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Showing posts with label season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label season. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lanai’s Diary Entry Monday October 4, 2010- New Season, New Attitudes and New Changes for 2011. -Lanai Jarrico

Staff Reporter
• Monday, October 04, 2010
With Fall officially here and things starting to pick up after the Summer SL drought, I thought I’d bust out my diary and write a little about what’s been going on and how I hope some things can change for the better as we approach 2011.

I’ve been observing people and places in the virtual world for a long time and what never seize to amaze me, is the unpredictable nature of this environment and the behaviors of people who you may have done business with or befriended each other. Friendships or partnerships always begin in a mutual agreement and everyone on the same page (usually), but when decisions are made for the improvement of one’s own goals. The other party may not agree because it might not benefit them, but who’s to say the person making the decision, can’t or shouldn’t, if it is to improve on their Second Life experience?