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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Friday, April 3, 2015

SPRINGFEST 2015: APRIL 3rd To April 5th, 2015

Springfest 2015 will take place on April 3 to 5, 2015. Springfest 2015 has a space theme to match the futuristic theme of the 2015 Relay For Life of Second Life season “The Future is Now” theme. This event will feature over 20 Relay For Life of Second Life teams, who have joined together to provide three days of cancer fundraising in 4 space themed areas! Activities include live djs, performers, a space carnival, 7seas Fishing, Bumper Boats, and paintball!
Vending areas are also set up, with many items up for sale, raffle, and auction! 100% proceeds at Springfest will go to Relay For Life of Second Life, an official charity of the American Cancer Society!
A complete schedule of teams and events can be found at the following link:

About Relay For Life of Second Life:
Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life for 10 years. In 2005, the first Relay For Life of Second Life
(RFL of SL) was attended by a few hundred avatars and raised almost $5,000 US dollars for the
American Cancer Society. As of July 2014 RFL Of SL ranks number 17th out of 5000 teams worldwide in donations received. We have brought in over 2 million US dollars to help with the fight against cancer. This year our Relay weekend will be held on July 17th and 18th.

About the American Cancer Society:
The American Cancer Society is a global grassroots force of nearly three million volunteers saving lives and fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. As the largest voluntary health organization, the Society's efforts have contributed to a 22 percent decline in cancer death rates in the US during the past two decades, and a 50 percent drop in smoking rates. Thanks in part to our progress nearly 14.5 million Americans who have had cancer and countless more who have avoided it will celebrate more birthdays this year.  We're determined to finish the fight against cancer. As the nation’s largest private, not-for-profit
investor in cancer research, we’re finding cures and ensuring people facing cancer have the help they need and continuing the fight for access to quality health care, lifesaving screenings, clean air, and more. For more information, to get help, or to join the fight, visit or call us anytime, day or night, at 1-800-227-2345.

For More Information:

Indulge yourself in country chic with the new GizzA - Louisa Dress.

 The newest mini dress from GizzA is ruffles, denim and leather combined in one western look.
The eye catching, waist belt wraps tightly around the torso and starts the skirt which cascades down the thighs in playful ruffles.


GizzA - Louisa Dress is available in 4 different patterns, varying from plaid to florals, with embroidered bodice and all with contrasting belt.


A demo is available in the main store to try before purchase.


GizzA Mainstore:

Gizza Outlet :
More than thousand new outfits recently added in the outlet store

GizzA Creations / Owner & Creator
Giz Seorn

GizzA Creations / Owner
Auster Elan

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Meet and Greet Block Party Was a Blast! Thank you to all who made an appearence!

 Special thanks to M.Y. Studio Productions and DJ Zephyr Windgate. Congratulations to all the raffle winners!

Here are some pictures of the event:

Spring is here and it is the perfect time for a fresh new look and a Meet & Greet Block Party! Brought to you by The SL Enquirer and M.Y Studio Productions.

 Join us for great music featuring DJ Zephyr Windgate. Participate in SLE’s Easter Egg Decorating Contest and vote for your favorite design. The whole sim is open to tour with lots of things to do.
The SL Enquirer Media Center is newly revamped and ready to welcome visitors. It is not what you would expect from a Newspaper office, it is so much more. The SL Enquirer is still first and foremost all about delivering SL news and stories, and the typewriters will still ticking away and frantic reporters will still be running around chasing stories but the media center is all about you and offering you our loyal readers and advertisers an added experience in SL.  We welcome you to Mont Flueri on the Seychelles Isles estate. The Sim is surrounded by waterways on all sides and has a dock for sailors who are passing by. With a small Venetian town feel lined with shops neatly set along a freshly paved sidewalk, the atmosphere is quiet and relaxing. It is the perfect place to sit at the outdoor café with friends and discuss the latest news, browse our advertiser’s shops or visit the SLE Galleria which features Painting with Pastels artwork hand painted by PrinceFrantz.

But don’t stop there! Take the steps down on to the beach where food, refreshments and entertainment awaits you. The beach is a fun place to play, dance or just relax on the loungers overlooking the water. For couples and general socializing activities, SLE offers a Tiki Bar and a free movie screen with a great selection of titles to choose from. Game tables are also available for some good fun with friends.
Our exclusive parties are carefully planned but we welcome DJs to spin if they wish to host their own events at SLE.

Activities to note:

·         13 Crystal Skulls Hunt
·         Easter Egg Decorating Contest
·         7Seas Fishing Tournaments
·         Shops (space available)
·         Social Cafe
·         Ad Office/Advertising options: 15% Off for the month of April!
·         SLE Gallery featuring the  Painting with Pastels Collection
·         Movie’s at the Beach (16 titles to choose from)
·         Cards Against Humanity
·         U-Know (uno game tables)
·         Beach Club
·         Media Job Opportunities ( Promoter, DJ, Host, Event Coordinator, Blogger

·         Sailing Access 



Join us at Daddy-O's for an early Easter celebration. Come show off your Easter outfits. We suspect there may be some "bunnies" around that night too! DJ Huey Walker and his hostess Krissy  Walker will be on stage providing awesome music and ambiance. Come see one of the most fun and comfortable venues in SL - Daddy-O's, Where FUN Rulez!

Idle Roque's Le Cirque de Nuit is Coming to Town Again! April 3,4 and 5th

After months of careful preparation, Idle Rogue's Le Cirque de Nuit opens and runs again on Friday April 3 at 7pmSaturday April 4 at 2pm and 7p,m Sunday April 5 at 7pm.

The show is tour-de-force virtual entertainment. Loosely referencing Erin Morgenstern's novel "The Night Circus", builder Gloriana Maertens has created a magical circus environment in the sky above Idle Rogue. From the moment you arrive, you feel the shimmering in the air, and the enchantment begins.

As you take your seat, we will assume control of your camera and embark together on a sparkling journey, of shadows and light, sounds and visions, astonishment and delight.
A collaborative experience, Le Cirque de Nuit has been crafted by some of the best performers and builders in SL at the height of their careers. It's a black and white steam-punk extravaganza that features clever concepts woven together by an extremely professional team. Produced by Chryblnd Scribe, with a stage scripted and managed by Arrehn Oberlander, you will witness thrilling performances by dancers who have honed their skills in the great troupes of our time.

Follow the slurl and click the board at stage right in the Acuo Theatre!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Linda Lauren: How Different Colors Can Change Your Life.

A big congratulations to Linda Lauren on her guest appearance with Fox & Friends . Not only is she a part of Team SLE but Linda is a dear friend and all around great person. Her accomplishments just keep adding up. I am so proud of her and wanted to share her color advice with our readers.


About Linda
Linda Lauren is a fourth-generation Psychic Medium, Color & Energy Analyst, Author and Reiki Practitioner, who connects with people who come to her for guidance through the color and energy she senses around them.  Linda, known as the ‘Travel Psychic™’, also uses that energy to guide her clients with their travel plans.

Information retrieved from

AVIE POLL: Finding Humor and Humanity in Second Life for April Fool’s Day- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Second Life is supposed to be fun so what better way to bring some humor mixed with humanity on April Fool’s Day?

 Humanity plays a big part in keeping things civil in Second Life but issues, drama and sex seem to be things people either feel uncomfortable talking about or have no shame whatsoever in sharing. So, I set out to ask random avatars some open ended and somewhat sketchy and awkward questions on what they would do in various situations. How they responded will either make you crack up or raise an eyebrow. Please note, most contributors have been kept anonymous for obvious reasons.

What is the craziest April Fools prank you ever pulled on someone? How did it go over?
Anonymous: In sl it is hard to prank someone because the best part about doing a prank is seeing the person’s reaction but I have terrorized my little brother from kids to our adulthood with silly pranks. The best one I did was dare him to dress up in his football uniform and stand near the street and moon cars passing by. I promised him I would open the door so he can run inside afterwards.  He mooned about 3 cars until one finally stopped and he took off running with his pants still half way down towards the house and I slammed and locked it on him. I lost his trust that day. A few other times I positioned a cup of water above his door and it came splashing down on him more than once. The payback was I wasn’t invited to his wedding. In fact, no one was because he ended up secretly doing it at the courthouse.

Anonymous: I streaked across a crowded club wearing a huge floppy penis and got banned. Some people don’t have a sense of humor.

Anonymous: I was tired hearing about how my female friends were always being hit on  for sex at this particular club so I decided to dress like a woman and go there.  It wasn’t long before I was asked if I wanted sex. I said OK and followed him to a private area near the beach. When he asked me to undress I did. Right in the heat of the moment I put on my bling penis and told him to bend over. I never saw an avi tp so fast in my life!

Anonoymous: I didn’t do a prank but I was pranked and mortified by my BFFs. One time while I was hanging out with friends at my house I needed to go AFK. My friends had rez rights because I trusted them. When I returned I had a huge penis in my mouth and they were all taking snapshots and sending it to me. I felt so embarrassed and learned my lesson about leaving my avi alone with them.

Humor Vs. Humanity
What if you logged in the Second life and landed at the home you share with your significant other and discovered them in bed with someone else, would you secretly try to get back at them for your own or go into a big rant and cause a scene? Why?

Anonymous: I would sit next to them in silence until they finished ... and this silence would remain forever with this woman.

Anonymous: wow lol I don’t know what my reaction would be at that moment but if I had the rights to eject them I would send them both flying naked and I would give up my house and put him on mute.

Anonymous: no I’m not into making scenes and fighting. I think I would just leave and mute her and not say anything. It would be her lose because I think I am a rational nice guy and I deserve respect.

Anonymous: I wouldn’t secretly try to get back at her I would find me a new girl and flaunt it in her face to make her feel like I did. Revenge can be sweet.
Anonymous:  That would be so stupid to do. If a person is going to cheat, why would they do it at the home they share with their partner? If that happened to me I would take snapshots and send it to both of them and then I’ll break up with her.

Choose one of the two embarrassing moments you would prefer. Your intimate private sex session being made public for all to see or finding out the person you just had sl sex with was a gender imposter and that being made public record to all your friends? Why?

Lily Holsworthy: I'm not shy i don't have to be anonymous and as for the question I was a lesbian for two years and didn't even know it lmao! I wasn't embarrassed or anything and I am not worried about anything being made public in here much more fun to have your name in lights :)

Anonymous 2: clearly that having sex with an impostor I would feel disgusted It would be a huge frustration and that would be a wooden stick up his ass up too.

Anonymous 3: The first option - lol at least I wouldn't have been lied to by said partner

If you could choose one , would it be eavesdropping on others private IMs or  being able to sift through their inventory and take what you wanted. Which would you choose and why?

Lily Holsworthy: totally eavesdropping cause lets face it we all love gossip we're human

Anonymous 2: my inventory is a full I don’t need anymore things so I pick eavesdropping definitely. I am always wondering why some crowded places are always so quiet. I bet everyone is sexting in private. Just to be funny I  think I would try to coach them along.

Anonymous 3: Oh being super nosy I would like to eavesdrop on private IM's it would give great insight to other's lives and - the stories we could tell afterwards.

If someone accidently sent you 10000L meant for someone else, would you return it or ignore them and run with the loot?

Lily Holsworthy: I would send it back I'd feel horrible

Anonymous: as tempting as it is to take the lindens and run I think I would give it back

Anonymous: If I was on an alt that was broke hell yes I would run with it. Who just drops 10000L on someone without double checking the name? Someone who deserves losing it, that’s who.

If you were close friends with a couple and one of them told you they were cheating on the other, would you be a gossip and tell or keep it to yourself and act like you don’t know anything?

Anonymous: this is the classic monkey in the middle situation…… I think getting in the middle is a bad idea because if they reconcile you will just look like a jackass and lose both friends.

Anonymous: I would distance myself from them because I would feel awkward about it.

Anonymous: If my best friend’s man was cheating on her. YES I would tell her. That is what true friend’s do. I would want her to tell me if my man was cheating on me.

Anonymous: it would be none of my business but I would tell the cheater that I didn’t think it was right.

Anonymous:  who cares this is secondlife. I don’t have time to deal with that I come here for fun.  Chances are with it is an oxymoron to even fight about. The cheaters are probably cheating on their real life partner anyway so it doesn’t really matter what they do to their sl partner.

What if you were told a big secret that could totally disrupt someone’s second life and were offered 100,000L by someone else to reveal it, would you do it for the money or stay true to being a trustworthy person?

Lily Holsworthy: since i'm the only one that's probably ever going to answer this truthfully lmao It would depend on the person, the situation and the secret. If it's some second life thing where it is someone who has 0 respect for anyone I would do it and take the money. If it has something to do with someone's rl though I would keep the secret. I was always taught that if you didn't have something to say you wouldn't say in front of everyone you shouldn't say or do it in the first place.

Anonymous: Trust is paramount - no amount of money could persuade me to betray someone's trust

Anonymous: It depends. If the person was a scammer or lying about their gender I would sell them out.

Have you ever dated more than one person in SL at a time with or without using an Alt? What was the outcome of your two timing? Be Honest, you can remain anonymous.

Anonymous: I don’t have an alt but I will admit that yes I have and still do occasionally. I get bored easily and my girlfriend doesn’t come on too often.

Anonymous: No, trying to live a triple life sounds like a lot of work.

Anonymous: yes I have two timed with an alt. If my partner hasn’t logged on in a while I go to my other avatar. I don’t like to hang out by myself so I sometimes go to clubs and talk to people. I met a guy two weeks ago who knows about my boyfriend but he will take me on fun dates if I am not doing anything. I know my boyfriend would be mad if he found out I kissed and slow danced with my new friend.

If you were given escort services as a gift for your rezday, single or not, would you do it?
Anonymous: Yessssss lol That would be such fun

Lily Holsworthy: No thank you I have standards and those dudes usually look like greased up douchebags

Anonymous: I got a lapdance before but I never tried an escort. I would do it out of curiosity and hope my partner didn’t find out.

Anonymous: I am an escort so probably not. I would prefer hanging out with my friends for my rezzday.

What is the biggest lie you ever told someone in Second Life to make yourself look good? Where you ever caught?

Anonymous: I told my girlfriend that I had a big c**** and when she asked me to show her I sent her a picture of someone else’s. I didn’t get caught.

Anonymous: the biggest lie I ever told was that I was separated. I got caught because my sl partner wanted to meet me in rl and I kept making excuses until he figured it out and I came clean when he asked. We broke up for 3 months but then we got back together. My feelings for him are real even though I lied and I regret it.

Anonymous: lying is hard work so the truth will set you free. I know Im ugly, fat and have a bad haircut. I have my picture in my profile and whoever doesn’t like it doesn’t have to talk to me. I have a girlfriend on second life who likes me for me.

If your friend asked to borrow 5000L to buy  a fancy wedding ring or gifts for someone you didn’t like  in SL ,would you do it?

Anonymous: No way!  My magnanimity doesn't stretch that far.

Anonymous: no because I don’t have that kind of lindens to spare. Also, I don’t like lending money to friends because you almost never get it back.

As you can see Second Life is a fun place to be even with the crazy situations that occur here. Whether people bring their humanity or humor into Second Life there is always something to do and talk about. Just remember to make fun a priority when observing April Fool’s and enjoy the day!

Spruce up to Spring with GizzA - Laila Dresses!

The new mini dress by GizzA has an empire waist with harnessed bodice and daring neckline.
GizzA - Laila Dresses are airy and fresh, embracing the newly emerging rays of sun, but also daring for a night out. Versatile as can be expected from GizzA!


GizzA - Laila Dresses are available in 4 color packs, each holding 2 colors. Two packs are classic solid colors and two in camo colors.


A demo is available in the main store to try before purchase.


GizzA Mainstore:

Gizza Outlet :
More than thousand new outfits recently added in the outlet store

GizzA Creations / Owner & Creator
Giz Seorn

GizzA Creations / Owner
Auster Elan

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Adult Entertainment: Seduction Estates Events for April1st to April 5th 2015

 Wednesday April 1st 2015
 {{{{{{{{{SPRING BREAK EVENT}}}}}}}}}}}

·          DJ IGS & THE MGD GIRLZ

·         Jackie Lefko  7 to 8 pm slt
·         D.J. HATE & THE MGD GIRLZ 


·         TJ ONAMNICHI    7 TO 8 PM SLT
·         LONG PAUSCH 8 TO 9 PM SLT 
·         DJ IGS & THE MGD GIRLZ 9 TO 11PM SLT


·         TABOO REIGN  5 TO 6 PM SLT



Eternally Yours Welcomes Tori's Styles

Beautiful gowns, handsome tux's, gorgeous flowers...come here to make your wedding dreams come true. Tori Xavorin brings her talent  and bubbling personality to EY's commitment to  create the "Extraordinary Experience" you deserve.

Grand Opening of (CCW) Completely Customized Weddings on April 4th

Completely Customized Weddings announces it's grand opening on Saturday April 4th located on Appalachian  CCW specializes in creating the bride and groom's wedding based on what they envisioned and builds it from scratch.  There are no selection of themed wedding venues and this enables the bride and groom to have a venue designed that is uniquely there own.  Those interested can IM MacPhearson Resident or Allie34 Resident for more information

Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Special! 15% Off All Advertising and Shop Space Rentals at the SL Enquirer Now!

Here's a perk for advertising with The SL Enquirer in the Spring!

Get  15% Off one Month Ad Packages & Long term rates.  Space is limited and will be at a first come first serve basis.

As an added bonus for advertisers with merchandise to sell, we are offering a 50 prim allowance and shop space as part of our monthly AD packages.  Not only will you get shop space but you can promote it with an Ad Banner/link on the SL Enquirer website,  weekly press release/event posts and access to sending notices in our SL Enquirer Media group!

Where else can you get a total promotional package like that?

Lock in your  Spring savings Now!

For Shop Set up assistance contact Lanai Jarrico

Offer expires  April 30th

Discovering Egypt- Debby Sharma Reporting...

A land and an age of Pyramids, Egypt is rich on culture. During the era of 10th millennium BC, the people of Egypt built the most extravagant buildings with highest amount of precision which is yet to be achieved in the modern era. The unsolved mysteries of the Pyramids, the reason why it was built and the tons of stone blocks used to make the most stable structure in the universe. It is said that among all the shapes, pyramids are the only ones that can stand through the changing environments and time.
Egyptian lands spans through the northeast corner to the southwest corner of Africa, a territory of about 390,000 square miles lying with the Nile Valley. With over 88 million populations, it is the 15th most populated country in the world with its majority of the population residing in the Nile Valley.

In Second Life, the Ancient Egypt has been created as close to the Egypt we visualize now in real life and the image of the Egypt that is embedded under the sands of time. At the welcome spot, room transcends you to the land to Egypt. The heliographic walls talk of the incredible knowledge of the past. A view of the tribes that scored the Egyptian Lands is placed in the welcome room.

 It is requested to visit the land wearing their original form of dress. A free outfit for both woman and man is present just at the entrance.  The room is guarded by a door and a greeter welcomes you saying, “EM HOTEP!!” By the door stands the female statue of the gate keeper of the Egyptian Tribe.

Visit the 1/36th scale Giza Plateau, showing all the pyramids and other features of the actual Giza Plateau. Also, above this Plateau, are two 360º panoramic views. There is lot to explore. The bright colors surround the deserted lands with coconut trees and huge statues standing against time. The Nile Valley has the ruins of civilizations that once existed near the Nile River in real life.  You can view their markets, their trade and commerce, their gigantic ships, their docks. The landmark to the Nile Valley is

The Nile Valley also consists of grand structures like the Giza Necropolis and its great sphinx and the ruins of Memphis Thebes and the Valley of the Kings represent the legacy of archaeological studies over the years. Further the version in Second Life enunciates ancient agriculture, literature and urban settlements with a reflection of hunter gatherers, fishers and grain grinding culture; similar to our rural civilization.

Ancient Egypt of Second Life gives the closest possible view of the culture we have left behind in our past. It is a must visit place, if you would like to be transported to the 10th Millennium BC.

Visit the Second Life inspired version of Ancient Egypt here