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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Spotlight on TX MAINSTORE with TECH (tech.robonaught) Reporting Katrina Karsin

Today we are sitting down with TECH (tech.robonaught) the owner of TX, he is a creator and mechanic of vehicles and all the mechanics one would want to make their dream car drivable!  He starts with the Shell or body of the car and provides the mechanics to make a car actually drivable in Second Life!

Kat (katrina.karsin): Hi TECH Nice to meet you, may I start with why did you decide to Create Shells and all the gear to so you can drive in SL?  Was there a demand for it?

TECH (tech.robonaught): My initial goal was to make it affordable for the average person.  There were a few vehicle parts suppliers already in SL, but they were expensive - and me being a vehicle nut myself I too was poor and didn’t have the budget for their parts.

Kat (katrina.karsin): I remember checking out cars in SL myself cause I wanted a vintage 1965 Mustang and the prices at that time were crazy I thought.  So when did your first start creating and did you open your store right away?

TECH (tech.robonaught): People come to SL to escape reality and that includes not having to drive their minivan, but being able to create or buy whatever vehicle they can imagine as well.  My first Second life store was furniture and clothing, when I started getting into vehicles I found parts and full permissions cars expensive. and just thought I could do it better, so yeah, I had a small store established, and it’s grown with me from a 1024 lot to the full sim we have today.

Kat (katrina.karsin): I agree SL can be an escape from the old minivan – lol! Did you start in 2008?

Tech (tech.robonaught): No, the TX Gear name was created around 2015, it the abbreviation of me and my SL partners first names (does not mean Texas).

Kat (katrina.karsin): Oh ok cool idea for the name!  When you had the mechanics down for making the shells did you turn to make parts for the cars?

TECH (tech.robonaught): When I had the ability to make the bare shells, I turned my focus to the vehicle scripting - between myself and a few others we now have probably the most realistic vehicle scripts available in World.  Having a low script use to boot, which makes them ideal for all kinds of environments.

Kat (katrina.karsin): Scripting is complicated to me, I think of it as coding for a computer so I am very impressed you have the ability to learn.  It can be very intensive does it take up most of your time when creating something?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Well, I tend to make something work first and then add to it or fine-tune it afterward so yes, between version 1 of my vehicle scripts and the version 10 it is today has been about a 3-year journey.  I rely a lot on the builder’s feedback and it has improved the scripting a great deal.

Ҡặт (katrina.karsin): I see you have some very detailed scripts for your vehicles to make it as realistic as possible, do you think it is why people prefer your creations?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes lol! As much as SL is about fantasy, many people prefer realism when it comes to vehicles so, suspension, running out of fuel and things like that all add to the end-users experience.  I’ve been complimented on the realism both in the vehicle shells and in the scripting.

Ҡặт (katrina.karsin):  Your attention to the realism and detail accuracy is very impressive, being able to customize a speedometer so it looks like a Ford or Dodge or other name brand vehicles plus the type of vehicle is truly amazing!  So, I could put a Dodge speedometer in a Ford Mustang if I wanted to?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes! or just go digital and stick it in the windshield glass?  I tell my customers, you’re the builder, it's your imagination I just provide the tools.

Kat (katrina.karsin): Now that is extremely impressive! How about the sound, we all know there is a different noise each car makes to another?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Sounds are another person's endeavors, but I wanted them here, so they don’t pay rent or anything like that, I just wanted them here for availability to my customers.  I also have a license to carry some other people’s creations, to have them available to my customers as well.  Versatility is the other thing I was going to mention, I’ve used my vehicle scripts to build everything from riding lawn mowers to big wheels to army tanks, hot rods, tractor-trailers, we try to cover almost all of it in one package.

Kat (katrina.karsin): One stop shopping is a blessing, especially if you have kids in tow! Have you had a customer who is unable to drive in RL come to you for a vehicle?

TECH (tech.robonaught): I have builders who aren’t able to drive in RL building and selling SL vehicles yes.

Kat (katrina.karsin):  It is important to listen to what a customer may want and in a way you are fulfilling other peoples dream as well as your own simultaneously!

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes, very true, plus I just like cars and trucks!  See I don't script them though, I leave that to my customers (my builders), it helps the economy here to spread the money around ... I probably have over 200 US "imports"

Kat (katrina.karsin): US imports like Ferrari’s and Lamborghini’s I imagine are on many people’s bucket list!  You must be working with builders all the time I imagine helping them be successful?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes, daily, hourly I would say.  I provide the tools so they can be successful as well.  A shell can take anywhere from 6 hours to 40 depends on the complexity of it - I can script one up fully in a few hours, teaching someone else we cover with notecards and instructional videos on all the primary parts and functions so it really all depends on the builder’s knowledge of basic building skills.

Kat (katrina.karsin): Wow 6 to 40 hours pending on the complexity!  That means you need patience when building your dream machine.

TECH (tech.robonaught): This is a long game, you will not be successful overnight, not in this or any business in SL, take your time, build a quality product at a quality price, don’t cheapen your own work, and people will come to you.

Kat (katrina.karsin) Do you have any closing words to people interested in creating cars and trucks like your company does?

What I would just like to stress to new builders to just have patience and realize it's going to take time.  I want to see each and every one of them successful and will do all I can to help them do so and I'll continue to improve and offer new products so they can keep making great stuff to sell!


Website:  TX Gear Site and Support



Sunday, April 4, 2021


Everyone has been in a situation that has caused embarrassment and shame. In Second Life, even avatars can go through moments they wished never happened. There are three ways things can go after the incident. Either the embarrassed party avoids their peers, creates an ALT to start a new SLife or they face the shame, address it, laugh about it and move on. Some of the stories avatars shared are cringeworthy while others are pretty funny. Names have been changed to protect the identity of the embarrassed avie.

Vinny: “I don’t know if I should be sharing this story because it was so embarrassing but it was planned out so good I have to share it. Back in the day around 2008-2009 I used to be part of a roleplay mafia family. We spent our time hanging out with other families and sometimes wars between families started.  While warring,  I got an IM from a girl from the rival family. I was suspicious at first but was surprised that she was flirting with me. I thought she was being sincere so I flirted back. We talked and made jokes for an hour or so and then she invited me over to her place. When I showed up we were immediately in her bedroom and she started to emote undressing so I began doing the same. Right when we were both naked and about to have sex the wall dropped down and suddenly there was an audience of mafia family members sitting as if in a movie theater watching us on a stage. Everyone was laughing and I quickly realized the joke was on me. I was so embarrassed that I teleported out of there so fast. I ended up creating an Alt and never showed my face around mafia families again!”

Ryan: "Most embarrassing story. Ok well, I have one that a lot have seen but I rarely told anyone about. I was attending a business function for a company that I work for. Now, this function had a lot of other business people that owned Modeling agencies, fashion creators, builders alike. There was a raffle at the beginning event and everyone entered it. During the rest of the event with drinks and dancing, most of us forgot about the raffle. They broke for announcements and called my name as the winner. They asked me to come up on stage in front of everyone and accept my prize. It was a gold and diamond watch. They asked me to put it on so all can see. Well little did I know putting it on was a joke and I was automatically violated by an oversized Pokémon in my no-no place. The shock and laughter it had caused me to keep it on a bit longer than a normal person should. Once I composed myself I removed it but the whole party had a good laugh. Some of them to this day call me Pokey, yeah not so funny if you ask me."

Colleen: “OMG LMAO! Once I was sitting at the beach with a group of friends just chatting. I needed to go afk for a couple of  minutes and accidentally left my microphone on.  My rl boyfriend  decided he wanted some quick sex. Instead of logging off we ended up doing it right there in my room. I’m pretty vocal and I’m not ashamed of that but when it was all said and done, I realized the mic was on the whole time!!!  After washing up, I came back and my friends were still all sitting around. When I got back on mic, they all started laughing and I had several IMz trying to warn me but it was too late. That was so embarrassing.”

Karen: “I once joined a contest for best lingerie and I know I looked good. To my surprise but I didn’t win. Can you believe that? I think the contest board was rigged, I felt so embarrassed I called the cops!”

Stacey: “The most embarrassed thing in SL is the multiple relationships with multiple accounts...We are feeling insecure who is behind the avatar when we met someone 1st time until we verified and know better the person...happened to me to meet someone who liked me so much and me the same, but was an alter avatar and of course he was parteneriat with someone in his main account. I refused to be 2nd person in his life because i thought I deserve more than to be a umbrella of bad weather...another embarrassed thing is too many men want multiamorouse relationship they have many women around and call themselves Dominants but in fact are so pathetic weak persons who want only multisome sex.”

Mel : “12 Years ago seems so very long ago in Second Life yet the time has flown by quickly and the changes I have come across has helped me grow daily, with new experiences and adventures along the way. However none of the moments I have experienced can far succeed the embarrassing moment I experienced on my first day of Second Life. As many who have been here for years  may remember, coming into the welcome area, The grand news Island, standing there wondering, "What in the heck do I do next"? Finding my way around a bit and asking some questions after 30 minutes of trying to figure out where the chat section was and Yay I was on my merry way. General chat was my best friend for the first several hours. I had met great people and very helpful to say the least. Along the way of exploring this pixel body that once upon a time was the most exciting body to me, I met a gal  who had "well lets just say a very great sized chest" and of course I thought now that's an upgrade to this poor looking pixel I am walking around in. So I asked, where I could buy something like those? She gave a location and then said, however did you know you can have fun in here?   Of course a bit naive to what she truly meant I said of course, and that's what I am looking for is fun. She giggled in the chat box and said well then you will be needing some privates too. Privates? I thought to myself why would I need some privates and what is she getting at? She slipped me a LandMark and said click that. I got to this store and wow, "primed boobs and vaginas", I laughed but then felt like well maybe that's just something I should have, maybe my body doesn't have a vagina. Suddenly it occurred to me I had no clue what was needed to buy things and so back to general chat I found myself questioning and learning about Lindens and how to get them. Those boobs were a must. I got my Lindens and yay I had a box with boobs and a box with a vagina in it. Back to chat asking the same poor girl in my private box  how to unpack and get them on. After about 30 minutes of feeling gullible and standing in a sandbox I was giddy with boobs and a vagina. I found myself wandering around new places, flaunting what I had purchased above. I met a guy and we started chatting. He had been on SecondLife for a year, he said. I thought wow this is my lucky day, someone who knows what to do in here. My time was running short though as I had to leave for work soon and I asked him how we could speak later, he added me. I stayed for another ten minutes and was telling this man all about my new boobs, like he was really fascinated about hearing it just as much as I was to tell it. I also thought to myself how much I liked this guy and how he spoke, that was until he said, " perhaps you should consider  looking down for a moment" With no understanding how to use my camera, he did a quick teach, and by the time it zoomed downward I realized I had been peeing myself with my new Vagina and for God knows how long while there with him. I did my best to find that hud and when I did find it I hit the wrong button and before I knew it I had white droplets going down my leg too. All I could do in this moment with my poor embarrassed pixel was sit back in my chair and say I am so sorry. I left SecondLife for 6 months after that. 

Upon returning, he messaged me. His first question was, Did it take that long to fix your Vagina?  All I could do was laugh.”

Steve: “The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me was when I first started playing SL I picked up on emoting from the very beginning. I started working at ladies only clubs as a stripper. Now working in a venue like this afforded me nicer things without spending real wife money. Now after working in this kind of environment for a few years you not only develop your own clientele base but you are so developed a report with some of the people who come to watch you.

I had been working at a particular club for several months and this one Avi we will call sue came in as she normally does. She had a habit of not speaking but some people in SL do not voice so it's no big deal. Well after spending about 10K she messages me about a private dance. i have no problems so i take her into the VIP lounge and proceed to give her a show. She tipped me 5k then asked if i would be interested in escorting for 50k. Now i have never done that before and the amount was too good to pass up i did however ask if she was a male in rl and she said no so i agreed. well we went to my place and we proceeded to get busy. when we were done i heard this big burly voice say thank you then she poofed, I haven't stripped since.”

Katrina: “The most recent embarrassing moment in Second Life happened while researching for my first article for the SL Enquirer.  I was clicking on beards to find out who the designers are that most guys are wearing and not paying any attention with the general chat room lol!  One particular designer was coming up all the time, then I get an IM from a friend, then a few minutes later another and then another.  So finally, I stopped working on the article and started reading these IM’s to find out I was actually tugging away on friends' beards like crazy in a club with a few of their partners getting a little upset with me!  OMG so I explained what I was actually doing in regular chat for all to read, then the room exploded in laughter, was I ever red in the face!”

Embarrassing moments happen to the best of us. How you handle the situations will determine your Second Life experience. If you experienced an embarrassing moment in SL, share your store in the comment box below.

Saturday, April 3, 2021



BACK STORY:  Since the Avatar Anonymous meeting this past St. Patrick’s Day, Larry the Leprechaun has become a victim of relentless virtual glitter bombs, D*** in a box anonymous mailers and shunning by his peers.  Larry has not recovered his pot of gold and Mercedes, his stripper girlfriend still insists it wasn’t her.  According to neighbors, those two are heading for splitsville over Cupid rumors. One avie witnessed Mercedes ripping out Larry’s shamrock garden and hurling swear words in Gailic.

Last month was a doozy at the Avatar Anonymous members, It was my duty as a sponsor to pay Larry the Leprechaun a visit to make sure he was ok after his meltdown.  When I arrived at his place, he was crying hysterically in his garden and his girlfriend Mercedes was nowhere to be found. So I guess the love affair is all but over. After a brief conversation, Larry took off running into the woods so I left…I got better things to do like find out what the Easter Bunny is up to since his arrest. 

While getting media clearance, I could hear *Inmate 20475B, you have visitors* and a high pitched scream.

Lanai: OMG Earl is everything ok?l  I heard you got arrested with some serious charges and thought I’d pay you a visit.  What happened?? You were doing so well at the meetings, aside from the attack on Larry last week?

Earl the Easter Bunny: OMG look who it is….. that nosey SLE reporter. Are you stalking me? What do you want and NO! I’M NOT OK!  Get me out of this place! Larry must have some friends on the inside. You just saved me from an attack by Tammy the Toothfairy, I was about to be his… umm nevermind. *as his hands move behind him, covering his ruffled tail* 

Lanai: Hey! I’m here to help you. Easter is right around the corner and there isn’t enough time to find your replacement.  Listen, I will get you out of here if you cooperate with me. Where did you get the funding for your grass supply?

Earl the Easter Bunny: Snitches get stitches! I ain’t saying a word.

Lanai: Earl, you are looking at a lot of time here...You gotta give me some information that might help your case. Don’t worry whatever you say stays between us…

Earl the Easter Bunny: Are you a lawyer now Missssss Jarrico?

Lanai: No, but I’m the next best thing.  Earl, I’m going to give it to you straight. Did you steal Larry’s pot of gold so you can cop some grass? If you don’t come clean, I’m going to leave you here to deal with Tammy the Tooth Fairy.

Earl the Easter Bunny: OK! I confess. Mercedes and I are having an affair. I was helping her pack up Larry’s belongings and stumbled upon his gold in the closet so I stuffed my pockets but I didn’t take all of it! I used some of it to buy the grass and the rest I distributed in child support for all my kids. 

Lanai: Don’t you feel better telling the truth? I have to say that is pretty low of you to take Larry’s woman and his gold too. You need to get your eggs together.  Your actions will cause a holiday disaster. If I don’t get you out of here, Easter will be ruined.  

Earl the Easter Bunny: Just because I stole some gold and sold grass doesn’t make me less qualified to be the Easter Bunny. I’m sure you did some scandalous sh*t before. Don’t judge me.  While there are rumors going around about Uncle Sam and a few others,  allegedly Uncle Sam bought off people with cartons of e-cigarettes to be part of his militia to end Second Life of the bad seedy people. And The Arbor Day Treant tried to pass their seeds as pot seeds. Let me tell you, there are some scandalous mascots out there. I’m not the first and won’t be the last so please just get me out of here so I can go hide some easter eggs or something.

Lanai: Ohhhh sounds like I need to pay a visit to some other mascots… Thank you for the information Earl, you are such a snitch!

Lanai paid Earl’s bail and he was released from jail so he can now hide eggs for the little avie kids and Easter will go on without a hitch thanks to The SL Enquirer.

 Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2021

Spotlight on DJ Night- Katrina Karsin Reporting…

Time stands still as DJ Night begins mixing live, his soothing deep style is inexhaustible and vast. DJ Night. A ( is from Portugal and is a well-recognized SL DJ in the House music scene since 2009. 

Interview with DJ Night

Kat: Hi DJ Night, it's so very nice to see you again! How did you discover Second Life? 

DJ Night: I remember it was from some ads... don't remember if from TV or internet.

Kat: Probably from the internet.  Who inspired you to become a Deejay?  

DJ Night: When I was younger, I would go to a bar that a friend DJ’d at.  Watching how he could create a positive vibe mixing music, so everyone is having a good time made me think "I want to do it".  Later Carl Cox was always a reference RL and in SL and an old friend Kumiko Bookmite who taught me the art of spinning.

Kat: I remember Kumiko he is another great DJ. Do you like all kinds of music or certain genres? 

DJ Night: I like almost all kinds of music. Of course, it depends on the mood at the moment, sometimes I want Kizomba or Fado, other times I want Techno. As a DJ and talking about the electronic music scene, my favorite styles are Deep House & Deep Techno scene with all the melodic, progressive, tribal, and acid beats.

Kat: How you mix melodies with tribal and acid beats is luscious. May I ask, are you a real-life DJ, musician, or producer?  If so,  How long have you done this?

DJ Night: I started spinning in 1999 in private parties etc., then started to work as DJ in 2006 and have been doing it for some time.  But there is a moment in our lives that we need to decide what we want for our future, and in my case, I decided to go in another direction. Sometimes I still do it especially in the summer, but always as a hobby.  

Kat: Outdoor summer venues really are the best parties!  Do you primarily DJ for tips or get paid by the club? 

DJ Night: Primarily I DJ because it is something I love to do, and besides the love of mixing I find it is something I need to do almost like a calling in life. When I put the headphones on my head and I press the play button, for me, it’s like the entire world stops. There is no work, no stress, no phones, no emails no nothing... it's only me and my music...!! It's my escape from the world!  SL lindens as payment for DJs in SL is a delicate and huge subject that one day I would love to see discussed. Sadly, those who spin in SL for money will be easily and quickly frustrated lol. I spin for the love of music and to share my art... not for money, so usually I just login into tip jars.

Kat:  Your love of music seeps into another's soul like the morning sun rising, warming your skin and connecting humanity. You also make and sell club equipment in Second Life why? 

DJ Night:  Because I used to work a lot in RL modeling and I like it, so I thought why not make some stuff for SL!  Did you see a need or demand for nice-looking club furniture? At that time there were not a lot of mesh items, as far as I know, my club called Relax was the first mesh club in SL.  Unfortunately, I don’t have much time now to make things in Second Life like I used to. 

Kat: Balancing time is difficult for everyone.  Do you have a calendar, so our readers know when you are DJing? 

DJ Night:  No. I have an SL Group where I usually share the information about my sets. Usually, I spin 2/3 times a week.

Kat: Having a group is probably the easiest way to let others know when you are going to spin, especially if you decide to pick up a set at the last minute.   How can venues book your service?

DJ Night:  Sending me an IM. 

Kat: A direct line of communication is the best way.  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

DJ Night:  Wanna invite them to show up in some of my sets, and let me share this art. Hope I can provide a good time for everyone full of fun and good groovy music. We all know we are living in a historical time, and most of us are overwhelmed with the current news.  So logging into Second Life to listen to DJ Night Attack will take you on a journey that you will not soon forget, relaxing you and giving you a sense of tranquility.  Maybe even let time stand still for a little with DJ Night and regenerate our souls.

Additional information:

DJ NightAttack - YouTube

Group Name: DJ Night Attack

Preferred contact for bookings: IM

Other: Night Attack | Flickr

Night Attack | Free Listening on SoundCloud

DJ Night Attack | Mixcloud

GeekSpeak – Will there be life after the Pandemic? Join the discussion on April 3rd at 12pm SLT

Has the virus changed the world for good?  Will some of the imposed restrictions remain?  Social distancing, masks, no hugs? 

Will we always be afraid of new diseases in the future?  What will we do to keep ourselves safe and prevent the next pandemic?  Will we try to vaccinate all animals as well as humans?  Will we live in plastic bubbles in an endless lockdown and interact with each other only in Second Life?  Will we use nanobots to patrol our blood and kill anything non-human? 

Or will we react against the restrictions, give up fighting and just get sick, hoping that some of us will survive?

Come and discuss our smallest enemy.  Bring an electron microscope and hand soap, and your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.




DJ Girappy in collaboration with the Variety World Network

[MidWest USA, April 2021]  DJ Girappy is a superstar DJ with an eclectic musical library, who enjoys listening to and playing music, from a wide range of musical genres. DJ Girappy loves to engage with her listeners, by inviting her beloved VIPs to send requests, based on their musical preferences. Without any doubt, DJ Girappy is one of the friendliest DJs on the Second Life platform.

Her engagement and subsequent marriage to the Variety World Network in 2014, has grown from strength to strength. Since then, she has blossomed and has become attached to an International friendship, which is still going strong. DJ Girappy and the Variety World Network have both become the go-to spot for top Musical Knowledge, with Sports Updates on the side. Music and Sports go hand in hand. There is always something for everyone, as music can express different emotions – good and bad. Even if you have had a very testing day, DJ Girappy’s specialist musical selection has the power to cheer you up.

DJ Girappy’s Fun House and the Variety World Network on Second Life, are both community-owned enterprises, that specialize in maximizing everyone’s experience. Girappy currently works as a DJ and Host at the Rebel Nation club. Her DJ hours are: Thursday 4pm to 6pm SL Time, and Saturday between 6am and 8am SL Time. Girappy also works at the club as a Hostess too, between 6pm and 8pm SL Time, on Wednesday and Sunday.

Contact: Girappy Resident (DJ Girappy’s Fun House)
Freda Kling (Variety World Network)

In case of Emergencies:
Please send a notecard to either Girappy Resident or Freda Kling


My first visit at Center Ground was that of amazement, you can immediately feel and see the exceptional creative environmental practices, diversity, conservation of arts and culture in this little community.  My eyes were drawn to the colorful poster seeking creators of urban & ethnic wear to participate in a fashion event in mid-April during Earth week. I continued down the walkway enjoying the natural scenery and instantly recognized the hard work put into this slice of heaven where pride clearly shines. Near the garden area stands the Center Ground Gallery of Art where beautiful paintings proudly hang in a modern architectural-looking building. Further down is a residential area with Eco-looking homes. It was no surprise to me to learn that the Center Ground originally started by 4 environmentally focused leaders who created this environmentally friendly community to discuss and promote truly sustainable modeling and preserve their ideas and dreams in the SL metaverse. I was looking forward to meeting with one of the original founders, Luchenpur Darwin.

Roxy Mystic: Hello Luchenpur, I am very happy to meet you. This place is amazing! I am not sure where to start as there is so much to talk about.  I walked around Center Ground and I also visited your webpage.  There is a description of Center Ground that says: "The Center Ground sim is a hub for businesses, residences, arts and entertainment. While many may only know of our world-class venues, it takes only a brief walk to see what else we offer."  You were absolutely correct, I walked down the pathway and knew right away everything I needed to know about Center Ground. Let's go back a little and talk about how this all started, the meeting of 4 environmentalists with amazing visions.

Luchenpur Darwin: Hello Roxy, It is great to meet you as well. And thank you for the generous compliment. I can see already you have an eye for detail. Smiles 
Roxy Mystic: Why is it so important to you and obviously to your founding colleagues that Center Ground keeps showcasing ways to protect our natural resources and can you elaborate a bit more on the mindset around the synergy of survival?
Luchenpur Darwin: Roxy, My 3 colleagues, Paolo Rousselo, Tatia Andel, and Flower Ninetails

originally met on another sim that excelled in green and sustainable practices. Each of us came to SL with experiences from our first life that influenced our pursuits here. Over time the 4 of us decided to strike out on our own and pursue a vision, while still sustainable.  More aligned with the 4 of us.

Roxy Mystic:  I am so curious and very much interested in learning more about the upcoming fashion show and exposition of items designed from recycled and sustainable materials. This is such an original idea! Will this be a full week or weekend event? Please share more!

Luchenpur Darwin: The idea for the fashion show came from Reign C.  I asked her to be part of planning the event this year and she brought in her organization, The Best Of Second Life (BOSL). Our Earth Week celebration will actually begin the week of April 10th with designers setting up displays along Center Ground Boulevard On Saturday the 17th We will have a

dance troupe perform for the opening. Sunday the 18th we will have the Fashion Show put on by BLVD Fashion House Both events will start at Noon SLT. We will also DJs doing live sets at Etopia and street parties at Center Ground from the 17th  through the 25th.  I have been involved in “Green Expos” in the past where there were displays that covered everything from persevering water qualities, wetlands, and mangroves to reducing energy consumption. That appeals to a certain group. But when you talk fashion you have widened your scope.  If you do an internet search for sustainable fashion, you now see clothing companies that are taking the lead on sustainable practices and reusing recycled and sustainably grown materials in their garments. With a little research, I’m hoping some S L creators may come up with backstories for items they already have or create something new for our exposition.

Roxy Mystic: When I saw the Club Center Ground my first impression was that of a lounge atmosphere. I felt like I was perhaps in Vegas prepared to be entertained by elite performers. You are very good at creating perfect environments of comfort that pull us into special moments in time. What are the plans with the Club Center Ground, I understand there is currently both DJ and live music entertainment?

Luchenpur Darwin: Thanks for the compliment Roxy.  Club Center Ground is the result of collaborations between myself and Judilynn India. The club has evolved over time from suggestions by friends and patrons to what you see today.   We have live DJs nearly every day of the week comprising over 25 hours of original entertainment.  We also have singers on occasion. The club is open 24/7 there is a great stream by WBSR digital radio that plays on off-hours.

Roxy Mystic: I love shopping so we really need to talk about the shopping district! I have noticed there is both a market area and a store section. Oh wait, there is even a restaurant!  Your rental rates are quite affordable. Can you describe this area for me and if someone is interested in renting a store would they contact you directly?

Luchenpur Darwin: Smiles, The Center Ground Shopping district consists of small storefronts and the marketplace you mentioned previously. The stores along the boulevard and kiosk in the marketplace allow shoppers a chance to see what they are purchasing in a more physical way.  The kiosk gives smaller creators a chance to get some exposure. There is also an extension of Inspiration University.   We have Renee’s Bistro, I guess we could call it a supper club. It is an intimate venue with a small stage where singers and comedians have performed. Not to be forgotten is the Sugarhill Lounge, Housed in the WBSR building where we hold scheduled events on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Roxy Mystic: Those eco-homes you have here at Center Ground are so real, they truly reflect life in a sustainable real-life home being compact and efficient as they are. Once again your rental rates are very affordable and it appears most units are rented too. Can you describe the idea behind this close-knit community idea and how your renters feel about their compact homes?

Luchenpur Darwin: Sure, in a sustainable community all resources must be considered. We have been able to place 5 apartments in an area where some would have one huge home. I’m not knocking anyone for their choices. What we have here is an example of sustainable living where everything is within walking distance of your residence. The apartments were recently updated to state of the art (SOTA).  Alexis, One of our residents, and business owners came up with a proposal for the remodel and was able to secure the blessing of the original creator. That kind of collaboration is one of the keys to our success. We also took input from the other residents. What you see is the culmination of all those influences. Most of our renters have been here a long time. And even if they are away for an extended period they can count on having their place here when they return.

Roxy Mystic:  They say the experience of looking at awe-inspiring art has a positive effect on our physical body and our mental state as well; it enhances brain function and well-being so it is no surprise that Center Ground is highly involved with the art community.  Please share with our SL Enquirer readers why the gallery is so important. If someone wanted their art exhibit here what would they need to do and who would they contact?

Luchenpur Darwin: The Center Ground Gallery of Art, was the first major attraction we had here.  Judilynn India, our resident RL artist, and owner of the gallery built the first version in 2012.   Over the years there have been various iterations of the building. Judilynn is the curator and also the chief builder of present-day Center Ground.

Roxy Mystic:  I understand you are offering jobs and looking for bloggers. Can you describe the positions you are offering and perhaps provide information on the blogging opportunities at Center Ground?

Luchenpur Darwin: Center Ground’s employs a number of DJs and Host on a regular basis. In the near future, we will be looking for some men of good character and quality to act as ‘Gentleman Host’ for some of our events, Bloggers are welcome. If someone writes a blog about exploring different places on the grid, visiting galleries, or quaint shopping places please consider checking us out.  And please be sure to send me a link.

Roxy Mystic:  My last question might be hard for you to answer but if you were to pick one of your favorite things here at Center Ground what would it be?

Luchenpur Darwin: Hmm that’s difficult to say.   There are so many aspects.  I can say I truly enjoy meeting the various individuals that visit here be it at the club or as explorers or shoppers.

I really enjoyed meeting Luchenpur and I look forward to attending the Center Ground fashion events coming up in mid-April. I think this is a great opportunity for creative designers to showcase their work. The exposition is equally exciting and so original. Imagine items that are created from recycled and sustainable materials! Challenge yourself and make a difference. For more details, interested parties should contact Luchnepur Darwin by notecard in-world or by email at subject line, Fashion. On a side note, for those interested, April 22 is the date of Earth Day this year and the theme is “Restore Our Earth.”

Additional Information:







Are you a stylish woman? Do you have what it takes to represent a great fashion brand?

Well, now is the time to show it because LUXE Paris is looking for its LOOK of the YEAR 2021-2022, a woman who is brilliant, stylish, elegant and charismatic. A woman who will represent our brand and win L $ 50,000 cash!

This competition is open to all women! No need to be a professional model as intensive training will be offered to inexperienced finalists by ONE On ONE Modeling Agency, the main sponsor of the competition, as well as the In-Nova Academy. We will accompany you step by step while the runway professionals will also have the opportunity to polish their art thanks to private consultations with the legendary top model Ponchituti Boucher, the one we call  "the mother of  all models!"


Don't wait any longer! Put on a LUXE Paris outfit, add your charming style, capture a photo, put your official name in the title and send with full permissions to LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR resident
in-world. All participants will receive a LUXE Paris outfit as a gift upon receipt of their first submission.

- Avalon Chrome

If you didn't think it was possible to compete with the professionals, think again! The 2019-2020 winner, Quinte, had never walked a runway before she was chosen as a Look of the Year finalist! She listened carefully and worked hard and then the unimaginable came true!

Unsettling for a pro to compete against beginners? Very certainly, but this is where all your expertise comes into play!

This is much more than a beauty contest, the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is intended to be a life experience allowing women to build their strength and to increase their self-confidence. And the testimony of Avalon Chrome, LOOK of the YEAR 2020-2021, is very eloquent on the subject.

“This competition and this victory could not come to a best time of my life, '' she says. I was barely coming to start my business in real life and have seen all my efforts almost dashed because of the pandemic and I had really need to focus on a project, to work hard, and succeed! This competition allowed me to rediscover the feeling of being a winner! ''

For Avalon, this formidable adventure has allowed her to achieve one of her biggest virtual dreams! This RL marketing specialist and graphic artist joined Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra, the co-owners of LUXE Paris, and she is now part of the design team!


You can submit as many photos as you want, but each one must present a different outfit. Each of the photos submitted will be evaluated by the jury as if it was a new candidate. So the sooner you start participating, the more likely you are to be selected in the semi-finals.
Each week for five weeks, starting May 5th, we will be posting photos of 6 semi-finalists here in the SL Enquirer and on our website. In addition, we will be exhibiting the photos of all the participants in the Hall of Candidates at our main store on Bao.

When we have 30 semi-finalists, our jury will then select 12 finalists.


The twelve finalists, selected from the photos, will be revealed on June 9 and invited to the Judges' Brunch on Saturday, June 19.

At this event the judges will be meeting the 12 finalists in person for the first time.  Each of the 12 finalists will grace the stage, introduce themselves and explain why they would be the best ambassador for the LUXE Paris brand. Judges may also address specific questions to the finalists so be ready and make yourself shine with your answer.

Then we will end the brunch with a shopping spree at LUXE Paris! Each of the 12 finalists will be invited to choose 10 LUXE Paris outfits of their choice.  


The Judges' Brunch  will be followed by two challenge shows in which the finalists will be assessed on their style, charisma, elegance, and stage presence.

The first challenge-show will take place on Saturday, July 3 on the theme "Reveal the star in you".

The second challenge-show will take place on Sunday, July 11 on the theme '' A ball to save the planet '' and will be immediately followed by the grand finale and the crowning of our LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 2021-2022!


The two challenge-shows will be judged by a prestigious group of fashion and media experts: Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra, owner-designers LUXE Paris, Avalon Chrome, LOOK of the YEAR 2020-2021 and now designer at LUXE Paris, Frolic Mills, founder of BOSL and Miss Virtual World, Ponchituti Boucher, owner ONE On ONE Modeling Agency and ProPose, Zuri Rayna, owner-designer Zuri Jewelry, Adonis Lubomir, owner-designer Swank, Naar Rexen, LOOK of the YEAR 2017-2018 and owner In-Nova Modeling Academy, Chemak Kamala, owner-editor SL Confidencial magazine, Lanai Jarrico, owner-CEO of The Second Enquirer, Ahn Avion, owner WomenStuff group, and Melany Aguilera, modeling instructor and manager Bon Amour Hair.
The judges will award a score to each finalist in each of the two challenge-shows and the total of these two scores will determine the winner and the 2 runners up. The finalists will be judged on their style, elegance, originality, charisma, and their presence on stage.


L$50,000 cash

1 year of free shopping at LUXE Paris

ZURI crown + L$5,000 gift-card

L$ 5,000 gift-card TONE Makeup

L$ 5,000 scholarship IN-NOVA Academy

L$ 3,500 gift-card PROPOSE Poses

L$ 2,000 gift-card SWANK & CO House & Garden

L$ 1,000 gift-card BON AMOUR Hair

A VIP invitation to join ONE ON ONE Agency

Features in SL CONFIDENCIAL, SL ENQUIRER & LUXE Paris magazine


L$10,000 cash

ZURI tiara + gift-card (L$3,000 1st, L$ 2,000 2nd)

L$ 5,000 scholarship IN-NOVA Academy

PROPOSE poses gift-card (L$ 2,500 1st, L$ 1,500 2nd)

L$ 1,000 gift-card SWANK & CO House & Garden 

TONE Makeup gift-card (L$ 1,400 1st, L$ 700 2nd)

L$ 500 gift-card BON AMOUR Hair

Features in SL CONFIDENCIAL, SL ENQUIRER & LUXE Paris magazine

More information at LUXE Paris LOOK of the