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Showing posts with label sculptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sculptures. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The GBTH Project Review – Zack Wonder Reporting

The art scene is vibrant on Second Life (SL), as many creators are experimenting the possibilities of creation in an ephemeral, virtual world without the actual need to go through the painstaking physical process of chipping away at rock or mixing oil pastes to paint on canvas. This process is exhibited in the GBTH Project (Grab the Bull by The Horns), curated by Marine Münter (vivresavie.resident). The GBTH Project is located at a sim organized...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Behind the Scenes with ToySoldier Thor- Debby Sharma Reporting...

Debby Sharma: Congratulations for your recent achievement to transform 3D art to real world. Would you like to say something? Toysoldier Thor: In my desire to bring my SL art into the real world which I have already done with my 2D canvas art. I can now do it with my 3D by actually bronze casting my 3D SL mesh art. So many have congratulated me but I see it as a personal goal or challenge achieved and an opportunity to leverage it more...