year has opened up, along with another opportunity to grow with the positive
energy available to us. Most of us
remember to take care of the mind and the body, but we often neglect to tend to
the Spirit, and yet it is the spirit that moves our daily lives on in terms of positive and negative. I
believe that is because there is confusion as to what the spirit is and what
role it plays in the big picture. Most people understand the Spirit to be
something they can not touch that is often defined through our faith and only
practiced when we visit a house of worship.
Spirit is much more than that. It is the essence of who you are. It defines you
and molds the personality. It is the factor that is responsible for the
emotions you embrace and the moods you have in your life. Whether you respond
or react, which are two very different things, is really up to your spirit. So it's very important that you
understand that that essence feeds your morale. When you are sad, that is the
Spirit feeling sad. That in turn makes you think sad thoughts and you become depressed. That sadness
overwhelms you and eventually affects your body and it creates a dis-ease. Your
Spirit is the universal life force within you and it is responsible for who you
are and how you live. Keeping your Spirit up is a way to a healthy life. Here
are some tips to start you off:
Minimize your intake of news - be careful how you are
feeding your spirit. Nourish it
with what you need to know rather than gorge on an appetite of what can fast
become an abundant menu of negativity.