On Saturday, October 23rd at 12 pm SLT, players anxiously waited in the bunk room as guards and VIPs suited up for the first Squid Game in Second Life. As VIPs observed from behind a glass window sipping wine, players started the first game of Red Light Green Light, where the first eliminations took place. Game one wiped out nearly all players except the remaining few that moved on to the next round; The Honeycomb.
Players choose their dalgona candy tin, equipt with a timer they begin clicking away to free their selected shapes. The VIPs and live stream viewers watched on in anticipation.
Next came the tug of war game with four players remaining. Each side tugged the ropes as the embattled team inched closer to the edge only to pull back in retaliation bringing the other team to the edge. It was an intense round and then two fell to their virtual deaths leaving 2 remaining players.
The Marbles game was intense! Spectators watched on as the two remaining players methodically went back and forth for the win. Winners moved on to the glass bridge where they were timed, The last round ended quickly with Emaza (forgis) giving a final push for the win.
Her grand prize was 7500L, the ability to fly at the next tournament, an invitation to be a VIP, and an exclusive interview with The SL Enquirer. Emaza shared her excitement and some advice for the next-round players.

Interview with Emaza
SLE: First and foremost, congratulations on being the first winner of Squid Games in Second Life! Can you share with our readers a little bit about yourself like what do you do in Second Life and how did you discover Squid Games?
Emaza: My name is Emaza or Mazi for short. I just started creating on Second Life, so I spend most of my time doing that or with family. I got into squid games the same as everyone else! The Netflix show. When I first saw the sim and that there was going to be a tournament I got excited and decided to enter.

SLE: We were excited to see Squid Game too! So, what were your thoughts at that moment when you realized you won the first-ever Squid Game in SL?
Emaza: Honestly. I was confused because I knocked my opponent out of the platform and then I died. I thought that I had done something wrong but one of the moderators told me they shot me for a faster teleport lol.
SLE: Well that’s one way to do it lol. I have to say as a VIP it was intense watching each game. Can you share with our readers your thoughts and maybe some tips for the next tournament’s players? Starting with Red light Green Light, nearly all the players were eliminated, what advice would you give?
Emaza: There isn’t really much advice I can give for all of the games honestly, but For red light green light take off all Flexi hairs, physics, and moving components and pay attention to the light !.
SLE: That’s perfect advice! The next game was the Honeycomb, did you have a strategy?
Emaza: I didn’t really have a strategy, I just chose a shape and followed the rules. I will say this much. Your clicks have to be well-timed. Each shape has a different amount of clicks, some have more clicks than the timer itself so the best way to beat it is to calculate how much time you put between each click AND DON'T CLICK TOO FAST!!

SLE: I hope the next players are reading this. Your advice is helpful. I have to say tug of war was very entertaining to watch. You came very close to the edge but you fought back! Some say there was cheating involved by one of the players letting go of the rope but in the end, you and your teammate reigned supreme! What are your thoughts on that game?
Emaza: There was cheating involved but it had nothing to do with the rope being let go. What happened was the other team started pulling BEFORE The Frontman said go so that’s what they were referring to when they said someone cheated. In the process of me trying to help my teammate get the rope back to our side, I lagged and it threw me off the rope. When I tried to get back on it wouldn’t allow me to and my teammate fell. I let The Frontman know what happened and he said my teammate gave her life for me to continue and allowed me to go on.

SLE: That was very noble of her to do. After those poor players dropped to their demise, you carried on to play the Marbles game. I wasn’t sure what was happening since we can’t see players’ HUDS. Did you have a strategy for that?
Emaza: I didn’t compete in the marble game because there were only 3 of us left by the time we reached the game. I didn’t participate because there were only three of us left so the Frontman told me to sit out.
SLE: That makes sense. I got a little confused. With the bridge game, the rules had to be modified with a timer for two players remaining. The Frontman Jim Kirk did a great job of making it possible for you to make it to the last round with an opponent. The final game went quickly as it seems you simply walked over and pushed her off the platform. Overall what are your thoughts on Squid Game! In Second Life? Do you have any words of encouragement for the next round of players?
Emaza: I think bringing Squid Game to SL was a brilliant idea and I had fun being a part of the experience! The last thing I expected was to be in the final two and DEFINITELY didn’t expect to win. I would say for the next round of players to stay focused, alert, and play hard.

The tournament was topped off with an afterparty featuring the K-Pop Band BlackPink Tribute. The Squid Game Team, VIPs (sponsors), players, and fans were in attendance. Congratulations again Emaza!

Get your entries in before it fills up!