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Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Flawless and Beautiful" A U D I T I O N Feb 25, 2023, 1PM slt

  Mandahlyn, Videographer/CEO and Udiyah, COO of the Simply Raw Podcast is sponsoring an AUDITION Casting to acquire individuals (men and women) to create commercials to insert between our various podcast segments. Watch the voice video link for detailed information about the Audition details. Also simply go to our YouTube Channel and add a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT on any video to qualify to participate in the Audition.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Introducing Epic Gamer Radio in Second Life

Epic Gamer Radio, EGR, is not just any radio station, but an expanding community of volunteers and friends that have grown together as a family. Through years of experience, a small group of friends in the gaming community sought to improve and expand their horizons to new games and heights. A close knit family, these friends who met from within the internet radio industry, gaming, and podcasting, thus created an internet radio station for...