyone who does even a little bit of clothes shopping has seen a picture of a model in action and has concurrently seen a small cog in a big engine that drives the SL economy.

While a great part of modeling is being Born Pretty, it is not the sole ingredient. The world is full of pretty girls who don't quite know-how to utilize what they are sitting on, and that is why you sometimes see them folding sweaters at Forever 21 or slinging eggs at some edge-of-town truck stop. Ansel Adams himself might take a pretty girl and have her sit for some headshots, but unless the girl knows what she's doing, he's never going to rise above cheesy Facebook-type pictures. 

"Knows what she's doing" involves Posing. Posing is an important business in SL. If you have an AO, and even if you don't, you are Posing. Posing is emoting without words. It is more important than you'd think.

Almost any girl you see in pornography- with some Born Freak exceptions, of course- is someone who most likely aimed to be a real actress at one point, but who could not emote properly. It really can be a game of inches. You'd be surprised at how little skill exists between a girl blowing a kiss to the Vogue photographer for $300,000 on a South Seas photo shoot, and an alternative scenario where she is taking on a half dozen Hell's Angels in an adult movie for $300 and some cocaine.. or so people tell me. "From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step," as Napoleon once said.

Fortunately, you can solve that equation in your favor by visiting the PosESioN Store. If you wish to be a model on SL, this is where you need to go. They have hundreds of poses, some simple, some extravagant, but all necessary. They even sell those catwalk animations where you head down the runway. My sister and I spent an afternoon trying these out, as you can see from the pictures in the article. We also got to speak with the sim owner, the aforementioned Mr. Nova.

He has been in business since 2012, and is one of the leading figures in his field. There may be no model worth walking around SL who doesn't have at least a few of his poses in their arsenal. A lot of model work is done with pose balls and huds, and to work those, they need poses. Lots of poses. Lots of poses are what PosESioN has. You could fill up a model hud very efficiently at PosESioN, and you won't go into the poorhouse doing so at 60 Ls a pop.

I forgot to ask why Mr. Nova spells PosESioN like that, but a little bit of mystery is good in certain niche markets.

Pose Creator is a fascinating job, and I am 100% certain that people use Mr. Nova's poses at the fashion show he attends without knowing that they are posing. That may or may not secretly delight him. Contrary to what I assumed, most of his friends aren't models. He uses his own shapes for models unless he is doing couples poses, so he would only cross paths with them at events. He is working on a fashion fair for May, so he (and you, if you go) might meet some models there. They also have an in-house fashion show on April 17th.

When Mr. Nova does hire models, he is not beholden to tall/slim types. He needs models of all sizes and has some people who do headhunting for him. I intend to interview one of these women for a future article, but that is not where we are right now.

His best selling pose is his default pose. He doesn't do huds, but his systems fit huds. Almost all of his customers are models, as the product is made for advertising and runways. He has a male model pose section, as male models are in as much demand as female models... but I went there to shoot pictures with my sister Courtney, so you get us.

I always wanted to be a model when I was a kid. I only ended up being 5 feet tall, and that sort of ended my supermodel fantasy. It also ended my WNBA fantasy, but I can't avoid that reality in Mr, Nova's store for a pleasant hour. I can play Model there all day, however. If I buy some poses, I can play at home, too.

I'd recommend this store to a model looking to add to her arsenal, and I would recommend the store to regular girls who just want to spend an hour playing with the poses. It is essential to a model. however.

Bookmark their website to get updates on deals they are offering, and join their SL groups! 

Some April-May events you can visit that are associated with Mr. Nova:

The Darkness Event (5th to 28th)
Jail Event (10th to 30th)
XXX Original Event (13th to 3rd)
101L Event (19th to 13th)
GLAMAZON Boutique (23th to 16th)
POSEvent (27th to 19th)
Golden days a weekly main store sales from Wednesday to Friday
in May Pandora Fair, from 11th to 31th

Casting Runway, PosESioN Productions

Strike a pose! Give good face!

Sunday, April 11, 2021


With the vaccine phase of the pandemic slowly getting underway around the world, it has been a tough year since lockdowns and travel restrictions began. Many have gotten covid or know someone who has and many others have lost friends and loved one. This is a test to everyone's faith in regaining some normalcy in uncharted territory now that the vaccine is here. Second Life has become a safe haven for many around the world who are in desperate need for social interaction without worrying about social distancing and being exposed. Normally, I ask questions related to Second Life, but this is a topic that affects us all as human beings. We are all in this together and any advice or even venting concerns will help others cope better knowing they are not alone in this. I set out to ask residents from all over the grid how covid has impacted their lives and how they are coping with a new normal.

How has covid impacted your life? Now that we have a vaccine, what do you see in a year from now?

Logan:Before I caught Covid I was very healthy and active. I hit the gym 5 to 6 days a week and I was working. I'm getting my personal trainer certificate. Ever since I have been sick I have now developed severe fatigue shortness of breath and it caused me to develop a 90% blockage of my heart. I had been in the hospital where they had put 2 stents in my heart and I haven't been to the gym since I've been sick.”

Aggie:How has covid impacted your life?There was a significant impact - working from home. This, with the UK Lockdown meant that I have only been in my normal workplace for 7 days in the past year. There was a sense of loneliness and frustration. My normal work practice was to have several different tasks on the go, hopping in between them. What I did not know was how much I needed the occasional 'interruption' caused by someone coming for a chat, needing help, or overhearing something in the office to cause each 'hop'. I wound up with a sort of serialized 'writers block' which was pretty depressing. Working from home also meant that there was a tendency to carry on - get something finished - rather than putting it down. The

go-to-work and then leave-work cues were broken. I also discovered how much I hate Zoom! Now that we have a vaccine, what do you see in a year from now? I think next year we will be vaccinating again, counteracting the new variants that will be circulating. Work for a significant number of people will have changed in nature, as they will have found working from home suits them. Some firms may take a bolder step and restructure so that working from home is more the norm, saving them the costs of office space. Many small businesses will be unable to recover as shopping over the web rather than coming to stores will take a notch up. There will be inquiries and lessons-learnt on the various governmental and institutional responses to the crisis, but the output of these will be cherry-picked and rendered quite useless.”

Sam:Wow what a year Covid is something one really has to be very careful about, you see this past year and even now it is hard for me for one thing I live with a roommate how has stage four cancer so ya it been unreal not being able to go out to any place, you see I has to be careful if I was to come in or near anyone who has it and I not know they did and I come home I can bring it in to them and that all it would take she be gone as her body would not be able to deal with it at all so yeah this past year has been a pain not being able to do anything or go any place, and well even now that they are vaccine's I for one am not 100% sure on how  good it is and don't feel like taking a chance just yet on it , I sure you can understand why I say that  but I am sure it will help out. I will be so happy the day we all can go back to doing the things we all loved to do before this happened. Now do not get me wrong about the vaccines I am sure they are safe and will do as they say they will and yes I know I should get it just waiting a little to see, but I get it in time soon. To all that are dealing with this hang in there we are way better then we were back in 1918.” 

Ami: “I became stuck in Asia longer than 1 year expected and unable to travel till now.  My business was affected and am changing careers and countries. As soon as I have the vaccine, I will travel to another continent and buy a home and start a new business.  Excited.”

Ryla: “My life was affected a lot not only because I don't see my family too often but because my body was affected from that moment I was infected... now  the virus is gone but I still have consequences like weakness,headache,flush nose and this is from November...I don't know if the vaccine will immunize people but is something like a moral peace if you don't have a bad reactions.I wish you all will stay safe and hopeful of one day we will escape this pandemic.”

Becka: “Covid has affected my life since I got infected with Covid in November 2020 by a careless boss who believed it was just the flu. She was allowing clients into the office and openly telling them they didn't have to wear a mask. She was putting us all at risk and tried to voice my opinion and was met with office gossip saying i needed to “shut the F up”. I ended up contracting it along with 5 other office members because of my boss’s ignorance. I resigned the day I got my results and was quarantined isolated for 2 weeks battling fevers and chill, lack of energy, weakness, loss of taste and smell and mental drain. I went through insomnia for about a month after I got sick and still suffer from fatigue and anxiety months later. I barely leave my house and find myself almost having a panic attack if I do go to the store or even the post office. I still haven't gotten the vaccine but I check the website everyday to see if there is a slot available in my area. I’m hopeful once everyone has the vaccine, the fear of catching a severe case will be minimized. It’s hard to tell where we will be in a year from now if people don’t take it seriously or they get lazy about wearing masks properly and respect social distancing. Without everyone’s diligence and respect for Covid and safety, will we not see a light at the end of this pandemic for a long time”

Staci: My friend Courtney, who posed as Ivanka in the Golfing With Trump article we did during the election, runs her father's lobster mart in real life. She works every day, 10-12 hour days. She has a girl who comes in for afternoons, but she has school during the day. The rest of her family is at sea from 4 AM til dusk. Courtney got the Rona in February, and it was illegal for her to remain open. Even if she could, she had no staff. She was telling me this one day, wondering "Where can I get someone with experience to run the store until I am better?" The answer was at the other end of the message. I worked at the Green Harbor Lobster Pound for a few summers as a kid. OK, "as a kid" means "about 30 years ago," but Courtney was in a jam and I don't live that far from her RL, so I offered my services. Shoot, I had even been vaccinated. Courtney, who had no options, accepted my offer immediately. Two days later, I was reporting for work at the lobster mart. Courtney's dad, who's name I never learned and who I referred to as "Captain" when I needed him, doesn't like yuppies, but he did appreciate that I showed up at 4 AM. He thought it was cute that I refused to step foot on the boats, a trait I shared with his wife, who he outlived. Once he approved of me, I was allowed to open his store. Selling seafood hasn't changed that much since the 1990s, and the Captain was pleased that I knew how to measure/package scallops, that I wasn't afraid of reaching in the tank and grabbing a lobster and so forth. The customers began to come in, and they are a funny lot. Courtney lives in the town that The Perfect Storm was based in, and the guy who directed it really did nail the locals. Courtney is well-loved in her community, and not a day passed where some elderly lady didn't show up with a crock pot full of kale soup with linguica, saying "Bring this up to Courtney, she's been looking thin lately, this will help her along." The locals were able to help me do my new job, seeing me hesitate in my work and saying "They keep the bags under the counter over there, dear" and so forth. I did a half dozen 12 hour days, teaming with the high school girl at night and closing at 7 PM. I refused monetary payment, instead taking a dozen lobsters home. I had a great time, and was pleased to help my friend. Coronavirus stories shouldn't contain "I had a great time," but here we are.”

Mist: I've worked full time from home for several years now. Frankly, the  biggest impact has been that I cannot go to interest-related "meets" or  to the movies, which I dearly love and miss. I do not venture from the  house often. I firmly believe that we've handled COVID-19 so badly that it will  become endemic, like the flu, and we will have to have annual  immunizations. I would love to be able to travel again, but suspect that  I will remain uncomfortable about it for the foreseeable future.”

Karen: “It is my right to not wear a mask because I am entitled to think it's just a flu. I’m calling the cops!”

There is no doubt that Covid has impacted everyone around the world in different ways. From those who have first hand experience contracting covid or suffered a loss due to it to those taking precautions hoping not to catch it while combating others who have absolutely no regard for others and their well being.   

Many feel isolated or have limited interactions with their family and friends. We all as a global community  and have been deprived of the daily life we once had. None of us are alone in the concerns and fears collectively shared as Covid continues to spread and change. While vaccinations are being carried out around the world there are still concerns about long term effects, how it will react to new variants and ultimately what will it take to regain some normalcy. Only time will tell if each and every one of us take it seriously enough to be part of the solution and not the problem.

Be safe and well.

HOW HAS COVID IMPACTED YOUR LIFE? Please share your comments below and be part of the Avie Poll.

Heart & Soul NEW "Retro Modern Wing Back Chair"


Heart & Soul NEW "Retro Modern Wing Back Chair"
50% Off  1st week for VIP members!
The chair for everywhere
High detailed MESH,   awesome textures,  and some surprises you'll Love!
Great for Home or Club


April 12th - Become a part of SL Entertainment History at Terry's!


Attention songwriters and live music fans! Join us on Monday, April 12th beginning at 5pm SLT for an exclusive evening at Terry's highlighting some of the hottest musicians and entertainment on the grid!

Starting things off at 5pm SLT, get ready to rock with a special LIVE performance from Seth Regan, also known as Mankind Tracer, as he returns to Terry's stage in celebration of Ninja and Christine's 8th Rez Day! For those of you who don't know, Ninja is the founder and co-owner of Terry's Place, as well as an avid supporter of live music within Second Life.  His close friendship with Christine spans over 20 years in real life and has even further been strengthened through the success of Terry's and their passion for everything related to music.

Seth Regan, a native New Yorker now residing in California, is a singer/songwriter who writes music that speaks to his audience through very relatable experiences and insights. His sound is one that combines classic and progressive rock influences with a modern pop/rock vibe.

After 20 years of professional touring with various cover and originals projects, Seth discovered Second Life in 2006. Second Life was a growing 3D Virtual Community where he began to perform shows regularly under the name "Mankind Tracer". Quickly becoming a fan favorite, Seth rose to being one of the top rock artists and maintains that status today, among the now hundreds of performers in SL. Many of the current millions of global members have become familiar with Seth's music and brand. He is without question Second Life's most widely recognized rock performer.

Seth's original song "Underground" was recently chosen for use in a new HBO show, "True Detective".

The fun continues at 6pm SLT with one of Terry's most beloved weekly DJ sets, Maniac Mondays with DJ Stroke! Put on your dancing shoes and bring your requests, as DJ Stroke takes you on a musical journey through his vast library of hits throughout the decades.  

Last, but certainly not least, at 8pm SLT, strap on your seat belts and get ready for your chance to "Hear What You've Been Missing" LIVE with the newest addition to the Terry's family, DJ Matrix!  Originals and covers like you've never heard them learn more about some of your favorite SL performers!  Over 15 well known SL musicians have participated in the creation of this event, including AcousticEnergy Nitely, Amberle Janniah, Skye Galaxy, Holly Giles, Winter, Semina, Tally Mercury, Shamrock Defibrillator, and many more!

Known as Chuck Clip in some circles, he is not only an artist and the owner of 2 sims devoted to the visual, spoken and musical arts--Sinful Retreat, where the Janus Galleries live and Angels Rest which is a new sim devoted to music--but he also goes by DJ Matrix and does DJ shows around the grid.

Chuck's idea was to build a series of DJ shows around the Second Life live performers that we all enjoy.  The thought was that there is a potential audience out there for our SL Live singers that is somewhat untapped.  The thought was that if people that went to DJ shows heard how good live singers were in SL we could help build their audience. At each show is details on where to find the performer's music (websites, etc) how to book them, etc.  Additionally DJ Matrix talks about the performers during his shows.

Become a part of SL entertainment history with friends, live music, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!!!


Welcome to Terry's Place, your friendly neighborhood pub where everyone knows your name! Home to some of the hottest DJ's and live singers on the grid, there's a little something for everyone here at Terry's when you just need to get away from it all. Dance as we spin tunes for all walks of life, show off your talents at Open Mic every Friday, or enjoy a live concert out in the park at our Terry's Sunday Showcase!  With events happening five nights a week, be yourself and escape the chains of real life with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!


Ninja (ninjaantwoord resident)

Performer Websites:

Seth Regan (Mankind Tracer) -

SpiritLed -

Tally Mercury -

Phemie Garfield (Phemie Alcott) -

Semina -

Skye Galaxy -

Amberle Janniah -

AcousticEnergy Nitely -

Evee (Harleen Jestyr) -

FrankLee Anatra -

Holly Giles -

Jack Slade -

Jed Luckless -

Oblee -

Quartz -

Ry Anne -

Shamrock Defibrillator -

Soulvision -

Twin Ghost -

Winter -

Ziggy Sixpence -

GRAND OPENING - WICKED SENSATIONS - A new club for SL ~ Tuesday April 13th @ 2pm to 6pm


Second Life's newest club on the Grid, Wicked Sensations, opens it's doors on Tuesday, April 13th @ 2pm and kicks off with a 4-hour musical treat with DJ Mimi and DJ Snow alongside a "Come as you are" contest with L$3000 on the board!

What do we have to offer?

Firstly we are based on an Adult Sim so clothes are optional - all walks of life are allowed in the club we welcome all SL residents.

The club is over 2 levels with an Adult play area beneath the main dance floor, while in the club we have Greedy for those of you who wish to play and have a laugh! We also have areas around the dance floor for cuddle and adult activities and we have dance poles at the corners of our dance floor for staff use where they can dance and entertain our guests but also, if they wish to, they can strip for tips too!

What to expect at the Grand Opening:

DJ Mimi Wicked will be kicking off the fun at 2pm with Mimi's Musical Madness (playing Rock and Requests)
At 3pm during Mimi's set the Contest "Come as you are" will be opened with L$3000 on the board
4pm DJ Snow Wicked will be taking over the stream with his Naughty Wicked Tunes and Naughty Requests and the contest will switch to Voting at 430pm
515pm the winners will be announced during the 2nd half of DJ Snow's Set! Opening night will wind up at 6pm

Hiring staff:

DJ's/Dancers/Hosts and Bartenders applications are available in the club (right behind you as you land at the club)

Wicked Sensations VIP group link secondlife:///app/group/c5e5e2a8-53e9-5b51-8645-a6b73a07c552/about

★GRAND OPENING★Tuesday, April 13th                        
🎧: 𝔻𝕁 𝕄𝕚𝕞𝕚 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔻𝕁 𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨
⏰: 2pm - 4pm & 4pm -6pm
🎼: Mimi's Musical Madness & Snow's Naughty Wicked Tunes
🎤: Contest: Come as you are - L$3000 on the board
✎: Hiring DJ's/Dancers/Host's/Bartenders

MUD MUSIC & HOPE: RelayStock Returns For 8th Year!


MUD MUSIC & HOPE: RelayStock Returns For 8th Year!
Moles Join Lindens for Bid The Lindens Bald 

The Relay Rockers announced the return for the 8th year of its much anticipated multi-team Relay For Life event RelayStock, May 14 – 16.  RelayStock brings together Relay teams from diverse communities across Second Life for a celebration of the Relay season.  Teams raise their banners above makeshift tents and old VW campers as they gather for 3 days of Peace Love Music and Hope. Joining the Rockers for the 5th year, Linden Lab will be participating in Bid The Lindens Bald to support the American Cancer Society and its signature fundraiser, Relay For Life of Second Life.

Teams can sign up online at beginning April 11th. Teams can choose a team site and book stage time blocks.  Each participating team can place kiosks, RFL vendors, and Gotchas at their site as part of their fundraising efforts on behalf of the ACS. “RelayStock is not only a fundraiser, although last year we raised nearly L$1.2 million with various teams collecting more than L$750,000 towards their season goals'' said Arizona Ballinger, who organizes the event for the Relay Rockers.“ it’s a well needed break in the Relay Season and allows volunteers to spend time with each other, share stories and ideas and get ready for the last push toward Relay Weekend in June.”

In addition to team events on the stage, RelayStock once again will host the Finals of the Celebrate Remember Fight-Back Top DJ Fundraising Competition. The CRFB event features Club and Radio DJs from all over Second Life as they try to see who among them can raise the most Linden$ in support of the Relay For Life. In 2020 the two finalists, DJ Baggie and DJ Kayla raised more than L$330,000 during their final sets with DJ Kayla taking home top Honors.

The last and perhaps most popular event at RelayStock is the annual Bid The Lindens Bald (BTLB21) challenge. This year the Moles will join in as Teams of Lindens  challenge each other to raise as much as they can and “Save Their Hair,” with the team with the lowest total pledging to go bald in Second Life until the annual SL Birthday event. BTLB Began in 2017 and has helped to raise more than L$ 3,000,000.   "Every year, I look forward to the Rockers' Bid Me Bald fundraiser” said Stingray Raymaker, American Cancer Society representative in Second Life, “This is one of the longest-running team fundraisers in our Relay's history and it has become a touchstone moment for so many of us. I have enjoyed watching the event grow and evolve over the years and am grateful to the Lindens for getting into the spirit of this time-tested fundraising challenge." 

Click Here for This Year’s Teams (When available)

Final bidding and Official Haircutting will take place Wednesday, May 19th beginning at 12 noon.  

This is a not to be a missed event and one of the annual highlights of the Relay For Life season in Second Life. Make plans now to join the volunteers who make up the 5th largest Relay event in the world at RelayStock2021 and help Bid The Lindens Bald May 14, 15  and 16.!

Friday, April 9, 2021

April 11th - Toxic Darkmatter and Sassy Nitely LIVE at Terry's Sunday Showcase


Join us on Sunday, April 11th beginning at 2pm SLT for Terry's Sunday Showcase, sponsored by the SL Enquirer! This week's featured artist is Toxic Darkmatter!! Toxie has a rich, sultry voice and quirky personality that brings a lot of fun to the stage. She brings a new meaning to the words sultry and sizzle with a collection of music that’s a blend of classic to contemporary, sweet to naughty.

Enjoy jazz? Blues? Rock? A little pop? Bring your requests, be ready to sing along, and let Toxie show you just how much she loves the music she shares with us during her “musical therapy.”

Following Toxie this week at 3pm SLT is Sassy Nitely, a singer/songwriter from Nashville, TN whose charisma and musicianship has captivated the hearts of music lovers in SL since 2008. Some say her music moves them, others are allured by her charisma, but all are captivated by her soul-felt vocal talent-filled with power and grace.

Not only is Sassy an award-winning musician in SL, she also gigs in and around Nashville with her esteemed band, My July.

Sassy never disappoints her audience and delivers a polished, unforgettable a performance filled with refreshing acoustic covers and soulful original music.

Come support live music with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!!!

Welcome to Terry's Place, your friendly neighborhood pub where everyone knows your name! Home to some of the hottest DJ's and live singers on the grid, there's a little something for everyone here at Terry's when you just need to get away from it all. Dance as we spin tunes for all walks of life, show off your talents at Open Mic every Friday, or enjoy a live concert out in the park at our Terry's Sunday Showcase!  With events happening five nights a week, be yourself and escape the chains of real life with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!


Ninja (ninjaantwoord resident)

Performer Websites:

Toxic Darkmatter -

Sassy Nitely -

Thursday, April 8, 2021

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 10th April at noon SLT: Is Overpopulation a problem?

 Some cities are so crowded that people sleep between the lanes of the highways or live in boxes. Can we produce enough food for everyone?  Is there room for all of us?  And what effect does the increasing population have on the animals and plants in the world?

Is overpopulation just a temporary problem?  Some countries are already experiencing underpopulation, with a birth rate lower than replacement.  Will the population of the whole world decline in the future?  Have people lost interest in having children?  Will the number of humans steadily decrease until there is only one person left, who perhaps will be bitten by a poisonous snake? 

Which scenario worries you most?  Come and discuss population over the fence without too many neighbors.  Bring a barbeque and your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Avie Poll: What does SL need to keep residents engaged? Reporting: Katrina Karsin

Second Life was first released on June 23rd, 2003. Exploring this virtual world can easily be compared to other online worlds as you can role play, meet new people form friendships, and relationships.  Some even make close friends outside of SL while others find their soul mate and may even get married.  It is hard to say what percentage of people prefer to keep real life and SL life separate.  While others consider it an extension of themselves and treat people, they meet the way they want to be treated.  That said Linden Lab is insistent that Second Life is not a game at all, as the creators did not design SL to have an end objective or to manufacture conflict.  Instead of LL it is a journey to explore your own capabilities to the utmost while meeting other like-minded people.

The majority of individuals engage with friends they have made by having a common ground like music, building, and scripting.  Others like to take pictures and blog various creations.  Most have found a way to learn more about SL by exploring a variety of venues.  So with that in mind, what does SL need to keep residents engaged?

What does SL need to keep residents engaged?

Morrigan: Of course, the answer is going to be subjective.  I think a way of meeting people is easy.  Having a way of finding community and building upon that.  For those who are loners, I would think of a better way to find out what SL offers.  There is building, scripting, role play, riding vehicles etc.  Also, it's not really mentioned when you make your first avatar that to do anything really fun or to look good, it can cost RL money

Arpeggio: Probably better marketing to have a greater variety of people here.  I would market to the creative types and a broader range of people.

Bray: It depends on the person; some people only want nudity and virtual pornography.  Others need an active art or music life, most want vocal chat.  SL  needs variety .... so that everyone finds what they want.

Rei Schnyder:  I don’t know, what keeps me here is music and friends

LeaFeel: I see the music work in SL is very good, but as you know there is a variety of interests like gaming and sex are highly rated too.  I think creators are making amazing work too and this will surely get interested and I continue explore.

Jon: Don’t know that it needs anything.... if people can't find things to engage in, with what’s already on SL they must be hard to please.  Been here a loooong time...  habit maybe lol.  l like you am into music.... SL is a good place to listen to the various genres there are. 

Kyla: More new activities. everything is kind of getting old. There isn't enough new people or new activities. And more linden interaction. I was told there used to be mentors, who could be asked anything that worked with linden labs. We need that... but mostly we need new blood, new ideas, new things to do or be able to do. Without being as limited. More diversity in the sims would be cool, I see a lot of kids in the kid community, so I feel they need to be supported more too. And there should be something done about the economy in sl. I mean, right now it's based on what money people can bring into SL, those are the ones that make the money and become rich, well what about those who aren't rich or aren't able to bring money in? Or those who have to use SL to survive and pay their bills? Something should be done about that.

Jo: I don't think they can do much more than they are now.  They provide the tools and the residents build the things that keep others engaged.  I enjoy my friends ultimately and I also like scripting and building and the active BDSM community.

Zeipher: Additional privacy features like being able to turn off visibility of parcels around you, to avoid full bright neighbor nightmares. More social events, more hunts, more competitions. Many improvements to the "life comforts" like upgrading the base avatar to something more in line with current GPU capabilities.  I think that there's nothing worse than spending 100's of hours creating forests and marinas and beautiful scenery. Adjusting your eep settings to give off just the right atmosphere of "dusk" only to have a new neighbour move in and build full bright white skyscrapers out of prims as far as the eye can see. I recently abandoned a full quarter region of the beautiful seaside mainland for that reason.. It still hurts.

What it may come down to is the level of exploring SL, and each person’s interest and comfort level to explore in Second Life. Some people enjoy reading and will go to SL Community page Second Life - Second Life Community.  Others need to be shown with pictures or by talking to other avatars in groups within SL.  There are people and places willing to help anyone out, although most help based groups in SL only want to help new people out and become suspicious when they look at a profile and see the age of the avatar but do not realize that avatar is logging in for the first time in a while and needs help understanding the changes with avatars and navigating SL to find some free or inexpensive Bento heads, shapes, skin, etc.  Others find themselves being booted out of groups for speaking English too well and typing too fast!  Some try Flickr, Facebook groups, and Discord to search and connect with others.  It may just come down to how each person thinks and processes what they are learning, and we all know that we learn at different speeds.  In my humble opinion, I think Second Life is created to help us explore our own minds, to possibly push ourselves to learn something new and grow using Second Life as a tool. So sit back, relax and explore!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Spotlight on AMForte Clarity- The Ghost Explorer Reporting...


I Need Some Clarity!!!

Standing alone in the middle of a dance floor at Black Diamond, I had my eyes closed.  I could only feel the live energy around me while countless fans were dancing around me to the electrifying sound of AMForte Clarity.  I can't recall the date of the first AM concert that I attended since she has been in SL forever but I do remember that was the day I knew that I would forever be a fan.  It was lyrical magic.  She sang "Linger" by the Cranberries and the energy was otherworldly.  In the following years, I made it a point to take all my friends to at least one of her concerts.  If you think that it is all about the music at this point, you are sadly mistaken.  AM Forte has a way of connecting with her fans.  She is an accessible star with a voice that reaches deep into the heart of everyone she meets.  My answer to friends who are experiencing real life struggles when they share their issues with me in Second Life has always been "You need some Clarity".  If you are not yet aware, Clarity is AMforte's last name in Second Life.  We would go to an AM concert and then I would listen while my friends would speak their minds.  

Someone requested "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac and AM beautifully obliged.  In the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by all those happy fans, I opened my eyes and looked around wondering how long have they been following her?  Do they feel the same connection that I do to her music?  Hard to tell at times but one thing is for sure:  They Love Her.  Last song and the concert is over.  She waived to her supporters and hopped off the stage.  I had no place in particular to go so I just stayed on the dance floor alone while everyone was disappearing one at a time.  Soon, I was alone in the place with AM standing in front of the stage.  That was the perfect opportunity to ask her a few questions so that I can share with you SL Enquirer readers.


Ghost Explorer - Hello AM!

AM - Hey Green!

Ghost Explorer - I hate to bother you but was wondering if you are able to answer a few questions for a newspaper article that I am writing.

AM - Sure :)

Ghost Explorer - Awesome! So we will start with how long have you been performing in SL?

AM - I have been performing in SL since 2008.

Ghost Explorer - That is a long time.  How would you describe your style?

AM - I don't have a particular style I stick with. I perform to many different styles with cover songs and even including my original music. 

Ghost Explorer - We know that you are hardworking, what drives or motivates you?

AM - What motivates me is my love for music and to reach people that need music.

Ghost Explorer - What usually goes through your mind when you are performing?

AM - I get lost in the music. I don't say much during my concerts anymore, but when I play the piano and sing, it takes me to another place. 

Ghost Explorer - We get lost in your music as well. In all the years that you have been here, have you ever thought about quitting SL? 

AM - I don't think I have ever thought about quitting SL. I like it here and meet a lot of wonderful people. 

Ghost Explorer - How has the pandemic affected what you do here?

AM - The pandemic has not affected me at all with my SL experience.

Ghost Explorer - Do you have any big projects coming up?

AM - I do! My second album will be out this summer and I will be working on a docu-series film project, called Ghost Slapped. You can read about it at

Ghost Explorer - Beside Second Life, where can your fans find your music to enjoy?

AM - They can visit my YouTube @

Ghost Explorer - Lastly, where do you see yourself a year from now?

AM - I'm not exactly sure, but I think that I will be filming and creating more music in the future

After thanking her for making the time to answer all my questions, AMforte Clarity vanished in the wind leaving a beautiful impression, just like the magical notes she sings.  

Once more, alone with my thought in the middle of the dance floor at the Black Diamond, I started thinking about the wonderful sides of Second Life.  I get to experience up close, real star power and speak to a performer, an artist, singer, songwriter and more importantly a friend for a few minutes between space and time.  As Annie Lennox once sang, Sweet Dreams are made of this.  

Thank you AMForte Clarity for making Second Life a better place.  We hope to enjoy your music always.

-The Ghost Explorer

Additional Information:




AMForte Clairty Fan Club Group

Preferred contact: AMForte Clarity for bookings

April 10th - PSSST Tour Debuts LIVE at Terry's


PSSST....would you like to hear a secret?

Join us on Saturday, April 10th beginning at 11am SLT for the long-anticipated debut of the PSSST Tour LIVE at Terry's Place! FIVE fun-filled hours of live music from some of the hottest entertainers on the grid!  This is the first time these talented performers have all been together on the same day, so be prepared for a few surprises along the way! ;)

It all kicks off at 11am SLT with a special LIVE performance from spiritLed, as he returns to the Terry's stage! spiritLed is not new to SL but relatively new to performing live music around the grid. Coming to you from the East Coast, spiritLed has been playing the guitar since his 20's and is now learning and enjoying playing keyboard.

You will immediately fall in love with spiritLed's covers of songs from artists like Coldplay, Harry Styles, Train, The Beatles, and more. Join us and hear why he is beloved by fellow musicians around the grid.

Next up at 12-noon SLT, Terry's is proud to welcome Tally Mercury (formerly Tallyesin), a singer/songwriter performing acoustic shows in SL since 2011. He has a 20-year history as a performer meandering through the UK and abroad.

Tally is a storyteller with a sound that is both soothing and powerful. He does a wide range of songs that span genre and time. Some of his choices are recognizable and some will be songs you've not heard before but all are guaranteed to be memorable.

From the Beatles to Adele, Coldplay to Bastille, Tally has a distinct style that keeps bringing people back.  

Following Tally at 1pm SLT, prepare to be captivated by Phemie Garfield, an acoustic singer/songwriter playing her piano across the grid since 2007. She has a lovely tone to her voice that layers beautifully with the warm keys of her piano. You will get sucked into the stories she weaves in the songs, she covers as well as the haunting originals she shares with us.  

Phemie's song selection is varied spanning both time and genre. From the moment you hear those first few keys breakthrough the quiet until the last notes she sings at the end of the hour you'll be glad you stopped by and looking forward to the next time.

Coming up at 2pm SLT, the beautiful and enchanting SEMINA will take the stage, performing LIVE for your listening pleasure! Born and raised in the south coast of Sweden, she is a talented singer-songwriter who has traveled the world playing her music at clubs, festivals, living rooms and theaters around Scandinavia, Europe, UK, and the USA.

With a playful way of mixing genres and a voice that could mend a broken heart, SEMINA now comes to entertain in Second Life with covers from well known artists.

Finally, at 3pm SLT, get ready for another magnificent performance from Skye Galaxy!  Taking a variety of different songs and artists, Skye translates each tune and places them gently beside a soothing, sensual line of vocal and simplistic piano arrangements. Nineteen years ago, he was brought into this world by his mother, who resided in Smolensk (Смоленск), Russia, and a father who moved to the States from Berlin. From the first moments of which he could mutter a sound, singing had become nothing short of a passion.

His influences include the vocals and production talents of Imogen Heap, the emotion often found in the likes of Coldplay, Keane, and Death Cab for Cutie, and in the other artists that continue to fill his favorites list; Above & Beyond, Frou Frou, Rufus Wainwright, Kate Havnevik, Yann Tiersen, and many more.

Skye is a musician, performer and vocalist professionally in his first life, but likes to keep his two lives well apart. He joined Second Life in order to pursue the feeling of growth in his abilities, once more, and that numerous chain of events leading to one better opportunity to the next until you are stumbling for the top.

Come support live music with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!!!


Welcome to Terry's Place, your friendly neighborhood pub where everyone knows your name! Home to some of the hottest DJs and live singers on the grid, there's a little something for everyone here at Terry's when you just need to get away from it all. Dance as we spin tunes for all walks of life, show off your talents at Open Mic every Friday, or enjoy a live concert out in the park at our Terry's Sunday Showcase!  With events happening five nights a week, be yourself and escape the chains of real life with friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun...ONLY at Terry's Place!


Ninja (ninjaantwoord resident)

Performer Websites:

SpiritLed -

Tally Mercury -

Phemie Garfield (Phemie Alcott) -

Semina -

Skye Galaxy

Moonlight Music Presents: Rockstar Island Live Vocals Concerts 3-6pm SLT


3-4pm -
Rocker Gibson
& Bad Reputation
Wolfie Moonshadow
& Bad Reputation
Seren McGillivary
& Bad Reputation
WHERE: Rockstar Island where the music is LIVE!!. Rockin' high above the snow-topped mountains and rockin the Aurora Borealis (when you land set the world to midnight)