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Showing posts with label survey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survey. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

REGISTER TO TAKE OUR SURVEY - NOW!- The Social Research Foundation

PLEASE RE-SUBMITYOUR REGISTRATION! Due to a Google Forms error, all names submitted since last Saturday April 13 have not been recorded. We apologize for the inconvenience. This will only take a few seconds. We need: Age 18 - 30 Taken at least one college course in the past ten years, in any country In Second Life at least one hour per month Survey will take about 15 - 20...

Friday, January 4, 2013

SLBR News: Centre For Business Development Polls Residents and Business Owners About SL

The Centre for Business Development, in its first official initiative composed a survey to get a sense of some feelings and perspectives from the SL community and virtual business owners. Please click  fill out the survey. We appreciate your time and feedback. Take the surv...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dirty Virtual Business Part 2- What avatars are saying about virtual businesses in Second Life- The SLE Business Survey

Last week I wrote an article about Business in Second Life©, mainly from my perspective being involved and observing how others conduct business. I sent out a survey through the SL Enquirer Media group and listed some questions in Part one for readers. The responses were interesting. A lot of the times I hear that time zones and availability seem to be the hardest thing to overcome when trying to build an active staff on an international platform....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dirty Virtual Business. How do you see virtual world business? Part One- Do the survey! Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Back in 2005 when I rezzed into Second Life©, it was a relatively new frontier for “Noobs” to explore. Many avatars fresh out of beta testing spread out across the grid finding their own creative outlets and building businesses. The fact that there was an in world currency (Lindens) with real monetary value and ability to convert and transfer into electronic banking accounts like PayPal, it became an obsession for many that dreamed of making...