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Monday, July 29, 2024


Trumpets and drums! Here are the 12 finalists of the 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest! CONGRATULATIONS to Ame Morningstar, Aria Absinthe, Catsmeow17, EleanorJean, Girasolmx, Jiji Vandervoort, Jude Tatham, Keira Rhapsody, Tilly Opaline, TwinkieBean, VanessaJane66 and WyattFrost!

Chosen from among 30 semi-finalists and hundreds of candidates, all very stylish, the big twelve distinguished themselves with great honor in the eyes of the jury! And yes! With the competition being open to male candidates for the first time this year, one brave soul has managed to rise among all these spectacular female beauties!

Now the finalists will have to demonstrate their talent as fashion ambassadors at two major events that will determine which of them will wear the prestigious title LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR and will deserve the impressive prize pool of L$50,000 cash.


First, there will be the Judges' Brunch, an elegant private event in the Hayabusa Garden of LUXE Paris castle, Sunday August 18, The finalists will be invited to show up dressed as a LUXE Paris ambassador, for a very chic but daytime event.

Each finalist will also be invited to explain in a short written speech why she or he would make a good ambassador for LUXE Paris. These presentations will be followed by a question period prepared by the judges.

This stage of the competition allows the jury to discover the finalists' personalities and measure their communication skills.

It is also at the Judges' Brunch that the finalists will receive their ten LUXE Paris ensembles as well as the L$1500 gift certificate from jeweler Zuri Rayna.

These gifts will allow the finalists to prepare for the grand finale. The election of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR winner will take place on Sunday, September 8.


For the final, the 12 greats will once again have to compose a LUXE Paris look paying tribute to one of the five fashion icons honored during the semi-final: Jade Pono, our dear LOOK of the YEAR 2022 who died of cancer last winter, Ponchituti Boucher, this living legend of virtual fashion who has trained so many runway stars that she is nicknamed The Mother of All Models, Zuri Rayna, talented jeweler who has made our Second Life sparkle since 2007, Gabrielle Coco Chanel, a designer so revolutionary that her style continues to influence fashion 50 years after her death, and the unforgettable Frolic Mills, this great pioneer of virtual fashion who also left us recently, taken by cancer.

This time, however, the finalists will have to present their look live on stage and the icon to honor will be imposed, at random. The jury will then evaluate the finalists' ability to fulfill a fashion order with intuition and originality. They will also examine the quality of their elegance and style as well as their charisma on stage.

Without a doubt, we will be treated to a grandiose and moving show! Open to the public, the event will also be broadcast live on YouTube by SL4Live-TV. Watch for all the details on our 
website at
LUXE Paris Fashion House

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV. 


Monday, September 9, 2019


The September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Between 8:46 am and 10:10 am, four airliners were crashed into North and South towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, PA. The attacks killed 2,996 people, including citizens of 78 countries, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. Additional people died of 9/11-related cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks.
 Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.” —former President Barack Obama

This catastrophic attack that occurred almost two decades ago is memorialized this anniversary in SecondLife. Paul Woodrunner built the 9/11 Memorial Plaza SL, modeled after the RL memorial plaza in New York City. He also owns the Bob Hope Theater and he directs the Outsiders Dance Troupe. Paul teamed up with Performing Choreographer Ally (allyson.solo) to present their Tribute performance on Wednesday, 11 September at 6:00 PM SLT
I recently had the privilege of chatting with both Paul and Ally, and we discussed their involvement in this Memorial and Tribute performance.

Josh (thomas1.bellic): Paul, please share with our readers what inspired you to build a memorial to the attack on 9/11?
Paul Woodrunner: Well it's sort of a long line of things that have been strung together for years. Going back to the Vietnam War. I grew up during that war and as a kid i remember all the torn up young men on TVv during the World News shows. I grew up thinking if this war continues i could be in it. I missed the war by two years but the visions of that war the memories stuck with me forever. After I joined SecondLife, I thought of USO shows as a way to give back to the vets the soldiers the people who gave their all to defend this country. Eventually, the owner of one of the groups I belonged to gave me a shot at having a show on Memorial Day. Over the last decade a long line of good people that have given me chances at the right time to help me get where I am today. I love my country and all the folks who have fought for its freedom. I’m a patriot and i will never forget all the people who helped me grow in second life with the Bob Hope Theater and The Outsiders. The 9-11 Memorial is a way to make sure others do not EVER FORGET
JB: What does this 9/11 Memorial mean to you?
PW: I love my country. I love the people here and when we were attacked out of the blue...well...all the folks in the planes in the buildings...everyone one who died...and yes, all the folks like the firemen and police They were doing what came natural to an American they ran to the fire and they were HELPING others. It means that everyone who died there that day and all the lives that were affected will never be forgotten. It was one of the worst days in America’s history and we saw some of the bravest acts in Americans’ history.

JB: You have some amazingly powerful statues in various locations around the plaza. When did you build the memorial, and have had much traffic?
PW: I had planed on an Outsider show for 9-11. I looked out at a quarter sim from Bob Hope Theater. I wanted to do something big and it brought to mind the 9-11 Memorial Fountain. The Memorial itself is brand new and only about a dozen people have actually seen it.
JB: Tell me about the Outsiders? Who are they and what do they do?
PW: The Outsiders is a dance troupe made up of several people I’ve worked with through the years. We mainly started as a group during a LEA Lindens Endowment for the Arts project. We do patriotic shows USO type shows to bring about awareness of those who have fought and or died to protect freedom around the world Mainly as a support to vets.

JB: And what about the Bob Hope Theater? How many can it seat?
PW: Bob Hope Theater is a 70-seat venue focusing on patriotic holidays and events. We have USO-type shows mainly and its a tribute in itself to Bob Hope who brought laughter to so many soldiers around the world in places like Vietnam.
JB: And now we turn to you and you, Ally. Tell me about how you became a SL choreographer.
Ally (allyson.solo): When I joined SL I became a model and I had a lot of success, but just posing for photos was kind of boring! I partnered a guy who was part of a dance troupe that was unique and fun, and I was totally taken with the idea of dancing. I was already a fan of tribute band shows too. I started going to shows and at one I ran into Paul Woodrunner, who was in a tribute band I followed. He told me about a dance troupe called the Elysium Dancers and their show. They were a new group, and when I started going to shows and I asked to be a dancer, they let me join! I didn't know much about putting together dances but I knew how to ask questions and I made a pest of myself!

JB: Can you describe your current project - "Phone Call from a Tower" – for us please?
AS: At 9/11 I've always thought of those who were lost, of course, but also about so many others whose lives were changed forever when they lost a loved one there. In this performance I put together actual audio from one of the helicopters above the scene, a reading of a poem by Tom Bedlam called "If Tomorrow Starts Without Me", and laid it over Enya's "May It Be". I want to show the anguish of a young wife whose life has just been shattered when her husband died in the towers.
JB: Why did you do this? What is it about this particular show that makes it different from the others you have done?
AS: My dad was a Navy pilot, and he died in an accident when I was four. I guess because of that I've always had a patriotic streak and tried to honor our military and especially those who gave their lives. I guess 9/11 felt like war to me, and so it fits naturally.
So there you have it folks. If you only attend one event this year, make it the 9/11 Memorial Tribute Show. The Memorial Performance is Wednesday 11-Sept-2019, starting at 6 PM SLT at the BOB HOPE THEATER at Copperhead Road. Ally asks that you please come early to enjoy the whole show. It’s not unusual for the place to be full 20 minutes before the curtain goes up, so be early for a great seat.

Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children.” —former President George W. Bush
"When Americans lend a hand to one another, nothing is impossible. We’re not about what happened on 9/11. We’re about what happened on 9/12."—Jeff Parness, founder of New York Says Thank You

Sunday, June 23, 2019

LUXE Paris Women Fashion and LUXE Dot Be Men Fashion just released their new 2019 SUMMER collections!

 38 new items! Average price: only L$300 for an outfit! Gowns, swimwear, sundresses, bermudas, tunics... You will find everything for a super look for the sunny season! Standard avatars and mesh bodies sizes. Also have a look at LUXE Paris Outlet where all the outfits are L$50!!! THE deal of the grid in high fashion!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Never Forget: Second Life Residents Honor the Victims and Commemorate the 15th Anniversary of 9/11 by Lilya Luv

9/11 Memorial - Always Remember, Never Forget

Today marks the 15th anniversary of  9/11 and Second Life’s residents are honoring and the victims throughout the grid. Memorial services and tributes of remembrance honoring the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center site, near Shanksville, Pa., and at the Pentagon, as well as the six people killed in the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993 will happen today.

We speak with three organizers to find out why these memorial services mean to them and why it should be important to us: Bryston Vanvleck, founder of 9/11 Memorial - Always Remember, Never Forget; Ethan MacAlpin, owner of Highlands of Scotland; and Geena Zackerly-Magic of 911 Memorial on Stagg Island.

What is your motivation for creating this memorial?
Bryston: Back in 2008 I decided to hold a small memorial in my NYC Loft & Apartment store and was surprised by the number of visitors and the outpouring of emotions that day. Each year I added a few more items until finally I created a stand alone memorial. Today I am proud to be hosting this event for the 8th year. My hope is to make sure no one ever forgets the people who lost their lives on 9/11 and to always remember the heroes who displayed extraordinary acts of courage. It's why I named my 9/11 Memorial Always Remember, Never Forget.

Ethan: I originally created the memorial in 2011 for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The town I helped manage had a town square and we thought it would be a nice thing to have to contribute our own [a virtual memorial] memorial to all those going on in the real world. The two towers, encircled by a pentagon seemed to be appropriate.

Geena: This memorial is the second rendition of Stagg Island's 911 Memorial. It was modernized to imitate the grounds in Manhattan. Fazio Magic, the creator wanted to make it look more like the footprints with the waterfalls that now sit where the buildings once stood.

Effigy at 9/11 Memorial - Always Remember, Never Forget

What can we expect tomorrow at your event tomorrow?
Bryston: Tears... lots of tears and stories from people who lost loved ones on 9/11. Others like to discuss what they were doing that day and how those horrible events affected them. I have many that come and just stare out the window at the Twin Towers, dreaming about what used to be. It's an emotional day for all of us.

Always Remember, Never Forget is an all day event with moment of silences being observed at the following EST times:

8:46 a.m. (5:46 am SLT): Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower (1 World Trade Center.)
9:03 a.m. (6:03 am SLT): Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower (2 World Trade Center)
9:37 a.m. (6:37 am SLT): Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, near Washington, D.C.
9:59 a.m. (6:59 am SLT): The South Tower (2 World Trade Center) collapses.

10:03 a.m. (7:03 am SLT): Flight 93 crashes into an empty field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

10:28 a.m. (7:28 am SLT): The North Tower (1 World Trade Center) collapses.

Ethan: We have weekly church services in the Highlands of Scotland with a different speaker each week. Since it was my Sunday and it fell on the anniversary of the event, I felt I should include a memorial part of the service. It will be a regular church service but during that time we will have a brief remembrance of those who perished and mark the 15th anniversary of the event.

The memorial service will start at 9:30 am SLT.

Geena: We will have at least 3 services today. The services are very moving with many parts. We will also have the military represented in uniform standing guard.

8:00 a.m. SLT
2:00 p.m. SLT
6:00 p.m. SLT

9/11 Memorial statue at Highlands of Scotland

What would be the main take away for your visitors?
Bryston: Remembrance and reflection. Never forgetting how that day changed the world forever.

Ethan: To remember those who lost their lives that day and to pray for a world where peace and love for our fellow human beings will triumph over war and hatred.

Geena: The 911 Memorial is dedicated to all Second life residents. I want them to know this will always be here for them to come visit and reflect. Many will come here tomorrow and talk amongst themselves about where they were that day. Many have come looking for their loved ones name on our wall.  It's a very emotionally moving day.

The 9/11 memorial on Stagg Island was created to be like a replica of the grounds in Manhanttan

What is the importance of this event to you?
Bryston: Always Remember, Never Forget is an extremely important event to me. I wanted to create a space where people could come and reflect upon the events of 9/11. Make them feel an array of emotions from sadness to anger. It is important to never forget the precious lives that were lost and the families that were torn apart forever, but also to recognize the evil that caused it and to always remain vigilant. Terrorism plagues the world of today and we must all come together to fight and destroy this evil.

Ethan: As a former firefighter, I, like many others, were deeply affected by the losses that day, especially from so many servants of the public who bravely ran toward the buildings when others ran from them. If my memorial monument and my words can honour them in any way I am very glad to play a small part in making sure they are not forgotten.

Geena: It is very moving and I strongly encourage all Second Life residents to come to one of the services. This memorial means everything to me and Faz. It was his vision and it will stand as long as we can leave it up.

You can visit each of the follow memorials tomorrow at the following locations: