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Showing posts with label sle police report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sle police report. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2022


 March 28, 2022- Many times the SL Enquirer gets approached by the most outrageous avies. Most of the time it is a simple “block and moves on” tactic but I figured I’d share a sample of the shenanigans…..You can’t make this sh*t up.Have you ever been just minding your own business in Second Life and you receive a random message from someone you don't know and it starts like this and then they end up offended and insult you for your reaction? [15:35]...


 On Sunday, March 28th, 2022 at approximately 9:35 pm SLT what appeared to be an unidentified new species of hairless Sasquatch was spotted attempting to harass an innocent couple taking in the sights on a bridge at Hypnotic Romance. Startled witnesses nearby described it as a giant featherless emu ape-like crossbreed animal that moved around almost like it had a bad case of hemorrhoids.  As they watched flabbergasted and confused, the...

Monday, November 1, 2021


Second Life- On October 31st at approximately 6:25 pm SLT, it was reported that a Roleplay sim owner on the seedy side of the grid was arrested and charged with countless verbal assaults on women who do not heed to his romantic advances.  According to sources close to the SL Enquirer. Elrond Caudron AKA  “ChŘĭŠťƠÞĦë ΜċϜàΝčŸ was seen hanging out the bathroom window of his home hurling a barrage of insults and profanities while waving a British...

Friday, July 9, 2021

SLE Police Report: SL Karen Strikes back at Terry's Place

 7/9/21- SLE Police BlotterAccording to sources close to The SL Enquirer, an avatar by the name of Eliza Ca*ASSoun spends her time crying in IMz and forcing her opinions on others and breaking the only rule at this prestigious venue. "Don't be a D*ck".  Plain and simple. One innocent bystander reported the smell of Bengay and spoiled milk, another suspected halitosis.  Due to strict HIPAA laws we could not verify or deny these...

Thursday, May 27, 2021

SLE Police Report: Linden Scammers hits multiple groups- Be on the look out for Cintia

SLE POLICE REPORT:On 5/27/21 a one-day-old avatar by the name of Cintia has been joining random groups and sending out a group conference to members asking for lindens. With thousands of lindens being donated daily in Second life for good causes like Relay for Life ad other well known and legit organizations, hosts make sure the Lindens accumulated go to the cause giving donators a sense of contributing to the greater good of humanity. However, ...

Sunday, January 3, 2021

SLE Police Report: Mommy HUD Shamed by a Karen in Second Life

SLE Police Blotter:1/3/2021With high hopes for new beginnings many residents of Second Life are hopeful for a new year better than the last. Just three days in and Karen of SL aka Laylah - of course (laylahlongsigh90880)  strikes an unsuspecting baby momma just trying to attend a concert while minding her own dang business and celebrating the upcoming arrival of her prim baby.What has this vast grid come to when an overly pregnant avie cannot...

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Runaway Trolley hits the Lockhouse at Coeur de Bourgogne!

SLE Police Report: 12-22-2020In the early hours of Dec 21st. It was reported by a stunned yet calmy poised Ayla Panacek-Guisse (ayla.guisse) of Coeur de Bourgogne , Second Life. Apparently two nincompoops were driving a trolley and lost control while attempting to swerve a drunken stumbling Santa on his way home from a Homeless shelter Christmas Party. St. Nick was narrowly missed as he dove into a pile of trash.  Witnesses on the scene were...

Sunday, November 29, 2020

SLE Police Reports- BREAKING NEWS! Beware of the Desperate potato packin half assed womanizer!

 Second Life- 11/29/2020During a concert at Terry’s Place on Sunday evening an outfit confused avatar by the name of TheEliteAlpha committed the shameful act of hitting on women who were dancing with their significant others.  This clown claimed to (BLEEP) their wives and show their husbands proof amongst other buffoonery claims. With nearly 2 years under his belt he still cannot complete a single outfit and totally went balls to the wall...

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Random News: Trollers Really Should Read Profiles Before Attempting their Tactics....Again

Have you ever been trolled by a random Avatar with nothing better to do with their time? I have... and by the same person on a couple of occasions, so I thought I would share my experience with our readers. There is a Troll By the name of Tasseyburtle Resident who seems to pose herself as a photographer using the same cut and paste message to whoever she feels like trolling. Please note in her profile, she doesn't have a...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

THIS JUST IN! From a credible source used by Nitepress, Royce Zeplin- Bogus Viewer Ad

Some groups are sending advertisements saying that LL is creating a new viewer and will give a link to download it. Don't fall for it, it is a scam to steal accounts. Please pass this message on to your friends. If you do accidentally press it .. change your password immediatel...