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Showing posts with label time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Men’s Fashion Accessories: Watches. Tea Couturier Reporting...

While out shopping around Second Life, I noticed a really nice watch for myself. Then I realized not many men in SL wear watches and wondered why.

I decided to ask some of my friends as to why this was. Most of them informed me it started when they first came into SL when the men’s watches where over sized and either over blinged or had the time glowing above the watch or even both. That can be very unappealing for those looking for something realistic.

 Times  and designs have changed since then, so I decided to find the 5 top watches for men in Second Life and share them with our readers.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Finding a Balance: Are you Living in the Virtual Moment and Letting Real time pass you by? -Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

The virtual world has a way of sucking a person in and spitting them out years later with their head spinning. Some move on to bigger things while others continue the virtual path in search of something that needs to be fulfilled in their life.

 My inspiration for this article comes from a friend I recently spoke to about his virtual world experience and how he feels he let 6 years slip away with a snap of his fingers. I can certainly relate to how years can fly by in a virtual world but I also think that unless you are involved in something great that leads to positive changes in your real life, the virtual world can be very fulfilling or for some, a waste of time that they could be spending in the real world.

People involved in virtual worlds spend their time doing an assortment of things that satisfy their creativity and personal needs. Some venture around Second Life in search of companionship because it may be difficult for them in the real world due to social awkwardness or anxiety. Others come from loveless marriages or live in loneliness and are looking for that feeling of being loved and needed. Those things can be found in Second life, but does it mean there are real emotions involved or just an illusion that takes away from the words “living life”?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

DST News: Turn those clocks back one hour at 2 am on Sunday, November 4th

wikipedia DST chart, the free encyclopedia

What is daylight savings all about?
Daylight saving time (DST) was an idea created by George Vernon Hudson in 1895. The sole purpose was to benefit social and sport events, retailers, as well as other activities with more daylight after work hours. This change in time makes the early morning hours darker but doesn't seem to cause issues with daily life unless you are a night owl, vampire or hermit and dislike that extra light.

 It is purposely schheduled for 2 am across the United States and other regions in each time zone so that it doesnt interfere with daytime activities, work, church and school. (unless you work the graveyard shift)

Please note: residents of Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands won't need to change their clocks this weekend. see chart.