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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Let’s Take a Trip to Venice in Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting...

Located on an archipelago in the North-eastern Mediterranean Sea, the city of Venice dates back 1500 years and is made up of 118 flat islands, 416 bridges and 177 canals. Long ago it was the biggest power in that region during the 1300-1500’s. Today, Venice is visited by tourists at an average of 18 million a year and is one of the famous honeymoon spots for couples who want to experience a romantic gondola ride and dine on Venetian cuisine. If you have always wanted to travel to Venice in Real Life but never had the chance, you can do that virtually. You don’t even need a passport to get there!
Venice Second Life has been created cleverly to resemble Real Life Venice with gondoliers, little cafés and the winding cobblestone streets with shops to explore. Here are a few things you can find and do in Second Life Venice.

What is a trip to Venice without Gondola rides?
Yes, it is possible to take a gondola ride at Second Life Venice. It is manually operated which means you navigate the gondolier through the waterways.
Don’t worry if you are not an experienced gondolier. It is not hard to do and you can forget that you are handling it once you sit back and enjoy the ride and views. It is perfect for a romantic date or exploring some realism in Second Life. I would recommend at least trying it to give you the Venice feel.

Rictorante Caffe Saraceno

This is a great place to meet up with friends or your partner and have a meal or even a cup of coffee while talking about your week or day. The service is excellent with attentive staff.  The restaurant overlooks the Grand Canal where you can watch people go by on the water or even by foot on the narrow pavements.  The perfect time to go is at sunset.  The sun’s reflection on the water sets the mood well.

Rialto Bridge

You may recognise this bridge as it is the exact copy to the one in Real Life the Rialto Bridge. This would be the bridge when you TP to the Venice Second Life sim be the landing point. From the Rialto Bridge you are able to wander around the sim easily by foot if you choose to not use a gondolier. It also gives you the perfect bird’s eye view of the sim allowing you to easily take good pics of the sim.
Shopping is a big deal for tourists both in the real world and in Second Life. Rialto Bridge is a good landing point to reach the shops!

Shopping in the Mediterranean

There are quite a few good shops on the sim that offer a variety of products. These shops can be found around the winding cobbled streets along the canal and also in the backstreets. Not all shops are brand names which can be good as you can sometimes find that little unusual gift for someone or even yourself. That is so fun about shopping. It is like going on a treasure hunt.

Saint Marks Square

Here you will find more gondoliers and  shops. Saint Mark’s Square is a perfect spot to take photos of your adventures.  

I would definitely recommend Second Life Venice and have always visited here when I want to take stock of the day or catch up with people in Second Life.  It is definitely worth the visit.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter Events Going on Now in Second Life- Nena Dreadlow Reporting

What kind of activities do like to do in Second Life to celebrate Easter? Besides all the wonderful shops around to decorate your home I have found some great hunts and an Easter egg decorating contest that you, your friends and your family will have fun with.

Botanica A-Mazing Easter Egg hunt

Follow the arrows to the garden maze where you find the bunny with all the info. Grab your Easter basket and start looking for the eggs. There are 12 eggs total to find.  YOu can win some Easter decorations, spring flowers and garden follies. Once you collect all of the eggs you win the grand prize! Botanica A-Mazing Easter Egg Hunt is in a beautiful maze filled with bunnies and trees! They also have shopping.  The sim is filled with garden decor and also a gift shop with balloons and cards.
There is a lot to look at while you are doing your hunt.

8th Annual EggaPalooza Spring hunt

This Spring hunt takes place from March 20-April 15th and is Located in Aeros Park.
There are 100 eggs to find  in the public areas.
I Found a pedal car to ride around  and explore the sim. It has a wonderful waterfront view and not only can you find eggs but there are other activities such a car racing ,  a log flume, roller coaster, bike riding and a lot more to explore. They host a lot of events here on the sim as well. Make sure you join their group for more information and events.

Magicland Park
Magicland Park is a virtual replica of Disneyland. What Better way to celebrate Easter than at the most happiest place of all! Make sure you find the bunny to get all the info you need to do the Easter egg hunt. Also, don’t forget to grab your basket!  There are 15 eggs total to find. You can find them all over the park and the clues will help you.
 While you are there make sure you check out some of the rides like, the log flume or Dumbo and People mover. My favorite of course was the hundred acre woods and seeing Winnie the Pooh. You may even get lucky and see some Disney characters who come for a visit.  And finally, no visit to Magicland Park is complete without watching the Parade!

Boo Boo Easter Egg Hunt
This Easter egg hunt runs now until April 5th. There are 15 eggs to find for 1L each and you have to explore to two different locations with 5 stores involved in the hunt. When you arrive simply touch the sign to get clues that will help you find the eggs. Make sure you grab your basket and get some other free goodies! There are some nice items that you get so its we’ll worth the 1L! Make sure you check out the stores while you are doing the hunt too.

SLE’s Easter Egg Decorating Contest

Now Until April 20th!
We can end this article without mentioning our very own Easter Activity!
 Celebrate Easter with the SL Enquirer as we decorate our  Media Center with Easter Eggs created by SLE Fans. The free kit includes Instructions, 1 Mesh Egg Template and 1 Prim Egg Template to choose from.

·       1st Place- A L$1500 credit towards Spotlight Feature and one month of advertising on The SL Enquirer website or cash prize of 500L.

·       2nd Place- Press Release Post Gift Certificate and cash prize 100L

·       3rd Place- Press Release Post (a L$300 value Redeemable for cash for L$ 100)

All entries should be in on or before April 1st so all your friends can start voting for you!
Winner announced April 20th.

To enter visit the SL Enquirer Media Center for your free decorating kit.

It will be worth your time to check out these hunts as well as showcase your Easter egg decorating skills for a chance at cool prizes. Get hoppin’ and have a Happy Easter!

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Vagabond Fugue Ch 7: "Fever Dream"

The 13 Crystal Skulls Hunt Island Brought to you by The SL Enquirer

Now Open to the Public!

Located on a newly discovered island of Takamaka, off the shores of Seychelles Isle is a place of mystery and intrigue. A Pirate ship containing ancient relics from a long lost expedition struck the jagged shores and became shipwrecked. Not knowing what to do with the 13 crystal skulls, pirates frantically carried the sacred treasure chests ashore and hid them throughout the island. No maps were ever found and the pirates mysteriously disappeared only leaving behind traces of their brief visit along with the wreckage and artifacts to be found.

Come explore and unlock the mysterious behind the real 13 crystal skulls and find hidden treasures & ancient relics which you can display in your virtual home or  personal collection.

The hunt begins here:

The Ancient Mystery surrounding the real 13 Crystal Skulls has intrigued explorers in search of these relics for years.

Each Skull is said to contain special powers and ancient knowledge that bring forth healing to those who are ill. For others with sensitivity to spiritual energy it evokes psychic visions for those who come in contact with them. What you choose to belief is at your own discretion. But for those who have felt the presence of one of these ancient skulls; its energy and mystery cannot be dismissed.

These Unique artifacts have been found in different parts of the World, yet all appear to be created in the same manner; in the shape of a human skull. They vary in sizes and they are made from different types of crystals found deep within the earth.
 Shaman, Explorers, scientists, gemologists and others who have come in contact with these remarkable relics have studied their unique design and wondered about their true purpose. Some reproductions where made and dismissed from being authentic because they showed some modern tool marks.  However, one of the most well know crystal skulls  completely baffles all who have studied “max” in great detail.

Skulls are universal symbol of mankind. The crystal skulls are said to be made from one single piece of crystal with no evidence of primitive tools or modern day machine markings. How they were made remains a mystery but said to have been created by Mystics who used the earth's energy and stored valuable information about humankind within each skull.
According to legend they hold the key to Life and the future of our very existence.  It is said when all 13 crystal skulls are found and brought together, they will reveal all the answers of the universe and save humanity.

Eternally Yours and Hilly Haalan Fashions make "Extraordinary Experiences"

Hilly Haalan, our sim's new fashion designer brings breathtaking gowns, shoes, and stylish dresses for the wedding party to our commitment to the events themselves. Together we strive to create the "genuine feeling" our events are known for.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Pschology of Colors - HuffPost Live

Linda Lauren was interviewed by HuffPost Live by Nancy Redd.  This informative discussion about how the positive energy of color can enhance a work environment, baby room and even affect how we eat!  Check it out and think about the colors in SL you use!

Eternally Yours Weddings & Events Searching for Outstanding Sales Reps

Eternally Yours is expanding  Are you interested in turning clients genuine dreams into an extraordinary SL reality. If you are... we would love for you to join us. Apply today to become part of our growing sales team! An interview with our sales manager will answer all of your questions.

IT'S A RED CARPET GALA AT DADDY-O'S Thursday March 26th 6-8 PM SLT


You are invited to Daddy'Os first ever Red Carpet Gala event. Come dressed as your favorite celebrity - use your noodles and be creative. It can be a rock, pop or movie star or any other highly famous person or couple. You could even get some friends and recreate the Village people. Come walk the Red Carpet at Daddy'Os and rub elbows with the rich and famous . DJ Huey and Krissy will be on stage for awesome music and ambiance. Come see one of the most fun and comfortable venues in SL - Daddy-O's, Where FUN Rulez!

Enter The SL Enquirer’s Easter Egg Decorating Contest- Contest Extended to April 20th

Accepting Entries Now!

All entries should be in on or before April 1st so voting can begin! Winner announced April 20th(entry date extended)

It's that time of year again! Celebrate Easter with the SL Enquirer as we decorate our  Media Center with Easter Eggs created by SLE Fans!
The free kit includes Instructions, rules, 1 Mesh Egg Template and 1 Prim Egg Template to choose from.

·       1st Place- A L$1500 credit towards Spotlight Feature and one month of advertising on The SL Enquirer website or cash prize of 500L.
·       2nd Place- Press Release Post Gift Certificate and cash prize 100L
·       3rd Place- Press Release Post (a L$300 value Redeemable for cash for L$ 100)

 Get started on your egg decorating today.  But hurry! 

To enter visit the SL Enquirer Media Center for your free decorating kit.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Psychological Test: Tell me your ideal “avatar passenger” in the bus named desire? -Bimala Tagore Reporting…

A “psychological test” is a method used to find out many aspects of our personality through questions or images.  The following test is trying to discover the most “ardent desire” determined by the personal preference of the travelers.

Everybody has dreams, even if they're buried deep inside childhood memories and fantasies. Maybe it's time to revive them or make them come true. After all, nothing is more pleasing than to discover a little more about your personal goals. Whether your aspirations are modest or vast, achieving your dreams is the best route to happiness and satisfaction.
So, what’s your ideal passenger in the bus named desire? Each of these passengers embodies an unconscious dream that may be un-achievable. With it, you will get to know yourself a little better and ascertain your creative potential. This test was set up by Mel Springer Publications who tried to create a connection regarding costumes, appearance, proper posture and psychology.

“Passenger “1”

Within each of you there is a person with a creative capacity. You have to express yourself and your feelings. You need to build self-confidence and develop a more positive sense of yourself.

Passenger “2”

You have a strong desire for freedom and change and at the same time, you are searching for a response to your existential and spiritual longings and desires searching for God.

Passenger “3”

You are a “femme fatale”. You like to seduce and be the focus of universal attention. This profound wish of the fame and importance ashamed you; You think about it. You do! But do you talk about it?

Passenger “4”

You have a nonconformist and youthful personality. Who attends a demonstration, supports a referendum, or even dares to criticize the EU system, but you have a fear of what people will say.

Passenger “5”

You are a calm and easy going person. When problems are revealed, you are looking to soak up the sun and laze on the beach. You also arrive in a place not knowing much about it and basically just rush around.

Passenger “6”

You are a dreamer, nomad, natural and romantic woman, such a profound, sublime and magic love that it appears beyond reality and is almost dreamlike. You love books. They are a shelter of fantasy, an escape from reality.

Passenger “7”

You have exceptional vitality and imagination with a great sense of humor and a prodigious artistic imagination. You are a dreamer whose feet are firmly on the ground. You will hold onto your dreams and work towards their realization.

Passenger “8”

First of all, imagine the scene or mystery you have chosen to help you recollect your thoughts and meditate. You like to do guesswork about what is available. You love exploring the unknown.

Passenger “9”

Sometimes you could be cynical and insensitive person, looking out for only his interest and pleasure. You love to see, touch, smell, taste and hear good things, and are constantly looking outside yourself for satisfaction. Also, you have a contagious laugh and love to "tease”.

All of these passengers have one thing in common; aspiration. It is the need for something more to life that makes people feel whole and unique.  Dreams and fantasies can become part of reality with hard work and dedication towards goals. Happiness doesn’t come easy. We all have to work to obtain it. It is the main goal no matter what type of personality you have. You will never know how far your dreams will take you in life if you do not have goals and aspirations to be happy.

 Which one of these passengers’ best describes you? Use the comment box below to share your dreams and aspirations.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Gizza Creations: Kate Dress

Call it shabby chic, call it vintage, the new GizzA - Kate Dress reaches back to romantic times where soft pastel hues, flowers and pearls were the norm. The short slip dress is is gathered around the hips and topped by a cropped, coarsely knit sweater

GizzA - Kate Dress comes in 4 classic antique finished colors and is completed with a matching long strand pearl necklace that can be color changed via a texture changer HUD, and a rose adornment.

A demo is available in the main store to try before purchase.

GizzA Mainstore:

Gizza Outlet : 
More than thousand new outfits recently added in the outlet store

GizzA Creations / Owner & Creator
Giz Seorn 

GizzA Creations / Owner
Auster Elan

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Avie Poll: Sex Sells Now Vs. Then- Becca Drascol Reporting…

As good as the time old adage?

They say sex sells. We use it in advertising, and it's in some form almost everywhere you go.  And in virtual worlds it's no different.  I'm out to explore Second Life and see if sex sells better today in 2015 or if people feel it sold better in SL's beginning days. Being co-owner of a sex/strip club, I know the business and have been a dancer for almost all five of my years in SL. That being said, my experience alone is only a small part of that which intrigues me about how well one of SL's biggest industries works. I'm interested in the differing views I may encounter, so journey with me.

I started out by asking my friend Shae, who is an eight year resident of SL.  With her experience as a dancer and escort in SL, I figured she would be a good person to get an opinion from.

Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Shae Bellambi: I think escorting was easier and a whole lot more money earlier.

That was a short and simple reply but an honest one. Next I asked a friend and coworker, Zepron his opinion. He also has experience working in adult clubs in SL.

Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Zepron Resident: Earlier on back in 08, 09.

Becca Drascol: Ok one other question; what do you think changed things on how sex sells now vs then?

Zepron Resident: SL was younger then there were more people just finding SL and seen that you could have sex.

I decided to ask Jenwen Walpole owner of Escort Oasis her opinion. Jen is a 7 year old av with a thriving business.

Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Jenwen Walpole: I don't think it sells better or worse.  That’s kind of like asking did sex sell better in the 60's or now. What has changed is the nature of what people are looking for. Same as real life I guess.

Last I asked a close friend of mine Brenna Dover her opinion.
Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Brenna Dover: Well honestly I think sex sold better earlier on than now because people were newer to SL and just here for one thing mostly... whereas now a lot of people are actually looking for real relationships and paying for sex isn’t all that needed.  I’ve never paid for it.
Point of view or Mindset?
Rather you view the question of how sex "sells" as the literal meaning of the exchange of money for some form of sexual service, or as a concept of media images or even a sexy avatar as something that draws us in; the answer I was seeking was simply people's idea on what sells and if sex sells better now or if it did in the past. Sex and being sexual is raw human nature and therefore it's this writer's opinion that sex does still sell.

When asked, "Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?" combining the idea of sex sells and second life, of course sent minds directly to the idea surrounding the literal meaning, an exchange of sex for money i.e. escorting or dancing. However, this too answers a bigger idea behind this article. Just combining the words sex and sells puts an image to mind that I refer to selling sex. But as noted above, sex selling can be in the smallest of terms.

 It can be an alluring avatar that draws your attention to stay at one venue or it could be hot pictures of art or otherwise that captivated you to stay put where you are and take the time to give traffic to a venue.  Therefore the old adage sex sells indeed sold you on giving your time to a venue, now didn't it? 

 The whole idea is one intriguing and as old as time. So yes, sex still sells perhaps, not as well as it once may have in Second Life or in other virtual worlds. What catches the eye keeps you intrigued or entertains to the point that you are at least sold on an idea; image or service is what makes sex continue to sell.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Living with a New York State of mind. A review of The New York City of SL- Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

One could surely state that New York City, NY is the fashion mecca of America.  Ranging from the high end shopping, extraordinary fashion shows, and stylish apartment living, all fashionistas from different cultures tend to look towards New York City at some point during styling in their life. Thanks to the hard work of Joi Price, Owner and Dylani Sweetface Chiantelle, CEO of NYC and all the brands under it.
The New York City sim in Second Life™ is no different.  I recently had the pleasure of spending a day shopping and exploring the Sim and was pleasantly pleased with my experience. I left with the feeling that everyone should take a trip to this sim. I couldn’t wait to get home, open my laptop, and share with the readers of SLE as to why.

Since being established on 11/11/2011, The New York City sim in Second Life™ has evolved into one of SL’s hottest go to places for all of your styling needs. Even spilling into your real life due to Joi Price’s Brand, Angels x Astronauts, that releases new items both inworld and in real life simultaneously.  There has been many well-known brands that got their start on this popular sim, but the equally well known brands of Animaux formerly known as Bellballs, LoQ hair, K-Code Legal Insanity, and Maki Kato has pretty much been there since the beginning and hold down the fort to ensure shoppers have the best to choose from.

If that wasn’t enough, The New York City sim™ in Second Life’s staff also took over the very popular fashion site, Fashion Feed Of SL, which has been noted as being one of the largest and known fashion feeds in SL. Which I feel, and I am sure most othesr do too, that this take over goes hand and hand with proving to be the Fashion Capital of SL.

As my journey began down Fifth Ave, the first thing I noticed was the authentic metropolitan city lifestyle draped all around me.  One of my fondest RL memories is my shopping sprees in the big apple and  I couldn’t help but to be amazed at how real the shopping experience was as I walked from store to store. This sin truly lives up to the big city feel but conveniently has tour guides located to prevent that “lost” feeling one might have traveling in a large city.

I entered a store that recently joined the New York commercial side by then name of Finest Art Design. I was lucky enough to run into its owner, Trulove67 Resident, as he was setting up shop for his launch. He was kind enough to take a break from his busy work and express his feelings about his move to New York.

 “All  I can say is I love New York. “ He boasted. “Its beautiful place to live and the staff here is amazing!” After being a resident for some time and learning all the perks that the commercial units comes with, Trulove67 felt it was a perfect place to start his new business.

Shortly after my run in with this excited store owner, luck found me a second time by running in to the one and only Dylani Sweetface Chiantelle. After explaining my conversation with Turlove67, Dylani explained why she felt her commercial residents feel so much appreciation for the staff’s work.  “Not to brag but one thing I can say about our tenants. Everyone gets hands on treatment. When a store moves in we actually market them on all of our social media. We give them a grand opening event that we produce ourselves, and let them know they are not just money to us but a team” She explained.

The perks don’t stop at the commercial residents. Avies whom choose to live in one of the luxurious residential units are treated just as special. Each unit was custom built, so no one lives in the same style unit.

 Dylani further explained, “Every unit is furnished but I will actually get input from a resident and do the decor for their style and taste. I actually update the furniture when new releases come out. I try to make every unit feel like a home. Each unit has different decor so everybody can feel like they have their very own space. But we are also flexible. So when a resident wantd things removed so they can furnish their units, we accommodate.”

Excitement rushed over me when Dylani offered to show me around an available Brownstone and studio unit, two of the most popular residential rentals.  As soon as I stepped in the door I was taken aback by the city view out the New York loft style windows and the modern décor. I honestly can say there wasn’t much I would change or then the fact I would need a nursery for my beautiful zoobie baby. When asked if Zoobie babies was something they could accommodate, Dylani quickly responded saying “When someone contact us about moving in, I usually ask if they have a family or not. I’ve had residents with Zoobie babies and redid the units with a nursery and whatever they needed. Pets are also allowed limited to cats/dogs at a limited amount.”

If you have not visit The New York City sim in Second Life™ for a shopping spree yet, or is has been a while since you have been in the city, I highly recommend you plan a trip there during this spring/summer with your family and/or friends. There are many fun and exciting plans being made for the upcoming seasons. You do not want to miss out on it.  Perhaps you are looking for a new place to lay your head. I can say with all the things offered to you as a resident, there is no better place to do that then this Sim. Start thinking with that New York state of mind!

Additional Information
Other: Real Life Angels x Astronauts Items website
Other: Commercial and residential leasing application

Client Preferred Contact: Joi Price | and Dylan Chiantelle |