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Showing posts with label slenquirer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slenquirer. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Second Chance - Episode One - by Lacy Muircastle

Second Chance is book #2 in the Second Life© Love Stories series.  This book is taking the form of a serial.  I intend posting an excerpt of an episode a week in the SL Enquirer. Here we go: Second Chance Episode One Seb Livingstone I teleported into the club as I’d done many times since discovering Second Life©.  I hadn’t felt this nervous for a while.  I enjoyed singing covers, but tonight would prove whether I...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 WEBSITE: SLURL: We are pleased to announce the fourth season of Team Diabetes of Second Life! Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the...

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Welcome to Second Life! A new resident’s tale- Pen Dragon Reporting.

Living in Second Life seems, well, like second nature to most of us. But, do you remember being new? Dealing with issues like how to wear clothes so you don’t get kicked out of everywhere you visit? How did I get a bench on my head and how do I get it off? The struggle is real! Beyond that, do you remember why you came to Second Life? Were you looking for roleplay? Wanted to be like a superhero and fly? Maybe it was because you heard about all the...

Friday, August 17, 2018

GeekSpeak – does human nature make fairness and equality impossible? Join the discussion Saturday August 18th at 12pm slt

We all know life is not fair.  What can we do about it?  Does human nature mean that any society must be unfair?  If we are true to our nature will we always build an unjust society?  If we try to change that will we lose our humanity and turn into zombies, who are probably completely fair?We may make rules for a fair society but don’t we all look for loopholes in the rules?  What would the world look like if there were...

New Releases From KiX - Let's Get A Little Dirty!

Introducing the Grunge Pallet Sofa from KiX, a perfect addition to your urban roleplay or dirty basement living. This sofa comes in 4 versions Male/Female Adult and PG or Lesbian Adult and PG An original mesh sofa made from pallets and crates with grungy dirty textures stuffed full of KiX original animations and some of the best animations available combined with plenty of props.   It also comes with texture change scatter cushions...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spotlight on SEYCHELLES ISLE- A place where Serenity, Tranquility and Prestige can be Experienced.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Seychelles Isle was formerly known as Irish Estates until its rebirth in September of 2013.  Created by Irishgent Resident, it has become a dream that he has made a virtual reality; a close knit sailing community where everyone knows each other and participates in one another’s events and activities. Seychelles Isle features a collection of islands surrounded by water, coral beds and magnificent beaches created and designed...