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Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2021

GeekSpeak – Is there New Hope for our Climate? Join the discussion Sept. 18th at 12pm SLT

 Last month a report from a thinktank called RethinkX suggested that certain disruptive technologies will mean that we produce less carbon without even meaning to.  Perhaps these technologies mean that we will not destroy our planet after all.Let’s talk about these disruptive technologies.  What are they and why are they so disruptive? Let’s discuss the speed with which the world changes when disruption hits.  Horses...

Saturday, August 24, 2019

GeekSpeak – what is the future of Africa? Join the discussion Saturday, August 24th at noon SLT

Africa is the second largest continent, with 54 countries and a very young and rapidly expanding population.  At present it is suffering from wars, diseases, and droughts. But there is a lot of promise for the future. Let’s talk about how the next superpower will develop.  How soon will we see a major boost in the wealth of the African population?  What is needed to get it going? What problems must be overcome?Will Africa...

Saturday, July 28, 2018

GeekSpeak – How do we cope with a worldwide heatwave? Join the disussion Saturday, July 28th at 12pm SLT

All over the world people are trying to cope with record high temperatures. Roads are melting, train tracks are buckling, plants are dying.  How do we live with all of this?Is this summer just a freak summer?  Or can we expect summers like this to be common in the future?  If they become common can we survive?Come to GeekSpeak and talk about how to live in the heat and how to plan for tomorrowIM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy Aftermath: Reporting from Northeast Pennsylvania

Sandy sure packed a powerful punch as it made its way over the eastcoast region of the United States. In Pennsylvania we prepared for what forcasters were saying would be historical. In deed it was. It devastated lower Manhattan, sucker punched the Jersey shore, ripped out the Atlantic City boardwalk and bodyslammed Pennsylvania as far in as Philadelphia, among other states in its path of desctuction. I'm glad to report, power has been restored to 41,000 in my area but 160,000 are still without power. Schools have been...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

BREAKING NEWS! The Perfect Storm is about to Administer a Smackdown to the Northeast! Are you prepared for an evacuation? Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

    A Superstorm named Sandy is being tracked as it makes landfall in Virginia, bringing heavy rain and wind. it is expected to turn back inland overnight towards regions of New York, New jersey, New England and well into Northeastern Pennsylvania; directly in my path!  Ahhhhhhh!  The perfect storm as it is being called by weather watchers has already prompted New York City to shut down subway and transit systems ahead...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Get your Science on...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Today's Weather....Sunny with a side of WTF?
