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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Top picks of the best RP Sims- Sarah Elisabeth Brenham reporting

Are you looking for a sim to role-play in, but don't know where to go? Then keep on reading to discover my top picks of the best RP sims that are currently on the grid!

I had to begin our journey through Second Life with a Gorean sim, as this is the type of role-playing that I am the most familiar with. For those who don't know what Gor is, the planet and culture of Gor were conjured up by John Frederick Lange Jr aka John Norman. The premises for this world and its traditions are based, in my mind. off of Colonial America. What does that mean exactly? Well during the Colonial times in The U.S.A., gender roles were very defined, slavery was popular and modern conveniences didn't exist. The Gorean community in Second Life is one of the platform's longest-running colonies. With over 50 sims to choose from, where does one even start? Thank goodness that you have me to guide you! In my opinion, I believe that one should look for a place that has stood the test of time. While there are two Gorean sims that fit the bill, the one that I would like to present to you all today is geared towards role-playing, instead of lifestyle (yes some people do practice a form of this life offline.) So, what sim am I referring to? Why but Svago of course! Svago has been on the grid for over three years and although it is classified as a place that follows the Gor novels as closely as possible, it truly does welcome all Goreans.


Calling all Game Of Throne fans! Do you miss the show dearly and hope it returns one day? While that may or may not happen, there is a place where you can create your own characters and storylines within this theme. This location is called HIGHGARDEN. So, if you loved the hit Medieval HBO drama, then I highly recommend that you check out this sim!


 Centauri Alpha Prime 
Are you a Trekkie? Do you think that you would have been friends with someone like Spock? Then Centauri Alpha Prime might be right for you!


Tulagi Seaport & WWII Central [VICE]
Do you have a passion for WWII? Tulagi Seaport & WWII Central [VICE] is comprised of over forty sims and I believe has something for everyone who wishes to reenact one or more parts of this time in history.


 Cedar Creek
I could not conclude a round-up of role-playing sims without including one for Family RP, as it's one of the most popular forms of role-play that people decide to do. Individuals choose to participate in Family RP for a variety of reasons. Regardless of why you are interested in Family role-play, I feel that there is one sim that you should check out if you wish to go down that path. That sim is Cedar Creek. This location has everything that you can think of when it comes to a typical American small town and so much more.


So, there you have it, my recommendations of the hottest RP sims on the grid right now. All you need to do is just to bring your creativity and of course, have fun!