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Saturday, May 30, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will all languages disappear? Join the discussion Saturday May 30th at 12pm SLT

There are about 7000 languages left on Earth and the number is declining quickly. Will there be only one language in the future?  Will the world be better off with just one because that will mean that we all understand each other better?  Or will we lose more than we gain, when so much poetry, so many jokes and so much of our culture has gone?
Will we need language at all in the future?  Do the Borg need language?
Which of the current languages will survive for 10 years?  Or 50 years?  Or 500? 
When aliens land on Earth what language will we use to greet them?  Will it be a language that is not invented yet?  Maybe an artificial language?

Come and talk about it in GeekSpeak.  In English.  ðŸ˜Š Bring a friend.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Celebrities that love casinos

Celebrities that love casinos 
It certainly isn’t untrue to say that the amount of people that love going to the casino directly correlates with how wealthy they are, because it is inherently more fun to gamble when you know your bankroll is fairly unlimited. Why do you think casinos these days are so decadent anyway? Of course, it’s the rich members of society that end up gambling to play Fluffy Favourites at Wizard Slots
And who are some of the de facto richest people in society? Why, it’s celebrities, of course, a group of people that are proven to absolutely love gambling in casinos. You cannot blame them either – if we had as much money as some of the people we are going to mention in this article we would be gambling 24/7! Here are a few celebrities that love casinos:

Ben Affleck 

Ben Affleck has been a Hollywood hotshot for several decades now, appearing in seminal films such as Good Will Hunting and the more recent Gone Girl. It, therefore, follows that he has a lot of cultural capital, as well as a personal fortune well into the millions. It is no surprise that he is a massive lover of gambling, something that winnings he has made over his career will testify too. 
Ben Affleck has proved himself to be a masterful gambler on many occasions, winning quite a few poker and blackjack jackpots in his time. The great thing about this actor is that he regularly donates all of his winnings to casino staff and charities – what a great guy! 

Pamela Anderson 

The blonde bombshell Pamela Anderson rose to fame due to the iconic TV series Baywatch, something that subsequently allowed her to gamble away to her heart's content. Just like many of us she has been seen to play slots in Las Vegas quite extensively, which is funny because there are more than a few Baywatch themed slot games available in the city. 
This means she may well have encountered herself on a video slot screen, an icon that was almost definitely of high value! Not every day you get a slot payout from yourself, is it… 

Charlie Sheen 

Charlie Sheen has struggled with gambling and alcohol addictions for his whole life and is therefore somewhat of a casino expert. The Two And A Half Men star has long been known to enjoy gambling in casinos, and it isn’t really surprising when you consider his reported salary of more than 2 million dollars per episode. 
Unfortunately for Charlie Sheen a lot of the money he spent in casinos he never got back, as he had a reputation for some pretty daring (and stupid) bets. 

Derren Brown 

If you had the powers of mind-reading, illusion, and persuasion that Derren Brown had surely you would love gambling? It turns out he does, however unlike other celebrities, Derren Brown is in it out of sheer curiosity for the world of mathematics and probability, not really the search for more cash. 
For more interesting facts, check out this infographic which illustrates the most interesting ups and downs of celebrities gambling life.

Online slot myths how and why they first appeared

Everyone who plays free online slots wants to win, and if they are truly serious about it, they might well have searched online about how to do it. This is where the problems start. Although there are some useful tips online about how to play slot games (although not necessarily how to win since they are a game of chance) there is even more information that is simply not true – myths easily grow up around online slots, and it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. 
Here are some of the biggest online myths, where they came from, and what the truth is – if there is any truth at all. 
The More You Bet The More Chance You Have Of Winning
On most online slot games there will be a button that says ‘max bet’ or something similar to this. It can be tempting to press that button and have one big roll of the virtual dice because, after all, isn’t it true that the more you bet the more chance you have of winning? So if you bet the maximum you can on each spin you’re sure to come away with a profit? 
Unfortunately, this is not true. It would be wonderful if it was because everyone would win a lot of money every time they hit the button, but the truth is that the only thing pressing max bet is sure to do is reduce your bank balance. It won’t give you an extra edge, and you won’t be able to play as long as you’ll run out of money much more quickly. 
Avoid Slots That Have Recently Paid Out
One of the myths that have been circulating for decades now, not just relating to online slots but to all slots in general, is the one that states that if a machine or game has just paid out it should be avoided for a while because it’s not going to pay out again. 
It makes sense that this myth has prevailed. After all, in logical terms when you think about how likely a game is to pay out, those that haven’t given out any winnings for a while look like the best bet (literally); they must be due a payout any time now. 
That’s not how slots work, though, so it makes no difference whether a game has paid out recently or not – they all have the same chance of giving you a win. Each spin is entirely random, so there’s no way the machine can ‘know’ that it’s time to give a win or take a loss. So go ahead and play your favourite games even if someone has just won big on it; you could too. 
You Can’t Improve Your Chances Of Winning
At the opposite end of things from the previous myths, some believe that there is nothing at all you can do to improve your chances of winning when you’re playing online slots. That’s because, as mentioned above, all online slot games (and physical slot machines, come to that) are completely randomized. So how can you have a better chance of winning? 
The truth is you can improve your chances, although you can never guarantee a win at any time. Take a look at the RTP (return to player) percentage of each game and you’ll see that some have higher RTPs than others. If you want to improve your chances of winning, playing a slot that has a high RTP compared to others will help you. 
Often, the slots with the highest RTPs are the ones with the lowest jackpots, but don’t let that put you off. A win is a win, even if it’s not up there in the tens or hundreds of thousands like some games can offer. 
The Time Of Day Makes A Difference
Some players will categorically state that it is better to play slots at night time, in the morning, at lunchtime, on Wednesdays, at the start of the month, at the end of the month, and so on… they will believe this to be true, and they’ll play at those times. They’ll think that the casinos have created machines that work better at this time rather than that time, or maybe they’ll simply be superstitious about which games they’ve always been more successful on at specific times. 
In reality, there is no ‘good time’ to play a slot game, nor is there a ‘bad time’ to play. There is just any time you want – online slots are available 24/7, so if you fancy a game you can go online and play, and it won’t make any difference to your ability to win or your chances of losing if you play first thing in the morning, the last thing at night, or on a day that ends in a Y. The games cannot be programmed to change their RTPs at specific times or on certain days; they just won’t work like that. 
There Are Tight and Loose Slots
A story has been making the rounds for a good long time now, and it tells players that some machines are ‘loose’ and some are ‘tight’. That is, some pay out more than others, even if the games are exactly the same. This started with the physical slots, where the myth would spring up that one machine, in particular, was looser or tighter than the others in the room or row. 
When online slots came about, the myth kept going, suggesting that some games were easier to win than others. The truth is that there are so many restrictions and watchdogs involved in the gambling industry that it would be impossible to deliberately make it harder to win on some games than others. If it was true, the gambling industry would be in serious trouble, and many casinos would lose a lot of business. In the end, the RTPs are all published so you can check them out and make your determination yourself.

Steel Live Music Reopens PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue May 30th-31st Event Schedule

Petra's welcomes you to our two new venues: The Knock Knock Room & The Steele's Pointe Ballroom Grand Reopening
Saturday, May 30
3:00 pm  Wayne Davis
4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Da Blues Preacher
6:00 pm  Parker Static
7:00 pm  Naughty
8:00 pm  Essence Bilasimo
Sunday, May 31
11:00 am  Erin Frog & Satin Galli
12:00 pm  Lisa Brune
1:00 pm   Max Kleene
2:00 pm   Winter
3:00 pm   AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm   TOXIE
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  Agatha
7:00 pm  TwinGhost
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shilton

Monday, May 25, 2020


A mere decade and a half ago, SecondLife was born, destined to become THE standard by which hundreds of other virtual worlds are measured. Unfortunately, some Sims and Regions have captured the imagination…only to be here one day, and gone the next,  as ethereal as the pixels they are made of.  Who among us hasn’t mourned the passing of some of our favorite venues…Toby’s House of Blues, Greenies, Wild Coast, or the Franks Entertainment Group?   Some of these places experience a rebirth, like the New Franks.   But for every amazing sim that disappears forever, another Sim, more amazing, more beautiful, and even MORE entertaining, rises to take its place.  And That, my friends, is the subject of today’s Feature.  The brainchild of veteran Sim builder, Petra Steele,  “Steele's Pointe” is the epitome of all that is good on the Grid today.   I managed to catch up to Petra as she was putting the finishing touches on her sim in preparation for their Grand Opening May 30 and 31, 2020, and she was kind enough to take a few minutes to show me around.

Josh Bellic (JB): So, tell me Petra. Just what is it that makes Steele's Pointe unique in SecondLife, a land with thousands of other sims?  What is it you are trying to do here?

Petra Steele (PS): Good question, Josh.  We feel strongly that work must proceed from a clear and intentional mission. and we put our hearts, talents and energies into fulfilling ours.  When I considered this question of "What is our mission?"  The words that immediately came to mind were: Art, Romance, Laughter.  We believe these three elements are essential in evoking joy.  We very much want to be able to contribute to the ever-emerging culture of SL, as well as, offer our own contribution by establishing three venues which represent each of the three elements of joy listed above.

JB: OK. Let’s take a look at these one at a time.  How do you plan to address “Art” at Steeles Pointe?

PS: We’re excited to say we’re reopening “PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue”.  It is housed in a large open-air pavilion spiced with a Middle Eastern themed decor.  Colorful, comfortable seating areas flank the large dance floor and an elevated stage/performance area.  While the club casts an aura of elegance, the atmosphere is relaxed, warm and inviting which allows both our artists and our guests to have an intimate, interactive experience.  The hosts of PETRA's are gracious and skilled, never failing to make each guest welcome.  You will recognize them in their black or white harem girl gowns.  We like to craft our lineups so that we can present many hours of nonstop live music, a kind of smaller version of a music festival.  We try to do our best to encourage your desire to stay and enjoy even more. Check out our Grand Opening Schedule below

JB:  Excellent.  And the Romance?  How will you approach this important element of your mission statement?

PS:  With, among other things, The Pointe Ballroom.  This venue is the absolute jewel in our crown.  A three chambered build, the interior of which is buttressed by towering trees with winding, tangled branches with many sizes and intensities of hanging lights.

The atmosphere is at once romantic and ethereal.  The interior decor has a pallet of gold and platinum metallic and white textures. Brass and silver planters holding large white blossoms of baby's breath festoon the perimeters while towering mirrors and candelabrum lend an air of stateliness and times past.  The Ballroom features live singers and DJs.  Attire is semi-formal and currently the Ballroom presents programing on Tuesdays. 

JB:  And finally, Laughter.  I have generally found SL to be a fun place, but not really a place known for outright Laughter. How do you plan to address tis on your Sim? 

PS:  With a Comedy Club, of course.  We have named it The Knock Knock Room!

This little comedy club has big goals, namely, to increase the presence of live comedy establishments in SL.  The club will offer open mic standup comedy and Improv. Coming from a performing arts background myself, I will be performing an original standup routine.  We are eager to have many more comedians and comediennes perform at The Knock Knock Room and encourage you to give either Open Mic or Improv a try.  I will also offer workshops on Improv, something I’ve done for several years on other sims.  The club itself is small and intimate. Choose your seat, either a black and white Jester’s chairs, or the innovative audience reaction chair equipped with sounds and gestures to let the performer know how you feel.

JB:  Those are some amazing chairs, Petra.  I tried one the other day, and it  actually let me applaud, roar with laughter, hoot, and any of about a dozen reactions I might have at a RL Comedy club.  So, that addresses the “Big Three”.  What else can guests look forward to at Steele Pointe?

PS:  Lots of things, Josh.  Our landing point is on the path between Petra's and the large fountain with wild horses.  Stands of beech, oak and maple trees and winding stone paths lead to our various venues but are also equipped with many areas for photo ops, cuddling, or just spending calm happy moments alone. You will see many statues in this area as well as around the Ballroom.  Two of them represent gods of Olympus, Mars and Psyche. There are tango sculptures and a man being pulled by his hot air balloon (located just above the ballroom's central chamber.

Behind the beach and boardwalk, you will find two amusement rides.  The Carousel is a bit on the kinky side to ride at your own risk. The Ferris Wheel also has it own set of surprises. Click on one gondola and have a seat giving you a great view of the entire sim.  Click on another and find yourself holding on for dear life hanging off the back of the gondola, your poor legs kicking frantically in the air. 

JB:   Anything else we should look for?

PS:  Near the residential area and across from the fountain is the Diva Stone Memorial Support Center, designed for individuals whose relations are mostly limited to online contact.  The internet relationship is still little understood.  Those who have not experienced one tend to look down on it as not quite real, and clinical support services for such couples is limited to nonexistent. The Center offers: lectures which refer to research on the subject of online relations; small group meetings and couples consultation. While I am a licensed psychoanalyst I am retired and no longer do clinical work. This is important to note as NO manner of therapy or analysis will be offered or given.  Our services are supportive in method and intent.

There is a Portrait Studio where you can have your profile photo taken or a shot with your loved one or friend.  We also have 2 Ye OIde Gacha Resale Shops, just across the path from the portrait studio. One shop offers apparel, the other home decor and miscellaneous pieces, many rare and uncommon.  All economically priced.  What could be better than coming to hear one of our great performers and get your Christmas shopping done early

Here you go, Folks.  This will be the opening to beat all openings,  Steele’s Pointe, May 30 and 31.

Be there!  Aloha! – JB

For more information, check out their FaceBook page at:


Saturday, May 23, 2020

GeekSpeak – Is the future vegetarian? Join the discussion Saturday May 23rd at 12pm SLT

In time will we all become vegetarian?  Or vegan? 

What are the advantages of being a vegetarian?  It might be the best way to fight global warming.  Less animal protein is good for our health.  We could put an end to the cruelty involved in farming animals. 

On the other hand, being vegan might be unhealthy.  And most people really enjoy eating meat. 90% of Indians are vegetarian.  Could Westerners live that way?  How would we start?  By eating eggs, cheese, fish but not meat?  Could we eat insects?  Or shellfish?  Or meat grown from animal cells in vats?

If we must eat veggies only should we bring back all the old forgotten plants we used to eat?
Or do you think we will always eat animals?
Come and learn about the new food chain, where humans are no longer on top.  Bring your friends.  And a carrot.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Monday, May 18, 2020

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR Style Contest THE JACKPOT!

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest is one of the most generous in Second Life. The winner will receive L $ 50,000 in cash, while the two runners up will each receive L $ 10,000, not counting one awesome amount of gifts from sponsors.

In total, L $ 175,000 in cash and prizes will be distributed and the best thing is that each participant will receive a free outfit from LUXE Paris. Easy to apply: wear a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, take a photo, write your name in the title and send it FULL PERM to LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR Resident.


LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant woman that will represent the brand with grace and charisma. You don't have to be a professional model to apply
as we train the inexperienced finalists!

Every week for 5 weeks, starting June 3th, we will publish the pictures of 6 Semi Finalists on our website and here in The Sl Enquirer. These photos will also be exhibited at our main store where we can also see the photos of all the participants, in the Candidates' Hall.

When we will have 30 Semi Finalists, our jury will then select 12 Finalists who will be invited to two events in world where they will have the opportunity to demonstrate the quality of their style in person. It is during these two events that the judges will evaluate the Finalists and determine which of them will obtain the prestigious title LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and the jackpot that comes with it.


In addition to the L$50 000 cash, the winner will be able to shop for free at LUXE Paris during all her year of reign, a value of L $ 30,000! The twelve finalists will each receive ten LUXE Paris outfits.

The new LUXE Paris ambassador will also be the star of reports in the magazines SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial and L'Amour Diversity, worth L $ 25,000. Both runners up will also be interviewed by The Enquirer and Confidencial and all the finalists will be seen on Youtube as our sponsor Villa Media will broadcast the final live.


Can you imagine L $ 10,000 in makeup? This is the amazing gift that Ever Courtois, owner and designer of Tone Makeup, will offer to the winner LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR. The first runner up will receive a gift card of L $ 2,800 and the second runner up, a gift card of L $ 1,400.

Besides, whether they are professional models or beginners,the winner and the two runners up will be able to develop their talent, according to their level, thanks to a L$4,000 scholarship from In-Nova Modeling Academy. Naar Rexen, owner of the
academy and LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 2017, will also offer intensive modeling training to the finalists who have never participated in a fashion show before.


The famous top model Ponchituti Boucher, owner of ProPose modeling poses, will distribute
L$7.500  in gift cards to the winner and the two runners up and will give one hour coaching to each of them.

For her part, Nany Jurado, LUXE Paris LOOK of  the YEAR 2018 and owner/designer of Bon Amour Avant-Garde Hairs, will add four hairs for the winner and two to each runner up.


What woman has not dreamed of wearing a tiara? And even more a tiara that means victory! The winner of the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title will receive a tiara especially created for her by Zuri Rayna of Zuri Jewelry, while the two runners up will receive a magnificent flowers crown, also specially created to highlight their remarkable performance.

Finally, as being selected from hundreds of candidates is an accomplishment the finalists will want to remember for a long time, Stavros Hexem will make an official portrait of each of the great twelve. Stavros will also capture all the important moments of the competition
so that we can convey this exciting adventure on the pages of our media sponsors.

The LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is a presentation of The Sl Enquirer, SL Confidencial magazine, Swank Events, Villa Media, In-Nova Modeling Academy, Tone Makeup, Womenstuff Group, Zuri Jewelry, ProPose, Bon Amour Hairs, Stavros Hexem Photography and L'Amour Diversity magazine.

More information on our website at LUXE Paris LOOK of the

and at our flagship store at

Saturday, May 16, 2020


It happens often.  You go with a dance partner to some swanky ballroom or club in SL, click on the dance HUD, grab some pose balls and it’s off to the races.  You open up your view and see around you, all manner of dance steps going on as couples gyrating this way or that, seemingly oblivious to the music blaring over your headset.  Then you spot them…on the far side of the dance floor…Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers….dancing in their own little world.  While everyone else around you is dancing a Salsa or “Sweet’n Slow 5” to the beat of Count Basie, Fred and Ginger are actually dancing in a way that actually matches the music.  Amazing!  How do they do that?

Matching the dance step to the music being played is not always a matter of dumb luck, which you sorta stumble into.  On the contrary.  It is a skill that can be learned.  And once you do, Dancing in SL (and in RL for that matter) will take on a whole new meaning for you.  And the perfect place to learn those skills?  None other than The Savoy Ballroom.  I caught up with Owner and General Manager of The Savoy School of Dance, Carlyle Chaparral, and he graciously consented an interview about…Art of Dance.



Josh Bellic (JB):  When did you first become interested in Dance education?

Carlyle Chaparral (CC):  My wife and I became active dancers in RL around the same time we both left SL in 2010. We learned to enjoy the ‘free dance lessons’ given at the beginning of most RL dances and the fun of helping new dancers learn the basics in those classes. In 2014, I was studying Motor Image Therapies and some of the visualization techniques being used to “imagine” moving limbs that were disconnected due to spinal injury. I thought of the high level of empathy with avatars and the vivid visualization of dancing in SL, and I thought it might be possible to accomplish Motor Image Therapies using SL dancing.

JB:  What is it that inspired you to bring the Savoy back to life here in SL?

Make more dancers. Make better dancers.
CC:  The Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) was an amazing user-managed group supported by Linden Labs. LEA chose candidates to receive an entire SIM to build artistic creations in, for three months. Free from LL.  As many as dozens of SIMs were involved, I am not sure how many. We got picked to showcase the dancing technology used in our Dance 101 Class. We were well attended and received an extra month as well. At the end of the LEA grant, we moved the Ballroom portion to Creations Park. Later we renamed it Savoy as we took on more and more of that particular ballroom’s persona.
Unfortunately, LEA was dropped by LL and no longer exists.
CC:  Dancing in RL is all about choosing dances that match the tempo and style of the music you are dancing to.  Our classes help dancers in SL recognize the music style and match the dance and tempo to it - so it looks realistic.  If you feel like you really are dancing in SL, you are!
CC:  A small team of four developed Dance 101. Another four-person team developed the LEA grant. We now have over a dozen “imagineers” in our Savoy planning group, working on new exhibits, events, regular shows, monthly parties, decorations, and even choreographed dance performances. All volunteer, all drawn together sharing our passion for dance and the Swing Era.

But nothing beats just coming to Savoy, walking History Hallway, learning about the Swing Era, and dancing at the Home of Happy Feet.
CC:  Learn to choose dances that fit the music, and you will have a lot of fun dancing in SL.

CC:  The Harlem Savoy Ballroom was the epicenter of Swing Dancing world-wide, full of wonderful history and amazing dancers and performers. The Savoy in particular was the one dance hall where black and white dancers could enjoy black and white bands.  The Swing Dancing phenomenon that spread across the globe during WWII was instrumental in desegregation in the United States.  I very much wanted to recreate the experience of Savoy in terms of dance, music, bands, and ambiance. But most of all, I wanted to educate people on the role that Swing Dancing played in worldwide desegregation, especially at Savoy.

JB:  Tell us the purpose of your school here in SecondLife

CC:  We have two missions. From the first project, our mission was:
The second mission is for Savoy. Here is what it says:
We create the authentic, realistic experience of being at the Harlem Savoy Ballroom during the Swing Era. We teach the music, clubs, bands and especially the dances of this era and their legacies today. We educate our guests about the role swing dancing played in dissolving segregation in the 1940s.
We empower others to creatively achieve our mission and our partner organizations’ missions.

JB:  I understand your initiative was given a Grant a few years ago? Tell us about that please?

CC:  The Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) was an amazing user-managed group supported by Linden Labs. LEA chose candidates to receive an entire SIM to build artistic creations in, for three months. Free from LL.  As many as dozens of SIMs were involved, I am not sure how many. We got picked to showcase the dancing technology used in our Dance 101 Class. We were well attended and received an extra month as well. At the end of the LEA grant, we moved the Ballroom portion to Creations Park. Later we renamed it Savoy as we took on more and more of that particular ballroom’s persona.

Unfortunately, LEA was dropped by LL and no longer exists.

JB:  So...I thought dancing in SL was just a matter of clicking on a pose ball and hanging on for the ride, but apparently it is more than that? How so?

CC:  Dancing in RL is all about choosing dances that match the tempo and style of the music you are dancing to.  Our classes help dancers in SL recognize the music style and match the dance and tempo to it - so it looks realistic.  If you feel like you really are dancing in SL, you are!

JB:  Where do you get your staff?

CC:  A small team of four developed Dance 101. Another four person team developed the LEA grant. We now have over a dozen “imagineers” in our Savoy planning group, working on new exhibits, events, regular shows, monthly parties, decorations, and even choreographed dance performances. All volunteer, all drawn together sharing our passion for dance and the Swing Era.

JB:  Are you or any of your staff dancers in RL?

CC:  My wife and I are active dancers in RL, although she did not join me in my return to SL for this project. We are especially fond of East Coast Swing, and also do country, ballroom and Latin. Other members of our team are involved in choreography and some dance in RL also.

JB:  Where can our readers go to learn more about Savoy Dance?

CC:  The entire story is on our website, It is a splendid resource about Savoy and everything we are doing in SL, including the new development, 40’s Street, right outside Savoy. The development of Dance 101 and our stream-driven dance technology is on the website

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

So…there you have it, folks.  If you’re ready to take your dancing to the next level.  If you really do want to learn a new skill that will serve you well in both SL AND in RL, and you want to have fun doing it, come check out the award-winning Savoy Ballroom, and let their experienced dance instructors help you learn to enjoy life on a whole new level!  - JB

GeekSpeak – How will SpaceX win the space race? Saturday 16th May at noon SLT

This week we will talk about SpaceX and some of the competition in the race for space.  Why will SpaceX win the race?  What are their plans for the next 5 years?

This is a time we really need to pay attention to, especially if you regret missing the moon landings.  This is your generation’s time.  Later this week, the launch of the first starship will hopefully be a reality.

Excitement is building in the space community. We will give you the best places to watch this historic moment in our life on earth.  Put your space helmet on and join us at GeekSpeak.  Bring your friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, May 15, 2020

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR Contest: DO YOU HAVE STYLE? L$ 50 000 TO WIN!

Are you a woman of style? Well show it to us because we are looking for an ambassador, a woman who will become LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and win L$ 50 000! 
This contest is open to all women of style. No need to be a professional model to apply as we train the finalists without experience! All you need is style, to express yourself through what you wear! We are looking for an elegant woman who will represent our brand with grace and character.

So do not wait longer, wear a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, snap a picture, write your name in the title, and send FULL PERM to LUXEParisLookOfTheYear Resident. Each participant will automatically receive a free outfit from LUXE Paris!
Every week for 5 weeks, starting June 3rd, we will publish the pictures of 6 semifinalists at and at slenquirer.comWe will also display them in the LOOK of the YEAR Hall at our main store on Bao/67/72/26.

When we will have 30 semifinalists, our jury will then select 12 finalists.
These 12 finalists will be revealed on July 8th and be invited to meet the judges at the LOOK of the YEAR Brunch on July 12th. On this occasion, the finalists will be asked to explain why they would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris. They will also be invited to select 10 free outfits each at our main store!
This brunch will be followed by one styling challenges show. This challenges-show will take place on July 26th, immediately followed by the grand finale and the revealing of our LOOK of the YEAR 2020.

L$ 100 000 IN PRIZES
Our ambassador will also win:  One year of free shopping at LUXE Paris (a value of L$ 30 000), a fashion feature in the magazines SL Confidential, L'Amour Diversity and The Second Life Enquirer (a value of L$ 25 000),  a gift card of L$ 10 000 at Tone Makeup, a scholarship at In-Nova Model Training (a value of L$ 4 000), a gift card of L$ 3 500 at ProPose, a crown by Zuri Jewelry, a value of L$ 1 500, 4 avant-garde hairs from Bon Amour (a value of L$ 1 000), an official picture by Stavros Hexem (a value of L$ 1 000), and an hour coaching with the famous top model Ponchituti Boucher.

Each of the two runners up will receive L$ 10 000 in cash, a gift card from Tone Makeup (L$ 2 800 for the first and L$ 1 400 for the second), a scholarship at In-Nova Model Training (a value of L$ 4 000), a Zuri tiara (L$ 1 000), a gift card from ProPose (L$ 2 500 for the first and L$ 1 500 for the second), 2 avant-garde hairs at Bon Amour (L$500), and an official picture by Stavros Hexem (L$ 1 000). They will also get an hour coaching with Ponchituti Boucher and be interviewed by SL Confidential and SL Enquirer.

Quinte, LOOK of the YEAR 2019

- Nany Jurado, LOOK of the YEAR 2018

''Winning the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest was the best moment of my Second Life'', confides Nany Jurado, a soccer mom from Medellin, Colombia, who has been a top model in Second Life for 10 years.

''When I think about the moment they said my name, I get excited again! I have no words to describe the power of the joy which filled me suddenly. I was crying and laughing in the arms of my RL daughters as the IM were coming from everywhere!''
For Quinte, our 2019 winner who comes from China and live in Las Vegas, the experience was surreal. 

''My favorite part is also the winner announcement'', remembers Quinte. ''It was such a shock!  My tongue would not work! So many top models in the competition and I was the one? Wow!''I never thought I could win! I had never been on a fashion catwalk before! But I worked hard to learn quickly. And the incredible happened!

All the experience was fabulous. The LUXE Paris team treated me like a queen! I would encourage anyone who enjoys fashion to participate, pros, and beginners!''   
Quinte was selected as the best ambassador for LUXE Paris among 196 entries. Elegant and very stylish with a lot of character, genuine and friendly, Quinte represents the LUXE Paris spirit perfectly.  We were really pleased to have her as our brand ambassador throughout the year.

The judges will give a score to each finalist for each of the two challenges at the final show and the total of those two scores will determine the winner.
The contestants will be judged on their style, elegance, and originality by a prestigious jury of 14 members: Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra, owners-designers of LUXE Paris, Quinte, LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 2019, Adonis Lubomir, owner of Swank Events, Frolic Mills, founder of BOSL magazine, Chemak Kamala, owner of SL Confidential magazine,  Ahn Avion, owner of the WomenStuff Group, Ava Jhamin, owner of L'Amour Diversity magazine, Naar Rexen, owner of In-Nova Modeling Academy, Nany Jurado, owner-designer of Bon Amour Hairs, Zuri Rayna, owner-designer of Zuri Jewelry, Ponchituti Boucher, owner of ProPose, Ever Courtois, owner and designer of Tone Makeup, and Lanai Jarrico, owner of The Second Life Enquirer.

You can enter the contest as many times as you wish as long as you present a different LUXE Paris outfit for each entry. The deadlines to submit your picture and qualify for the weekly semi-finals are May 28th, June 4th, June 11th, June 18th, and June 25th. Earlier you start, more you have chances to be selected semifinalist as ALL the candidates' pictures are submitted to the judges every week. Therefore if you are not selected the first week, you could be in the following weeks.