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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Thursday, July 23, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: USNSL 2nd Fleet - Happy 3rd Anniversary "Gerry!"

2ND FLT proudly announces the celebration of the 3 year anniversary of the USS Gerald R. Ford (22 July 2017) with a fun packed Steel Beach Picnic aboard her namesake in Jeogeot Gulf on SATURDAY 25 July 2020 from 1200-1700 slt.  

Uniform of the Day is USN PT gear or summer casual clothes.

We will have music, dancing, food, free gifts, games, aerobatic demos, wing walkers, cheerleaders, and much more.

Please bring guests!  Hope to see you there!

In Port Quarter Deck:

Contact: CDR Bambi Baxter (biffbottom resident)
               Exec Off, CVN-78

Kiss Me Hard Club & Beach Lounge Weekend Event Schedule July 24th-July 26th

JULY  24th

Aminius Writer 12pm
Paul Nowles 2pm
Wolfie Moonshadow 3pm
July 25th

Garth Lannock 11am
Stinna 12pm
Jovan Buchsbaum 1pm
July 26th
Seren McGillivary 11am
KATIA 12pm


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Kiss Me Hard Club & Beach Lounge is a New hot Spot for Summer Chillaxin’- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Located on Topanga, Kiss Me Hard Club and Beach Lounge is a venue that is gaining popularity amongst beach goers looking for a place to chill and listen to Trance and House music. Owned and operated by Panjana Capristo and KatharinaKonrad, these two ladies put in work to create this beautiful venue. On Saturday July 11th, KMH opened for the first time with a live event packed weekend featuring talented singers Paul Nowles and Wolfie Moonshadow of Moonlight Music. With plenty to explore in the surrounding area from shopping, beach house rental for those “private parties” and a stunning beach to dig those toes in the sand and get your tan on, Kiss Me Hard is the place to put on your itinerary this Summer. The SL Enquirer met up with Panjana and Katharina to learn more about this new hot spot.

Interview with Panjana Capristo and KatharinaKonrad

SLE: Where are you from and how did you discover Second Life?

Panjana: I´m from south Germany, next to Munich. Well, I loved playing The Sims (you know big house, big love, big business haha) and a workmate told me about second life. And that's where it started in 2007. I quit playing after a time and made a new avatar, so this one isn't the original starting one. And now we are here, back again.

Katharina: I'm from north Germany, Lübeck. I first started playing SL around 2007. After three years my real life got too busy to continue playing SL. And now I am back again!

SLE: Nice! Do you know Our original news source began in The SIMS Online? It was called The TSO Enquirer. It’s exciting to see fellow gamers from that grid in SL! One of the greatest things about SL is the opportunity to meet people from all over the world in one community. Do you consider SL a game or an extension of real life?

Panjana: I think it's both. On the one hand, you can be whoever you wanted to be, have experiences that you might never dare to do in real life. On the other hand, there is always the person behind the screen. You always carry a bit of your "me" into the game. And of course it's real. You direct the avatar through your actions, your feelings. There are real people you meet, friendships develop, often in real life. Yes, for me it´s both because it just mixes up.

Katharina: Like Panjana I believe that it is both. At the one side it is a computer game on the other side there are real people behind the avatars. These people have feelings and a real life just like me. And of course you meet people with which you can have fun together and maybe you can start a friendship in real life too. So it is for me a little bit like reality.

SLE: Absolutely! What inspired the name of your venue and brought you two together to create Kiss Me Hard Club & Beach Lounge?

Panjana: Well, we know each other in real life. One day we talked about second life and how successful we were there. The thought didn't let me go and the next day I was there again. The Name, yes the name. I think I said it, but I wouldn't have thought of it without Katharina. So she can answer that better.

Katharina: Yes, the name of the venue..... I'm a fan of the swiss DJ , Dj Antoine. At the time we started in SL he recently released his new single Kiss me hard, and so the name of our venue was born.

SLE: There are two areas, the club and the beach lounge, Since this is a new venue, can you tell our readers a little bit about each and what your plans are?

Panjana: First we planned only the club. By searching the events we saw that there are a great number of live music events, so we decided to get a small stage as well. Our plan. To be successful with our new venue *smiles* and having a lot of fun and good music.

Katharina: I want to add that in the end we do not only want to make music. But we also want to experiment with different things. Like standup comedians for example. I'm still in the process of trying to convince Panjana that we should host a karaoke show as well.

Panjana: never said anything against Katharina ;) But don´t forget mud catching *laughs*

SLE: Karaoke is fun to watch. That’s a great idea. Besides open mic, What kind of music and events will you be hosting at KMH?

Panjana: Various events, live music of all genres. Every musician is welcome. At the club the main theme is trance/house

Katharina: At the club we also play club sounds and we want to make themed parties. Like 80's Parties, Halloween Parties, Black and white Parties,etc.

SLE: What types of live events will you be hosting and how often?

Panjana: Various:) We try to offer a wide range of live musicians. The plan is doing events from Wednesday till Sunday. Let's see.

SLE: Are you hiring? If so, what positions are available?

Panjana: Yes, still looking for all. Hosts, Dancers, DJ´s, Live Musician, Live Artist

SLE: Do you have shops & beach houses currently for rent?

Panjana: Funny you ask. We really have. We have a few shops beside the club waiting for rentals.

Katharina: In addition we have skyboxes as well to rent. Our shops have a special offer, 1 week for free.

SLE:Sounds like you have your plans all laid out and ready to go! Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about Kiss Me Hard Club & Beach Lounge?

Panjana: I hope we get the chance to offer a great venue to all of you with good music by a nice beach flair. But we need your help to survive.

Katharina: Like Panjana said, I hope that we have a great time together with our guests and artists. For sure it's not easy to keep the venue alive, therefore we need your help. So let's pop up the champagne and let's party together.

Additional Information:




Kiss me Hard Schedule Weekend July 24th-26th

♬♬♬♬Friday♬♬♬♬JULY 24th

Aminius Writer 12pm

Paul Nowles 2pm

Wolfie Moonshadow 3pm


July 25th

Garth Lannock 11am

Stinna 12pm

Jovan Buchsbaum 1pm


July 26th

Seren McGillivary 11am

KATIA 12pm


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Buying a New Home? Here’s What You Need to Know

Buying a home is undoubtedly the most expensive purchase you will ever make in life; therefore, you want to make sure you have made all of the right decisions throughout the process. Parting with such a huge amount of money can be a daunting prospect – especially if you’re about to become a first-time homeowner.

A few crucial decisions may need to be made to ensure you’re purchasing the most suitable property for your circumstances. If you’re unsure what you need to know about buying a home, take a look at the suggestions below to point you in the right direction:

1. Decide if buying a home is right for you

Although a high percentage of the population chooses to buy their own home, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right option for you. Some people end up buying the property but are left regretting the decision, as it is a substantial financial commitment and means you’re unable to travel as much as you may like to. It would be wise to have a long think about whether you would prefer to buy or rent before taking the house search any further.

2. Get a mortgage lender

If you’ve decided that you’re going to buy a property, the next stage is to consider the finances. In most cases, first-time buyers decide to take out a mortgage to fund the cost of the property. An online mortgage lender is now more popular than ever, and this allows you to carry out a comparison and get pre-approved for a loan from the comfort of your own home. You also have the freedom to ask questions and get advice on which type of loan is right for you, what you can afford, and queries that come to mind.

3. Decide where you want to live

The location of your new home is an important decision. When it comes to buying a property, you need to remember that you’ll be tied to the location, so be sure it is a place that will serve you well for the long-term future. If you wish to live close to where you are already residing, there are very few decisions to be made, however, if you’re planning on moving a little further afield, it would always be worth carrying out as much research as possible on the details of the town or city.

4. Property survey

If you have found a property that you’re interested in, it would be best to hire a surveyor to carry out a check of the property to discover whether there are any structural issues or other hidden faults. If you take the risk and decide you’re not going to hire a surveyor, these issues could become severe over time, and you may have to end up spending a great deal of money on repairs in the years to come. Although it is an expensive investment before you have even bought the property, it should save you from becoming stressed and fearful that something could go wrong.

Last Day! Evil Bunny Productions Presents Down the Rabbit Hole July 11-21st!

We're All Mad Here at Down the Rabbit Hole! 65 designers will bring your their exclusive Alice in Wonderland styled designs at a DISCOUNT! 25-50% off! And if that's not enough to make you drink this or eat that, there will be FREE group gifts for evil bunny hunts group members!

You definitely don't want to be late for this date! July 11-21st!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Mega Spins slot feature explained

If you ever need an example of how incredibly determined the human race is to consistently innovate you only need to look at the worldwide gambling industry, as this has been responsible for countless innovations over the years. Just take the game of roulette, for example, a highly intoxicating gambling game with free spins that just would not have been possible without Blaise Pascal’s crucial work in designing a perpetual motion machine.

And then we get to the question of slot machines, which were invented in the late 1800s but very quickly gained a massive crowd of benefactors due to the intense fun of the gambling games. In fact, little more than a hundred years later we have all sorts of slot machine types, and many of them even reside online! There are an outrageous amount of cool developments during this time that we could speak about, however we think that the Mega Spins slot feature is certainly one of the most exciting. Read ahead for an article on the Mega Spins slot feature explained. 

Mega Spins slot feature: What is it?

So then, the first thing to explore is what exactly the Mega Spins feature is; otherwise there wouldn’t be much point to this article. Let us ask you this, have you or any of your slot gambler friends ever wished you could spin multiple sets of reels simultaneously on the same game? Sounds like outrageous fun to us, and you will be happy to know that this is pretty much exactly what the Mega Spins slot feature is.

In fact, on a Mega Spins slot you could be spinning up to 5 sets of reels at the same time, and we would not be surprised if developers are working to increase this number even more. Mega Spins slots are not for the faint hearted however, as keeping track of that many sets of reels is incredibly difficult business. But here’s the thing: the pay offs from Mega Spins slots can be huge because of the added reels, so it isn’t all bad! 

Mega Spins slot feature: The history

Now, it is also incredibly informative to look at the history of Mega Spins slots, as it can give you a welcome insight into the development of these cracking gambling games. We are sure nobody would be surprised to learn that Mega Spins slots did not exist in the early days of slot gambling, as there was no way that Charles D. Fey or any of his cotemporaries could work out how to mesh a number of reels together.

In fact, it wasn’t until the 70s and 60s that a few Mega Spins slots would start to pop up in Las Vegas casino slot halls, and these were rapturously received. The problem with these machines is that they were quite expensive to design and build, so they remained quite rare. This all changed, however, with the emergence of online slots in the 21st century, and now it really isn’t difficult to find a Mega Spins slot.

PETRA's Schedule of Performances for Week of July 20th

Tuesday, July 21

1:00 pm  Jeffah
2:00 pm  Lisa Brune

Wednesday, July 22

3:00 pm  Agatha Martin
4:00 pm  Edian Tey
5:00 pm  Savannah Coronet
6:00 pm  Red Heaven

Thursday, July 23

5:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow
6:00 pm  Turner Harbrough
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
A Double Shot Of Wayne Davis

Friday, July 24

3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Parker Static
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas

Saturday, July 18, 2020

USNSL 2nd Fleet Open House - Saturday, July 18th - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM!

Yes, you heard right! The US Navy SL 2nd Fleet is opening its doors to the public in Jeogeot tomorrow between 12 PM and 2 PM!  Come join us and meet us up close and see what we do! Our crew will be ready to show you around and speak to you about our departments.
The USNSL 2nd Fleet is a virtual military service. The group first started back in 2013 by a RL Navy veteran and has been in continuous operation until now. We are primarily a Roleplay group focusing on simulating the lives, careers, activities, training and operations of sailors in the USN, within the limitations of SL.

Don't miss it!  

Meet us at the main gate:

Contact Daniella Harcassle (daniellamariec) for more info or an application

The tour will continue with a flight to our aircraft carrier USS Ford and end with a BBQ on the beach at Naval Base Jeogeot Point.

GeekSpeak – Will you survive the Technological Singularity? Join the discussion Saturday July 18th at 12pm SLT

In a few short years the technological singularity will arrive.  Computers will not only be faster than humans, they will be more intelligent in every way and their intelligence will continue to increase.  And it is closer than you think.

How will it affect us personally?  Will we be treated as pets?  Will we enjoy being pets?   Will there be wars between different AI systems?  Will humans be involved in the computer wars?  Maybe you think our daily lives will not be affected much.  After all, even if it wants to, a superintelligent AI cannot make us happy.  We still have to work that out for ourselves.
How will the total AI domination roll out?  What jobs will be lost?  How will we live?  Will there ever be a time when it all collapses and humans can go back to ‘normal’ again?  

Come and discuss our future as pets.  Bring your friends, and your pets.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Kiss me Hard Club & Beach Lounge Weekend Event Schedule July 17th-July 19th

Friday  7/17/2020
DJ Jimmy Pain, 11am - 01pm
Lokki Merryman 01pm -02pm
Saturday 7/18/2020
Renfoyle, 9am - 10am
DJ Jimmy Pain, 10am -11am
Garth Lannock, 11am - 12pm
DJ Jimmy Pain, 12pm - 02pm
KATIA, 02pm - 03pm
Sunday 7/19/2020
DJane Larah, 01pm - 03pm


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Schedule of Performances for Week of July 12 at PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue


The twelve finalists of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition met the jury for the first time on Sunday in an enchanting venue, all flowery in pink and white, specially created for the event by LUXE Paris designers, Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra.

So far the judges have voted by referring to photos submitted by the participants but on Sunday they had the opportunity to meet the finalists in person. Examining their style and evaluating their elegance, they also listened to them with attention. Each of the finalists went up on stage to explain why they would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris.

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition aims to find an ambassador for the brand, an elegant and stylish woman who will spark the image of LUXE Paris. 326 photos were submitted from which the judges chose thirty semifinalists and then the twelve grand finalists they met on Sunday.

After each finalist' presentation, the judges were invited to question them and there was action.The judges took their role very seriously and their questions were not easy but the finalists answered with brio and grace.


The next step is the grand final, on July 26, when the 12 finalists will compete on the runway in two fashion challenges. For the first challenge, they must create a look on the theme ''Sunny Afternoon on the French Riviera'' while the theme of the second challenge is ''A Night at the Met Gala in New York''.

The judges will assign a score to each of the finalists for each of the challenges and it is the sum of these scores that will determine who will be the next face of LUXE Paris and win L$50,000!

LUXE Paris designers, Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra, invited twelve personalities from the fashion industry and the media world to join them on the jury of the competition: Adonis Lubomir, owner of Swank Event, Ahn Avion, owner of the Womenstuff group, Ava Jhamin, owner of L'Amour Diversity magazine, Chema K, owner of SL Confidencial magazine, Ever Courtois, owner/designer of Tone Makeup, Frolic Mills, founder of BOSL and Miss Virtual World, Lanai Jarrico, owner of The SL Enquirer, Naar Rexen, owner of In-Nova Model Training Academy and winner LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 2017, Nany Jurado, owner/designer of Bon Amour Hair and winner LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 2018, Ponchituti Boucher, owner of ProPoses Modeling Poses, Quinte, winner LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 2019, et Zuri Rayna, owner/designer of Zuri Jewelry.

To minimize the lag and allow the finalists to shine, the grand final in world will be a private event with only one guest by finalist and judge. However the show will be broadcast live on YouTube by Villa Media so everybody will be able to follow this thrilling adventure! The link for YouTube will be provided two days in advance here in the SL Enquirer and on the contest website at LUXE Paris LOOK of the

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Introducing Maui Love Island!

Streaming Live August 10, 2020 on Discord!

Maui Love Island has come to SecondLife to bring you the hottest reality show that is based on the international smash hit, Love Island.  We've brought new and exciting twists to the game and are currently looking for Islanders!

   We are looking for spirited singles from across the grid who want to head to "The Valley Isle" in search of love. If you think you’ve got what it takes, then we want to hear from you!

   The matchmaking begins as a group of single "Islanders" come together in an extravagant villa on a beautiful tropical island, ready to undertake a summer of dating, romance, and ultimately, relationships. Each day will be filled with dramatic twists, and challenges; as friendships and relationships blossom. Recoupling will happen every few days and those who are left single are at risk of being dumped from the island. New Islanders will arrive throughout the game; in addition to choosing their partners wisely, Islanders must also win the hearts of viewers who have the opportunity to shape events on screen and ultimately crown one lucky couple the winner, who will then have the chance to walk away with both love and the cash prize!

SL Group secondlife:///app/group/dc74d508-b068-251e-0776-963f73145669/about

Main Website:


Promo Video -

Applications -

Monday, July 13, 2020

*PosESioN* Agency opens casting for male and female models- Accepting Applications


*PosESioN* Agency is searching for male and female models to add to its roster. We invite you all to participate in the casting scheduled for Wednesday, July 22 at 1pm SLT.

Two outfits are required for this casting, utilizing both a mesh head and mesh body. In addition, a style card will be necessary for each outfit and must include a head shot and body shot. Participants will give their style cards to the judges just before the casting begins. When presenting each outfit, the walk may include however many poses the model would like to use over the span of 40 seconds. That is the amount of time each model will be allotted. The casting will be conducted by DVC system.

Outfits must be styled in the following genres:



The casting LM will be released a few days before the casting. Important:  Be sure to submit your applications via the following link: 

Thanks everyone and we look forward to seeing you on our runway!

Founded in 2012 by Dahriel Nova (*PosESioN* Poses, Men & Women Jail Event, The Darkness Event, XXX Original Event, & MR SL 2019), *PosESioN* Agency offers the Second Life designer highly creative and memorable ways of conveying his or her brand's vision and purpose. Through the expert use of the runway and inspired set designs, *PosESioN* Agency delivers both maximum brand exposure for its clients and an enjoyable fashion experience for show attendees.

For inquiries or to commission *PosESioN* Agency to showcase your brand, please contact Stephano del Piero (stephano76).

PR Contact: Dresden Couerblanc

Schedule of Performances for Week of July 12th at PETRA's A Live Music Venue

Tuesday, July 14

2:00 pm  Lisa Brune
3:00 pm  Essence Bilasimo

Wednesday, July 15

4:00 pm  Agatha Martin
5:00 pm  Djembe Dragonfire
6:00 pm  Noma Falta
7:00 pm  Red Heaven

Thursday, July 16

5:00 pm  Wolfie Moonshadow
6:00 pm  Turner Harbrough
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A Double Shot of Wayne Davis

Friday, July 17

2:00 pm  Max Kleene
3:00 pm  AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm  Annette Cifuentes
5:00 pm  Edian Tey (debut)   
6:00 pm  Red Heaven
7:00 pm  TwinGhost ronas
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shilton
9:00 pm  Funky Freddy Republic


Saturday, July 11, 2020

The (R)esistance GRAND OPENING! Monday, June 13, Starting @ 1 pm SLT

Can you survive the Apocalypse?

A small group of survivors have banned together and created a safe zone in the city of Columbus, Ohio. The compound is swarmed with flesh eating monsters! It's been almost a year since the outbreak started. We have managed to become almost self reliant but we need more people, supplies, weapons and ammo to survive!

Our sim is based off the Grim Combat System (GCS). Come and roleplay, or just hang out, play games, listen to music, do some quests, earn some coins, prizes & xp, and of course... KILL SOME ZOMBIES!

Grand opening at Kiss me Hard Club & Beach Lounge Weekend July 11th-12th

Who: Kiss me Hard Club & Beach Loung - Grand Opening Party
What: Live Music at the Beach Stage and Trance/House Music in the club
Live Events this weekend:
Saturday: 2pm SLT - Renfoyle
Sunday: 11am SLT Paul Nowles
Sunday: 12pm SLT Woolfie Moonshadow
We organize various live events in a beautiful beach environment. There are also evenings in the separated club offering trance/house music. If you feel like shopping before, during or after the events, we also rent out a few shops and smaller beach houses, for those who prefer to party privately. Relax - shop - celebrate - that's what Kiss me Hard Club & Beach Lounge stands for. We look forward to you and your support. Join our group for more informations about the upcoming events.
Owner: Panjana Capristo & KatharinaKonrad



When: Saturday, July 11, 2020

Time: 11am SLT - 6pm SLT

Featuring Live Artists:

11 AM SLT-  áƒ¦ Annette Cifuentes ღ 

12 PM SLT - Aley Kat

1 PM SLT-Jesie Janick

2PM SLT- Aaron Cabott Jones

3PM SLT- Camme Carver

4PM SLT-Savannah Rain

5PM SLT- Agatha Martin


Theme: Reflections, a live music destination. We wanted to create an environment where visitors could come and reflect in a beautiful atmosphere. There are many areas for picture taking and reflection. Ongoing live music concerts will also be scheduled.

Marc Cifuentes
Annette Cifuentes

Angelique Vanness

F.L.M. Summer Festival - Proudly supporting KIKA July 11th and 12th

TELEPORT NOW! is an initiative from a small group of people to raise money for a Dutch charity program.

This year is chosen for KiKa, the Dutch Children Cancer Society.

In the Netherlands dies every 3 days a child with cancer. This has to change!

Children Cancer is the cause of death number 1 amongst children. Maybe you even know somebody who has sadly experienced this.
1 on 4 children doesn’t survive Children Cancer.
With your help has KiKa the possibility to pay for more research about Children Cancer and to make Children Cancer a disease from the past.

Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July is your opportunity to help us raise the money we wanna donate to KiKa.
On these days 20 Artists will perform a great show for everyone and we hope to see you all on one of these days or both and give what you can miss
The more people the more donations the more money we can donate to KiKa.

We can’t make this event without your help! So note the date, be here maybe ask a request and donate.

On behalf of KiKa, the team but most of all on behalf of all the children and their parents, siblings who have to deal with Children Cancer we say:
Thank you! Thank You for helping with your donation. You make the world more beautiful!

Media Chanel's:

If you wanna stay informed Inworld then copy the next line and past it in local to become a member of our inworld group: secondlife:///app/group/146271b8-4d2a-34c6-dab0-c39f6320e27b/about

If you have no groups left you can also subscribe 

GeekSpeak – Do Rich People have a duty to the World? For Saturday July 11th at noon SLT

Do you think that the very rich have an obligation to the world above the obligation of ordinary people?

Should they give a lot of money to charity?  Or start charities themselves?  Or just invest their money wisely?  If the very rich have a duty to the rest of us are they fulfilling that duty by investing in Tesla?  What more should they do?

Should the government strip the very rich of their possessions and re-distribute them?  Or are the very rich an important part of society?

Where do the rich belong?  On a pedestal or the guillotine?

What would you think if you were about to become very rich?  Would you still think the same way?  Let’s discuss the position of the ultrawealthy of our world ! Bring your friends, and your banker :)

IM Vulcan, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

The Flowers Are Opening In My Body July 11th – Aug 6th, 2020- New Art by NarayanRaja, also known as Shiny

I feel that all the stars shine in me. 
The world breaks into my life like a flood. 
The flowers are opening in my body. 
All the youthfulness of land and water 
smokes like an incense in my heart; 
and the breath of all things 
plays on my thoughts as on a flute.

–Rabindranath Tagore

Welcome to “The Flowers Are Opening In My Body.” 

The title of the exhibition is borrowed from the book “Fruit Gathering" by Indian mystic poet Rabindranath Tagore. First published in 1916, it was then translated by the author himself from Bengali into English.   

The exhibition features new works conjured during remote walks in nature, rare outings during four months of shelter-in-place during the Covid-19 pandemic. The artist presents digital photographic objects that harness the power of photography and analog processes. Root systems dipping into shallow summer creeks and their rippling reflections, faces in stones, snakes in the grasses, vultures, fallen and decaying Redwoods, trees scorched by California wildfires, and 130,000 fatalities in the USA.  

These are the components for spells as imagery. They serve the artist as medicine and healing. Such meditations are alchemical transmutations (mortifcatio, negredo) pondering death and decay, and thus the cycles of life, cause and effect, and its restorative, visceral earth magic potencies.

Shiny’s art navigates and guides us through an ongoing time of dying and emerging stories of self and society that call for dynamic alchemy of creativity, compassion, curiosity, and openness. These mystic pixels capture altered states of mind and seeing, all in a foreboding and delightful quest for self-knowledge.

Please join the artist and friends for the opening reception festivities.  
Day:   Saturday, July 11th   
Time: 12 – 3 PM SLT

Exhibition  •  Refreshments  •  Free Gift •  Live Music
DJ Shiny 12:00 – 1:30 PM  •  DJ Moshi 1:30 – 3:00 PM


The artist sends special thanks and high vibes to Nyx, Ed, the 420 Gallery for Art, and the community at Stoner Hangout for their support and encouragement..

All works are available for sale inworld. Feel free to reach out to Shiny for comments or questions. 


Follow Shiny on twitter @ShinyJourno

Friday, July 10, 2020

Grand Opening: Avina’s Rock and Blues Club- A new classy laid back Venue in Second Life-Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Avina’s Rock and Blues Club is the newest music venue on the scene owned and operated by MissAvina Resident. Located on Alectoris, this oceanside venue boasts beautiful views, a romantic garden, the best fireworks display and a relaxing atmosphere when the festivities quiet down. Avinas Premier Rock and Blues Club is also home of the Pamela Live Show, Glorious Gatcha and The Lutrova Emporium.

Avina & Wings Lutrova

Interview with MissAvina Resident

SLE: What brought you to SL?

MissAvina:I wanted to see what a Second Life would be like. I was interested in the aspect that I could make it whatever I wanted. I knew there were tons of other people to meet from all over the world and I was also interested in that.

SLE: What inspired you to go into the music venue scene?

MissAvina: Threw my entire Second Life I have always been a DJ. So the music scene is just the norm for me. It's also a great way to make new like - minded friends.

SLE: Can you tell our readers about Avina’s Rock and Blues Club?

MissAvina: Avina's Premier Rock and Blues club is a classy open night club. Spinning classic Rock, rock, and Blues music. Both older and modern. It offers its visitors a beautiful ocean scene, plenty of room to dance, also offers places to sit, have coffee or tea and just spectate, Or perhaps you would like to bring your special someone for a romantic dance. Avina's offers all of our employees any ad they may wish to post in our ad board free of charge. We also have the best fireworks show on the grid and they can even be personalised for any event or occasion. This Club really is a must see.

SLE: Who makes up your team and what do they do?

MissAvina: Avina's Premier Rock and Blues is a very new club. We don't have any employees at the current moment. However, we are hiring. We have myself (missavina) whom is owner and manager, And we have my husband Wings Lutrova who is also manager and my right hand.

SLE: Are you currently hiring staff?

MissAvina: yes!!!

SLE: What type of events do you host at Avina’s?

MissAvina: We haven't been able to host any at this time.Due to the Club being so new. But we are looking into hosting a Stevie Ray Vaughn concert for our hiring event. We will also be doing many other events such as word game, best in, Fireworks shows, Live singers and much more in the near  future.

SLE: Do you have an event schedule?

MissAvina: yes and it is posted on the back wall of the club. However it is empty at this time.

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about Avina’s Rock and Blues Club?

MissAvina:This club is a truly beautiful place and it is a must see for yourself.

Avina's Rock and Jazz Club

Glorious Gatcha

The Lutrova Emporium

The Pamela Live Show


Preferred Contact: can always send me a msg in world (missavina) and i will get it even if i'm not logged in.