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Showing posts with label press release. second life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label press release. second life. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 ~~~~~Oahu Halloween Party~~~~~~Day: Sunday, October 27thTime: 2pm sltPlace: 1000L Best Halloween CostumeCaesar Wright will be there to DJ all your favorite party music.&nb...

Friday, October 6, 2023

Announcing The Grove Country Club Estate’s new MyStory Compatible Town Square, Hang Out District and Residential Village

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Second Life - The Grove Country Club Estates is thrilled to unveil an exciting new addition to its upscale residential community in Second Life. On October 7, 2023, The Grove will open its doors to a MyStory compatible shopping and hang out district, complemented by affordable, surprisingly spacious village housing options. With a focus on providing a life of luxury and elegance, The Grove invites residents and visitors...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chandra Deed Debut Performance At The Hollywood Ballroom September 26th at 7pm SLT

ThIs just in from The Hollywood Investigator: “Dateline – Los Angeles, CA “The Hollywood Ballroom and Theater to present the musical talents of Chandra Deed. This Saturday, September 26 at 7pm SLT, Ms. Deed will grace the stage at The Hollywood Ballroom for the first time. Her singing is said to touch the hearts of the audience like no other. This event promises to be sold out. It is advisable to get there early as this is a first come...