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Showing posts with label raffle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raffle. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Visions of Carnal Desires 1st Adult Movie Night June 1st at 1 am SLT

 It's our first monthly movie night at Visions of Carnal Desires on Saturday 1st June 2014 and we welcome all adults to come and join us. There will be raffle prizes, cocktails and possibly some naughty action at our outdoor movie location. Please note you need to be a group member [free] to be able to see the movies. We are a new adult community who can't wait to meet you!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

INOV Event Raffle Runs from August 10th-26th 2pm SLT- Enter for a chance to win 5,000L$

 The INOV Event is an event for all genres! We aim to bring new innovations to SL and always do things differently than other events!The contest is only valid through Facebook: &nb...

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Relay for Life DreamFair 2022 Needs Singers!

 We have a 10-day Event from 31 March to 9 April to support Relay for Life. We are looking for Singers for some open spots on our calendars. In world contact Irish Serenity (irish75). We appreciate any inquiries. Please see the calendar linked to see timeslots available for booking.

Sunday, March 20, 2022


 Camping For A Cure is seeking your help in our fight to kick cancer to the curb. We have two big events coming up for Relay For Life before the end of the season and are seeking your help with donations to raffle off. No donations are too big or small and remember together we can make a differenceContact Jenny Shackle inworld or Jenny Anatine on Faceb...

Saturday, February 8, 2020

You are cordially Invited to The JED Benefit at Sapphire Beach Club- February 8th at 3pm SLT

Jed foundation charity fundraiser, raffle winners announced, speakers, information,  music and more hosted by Sapphire Beach Club. FORMAL Attire please What is The Jed Foundation? The Jed Foundation is a non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation's teens and young adults. JED partners with high schools and colleges to strengthen their mental health, substance misuse and suicide prevention...

Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Hollywood Media Christmas Presented by The Hollywood Bowl & The SL Enquirer SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18TH 2016 5:30 PM SLT

Origen’s Hollywood Ballroom & The SL Enquirer have come together for a Spectacular Christmas Event.  Avies from across the grid are cordially invited to attend the most lavish party of the year! Mark you calendar for Sunday December 18th from 5:30-8pm SLT. Guests will arrive in SLebrity-style with the flashing lights of the paparazzi as they document the formal suits and gowns walking the red carpet. Help yourself to the endless flow...

Saturday, February 20, 2016

RFL PATRON AUCTION TONIGHT! Saturday February 20th at 4:00pm SLT

PATRONS DONATIONS TO BE AUCTIONED OFF TONIGHT @ 4:20 SLT  AT 8 MILES HIGH.  There will be many prizes including free seed Raffle Ball, Big RAFFLE with prizes up to $4700L (entries only $50L.)  ALL FUNDS GO TO Relay For Life, as do sales of White Rabbit from our Alice in Wonderland theme at main event HOPE 10 JOIN ALICE the WEED, RED QUEEN, WILD HARE, HOOKAH SMOKING CATERPILLAR, DORMOUSE & of course DORMOUSE! ☮ 8 MILES...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Grand Opening of Prometheus' Fire! February 1, 2014 6pm SLT

Prometheus’ Fire is a one of a kind gallery specializing in neon art. Each piece features vibrant bold colors infused with the spicy and erotic imagination of Prometheus. This artist makes neon impressions something special and unusual.  Mark your calendar for Feb 1st and witness our unveiling and a party worthy of conversation. This event will begin at 6:00 pm SLT until 8 pm SLT  at Prometheus' Fire Gallery. Raffle...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tau Beta Psi News: United to Break the Sickle Cycle- LeBistro Raffle- Winner announced September 30th @ 5:23pm SLT

Come and buy your raffle ticket for a chance to win a two L$500 LeBistro Gift Cards with 70% of the proceeds going to the Sickle Cell Association of America.  You may purchase as many tickets as you like, the more you purchase the more it increases your chances to win! The winner will be announced on Sept. 30th @ 5:23pm SLT on the Tau Beta Psi like page.Tau Beta Psi like page: