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Showing posts with label vardasilver Spearsong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vardasilver Spearsong. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


I have always been a fan of Blues – (and no, I am not talking about “Blues Clues”, the children’s TV show).  I’m talking about the “tug-at-your-heart” and “make-the-marrow-in-your-bones-tingle” kind of blues.  The stuff that inspires and lifts and depresses all at once! – The kind of Blues found at Fogbound, or Toby’s, or Junkyard or Hotlanta,  THAT kind of blues.  So, when I heard about a drop-dead wonderful Blues Singer, Varda...

Friday, September 23, 2016

Saints and Sinners Debuts in Second Life

Sexy sculpture by Cloak Fairigfule Saints and Sinners made its debut last weekend and includes pieces from four talented artists. We speak with Saints and Sinners founder, Vardasilver Spearsong to find out why she started this exhibition and to learn more about the artists involved in the current exhibition. SLE: What inspired you to get involved in this type of exhibit?  Varda:  Well that is rather funny, I had bought my first...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Are you a Saint or are you a Sinner? Grand opening: Saturday Septemeber 17th 7PM SLT to 9PM SLT

A new art exhibition is making its debut in Second life.  The event will be held on the Adult sim of Juno’s Rest.  Come and witness the amazing and awe inspiring works from 4 talented artists whose original art will be available for purchase onsite.  This exclusive collection of fine art has never been presented under one roof.  So, what are you waiting for?  Come and admire these pieces and enjoy fabulous music from...